Normal voltage in the household network. Normal permissible voltage deviation GOST. Voltage standards in the apartment. reasons for what to do, where to call and complain

What is the maximum permissible voltage deviation in the network? Mains voltage

frequency in Russia, norms in the power grid, deviation and fall

The permissible voltage in the network in most structures is 220 V Until very recently, in Russia, as well as in the neighboring CIS countries, there were technical regulations in the field of supply and maintenance of electricity during the existence of the USSR. So, well-known in this area are GOST 29322-92 and GOST 21128-83 in the new edition of 2014. Each of them consolidated the well-known and painfully familiar to us all value of the average parameter of the supplied voltage - 220 V. However, recently, namely, in 2015, it was decided to introduce a new standard that corresponds to the common European requests and needs. About what is the current permissible voltage on the power cable and what is the highest and minimum value must be issued by counters - find out in this publication.

Full norms of voltage in the mains: GOST

Despite the fact that the majority of ordinary people and people who do not belong to the category of knowledgeable about the voltage in their electrical network will say in the affirmative that the standard voltage is 220 V. To their surprise, even despite the old and familiar stickers for everyone, on which specifies a generally accepted standard are no longer relevant.

Since 2015, Russia has new standard - 230 V and 400 V levels, which corresponds to European standards.

Such acts have also been adopted in Ukraine and the Baltic countries, including Belarus.

What the standard change led to:

  • The operating voltage on the power cable has changed;
  • Fluctuations have become a little more significant than before, but still within the permissible limits of 5% and maximum - 10%;
  • Potential payments for electricity supply services have increased by a not quite symbolic amount;
  • Voltage supply frequency - 50 Hz.

Thus, the voltage in the network should be considered slightly increased in everyday practice. But in reality, everything is different and this promises the presence of pitfalls in the supply of electricity by organizations. Despite the generally accepted standard, organizations supplying voltage to apartments in houses serve everything according to the same standards adopted in Soviet times and equal to 220 V. All this happens officially in accordance with GOST 32144-2013, which the suppliers are guided by.

Standard parameters of the electrical network

Norms of generally accepted standards also regulate the basic parameters inherent in electricity supplied to homes. Taking into account the fact that technical GOST consists of tens and tens of pages of complex terminology and calculations, here will be a general assessment of the categories given. It is generally accepted that the main parameters that determine our household electricity are the frequency and strength of alternating current and voltage. However, there are a number of others to consider.

Standard electrical network parameters include:

  • Temporary stress factor;
  • Impulse voltage;
  • Voltage frequency deviation on the power supply cable;
  • Voltage range;
  • Duration of voltage loss and others.

All of the above indicators in one way or another affect the loss or excess of the established norms for the supply of energy to the network.

Maximum voltage deviation in the mains

The current in the network is naturally unstable and varies in certain indicators. Within the new 230 V / 400 V standard, the nominal deviation is allowed within 5% and the maximum must be noted in short-term intervals of not more than 10%. Thus, such a theoretical deviation is allowed in the range of 198 V and up to 242 V. Such a range can be considered relevant for most of today's apartments.

What affects the grid power supply fluctuation and voltage loss:

  • One of the most common reasons is the obsolescence of equipment, including meters, electrical panels, wiring cables, and so on;
  • Significant biases are also noted in a poorly maintained network;
  • Errors in planning and performing laying work in the house;
  • Significant growth in energy consumption indicators above the established standard.

As already noted, variations in the network by + -5% are acceptable. So, for example, according to the supplied indicator of 220 volts, a deviation in the network equal to 209 V and the greatest excess equal to 231 V.

Voltage drop in the home network

The so-called voltage landing can have many undesirable consequences. Moreover, it is undesirable both by the residents themselves and by the supplier organization, because it is she who will compensate for all unforeseen expenses. For the objective reasons described earlier, the planting of electricity can reach record levels.

If such fluctuations are detected, the maximum drawdown is recorded and with these indicators, referring to the generally accepted standard and quality of the supplied energy, you need to contact the electricity supply authorities.

In the absence of a desire to correct the malfunction, this is the basis for filing a statement of claim in court.

What is the risk of exceeding or significantly reducing the established norms for supplying voltage in the house:

  • Light bulbs burn out faster;
  • This is especially detrimental to the refrigerator, washing machine and other electrical appliances that require a powerful and constant voltage;
  • The service life of any electrical equipment, including a microwave oven, toaster, TV, computers, and so on.

Thus, it becomes obvious that all classes of electrical engineering suffer from strong voltage fluctuations. This effect is especially destructive if there is just a low voltage in the network. And the obligation to provide uninterrupted, stable and high-quality current belongs to the organization that delivers and, according to the contract, must provide its high-quality service.

Allowable voltage drop: PUE

According to the accepted rules for electrical installations (PUE) back in the former USSR, the voltage drop is the difference in voltage indicators at different points of the network. Typically, these are the start and end points of the chain. In the established norms, according to the law, it is supposed to distinguish between the concepts of voltage deviation from its loss. If the first case on a generally accepted scale is considered on the example of an incandescent lamp, the deviation indicator of which is recognized as nominal and mandatory, then in the case of the loss considered on the station tires, this is recognized as a recommended indicator.

Normal voltage drop in the network:

  • In so-called overhead lines - up to 8%;
  • In cable power supply lines - up to 6%;
  • In networks for 220 V - 380 V - in the region of 4-6%.

At the same time, a fall in the emergency mode is a fall to 12% in the network - this is the established limit. The fall of more than the established rate promises the inclusion of a protective automation system, which should be triggered when the reduced rate is reached for at least 30 seconds.

Also, in some sources you can find voltage standards that exceed even the new indicators of 230 V and 400 V. Do not confuse examples of domestic use with a factory or factory, in which the indicators naturally significantly exceed the domestic environment.

Mandatory voltage regulation in electrical networks

Carrying out your own voltage regulation is not only labor intensive, but also requires financial investments. An even more difficult option is to obtain stabilization of the current in the network from the supplier organization. This can be done by filing complaints, personal appeals, lawsuits to the court, however, the result is not always achieved even by these methods.

If you nevertheless decide to fix the picture yourself, then this is possible as follows:

  1. Centralized voltage regulation method. This approach involves calculating how many changes are required to stabilize the situation and corresponding regulation in the central power supply.
  2. Linear action method. It is carried out using a so-called linear regulator, which changes the phases using a secondary winding on the circuit.
  3. The use of capacitor banks in the network. This method in the theoretical part is called reactive power compensation.
  4. Also, an extremely unstable network can be corrected using longitudinal compensation. It implies a series connection of capacitors to the network.

Also, an actual option, with a not too pronounced deviation from the established norm, is the installation of one large or several small stabilizers in the network. This will require some financial investments, special installation skills, and is also not suitable for the most fluctuating power supply systems, because they simply cannot do a large amount of work and regulate a large amount of voltage.

So, as already determined, the voltage in the network in an apartment from 230 V to 400 V is considered the new generally accepted standard. For example, the voltage scale is 240 V, 250 V, taking into account the maximum permissible error. However, for the e1f outlet we are used to, the operating voltage is still the same level of 220v, which has been familiar to all of us since the Soviet period.

Permissible voltage in the network 220 V according to GOST (video)

The meters indicate the mains voltage, which must be taken into account by every inhabitant of the house. Monitor your electrical appliances correctly and contact the right authorities in time.

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Voltage deviation in the network according to GOST - permissible values

Inconsistency in the parameters of the electrical network adversely affects the operation of electrical equipment. In everyday life, this is most often reflected in the service life of the bulbs (they burn out faster), as well as the work household appliances, in particular, refrigerators, televisions, microwave ovens. In this article we will consider the permissible and maximum voltage deviation in the network according to GOST, as well as the reasons for such a problem.

Norms in accordance with GOST

So, we will be guided by GOST 29322-92 in the current edition (for 2014), according to which the maximum deviation (both positive and negative) in Russia should not exceed 10% of the nominal. In total, we get the following values:

  • for a 230v network - from 207 to 253 Volts;
  • for a 400V network - from 360 to 440 Volts.

As for the permissible voltage deviation among consumers, the GOST indicates that this value in points common connection is established directly by the network organization, which, in turn, must meet the standards specified in these standards.

In addition, I would like to note that during normal operation of the network, the permissible voltage deviation at the terminals of electric motors is in the range from -5 to + 10%, and other devices are not more than 5%. At the same time, after the occurrence of an emergency mode, it is allowed to reduce the load by no more than 5%.

By the way, I would like to additionally note that at the power supply in 0.4 kV power grids, according to the standards, the deviation should not exceed 5%, in fact, like the consumers themselves. Total, 5% at the source + 5% for consumers, we have 10% of the maximum allowable.

It is important to know about the causes of the voltage deviation. So the main reason is the seasonal or daily change in the electrical load of the consumers themselves. For example, in the winter time, everyone suddenly turns on the heaters, as a result of which the parameters of the power grid drop noticeably. We talked about what to do if there is a low voltage in the network in the corresponding article!

Negative influence of deviation of parameters

So that you understand the whole danger of voltage deviations in the network, we provide you with the following facts for reading:

  1. When the value falls below the norm, the service life of the electrical equipment used is significantly reduced and at the same time the likelihood of an accident increases. In addition, in technological installations, the duration of the production process itself increases, which entails an increase in production cost indicators.
  2. In the household network, as we have already said, voltage fluctuations will shorten the life of the bulbs. When the load is increased by 10%, the service life of conventional bulbs is reduced by 4 times. In turn, energy-saving lamps begin to flicker when the voltage drops by 10%, which also negatively affects the duration of their operation. You can find out about the rest of the reasons for the flickering of fluorescent lamps from our article.
  3. With regard to electric drives, the current consumed by the motor increases due to the decrease in voltage. This in turn reduces the life of the engine. If the voltage is even at a seemingly insignificant 1% higher than the norm, the reactive power consumed by the electric motor can increase up to 7%.

Moving towards the end, I would like to note that there are several modern ways to solve the problem: reducing voltage losses in the electrical network, which we wrote about in the corresponding article, as well as regulating the load on outgoing lines and substation buses.

So we examined the voltage deviation rates in the network according to GOST. Now you know how low or high this parameter can reach in a three-phase and single-phase AC network!

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what to do, how to raise, why does it fall?

Low voltage is often encountered by residents of the private sector, in urban apartments this problem also occurs. First of all, you should find out whose fault it is - the electricity supplier or the consumer and, depending on the reason, take action.

Insufficient voltage in the house - possible causes

Low voltage in the network is an unpleasant phenomenon, but many deal with it. Poor lighting, when a light bulb only indicates its presence, is not the biggest problem. Worse, when it is impossible to wash, boil water, cook food on the electric stove, the refrigerator works intermittently. This happens when the voltage drops to a critical value, but 180 Volts, when everything seems to be working, is also not very encouraging. Devices consume the same current as at normal voltage, and motors even more, but perform their functions for a longer time.

The electricity supplier is obliged to provide services that meet the standards: 220 V at the entrance to the apartment with permissible deviations 198–242 Q. Why are regulatory requirements sometimes violated? One of the reasons is the aging of power lines, their poor quality maintenance, and repairs are rare. The equipment is often worn out, outdated and does not meet modern requirements. There are also errors in the planning of power lines, supply to houses, when one phase is overloaded, the other is underloaded.

The reasons also lie in the consumers themselves. If in Soviet times there was a 6.5 A fuse under the meter, this meant that residents simultaneously consume a maximum of 1.5 kW. Now one kettle has a power of 2 kW, and how many other household appliances, various power tools are there in a modern house? Also, there is a seasonality of electricity consumption, which significantly increases in the cold season, when electric heating is turned on. At dachas, consumption increases on weekends, the power of the networks is insufficient, the voltage is less than necessary.

Who is to blame - the supplier or the consumer?

The first step is to find out who is the culprit of the insufficient voltage. In an apartment building, this is very easy to do, just ask the neighbors if they have a similar problem. If not, we look for the reason in ourselves. In the private sector, we interview people whose houses are connected to the same phase. We look at the power line, remember which wires lead to our own house, look for houses powered by the same wires. You can also turn off all devices, measure the voltage. If it is normal, and after turning on several devices it falls - the reason lies in the house.

If the voltage drops in the house, then the reasons are as follows:

  1. 1. Insufficient wire cross-section at the input. A thin wire causes low line voltage, especially at extreme load
  2. 2. The contact at the input is burnt out, additional resistance is formed, which causes the voltage to drop. The losses can be significant.
  3. 3. Poor performance of branching the wire from the line to the house. Bad contact on the twist increases the resistance, and everything happens like the previous case.

The drop in voltage is accompanied by the release of heat. If the cross-section of the wiring is insufficient, this is not a problem, since the heat is evenly distributed along the entire length of the wiring. If bad contacts, the consequences can be the most unpleasant. This place will intensely heat up to the point that the wiring will burn out, but a fire is possible. If the voltage problems are related to the utility, then it seems as if this issue is easy to solve, just write a statement.

In fact, everything is more complicated, suppliers often ignore the undervoltage in the network, because this is associated with expensive work on power lines. It is possible that due to the increased consumption of electricity, the substation transformer is overloaded and needs to be replaced. It happens that the wires of power transmission lines were laid for a very long time, and now their cross-section is unable to meet the increased needs, it is necessary to carry out reconstruction. Another common reason is the uneven distribution of the load across the phases of the transformer.

Conductors with a small cross-section are more common for horticultural associations, but there is such a problem for the private sector of the city. The fact is that a few decades ago, a cheap steel-aluminum wire was used on power lines. He then satisfied the existing needs, and now they have increased significantly. Wire cross-section of 16 mm2 is no longer enough. A characteristic feature low transformer power or insufficient conductor cross-section is an undervoltage during the day and its increase to normal at night.

It is almost impossible to prove that the transformer has insufficient power or that the load is incorrectly distributed among the phases. Network congestion may occur for a while, then disappear. The voltage sag is an intermittent phenomenon, and consumers often have to solve the problem on their own. You need to write a complaint to the energy company, but you will have to do something yourself.

Voltage sag - a particular solution to the problem

If you are convinced that the voltage of the home network is dropping due to problems with branching from the power line to the house, then we take some action. We inspect the connection of the branch with the main power line. Very often it is done with a conventional twist, which leads to a steady increase in resistance. Only good cooling in the open air protects the wires from burning out. The connection is made using certified clamps.

Sometimes they twist the aluminum wires of the lines and copper bushings into the house. The junction of two dissimilar metals is very hot, we change the twist to clips or a terminal block.

If the connection is made with clamps, pay attention to their body. A melted surface indicates poor contact. If we turn on the maximum load, then the appearance of smoke, sparking inside says that the voltage drop occurs in the clamp, we change it to a new one. A similar problem occurs on the upper terminals of the input machine. We change the device with burnt contacts, a melted case, and tighten the contacts securely.

If the energy company ignores the statements of the residents, does not change the transformer for a more powerful one, and the main wires for a larger section, you will have to look for a way out yourself. Electricity suppliers, eliminating problems, with increasing voltage are faced with the need for millions of capital investments, are reluctant to take such a step. One of the ways of a private solution to the problem is to supply three phases to the house, which requires permission from the power supply. If it is received, put a phase switch at the input and, if necessary, use the least loaded one.

There are other ways to solve the problem privately:

  1. 1. We install a voltage stabilizer at our input, but with a significant drop up to 160 V, the device may be ineffective. A good stabilizer of suitable power is expensive. If a dozen of such devices are connected along the street, the network will fall to the limit, the stabilizer will be useless.
  2. 2. Install a step-up transformer by selecting the appropriate parameters. But the fact is that the drawdown is unstable and when the voltage returns to normal, the transformer raises it to such a value that all connected devices will burn out. To avoid this, we put a relay that will break the circuit when the limit threshold is reached.
  3. 3. Install an additional neutral conductor grounding at the input. Thus, the resistance of zero and the entire wiring in general decreases. But the method is dangerous, there is a possibility that during the repair the phase and neutral wires may be confused, resulting in a short circuit. Even worse, when there is a zero break on the power line, the current will go through the ground, very serious consequences are possible.
  4. 4. For a private house, with sufficient funds, we purchase a voltage converter with an energy storage device. This is the most radical way to raise the voltage, get rid of problems, but such equipment is very expensive: from 3 to 20 thousand dollars.

Such a device provides ideal current parameters in the network, power supply of consumers with electricity when it is turned off. It operates on the same principle as an uninterruptible power supply for a computer, but has a much higher power from 3 to 10 kW. The device is electronically linked to a diesel generator, which automatically starts up in the event of a power failure. But the launch occurs after a while, first the batteries of the device are used.

Another, at first glance, paradoxical way to achieve normal voltage is to use a step-down transformer. It must reduce the voltage in the range of 12–36 V, a power of 100 watts will withstand a load of 0.5 kW, and 1 kW of power will pull a 5-kilowatt load. We connect the lowering winding to the network, depending on the parameters of the transformer, we get an additional 12–36 volts. To avoid the risk of overvoltage, a 24 V transformer will be optimal, and even better, put a voltage relay at the input.

It is almost impossible to independently resolve the issue of increasing the voltage in the network, if a weak transformer or insufficient wire cross-section. All residents should act together, contact the energy supply company. You may have to take on a share of the costs, otherwise the situation could last for years.

reasons for what to do, where to call and complain

The effect of "sagging" the input voltage below the established norm is a fairly common problem. It is more typical for electricity supply in rural areas, but townspeople can often observe its manifestations. It is known that low voltage in the network leads to malfunctions of household appliances, a decrease in their power and premature failure. These reasons are enough to keep things going and take decisive action to eliminate or reduce power surges.

Causes of voltage drop

There are certain requirements for the electrical network, they are given in GOST 13109 97. It states that long-term voltage deviations from the nominal value are possible within 10% (-5% and + 5%). In addition, short-term voltage surges up to 20% of the nominal (from -10% to + 10%) are allowed. That is, at a rate of 220 volts, a prolonged "subsidence" to 209.0 V will not be critical, as well as a short-term decrease to 198.0 V. A voltage drop beyond the specified limits (for example, to 180 Volts) indicates that the network parameters are not meet the established standards.

It is important to establish the nature of the voltage "dips", otherwise the elimination of the consequences will be ineffective. Electrical problems may be related to the following reasons:

In the first three cases, it is not possible to eliminate the cause on your own, but you can file a complaint with the power supply against the electricity supplier (this will be discussed in detail in another section). In clauses 4-6 malfunctions in home power grids are indicated, so such problems are solved by electricity consumers on their own or specialists are involved for this purpose.

Impact and consequences of low voltage on electrical appliances

The undervoltage is reflected in household appliances as follows:

Based on the foregoing, it can be stated that those devices whose design includes an electric motor or compressor are most susceptible to the harmful effects of low (low) voltage. These include most household power tools, refrigeration units, pumping equipment, etc. The built-in protection of such equipment may not allow the devices to be turned on if the voltage jumps or is significantly below normal. Abnormal modes of operation reduce the resources of the equipment, which leads to a decrease in the service life.

Less influenced by equipment equipped with switching power supplies with a wide range of input voltages. On heating equipment, "subsidence" is practically not reflected, the only thing that is observed is a decrease in power in comparison with normal voltage. An exception is electronically controlled devices.

Ways to solve the problem

It is necessary to start by establishing the reason that led to the "subsidence" of electrical energy. Let's describe in detail the algorithm of actions:

If without load the voltage is within the normal range, and after connecting the internal network "sags", then we can state that the problem is of a local nature and it will have to be solved on our own. First of all, it is necessary to check the input automaton, since a weak contact at its input or output can cause a "sagging" of the voltage.

As a rule, in cases with poor electrical contact, a lot of heat is generated in the problem area, which leads to deformation of the AB case. In such cases, it is necessary to replace the protective device. Since there is a high voltage at the input of the device, such work must be performed by a specialist with the 3rd tolerance group, it is dangerous to replace it on your own.

  1. If everything is in order with AB and no defects are found, check the conformity of the section of the input cable. For this purpose, you can use the table shown in Figure 2. If necessary, replace the wire.
  2. In the event that the cable and AV test did not give results (the circuit breaker is normal, and the cable corresponds to the load), you should check the tap. A melted body or arcing when connecting a load indicates an unreliable contact, therefore, it is necessary to reconnect.

Please note that all installation work "up to the meter" must be carried out by the specialists of the service provider (if the contract is concluded directly) or the management company.

Things are much more complicated when there are external reasons. Modernization of a line or transformers at a substation can take years. In such cases, the installation of a stabilizer will help to raise the voltage to an acceptable level.

The voltage regulator shown in the figure has an operating range of 90.0 to 270 Volts and is designed for loads up to 10.0 kVA. Devices of this type are installed on the whole house or apartment, that is, there is no need to protect each household appliance separately. The cost of electronic voltage stabilizers is about $ 200- $ 300, which is definitely cheaper than buying new equipment instead of out of order.

It is also possible to raise the voltage to the proper level by connecting the home network through a step-up transformer. This method of solving the problem is unsuccessful, since the normalization of the electrical system will lead to overvoltage, which, at best, will trigger the protection in household appliances. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use a step-up autotransformer.

Sometimes they try to solve the problem by installing a voltage relay. The effectiveness of such a solution is zero, the device simply cuts off the mains power when the voltage goes out of the acceptable range. As a result, there is no current in the outlets until the situation returns to normal.

Where to call and complain about the power grid?

Calls cannot solve the problem, it is necessary to file a claim for the inadequate quality of the services provided. That is, write an application to the company that provides electricity supply (if the contract is concluded directly) or file a complaint with management company... The application must be registered or sent by registered letter (the mailing address is specified in the contract).

If the above measures did not help, you can contact the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor, the district administration, the public chamber, as well as the district court.

Note that collective complaints are more effective, so if neighbors or other residents of a house (district, village, etc.) are faced with the problem of low voltage, then it is better to involve them in the process.

If, due to voltage deviations from the established norms (due to the fault of the service provider), household appliances are out of order, you can demand compensation. To do this, you must act according to the following algorithm:

  1. You should contact the service provider so that his representatives record that the accident has occurred and draw up an appropriate report.
  2. A conclusion is taken from the service center, which indicates the reason for the failure of household appliances.
  3. A claim is filed with the service provider asking for damages.
  4. In case of refusal, it is necessary to resolve the issue in court.

how to increase to 220, raise and increase, weak in the network of a private house

Low voltage is a serious problem that can lead to burnout. Low mains voltage is a serious problem that can cause all household appliances in your home to burn out. If you see that the mains voltage is less than 220 volts, then you must immediately remove this nuisance. Insufficient voltage is often encountered by residents of their own home, but this also happens in apartments. What is the reason?

Low line voltage: why it happens

Reduced or weak appearance of the load on the power grid for a private house is not uncommon. Also, very often there is not enough power for giving. This fact causes a lot of inconvenience, not to mention the fact that a person cannot use help. washing machine... What to do in such a situation, where to call, complain, and most importantly, how to independently check the quality of the electrical network? Lack of voltage in the network is an extremely unpleasant situation, but almost everyone faces it. If the lighting is poor and the light bulb only indicates its presence, then this is not a big problem. It will be worse when washing is not possible, boiling water is unrealistic, there is no way to cook food on an electric stove, or the operation of the refrigerator is intermittent. This often happens when the mains voltage is less than 180 volts. If everything works at this voltage, then this does not have a very good effect on the devices and the process of work takes a longer time.

There are several main reasons for low voltage:

  • The cross-section of the cable that enters the house is incorrect;
  • The switch is not connected correctly;
  • The substation transformer is rebooting or partially out of order;
  • The trunk line section is small;
  • Skewed phases.

These were the most common reasons listed. If you understand that the reason for low voltage in your house is such as in 1m, 2m or 6m, then you can correct the cause yourself. If the other 3 reasons suit you or one of them, then you should contact service stations.

Weak network voltage: what to do and who is to blame

The first thing to find out is who is to blame for the low voltage. In multi-storey buildings, this is very easy to do, namely, go to the neighbors and find out if they have such a problem. In your own homes, you need to interview those people who are powered by the same line as you. Namely, let's look at the power line, remember from which lines the electricity comes to your house, the line will come from these wires and to those who are powered on your line.

You can also disconnect all devices from the mains and measure the voltage. If the voltage is normal, and after switching on a pair of devices falls, then the reason for the low voltage in the house.

If after switching on the voltage drops, then the reasons may be as follows:

  1. The cross-section of the wire at the entrance to the house is not sufficient. Insufficient wire thickness can cause low line voltage, especially under heavy load.
  2. The contact at the entrance to the house is burnt and gives additional resistance. Voltage drops from such resistance, and it can drop quite high.
  3. The branching from the line to the house is not well done. If the contact on the winding is poor, then the resistance increases, and the voltage in the network drops from this.

With a small cross-section, heat is evenly distributed along the entire length of the wiring. But if the contacts are bad, then this will entail very unpleasant consequences. The place where the contacts are bad will be very hot and the wiring may burn out, or a fire may occur.

If the low voltage problem is related to the power supply company, then it seems that the solution to this problem will be very easy and you just need to write a statement.

The power grid company is responsible for electrical drops or, conversely, for high voltage. It is to the power grid or energy sales company that you will have to write statements, a sample of which you can find on the website, about the fact of a voltage drop. Such a letter is not written for a long time and as a rule the company responds quickly enough, the claim is considered and the voltage is determined already on the spot with the help of electricians, they determine where the voltage is sagging, and also inspect the missing areas.

Initially, experts turn off the light, determine where the drawdown is and decide what needs to be done in this situation, who should raise the low voltage or lower the high voltage. The connection, which is done by welding, does not always create a situation that is paid by the applicant, which is why specialists are not always willing to take on the task of increasing the indicator.

How to increase the voltage in the network to 220

If you wrote a statement to the company about insufficient voltage in the network and the company does not react in any way and does not replace the transformer with a more powerful one, and also does not change the line of wires to a more powerful section, then you will have to fix this problem yourself. Electricity providers face very high costs and are reluctant to eliminate grid undervoltage.

You can increase or decrease the voltage yourself. The increasing factor can always play additional settings, but when connecting to a raise, you will have to purchase a lot of documents, so not many decide to strengthen the feed on their own, this also applies to the situation when the voltage is high and needs to be lowered. Sometimes, the best option is to complain and strain the specialists.

One solution to the problem with insufficient voltage is to supply three phases to the house, but for this you need to obtain permission from the power supply. If you have received such permission, then at the entrance to the house we put a phase switch and, if necessary, use the unloaded one.

A few more options for solving the problem with insufficient voltage in the network, namely:

  1. We carry out installation at the input to the house of the voltage stabilizer, but do not forget that if the voltage is less than 160 volts, then in this case it is useless. A high-quality stabilizer is very expensive and if a dozen stabilizers are installed along your street, the network will fall to the limit and it will not be effective.
  2. We are installing a step-up transformer with similar parameters. The whole problem is that such a transformer will produce the required voltage if it is not sufficient on the line, but if the voltage on the line is normalized, it will raise it to 260 volts and up to the higher aisle and all household appliances will simply burn out. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to install a relay that will break the circuit when the limit is reached.
  3. You can also install additional grounding at the entrance to the house. With this setting, the resistance of zero and the wiring in general decreases. But this way of increasing the voltage in the network is very dangerous. There is a possibility that during repairs you can confuse this wire with a phase and get a short circuit in the network, but this is not the most dangerous. The most dangerous thing is if a break occurs in the substation and the voltage can go through this cable and thereby entail serious problems.
  4. For your own home, the ideal option would be to install an energy converter with a storage device. This is the most radical option.

The converter with the storage makes it possible to receive normal mains voltage in the event of a power outage. It works on the principle of an uninterruptible power supply for a computer, but at the same time it has a power of 3 to 10 kW. It can also be connected to a diesel generator, which starts working after a power outage.

An additional way: how to increase the voltage

Another way to get sufficient line voltage is to use a step-down transformer. Such a transformer lowers the voltage within 12 - 36V.

It has the ability to withstand such stress:

  • A 100V power will normally transfer a load of half a kilowatt;
  • 1kW can support 5kW load.

The lowering winding in the apartment is connected to the network, and we get plus 12 - 36 volts, depending on the transformer. In order to avoid overvoltage in the network, which can cause a lot of harm to your household appliances, a 24V transformer would be the best option, or even better would be to install a relay at the input after the transformer.

It is not possible to independently resolve the issue of increasing the voltage of the network, since there are powerful transformers, and there are also not powerful ones. In this case, all residents should contact the energy supply company.

If there is a low voltage in the network, what to do (video)

The company may demand part of the costs from you, otherwise the situation with insufficient voltage may last more than one year, and everyone wants to solve the situation as quickly as possible.

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Rated voltage of electrical networks: permissible deviations

Voltage surges in the electrical network of a residential building are the fastest pattern than unexpected. But it is necessary to say correctly not surges, but a deviation from the nominal voltage of electrical networks from GOST. In the Russian Federation, the rated voltage of the electrical network for household consumers must be:

δUyor \u003d ± 5% and δUylim \u003d ± 10%, where

δUyнor - rated voltage in a single-phase network, in Russia since the beginning of the 2000s it is equal to 230 V, for three-phase 380 V

± 5% - deviation from 230 V (380) in normal mode

δUylim \u003d ± 10% - deviation from nominal in post-emergency mode

Although the permissible voltage range according to the old GOST is considered 198 - 242 V, this is ± 10% of the value of 220 V.

It is for the rated voltage that household appliances are designed. If it exceeds the specified parameters, then electrical appliances fail. First of all, these are telephones with caller ID, refrigerator, in many cases TVs. Undervoltage also negatively affects electrical appliances, in particular the refrigerator (heavy start of the compressor).

The power supply company is responsible for the quality of the voltage. In an apartment building, this is a service company (housing and communal services, HOA). But it will be quite difficult to prove that the electrical appliances came out through their fault.

The main reasons for the deviation from the rated overvoltage in an apartment building

Many residential buildings were designed until the mid-90s of the last century without taking into account today's realities and, first of all, power supply. At that time, the microwave oven, second refrigerator, TV, computer and so on were not counted. Today these are the attributes of an ordinary apartment. But the electrical wiring remained unchanged. For this reason, an increased load is applied to the electrical network and cannot withstand.

When the operating current passes through the cable more than its nominal, it begins to heat up. As we know from school physics courses, when heated, the material expands. Aluminum or copper conductors are no exception. When in the evening people from work they turn on electrical appliances, this thereby affects the cable, it expands and then narrows, the contacts at the junction relax or may even burn out if they are poorly made.

The main reason for overvoltage in apartment buildings is the weakening of the zero working conductor (zero) or its burning out as a result of overload or untimely PPR (scheduled preventive maintenance).

If the zero conductor is burnt out in the distribution board (switchboard) in a residential building, then the deviation from the nominal will be throughout the house. If in the floor board on the first floor in the entrance, then from it and higher in all apartments. That is, the overvoltage will be in the apartments from the place where the neutral conductor burns out. The value can vary from 140 V to 360 V, it depends on the load that is included in the apartments.

Deviation from rated voltage in the private sector

  • Burnout of a neutral working conductor in a transformer substation
  • Unbalanced power line load. Basically, there are 3 phases along the street and the power engineers are trying to evenly distribute the load across the phases. It often happens that this was done a long time ago and does not correspond to reality. As a result, it turns out that one phase is overloaded and a voltage drop occurs, maybe 190 V or 180 V, but nevertheless this does not correspond to the norm.
  • Welding work at a neighbor's can affect the voltage
  • Lightning strike

Reference Information. If the house is located near a transformer substation, then the voltage value may be close to 230 V and more, but this is within the normal range. This is specifically done by power engineers so that there is no strong voltage drop at the end of the line.

Remember! Switching and protective equipment (packet switch, circuit breaker, RCD) does not protect the electrical network from voltage surges.

Household electrical network protection

There is a large selection on the market to protect household appliances from possible overvoltage. These are overvoltage relays RN - 111, RN - 113, a huge number of stabilizers. They are installed both on the whole house or apartment and on individual electrical appliances. To protect against impulse overvoltages (lightning) in a private house, it is recommended to install an SPD.

For the power supply organization, strict adherence to the PPR is necessary. In residential buildings, an electrician must constantly inspect zero contacts and tighten them in a timely manner. Where this is not treated in the right way, the possibility of burning out the neutral conductor increases significantly.

Low voltage in the network - what to do? Overview of Effective Solutions for Poor Power Grid Quality

Many have experienced the phenomenon of low voltage in the power grid, especially for residents of the private sector. However, city apartments are not immune to this problem. To solve it, it is necessary, first of all, to find out who is the fault of the voltage drop - the electricity supplier or the consumer? After that, you can already take appropriate measures.

Summary of the article:

Why is there undervoltage?

When the voltage is below normal, a lot of trouble arises. Lighting can become extremely dim. Washing, cooking on the electric stove turns out to be impossible, the refrigerator does not function well.

This picture is observed during critical drops. But even at 180 V, despite the fact that the equipment continues to work, it copes with its tasks extremely slowly.

It is the responsibility of the electricity supplier to provide services in accordance with the following standard: the mains voltage at the input must be 220 V with permissible deviations up and down by 22 V.

Violation of standards occurs due to various circumstances. Aging of the power transmission line is considered one of the most probable. In addition, poor maintenance and irregular repairs cause wear and tear on the equipment.

Sometimes errors and inaccuracies occur when planning the line, as a result, one phase is overloaded, the other does not give the proper voltage.

Consumers can also create situations of undervoltage. This is explained by the fact that modern household appliances together require a lot of power.

Previously, there were 6.5 A fuses under the electricity consumption meters, therefore, each apartment in the stairwell had an average of 1.5 kW. Today, such indicators are clearly not enough.

Voltage dips can be observed when electricity consumption rises sharply during winter when a significant number of electric heaters are turned on. In summer, consumption in the dacha sector increases on weekends.

Where is the source?

When living in an apartment building or in the private sector, the possible source is determined as follows. First, the neighbors are asked whether they have the same problem. If so, then the vendor is most likely the culprit. If not, then you should look for the reasons for the low voltage.

It is worth trying to turn off all electrical appliances and measure the input voltage with a voltmeter. An automotive tester is fine for these purposes. If the indicators have returned to normal, and after turning the devices back on, the voltage has dropped again, the cause should be looked for in yourself.

It is possible that the cross-section of the wire at the input of electricity to the house is insufficient. At extreme loads, thin wiring will cause a lack of voltage.

Bad contacts on the twist and its burning at the entrance to the house are also the reason, since additional resistance arises. Any voltage drop will generate heat. In the future, this fact can promise a burnout of the wiring and even a fire.

If the fault lies with the supplier, then there is little guarantee of a quick return of indicators to the norm. Often, the issue remains stagnant, since its solution is associated with very expensive measures on the power transmission line: replacing the wires on the line or the entire transformer at the substation.

Possible solutions to the problem

When energy companies leave without movement statements from citizens about voltage drops, do not install a powerful transformer and do not change the cross-section of wires taking into account the level of consumption, the decision has to be made independently.

One solution is to set up a three-phase power supply system, which will require permission from the sales company. After coordination, a switch is installed at the electricity input, which makes it possible to use the least loaded phase.

Let's designate other ways to solve the low voltage problem:

The purchase and installation of a stabilizer will help to cope with the task, subject to a slight drawdown. It is worth remembering that a stabilizer is not cheap, and if similar equipment is used by neighbors, its functionality may be useless.

Installation of a step-up transformer with appropriate parameters. If the voltage is unstable, a situation may arise when the step-up transformer will bring its value to critical levels, which will certainly lead to damage to household appliances. To prevent such an outcome of events, a protective relay is installed that breaks the electrical circuit when the limit is reached.

Acquisition of a voltage converter with energy storage. The equipment can be very expensive, but it is highly effective.

Able to provide optimal current parameters and power supply to any consumer in the event of a power outage. The essence of the converter is similar to a regular uninterruptible device for a PC, but it has a lot of power.

Monitoring of the incoming voltage values \u200b\u200bcan be carried out using a low voltage current sensor. Have different devices there are differences in the indicators of the upper and lower threshold, therefore, when choosing specific model it is worth considering the individual characteristics of your own power grid.

It is important to remember that independent decision the question of lowering the voltage in the network, given a weak transformer and insufficient wire cross-section, is hardly possible.

In this situation, it is better to act together (one entrance, a house, or even a street) and apply with a collective statement to the electricity supply company. The question of what to do with low voltage in the network, you can try to solve the above methods, provided that the culprit of the fall is the consumer himself.

Photo of low voltage in the network

Rated voltages electrical networks, sources and receivers of electrical energy of direct and alternating current of industrial frequency are determined by a set of documents: GOST 23366, GOST 721, GOST 21128, GOST 6962 and GOST 29322.

A range of standard voltages

A number of standard voltages are established by GOST 23366 for direct and alternating current of industrial frequency. The voltage at the terminals of the designed equipment should correspond to the values \u200b\u200bof this series, with the exception of some cases. Below are the standard voltage ranges for consumers of electrical energy ... The main series of DC and AC voltages of electrical consumers is presented in Table 1, the auxiliary series of AC voltages is in Table 2, and DC is in Table 3.

Table 1 - Series of voltages of direct and alternating current of consumers of electrical energy
P / p No. U, B P / p No. U, B
1 0,6 14 1140
2 1,2 15 3000
3 2,4 16 6000
4 6 17 10000
5 9 18 20000
6 12 19 35000
7 27 20 110000
8 40 21 220000
9 60 22 330000
10 110 23 500000
11 220 24 750000
12 380 25 1150000
13 660
Table 3 - Auxiliary range of direct current voltages of consumers of electrical energy
P / p No. U, B P / p No. U, B P / p No. U, B P / p No. U, B
1 0,25 11 24 21 300 31 5000
2 0,4 12 30 22 400 32 8000
3 4,5 13 36 23 440 33 12000
4 1,5 14 48 24 600 34 25000
5 2 15 54 25 800 35 30000
6 3 16 80 26 1000 36 40000
7 4 17 100 27 1500 37 50000
8 5 18 150 28 2000 38 60000
9 15 19 200 29 2500 39 100000
10 20 20 250 30 4000 40 150000

Standard voltage range for sources and converters (for example: generator, transformer, etc.) of electrical energy ... The range of voltages for alternating current is given in table 4, for direct current - in table 5.

Table 4 - A number of alternating current voltages of sources and converters of electrical energy
P / p No. U, B P / p No. U, B
1 6 15 10500
2 12 16 13800
3 28,5 17 15750
4 42 18 18000
5 62 19 20000
6 115 20 24000
7 120 21 27000
8 208 22 38500
9 230 23 121000
10 400 24 242000
11 690 25 347000
12 1200 26 525000
13 3150 27 787000
14 6300 28 1200000

When choosing a voltage, preference should be given to the main row.

Rated voltage of electrical equipment up to 1000 V

The rated voltage of equipment up to 1000 V is regulated by the GOST 21128 standard. A number of rated voltages are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 - Rated voltage of sources, converters, power supply systems, networks and receivers up to 1000 V
Genus and type of current Rated voltage, V
sources and converters power supply systems, networks and receivers
Constant 6; 12; 28,5; 48; 62; 115; 230; 460 6; 12; 27; 48; 60; 110; 220(230); 440
single phase 6; 12; 28,5; 42; 62; 115; 230 6; 12; 27; 40; 60; 110; 220(230)
three-phase 42; 62; 230; 400; 690 40; 60; 220(230); 380(400); 660(690); (1000)

The voltage values \u200b\u200bfor electrical networks are indicated in brackets according to

Rated voltage of electrical equipment over 1000 V

The rated voltage of electrical equipment over 1000 V is regulated by GOST 721. A number of rated voltages are shown in Table 7.

Table 7 - Rated phase-to-phase voltages for networks with voltages above 1000 V
Networks and receivers, kV Generators and synchronous compensators, kV Transformers and autotransformers without OLTC, kV Transformers and autotransformers with OLTC, kV The highest operating voltage of electrical equipment, kV
Primary windings Secondary windings Primary windings Secondary windings
(6) (6,3) (6) and (6,3) * (6.3) and (6.6) (6) and (6,3) * (6.3) and (6.6) (7,2)
10 10,5 10 and 10.5 * 10.5 and 11.0 10.0 and 10.5 * 10.5 and 11.0 12,0
20,0 21,0 20,0 22,0 20.0 and 21.0 * 22,0 24,0
35 - 35 38,5 35 and 36.75 38,5 40,5
110 - - 121 110 and 115 115 and 121 126
(150)* - - (165) (158) (158) (172)
220 - - 242 220 and 230 230 and 242 252
330 - 330 347 330 330 363
500 - 500 525 500 - 525
750 - 750 787 750 - 787
1150 - - - 1150 - 1200

1. Voltages indicated in brackets are not recommended for newly designed networks and electrical installations;
2. Voltages marked "*" for transformers and autotransformers connected directly to the generator voltage buses of power plants or to the generator terminals;

Two voltage systems (kV) have historically developed in the Russian Federation:

  • 110 - 330 - 750
  • 110 - 220 - 500 - 1150

The first stress system (110 - 330 - 750) prevails in the western part of the Russian Federation, and the second (110 - 220 - 500 - 150) - in its eastern part. In the grids of the central part of the Russian Federation, there is no clear predominance of one voltage system over another; this is a kind of transition zone.

Rated voltage of traction systems (electrified vehicles)

The rated voltage for electrified vehicles is regulated by GOST 6962 and GOST 29322. Table 8 shows a number of rated voltages for traction substations and pantographs of electrified vehicles.

Table 8 - Rated voltages of traction substations and current collectors of electrified vehicles
Type of electrified transport Voltage, V
on traction substation tires on the pantograph of electrified vehicles
alternating current


direct current (3300) 3000
AC driveways and career paths


access, quarry and in-plant direct current paths (3300)
600 (550)
City electrified transport
subway (825) 750
tram, trolleybus (600) 600 (550)

In brackets the voltage values \u200b\u200bare indicated according to

Voltage tolerances

In reality, during the operation of electrical networks, sources, converters and consumers of electrical energy, the voltage on them differs from the nominal parameters. This may be due to disruption of the normal operation of the equipment, loss of electricity during transmission, etc. GOST 29322-2014 partially regulates the permissible voltage deviation values.

For electrical equipment with a voltage of 100 ÷ 1000 V, this range is limited to ± 10%. In other words, for a kettle designed for a nominal voltage of 230 V, it is allowed to operate with an increase in voltage up to 252 V and its drawdown to 198 V.

Table 9 - The highest and the lowest voltages of sources and receivers of electrical energy with a voltage of 100 ÷ 1000 V inclusive
Systems Rated frequency, Hz Voltage, V
Rated voltage of power sources and receivers The highest voltage sources and receivers of electricity The lowest voltage of power sources The lowest voltage of power receivers
Three-phase three-, four-wire systems 50 230 253 207 198
230/400 253/440 207/360 198/344
400/690 440/759 360/621 344/593
1000 1100 900 860
60 120/208 132/229 108/187 103/179
240 264 216 206
230/400 253/440 207/360 198/344
277/480 305/528 249/432 238/413
480 528 432 413
347/600 382/660 312/540 298/516
600 660 540 516
Single-phase three-wire systems 60 120/240 132/264 108/216 103/206

Voltage tolerances for traction systems (electrified vehicles) are given in Table 10 (source -).

Table 10 - Highest and lowest stress of traction systems
System type frequency Hz Voltage, V
Nominal The greatest The fewest
DC systems - 600* 720* 400*
750 900 (975) 500 (550)
1500 1800 (1950) 1000 (1100)
3000 3600 (3850) 2000 (2200)
Single-phase AC systems 50 or 60 6250* 6900* 4750*
16 2/3 15000 17250 12000
50 or 60 25000 27500 (29000) 19000

1. Rated voltages marked with "*" are not recommended for newly designed networks and electrical installations;
2. In brackets the voltage values \u200b\u200bare indicated according to

For electrical equipment with a voltage of 1 ÷ 35 kV, GOST 29322-2014 establishes a permissible deviation of approximately ± 10%.

Allowable voltage deviations for electrical equipment 35 ÷ 230 kV are regulated by GOST 29322-2014 in part, and for electrical equipment with voltages over 230 kV they are not regulated at all. But this, generally speaking, is the subject of a separate article.

Historical reference

The nominal voltages of electrical networks, sources and receivers of direct and alternating current of industrial frequency until 1992 were determined by a set of documents GOST 23366, GOST 721, GOST 21128, GOST 6962. GOST 23366 established a number of standard voltages for electrical installations, GOST 21128 regulated the nominal voltage in electrical installations up to 1000 V, for electrical installations over 1000 V - GOST 721, and GOST 6962 - rated voltages for urban electrified transport and railways.

In 1992, GOST 29322-92 "Standard voltages" was issued, which, according to the developers' intention, was to be used in combination with GOST 721, GOST 21128, GOST 23366 and GOST 6962. In essence, GOST 29322, being a document prepared by the method of direct application of the international standard IEC 38-83, was intended to eradicate historically and geographically prevailing nominal voltages and bring them to the "European" standard. Ultimately, GOST 29332 was supposed to replace the set of documents GOST 721/21128/23366/6962.

The second edition of GOST 29332 dropped out in 2014. This time GOST 29332-2014 was drawn up by the "translation method" of the IEC 60038: 2009 standard and was no longer based on GOST 721/21128/23366/6962, although the latter did not lose their legal force.

List of sources used

  1. GOST 721-77 Power supply systems, networks, sources, converters and receivers of electrical energy. Rated voltages over 1000 V - Input. 07/01/78. - Moscow: Standartinform, 2007 .-- 8 p.
  2. GOST 21128-83 Power supply systems, networks, sources, converters and receivers of electrical energy. Rated voltages up to 1000 V - Instead of GOST 21128-75; entered 06/30/84. - Moscow: Standartinform, 1995 .-- 5 p.
  3. GOST 23366-78 Series of rated voltages for direct and alternating current - Introduction. 01.01.80. - Moscow: Standartinform, 1992 .-- 5 p.
  4. GOST 6962-75 Electrified transport with power supply from the contact network. A number of voltages - Instead of GOST 6962-54; Enter. 01.01.77. - Moscow: Standartinform, 1976 .-- 5 p.
  5. GOST 29322-92 Standard voltages - Int. 01.1.93. - Moscow: Standartinform, 2005 .-- 7 p.
  6. GOST 29322-2014 Standard voltages - Replaces GOST 29322-92; entered 01.10.2015. - Moscow: Standartinform, 2015 .-- 13 p.
Published: 22 August 2016 Hits: 18.9k VOLTAGE STANDARD

(IEC 60038: 2009, MOD)

Official edition

Standard and Form 2015


The goals, basic principles and procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and GOST 1.2-2009" Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, acceptance, application, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1 PREPARED by the Open Joint Stock Company All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification (JSC VNIIS)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes dated September 30, 2014 No 70-P)

Short name of the country according to MK (IS0 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (IS0 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan





Goslotrebstandard of Ukraine

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of November 25, 2014 No. 1745-st, the interstate standard GOST 29322-2014 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from October 1, 2015.

5 This standard is modified from the international standard IEC 60038: 2009 IEC standard voltages. At the same time, additional and modified provisions, taking into account the needs of the national economy of the above states, are highlighted in the text in italics, as well as a vertical line located in the margins of this text.

The international standard was developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

The name of this standard has been changed relative to the name of the international standard in connection with the peculiarities of the construction of the interstate standardization system.

Translation from English (eaten).

Compliance Degree - Modified (MOD)

6 REPLACE GOST 29322-92

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National standards". and the text of the amendments and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National standards". Relevant information, notice and texts are also posted in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standard and kform. 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.


This standard specifies the rated voltages for AC and DC electrical systems, networks, circuits and equipment that are used in the member countries of the International Electrotechnical Commission.

This standard is in full compliance with IEC 60038: 2009 in terms of structure, sequence of requirements, numbering of clauses and subsections. Compared to IEC 60038: 2009, this standard has been updated with updated references to international standards and definitions of terms.

The lowest usable voltage in Table A.1 of Appendix A of this standard is determined for the maximum voltage drop between the input to the user's installation and the electrical equipment, which is 4%. Such a maximum voltage drop in the electrical circuits of an electrical installation was indicated in the previously valid standard - 8 Table G.52.1 of the current standard for electrical installations connected to public electrical networks, other values \u200b\u200bfor the maximum voltage drop were established:

for electric lamps - 3%; for other electrical consumers - 5%.

The requirements in this standard are in roman type, notes are in small roman type. Updated references as well as additional and modified provisions are in italics in the text.



Standard voltages

Date of introduction - 2015-10-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to:

For AC electrical systems with a rated voltage of more than 100 V and a standard frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, used for the transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity, and electrical equipment used in such systems:

For AC and DC traction systems:

For AC electrical equipment with a rated voltage less than 120 6 and a frequency (usually, but not only) of 50 or 60 Hz, DC electrical equipment with a rated voltage of less than 750 8. Such equipment includes batteries (from cells or accumulators), other power sources AC or DC, electrical equipment (including industrial and communications) and household electrical appliances.

This standard does not apply to voltages used for receiving and transmitting signals or for measurements. The standard does not apply to standard voltages of components or parts used in electrical devices or electrical equipment.

This standard specifies the standard voltage values \u200b\u200bthat are intended to be used as:

Preferred values \u200b\u200bfor the rated voltage of electrical supply systems:

Reference values \u200b\u200bfor electrical equipment and projected electrical systems.


1 Two main reasons have led to the values \u200b\u200bstated in this standard:

The nominal voltage values \u200b\u200b(or the highest voltage for electrical equipment) stated in this standard are mainly based on the historical development of electrical supply systems around the world, as these values \u200b\u200bhave proven to be the most common and have received worldwide recognition:

The voltage ranges specified in this standard have been found to be the most suitable as a basis for the design and testing of electrical equipment and systems.

NOTE 2 However, it is the responsibility of the systems of standards and product standards to determine appropriate test values, test conditions and acceptance criteria.

2 Terms and definitions

8 of this standard, the following terms are used with the corresponding definitions. For AC voltages, the following are rms values.

nominal system voltagerelevant approximate voltage value used to designate or identify a system

[section 601-01. article 21] _

Official edition

2.5 supply voltagevoltage between phases or voltage between phase and neutral at the supply terminals

2.4 supply terminalspoint in a transmission or distribution network, designated as such and defined by the contract, at which the parties to the contract exchange electrical energy

NOTE Equivalent definition: line-to-line voltage or line-to-neutral voltage at gmtaniya terminals.

2.6 supply voltage rangevoltage range at the supply terminals

2.7 utilization voltagevoltage between phases or voltage between phase and neutral at socket-outlets or points of fixed installations to which electrical receivers are to be connected

NOTE Equivalent definition: line-to-line voltage or line-to-neutral voltage at receptacles or points of fixed electrical installations to which electrical receivers are to be connected.

2.8 utilization voltage rangevoltage range at receptacles or points in fixed installations to which electrical receivers are to be connected

NOTE In some standards for electrical equipment (for example, IEC 60335-1 and IEC 60071). the term "voltage range" has a different meaning.

2.9 highest voltage for equipmenthighest voltage for which electrical equipment is characterized in relation to:

a) isolation:

b) other characteristics that may be associated with this highest voltage in the relevant recommendations for electrical equipment.

NOTE Electrical equipment can only be used in electrical systems with the highest voltage, which is less than or equal to its highest voltage for electrical equipment.

3 Standard voltages

3.1 Systems and electrical equipment of alternating current with a rated voltage of 100 to 1000 V inclusive

The nominal voltage of the AC system in the range from 100 to 1000 V should be selected from the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Table 1.

Table 1 - Systems and electrical equipment of alternating current with a rated voltage of 100 to 1000 V inclusive

Rated voltage of three-phase four-wire or three-wire systems. AT

Rated voltage of single-phase three-wire systems. AT

“The 230/400 V value is the result of the evolution of the 220/330 V and 240/415 V systems that have ended up being used in

Europe and many other countries. However, the 220/360 V and 240/415 V systems are still in use today.

* "The 400/690 V value is the result of the eoopulation of the 360/660 V system, which was completed in Europe and in many other countries. However, the 380/660 V system is still in use today.

° 200 or 220 V is also used in some countries

4 'The 100/200 V values \u200b\u200bare also used in some countries on 50 or 60 Hz systems.

8 Table 1 Three-phase four-wire systems and single-phase three-wire systems include single-phase electrical circuits connected to these systems.

The smaller values \u200b\u200bin the first and second columns are the phase-to-neutral voltages, the larger values \u200b\u200bare the phase-to-phase voltages. If one value is specified, it refers to three-phase three-wire systems and sets the voltage between phases. The lower value in the third column is the voltage between phase and neutral, the higher value is the voltage between the phase conductors.

Voltages exceeding 230/400 V. are intended for use in heavy industry and large commercial establishments.

Under normal operating conditions, the supply voltage should not differ from the rated system voltage by more than ± 10%.

The range of voltage used depends on the voltage variation at the supply terminals and the voltage drop that may occur in a consumer electrical installation, for example, a building electrical installation. For getting additional information cm. . This voltage range is to be considered by the technical committees for standardization.

Note - The highest and lowest voltage values \u200b\u200bat the power terminals and at the terminals of the electrical receiver are given in Appendix A for information. They can be calculated as indicated above and by.

3.2 DC and AC traction systems

The voltages of DC or AC traction systems should be selected from the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Table 2.

Table2 - DC and AC traction systems * "

Wasted not, V_ Nominal frequency for

I Smallest


The greatest

systems with the variable r wasp. Hz

DC systems

Single phase systems

alternating current

m The values \u200b\u200bgiven in parentheses are considered to be preliminarily crucible and values. These values \u200b\u200bare not recommended for use in new systems in the future. In particular, for single-phase AC systems, 62SO V should only be used where local conditions do not permit a rated voltage of 25,000 V.

The values \u200b\u200bindicated in the table are the values \u200b\u200badopted by the International Committee for Electrical Equipment and Technical Committee 9 of the IEC “Electrical Equipment and Systems for Railways *.

* In some European countries this voltage can be up to 4000V. Electrical equipment traislortnmh: reds "e. participating in international traffic with these countries, must withstand this maximum value for short periods of time up to S min.

3 3 Three-phase systems and alternating current electrical equipment with rated voltage over 1 to 35 kV inclusive

The voltages for a three-phase AC system with a rated voltage over 1 to 35 kV inclusive should be selected from the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Table 3.

Table 3 - Three-phase systems and alternating current electrical equipment with a rated voltage over 1 to 35 kV inclusive - "

The highest voltage for

The rated voltage of the system.

The highest voltage for

Rated voltage

electrical equipment, kV

systems. kV

2 in a normal system of row I, the highest and lowest voltages do not differ by more than NO U\u003e approximately) from the rated voltage of the system. In a normal row II system, the highest stress does not differ by more than 5%. and the lowest voltage is more than - 10% of the nominal system voltage

* "These systems are usually trilogy systems unless otherwise noted. Values \u200b\u200bquoted are voltages between phases.

The values \u200b\u200bgiven in parentheses are considered non-racial values. These values \u200b\u200bare not recommended for new systems built in the future.

** These values \u200b\u200bshould not be used for new general purpose distribution systems.

^ These systems are usually four-way systems and the indicated values \u200b\u200bare phase to phase voltages. The phase to neutral voltage is the indicated value divided by 1.73.

41 Harmonization of ethics values \u200b\u200bpending

“Values \u200b\u200bof 22.9 kV for rated voltage and 24.2 or 25.8 kV for highest voltage for malfunctioning equipment are also used in some countries

3.4 Three-phase systems and alternating current electrical equipment with a rated voltage over 35 to 230 kV inclusive

The voltages for a three-phase AC system with a rated voltage over 35 kV up to 230 kV inclusive should be selected from the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Table 4.

Table 4 - Three-phase systems and alternating current electrical equipment with rated voltage over 35 to 230 kV inclusive *

The highest voltage for

The rated voltage of the system. kV

"The values \u200b\u200bin parentheses are not preferred. These values \u200b\u200bare not recommended for new systems built in the future. The values \u200b\u200bare voltages and phases.

Above are two kinds of nominal system voltages. In any country, only one of the two rows is recommended.

8 any country as the highest voltage for electrical equipment is recommended to use only one of the following groups:

123 or 145 kV;

245 or 300 kV (see Table 5) or 362 kV (see Table 5).

3.5 Three-phase AC systems with the highest voltage for electrical equipment over 245 kV

The highest voltage for electrical equipment for a three-phase AC system, exceeding 245 kV, should be selected from the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Table 5.

Table 5 - Three-phase AC systems with the highest voltage for electrical equipment more than 245 kV *:

The highest voltage for electrical equipment, kv

"3 Rides indicated by brackets are considered to be favorable races. These values \u200b\u200bare not recommended for new ones being built in the future. The values \u200b\u200bare voltages between phases.

"The value 526 sq.

The value 7 to 5 kV is also used. The voltage values \u200b\u200bused for the three tests of electrical equipment shall be those specified by the IEC for 765 kV.

In any geographic region, only one of the following groups is recommended as the highest voltage for electrical equipment:

245 (see Table 4) or 300 or 362 k8:

362 or 420 kV:

420 or 550 kV:

1100 or 1200 kV.

NOTE - The term “geographic region” can indicate one country, a group of countries that agree to accept the same voltage level, or part of a very large country.

3.6 Electrical equipment of alternating current with a rated voltage of less than 120 V and DC with a rated voltage of less than 750 V

Rated voltage less than 120 and 750 V for electrical equipment, respectively, alternating current and direct current should be selected from the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Table 6.

Table 6 - AC electrical equipment with a rated voltage of less than 120 V and DC with a rated voltage of less than 750 V


Preferred, in

Preferred. AT


1 Since the voltage of cells or batteries is less than 2.4 V and the selection of the type of used\u003e cell or battery for different applications is based on criteria different from what is used. these voltages are not tabulated. The respective IEC technical committees may specify cell or battery types and corresponding voltages for specific trimeniencies.

NOTE 2 For technical and economic reasons, specific applications may require different voltages.

Appendix A


The highest and lowest voltage values \u200b\u200bat the terminals of the power supply and electrical receivers for AC systems with a rated voltage of 100 to 1000 V inclusive

Table A.1 shows the highest and lowest voltage values \u200b\u200bat the terminals of power supply and electrical receivers. They can be calculated using the data of Table 1 of Section 4 of this standard and the instructions given in.


NOTE 1 The values \u200b\u200bin Table A.1 are based on the note to clause 525. which states: “In the absence of other considerations, it is recommended that in practice the voltage drop between the input to the user's electrical installation and the electrical equipment should be no more than 4% of the rated voltage of the electrical installations. Section 525 is pending. In the future, the values \u200b\u200bfor the lowest usable voltage may be changed in accordance with the revision.

2 Standard superseded by standard. in Table C. 52.1 of Appendix G of which the following maximum voltage drops are set for electrical installations connected to public power grids: for electrical luminaires - 3 96. for other electrical projectors - 5%.

Table A.1 - The highest and lowest voltage values \u200b\u200bat the power terminals and power consumers for AC systems with a rated voltage from 100 to 1000 V inclusive


Rated frequency. Hz

Highest supply voltage or

voltage. AT

Rated voltage. AT

The smallest litany. AT

Lowest voltage used. AT

Three-phase four-wire or

three-way systems

Ediophaeic sinister systems

* The 230/400 V value is the result of the evolution of the 220/360 V and 240/415 V systems. “The latter have been completed in Europe and in many other countries. However, the 220/380 V and 240/415 V systems are still in use today.

m The 400/690 V value is the result of the evolution of the 380/660 V system, which was completed in Europe and in

niogmh other countries. However, the 380/660 V system is still in use.

“200 or 220 V is also used in some countries.

100/200 V values \u200b\u200bare also used in some countries on SO or 60 Hz systems.

(1] IEC 60050-601: 1995

(2] IEC 60335-1: 2013

(4] IEC 60050-826: 2004

(5J GOST 30331.1-2013 (6] IEC 60364-5-52: 2009
