Unable to connect yandex server error. The proxy server refuses to accept connections: How to solve the problem. What to do if you can't connect to the proxy server

"Proxy server is not responding" - this error occurs for most "users" when trying to access various portals in the browser.

The error is quite simple to eliminate, the main thing is to understand the reasons and choose the right way to solve the problem.

In many situations, Internet access is provided automatically. The "user" needs to correctly configure the connection once and then do not have to configure anything. However, there are times when an error appears on the monitor indicating the impossibility of connecting: "The server is not responding."

There are several reasons for a proxy failure:

  1. An invalid address (IP or domain) was specified.
  2. Anti-Virus blocks an outgoing request to this address.
  3. The presence of viruses or the result of not completely destroyed malicious code.

Please note that work with the Internet will be preserved. The user will be able to download files via torrent, play client games. However, access to the network through a browser and work with files in online mode will be suspended. When you try to access the network, an error will appear on the screen in Russian or English, informing that the proxy cannot respond.

First steps

First of all, you should understand that the reason why the proxy is not responding does not depend on the choice of OS. Most often the case is related to the browser.

The first step to take is to clear the cache of Opera, Chrome, Mozilla and other programs. To do this, go to the "Settings" and select the appropriate items. Let's consider the steps for each browser separately.

Done. Each of these methods allows you to fix the error connecting to the proxy server if it does not respond. If these steps did not help, then you should change the browser settings.

Browser settings

After clearing your browser history, the next step is to determine the correct browser settings. Let's look at the actions using an example mozilla browser, need to:

The following steps are protocol dependent. If the user uses HTTP and SSL, it is recommended to fill in only the corresponding fields, leaving the SOCKS Host section free.

If the "user" uses the Socks protocol, this field must be specified.
You don't need to fill out the information for SSL, FTP, and HTTP. We leave it unchanged.

In the case when these manipulations did not help, and the proxy does not respond, you need to scan your PC for viruses.

Getting rid of viruses

So, all the manipulations mentioned above have been carried out, and the problem with the proxy server still "pops up". Then you need to check your computer for malicious codes. At the same time, it is recommended to perform the analysis with the new antivirus program, since the old one does not complete its work in full, since it could not find the reasons why the Internet is not responding. You can try to download free antivirus or use trial period paid programs.

If a virus is detected, it needs to be “cured” or removed completely. After these manipulations, it is recommended to reconnect, if you cannot connect to the proxy server, you must proceed to cleaning the registry.

Cleaning the registry

If you cannot connect to the proxy server and the internet is not responding, cleaning the registry is one of the most complicated and confusing processes. But with strict adherence to the indicated recommendations, the actions will not seem as follows:

It is not required to make other changes in the registry, so that more serious problems in the functioning of the PC do not arise. But if in this case the connection is not possible and the Internet is not responding, you need to deactivate the proxy server.

Disable proxy server

The above manipulations should help resolve the pop-up error: "Failed to find proxy settings." If these steps did not help to solve the problem and the proxy does not respond, the user is advised to try to deactivate the proxy server. Applicable sequential action using a browser as an example Mozilla Firefox:

Similar manipulations can be performed with the Opera browser:

There is also additional features... Opera has a Proxy-server option, it is located in the "General" section, the "System" item. Go to the Proxy parameters and do all the necessary manipulations.

Although the security of the network will be reduced, the connection will be restored and the error for which the proxy was not responding will be eliminated.


If you can't connect to the proxy server and the internet isn't responding, that shouldn't scare users. Eliminating the error does not take much time and does not require any complicated and confusing manipulations. And with our support, difficulties will not arise at all.

A message that appears on the computer screen that the proxy server is refusing to accept connections means permanent or temporary interruption of access to the Internet through the browser.

The causes of the problem can be different, however, regardless of them, the issue should be resolved as quickly as possible.

As a rule, access is not restored without user intervention - and in order not to call the wizard (and, therefore, save time and money), it is worth taking a few simple steps.

Causes of the problem

In most cases, the browser accesses the Internet using a wired or wireless connection provided automatically. The user does not need to make any effort to do this - just set up the connection and use the network once.

However, if the proxy server settings are lost, instant access to the network becomes impossible. For an inexperienced user, such a problem may seem insoluble - and, nevertheless, there are ways to fix the error.

The reason for the message about the inability to connect may be:

  • a key combination accidentally pressed by the user while working in the network;
  • settings lost due to a sudden shutdown of the computer (power outage, burnout of one or more parts, improper shutdown of the computer);
  • the effect of a virus on the system or the consequences of an incompletely removed malicious code.

It is worth noting that if a problem with the proxy server appears, the Internet may work. So, for example, the torrent client will continue downloading files, Skype and even client (not browser) games will continue to work. However, you will not be able to access the network using a browser - neither load the page, nor watch a video, nor work with documents online. When you try to do this, an inscription in Russian or English will continue to appear on the screen.

Figure: 1. An inscription indicating problems with the network connection.

Setting up a proxy server is practically independent of the platform variant when it comes to Windows. Moreover, the problem often lies not in the operating system, but in the browser.

What shouldn't you do?

If there is a problem with the lack of connection, the cause of which is the lost proxy server settings, you should neither panic nor contact a computer service. In most cases, you can solve the issue on your own, saving money on repairs and the time it will take. It is also not necessary to reinstall operating system, and even the browser in which the connection refused message appeared.

Knowing the ways in which you can deal with the problem, you will have to spend from 5 minutes to half an hour to restore access to the network, depending on the number of options tested. In extreme cases, the proxy server is turned off altogether. Although this option significantly reduces the security of the connection.

Priority user actions

The first action when a proxy server accepts a connection error message appears should be to clear the browser cache. To do this, select the appropriate item in the browser settings, and clear all history - cookies, page visits and cached files. In the Opera browser, you can clean it using the "Security" item.

Figure: 2. Clearing cookies in the Opera browser.

For the Mozilla Firefox browser, the same actions are performed in the "Privacy" tab. The cleaning principles in other browsers are roughly the same. Moreover, when deleting cookies, one should not forget about the history, which is sometimes cleared separately. And as a preventive measure, the user can turn off the saving of cookies and history - this will simplify the work with the network, although it may also slow down access to certain resources.

Figure: 3. Clearing the cache in the Mozilla browser.

Browser customization

Clearing history and cookies can be called the preliminary stage of restoring network access. As a rule, the connection cannot be restored after this. However, after deleting the excess data, you can do the actual proxy setup. To do this, the user of the Mozilla browser needs:

  1. Go to tab additional settings;
  2. Open the "Network" section;
  3. Click on the network settings button;
  4. Disable automatic proxy settings and fill in all forms manually.

Figure: 4. Manual setting proxy settings.

Further user actions depend on the type of protocols used by the system. So, with the support of only two main options, HTTP and SSL, you should enter the addresses and ports in the appropriate fields (you can find them using the control panel or the 2ip.ru website). In this case, the "SOCKS Host" parameter remains empty.

If, on the contrary, only the Socks protocol is supported, the configuration requires filling in only this field. The addresses and ports for SSL, FTP and HTTP should be left blank. The result of these actions, as a rule, is the restoration of access through the proxy server.

If it was not possible to find out the addresses and ports for the protocols used, or the setting did not help to connect to the network, it is advisable to set the use of system data or their automatic detection. After that, they move on to the last ways to fix the error with the proxy server - using antivirus and cleaning the registry.

Fixing the error using antivirus

One of the most common causes of the error is a virus that got onto the computer from the network or when connected to a third-party storage medium (USB flash drive, external hard drive).

Malicious code may block the Internet connection through the browser and prevent you from using other applications for this. The solution to the problem is to find and remove the virus, for which it is advisable to use an antivirus. Moreover, not the one that is already installed in the system (after all, it has already proved its inefficiency), but a new one.

For this, for example, the "one-time" anti-virus Dr.Web Curelt is suitable, which can fully scan hard drives, registry and operating system. Among its advantages - almost 100% guarantee of virus removal and free use... The disadvantages include the need to download it again or update the databases each time, and slow work - scanning can take several hours.

Figure: 5. Window of the anti-virus Dr.Web Curelt.

After checking the system for viruses, you should restart the browser (and best of all, the entire system) and check the network connection again. If the proxy server is working properly, network access will be restored.

So, viruses were the cause of the problem. It is desirable for the user to change already installed antivirus and attitude towards protecting your computer. That is, check the system more often, do not go to sites with suspicious content (to determine them, you can install antivirus program directly in the browser).

Figure: 6. Anti-virus in the browser window.

Cleaning the registry

The last way to solve the problem with the proxy server is to clean the registry. You can call the editor to make changes using the Regedit command in the Run menu (Win + R). The path to the item to be changed can be seen in the figure.

Figure: 7. The path to the registry key that you want to check to restore the proxy server.

This section requires:

  1. Find the Appinit_DLLs file (for Windows 10 - AutoAdminLogan);
  2. Erase all data that is in it (the file must remain empty);
  3. Close the registry editor;
  4. To restart a computer.

If the file is already empty, no action is required with the registry. Unnecessary changes in the editor can lead to even more serious problems in the operation of the computer than the lack of a network connection.

Disable proxy server

In cases where attempts to fix the problem have not led to a positive result, you can try to completely disable the proxy server. To do this, open a browser window, find the connection parameters and turn off the proxy server. In Mozilla Firefox, this can be done in the Advanced Settings tab in the Network menu.


After all the options for solving the problem have been tried, access to the Internet through a browser appears in almost 100% of cases. If this does not happen, most likely you will have to contact a service specialist. Or try to reinstall the operating system yourself, first saving valuable information on non-system disk partitions.

Can't connect to proxy server

What to do if google browser Chrome, Yandex or Opera writes that it cannot connect to the proxy server when opening the site.

Now we will find out what to do if you suddenly failed to connect to the server while playing. These situations are common among fans of online games. And they shouldn't cause panic. After all, it is often possible to correct the situation easily and simply. There are exceptions. But they are rare. And only in some cases is it necessary to really raise a panic. Let's think about why the message says "Failed to connect to the server."

the Internet

The first scenario is, perhaps, very common. And you don't need to be afraid of him. After all, the occurrence of our today's error occurs through the fault of the user. It's all about the internet connection.

If you see the inscription: "Failed to connect to the server", then it's time to check if there is a network signal. Most likely it is missing. It can be an ordinary "crash" of the Internet, reboot of the modem or an accident at the station. The main thing is to find out the reason why the connection is missing.

Call your provider and ask if everything is ok at the station. Explain that you have lost the connection. In the event of an accident, wait for it to be fixed, and then continue working with the Internet. If you have a faulty modem, replace it. Knocked down the settings? Put them back in and try again. Happened?


No? Then we think further why it is not possible to connect to the server. For example, you can watch the news on the official website of the game. Perhaps, just at this time, technical work is being carried out on the server or a new update is being downloaded. It is customary to write about such events in the news in advance.

What if the problem occurs for this particular reason? Just wait. Nothing depends on you here. As soon as the update is downloaded, and all technical / maintenance work is over, you can reconnect and play. So be patient.

By the way, if the work on the servers is planned, then the exact time of their implementation will be reported by the administration approximately one day before the event. This means that a message like "Failed to connect to the server" should not scare you. Plus, the news is often written in Moscow time. Do not try to start the game in local time before the work is completed. You still won't succeed. You will only waste time once again, and waste your nerves.


But there are other situations when you have to see the message: "Unable to connect to the server." What to do? Look for a reason. For example, this kind of events often bother users of popular online games during vacations and holidays. Why does this happen?

All because of the large influx of visitors. The main server cannot handle the load. And therefore it does not let some users into the game. In order not to "burn out". So the server keeps the toy working. In the event that there is a suspicion of an overload, it is enough to wait a while and try to authorize again. Most likely, as soon as the flow of visitors decreases, you will be able to get into the game again. And there won't be any problems.

Viruses and hacking

And panic should be caused by such moments as the likelihood of hacking your account and, accordingly, infection of the operating system. If in the case of viruses it is still possible to somehow fix the situation, then it is extremely difficult to return a hacked account in games.

Scan the system, treat all dangerous objects, and remove the remains. Clean the computer registry (you can manually, you can help CCleaner). Then reboot and try authorization again. If the operating system is clean, then the problem lies precisely in the hacking of your account.

What to do? The first move is to contact the administrators of the toy. Prove to them that you are the real owner of the account, and then ask them to return access to your profile. This kind of technique works only in rare cases. So you shouldn't really hope for it.

The second scenario is to register a new profile. Only now try to make sure that you are not hacked. Once you confirm the actions, resume your attempts to enter the game of your choice. Now the message: "Failed to connect to server" will not bother you.

As you can see, there are few dangerous situations in our today's question. And so don't panic. In fact, the problem of connecting to servers in games is very common. You just need to know for what reasons there is given error... Basically, if you saw that you could not connect to the server, then it is better to check the Internet and read the news on the game's website. Most likely, after that the situation will clear up.

Even, but exactly one page (or maybe such that all pages) does not open and an error pops up ( timeout expired, err_connection_timed_out, err_connection_failed, or error connecting to DNS server ). In addition, it can appear not only on one, but all at once ( Google chrome, Yandex browser, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.) and any windows versions XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, because proxy server without a difference to the operating system and browser.

Don't panic and reinstall your browser or the entire system at once. We read the article and you can do without losses, as well as the visitor, whom I helped and he encouraged to write this article.

Let's go straight to fixing the error and won't dwell on explaining what a proxy server is and why it happened.

1) Returning automatic proxy detection in browsers.

AT Google chrome and similar (Yandex browser, Iron, Amigo, Comodo, etc.) browsers based on the Chrome engine, you need to go to Settings

If not all settings are shown, then click on the link below and then look in the block Net button Change proxy server settings ...

Next, the Internet settings window will open. In the tab Connections click the Network Settings button

And we put only one checkmark so that the parameters are automatically determined

Now we save this case with the OK and Apply buttons and try to connect to the sites.

In the browser Mozila Firefox you also need to go to Settings. Have different versions you can enter in different ways, but ultimately there should be a tab Additionally and the Customize ... button or like this:

or so:

Here, choose a better item " No proxy"

We save and try.

In the browser Opera proxy settings are in the tab Extended and Net:

We put automatic:

and check.

2) Returning automatic proxy detection in Windows

We follow the path Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Browser Options (provided that View worth by Large icons):

and we get into the already familiar window where there were settings from Google Chrome:

where we put it right:

then we check whether it works or not.

3) Check the Internet settings.

Go to Control Panel -\u003e Network Control Center and general access , select the item " Change adapter settings"And make a right click on your connection by selecting Properties:

In the new window, select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and click the Properties button:

now we look here so that there are no addresses, especially DNS. Ideally, everything should be automatic:

You can run and execute the command

ipconfig / flushdns

but this is optional.

4) We return the Internet settings after a failure.

It may be that the Internet settings are lost after an anti-virus check, or, on the contrary, the virus spoiled them. Then I recommend downloading free program AVZ () and run it. It has one interesting option (not the main purpose).
We go into it in File -\u003e System Restore and check the boxes as in the screenshot:
for errors.
.html to branch

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Windows \\

and see if there is an Appinit_DLLs parameter there, which should ideally be empty:

if it is not and it contains some kind of link, then change the content and clear.

That's all. We have considered the most basic solutions to the problem of not connecting to a proxy server in browsers. If you have other solutions or what did not help - write in the comments.

Anonymity, free surfing and accessible exchange of information are the main tenets on which the creators of the Internet relied. However, with the development of society, people realized that not all information can be shown. Some data can pose a threat not only to individuals, but also to entire states. Therefore, in the modern world, blocking sites and services has become commonplace. The problem is that sometimes completely safe sites or just social networks are blocked. And a proxy server can help in accessing prohibited resources.

What is a proxy server and what functions does it perform

A proxy server is an intermediate link between the user and the rest of the global web. The principle of its work is that people using the service can freely work on the Internet. At the same time, the standard protocols for fixing and blocking IP do not work, since surfing the network occurs remotely using Proxy. This way you can remain anonymous and receive content that is not available at the provider or country level.

Using a proxy server, you can maintain anonymity on the network

Connecting and configuring a proxy server in the operating system

There are two ways to connect to the proxy server:

  • directly in the browser (then requests from this program will go through an anonymous server);
  • connect the entire computer (in this case, all traffic will go through the Proxy).

How to connect is everyone's business, but it is worth remembering that the resources of the services are not unlimited, therefore, you can almost always observe a decrease in the traffic speed on the Internet when using a proxy.

On Windows 7-10

In OS Windows settings Proxy are in properties internet browser Explorer.

  1. Press the key combination Win + R on the keyboard and enter control in the "Run" field, then press Enter.

    Through the executing program, open the "Control Panel"

  2. The "Control Panel" will open. Change the view to icons, then click on the "Browser Properties" element.

    Among the elements of the "Control Panel" select "Browser Properties"

  3. Immediately go to the "Connections" tab, click on the "Network Settings" button.

    Go to the "Connections" tab and click "Network Settings"

  4. The settings window will open, in it we put a tick opposite the item "Use a proxy server ...". Next, the form for the IP address and connection port will become active. We enter the necessary data and save the changes by clicking OK in all open windows.

    We register the address and port of the proxy server and save the changes

  5. Next, it is recommended to close and open the browser for the changes to take effect.

If the address and port are registered correctly and lead to a working proxy server, you will receive an anonymous connection to the Internet.

On Ubuntu

Linux and other systems in the Ubuntu family also have Proxy settings. In addition, it is possible to connect a whole list of proxies for automatic selection in case any server is not responding at the moment.

After restarting the browser, anonymity will be guaranteed if the assigned addresses are functional.

There is also a possibility automatic tuning Proxy. To do this, enter the commands in the terminal:

  • $ gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'auto' - enables auto tuning;
  • $ gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy autoconfig-url http://my.proxy.com/autoproxy.pac - selects a server from the recommended list;
  • $ gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'none' - disables the proxy server.

Configuring Proxy in Browser

Some browsers allow you to configure a proxy server so that requests only from a surfing program are sent to an anonymous service. At the same time, other applications, messengers, will continue to work normally. You can also install an extension in the browser: a mini-utility that performs the functions of connecting to the Proxy.

Chromium-based browsers (Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex, etc.)

The Chromium engine does not have its own proxy connection settings, therefore it uses system parameters, and the browser menu items lead to the above browser properties.

Photo gallery: button for setting the proxy server of different browsers

Proxy server settings button in chrome browser Button for setting a proxy server in the Opera browser Button for setting a proxy server in a Yandex browser

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla's browser software codes allow you to connect to the proxy server directly from your browser.


Similar to Chrome-based browsers, Safari does not have its own means of creating a proxy connection. Browser settings send us to Internet Explorera properties.

  1. Press the key combination Ctrl + P. In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab (far right).
  2. Opposite the "Proxy" item, click the "Change settings" button. And then we register the address and port, as in the example above.

Video: how to configure a Proxy-server in different browsers

Proxy browser extensions

Modern browsers are a platform to which many additional utilities can be attached for the convenience of the web. Proxy widgets are no exception: there are tons of free and paid programs in the store for each browser.

Why proxy doesn't work and how to fix common mistakes

If a running server suddenly stops responding, there may be several reasons:

  • proxy has stopped functioning;
  • the provider has blocked access to this service;
  • malware has appeared on the computer that changes network settings, including proxy.

The first thing to do is try a different proxy address. There are a lot of anonymous servers, the provider will not be able to block everything, just like all services will never be closed.

If several proxies of your choice refuse to work, or worse, you do not use an anonymous server to surf the network, but you get an error in the browser like "Connection to the proxy server is not available" - it means that this is the work of malware. Precisely programs, because antiviruses can often miss such a threat. To identify and treat this problem, specialized programs are needed. For example, Hitman Pro is a free scanning utility for finding, detecting and fixing malware software... Ideal for antivirus back-up and real-time system diagnostics.

Where to get the IP address and port of the Proxy server

Proxy databases can be found on the Internet. Many services even provide information about the health of the Proxy at a given time. Addresses are registered according to the following scheme: [port]. Examples of lists:

  • https://2ip.ru/proxy/
  • https://kupit-proxy.ru/spisok-proxy

Proxy is very easy to work with. Setting up the service does not take much time, and then you will receive full access to the information you are interested in anonymously and bypassing blocking.