Official portal of the mayor and government

Moscow official website
abbreviated -
general information
A country Russia
date of creation December 23, 1996
Parent agency The government of Moscow
Head of the Department for ensuring the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow Dmitrieva Varvara Mikhailovna
Headquarters Moscow, Tverskaya street, 13

There are English and Chinese versions of the site targeted at tourists and expats.

Rubricator [ | ]

City councilor[ | ]

The "City Councilor" section is based on the most common search queries ... This is a "guide" to the main problems most often faced by residents of Moscow. The section contains step by step instructions for 330 life situations - from changing the name to registering a car. For convenience, all items are sorted by popularity and into 14 categories (security, yard, documents, home, health, education, work, family, sports, culture, recreation, transport, ecology, and others).

Home page section "City Councilor"

Popular life situations on the site: check an electronic diary, make an appointment with a doctor, get a single payment document, check and pay traffic fines, pay for parking, find and return an evacuated car, register a car or motorcycle, report a violation of wage rules (delays, “Gray salaries”), get psychological help, find out and get your TIN, issue an OMS policy, apply for a visa to travel abroad. "City Councilor" does not replace the city site of public services, but is a navigator for city and federal services.

Moscow calendar[ | ]

The section contains information about all city holidays, festivals, fairs, promotions, master classes, exhibitions, performances and sporting events. With the help of filters, the user can customize the city billboard "for himself", choosing, for example, only free events or events in his district.

news [ | ]

News feed for the entire city, as well as districts and districts. The section publishes interviews with heads of executive authorities, information about the work of city services and structures, about construction, transport projects (both planned and implemented), changes in legislation, initiatives of city authorities; get information about traffic restrictions in the city, the operation of public transport, including the Moscow metro, and the weather.

The "News" section also hosts live video broadcasts of a number of city events.

Power [ | ]

The section provides information on the leadership of Moscow, executive authorities, the territorial structure of the city. The city's normative legal acts, draft documents, stages of public discussion of legal acts and state programs of the city are also published here.



On the automated information system "Official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow"

Document with changes made:
(Official website of the Mayor and the Moscow Government, 08.05.2018);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, 07.11.2018).

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow of October 24, 2001 N 52 "On Information Resources and Informatization of the City of Moscow" The Moscow Government


1. To approve the Regulation on the automated information system "Official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow" (annex).

2. Establish that:

2.1. Department information technologies of the city of Moscow is the operator of the automated information system "Official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow" (hereinafter - AIS "Portal of the Mayor and Government"), and also exercises the powers of the owner of the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and Government".
(Clause 2.1 as amended by the Decree of the Moscow Government dated May 8, 2018 N 411-PP.

2.2. The Department for ensuring the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow is an authorized subdivision of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, carrying out activities for the placement of information in the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government".

2.3. The functioning of the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government" is carried out using the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction between the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations when providing public services and the performance of state functions in the city of Moscow, including using a unified information system.
(The item was additionally included by the decree of the Moscow Government dated November 6, 2018 N 1344-PP)

3. To declare invalid:

3.1. Order of the Chief of Staff of the Mayor and the Moscow Government dated February 17, 2010 N 10-DPR "On the Regulations for the formation and updating of information on the official server of the Moscow Government in terms of the activities of structural divisions of the Mayor's Office and the Moscow Government."

3.2. Clauses 1, 3 of the order of the Moscow Government dated July 19, 2011 N 551-RP "On the development of the automated information system" Official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow ".

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow, A.V. Ermolaev.

Mayor of Moscow


Application. Regulations on the automated information system "Official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow"


to the resolution of the Moscow Government

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Regulations on the Automated Information System "Official Portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the purpose and rules of operation of the automated information system "Official Portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow" (hereinafter - AIS "Portal of the Mayor and Government"), the list of participants communication using the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" (hereinafter referred to as the participants in information interaction), their powers.

1.2. AIS "Portal of the Mayor and Government" is an automated information system of the city of Moscow, which contains information and software and hardware that provide information and technological interaction between the operator of the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and Government" and participants in information interaction when filling the official website of the Mayor and the Government Moscow in the information and telecommunications network Internet, as well as granting access rights to participants in information interaction to the specified site.

1.3. The following terms are used in this Regulation:

1.3.1. Integration - ensuring interaction between information systems through software interfaces.

1.3.2. Programming interface - collection electronic servicesprovided by the information system for the interaction of the information system subsystems.

1.3.3. Public programming interfaces - a set of electronic services provided by an information system for use in external information systems.

1.3.4. Information materials - information on the results of the activities of the Mayor of Moscow, the Moscow Government and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow (including statistical and analytical data), projects planned and ongoing in the city of Moscow (festivals, competitions, thematic exhibitions, sporting events), regulatory legal acts, planned for consideration at meetings of the Moscow Government and the Presidium of the Moscow Government, cultural and educational events of state cultural institutions of the city of Moscow.

1.4. AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" is the property of the city of Moscow.

1.5. The tasks of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" are:

1.5.1. Providing access for an unlimited number of people to hosted in in electronic format information and telecommunications network Internet (hereinafter referred to as the Internet) information on the activities of the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government.

1.5.2. Centralization of methods of gaining access to electronic services and information services of the Mayor and the Moscow Government, provided to citizens and organizations through websites in the domain zone.

1.5.3. Improving the quality of informing citizens about the city management system of the city of Moscow, the activities of the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government, as well as about the services of their subordinate organizations and other organizations through technological support for the interaction of existing information resources of the Moscow Government.

1.6. The function of the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government" is to create and ensure the functioning of the official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow on the Internet based on the developed technological solution and a set of electronic services integrated into the solution, including the following services:

1.6.1. Providing information on the results of the activities of the Mayor of Moscow, the Moscow Government and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow (including statistical and analytical data).

1.6.2. Providing information on cultural and educational activities of state cultural institutions of the city of Moscow.

1.6.3. Providing electronic access to public services of the city of Moscow and services of the Moscow Government.

1.6.4. Providing access to information about projects planned and ongoing in the city of Moscow (festivals, competitions, thematic exhibitions, sports events).

1.6.5. Providing information about the history of Moscow and the achievements of the city of Moscow.

1.6.6. Providing spatial data and metadata about objects located in the city of Moscow.

1.6.7. Providing access to search by information resources Moscow government.

1.6.8. Providing information on the adopted legal acts of the Mayor of Moscow, the Moscow Government, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, as well as on the projects of such legal acts.

1.6.9. Provision of public program interfaces and other information services and materials for mutual integration with external information resources.

1.7. The provision of services to organizations using the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government", with the exception of organizations subordinate to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, is carried out on the basis of agreements concluded between the operator of the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government" and the above organizations, which, among other things, determine the list services, conditions for their provision, requirements for the organization of payment for services, the possibility of providing incentives to users who actively use the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" when they receive such services.

1.8. Information interaction of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" with other information systems is carried out in accordance with the established procedure using the regional system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of the city of Moscow, automated system "one system automation of centralized provision of public services and control over performance of functions. "

1.9. Information constituting a state secret is not subject to processing in the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government".

1.10. The posting of information prepared by the Department for the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Moscow Government or provided by the state authorities of the city of Moscow for placement in the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government" to the Department for ensuring the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations for the publication of information materials on the official website of the Mayor and the Moscow Government on the Internet.

2. Participants of information interaction

2.1. Participants in information interaction are the operator of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal", the Administration for the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, information providers in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" and users of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

2.2. Information providers in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" are the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and state institutions of the city of Moscow, as well as other organizations that possess the information necessary to implement the tasks and functions of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" and place it in the AIS " Portal of the Mayor and the Government "independently or providing it for placement to the Department of ensuring the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow.

2.3. Users of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" - citizens and organizations in need of information contained in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3. Powers of participants in information interaction

3.1. Operator of AIS "Mayor and Government Portal":

3.1.1. Approves the Rules of Procedure for AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" functioning.

3.1.2. Ensures the functioning of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" in accordance with the Regulations for the functioning of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.1.3. Ensures the integrity and invariability of information from the moment of its placement in the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government", the protection of such information, its backup, and, if necessary, restoration.

3.1.4. Monitors actions on the use of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" by participants in information interaction in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.1.5. Provides technical support and consulting support to participants in information interaction on the technical functioning of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.1.6. It is not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information posted in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" by information providers in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.1.7. It integrates the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" with other information systems used to provide information to users of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.1.8. In agreement with the Administration for the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, it provides registration of users of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" and information providers in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" and differentiation of access rights for use functionality AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.1.9. Provides development (modernization), operation of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".
(Clause 3.1.9 was additionally included by the Decree of the Moscow Government dated May 8, 2018 N 404-PP)

3.2. Certain functions of the operator of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" may be transferred to another executive body of the city of Moscow or an organization by decision of the operator of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.

3.3. The operator of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" does not have the right to disclose information about the users of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal", unless the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the obligation to provide such information to authorized state bodies.

3.4. Department for the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Moscow Government

3.4.1. Provides methodological support for the functioning of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.4.2. Provides correction and editing of materials posted in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.4.3. Carries out activities on the publication of information materials in the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and Government".

3.4.4. It is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of information materials posted in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal", compliance with the terms of posting information materials, as well as for observance of the intellectual rights of third parties when placing information materials in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.5. Information provider in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal":

3.5.1. Provides free of charge placement in the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government" information necessary for the implementation of the tasks and functions of the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government", or provides it for placement to the Administration for the functioning of the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow.

3.5.2. Ensures the provision of information about its structure, activities, as well as its contact details.

3.5.3. Ensures the accuracy, completeness and relevance of information posted by him in the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government".

3.5.4. It is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of information materials posted in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal", compliance with the terms of posting information materials, as well as for observing the intellectual rights of third parties when placing information materials in the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.5.5. Complies with the requirements of the operational documentation for the use of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal", the Regulations for the functioning of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

3.5.6. Provides the accuracy of the information required for the creation of information materials AIS "Portal of the Mayor and Government".

3.5.7. Ensures the safety of the credentials of users of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" provided by the operator of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" to use the functionality of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal", non-disclosure of these data and prevent the use of the functionality of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" by third parties persons without agreement with the operator of the AIS "Portal of the Mayor and the Government".

4. User of AIS "Mayor and Government Portal"

4.1. Complies with the requirements of the operational documentation for the use of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal", the Regulations for the functioning of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

4.2. Ensures the safety of the credentials of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" provided by the operator of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" to use the functionality of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal", non-disclosure of this data and prevent the use of the functionality of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal" by third parties without agreement with the operator of the AIS "Mayor and Government Portal".

Electronic text of the document

On Friday, Sobyanin appointed heads of other departments of the capital. New among them was Eduard Lysenko - he became the minister of the government and headed the department of information technology instead of Artem Yermolaev, who left the post in connection with the transition to a new job.

The powers of the heads of the following construction departments and committees have been extended: Construction Department - Andrey Bochkarev, Urban Development Policy Department - Sergey Lyovkin, New Territories Development Department - Vladimir Zhidkin. Oleg Antosenko remained the head of Mosgosstroynadzor, Yuliana Knyazhevskaya - Moskomarkhitektury, Valery Leonov - Moskomexpertiza, Konstantin Timofeev - Moskomstroyinvest.

Ministers Alexei Khripun, Isaac Kalina and Vladimir Petrosyan, heads of the departments of health, education, labor and social protection, respectively, will continue to work in the new government in their positions.

Vladimir Chernikov, head of the regional security and anti-corruption department, also retained his post in the new government. The Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations remained under the control of Vitaly Suchkov, Hasan Gasangadzhiev remained in the post of the head of the housing and communal services department, the media department will continue to work under the control of Ivan Shubin. Elena Zyabbarova will again be in charge of the finance department.

The Department of Nature Management remained under the control of Anton Kulbachevsky, however, it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the city housing complex and its head Peter Biryukov (before that the department was directly subordinate to the mayor).

The same change took place in the work of the Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations. The department will continue to be managed by Sergei Cheremin, however, from the subordination of the mayor, the department was transferred to the subordination of Sobyanin's deputy for regional security and information policy, Alexander Gorbenko.

Some changes in the government were announced on Wednesday: Natalya Sergunina became the new chief of staff of the mayor and government of Moscow, before that - the vice-mayor for economic policy. Instead, Vladimir Yefimov, who headed the department of economic policy and capital development, became the new deputy mayor for economics.

In turn, the former chief of staff of the mayor and the government of the capital, Anastasia Rakova, became vice-mayor for social policy, replacing Leonid Pechatnikov. The latter left the Moscow government. Pechatnikov was responsible for health care, education, social protection of the population, and was also in charge of the department of culture and cultural heritage. Among the most resonant areas that he oversaw were a large-scale health care reform with the unification of polyclinics and the creation of educational complexes with per capita funding from kindergartens and schools. According to the interlocutor of RBC in the Moscow mayor's office, Pechatnikov wanted to resign for the last two years.

After officially taking office, Sergei Sobyanin, elected to a new term as mayor of the capital, dismissed the previous government on September 18.