The beget file manager is not working. File manager. Basic functions for working with files

Today we'll talk about hosting and why Beget this is the best choice.

Website creation is a rather complicated and painstaking process. It absolutely does not matter what your site is for, be it an online store, a blog site, a social portal, in any case you need a high-quality and reliable hosting. One of the most popular hosting companies in the past few years has become Beget.

In fact, the question of choosing a hosting once arises before every webmaster, and since the competition here is simply wild, the choice is not so simple. I was always amazed at how similar all hosting providers are (well, no individuality). And that's when I came across Beget. If you run a little ahead, then it is bright, not like everyone else, super convenient, very functional, relatively cheap, and most importantly modern and rapidly gaining popularity hosting. So, about everything in order:

Website hosting

Hosting is a way of placing a site on the Internet. Once you have placed your site on the hosting, anyone can access it by typing domain name in the browser bar.

Servers - powerful computers that work absolutely round the clock, which allows your site to remain working and visible on the Internet.

Naturally, for such a service, site owners have to pay rent. Hosting companies are organizations that provide hosting to users. Their users are people who need to post their own content.

Hosting Beget

Beget is considered the best paid hosting company. The main advantage of Beget steel reasonable prices and user-friendly site management interface.

You can choose a package for any type of Internet resource. If you cannot decide which package you need, you just need to contact the administration, where they will answer all your questions.

Also, hosting is becoming easier and more convenient every day, that is, problems with managing a site on hosting from this operator there won't be any at all. Beget is a great option for anyone looking to start their own internet business.

Registration on Beget

We enter our melons:

  • phone number
  • email

We press the button register an account and that's it. Next, you need to pay for the newly created account.

If you need a site that does not have a highly branched structure, then you can choose the cheapest hosting package. If you want to post much more information on your portal than the standard package allows you, then order VIP hosting. You will get priority support and 35 GB for your files. This is a very convenient service for those who want to create an internet market. Naturally, ordering a VIP hosting is much more expensive.

It is also important that thanks to Beget you can rent completely servers from all over technical support and round-the-clock monitoring. Also, the hosting operator provides incredibly cheap domains for .РФ and .RU zones.

Payment for hosting Beget

There are also no problems with payment (although no one has any problems with this now). We choose any method convenient for us and pay.

What I really liked here was the random sum fad. If you have any problems with money, then you can always top up your balance, which will last for a couple of days, for example, from your mobile phone.

There is a possibility of using The promised payment

Control panel Run hosting

In general, in general, you can figure it out in any interface. But after I came here using cPanel, ISP Manager and other PUs, I was pleasantly impressed that the runners did not follow the hackneyed path, but created their own control panel. And they succeeded quite well. The panel is easy to understand, has a nice design, convenient layout of elements. I will not consider each element separately. here everything is like everyone else: databases, ftp access, domain parking, etc.

Free month of testing on Beget

Would you like to see how your site will perform on a real host, but don't want to pay to try? Then the service " free hosting"- what you need. You just need to register, and you can get to work.

This is a very profitable service for test internet portals. Many webmasters use this option to launch their projects. Of course, such hosting is not served in the same way as its paid counterpart.

Hosting support

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, their support is very qualified and it is not limited to standard excuses like "reboot", but really helps to look for some problems. But my review will be the best. For a year of work with this hosting, I NEVERthey didn’t need their help, and this is in my opinion the best indicator of Beget's excellent performance.

If you have any questions about the operation of domains and servers, you can easily contact the consultants or the administration in absolutely any way convenient for you. All contact Information available on the official Beget website.

If you just want to open your own Internet portal, then you can discuss all the questions directly by phone or by email, ICQ, Skype. On the company's website, you can not only contact consultants, but also order hosting immediately. Everything is very fast and simple.

Beget advantages

Beget differs from all its competitors in that it tries to keep up with the times for a second and is modernizing and becoming more convenient every day.

One of the main advantages of this hosting company is comfortable file manager , which will allow you to easily place files on the site and edit them. Also, this manager has an incredibly convenient code editor. Websites hosted by Beget are equipped with very fast and high quality automatic backups.

File manager on this hosting - this is the stumbling block because of which I fell in love with beget. It is so convenient that I completely forgot about using FileZilla and other similar programs. It also has its own individual intuitive design. Convenient file uploading directly from the manager, editing any file types.

The speed of copying files to local or remote servers is 1 Gb / s, which is incredibly convenient. It is imperative to say about the control panel, which is made as ergonomically as possible so that there are no difficulties in organizing the site.

The control panel is equipped with a service calculator that will allow you to keep track of how your money is spent. You can learn more about all other services provided by the hosting operator in the "Services" and "About the site" sections.

Promotions and great offers

Beget always cares about its customers, so by visiting the main resource of this hoster, you can always count on a variety of discounts, gift packages, additional domains, etc.

Anyone who has dealt with Beget at least once will never look for a new hosting operator again. The company guarantees:

  • reliable work;
  • quality service;
  • profitable offer;
  • pleasant prices.

Feel free to contact Beget consultants and ask about promotions, they will be happy to answer all your questions.

Brief conclusion

In the output, I want to highlight all the advantages of this hosting:

  • Very simple and reliable hosting.
  • convenient file manager
  • a large number of payment methods
  • modern interface
  • free ssl certificatefor domains
  • good backup sites
  • Favorable prices coupled with discounts and promotions that allow you to save.
  • Kind administration who will answer any of your questions.
  • Round-the-clock maintenance of your sites and accounts for their stable performance.
  • Powerful servers that guarantee continuous resource availability.
  • Simple design and control method.
  • The ability to launch a test project thanks to the free hosting service.
  • Permanent systems of discounts and lucrative offers.

I have not yet met a more convenient hosting for work, and that is why I recommend it to everyone. And I also hope that the beget team will not be arrogant and will continue to delight its users with excellent work. I really don't want to look for a new one. In general, try, test and come back to our site to leave your comment about how it works.

You will never be left out of the freshest Beget breaking news. Any update, any promotion or new service will be immediately posted on the official website of the company in the "News" section. So, working with Beget is:

If you have a desire or need for your own website, then, without a doubt, you should contact the Beget wizards who will help you choose a hosting profile and select the maximum domain productivity for favorable price... You will be satisfied, and all your content is safely protected from damage and viruses.

  • Determining the encoding




    # To determine the encoding, use the Mozilla uchardet port - python chardet # # # Use the dev version, everything is the freshest there. # This code is constantly being improved thanks to feedback with users # the more - the more accurate the encoding is determined, but slower. 50000 - selected empirically self.charset_detect_buffer \u003d 50000 # We take part of the file part_content \u003d content + content [-self.charset_detect_buffer:] chardet_result \u003d chardet.detect (part_content) detected \u003d chardet_result ["encoding"] confidence \u003d "chardet"] # a crutch for those who use crooked editors in windows # because of this we have cp-1251 in utf-8 files, which is why the library behaves unpredictably when detected re_utf8 \u003d re.compile (". * charset \\ s * \u003d \\ xml "] # All probabilities are selected empirically, based on a set of files for testing if confidence\u003e 0.75 and detected! \u003d" windows-1251 "and detected! \u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING: if detected \u003d\u003d" ISO-8859-7 ": detected \u003d "windows-1251" if detected \u003d\u003d "ISO-8859-2": detected \u003d "utf-8" if detected \u003d\u003d "ascii": detected \u003d "utf-8" if detected \u003d\u003d "MacCyrillic": detected \u003d "windows-1251" # if all the same were a crutch on the charset specified in the file if detected! \u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING and file_ext in html_ext: result_of_search \u003d (part_content) self.logger.debug (result_of_search) if result_of_search is not None: self.logger.debug utf-8 charset ") detected \u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING else: self.logger.debug (" not matched utf-8 charset ") elif confidence\u003e

  • Task:
    * .com "" $ * \u003d 42; "etc.



    An example of a worker implementation

  • Task:



    • Add SSH / SFTP support
    • Add WebDav support
    • Add terminal


  • Blog of the company
  • Add tags

    Greetings friends! I sat down to write about how to find the site file easily and simply, but I can not resist - I boast, although I have already received congratulations from many: on January 23, 2016 the blog was registered in the section “ Search engine optimization»Directory of trust sites. And now I have a button in my footer that you can click on and even leave a comment.

    Now to the point. Anyone who posts blogs or websites has to make some changes to the code, for example, to edit the design. My task now is different: to get rid of errors in HTML validity. a web resource affects its authority no less than useful optimized content and other components. At first, the validator produced only 5 errors, and I contacted a specialist with the nickname Old on the forum, who provides free consultations and also works on a commercial basis. He discovered a global error, due to which the others are not detected. After eliminating the global one, I got about forty errors and warnings.

    It was not difficult to fix some of them, for example, to insert the missing spaces in the links. And in order to eliminate others, it was necessary to find a place that needed to be edited. When looking for files, Beget's clients can do without programs such as Notepad ++. You can search by text or file name directly in the file manager. If possible, the search area should be narrowed down, but if we don't even know where the searched for object may be, we search in public_html (site root).

    In practice, it looks like this: I need to delete a certain fragment, select text search and insert an expression into the line. It remains to run a search and get the result.

    Luckily for me, the result is one file, and there can be many of them. The search box, which is collapsed by default, contains the path to the file. To see it in full, the window needs to be maximized.

    So, the file is found in the hosting file manager. The next step is to open it and find the required piece of code to fix it.

    But don't rush! It's time to download the file to your computer in order to replace the one that has been tortured if something happens. With this approach, you do not need to do reserve copy the entire site is an essential detail, if the folders with the backup are laid out on the account, and there is not very much extra space.

    That's all. I told you how to find a site file on the Beget hosting, but I think other modern hosting services also have a search function.

    Which we developed for our users and which is used in our control panel. We invite everyone to join its development. How it was developed and why we were not satisfied with the existing analogues, what crutches of technology we used and to whom it may be useful, we will tell in this article.

    Why reinvent your file manager

    In 2010 we used NetFTP, which solved the problems of opening / loading / correcting several files quite well.
    However, users sometimes wanted to learn how to transfer sites between hosting or between our accounts, but the site was large, and the Internet was not the best for users. In the end, either we did it ourselves (which was obviously faster), or explained what SSH, MC, SCP and other terrible things are.

    Then we had the idea to make a WEB two-panel file manager that works on the server side and can copy between different sources at the speed of the server, as well as, in which there will be: search in files and directories, analysis of occupied space (analogue of ncdu), simple file upload, and a lot of interesting stuff. In general, everything that would make life easier for our users and us.

    In May 2013 we uploaded it to production on our hosting. In some moments it turned out even better than we originally wanted - for downloading files and accessing the local file system wrote a Java applet that allows you to select files and copy everything at once to the hosting or vice versa from the hosting (where to copy is not so important, he knew how to work with both remote FTP and home directory user, but unfortunately browsers won't support it soon).

  • Determining the encoding

    Open the file for editing with the definition of the encoding, write it taking into account the source encoding.

    If the user's encoding was incorrectly recognized, then when making changes to the file with subsequent writing, we can receive a UnicodeDecodeError and the changes will not be recorded.

    All the "crutches" that were eventually introduced are the result of work on tickets with files received from users, we also use all "problem" files for testing after making changes to the code.

    Having explored the internet looking for this decisionfound the chardet library. This library, in turn, is a port of the Mozilla library. For example, it is used in the well-known editor

    Having tested it with real examples, we realized that in reality it can be wrong. Instead of CP-1251, for example, “MacCyrillic” or “ISO-8859-7” can be displayed, and instead of UTF-8 it can be “ISO-8859-2” or a special case of “ascii”.

    In addition, some files on the hosting were utf-8, but contained strange characters, either from editors who do not know how to work correctly with UTF, or from somewhere else, especially for such cases, they also had to add "crutches".

    An example of recognizing encoding and reading files, with comments

    # To determine the encoding, use the Mozilla uchardet port - python chardet # # # Use the dev version, everything is the freshest there. # This code is constantly being improved due to user feedback # the more - the more accurately the encoding is determined, but slower. 50000 - selected empirically self.charset_detect_buffer \u003d 50000 # We take part of the file part_content \u003d content + content [-self.charset_detect_buffer:] chardet_result \u003d chardet.detect (part_content) detected \u003d chardet_result ["encoding"] confidence \u003d "chardet"] # a crutch for those who use crooked editors in windows # because of this we have cp-1251 in utf-8 files, which is why the library behaves unpredictably when detected re_utf8 \u003d re.compile (". * charset \\ s * \u003d \\ xml "] # All probabilities are selected empirically, based on a set of files for testing if confidence\u003e 0.75 and detected! \u003d" windows-1251 "and detected! \u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING: if detected \u003d\u003d" ISO-8859-7 ": detected \u003d "windows-1251" if detected \u003d\u003d "ISO-8859-2": detected \u003d "utf-8" if detected \u003d\u003d "ascii": detected \u003d "utf-8" if detected \u003d\u003d "MacCyrillic": detected \u003d "windows-1251" # if all the same were a crutch on the charset specified in the file if detected! \u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING and file_ext in html_ext: result_of_search \u003d (part_content) self.logger.debug (result_of_search) if result_of_search is not None: self.logger.debug utf-8 charset ") detected \u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING else: self.logger.debug (" not matched utf-8 charset ") elif confidence\u003e 0.60 and detected! \u003d" windows-1251 "and detected! \u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING: # Here is a separate logic # The code is removed for brevity from the example elif detected \u003d\u003d "windows-1251" or detected \u003d\u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING: pass # If it was not determined very correctly, then, most likely, this is an error and we take UTF-8)) else: detected \u003d FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING encoding \u003d detected if (detected or "") .lower () in FM.encodings else FM.DEFAULT_ENCODING answer \u003d ("item": self._make_file_info (abs_path), "content": content, " encoding ": encoding)

  • Parallel search of text in files, taking into account the file encoding

    Organize a search for text in files with the ability to use "shell-style wildcards" in the name, that is, for example, "* .com" "$ * \u003d 42;" etc.

    The user enters the word "Contacts" - the search shows that there are no files with this text, but in reality they are, but on the hosting we have many encodings, even within the framework of one project. Therefore, the search should also take this into account.

    Several times we encountered the fact that users could enter any strings by mistake and perform several search operations on a large number of folders, which subsequently led to an increase in the load on the servers.

    Multitasking was organized in a fairly standard way, using the multiprocessing module and two queues (a list of all files, a list of found files with the desired entries). One worker builds a list of files, and the rest, working in parallel, parse it and search directly.

    The required string can be represented as regular expressionusing the fnmatch package. Link to the final search implementation.

    To solve the problem with encodings, an example of code with comments is provided, it uses the chardet package already familiar to us.

    An example of a worker implementation

    # Shown example of a worker self.re_text \u003d re.compile (". *" + Fnmatch.translate (self.text) [: - 7] + ". *", Re.UNICODE | re.IGNORECASE) # remove \\ Z (? ms) from end of result expression def worker (re_text, file_queue, result_queue, logger, timeout): while int (time.time ())
    In the final implementation, the ability to set the execution time in seconds (timeout) has been added - by default, 1 hour is selected. In the worker processes themselves, the execution priority is lowered to reduce the load on the disk and on the processor.

  • Unpacking and creating file archives

    Allow users to create archives (zip, tar.gz, bz2, tar are available) and unpack them (gz, tar.gz, tar, rar, zip, 7z)

    We encountered a lot of problems with "real" archives, these are cp866 file names (DOS), and backslashes in file names (windows). Some libraries (standard ZipFile python3, python-libarchive) did not work with Russian names inside the archive. Some library implementations, in particular SevenZip, RarFile cannot unpack empty folders and files (they are constantly found in archives with CMS). Also, users always want to see the progress of the operation, but how to do it if the library does not allow (for example, simply call extractall ())?

    Libraries ZipFile, as well as libarchive-python had to be fixed and included as separate packages to the project. For libarchive-python, I had to fork the library and adapt it for python 3.

    The creation of files and folders with zero size (a bug was noticed in the SevenZip and RarFile libraries) had to be done in a separate loop at the very beginning along the file headers in the archive. For all the bugs, the developers were unsubscribed, as soon as we find the time, we will send a pull request to them, apparently, they are not going to fix it themselves.

    Separately done gzip processing compressed files (for sql dumps, etc.), there were no crutches here using the standard library.

    The progress of the operation is tracked using the watch on the IN_CREATE system call using the pyinotify library. It works, of course, not very accurately (the watch does not always work when there is a large nesting of files, therefore a magic factor of 1.5 has been added), but it does the task of displaying at least something similar for users. Not a bad solution, considering that there is no way to track this down without rewriting all the libraries for the archives.

    Help us make Sprut.IO better

    There are many obvious possibilities for further improving the file manager.

    As the most useful for users, we see:

    • Add SSH / SFTP support
    • Add WebDav support
    • Add terminal
    • Add the ability to work with Git
    • Add the ability to share files
    • Add theme switching and creating different themes
    • Make a universal interface for working with modules

    If you have any add-ons that might be useful to users, tell us about them in the comments or on the mailing list.

    We will begin to implement them, but I'm not afraid to say this: on our own it will take years, if not decades. Therefore, if you want to learn how to program, know Python and ExtJS and want to gain experience in development in an open project - we invite you to join the development of Sprut.IO. Moreover, we will pay a reward for each implemented feature, since we do not have to implement it ourselves.

  • Add tags

    As an engine, it's time to choose a hosting - a server on which your site will be located. In this article, we will look at its main features.

    In fact, hosting is not just a server. Hosting is also a control panel that allows you to customize the operation of your site, manage files and databases, domains and subdomains, and restore your site from a backup in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

    Let's talk about everything in order.

    Backing up your sites

    Automatic creation backups Your sites (files and databases) are the key to their stable operation. You will not lose several months of work just because you were too lazy to go to the hosting control panel and create a "backup".

    If in the future your site becomes cramped on the free plan, you can switch to any other. The prices don't bite.

    30 days of free hosting

    If the free plan is clearly not enough for you, you can choose any suitable one from the paid ones. Moreover, the whole 30 days from the moment of registration you will be able to fully use hostingBeGet absolutely free.

    Of such test periods on other hosting almost never happens.

    In addition, if for some reason you do not want to use BeGet services after this period, you can simply refuse their services without paying a penny.


    Why did we decide to tell you about, and not about any other? Or haven't you even reviewed it?

    It's simple - because we use this hosting ourselves... We like the convenient and colorful control panel, the incomparable file manager, automatic backup, automatic installing WordPress and responsive support.

    In addition, in further articles on the Blogger School we will publish detailed instructions on certain aspects of working with hosting - exactly on the example of BeGet. And we would like to make it easy for you to master and implement the acquired skills.

    On this, perhaps, everything. I invite you to ask questions on the topic in the comments.

    In the next article I will tell you how to install WordPress on hosting... Subscribe to updates in the column on the right 😉

    Hello! in this article I will tell how to use the file manager on Running hosting. I wrote about this hosting in.

    After registration, you will need to log into your account by entering your username and password. Find yourself in the main hosting menu, in which we click on the "File Manager" tab:

    The top menu of the file manager looks like this:

    Below there will be a list of file folders with your sites. Clicking on the site folder will open a list of site files. The name, type, size, owner, attribute and date when the file or folder was changed will be displayed:

    By clicking on a folder or file right click mouse, a menu will appear with the ability to do this or that action:

    For example, we need to change the attributes on the folder, which means we select the "Change Attributes" item and set the desired value:

    The file manager is a very handy tool for a webmaster that saves time.

    For example, to set up our site for hosting through the file manager Runs, it is enough in the file manager in top menu click "Upload Files", then select the archive with the site on your computer and click "Download". The archive with the site will instantly appear on the hosting, then right-click on it and select "Unpack Archive". It also instantly unpacks in seconds. The site is installed, I think it's very cool. Using an FTP client, this procedure would take much longer.

    If you have not yet registered for Beget hosting, then do it right now by clicking on the button below, I also remind you that this hosting has trial period 1 month.

    Register for hosting

    That's all! Good luck and good money!

    Greetings friends! I sat down to write about how to find a site file easily and simply, but I can't resist - I boast, although I have already received congratulations from many: on January 23, 2016, the blog was registered in the "Search Engine Optimization" section of the Directory of Trust Sites. And now I have a button in my footer that you can click on and even leave a comment.

    Now to the point. Anyone who posts blogs or websites has to make some changes to the code, for example, to edit the design. My task now is different: to get rid of errors in HTML validity. a web resource affects its authority no less than useful optimized content and other components. At first, the validator produced only 5 errors, and I contacted a specialist with the nickname Old on the forum, who provides free consultations and also works on a commercial basis. He discovered a global error, due to which the others are not detected. After eliminating the global one, I got about forty errors and warnings.

    It was not difficult to fix some of them, for example, to insert the missing spaces in the links. And in order to eliminate others, it was necessary to find a place that needed to be edited. When looking for files, Beget's clients can do without programs such as Notepad ++. You can search by text or file name directly in the file manager. If possible, the search area should be narrowed down, but if we don't even know where the searched for object may be, we search in public_html (site root).

    In practice, it looks like this: I need to delete a certain fragment, select text search and insert an expression into the line. It remains to run a search and get the result.

    Luckily for me, the result is one file, and there can be many of them. The search box, which is collapsed by default, contains the path to the file. To see it in full, the window needs to be maximized.

    So, the file is found in the hosting file manager. The next step is to open it and find the required piece of code to fix it.

    But don't rush! It's time to download the file to your computer in order to replace the one that has been tortured if something happens. With this approach, you do not need to back up the entire site - an essential detail if the folders with the backup are laid out on the account, and there is not a lot of extra space.

    That's all. I told you how to find a site file on the Beget hosting, but I think other modern hosting services also have a search function.

    So, what did I personally like about Beget hosting? About many positive traits I already have this hoster. It will not be superfluous to say about several more important technical features.

    Site load monitoring

    File manager

    In the Beget control panel, a very convenient file managerproprietary design, often eliminating the need for FTP clients. In 2015, Beget made this editor an open source project. source code and posted it on the Internet under the name on the site of the same name.

    The file manager has 2 panels that make it easy to copy or move files from one directory to another. In addition, there is, of course, the ability to upload and download files, create and unpack archives, set the necessary rights to folders and files.

    The file manager also has an integrated online text editor with syntax highlighting, like the beloved by many editor Notepad ++, a very handy thing.

    It is even capable of highlighting syntax errors, which is also useful.

    MySQL databases

    From the control panel it is possible to enable access to the required databases (DB) from the outside. This can be useful when the database size becomes too large and phpMyAdmin can no longer cope (for example, one of our sites has a database size of 1.5GB):

    However, in the control panel it is possible to create backups separately for both site scripts and databases, saving them as archives on the site.

    Terminal in control panel

    Surprising but true: for advanced web developers, Beget gives the opportunity to work in the console directly from the control panel, without authorization and installation of additional programs(for Linux and Mac - open terminal). As stated in the manual, for convenience, the terminal window can be expanded to full screen, part of the screen, or moved to a convenient place for work. When switching pages, you can continue to work with the terminal without breaking the session.

    additional services

    In addition to the usual shared hosting features, Beget offers a lot additional services , which usually have to either be bought separately, or deployed independently, but already on VPS / VDS, which is much more difficult. For example using a caching system Memcached can help to significantly increase the speed of the site and reduce its load on the hosting site. Below in the screenshot you can see a list of additional features:

    In a word, there are a lot of advantages, so I myself use this hosting since 2010 and recommend it to my clients.