Why Windows XP is not loaded on my computer. The Windows XP operating system does not start. Boot record defect

The operating system is very complex software and due to certain factors, it may malfunction and err. In some cases, the OS may stop loading completely. We will talk about what problems contribute to this and how to get rid of them in this article.

To the impossibility windows startup XP can lead to several reasons, from errors in the system itself to a malfunctioning bootable media. Most problems can be solved directly on the computer on which they happened, but some failures require you to use another PC.

Reason 1: software or drivers

Symptoms of this problem are the possibility windows boot only in "Safe Mode". In this case, during startup, a screen for selecting boot parameters appears, or you have to call it manually using the key F8.

This behavior of the system tells us that in normal mode it does not allow it to load some software or driver that you installed yourself or received by automatic update programs or OS. In "Safe Mode" only those services and drivers are started that are minimally necessary for servicing and displaying a picture on the screen. Therefore, if you have such a situation, then the software is to blame.

In most cases, Windows creates a restore point when installing important updates or software that has access to system files or registry keys. " Safe mode"Allows us to use the system restore tool. This action will roll back the OS to the state in which it was before the installation of the problematic program.

Reason 2: hardware

If the reason for the lack of loading of the operating system lies in hardware problems, specifically, with the hard drive on which the boot sector is located, then we see all sorts of messages on a black screen. The most common is this:

In addition, we can get a cyclic reboot, in which the boot screen with the Windows XP logo appears (or does not appear), and then a reboot occurs. And so on ad infinitum, until we turn off the car. Such symptoms indicate that a critical error has occurred, called a "blue screen of death" or BSOD. We do not see this screen, because by default, when such an error occurs, the system must restart.

In order to stop the process and see the BSOD, you need to perform the following configuration:

Now we can contemplate an error that prevents us from starting Windows. A problem with the hard disk is indicated by a BSOD with a code 0x000000ED.

In the first case, with a black screen and a message, first of all, you should pay attention to whether all cables and power cables are connected correctly, whether they are bent so much that they could simply become unusable. Next, you need to check the cable that comes from the power supply, try to connect another, similar one.

Perhaps the power supply line that supplies electricity hDD, out of order. Connect another unit to the computer and check the functionality. If the situation repeats, then there is a problem with the hard drive.

If the previous actions did not bring any result, then the reason lies in software or physical damage to the hard sectors. A specialized program HDD Regenerator can help you check and fix the "bad". To use it, you will have to use a second computer.

Reason 3: a special case with a flash drive

This reason is not very obvious, but it can also cause problems with Windows boot. A flash drive connected to the system, especially a large one, can be regarded by the operating system as additional disk space for storing some information. In this case, the flash drive can be written hidden folder "System Volume Information" (information about the system volume).

There were times when, when the drive was disconnected from a non-working PC, the system refused to boot, apparently not finding any data. If you have a similar situation, then insert the USB flash drive back into the same port and boot Windows.

Also, disconnecting the flash drive can cause a failure in the boot order in the BIOS. The CD-ROM can be placed first, and boot disk removed from the list altogether. In this case, go to the BIOS and change the order, or press the key during boot F12 or another that opens the list of drives. You can find out the purpose of the keys by carefully reading the manual for your motherboard.

Booting Windows consists of many steps that are performed sequentially. If one of the operations at startup does not perform correctly, the system will not boot. One of the most common problems of this kind is damage boot record Windows XP.

What is a boot record?

The Master Boot Record, more commonly known as the MBR, stores a snippet of code, a special signature, and partition tables that are required for the system to start correctly. When turned on computer BIOS after completing the initial test, it loads a fragment of the MBR code into RAM, transferring control to it (the code) for further Windows startup.

If you see a message like “ntldr is missing”, “no boot device"Or just a black background without further progress, then to fix the error you need to restore windows bootloader XP.

Reasons for failure:

  • Incorrect installation of multiple operating systems, in which the boot code is overwritten.
  • Uninstall Linux OS or Boot Manager.
  • Virus infection (usually ransomware that blocks Windows from starting).
  • Hardware damage to the disk.
  • Power outages (emergency shutdown).

Sometimes it turns out to return the system to operability by simply rewriting the MBR, sometimes you have to restore the boot sector. The most difficult case is manually copying the bootloader files to the boot sector of the hard drive.

MBR recovery

The first thing to do if the system won't start is to restore the MBR using the recovery console:

Boot record repaired - try rebooting and turning Windows XP back on.

Boot sector recovery

If a message like "NTLDR is missing" appears on the screen, the problem is with a damaged boot record. Symptoms of this failure are similar to the MBR error, so it is better to run two restore commands:

If overwriting boot sector and MBR did not help, then try to fix errors in the Boot.INI file:

During the execution of the command, the program will scan all partitions of the disk, trying to find copy of Windows... The user will be prompted to record information about the boot of this system in the configuration file, as a result of which Windows will start correctly.

Copy download files

If creating new MBRs and boot sectors does not resolve the startup error, then you will have to manually move the NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM and boot.ini files to the root of the disk.

  1. Boot from the disk, open the recovery console.
  2. Write the MBR and boot sector as shown above.
  3. Run the "map" command to list all mapped drives. Find the letter of the Windows distribution media.
  4. Enter the drive letter with the distribution and press Enter to start working with it.
  5. Enter "cd i386" to open the folder of the same name on the Windows XP distribution kit.
  6. Enter "copy NTLDR C: \\" to copy the NTLDR file.
  7. Enter "copy NTDETECT.COM C: \\" to copy the NTDETECT.COM file.

The next in line will be the BOOT.INI file.

I thought of writing an article on restoration booting Windows XP... In practice, I have often met with a situation where Windows simply does not boot, and the "reinstallation again" comes to mind. But sometimes it becomes necessary to simply restore the system without reinstalling. And this, I can tell you, is possible. In 80% of cases, the system can be restored without reinstalling Windows.

I will write a lot, therefore, right off the bat!

First, get a LiveCD or LiveDVD. You can download it here: LiveCD. Also, LiveCD is available in some builds of programs, for example, in ZverDVD. Be sure to burn such a disc. Record on DVD-R or CD-R, as they make deeper and better tracks. Never use RW discs. You will have problems with them.

Now let's look at the essence of the problem. We are considering the issue of no boot Windows XP... That is, the computer turned on, the disks were initialized, but windows boot Did not happen. The options are described below.

The computer goes into reboot

This means that for windows failed to boot, and in the boot settings it is written that in case of a failure, the computer needs to be restarted. In order to understand where the failure is, you need to disable automatic restart of the computer in case of failures. This is done as follows.

While the system boots, hold down the F8 key. The method selection menu will open windows boot... We select the item "Disable automatic restart on system failure".

The "blue screen of death" opens

Blue Screen of Death is also called BSOD. Its purpose is to show the user what has happened to the system.

The picture shows three pieces of BSOD text that matter to us. Perhaps some of the items may be missing. So what do these points mean:

  • 1. The name of the file that caused the system to crash.
  • 2. Description of the error.
  • 3. Stop code. It can be used to find a solution on the Internet.

Your task is to study this data and find a solution. Alternatively, you can replace the faulty file with a file from the distribution kit. The second option is to boot from the LiveCD, download CureIt and scan the file for viruses.

Computer locked

Sometimes it happens that the computer does not boot, and on the screen there is a white inscription on a black background that the computer is locked for one reason or another. It looks like this:

Whatever is written on the screen, the main task is not to send SMS, not to pay bills and not spend money on this beggar. We just boot from the LiveCD and scan the system disk for viruses. CureIt is ideal for scanning. Usually, after the system is disinfected, the computer boots up quietly.

White cursor on black screen

If a white cursor blinks on a black background while the computer is loading, but the download does not occur, then the reason is in one of the drivers or a program that hangs in the startup.

In order to understand which file failed, you need to enable the display of running processes at boot time in the system. This is how it is done.

Loading from LiveCD. Open the disk with the system in TotalCommander, and find a file called "boot.ini" in the root. We open it with a notepad. Find a line like this: " multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \\ WINDOWS \u003d "Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" / execute / fastdetect". You need to enter the parameter" / sos". The result should look something like this:" multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \\ WINDOWS \u003d "Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" / execute / fastdetect / sos". Save the file and reboot. Now, when the system boots, you will see what is loading. If the download of a file takes a long time, then this file fails. The solution is to replace the file or update required driver... It might make sense to run the files through an antivirus.


I have described the most common mistakes and their solutions if windows XP does not boot... But each case requires its own solution, so you will need to turn on the brain.

Scanning almost always helps system disk antivirus program... My recommendation is CureIt.

That's all. Good luck in your achievements!

You can follow my microblog on Twitter

Of course, firstly, what needs to be done is to determine the malfunction, since the computer can break down in two cases:

1. Hardware failure, i.e. when a part fails.

2. Software malfunction, that is, if there is an error in the software.

Option 1. The computer does not respond.

If nothing happens when you press the Power button, no indicators are lit, the fans are not spinning - first of all we check that the computer is connected correctly. We inspect the power cords, check if the switch on the back is turned on system unit.

If everything is in order, then the most likely reason is the failure of the power supply. At home and in the absence of experience with electrical appliances, it is extremely difficult to eliminate this malfunction. However, if you have the skills to build a PC, you can borrow a power supply unit from a friend and check your computer. In other cases, it is better to contact a computer service center.

Option 2. The computer responds, but does not boot.

If, when you press the Power button, the power indicator (green light) is on, the fans are spinning, but nothing appears on the monitor - most likely there is a hardware failure (if, of course, the monitor is connected correctly). What can you try to do?

Perhaps your computer is clogged with dust and there is simply no contact somewhere. In this case:

1. Open the computer cover and remove the RAM and video card.

2. Gently remove dust from the system unit and removed slots.

3. Wipe the contacts well random access memory and video cards.

4. Put everything back in and check if the PC is working properly.

If the actions taken did not work, you will have to look for a faulty part. It's easier if you know bIOS versioninstalled on your PC.

If you do not know the version of your BIOS, then simply change the components one by one (borrowed from a friend). If this is not possible, the only way out is the same computer service center.

Option 3. The computer turns on, but Windows XP does not start.

If the computer turns on, an image appears, but WindowsXP does not load and a message like this appears:


This message indicates that no operating system storage device was found.

Check if the connection is correct hard diskif everything is correct - out of order operating system.

This problem is solved quickly and painlessly - by reinstalling (in some cases, restoring) the operating system.

This option is also possible:

In this case, most likely, there is a problem with system files, or their damage, or complete loss.

You can take the following measures:

1. "Loading the last known good configuration (with working parameters)". To load the last successful windows configuration after turning on the PC, press the F8 key. In the window that appears, select this download item.

2. "Safe Mode". To do this, when you boot the computer, press the F8 key (as in the previous paragraph), select "Safe Mode", if the system boots, go to the following path: Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e System Tools -\u003e System Restore. And following the wizard's prompts, try to restore an earlier working system.

In the Russian Federation, bookmakers are, by and large, already legal. In 2014, a law was passed, according to which bookmakers cooperating with the CUPIS and working under a license have the right to exist and are subject to certain taxes.

Many offices, thanks to the introduction of this law, were able to open even ground reception points. Also, thanks to the introduction of TsUPIS, privateers can also feel protected, because if a bookmaker detects fraud, it is possible to initiate a criminal case against the latter.

Today the bookmaker's office, which is called Melbet, is rapidly developing. According to its founders, about a million players regularly play here. The target audience of the resource is gamblers from the CIS countries. Let's talk more about this bookmaker, find out what promotions and rates are offered here, and also consider real reviews about the bookmaker.

Description and rating of the bookmaker Melbet

Melbet is one of the most popular bookmakers in Russian Federation... She is in the top 5 best bookmakers, and has every chance of being in the top three. Players loved this office for its excellent quotes, a large number of entertainment and promotions, and, of course, for fast and fair payments.

The office is registered as Melofon LLC. She has a license №25 of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. The bookmaker has been working with CUPIS since 2014. The company is a member of the First SRO and is connected to the MCCIS LLC RNCO "Edinaya Kassa". In addition to sports betting, the portal offers other types of entertainment, in particular, there is gambling, e-sports betting, and virtual football.

Melbet com official website - overview of features

Traditionally, I would like to start a review of the official site with a design consideration. In general, we did a good job on the graphics - the portal has nice-looking shades, there are no overly catchy elements, the fonts are readable and moderately large.

At the top of the portal, there is a signboard, slides showing current promotions and tournaments, as well as a form that displays the latest winnings. There you will also find brief information about bonuses, buttons for entering and registering, as well as a button for changing the time zone, odds and interface language.

Opportunities and features of the official portal:

  1. The portal is multilingual. By default, the interface language is Russian, since the target audience of the resource is players from the CIS. However, you can change the interface language if you wish. Over 30 languages \u200b\u200bsupported.
  2. In bookmaker you can change the display of coefficients. Decimal, English and American systems are supported.
  3. Despite the fact that the portal is operated under license, it may be blocked in some countries. Therefore, the founders decided to introduce mirrors. Copies' addresses are constantly changing, and up-to-date mirrors can be sent via mailing list at the request of the user.
  4. The site is adapted for mobile devices. mobile version resource will be opened automatically if the player tries to log in via a smartphone or tablet.
  5. If desired, anyone can become a partner of a bookmaker's office. Affiliates are paid a part of the amount that referrals lose.
  6. One-click registration is available on the portal. In general, customers are given the opportunity to create a profile in one click, via a smartphone, social network and email.
  7. Melbet has its own mobile application and a downloadable PC client.

Registration and login to your Melbet account

How to fill out the form and register

There are several ways to register on the official website. First, it is worth mentioning the restrictions that are associated with registration. First, the portal has regional restrictions, that is, the service may be denied to residents of certain countries. But fortunately, the restrictions do not apply to CIS players.

Secondly, only adult players are allowed to register and play for money. Thirdly, it is strictly forbidden to create multiple accounts. The rules even mention that members of the same family cannot create multiple accounts; they will have to use a common profile.

Registration methods:

  • By phone number. With this method, you need to enter a phone number, select the currency in which the financial operations, and then select the bonus that will be credited after registration. There is also a separate field for entering a promo code, if the player has one. After filling out the registration form, an SMS is sent to the mobile number, the code from which must be indicated. It is also recommended to fill out a profile and, if possible, verify your email.
  • In 1 click. This method is the simplest and fastest. All that is required of the player is to select the country of residence, currency, bonus, agree to the terms and conditions, and optionally enter a promo code. After that, an account will be created and an account number generated.
  • By email. This method is the most difficult, but when using it, you will not have to fill out a profile. First, you will need to select a country, region and city of residence. Then you need to enter the last name, first name, select the currency for financial transactions, enter the password, address email and a phone number as well as a promo code.
  • Through a social network. This method is also very convenient. You just need to choose the currency in which financial transactions will be carried out, and then log in through your VK or OK page.

Identification procedure

In any bookmaker and online casino, when withdrawing large winnings, personal identification is required. But in general, administrators have the right to request the procedure earlier.

In BC Melbet, of course, this procedure is also present. Some users are forced to go through identity and card identification. Let's start by verifying your identity. It is very simple - you need to personal account upload scans or color photographs of an identity document. A passport or driver's license will do.

After that, it remains only to wait for the administrator to check the documents. Note that administrators have the right to demand that scans or photos be altered if the inscriptions are unclear or the authenticity of the documents is suspicious. The duration of verification is up to 48 hours. After verification and confirmation of identity, the account receives the verified status. Players noticed that after receiving a verified status, withdrawal requests are checked faster.

Card verification is carried out in a slightly different way. The player needs to photograph the card from both sides to which the withdrawal of funds will be requested. The CVV2 code can certainly be painted over.

The main thing that:

  1. The first 10 and last 4 card numbers were visible.
  2. The name was visible on the face of the card.
  3. The card was linked to the gambler's account. It is strictly forbidden to withdraw money to third-party cards.

How to log in and enter the site

To log in, you need to go to the official website, and click on the "Login" button, which is located in top sidebar... After that, you need to enter your email address or account ID and password. If the password has been lost, it can be restored via email or mobile phone.

Melbet working mirror for today to bypass blocking

A mirror is an exact copy of the site. The mirror differs only in that it is located on a different server, and has a different domain name... Otherwise, there are no differences with the official website of the bookmaker at all. Absolutely all bets are also available through the mirror, as well as the ability to play in an online casino and perform any financial transactions. The copy's functionality and design are also identical.

Unfortunately, mirrors are blocked regularly too. Therefore, the list of copies is constantly updated. Novice gambders often do not understand where to find the addresses of up-to-date mirrors quickly in order to quickly regain access to the site.

There are actually several ways to find addresses:

Bookmaker line and odds

Bookmaker Melbet's line is excellent. More than 30 kinds of sports are available on the portal. You can even bet on esports, UFC, dog racing, crossfit, trotting, roller hockey, cricket, martial arts.

In the line of play, you can filter by sport, league, and also by match time. The events you like can also be added to favorites. This function is useful in that the player can add several matches to his favorites, and then decide how best to bet - on express, single or in general the system.

How to bet on sports at BK Melbet

Prematch betting strategy

Pre-match is a type of bet that is placed before a particular match starts. In a pre-match, quotes do not change as quickly as in live. In the pre-match, you can create express bets, single bets and systems.

Players often wonder if there is a win-win betting system? Experienced privateers claim that there are no win-win pre-match bets. The only way to predict the outcome is to analyze the match, lineups, and previous performances of the athletes. Also, it will not be superfluous to study the forecasts of reputable experts, and only then bet on some outcome.

  1. Bet on a match no more than 5-10% of the bank.
  2. Bet on odds or totals more often.
  3. Do not bet on teams that are not familiar to the player. Many experienced privateers recommend choosing 3-5 favorite teams and bet only on their matches. This is the only way to ensure yourself a plus at a distance.

Live bets during the match

Live bets are bets that are placed already during the match. They differ from pre-match in several ways. Firstly, the range of rates is cut for live. For example, if you can conditionally bet 3-4 million rubles for a pre-match, then in live the limit will be reduced to 1 million rubles. This is done due to the fact that it is easier to predict the outcome in Live, and bookmakers are not ready to lose impressive sums.

Secondly, live quotes are constantly changing. If the coefficient rises, it is highlighted in green, if it falls, then in red. It happens that the quote is highlighted in gray - this means that bets on the outcome are no longer accepted.

It's very simple to place a live bet:

  • Go to the Live section.
  • Find the command you want.
  • Add an outcome or several outcomes to the coupon.
  • Indicate the size of the bet and confirm the bet.

Express bets and Melbet toto

Multiplier is a bet in which a prediction is made for two or more matches. If at least one match fails, then the express bet is considered to be lost. But in the case of a return, the express is not a losing one, it is just that the calculation does not take into account the coefficient of the event for which the return was made.

To place an express bet, you just need to add the required number of events to the coupon, then indicate the amount of the bet and confirm the conclusion of the bet. Recall that express bets can be made both in the pre-match and in live.

When considering bets, it is worth mentioning Melbet Toto. This is the name of the tote, which is held almost daily. What he really is? Toto is a totalizator where you need to place a bet on 15 matches. To win, you need to correctly guess the outcome for at least 9 matches. The more outcomes "pass", the higher the winnings will be. The prize fund consists of player contributions. If there are no winners in the drawing, then the prize fund goes to the next drawing.

Mobile version and application Melbet

Download app for Android and IOS

Bookmaker Melbet has a mobile version and mobile applications... The mobile version is a browser version of the site, which is somewhat "lightweight" and differs in interface from the PC version. It is good because it starts automatically if the player visits the site from a smartphone or tablet.

All bets and lists are available in the mobile version, you can also play in Melbet online casino, and even participate in tournaments and sweepstakes, make financial transactions. Note that the mirrors designed for the browser version of the site also work from smartphones / tablets.

Melbet mobile application is better than the mobile browser version. The application consumes less Internet traffic, and it also has built-in automatic anonymizers that allow you to bypass the blocking without using mirrors.

Mobile apps support:

  1. Operating room devices android system... You can download the apk file at official portal in the section "Access to the site".
  2. Operating room devices iOS system... For them setup files should be downloaded from Apple Market.

Computer program

BC Melbet also has a downloadable client for PC. It is also convenient to use, as it removes the need for anonymizers. In addition, the client does not need to constantly go through authorization. The application is supported by PCs with Windows and MacOS operating systems. You can download the installation file in the section "Access to the site" in the "For Windows" or "For Mac" tab, respectively.

Promo codes, bonuses and freebets for Melbet customers

Previously, to receive bonuses, you had to enter promo codes. Today it is not necessary to do this, rewards are accrued automatically after registration or meeting the necessary conditions.

When registering, the player independently chooses which bun he wants to receive. You can get a free bet of up to $ 30, a 100% deposit bonus (7000 rubles), a welcome package for the casino (this includes five deposit bonuses of 50-200% + 290 free spins).

In addition, there are:

  • Express of the day. There will be several sporting events to choose from. The player can bet on the express, and in case of his "pass", another 10% will be added to the winnings.
  • You must start a race that lasts 42 days. It is necessary to collect the express daily, and bet at least 100 rubles, while there should be three or more events in the express. If the player constantly wins, the office will receive promotional codes for every 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days of participation in the promotion. You can use the promo code within a week after receiving it. In a multi bet, events must have a coefficient of at least 1.8.
  • Loyalty program. Bonus points are awarded for bets. Comp points can be exchanged for real money. Minimum amount the rate for the accrual of points is 50 rubles.
  • Birthday no deposit bonus. Issued on condition that the player has contributed from 100 euros for the entire time of the game, his account was created more than 30 days before the birthday, the birthday person's profile is fully completed and verified.
  • VIP cashback.
  • Free spins for deposits. Free spins are given every day, only they apply to different applications.

Ways to withdraw money and top up your balance

The site supports over 50 currencies, including rubles, hryvnia, Belarusian rubles, lei, tenge. The minimum deposit is 50 rubles, the maximum deposit depends on which payment system is enjoyed by the player.

All deposits are credited almost instantly. The office's rules say that you can replenish your account through your wallets and cards. The full name of the sender of the deposit must match the name of the user in the personal account. In general, deposits from third-party wallets and cards are not accepted.

You can fund your account through:

  1. Bank cards - Visa / Mastercard, Maestro, China Union Pay.
  2. Electronic wallets - Yandex Money, QIWI, WebMoney, ToditoCash, Perfect Money, Moneta ru, Epay, B-pay, Pay4Fun, SticPay.
  3. Mobile phone. MTS, Megafon, Tele2, Beeline, Siru Mobile systems are supported.
  4. Payment systems ecoPayz, Payeer, NetEller.
  5. Internet banking - Caixa, Epay, AstroPay Direct, Banco do Brasil, Itau, Santander, Bradesco, ECOBANQ.
  6. Prepaid cards AstroPay Card, PayKasa.
  7. Cryptocurrencies. Betcoin, Bitcoin, Litecoin, DogeCoin, Dash, Ethereum, Monero, ZCash, GameCredits, NEM, Bytecoin, DigiByte, Bitcoin Gold, Verge, QTUM, Stratis, TRON, Ripple, BTC-Cash, BitShares, Ethereum Classic are supported.

Withdrawal of funds is possible only through the details through which the deposit was made. The BC staff can, if necessary, require the player to send color scans of a passport or other identity document. Money is withdrawn almost instantly. From experience we can say that the withdrawal takes no more than a day.

Melbet does not work - how to contact support

There are several ways to contact support. You can write to live chat or e-mail, or you can call for free hotline... The support works around the clock and seven days a week.