The management company is top and the number. Ways to transfer evidence. Branch "Tochka" PJSC Bank "FC Otkritie"

To the consumer for general information:

Today, almost everyone has metering devices for electricity, gas, hot and cold water installed in an apartment, private house or office. But many consumers of these resources do not even think: why does he need to transfer readings to his service organization on a monthly basis and what happens if he stops making readings.
Since April 2013, amendments to the rules for the provision of utilities have come into force. Now the consumer does not have a strict obligation to transfer meter readings on a monthly basis to the address of the service organization and does this at will. But, it should be noted: despite the fact that the consumer is not obliged to do this, there are a number of reasons that determine the benefit of this procedure to the consumer himself. Let's consider the main ones:

  • If the tenant does not enter meter readings to the address of the service organization for more than six months, then the settlement center of this organization will calculate the cost of the consumed resource, guided by the consumption standards. And this will inevitably lead to an increase in consumer costs. It should be emphasized that the duties of the service company include periodically checking the status of the meters of the citizen and checking the correctness of the readings. Such a check should be carried out at least once every six months.
  • Suppose that many residents of an apartment building have stopped entering readings, in this case, it is highly likely that when calculating the amount of resources consumed for common house needs, incorrect data will be taken into account, as a result of which the volume of common house needs will be overestimated. In this case, because of those who do not submit testimony, residents who regularly transmit testimony suffer. The entire unaccounted volume of resources is distributed evenly to all residents of the house and the amount of payment in the receipt for expenses both in the apartment and in public places can increase by one and a half or even two times.

In recent years, the procedure for transferring meter readings has been simplified as much as possible. Now there is no need to go to the office. This can be done by sending a letter with the necessary information to email address service organization, provide data by calling a multi-channel phone or enter readings via the Internet by filling out special forms. You can transfer the readings of metering devices, including the Yekaterinburg water meter - CJSC UK "VERKH-ISETSKAYA" on our website, where you can choose any of the implemented methods to do it. To do this, select your city in the main menu, a page with tabs will open in front of you: electricity meter readings, gas meter readings, water meter readings. On each of these tabs you will find information on how to transfer readings to the service organization of your home in the form of special forms for entering readings (the form can be accessed after registering with personal account, the login and registration form in the consumer's personal account will be located on the same page), multichannel phones and email addresses.

To correctly take readings from your meters, instructions are posted on our website:

  • How to correctly take readings of the electricity meter -
  • How to correctly take a gas meter reading -
  • How to correctly read the water meter -

If you find an error or you have for us additional Information or suggestions, you can contact us through the section

Residents of houses under the management of the Verkh-Isetskoy Management Company switched to information and settlement services at the ERC. The owners and tenants of residential premises will receive the first receipt in early September - with accruals for August.

because of technical features transition to a new software for settlements, payments made since July 26 are not reflected in the personal account of the management company. In this case, all payments are taken into account - and will be indicated in the nearest receipt.

The question does not require additional contact with the settlement center or the management company: all payments are automatically recorded and displayed in information system settlement center.

Soon, information on charges and payments will be available on our website. The receipt, which the residents of the district will receive in September, will indicate a new personal account and a special activation code - for registration in the Personal Account.

If you were registered in the Personal Account of JSC "MC" Verkh-Isetskaya ", you will be automatically connected to the Personal Account of the ERC. You will be able to enter the Personal Account of the ERC with a login from the personal account of JSC "MC" Verkh-Isetskaya "and a temporary password that will be specified in the receipt. You can change the password to any one you like in the "My Settings" section.

After registration, it will be possible to receive information on a personal account at any time, pay and view a receipt, transfer or order documents remotely that affect settlements.

Already, specialists of the ERC are advising residents of the district on issues related to charges for housing and utilities:

In the chat at the bottom of the site page;

By phone 2-147-700 daily from 8:00 to 20:00;

Residents can transfer documents or get an in-person consultation in Yekaterinburg or in the sections of the management company, in which the specialists of the ERC are now working at the addresses:


Opalikhinskaya, 27

Moscow, 80

Kraulya, 63

Belorechenskaya, 34/1

Tuesday-Wednesday from 9:00 to 17:00 (break from 12:00 to 13:00);
Thursday from 14:00 to 18:00;
the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 to 13:00;

Ukhtomskaya, 30

Wednesday from 9:00 to 17:00 (break from 12:00 to 13:00);
Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 (break from 12:00 to 13:00);
the second and fourth Saturdays of the month from 9:00 to 13:00;
Sunday-Monday are non-admission days.

Anton Valek, 12

Tuesday from 9:00 to 17:00 (break from 12:00 to 13:00);
Thursday from 9:00 to 17:00 (break from 12:00 to 13:00);
the first and third Saturday of the month from 9:00 to 13:00;
Sunday-Monday are non-admission days.

https: //

Forgery of documents, "black PR" and relatives of officials

The war between the management company and the HOA turned into criminal cases

The Verkh-Isetskaya MC is linked to the family by the city manager of Yekaterinburg, Alexander Yakob

In Yekaterinburg, a real war broke out between the residents of the house at 12 Cherepanova Street and the Verkh-Isetskaya management company, which was founded by relatives of city and regional officials. The confrontation has been going on for more than two years: the tenants want to create a homeowners' association, because they believe that the Criminal Code is illegally extorting money from them for major repairs. The management company denies the charges and points out that criminal cases have already been initiated against the chairman of the house council.

"We wanted to control the movement of funds"

In the Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg, on September 26, a criminal case will begin against Victoria Dubova, the chairman of the council of the house on the street. Cherepanova, 12 (Zarechny microdistrict). The case under parts 1 and 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Forgery and use of a knowingly forged document") was initiated after the general director of Verkh-Isetskaya Criminal Code Elena Malakhova wrote a statement to law enforcement agencies with a request to check Dubova's activities.

As stated in the decision to initiate a criminal case, Victoria Dubova is accused of preparing a forged protocol of an extraordinary general meeting of homeowners (protocol No. 02), and also, according to the investigation, presented a forged document to the tax office during the registration of a legal entity - protocol No. 04. As Dubova herself explains, it comes on the protocols that were adopted as a result of meetings of tenants, at which they decided to refuse the services of the management company and create a partnership of real estate owners (TSN, in fact, is a synonym for HOA).

MC "Verkh-Isetskaya" is one of the largest management companies in the city. According to the SPARK database, 25% of the company belongs to Yelena Yatskova, daughter of Yekaterinburg city manager Alexander Yakob, another 20% belongs to Natalia Godlevskaya, wife of Sverdlovsk Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Vysokinsky.

Victoria Dubova became the chairman of the house council in August 2015 .. However, according to her, the Verkh-Isetskaya MC did not make contact, and then the residents of the house decided to abandon her services and create an HOA. Until now, this has not been done. Now the activists are suing the tax office, which refused to issue them permission to register a new legal entity, referring to subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 136 of the Housing Code. It states that the tenants had to choose an authorized representative, which was not done.

Earlier, another case was initiated against Dubova - under Part 1 of Article 330 of the Arbitration Criminal Code. It was about the fact that Dubova entered into an agreement with the former electrician of the Management Company Rinat Salmanov, who rented the utility room of the house for 4 thousand rubles a month. “All the money was spent on the needs of the house: a searchlight was purchased to illuminate the dark arch of the house, locks were installed on the electrical panels. I have all the checks, ”explained Dubova. At the same time, the Criminal Code insisted that she “illegally collected money”. "In addition, Dubova believes that she can arbitrarily cut off the iron partitions on the staircases of the entrances," the site reported in the press service of the Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company, adding that the actions of the Chairman of the House Council "go against housing legislation" opinion, under the criminal article "Arbitrariness". However, later the office work was terminated, as Victoria Dubova caused insignificant harm to the owners of the house. Her actions were re-qualified already under Article 19.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Arbitrariness”.

Controversial overhaul loan

The conflict between residents of the house on the street. Cherepanova, 12 and the management company "Verkh-Isetskaya" began back in 2012. Then, a major overhaul was carried out in the apartment building: they replaced the risers of hot and cold water supply, and also repaired the sewage system. According to the minutes of the general house meeting of June 25, 2012, total cost works amounted to 11 million 917 thousand 333 rubles. But on the balance sheet of the house at that time was only half of the amount - 5 million 795 thousand 776 rubles. This is money that was accumulated over several years by tenants who regularly transferred money for major repairs according to the corresponding column in the monthly receipts. The remaining amount - 6 million 121 thousand 557 rubles, according to the same protocol of June 25, the management company provided residents in the form of an interest-free loan. They had to pay it off by July 1, 2017.

However, as the tenants of the house say, in particular Victoria Dubova and Kristina Selivanova, they do not know anything about the meeting at which the minutes were allegedly drawn up, or about the loan that they must repay. They claim that the representatives of the Criminal Code promised them that the missing 6.1 million rubles would be paid from the federal budget, since the house at 12 Cherepanov Street was included in the federal overhaul program. However, the promises were not documented, and the Verkh-Isetskaya MC explained that “the management company did not promise to get money out of thin air”.

Since April 2014, a new column has appeared in receipts - "Reimbursement of overhaul costs". Residents were asked to pay 10 thousand rubles in addition to repay the loan of the Criminal Code.

The site of the Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company explained that a separate column for repayment of the loan was allocated, since since 2014 the overhaul system has changed. If the house does not create its own special account, the money goes into the "common pot", which is managed by the regional capital repair fund in accordance with the regional program. Thus, the management company offered residents to pay separately for capital repairs to the fund and separately - to repay the loan to the management company.

The activists of the house tried to challenge the terms of the loan, and in early August 2015, the Verkh-Isetskiy District Court of Yekaterinburg declared the minutes of the meeting of residents of June 25, 2012 invalid. The Criminal Code tried to appeal the decision to the regional court, but it remained unchanged. There are no other documents concluded between the tenants and the Criminal Code related to the provision of money on credit.

Nevertheless, the Criminal Code did not return the money to the tenants, which had already begun to pay off the debt, and continues to charge penalties to tenants who do not repay the loan. The Criminal Code explained to the site that "the court's decision does not affect the return of funds to the owners, it only concerns the protocol itself." Verkh-Isetskaya insists that "the recognition of the protocol as invalid means that each owner of the house has unreasonably enriched himself and is obliged to reimburse the management company for the costs spent on major repairs."

From Kristina Selivanova, who lives on Cherepanov, the Criminal Code even tried to recover about 19 thousand rubles through the courts. The girl stated that she was not going to repay the loan, about which she knew nothing. The Verkh-Isetsky District Court ended up on the side of Selivanova, referring, among other things, to the court's decision to recognize the protocol of June 25, 2012 as invalid.

The confrontation continues

Now the opposition of the activist at home with the Criminal Code continues. Leaflets periodically appear on the territory of the house, stating that Dubova is a "swindler" who "single-handedly wants to take possession of the money at home." Some leaflets are intimate: a photograph of Dubova is attached to the image of the girl's naked body. The activist contacted the police, and, according to her, it turned out that these leaflets were distributed by security officers of the Verkh-Isetskaya Criminal Code.

In turn, representatives of the management company deny their involvement in the distribution of leaflets and emphasize that at the moment the house on the street. Cherepanova, 12 legally manages the Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company.

“The debt of residents of the house on Cherepanova, 12 for housing and communal services at the moment is more than 6 million rubles. At the same time, the debt for reimbursement of repair costs is less than 160 thousand rubles. At the moment, new charges under the item “reimbursement of expenses for the repair of common property” are not made, ”the management company explained.

In addition, the management company insists that the meeting of residents in April 2016, the main topic of which was the creation of a homeowners association, was held in violation of the law. First, according to the law, homeowners had to be notified of the meeting no later than 10 days before the date of its holding. This was not done, according to the Criminal Code. “Secondly, the timing of the meeting was set from April 9, 2016 to April 30, 2016, but, according to the statements of residents, the decision forms (ballots) were signed before the start of the in-person meeting, that is, before April 9, 2016, as well as after April 30 2016 ", - reported in the Criminal Code. Thirdly, many owners revoked their decisions during the voting process, as, in their opinion, they were misled. “The initiator Dubova did not return any decision to the residents. The Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Verkh-Isetsky District refused to register this partnership of real estate owners with the state, ”the Criminal Code noted, stressing that criminal cases were initiated against Dubova.

The point in the conflict between tenants and the Criminal Code, apparently, will be put by the court.

To modernize the collection of information from the population, as well as improve the quality of service, the Verkh-Isetskaya management company has created a separate website. This is where residents of serviced homes can find news and details about the company. For more specific information, you should contact your personal account.

Personal account features

In the personal account of Verkh-Isetskaya UK, the user collects and stores all information on payments and meter readings. Accordingly, the main functional task is to receive meter readings, check the balance and detail the accounts. The client of the company can, if necessary, find the data on the payment of previous years in his personal account and print it. For this, information about the date of payment, amount, or other data is entered in the search.

In addition to the informative function, your personal account allows you to make online payments. The money is deposited into the account almost instantly. If desired, a tenant or tenant can connect several accounts at different addresses in one personal account. Payment and viewing of information will be possible after opening one of these accounts.

Registration in the personal account of the Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company

Each user creates an account in the system independently. When registering, the system does not verify the client, so even a person who has no relation to the management company can create a profile. All fields in the registration form are required:

  • Password;
  • Email.

Successful activation of your personal account ends after a letter arrives in the mail with a link to the site. You must follow the link and, thereby, complete the registration procedure.

Authorization in your personal account

Login to your personal account is carried out only according to the data that was specified during registration. The login is the email address. If necessary, you can recover your password by clicking the "Forgot password" button under the form. After the first entry into the personal account, the client needs to create some settings, in particular, attach a personal account, information about which he will later view. This can be done at any time, but before that the personal account will be "empty".

Mobile app

You can use the Verkh-Isetskaya MC's personal account only from the browser version of the site. Mobile application or there are no alternatives. In 2013, the site had a notification about the creation of an application on Facebook, where you can send meter readings, but this application cannot be found.

Transfer of meter readings through your personal account

Readings from all meters must be taken and transmitted from the 25th to the 28th of the current month. The data can be specified in your personal account. To do this, you need to open a personal account for which the data will be indicated and in the appropriate section write an integer that is displayed on the counter

This data will be transferred to the appropriate authority, and in the personal account the information will be reflected in detail for the previous months. The account also calculates payment, including arrears and penalties, if accrued. Payment for the invoice is made in the section "Payments". For online payment, you can use any bank card, the details of which are indicated in the corresponding fields. To confirm the fact of payment on mobile phone you will receive an SMS with a code, which is indicated in the appeared empty field.

Customer support service through the personal account of the Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company

Unfortunately, the personal account of Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company does not provide for convenient forms for communication with owners or tenants. There are no forms feedback, no online chat with employees. You can write your appeal to the general email [email protected] , however, there is no information about the waiting time for a response.

Users can also contact the company by calling 2862862. This is a general multichannel number. When you call it, you can be transferred to the department responsible for a specific area. This number accepts both requests for questions about payments and settlements, and in the event of an emergency at the facility.

How to delete the personal account of Verkh-Isetskaya UK?

There is no information about the possibility of self-deleting a personal account. This question can be asked to the general mail of the management company. However, it is also not certain that the organization will consider this issue.

Security & Privacy Policy

Upon entering the site of Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company, a window appears immediately in the lower right corner with a proposal to familiarize yourself with the rules for protecting personal data when working on the site and in your personal account. After going to the corresponding page, the inscription in the window changes. The user can agree or refuse confidential work with the resource. After that, the sending of all data is protected by a special type of encryption.

JSC "Management company" VERKH-ISETSKAYA ".

The main activities of the company:

  • organization of the provision of housing and communal services to owners and tenants (tenants) of residential and non-residential premises;
  • organization of current, capital and other types of repairs of facilities, as well as their reconstruction and modernization;
  • rendering paid services the population and other consumers;
  • production and implementation of research, development, design work, software products;
  • consulting services.

About the company in the media

In the capital of the Middle Urals, the struggle for the largest management company began

In Yekaterinburg, another round of housing and communal services market consolidation broke out. The main players this time were experts in their field: the “gray cardinal” of the Yekaterinburg mayor's office Vladimir Tungusov, the son of one of the authoritative entrepreneurs Grigory Terentyev, representatives of Renova Viktor Vekselberg and the regional authorities. The "apple of discord" between interest groups was the largest in Yekaterinburg and one of the most scandalous Ural management companies - "Verkh-Isetskaya", sold about a year and a half ago to the structures of Viktor Vekselberg. Today the office of the Criminal Code was searched, which the company itself described as a “raider seizure”. Meanwhile, market participants point to specific interests of the use of force on the scandalous Criminal Code.

Today, May 16, at about 10:00 am at the office of the Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company on the street. Posadskaya, 28 "A" "came" with a search. “There is a seizure of documents related to the financial and economic activities of the company. At the moment, all the servers are standing, the settlement center is completely paralyzed. We offered the police a list of documents concerning Belorechenskaya, 7, but they refused. The search continues, ”Darya Gusarova, press secretary of Verkh-Isetskaya MC, told Pravda URFO.

A little earlier, law enforcement officers explained that their actions were related to the investigation of a criminal case on overstating heat tariffs for residents of a house on Belorechenskaya Street, 7. As the head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region Valery Gorelykh told the actions of the police officers revealed the fact of causing major damage to the residents of this house.

“The management company did not carry out a mandatory annual adjustment of heating bills based on actual consumption. That is, the tenants were charged according to the general building norms, and the management company paid off the heat suppliers at the established tariffs. As a result, there was a significant overpayment on the part of citizens, the damage caused amounted to more than 1 million rubles, ”said Valery Gorelykh.

The management company itself has its own version of what is happening.

“We have in our hands a court decision dated April 12, 2013, according to which the Criminal Code must recalculate by June 17. The court decision is being executed - residents of Belorechenskaya 7 will receive a recalculation in receipts for May. The company operates within the legal framework. At the moment, the security forces are seizing documents that are not related to Belorechenskaya. One gets the impression that this is someone's order. We had no conflicts with anyone. Rather, it looks like a raider takeover, "concluded Daria Gusarova.

"Verkh-Isetskaya", let us clarify, is the largest management company in Yekaterinburg and the only one that has nothing to do with the city administration. The company manages 576 houses, or 2.6 million square meters. housing. Until mid-2011, the Criminal Code belonged to a group of persons close to the mayor's office of Yekaterinburg - the common-law wife of the deputy head of the Yekaterinburg administration Alexander Vysokinsky Natalia Godlevskaya, the daughter of the city manager Alexander Yakob Elena Yatskova, businessman Alexander Pankratov (RC "Bazhovsky") and ex-deputy of the City Duma Alexander Sizov ... However, in 2011, the company was sold to Viktor Vekselberg's structure - TGK-9.

Sources of Pravda URFO, close to the government of the Sverdlovsk region, indicate that the informal reason for the attack on Verkh-Isetskaya could be just the lack of official data on the change of ownership. “The region is hooked on the fact that the alleged founders of the company are still the daughter of Yakob Yatskov and the wife of Vysokinsky Godlevskaya. Although there are no official data, at the moment the owner of the management company is its director Elena Malakhova, who is purely the top manager of Vekselberg's team, ”says the source familiar with the situation.

Today, oddly enough, criticism of Verkh-Isetskaya was also voiced by the top management of the structure of Viktor Vekselberg - Deputy Director for Consumer Relations at STK LLC Svetlana Ivanova. During the report on the results of the heating season, the management company was announced as problematic in terms of the accumulated accounts receivable.

Elena Malakhova, General Director of Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company (left)

“In 2012, there was an increase in STK's receivables by almost 1 billion to 6 billion rubles due to the tariff and bad faith of management companies. 80% of this debt is the debts of the management company and homeowners association, in Yekaterinburg, among the problematic ones - the management company "Standard" and the management company "Verkh-Isetskaya". The debt of 370 million rubles from each of them is significant for us. Today, Standard and Verkh-Isetskaya Management Companies are the largest, they pay, we kind of have a partnership. But the settlement issues have not yet been settled. They pay, but not in the amount in which we would like, that is, 300 million rubles, when they are accrued about 100 million a month, they pay 80. While oral negotiations are underway, but in any case, we will have to get loans for the repair campaign. But, if payments are not made further, we will be forced to turn off the hot water. The warning has already been sent, the Yekaterinburg Prosecutor's Office has already been notified - if the debts are paid off, there will be no such measures, ”said Svetlana Ivanova.

Sources in the market remind that scandals are associated with Verkh-Isetskaya MC, not only with debts to resource-supplying organizations, illegal charging for general household consumption, on the facts of which a criminal case was initiated, but also a number of other claims from tenants. Thus, residents constantly complained about the maintenance of the housing stock, which did not correspond to the payments in the receipt, as well as the system of payment for housing and communal services that was inconvenient for them.

“Residents received receipts 2 times a month, because they work according to a different scheme, not the same as all other management companies,” one of the market participants pointed out the shortcomings of the work. But Pravda URFO's own source also points to another underlying reason for the “forceful influence” that has begun today on the largest Criminal Code. In the opinion of the interlocutor of the publication, this may be a desire to "take over" the largest housing and communal services business on the part of Grigory Terentyev, the son of Sergei Terentyev, and business partner of Vladimir Tungusov.

“Mr. Terentyev has already acquired the REMP Management Company of the Zheleznodorozhny District, possibly taken under the control of the Standard Management Company, which owns half of the assets of the Academichesky Management Company, which is 2 million square meters of new housing. It is possible that Terentyev sees in his assets the largest management company, which also manages more than 2 million square meters, the lion's share of the housing stock of Yekaterinburg. Since this is the only management company that is not affiliated with the mayor's office in any way, the “gray eminence” would certainly like to take control of such serious cash flows. Therefore, it is likely that the interested officials of the city administration could provoke the security forces to take operational measures, ”the source of Pravda URFO believes.

For reference: ZAO UK "Verkh-Isetskaya" manages the housing stock, serves 576 houses, or 2.6 million square meters. housing in Yekaterinburg. General Director - Elena Gennadievna Malakhova, who previously held the posts of Head of the Heat Sales Department at Sverdlovskteplosbyt, Deputy Sales Director of Sverdlovsk Heat Supply Company LLC (STK, also part of Viktor Vekselberg's IES-Holding CJSC).

As of 05/13/2011 25% of the authorized capital belong to Yatskova Elena Aleksandrovna, 20% each to Pankratov Aleksandr Alekseevich, Godlevskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, Sizov Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 15% - to Kurlenko Gennady Viktorovich. As of 26.02.2006, the authorized capital of the company amounted to 1 million rubles. Sales proceeds as of December 31, 2011 - 1,725.9 million rubles. The company's share in the market of the Sverdlovsk region, based on an assessment of the financial condition, is 7.37%.