Examples of working subscription pages in infomarketing. Simple subscription page template - customizable Subscription page promotions

Greetings, dear friends! Now we will talk about what a subscription page is, what it is for and how to do it yourself. And also at the end of the article I will share my small collection of subscription pages, or as they are also called "capture pages". This lesson will be useful to everyone: both novice bloggers and novice information businessmen.

As I wrote above, subscription pages are a very important part for those who blog and build their online business. Not only one, you hear, not one blogger and information businessman can do without capture pages!

Many of you know that the subscriber base is a Golden Asset, and it is worth taking care of it from the very beginning! No need to "score" on this, or say to yourself "later, then, then", you need to act now !!! Of course, I will not talk about all the subtleties of recruiting subscribers, because I think I will soon write a series of articles on this topic, or even write a free book. And it will be this summer, I think at the beginning of July. I advise you not to miss!

We will do without subtleties, but in short I will, of course, tell you what and how ...

In order to gain subscribers, first of all, you need to create your own free information product, for example, a video course or a book. Then create a subscription page (about this in this article), and advertise your product! It is in this way that you can collect a subscriber base at first.

And now we will talk only about one of the parts of the set of subscribers, this is subscription page (capture page).

Subscription page - this is a special page to which you will invite people with the insidious purpose of making them your subscribers using the subscription form.

I am more than sure that you have met this page more than once. Therefore, you should not waste time explaining what it is ... Let's better talk about what they should be and how to do it yourself!

What should be a funnel site?

There is a lot of controversy, both among beginners and professionals, about what the subscription page should be like. Therefore, there is simply no exact answer to this question at the moment ... And everyone uses what he likes, but you should still adhere to some very important rules!

- There should be a “loud” and catchy headline.

- There should be a subtitle that will "finish off" the client.

- must be visible without scrolling the window.

- The subscription form must attract attention.

- The client must trust you and give his mail address.

- A clear example of what the client will receive.

These are the rules that everyone who creates subscription pages in order to get subscribers should adhere to. Now, let's break down each of the points in a little more detail so that there are no questions left. But before that, I would like to say the following: these tips are only suitable for subscription pages, for the selling pages there is a slightly different tactic, somewhat similar, but gives less result.

1. There should be a “loud” and catchy headline.

By the words loud and catchy, I mean that the headline should simultaneously convey the essence of your free product and “impose” it on the client! Also, the title should be readable and memorable!

No need to rush into a headline. You need to sit down, think carefully, think about everything, and then only make decisions about what title will be. It may take days or even weeks!

Example header:

“They thought I couldn't do it. But they were wrong ... I managed to make my first million online. "

2. There should be a subheading that will "finish off" the client.

This subheading is a very important part of the sales page, it should be written immediately after the title. The subtitle should be readable and convey a direct message about what your product is about. It can even be the name of the product, or its slang.

An example of a subheading:

"Detailed instructions on how to make a million!"

3. The subscription form must be visible without scrolling the window.

Well, here, I think, it's not even worth explaining. In the subscription page, the subscriber collection generator, that is, the subscription form, should be visible to the client immediately after entering the page, without scrolling down (). And by the way, this applies not only to the subscription page, but also just to the blog!

4. The subscription form should attract attention.

Standard forms of subscriptions that offer specialized services, such as Smartresponder, are an eyesore all around. And therefore, such forms do not attract attention as much as they did several years ago. It’s worth thinking about it carefully, and doing something special and attractive.

If you have knowledge of a graphic editor and html, then there is nothing complicated, but if you are not familiar with them, then you should contact freelancers.

The subscription form should be striking, and I'll strike you after visiting the page, but you shouldn't turn it into a "Christmas tree".

5. The client must trust you and give his mail address.

You must write to your future subscriber that his e-mail address will remain with you, will not fall into the wrong hands, and spam will not be sent to him! This is very important, you must let them know that you can be trusted! And, of course, you shouldn't send dozens of letters to your subscriber a day, they didn't agree to this ...

6. A clear example of what the client will receive.

Also an important part of the subscription page. You must visually show the future subscriber what he will get in practice. Simple words are not enough, so it would be nice to present a product cover, or a few screenshots, or a video clip.

These are the rules that you must adhere to without fail if you want to achieve decent results in a short time. These are of course not all the rules and tips, there are still many of them, but at the initial stage, these are quite enough. If you want more, then please write me about it in the comments. I will then speed up with writing a free book.

How to make a subscription page?

A subscription page can be made without special knowledge of programming languages, including html. Everything can be done much easier, because for this there are a large number of different special ones. Finding them is not difficult, just write in the search: "Program for creating html sites", or something like that.

Personally, I use the program for these purposes Web Page Maker ... I talked about how to create a simple subscription page using it in my free video course “ How to create a video course: from A to Z“Which you can download absolutely free of charge here.

And so I decided, in order not to repeat myself, to put this lesson in the public domain especially for you. You can view it just below:

Is everything clear to you? If you have any questions, then write in the comments - I will definitely answer and help!

Greetings, dear friends! Now we will talk about what a subscription page is, what it is for and how to do it yourself. And also at the end of the article I will share my small collection of subscription pages, or as they are also called "capture pages". This lesson will be useful to everyone: both novice bloggers and novice information businessmen.

As I wrote above, subscription pages are a very important part for those who blog and build their online business. Not only one, you hear, not one blogger and information businessman can do without capture pages!

Many of you know that the subscriber base is a Golden Asset, and it is worth taking care of it from the very beginning! No need to "score" on this, or say to yourself "later, then, then", you need to act now !!! Of course, I will not talk about all the subtleties of recruiting subscribers, because I think I will soon write a series of articles on this topic, or even write a free book. And it will be this summer, I think at the beginning of July. I advise you not to miss!

We will do without subtleties, but in short, I will, of course, tell you what and how ...

In order to gain subscribers, first of all, you need to create your own free information product, for example, a video course or a book. Then create a subscription page (about this in this article), and advertise your product! It is in this way that you can collect a subscriber base at first.

And now we will talk only about one of the parts of the set of subscribers, this is subscription page (capture page).

Subscription page - this is a special page to which you will invite people with the insidious purpose of making them your subscribers using the subscription form.

I am more than sure that you have met this page more than once. Therefore, you should not waste time explaining what it is ... Let's better talk about what they should be and how to do it yourself!

What should be a funnel site?

There is a lot of controversy, both among beginners and professionals, about what should be a subscription page. Therefore, at the moment there is simply no exact answer to this question ... And everyone uses what he likes, but you should still adhere to some very important rules!

There should be a “loud” and catchy headline.

There should be a subheading that will "finish off" the client.

Should be visible without scrolling the window.

The subscription form should grab attention.

The client must trust you and give his email address.

A clear example of what the client will receive.

These are the rules that everyone who creates subscription pages in order to get subscribers should adhere to. Now, let's break down each of the points in a little more detail so that there are no questions left. But before that, I would like to say the following: these tips are only suitable for subscription pages, for the selling pages there is a slightly different tactic, somewhat similar, but gives less result.

1. There should be a “loud” and catchy headline.

By the words loud and catchy, I mean that the headline should simultaneously convey the essence of your free product and “impose” it on the client! Also, the title should be readable and memorable!

No need to rush into a headline. You need to sit down, think carefully, think about everything, and then only make decisions about what title will be. It may take days or even weeks!

Example header:

“They thought I couldn't do it. But they were wrong ... I managed to make my first million online. "

2. There should be a subheading that will "finish off" the client.

This subheading is a very important part of the sales page, it should be written immediately after the title. The subtitle should be readable and convey a direct message about what your product is about. It can even be the name of the product, or its slang.

An example of a subheading:

"Detailed instructions on how to make a million!"

3. The subscription form should be visible without scrolling the window.

Well, here, I think, it's not even worth explaining. In the subscription page, the subscriber collection generator, that is, the subscription form, should be visible to the client immediately after entering the page, without scrolling down (). And by the way, this applies not only to the subscription page, but also just to the blog!

4. The subscription form should attract attention.

Standard forms of subscriptions that offer specialized services, such as Smartresponder, are an eyesore all around. And therefore, such forms do not attract attention as much as they did several years ago. It’s worth thinking about it carefully, and doing something special and attractive.

If you have knowledge of a graphic editor and html, then there is nothing complicated, but if you are not familiar with them, then you should contact freelancers.

The subscription form should be striking, and I'll strike you after visiting the page, but you shouldn't turn it into a "Christmas tree".

5. The client must trust you and give his mail address.

You must write to your future subscriber that his e-mail address will remain with you, will not fall into the wrong hands, and spam will not be sent to him! This is very important, you must let them know that you can be trusted! And, of course, you shouldn't send a subscriber dozens of letters a day, they did not agree to this ...

6. A clear example of what the client will receive.

Also an important part of the subscription page. You must visually show the future subscriber what he will get in practice. Simple words are not enough, so it would be nice to present a product cover, or a few screenshots, or a video clip.

These are the rules that you must adhere to without fail if you want to achieve decent results in a short time. These are of course not all the rules and tips, there are still many of them, but at the initial stage, these are quite enough. If you want more, then please write me about it in the comments. I will then speed up with writing a free book.

How to make a subscription page?

A subscription page can be made without special knowledge of programming languages, including html. Everything can be done much easier, because for this there are a large number of different special ones. Finding them is not difficult, just write in the search: "Program for creating html sites", or something like that.

Personally, I use the program for these purposes Web Page Maker ... I talked about how to create a simple subscription page using it in my free video course "How to create a video course: from A to Z"which you can download absolutely free of charge here.

And so I decided, in order not to repeat myself, to put this lesson in the public domain especially for you. You can view it just below:

Is everything clear to you? If you have any questions, then write in the comments - I will definitely answer and help!

But in order to do this, you need to collect a database, and here without subscriptions in any way. And a question arises, or rather a set of questions that can be combined under a single heading "What should be a subscription page". Long, convincing, with striking benefits, or ascetic with a headline and appeal?

Natalia Karya gave a separate master class to dot the i's in this matter. It was this master class that became the basis of the article.

Are you ready? Then →

Let's start with theory

So let's dive into the theory a bit and find out what a subscription page is.

A subscription page is one of the variants of a landing page or (landing page, landing page, etc.). As you know, there are already almost a dozen options under which landing pages are known.

But the difference between the subscription page is in the target action.

Of course the subscription can be on →

  • blog updates
  • participation in a free event (webinar, conference, summit)
  • participation in the early list of any training or paid event.
  • Subscriptions can be located on separate pages or on special sites.

    Mutual PR Club Internet Library website

    Subscriptions are often made in the form of pop-up windows. They either pop up themselves after a specified time or when scrolling to a certain block, or appear when you click on a link.

    As with us, for example →

    Sometimes blogs and websites only post a subscription form with short benefits instead of a subscription page.

    But wherever the subscription pages are placed, they are created according to the same rules.

    5 rules for creating subscription pages

    Since the difference between a subscription only in the conversion action, then the creation of such a page and the rules for its design will be similar to any other landing page. True, the length of the subscription page is usually shorter than the landing page. Sometimes they even say that the subscription is done in a mini-format.

    1. Minimum effort

    It should be clear to the reader what and as he has to do.

    The subscription form should be clear, visible, the call is clear, and the number of fields to fill out the form should be minimal. For example, name and address. And if you are not going to use a personalized appeal, then you can only do with an e-mail.

    Of course, I want to segment subscribers, but it's better to do this a little later. After all, the more fields, the lower the conversion.

    Subscribers especially do not like to fill in the phone number. Not everyone is eager for personal communication with managers, so they often enter non-existent numbers.

    2. Bright elements of the subscription

    Since there is not much text, it should be a squeeze of usefulness: a catchy headline, a clear, exciting call to action.

    It is advisable to use pictures of the product (if you offer a free book or checklist) or footage from events (if you invite to a conference). You can use photos of the author or speakers, especially if they are known to the audience.

    3. Lack of external links

    Make sure that the person does not leave the subscription page for competitors' websites or anywhere else. The only thing is that you can make a button to return to the site so that the subscriber does not rest, but studies articles or something else interesting on the site. You have a lot of that, right?

    4. Integration with social networks

    Where can we go without them? Even if the reader does not subscribe, then squeezing the coveted button is a sacred thing. And now all the friends and acquaintances of the failed subscriber know about you. And who knows how many customers will come from there.

    And if you run free events, conferences or webinars, forgetting about social media is a crime.

    5. Simple airy design

    What is meant:

    Light background

  • a must-see block with a subscription form (in a frame of a color different from the general background, with a clear call and a noticeable button).
  • a lot of air (the text is located in separate blocks, diluted with illustrations that enhance the effect)
  • clear logical structure
  • bright pleasant colors (not red with sparkles, from which dazzle in the eyes)
  • It is convenient if the subscription is framed in 2-3 columns. This allows the gaze to catch and does not tire with monotony.

    Gentleman's set for subscription

    The minimum set consists of three components that need to be worked out when creating pages:

    1. Tenacious title
    2. Clear customer benefits
    3. High quality subscription form

    This is the kind of subscription block we used on our blog. Now it has been replaced by pop-up windows that appear when you click on a block with a call to download a magnet.

    As already said, every word in such a mini-format must be verified and weighed in order to generate a strong desire to subscribe IMMEDIATELY.

    And what is there in the maxi format?

    1. Company / Author Name
    2. Bright headline or slogan that characterizes the company
    3. Company logo and / or author's photo
    4. Brief proposal / product description to create the image
    5. Attractive benefits
    6. Expanded proposal (may include a short presentation by the author)
    7. Trust Tools: Reviews, Customer Logos, Videos
    8. Social proof (e.g. number of followers)
    9. Restrictions (e.g. time, bonus or quantity)
    10. Social media buttons
    11. Call to action

    In general, everything that you attract future buyers and subscribers in the selling text.

    But do not forget that the subscription page should not stretch over a dozen screens. Therefore, for example, the author's presentation should be capacious and bright. You can use numbers and interesting facts from life or work.

    What determines the length of the subscription

    But how to choose the length of the signature in each specific case?

    The length will depend on →

    the degree of audience warming up
  • paid / free event
  • readiness for further work with leads
  • location of the subscription page
  • And now, in order.

    Imagine a reader came to your blog, read an article, became interested (well, how else, because the texts on your blog are wonderful and useful, are they?). The reader is already warmed up. Should I offer him a footcloth with the benefits of a subscription? Hardly. Reader already sees the quality of your content. Therefore, it is enough just to offer to subscribe or give in return a checklist or a book.

    Here's what it says about the length of the subscription page Stasya Sher , creative director of the agro-industrial complex:

    It all depends on the target audience, it makes no sense to write a long one for hot / warm. You should not write a short one for a cold one.

    Generally i prefer long subscriptions, because

    1) warm target audience just scrolls and subscribes

    2) a colder audience will read and a more targeted audience will come, and not from those who subscribe to watch.

    The hotter the audience, the shorter the subscription.

    Well, it is also worth considering what we will send out later. If this is a subscription to a regular newsletter from a blog, then why is there a long subscription?

    And if we want to launch an automatic series of letters with a sale, then the long one is much better. But for each project, it is still better to test which subscriptions work in a particular case. Otherwise, this is fortune telling on coffee grounds 🙂

    But if you are going to organize something new, it is better to tell the readers the details.

    Some readers are wary of subscribing to mailing lists from the same author or company. They are afraid that there will be 2 times more letters.

    Pavel Berestnev , the creator of Pavel Berestnev's Copywriting League, an internet entrepreneur and practitioner, thinks so:

    “Both long and short work, in each case it is necessary to test. I focus on the amount of information that needs to be communicated to a person to make the right decision. Some situations require a lot of explanation, in others a few paragraphs are enough. ”

    Do you want to place your subscription on third-party resources? Here you really need to try to present the product in all its glory. First, the audience is cold. Secondly, there may be more than a dozen proposals there, and there are many distracting links. Just behold - the reader will slip away to study something more attractive.

    Friends, colleagues, hello!

    I have finally designed and ordered some nice subscription page templates for you. They are sometimes also referred to as subscribe, takeover, landing pages.

    If you are engaged in Internet activities, then with a 90% probability these most useful things will sooner or later you will need and come in handy. And if you are engaged in mailing lists, you needed "yesterday"

    It is these pages that convert regular visitors into your subscribers, i.e., into your regular audience. Keep up with the trends and start collecting emails as soon as possible, if you haven't already. It will pay off a hundredfold, I was convinced of this myself.

    Take it for free and use it!()

    Don't repeat my mistakes: I started collecting followers too late. Meanwhile, this was the turning point in all of my marketing....

    Your subscription base (the base of your potential customers), your subscription list, is born and grows on the subscription pages. This is your Golden Asset, as Azamat Ushanov capaciously called it.

    Download now free 3 subscription templates pages in 3 colors :

    You can customize them for yourself, connect your mailings, subscription channels, etc. The templates are provided with detailed instructions and comments in the code that will help you.

    ATTENTION! Either the text instruction attached in the archive, or a simple one, will help you customize the templates.

    Average setup takes from 15 minutes to a couple of hours - depending on your training and the degree of readiness of the materials.

    The pages are designed in accordance with modern trends in list building, include necessary blocks for maximum conversion of visitors and do not contain anything superfluous... You can always add something of your own or remove what you don't need.

    If you are not versed in HTML and are not going to learn this simplest language, then any webmaster-layout designer will help you with setting up the form.

    In the next publications, I plan to answer the questions of beginners and conduct a small educational program.

    Use it for health, and I thank you in advance for your help!

    6 simple rules to download your subscription templates for free

    1. Attention! When you press This is interesting from Vkontakte make sure ,
    what did you click tell friendsotherwise the press will NOT be counted.
    2. Only pressing the buttons located within the shaded area,
    and not those below - above the comments ...
    3. NECESSARY TO PRESS 2 (TWO) SOCIAL BUTTONS networks , not one!
    4. If you are sure that you have pressed at least 2 buttons, make sure that the entries appear in your social. networks, but the link did not appear, UPDATE PAGE!
    5. DO NOT need to press twice (or an even number of times) the same button - your pressing will be reset!
    6. If you have read and followed everything, but the link has not appeared, please all questions about downloading please contact technical support: dutov.support-desk.ru, and NOT in comments.

    Have you read everything? Then please click TWO BUTTONS HERE:

    IF SOMETHING DOES NOT WORK CAREFULLY re-read the simple instructions above.

    Grab your signature templates and do whatever you want with them!
    Successful listing building, that is, recruiting a subscription base!

    • Pros and wonders of owning your own mailing list;
    • About promoting any business using email marketing;
    • About practical techniques, tools, tricks of maintaining your mailing list;
    • About other terribly useful, terribly interesting and completely uncomplicated things from this area ...

    P. P. S. It will be great if you tell me how useful and understandable the instructions were.

    In this article you can download 20 subscription page templates... What are we for subscription page templates, of course, for recruiting a subscription base. The better your subscription is, the greater the percentage of traffic conversion to subscribers. The conversion of these pages is more than 70%, that is, out of 1000 unique transitions, you will get 700 subscribers.

    The most important indicator, you should have not only beautiful signature pages, but also trusting ones. It so happens that a simple page with a simple design in a minimalist style brings more followers than a beautiful flash page with blinking titles.

    With these templates, you don't need to think how to make a subscription page, because all you need to do is replace the template phrases with your own. All PSD sources for Photoshop are included. All templates are edited in a regular text editor such as Notepad ++ or notepad.

    What are subscription pages for and why are they needed?

    A subscription page is the foundation if you want a foundation for any business. For example, you have a site that is optimized for search queries. According to statistics, 90% of people will no longer land on your site. They will look at your pages, download your material and that's it, you won't see this person anymore. No matter how great your site is, people simply won't remember you.

    The subscription page was created so that a person subscribes to your mailing list and, after the release of your new products or the writing of new material on your site, received information about this in a timely manner. Thus, he will visit your site constantly. Just 1 issue in your mailing list will be able to drive 700-1000 people to your site in a few hours. Subscription page and newsletter is a kind of feedback from your customers and subscribers.

    I am glad to welcome you to my blog!

    Today we will talk about a subscription page, it is also called a page capture, funnel page, etc. What is it and what is it for ?!A subscription page is an important component of your success inattracting subscribers and I will tell you how to make a subscription pageon JustCklick. There are many services, programs, plugins and scripts that help create a site - funnels. We considered one of the ways in this one.

    And we need it to create a subscriber base!

    After all, without subscribers you will not be able to make money on the Internet, I say now about making money on your website, blog, information product. And to attract peopleto subscribe you must offer them something to interest them.

    It can be a book, video course, another information product you need them. Get to the point - you will be happy. Because the subscriber in the futurecan become your client and buyer.

    But I got a little bit off the point of this post. I wanted to tell you how
    make a subscription page on JustClick perfectly
    free and fast. Would you like to receive new blog articles, please

    Not everyone has the opportunity at the initial stage to buy plugins to create such pages. There are of course free options, but again plugins are the casetricky, you can set everything up and connect, and he disgusts you ....or fail or fail. As with WPPage it was recently. But we must pay tribute to this plugin, it is easy to work with it and the pages come out more interesting.

    What should be the sign up or grab page?

    The very name of the page already tells us its goal, to attract as much as possible
    people for the information they need, give us their coordinates. Therefore, we must try to make the title catchy, be sure to indicate the benefits of our product for the subscriber, to interest him.

    But there is one subtlety, this page should be without scrolling. And that's all.

    For a person to leave us their coordinates, we must try make it attractive.

    Although on the account of what should be the subscription page, you will find contradictory opinions on the Internet. But one thing fundamentally, will hook - your subscriber.

    I must say right away that I, just like you, are just learning how to blog and information business. And I share my experience and knowledge with this article.

    And of course free methods do not give you super-duper opportunities, but we are at the beginning the way and therefore "we will not look at the teeth of a gift horse."

    And we will use the JustClick service. You need to register and create an account. Go to JustClick.

    After that you will be taken to your personal account and there on the left side in the sell column - there is a section page click this tab - then add and start creatingsubscription. More details in the video below.

    I am not considering registration today, they are usually standard and not cause difficulties. And in general, this post arose due to the request of oneexplain to my friend how to make a subscription page on JustClick.So the idea was born to record a video and write an article.

    I decided to record a video using the example of creating my own subscription for a new free video course on website creation.

    I post examples - screenshots: how subscribed pages and videos might look.

    Or such - a fragment of a subscription.

    In contact with

    Recently, one of my subscribers, an elderly woman, wrote to me and asked for help with one issue related to working online. I won't go into the details of what I did for her, but I helped. And in response, she wrote to me that now she will definitely achieve better results online. Necessarily, because I believed that [...]

    How do most people use Instagram? Exclusively for uploading your photos. It turns out a kind of vanity fair. Metaphorically speaking, a typical photo is something like this: But Instagram (who would have thought!) Has a "second bottom". I'm talking about the ability to set up targeted advertising on this social network, which will be shown exactly to those categories of people who we need. […]

    We got around to making a review of the live training Infotrafic and Conversion 2017, which I recently organized and conducted together with Alexander Dyrza. This will be a great article)) So - November 25 - 28, 2017. Moscow, hotel complex Izmailovo Alfa. Go! Cool feeling when before the start of the event people start pulling themselves into the hall. You meet them and [...]

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    I do not pretend to be inclusive. I deliberately did not include some expenses in this article, I just forgot about some. But the main points are reflected here: On the equipment I'll make a reservation right away - it is very expensive to buy all this at once. The best way out is to just gradually build your home studio. And one more thing - I'm not the best expert in all this, [...]