Webmail timeweb mail. What's available during the trial period. What timeweb tariff to take: advantages, prices, differences

December 18, 2012 at 09:41 AM

More than mail

  • Timeweb Blog


Email is one of the most important communication tools in modern world... We use it every day, exchanging photos, documents, ideas.

TIMEWEB is the provider email 6 years. During this time, our mail cluster changed its architecture several times, following the growth in the volume of processed data. According to recent, TIMEWEB is one of the largest email providers in Russia. Our mail cluster serves 200,000 mailboxes.

Now the time has come for the evolution of the mail application. The previously used Squirrel and Roundcube interfaces are outdated and a completely new solution is required for further high-quality work.


A year and a half ago, we started developing our own webmail. We had a lot of ideas that were not and could not be implemented in any of the current mail interfaces.

A year after the launch, the first version was launched. After that, we started collecting user reviews, analyzing them and fixing errors.

We pay great attention to design. Any product, especially the one with which you constantly work, should not only be fast and functional, but also necessarily pleasant to work with.

At the forefront of progress

Everything we develop software we strive to make it fast, functional, safe and, of course, beautiful. And the development of webmail was no exception - the struggle is for every millisecond, for every pixel!

Real thread letters

Many web clients collect threads from incoming emails only. We collect them from all letters: incoming, outgoing, redirected. Having opened a chain, you will see all the letters folded, except for the last letter, it will be opened.

If the chain contains many letters, they will be grouped into a special "accordion".

A very interesting feature. When you receive a letter from a stranger, you can often see his avatar. This way you can quickly establish contact with the sender. Get closer!

A robot that looks for avatars on social networks starts working as soon as the letter arrives in the mailbox. In addition, you can install an avatar both on your mailbox (in this case, your recipients will see it), and on any of your contacts.

3 types of display

Previously, letters were displayed in a list and to view the letter, you had to go through. However, modern screens contain enough space to display both the list and the body of the letter. For the convenience of work, we have made 3 different kinds display:

  • in the style of regular webmail, when you see a list of letters and when you click on a letter, it opens;
  • desktop style mail clientswhen the list is at the top and the email preview is at the bottom;
  • for wide monitors (screen width from 1280 pixels) - the list of letters is displayed on the left, and the preview is on the right.

Working with multiple mailboxes

We have developed a unique mechanism that will allow you to work with multiple mailboxes without unnecessary switching.

Quick reply

The beloved feature of Gmail is gradually moving into even desktop email clients. We felt that its presence is mandatory for a modern web interface.


We exchange photos and other images frequently. Previously, you had to open each picture in a separate window. For our webmail, we made a gallery of images. Viewing photos is now much more convenient.

Keyboard control

We borrowed this feature from desktop email clients. It is convenient to switch between letters with arrows, reply or create a new message using a familiar combination.

Quickly? Yes, very fast!

Regular webmail works according to standard interaction protocols with mail servers and that is why they are slow.

Our webmail is tightly integrated with the mail cluster at a low level, this architecture allows for amazingly fast work. Now receiving a list of letters in a folder containing 100,000 letters takes 30 ms, and receiving a letter without an attachment takes 20 ms.

However, the numbers will not be able to convey how fast our mail works. Register and try our development.

Server side filters.

Filters are a very important tool, but none of the email clients allow you to create filters on the server. Usually, this functionality is shifted to the mail program, which, when launched, sorts letters into folders, while slowing down the entire system. In addition, to work with your mailbox on another computer, you will have to take your filters with you \u003d)

We felt that this operation should be performed on the server side. Plus, it doesn't matter if you use webmail or email, the filters will always work.

Extremely safe

When we touched on the issue of protecting our mail from spam and viruses, we did not hesitate to choose the best - Kaspersky Lab. Our users' mail is reliably protected from spam and viruses.

For greater security, all work with e-mail takes place over a secure (SSL) communication channel.


We are very glad that progress does not stand still and we are among the first to introduce new technologies in what we do. We will be happy if you like the product.

) interesting hosting - on the one hand, it belongs to the budget group, on the other hand, it is a "physical" (not virtual) company that has an office and the necessary certificates for the provision of hosting services. Such a combination is rare, because the phrase "quality hosting for little money", though flickering everywhere, but, alas, is quite rare in life, it can be practically entered into the Red Book. In this regard, it became interesting how it turned out to organize in practice this formula for TimeWeb hosting.

Test hosting
Petersburg hosting gives 10 days of test hosting, in order to get them, we press "order" on the main page of TimeWeb and get to the client registration form. A short form (just fill in your full name and e-mail), and I immediately receive a letter with credentials. This, of course, is much faster than that of the older brother, where we fill in a lot and wait a long time for the operator to activate the account.

What's available during the trial period:

  • 500Mb disk space for files and database
  • 1 MySql database
  • 1 domain per account
  • 1 site per account
  • only POP3 / IMAP mail services

Control Panel
When choosing a hosting, you should pay attention not only to how often the hosting light is turned off and the site becomes unavailable, but also to how convenient it will be for you to use the hosting. Those. what control panel this hosting provides. Basically, there are 2 control panel options - bought (commercial) and self-created.

The main and indisputable plus commercial panel management (eg cPanel or ISPmanager) for users is the most user-friendly interface and bug-free. The main disadvantage is that hosting pays for such a control panel to the creator company, and this amount, albeit not large, is eventually added to the tariff plan (the exception is, perhaps, hosting - since they are the creators of the ISPmanager panel, and should not to pay anyone for it). The most popular cPanel control panel is used, for example, by hosting and (on the overview page you can find screenshots of the cPanel panel).

Self-written panel management is created by the hosting itself. The advantage of your own control panel is that it is designed for a specific hosting and can be easily modified if necessary. Cons - the self-written panel can be damn buggy, not always convenient, and it may also lack some necessary functions. An example of a very inconvenient self-written control panel is the hosting control panel (see the overview with screenshots).

Now let's take a look at what the TimeWeb control panel looks like. This is a self-created control panel that looks like cPanel. On the left (see screenshot) general information related to the account is displayed - tariff plan, current balance, occupied disk space, number of sites / domains / mail / FTP accounts / databases. You can immediately change the password to the control panel, top up the balance, which is quite convenient. In the main part of the panel there are perfectly traced icons for the main sections of hosting management. Of the oddities - in the language selection menu there are only Russian and German, for some reason they did not make English.
First impression of TimeWeb control panel - gorgeous... The company tried to make a candy and they did it, guys from - bite your elbows and learn! The following sections will cover the main functions of the panel, and also show screenshots for greater clarity.

Update: In 2015, it became available for testing new panel management "2.5 beta", which is radically different from the current version. Finally, the main page displays all important information about server - version operating system, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Also, without reloading the page, you can see quick statistics on site traffic over the last 24 hours. Registration new version control panel, in my opinion, is controversial - everything has become faded, the colored icons are gone. I am glad that it is possible to switch between versions of the control panel.

Important: Do not forget to click "Exit Control Panel" if you are working on a public computer (for example, in an Internet cafe), because the session is stored for a long time and the password is not requested for subsequent visits.

You can pay for Timeweb via WebMoney, Yandex.Money, plastic card (through the Uniteller payment system), a receipt at SberBank or through Qiwi / Elecsnet / Novoplat terminals. In case of payment in electronic cash, payments are credited automatically, and in case of payment by plastic card - during the working day. Payment via WebMoney went through without problems, the money appeared on the account in 3 minutes. When paying with a plastic card, difficulties may arise, because there were times when payment system did not accept cards of some banks, in this case you will have to choose another payment method.

TimeWeb hosting has quite clearly defined values \u200b\u200bof maximum loads for your scripts and databases. The differences are in the tariffs:

Shared hosting (tariff plans Year, Century, Optimo, Millennium) - up to 50cp
VIP hosting Eterno - up to 150cp
Premium hosting - up to 240cp
VPS, Dedicated Server - the load is limited by the physical parameters of the server

You may ask, how can this "cp" be measured? In the control panel there is an item "Server load", where you can track the load on the server for the last month - an example in the screenshot, and if you approach the maximum value - it's time to take action.

At the time of writing this review TimeWeb has been tested for performance for more than 4 years, and now we can draw more or less specific conclusions. The speed of execution of php-scripts (see the TimeWeb performance graph) is not the highest, however, it is stable and there are no performance shocks.

As for the restrictions on using PHP:

  • It is forbidden for processes to use server processors more than 60% for 5 seconds and more than 10% for 25 seconds. If this limit is exceeded, the process ends;
  • The maximum number of user processes cannot exceed 40;
  • Maximum amount open files for one process - 32;
  • Maximum use random access memory - 80MB per process;

Websites, domains
The management of sites and domains in the current version of the control panel is implemented in a somewhat tricky way: you cannot directly link a domain to a specific folder on the server. "Domain" is bound to a "site", and "site" is bound to a specific folder on the server. Thus, to create a new website on Timeweb you need to:
1. In the "Site Management" section, create a new "site" by clicking on the "Create a new site (multi-domain)" button. When creating, specify the directory of the new site (it will be created automatically).
2. In "Domain Management" click "Register Domain" (if the domain does not exist yet and needs to be registered) or "Place on NS servers" (if the domain was registered independently earlier). Specify the domain name and select the "site" to which this domain will point.
Yes, in cPanel, these settings are made more intuitive and convenient, but you don't have to start sites and new domains so often, so it's not scary.

By the way, do not forget to enable logs after creating the site (if, of course, you need them) in the "logs" section, they are disabled by default.

Update: Hooray! The new version of the control panel simplifies the creation of sites: now, when adding / registering a new domain, it is possible to automatically create a new site for it and immediately link them to each other. There are also advanced site settings: now, in addition to pHP versions and encodings can be set different kinds forwarding (see screenshot).

The FTP credentials correspond to those on the control panel. I advise you to create a new FTP account (through the control panel, section "Additional FTP accounts") and use it to work using this protocol - so no one will get into your hosting control panel, even if he knows the FTP password.
The speed of uploading data via FTP from St. Petersburg (10 Mbps channel) was close to the maximum (more than 950 Kbytes per second) - a 700 Mb file was downloaded in 10 minutes. You say “Ha! So the servers are also in St. Petersburg, so it turns out so quickly ”, yes, there is some truth in this, but the servers are also in St. Petersburg, but this does not allow achieving such a high download speed. You can check the download speed from TimeWeb yourself here:
By the way, the maximum number of FTP-connections from one user or from one IP-address cannot be more than 4.
SSH access is disabled by default, but it can be instantly activated with a switch on the main page of the control panel.

post office
For mail needs at any tariff, 10 GB of disk space is allocated free of charge, and for a fee (9 rubles per month per 1 gigabyte), mail storage can be increased to 50 GB. Creation of new mailboxes is simple, just specify the domain, mailbox name and password. A forwarding, as in cPanel, cannot be created immediately (end-to-end - without creating a mailbox). For her, you first need to create a mailbox and then, in its settings, indicate to which address all mail will be forwarded. By the way, Mail from the TimeWeb server can be retrieved either by a POP3 / IMAP client or by using a web interface developed by the company. In the screenshot you can see what the web interface looks like - nothing superfluous - only basic functions are implemented.

After using the mail system through the web interface, I can say that it works stably, however, several times I had a problem with automatic detection of the letter encoding.

Data backup (for "import" it is called BackUp)
System reserve copy from a visual point of view, it is executed impeccably - convenient choice of date, data type, directory tree. If you leave this section and enter later, the directory and the selected date (since the last visit to this section) will be set automatically, this is thought out and convenient. You can restore either a specific file or an entire directory.
What I disliked: Backups are made every day, the total number of backups is 3. Usually (with other hosting companies), backup systems are configured in such a way that they allow you to get data 2 weeks old. Have Timeweb you will not be able to recover even files of a week ago, and this is necessary when problems with the site were noticed too late, for example. after the vacation. There is only one way out - if something happens, you need to react and take actions on backup recovery like a ninja - very quickly. Well, do not forget to make local copies of sites from time to time.

Preinstalled Apps
Some of you will say that there is no point in preinstalled applications - you can download and install the application yourself. And they will be right, moreover, by installing the application yourself, you will know where the code "lies", which database is used, and there will be no problems with updating. But a large number of people need a result, and the means to achieve it are not so important, and automatic installation applications will come in handy. TimeWeb calls it “Site Builder” (in the new version “CMS Catalog”), and it pleased me with a large number of applications. The list contains both paid CMS (1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS, HostCMS, Netcat, AMIRO.CMS) and a large number of free (Joomla, Drupal, ModX, Instant CMS, PHP Fusion, Danneo CMS, Eleanor CMS, PHP- Nuke, Typo3, Joostina).
By the way, when installing paid CMS their demo versions are installed, so don't think that you will get them for free :)
So, among the automatically installed applications:


  • phpBB3
  • Simple Machines Forum (2.0 RC2)
  • PunBB


  • Gallery 2
  • Copermine gallery


  • Wordpress
  • LiveStreet
  • DataLife Engine

    There are some others - see the screenshot. The installation is simple and friendly, just specify the domain. After installation, you will be given a password, login and address to which you need to administer installed application... Good, but inferior, from which you can select a specific version of the application (not necessarily the latest) and has a function automatic update when a new version is released ( old version it is archived with the possibility of recovery). This cannot be done in TimeWeb; when a new version of the CMS / forum / blog is released, you will have to update it manually.

    Uptime (continuous work time)
    By the time this review was updated, TimeWeb (timeweb.com) had been tested for uptime (not to be confused with performance) for over 4 years. The time web is not a record holder in terms of continuous operation time for all this time, but its strong point is stability, which is not typical for budget hosting, there are no obvious failures in the time web, the maximum downtime was 4 hours a month.

    Technical support
    Support is provided in all possible ways:

  • by phone. TimeWeb has three phone numbers - Moscow, St. Petersburg and All-Russian (free)
  • by E-mail
  • in live chat

    Most of all I liked the last option, the link to the chat is available from home page timeweb site. On the screenshot you can see my brief dialogue with a technical support specialist. What is convenient - there is no need to refresh the page and "watch" the appearance of the operator, as it happens in the live chat at the spaceweb, here he comes himself, says smart words, tries to help :)
    Summing up, the average response time of the operator fluctuates within 2-10 minutes, the result is acceptable, they work smartly.

    Timeweb hosting created the impression of a solid budget hosting with a stable (albeit not the fastest) pHP work, stable uptime and fast technical support. Popular CMS and forums are installed and work without problems, "shamanism" (non-standard settings, etc.) is not required. Of course, there is something to improve in the backup system, but do not forget that this is a budget hosting.
    Hosting can be called a direct competitor, the advantages of which are the best control panel and a unique concept for selecting options, however, overall stability and technical support TimeWeb hosting is much higher.

    Any comments? Write!

    Reproduction of the material without the written permission of the author is prohibited.

  • Timeweb - hosting for pragmatists. Therefore, if anyone hesitates which hosting to choose for the site, so that it can meet both the modest budget and the quality of services, it is definitely worth considering the time web first. The provider is interesting in that it is inclined to set tariffs that are loyal to users, while offering decent functionality.

    Timeweb: hosting that cares about customers

    Timeweb's numerous hits at the forefront is a logical consequence of the company's policy. The provider announces 4 basic tariffs for its customers at a cost below the market average. At the same time, the level of service, range of services and opportunities for webmasters are provided by the time web at a decent level.

    Specifying the "decent level", it is important to know that all timeweb tariffs ("Annual", "Optimal", "Hundred" and "Millennium") allow you to count on:

    • obtaining a free SSL certificate;
    • domain as a gift (the number and domain zone will depend on the selected service package);
    • 10 GB of dedicated mail space;
    • at least 5 GB of space.

    What timeweb tariff to take: advantages, prices, differences

    It is not enough to know, it is equally important to be able to understand the intricacies of tariff plans. Fortunately, timeweb is a hosting that does not overload its users with unnecessary information: out of 4 tariffs (costing 129, 189, 299, 449 with a monthly payment), the average webmaster will most likely like either Optimo or Century.

    In the first case, the "package" will include 10 Gb, in the second - 15. The number of sites and databases allowed for placement for the Optimo tariff is 10, for the Century - 25. This is more than enough for the comfortable functioning of a small forum, business card site or even photo galleries.

    If the requirements for hosting are more picky, then the best option is to visit the timeweb site and analyze all 4 tariff plans available for shared hosting. In the end, when registering services for a year, timeweb gives 360-600 rubles of discounts, which in itself is worthy of consideration.

    How to create a website on Timeweb?

    A moment that deserves the attention of novice webmasters is access to a website builder. All that is needed for access is registration in the system... After that, the client is given access to the line of templates for site building. At the same time, figuring out how to create a website on the timeweb won't take too long: the control panel is intuitive, and there is a convenient FAQ for additional questions.

    Another convenience provided by the hoster: registering domain names and linking the site to an existing domain. Here, too, you do not have to spend extra minutes parsing what's what: through the main menu of the constructor there is an entrance to the Domains section - it contains instructions and detailed information. To save time and get acquainted with the system for the first time, the client can use the test version of the constructor. The term for the provision of test services is 30 days.

    Time web hosting service quality

    Like any other provider, timeweb is a hosting that differentiates the possibilities of server loads in accordance with the tariff plan and the type of contract concluded. But this differentiation does not affect the quality of timeweb hosting services: for all shared hosting, the maximum permissible load is 50 cf. This is enough, say, to easily withstand the attendance of 2000-2200 unique visitors per day.

    If the project is large, and traffic is expected from 3000 / day, it makes sense to consider a dedicated server. For this case, the timeweb offers 3 rental options, costing 8900 - 19600 rubles. Professional webmasters will definitely appreciate:

    • wed not lower than 240;
    • intel processors Xeon for 4, 6 and 12 cores (configuration depends on the tariff plan);
    • disk system: 2 x 240Gb SSD;
    • unlimited number of sites, domains, databases and mail space.

    Timeweb Mail

    By the way about the mail! Timeweb - definitely best hosting in Russia from those who are ready to offer a uniquely designed mail interface. First, the webmail (WebMail) of the timeweb is protected from any external influences both antivirus and spam filter and SSL encryption. Second, customization timeweb mail synchronized with absolutely everyone social media and most messengers. This allows you to import all important data in a few clicks.

    Moreover, timeweb mail can be "expanded" from 10 GB standard for all tariff plans to 50. Cost: for each GB - 9 rubles / month. Interesting in timeweb webmail and personal Area: it is implemented in such a way that correspondence can be sorted according to as many criteria as possible. As for creating mailboxes, there will be no difficulties with them: a new mail is created by specifying the domain, name mailbox and the specified password.

    Why is time web hosting for pragmatists? Are there any disadvantages and additional advantages?

    In addition to budget, functionality, convenience of the control panel and the presence of one of the best postal services in runet, timeweb is famous for its stress resistance. Whether it's shared hosting or a dedicated server, the uptime of timeweb systems is stable at an average of 99.98%. So continuity is a kind of "trick" of this hoster. At the same time, the general tone that reviews on the Internet set about timeweb is more neutral than positive.

    Why is this happening? Everything is standard: like many other providers, timeweb technical support is not perfect. But with all this, the timeweb offers stability for modest money, compatibility with php 5.6, a convenient website builder with ready-made templates and test periods for almost every service. So the hoster is definitely not bad!

    Video on this topic - provider review and feedback:

    With this article, I'm starting a series of hosting company reviews. Registration in Timeweb became for me the starting point into the world paid hosting... Before that, there was pampering on Yukoz and others free services... I'll start with TimeWeb.Ru.

    The X-hosting company TimeWeb.ru has existed since 2006, which is considered a young age among providers. TimeWeb is based in St. Petersburg. The hoster's clients include several banks, including Home Credit Bank, Soyuz Studio, Schwarzkopf cosmetics company, ESET NOD32 anti-virus software developer, the largest franchise 1-C and other equally well-known companies.

    Signing up with TimeWeb is easy enough

    What concerns directly registration in TimeWeb, then it is quite simple to perform. You will be quickly registered, for this you need to purchase hosting, or get it for free for 10 days of testing.

    But first things first. Let's follow the link to the hoster's home page TimeWeb ... This is the general view of the main page of the TimeWeb website.

    We order a hosting service

    You can get an account in TimeWeb when ordering any service. We go to the tab - Services (it is open by default) and select the one we need.

    For example, let's click on the link - Order. Such a panel with the types of services will pop up. Each link has short description... Most likely you will need shared hosting, perhaps buying a domain. What else does a novice webmaster need?

    Filling out the hosting order form

    Mme on the button - Shared hosting. We receive the corresponding order form.

    Fill in all the fields carefully.

    1. Select a tariff plan from the drop-down list, in the screenshot it is Optima, not the simplest, not the most complicated, but a fairly complete tariff plan. We will talk about TimeWeb tariffs separately soon. While it is important to know that you can easily switch from one tariff plan to another while working on the site. And there is the possibility of free testing of the service for 10 days.

    2.Type of the client - leave - Individual... Unless, of course, you register hosting for yourself, and not for a legal entity.

    3. Payment period - select the number of months of payment for hosting from the drop-down list. The default is 1 year. The fact is that when you pay for a full year in TimeWeb, you will receive cost savings (discount) plus one domain (registration or renewal) in the.ru zone for free. At more serious tariffs, the list of domain zones is much wider. I repeat, we will return to tariffs in future posts.

    4. Information about the user.

    Basically, you are required to fill in two lines in this section. The rest can be left blank for now.

    • In your full name (required) - Fill in this field as accurately as possible. As in the passport, here legal matters begin.
    • E-mail address (required) - enter "live" email here. Otherwise, where will your account password be sent?

    Fill in the steel fields as you wish.

    • Choose a name - come up with a username to enter the system. And so on.

    5. Put a tick in the check-box - I agree with the terms of the offer agreement - and press the button - Register.

    We receive a letter with the data of the TimeWeb account

    You will receive an email with your TimeWeb account credentials at the specified email address. Password, login, DNS server addresses, information about the test period, about your tariff plan and many other data. You can return to the main TimeWeb panel and go to the Control Panel of your account. Everything! On this registration in TimeWeb.Ru finished.