How to find a stolen smartphone. How to find a stolen phone by IMEI? How to find a phone if it is turned on, there is no sound, there is no Internet connection, antivirus with an anti-theft function is installed

Many of us have had a situation in which a mobile phone was stolen either from us or from someone we know. This, unfortunately, happens - petty thieves and fraudsters continue to hunt for gadgets in public places. There are several explanations for this.

Why steal?

Of course, mobile phones are stolen in order to sell. And from this we understand that, firstly, prices for modern cell phones are quite high (on average, a device costs 10-15 thousand rubles, if it is not an iPhone, but not an old "button" model either). In the event that an expensive phone is stolen (the same iPhone), the price for a used gadget can reach 20-25 thousand.

Secondly, today the mobile phone has become so common in everyday life each of us, that any passer-by, in fact, has at least one mobile phone with him. In the capital and large cities, especially in the central part, you can meet people who wear two mobiles. Imagine the temptation for thieves.

Protect yourself

Wherever you are and how many phones you have, try to protect yourself as much as possible from such cases. Agree, even if a cell phone is stolen, which is not of great value, the very fact of loss and loss of personal data is unpleasant. Perhaps someone has stored valuable photos or correspondence on their smartphone, or something else that should not get to other people. The feeling of being available to someone else is very unpleasant.

Therefore, when you are in public places, try to feel your device. For example, put it in your inner pocket or deep in your bag, and cover it with something. As a last resort, if you have nowhere to put your mobile - carry it in your hand - the chances that it will be taken away from you are less than the probability that it will be pulled out "quietly".

However, we understand that it is one thing to give well-known advice, and quite another to get into a difficult life situation, when in practice a phone was stolen. What to do in this case, read on.

We block the device

First of all, you need to block your device. This should be done as soon as possible, preferably immediately after the discovery of the loss. However, for this you need a secret 15-digit code, also known as IMEI. This number itself represents the identifier with which your device is tagged. All mobile phones have it, and it is very easy to find it. You can see it in the box that you received with the device, and you can also dial * 06 #. Tip for the future - put your phone number in a place where you can find it at any time. For example, in a wallet. If you are afraid that it will be pulled out along with the mobile one, store IMEI somewhere on mailbox, access to which you always have.

Next, you need to contact the operator with the fact that your phone was stolen. What to do more specifically, we have already specified above - you should block the device, make it useless for the criminal. For this you need the IMEI code. Your mobile provider can send a blocking signal even when the phone is turned off.

We contact the police

Suppose we managed to disable the device. Obviously, the second challenge is how to track the phone; find out where he is and with whom. Only law enforcement agencies can deal with this problem. This is where you need to go as soon as possible. The officer on duty at the local police station must accept your report of loss, to which you must attach a receipt for the phone in the store and a box with all the documents. Here's another argument in favor of storing such things.

After receiving a report of theft, the police must transfer the information to a special department "K" dealing with such cases. Specialists from there make inquiries mobile operator and fixes where the phone is. A task force leaves for the address.

Search for criminals

We answered the question of whether it can be found. You should immediately contact the operator and the police. Theoretically, of course, you can find; but whether they do it or not depends on the mass of circumstances.

It is clear that the thieves are not fools and, most likely, they will think of taking out the card right away so that the operator cannot track them. In addition, if attackers have some experience, they know how to trace a phone. Accordingly, they will do everything to prevent this. Whether the police will be able to get ahead of them depends, among other things, on how quickly you act.

Tracking software

Some cell phones are priced quite high (for example, new flagship models like or Apple iPhone 6 cost 40 thousand each). In this regard, people resort to alternative ways protection of smartphones. An option might be to install special programs for tracking.

The essence of their work is that an application is installed on the device, which is protected by a password from being deleted. It communicates with an online server from which commands can be sent to it. For example, if a user has their phone stolen, they can activate front camera and get a snapshot from the device. The thief's face will be visible on it. There are a lot of such stories on the network when the person who stole the phone continues to use it and does not suspect that all this time the former owner is watching him through a black front camera. For attackers, such stories, of course, do not end well.

The same options are available with geolocation (for example, determining the location of the device), showing an informational message on the screen (something like “Return my phone for a fee”), and so on.

Apple's iCloud solution

In parallel with these applications, we can also mention the iCloud service, available on iOS devices. Its meaning is that each iPhone and iPad user will have their own account in the system. It will be possible to enter it using Apple ID (login) and password. Among the functions of iCloud is the ability to lock a mobile phone or tablet, as well as enable geolocation of it on the map ("Find my iPhone").

Experienced thieves, of course, know how to bypass this function, and how to efficiently hide from any service. Nevertheless, if the newbies stole the phone, you know what to do. Finding these using the technologies mentioned is not difficult at all.

If all else fails

Of course, there are many methods aimed at finding a stolen mobile device. It all depends solely on your situation - how quickly you reacted to the loss, how experienced and cunning thieves you got.

Even if nothing helped, and the phone could not be found - do not be discouraged. Sometimes the police will not be able to tell what persons the phone was stolen.

What should the owner do in such a situation? Show your own ingenuity! A common practice is to search for mobile phones, tablets, computers and other equipment on message boards. Fortunately, today Internet technologies are quite well developed. How would an attacker sell your gadget? Most likely - on the largest portals, like Avito or From hand to hand. Register there and look for similar ones to your model. If some signs coincide (scratches, dents on the case, etc.) - make an appointment and check the very IMEI numbers, ask for a box from the thing, and so on. Act - and, believe me, fortune may smile at you.

Your mobile phone was stolen? Not the best news. Both at home and abroad, you should try to get your device back as soon as possible. Modern phones and smartphones are found using a built-in or preinstalled program that allows you to track the device. These applications have varying levels of usability. In some cases, it is necessary that your device is turned on and connected to the Internet. You can also find a phone the old fashioned way - just call or write a message and agree on a return.


How to get a missing phone back

    Call the phone. If you have lost a regular phone (not a smartphone) from which you cannot connect to the Internet, then you will not be able to track the device online. A different approach should be taken. Start calling your number. If you are lucky, the thief can answer your call. If the phone just fell out of your pocket (in a taxi or in the subway), the person who found it can make an appointment with you to return.

    • If the call is answered, say, “Hello, my name is [your name]. You have my cell phone. He is very important to me. I would like to return the device. We can meet?"
  1. Write your message. Even if the call is not answered, try writing a message. Perhaps the thief will change his mind and decide to return the phone to the owner. Submit short message: Provide a contact number and ask to return the device. If you deem it appropriate, you can offer a reward.

    • To do this, you need a different mobile phone. Refer a friend. If you are far away from friends and family, try making a polite request to a stranger.
  2. Be careful when making an appointment. If the person (who stole or accidentally found the phone) agrees to meet with you and return the device, then take precautions. Make an appointment to meet in a crowded place like the central square or a busy stop during the daytime. Try not to go to the meeting alone. Go to this meeting with a friend (for company and for safety reasons). Ask a friend to bring a mobile phone so that you can call the police if necessary.

    • Take every precaution you can, even if the person's tone seems friendly enough when communicating over the phone or text.

    How to notify authorities and telecom operator

    1. Contact the authorities. If you contact the police about the loss of your phone, you will be given limited assistance in finding your device. Call the police on a non-urgent number. The branch worker will ask you for the serial number of the device. On a smartphone as serial number Android ID can be used, which is indicated under the battery (if it is removable). Android ID is a series of numbers preceded by the “IMEI” (International Mobile Equipment Identity) identifier.

      • When contacting the police, say something like: “Hello, I assume my phone has been stolen. I noticed I was missing about 10 minutes ago next to the library. ”
    2. Notify the operator. If the call to your phone was not answered, then call the operator mobile communication and report the theft of your phone. The company may be able to locate your device using a GPS navigation system.

      • If GPS search is not possible or the result was unsuccessful, then ask the operator to suspend the service of your phone. In this case, the thief will not be able to use your number and you will not have to pay potentially large bills for calls.
    3. Try looking for a phone. Try to remember where you noticed the phone was missing and return to that location. The thief may have suddenly changed his mind and threw your device near the theft site.

      • Follow your route in the opposite direction and keep calling your number.

    How to track a stolen phone

    1. Turn on apps to track your smartphone's location. On iPhone, this app is called Find iPhone, and on android devices - “Find device”. The program will track the location of the phone and transfer the relevant information to the cloud storage. First of all, you need to configure this function when you buy a phone (you won't be able to activate the search after a loss).

      Turn on Lost Mode. This mode can be enabled remotely: log into your account iCloud recording or Google and activate this function. If you enable Lost Mode, the owner of your device will not be able to enter account and access smartphone data and applications.

You will need

  • A statement to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the loss or theft of a mobile phone, IMEI (international mobile equipment identifier).


If you've lost your phone, don't panic right away. Try to call him or send an SMS. Maybe the phone will be somewhere nearby, and when you hear the call, you will find it. You may be able to contact the person who found the phone and ask for a return for a fee or even just like that.

If the phone does not answer, you need to write a statement to the police about the loss or theft of the phone and attach the IMEI to it. IMEI is an International Mobile Equipment Identity, for most modern phones it is a 15-digit unique identification number that is entered into the mobile device registration database and programmed into the phone's firmware. The IMEI can be found on the phone box above the barcode and below rechargeable battery... It is also advisable to attach the phone box, receipt and warranty card to the application. All this is necessary to confirm the fact that this mobile device belongs to you.

From the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, mobile operators should receive a request to find the location of the phone by IMEI. When connected mobile device to any GSM network IMEI is automatically sent to mobile operators, and they have technical capability determine within which base station the phone with this IMEI is located, and calculate its coordinates c high degree accuracy even if the SIM card has been replaced. Upon request from the police, any mobile operator is required to provide information on the location of your phone, indicated on a map, as well as a list of calls made from the phone, if required.

There is another way to track lost phone - use special software that is widely distributed on the network. According to the developers, some applications are able, if necessary, to block the device, erase everything on it. important information, send alarming and warning signals to the kidnappers, send to email phone number if the SIM card is replaced. There are also many Internet services, created, among other things, by manufacturers of mobile equipment that are able to determine its location using the phone's GPS module and indicate it on a map. However, to ensure the accuracy of determining the coordinates of your lost mobile device using data electronic resources it is impossible, as well as to hope for high performance of specially installed applications.

Smartphone theft is a problem. Basically, this is not only the loss of a gadget, but also personal information, which, in particular, is valued much higher than the smartphone itself. For some, this information is invaluable. As part of this article, I will tell you:

  • how to find a stolen android phone if it is turned off;
  • what software to install in order to independently find the lost device;
  • how to secure personal data on a stolen gadget.

Finding a stolen switched off phone

If your device is turned off, which is logical if stolen, standard actions such as making a phone call will not work. You need to act immediately to catch the thief in hot pursuit.

There are three ways to find your stolen device:

  1. Contact law enforcement agencies.
  2. Contact the operator of the cellular network to determine the location of the gadget.
  3. Use software.

Let's concretize each of the methods.

Search for a switched off smartphone by the police by IMEI code

Each phone is assigned an identifier -. It can be found under the battery of the device itself, found with the help, using the service code (* # 06 #), in the "about phone" settings, look in the packing box of the smartphone.

It is advisable to know this code when contacting the police. Also, take your passport, a SIM card agreement and preferably visit the police station of the area where the theft was committed. Write a statement detailing the theft and provide the above details.

Advice! Finding a phone by IMEI on your own is quite a difficult task. This will require access to hardware and databases cellular operators... And the data free bases on the Internet, in one case out of a thousand, they can give a real clue.

Search device by SIM card number

Operators of the cellular network can track all actions on the SIM card, down to its approximate location within the radius of a particular tower. Even if the smartphone is turned off, the SIM card will react if it is within the reach for telecommunication systems.

Try to contact the operator directly, tell the situation and provide:

  • Device IMEI and phone number;
  • sIM card contract number.

According to the specified data, the operator can find out information from the billing server memory.

Determining the location of the smartphone via the app

Almost every smartphone manufacturer offers search solutions lost device in the security and privacy settings. For example: Huawei - Find device, Samsung - Remote control. A popular and effective solution is software from Google:

But the problem with using programs is that preliminary configuration is required when the gadget is in your hands. Otherwise, there will be no sense in finding a smartphone. In addition, no application can remotely turn on the smartphone, especially if the battery is dead. But, the programs can fix and inform the owner when the gadget becomes active.

Harsh reality

Finding a stolen smartphone will directly depend on you and your presetting devices. Hundreds of mobile devices are lost every day in million-plus cities. Such statements may not be a priority for the police, especially when there is little information about the loss:

  • iMEI not specified;
  • there is no identifier of the robber;
  • not installed customized applications for finding a missing smartphone, etc.

If there is not enough data, police officers may discourage you from writing a statement, since they know that there is practically no chance of finding a device.

The cellular network operator may refuse to provide you with billing data, saying that he has no right to do so without a court order, referring to legislative framework, in which the process of work in such cases is not regulated.

If the consideration of the application is delayed, the thief can throw away the SIM card and change the IMEI code (a rather complicated implementation on new devices, which implies replacing the microcircuits in the smartphone. This can only be done by a technically trained specialist), which makes it extremely difficult to further track the smartphone in the operator's database.

Anti-theft and device search software

You won't be able to protect yourself from possible theft, but you can reduce the risks of parting with the device. Even if the device is irretrievably lost, your personal data will not fall into the hands of an intruder and can be recovered. To do this, you can use the following tips and applications:

  1. Find out and keep the IMEI of your smartphone in a safe place;
  2. Use a pin code and a fingerprint scanner (or Face ID).

    Important! If you lose your smartphone with a PIN code or fingerprint login, an attacker will not be able to access your data. To unlock the device, it will have to erase all data.

  3. Install Find My Device or similar. Allows you to determine the location (if geolocation is enabled), call, lock the screen and delete all data. The app works through your Google profile.
  4. Install Lookout antivirus or similar. It is interesting in that there is a function of automatically saving information about the location of the smartphone when the battery is low. The data is sent to the specified mail.
  5. Use a paid antivirus on an ongoing basis. A good solution is Kaspersky Internet Security. The Anti-theft function allows you to remotely turn on the siren, take a photo from the front camera, block access to the device, or delete all personal data.
  6. SIM Change Alarm. When you change the SIM card and turn on the device, the application will send two SMS to the specified number with information: the IMEI of your smartphone and the number of the new SIM card, GPS coordinates of the device.
  7. Synchronize data that is important to you or.

I repeat, manufacturers also offer smartphone search services. Take Samsung for example. The service can monitor the switched on smartphone, determine the geolocation when it is off, indicate the number of the new SIM card, block the device and much more.

Advice! The article: "" analyzed trust programs that will help you find a smartphone with complex capabilities, even with GPS turned off.

Protection of personal information

The challenge is as follows:

  • save your data in order to get access to them in the future;
  • restrict access to personal information to an intruder.

To fulfill the first rule you need to do backups (synchronize) data that is important to you. For instance:

  1. Photos can be synced to Google Photos.
  2. You can store notes or important data in.
  3. Duplicate books, videos, music to cloud storage ( Google drive, Yandex.Disk, Mega, etc.).
  4. Passwords can be stored in "passwords and forms" of browsers or use analogs (for example).

Restricting access to your data is easy. Use a password (pin code) on an ongoing basis, and if your device is stolen, use one of the services to delete all personal data remotely.

The cell phone boom is a thing of the past. Today even schoolchildren have pipes. Mobile phone serves not only as a means of communication, but also stores important data. This includes phone numbers, photos, programs for managing bank accounts or e-wallets. Therefore, having lost your gadget, you can find a big problem. However, in some situations it is possible to find the phone even when it is turned off.

If your phone is lost

There are two options for solving the problem of a lost phone: Buy a new one and forget about the loss, after a couple of weeks is sad (this is done most often), or pull yourself together and use possible ways find a cell phone. After all, applications can be installed on it to log into various accounts. It's not only social networksbut also banks and e-wallets. You need to act quickly. If tracing attempts were not made immediately, most likely, you will not find your loss. According to statistics, the device can be found in the first 10-15 days. Then it is almost impossible to do it. No more than 30 percent of mobile devices are returned.

Mobile phone search methods

The loss of a mobile device is an unpleasant event. Therefore, try to prepare in advance for this incident. Install possible programs to help you find your device. Password protect your phone. Keep the data in cloud storage... Do not throw away documents and the box from the device. They will come in handy in case of contacting the police.

There are three ways to find a switched off phone:

  • it is good to search the place of loss, walk along the route where you definitely were with the phone;
  • search by the subscriber number of the SIM card;
  • if the phone is somewhere nearby, but the search did not help, and you know that you set the alarm. Just wait for the signal.

All other methods work only on switched on devices.

Computer search

Telecom operators offer the Locator service to track phones with the consent of their owners. Since you are the owner, this will not be a problem for you.

Search by IMEI

The method is suitable for phones with a GPS receiver on any operating system. Download the program for your device and install. Register on the website of this program. Now your phone will be constantly tracked by the satellite, and the data will be recorded on the site. The IMEI code is a number that is printed on the box and under the battery on the phone. You can find it out by dialing the combination * # 06 #.

How to find a device by phone number

Mobile operators can send signals to the switched off device. If the attacker did not remove your SIM card, then you will find out where the phone is. To do this, contact your service provider.

Looking for address

At the address you will find only the subscriber number of the SIM card or landline phonerather than a mobile handset.

Built-in search function

In different operating systemsah, the device can be found using the built-in function and the Internet. The smartphone must be turned on.

How to find your location using your Google account

This method is only suitable for Android smartphones. Through google account you can not only locate the phone, but also lock the device and erase data. For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • the phone is connected to the Internet;
  • established google app... In this case, the Find My Device function is activated by default;
  • the gadget is displayed on Google Play;
  • remote included android control Device Manager. It's in the security settings;
  • geodata transfer is activated.

To find your phone, do the following:

  1. On a computer, go to To find a gadget using a tablet or other smartphone, open the Find My Device application in it and sign in to your account.
  2. If you are tied different devices, select the lost phone among them.
  3. On the map in your account, you can see where the device is now. If the current location was not determined, then you will see the last found one. The information is approximate.
  4. After you have identified the location of the smartphone, you can immediately select an action:
    • ring out. The phone will beep for five minutes. The function works even when the sound is off;
    • block. You can also lock the screen and display text with a phone number on it;
    • clear. All data is deleted except for the SD card. After cleaning, you can no longer use the "Find device" option.

Search function for IOS

IPhones are searched in a similar way to androids.

  1. In the settings, enable "Find iPhone".
  2. Sign up for icloud and link your device.
  3. Go to the app at
  4. Select your smartphone. If it is enabled, then you will see it on the map. The same actions will be available to you as in androids. If your phone is lost at home, select a sound signal. Well, if it was stolen, then turn on the lost mode. The thief will no longer be able to use the device, and you will see the movement of the phone on the map. You can erase all data so that no one else can use it.

Search function for Windows Phone

Turn on Find My Phone in system settings and link your device to your Microsoft account. Here you need to put both checkboxes: to speed up the connection and save the position of the phone at intervals.

If the phone turns off, you will see its last location. Further, similar to the previous devices, see the map and select the necessary actions to call, block or clear the smartphone.

Search using apps

If you do not want to use the Internet when looking for a phone, then you can turn to programs that are controlled by messages or calls. These are antiviruses and search applications:

  • Avast! Mobile Security;
  • Kaspersky Internet (Mobile) Security;
  • WatchDroid;
  • Pray Anti Theft;
  • Where's My Droid;
  • Plan B;
  • Android Lost Free.

These programs flash, emit sound signals, track the location and show it on the map, allow you to remotely control your phone, take pictures from the camera, broadcast the sound surrounding the lost device. As a last resort, you can lock and wipe your device.

Lookout software is very popular. It is designed for different operating systems. Signal Flare has received new function for Android, which registers the coordinates of the device a few seconds before the battery is completely discharged.

other methods

In case of loss cell phone contact the police. But only if you are sure that the device was not lost in your home. Otherwise, if found, you will have to pay a fine. To contact the law enforcement agencies, prepare documents for the phone and personal passport.

When the phone cannot be found

The mobile phone cannot be found if the SIM card or battery has been removed from it, or if it has been reflashed in order to change the IMEI code. If the device gets into an unfavorable environment and fails, then the owner will never find it. For example, a phone dropped into a river or in hot sand on a beach will stop working.

How to reduce the possibility of losing your cell

There is no way to fully protect against losing your device. But you can reduce this likelihood by following simple rules and recommendations:

  • try to keep your phone in one place at all times. If you use a bag, set aside a separate pocket for your mobile phone. At home or at work, put the device in a permanent place. Then the loss can be immediately noticed;
  • never put a gadget in the back pocket of your clothes;
  • in crowded public areas, try to use the phone only when necessary. The probability of snatching it is very high;
  • buy a headset that notifies you that there is more than five meters between you and the device. Such a signal will warn you about a phone left in a cafe or a fleeing thief;
  • there are special key chains for finding things. They respond to various sounds;
  • when there are many passengers standing nearby in public transport, you may not feel how the intruder pulls out the phone. Carry headphones with you. Good music will make the trip not boring, and an unexpected cessation of the sound will signal that the gadget has turned off;
  • play Pokemon Go very carefully. This is not funny, because Pokémon are in various backyards and unreliable yards, where there is no light and people. Attackers can take advantage of this.

No one is safe from losing a cell phone. In order to find a gadget and avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to use the right tools. In those cases when it is impossible to do this, hurry up to change the passwords from the offices to which you had access via your mobile phone.