Error 502 Bad Gateway - what does it mean, how to fix it

Every Internet user has encountered the problem of accessing the site: 502 Bad Gateway. This inscription on a blank white screen can make you nervous if a very important site was loading. It is the lack of access to the site’s content that makes the “502 Bad gateway with nginx” error a serious problem. Read on to learn what this error means and how to fix it. Let's try to solve the issue in two ways: on behalf of the server and the user.

What does error 502 Bad Gateway mean?

It is difficult to pinpoint one cause of failures. This is a complex error consisting of the following factors: failures in the correct code for the site, hosting stopped responding, server equipment has failed. The main problem is on the part of the site and the hosting companies that serve it. Less commonly, the problem is with the user's PC or browser.

Solving the problem for site owners

As the owner of a problematic website, you should hurry to solve the problem, because every hour of “downtime” makes it impossible to increase the number of users, and in the worst case, the loss of those who already exist. We immediately contact the technical support of the hosting that cooperates with you. The following ways out of this situation are almost always given:

Fixing the “502 Bad Gateway” error from the user

The first priority is to find out the causes of the bug. Try opening the site with other gadgets: smartphone, tablet. Another PC will do. If the error is not observed, then the problem is on your part. To get started, do the following:

Finally, do the following combination:


Most often, the error “502 Bad gateway with nginx” requires correction by the resource owner. On average, a failure is resolved within an hour, and in the case of popular resources, even faster. If you experience an outage for a long time, be sure to contact the site owners or other users. You can send a letter to the site owner through its hosting, for example, has such an option. I'm not aware of the others.