Search Engine Optimization Guide from Google. Why is doubling your conversion rate really achievable? Try preview builds

Google is the world's largest search engine, but in our country it is only the second most popular. Optimization for Google has its own specifics and will cost you much less than promotion in Yandex. Search engine updates occur much more often, and new pages get into the index faster, so you won't have to wait long for the result. Plus, Google rarely experiences drastic changes in algorithms, so you don't have to worry about a sharp drop in rankings or filters if you don't use black SEO.

Features of SEO optimization for Google: a step-by-step guide

  • All meta tags must be unique. The Title must be readable and consistent with the content of the page, and include a direct occurrence of the promoted phrase. Also, Google, unlike Yandex, takes into account the Keywords meta tag. It is necessary to enter promoted phrases or keywords separated by commas.
  • If Yandex uses the most relevant content for snippets (this can be both Description and part of the text), then Google - only Description, so be careful about filling in these meta tags. They should not only be optimized, but also contain a call to action and useful information for a potential customer.
  • Use unique content. This also applies to news sites, often information on them is copied without editing - this is unacceptable for Google. In addition, it is necessary to update the information on the site as often as possible. If it comes about the store, you can start a blog or add a section with company news, new products or useful articles.
  • Be sure to relink. It is user-friendly and well received by the search engine. This will increase the depth of view and the internal weight of important pages. Anchors should use keywords, it is better if the phrases will not be repeated. For linking, select relevant pages, to find them enter in the search bar site: domain request .. Technical part.
  • Smooth website performance and fast loading speeds affect Google rankings. Choose a provider with a good reputation. And for fast loading, you need to optimize images and compress scripts. If the site loads slowly, this is bad for several reasons: an increase in the number of bounces (the user does not like to wait); the search engine may find it inoperative; competitors get an additional edge. Heavy plugins and scripts can slow down loading a lot.
  • Use human-readable URLs (CNC), by the name of which you can guess the content of the page. Avoid overspam - repeating the same word in URL.
  • Code cleanliness is also important for a search engine. Before pasting text on the site, be sure to use the tool in the admin panel "Insert from Word" or clean it yourself, having previously inserted it into a notebook.
  • About the transition to a secure protocol and availability mobile version they have been talking for years and for good reason. If you want to successfully promote on Google - work out a version for mobile devices and carefully study it.

In Google, website promotion without links is almost impossible. In addition, you need to build your link mass regularly. The strategy of building a link profile in Google is very different from promotion in Yandex. Based on our experience, we have made recommendations for placing links on Google.

  • The search engine favorably treats occurrences of queries in anchor text, but all link texts should be different. Use diluted and imprecise formulations.
  • Typically, SEOs buy links to those pages that are most important for promotion. For Yandex, a large percentage of links go to Home page... But in Google, everything is different - here it is desirable to evenly distribute links for all (or most) of the pages of the site.
  • The text around the anchor should also contain themed words. But don't overdo it to avoid overspamming.
  • The anchor together with the surrounding text should make up a complete thought (sentence) with a dot at the end.
  • Link explosion is a situation in which there is a sharp increase in links in a short time. Especially scary for a young site. You do not need to buy many links at once, do it gradually, but regularly. Otherwise, get the filter not only from Google, but also from Yandex.
  • Where to choose links? The same options work here as for Yandex: manual placement in catalogs, stock exchanges (only manually and with careful selection!), Placement directly through the owner (webmaster) of the site.
  • Links in recent articles work well. Other factors that can positively influence rankings.
  • The presence of a company in Google Business is an analogue of Yandex Directory.
  • The site has a Google Plus button.
  • Social signals are small but beneficial.
  • There is an opinion that the advantage in the ranking is the presence of a version in English.

We will tell you how to set up Google Optimize, link the service to Google Tag Manager and conduct your first experiment.

Google Optimize 360 \u200b\u200bis a website interface testing service that google announced in spring 2016. It allows you to conduct A / B and multichannel testing and collect data on user behavior on the site.

In the fall of 2016, the service was launched in beta testing, and recently free version became available to everyone.

Using the service, the user creates a copy of the tested page, but with some changes in its elements. For example, you can change the font, alignment or line spacing for text, replace images or pop-ups, change the color of buttons. Tests can be targeted to specific categories of users and customize URL rules that will indicate which pages to test on.

Why do you need to test the interface?

Forester Research specialists have proven that convenience and appearance site strongly affect user behavior. Testing as a type of website efficiency research is suitable for both business card websites and large corporate websites. You can test images, descriptions of goods and services, call-to-action buttons, price plates, contact forms. Earlier we wrote about, and today we will tell you how to use Google Optimize.

Google Optimize: instructions

It should be noted right away that the service must be used in chrome browser, since you need to install a special plugin for it to work.

Create an account

You can leave all the checkboxes. The first point is data analysis to improve the quality of the service, the second point means that you agree to send anonymous data about your project to collect statistics, and the third offers in-depth analysis if Google employees contact you and suggest new products. Next, you agree to the terms of use and get started.

Come up with a name for the container. A container is a code that is passed through Google Optimize and allows you to change the user experience.

Linking to Google Analytics

The next step is to link Google Optimize and Google Analytics (hereinafter - GA).

Click the "Link property" button and select the Analytics account that you want to link to Optimize.

The service will ask which views you need to access, it is better to check all. Next, click the blue "Link" button in the upper right corner.

Posting the code via Google Tag Manager

Also, the Optimize code can be placed via Google Tag Manager.

Create new account in GTM:

Add GTM code to your website:

Create a new tag:

Add your GA code. It can already be removed from the site, if it was. All counters can now be added via GTM.

You can find your GA ID on the GA website. Paste it into the form.

Select the "All page" trigger:

Then add another GA tag.

GA Tracking ID - Paste GA Code.

Google optimization container id

Triggers are all pages. The GO tag must be called before the GA tag.

The last trigger is needed for Optimize to split users into two parts before sending information to GA.

To make all your tags and changes work on the site, do not forget to click the Publish button in GTM:

Adding other counters

By the way, in GTM you can also add Yandex metrics counter, LiveInternet, remarketing counter or our Analysis counter. This is done like this:

Create a new tag and select "Custom HTML".

Insert the code you want, don't forget the tags