Random nicknames in English for YouTube. Online nickname generators. In the style of "Gacha Life"

The article will talk about choosing nicknames for your YouTube channel. We will try to tell you in full about what rules and advice you need to follow in order to choose the right product that sells, is memorable, but at the same time, beautiful name for the channel, according to the topic and content. Let's also talk about special services– nickname generator for YouTube. In an earlier publication on the site, we considered the issue of choosing the correct name for a channel based on gender. In the last article, we wrote about the peculiarities of choosing a nickname for guys and girls separately. If you missed this material or just want to remember what was written in it, go here: "".

When users create an account on YouTube, initially few people think about the name of their channel. They pay attention to this moment only when subscribers appear, and with them, when the creator of the channel knows exactly what his brainchild will be about, what videos will be posted there. If you belong to such users, then you can change the channel name by going to the settings on YouTube (by clicking the icon). Further in the tab called: “Account” you will see the channel icon, its name and address email, as well as a link with the anchor: “Edit in Google,” which you need to click. Click as shown on the top slide. A window will open (see bottom slide), in which you just need to enter a mega-cool channel name. To do this, you need to fill out the field called: “Nickname” (screenshot below).

A nickname is a nickname on YouTube. It doesn't have to be one word in English. There may be several words, but the layout does not play any role. It all depends on you and your desire.

This is where many users get confused. How to choose a quality channel name. Most users, having never found anything worthwhile, turn to so-called nickname generators for YouTube. They search in both Russian and English. Let's put off generating a nickname for now. Let's try to describe general rules, trends in name selection.

  • Rule one. The name should be clear, understandable, simple and as memorable as possible. You can use various modifications of the first and last name, like the same Yuri Dud or.
  • Rule two. The nickname should reflect the content of the channel. For example, if the channel’s theme is automotive, then try to have the word “auto” in the title.
  • Rule three. When choosing a name, make sure that it does not infringe copyright. This is a very important point, otherwise the administration will simply block you.

As we can see, choosing a nickname is very important and sometimes very difficult. Many users even resort to nickname generators. Mostly name generators are in English, but there are also nickname generators for Youtube in Russian. An example is a nickname generator on the website plagiatnik.ru. Let's see how it works this service. Follow the link: “plagiatnik.ru/autobor.php#!autobor” (see top slide). Here you can use symbols of the Russian and English alphabet. In addition, you enter the number of characters, the first and last letter of the nickname.

This may seem like an exaggeration, but many advanced YouTubers see a direct connection between the channel name and the number of views. This connection really exists, so choose your nickname as carefully as possible. Of course, content is important too. Even if the title is great, but the videos are not particularly interesting, you will definitely not gain more fans. It has been noticed that to increase the army of fans, you just need a push - subscribers, after which growth will begin... They reminded you about subscribers. Now let's return to the consideration of nickname generators, but in English.

One of the most popular resources is nick-name.ru. The generator itself is located at to the next address: “nick-name.ru/ru/generate” (see top image). Everything is even simpler here than in the sites described above. Enter the first letter of the future channel nickname, the number of characters and launch the nickname generator for the YouTube channel, as shown in the screenshot just above. If you yourself are not able to come up with a name, and the generators produce something vague and awkward, turn to professionals, but in this case you will have to fork out money.

And they bring the content to the top. If you are one of those who wants to create your own channel, you should take care of its name. In this article we will tell you what tools to use to create an interesting and memorable nickname.

So that it doesn’t look primitive and starts to stand out among competitors, use a generator to create it. The generator is a special program that in a couple of seconds comes up with various nicknames for users. It significantly reduces thinking time and helps users choose a consonant name for the YouTube community. Plus generators:

  • Ease of use
  • No installation or registration required
  • Can be used at any time from anywhere in the world

You can find one of these generators at the following link: https://nick-name.ru/ru/generate/ We will explain in detail the features of this assistant and how to use it. Nik-name.Ru creates names from 3 to 15 characters long on English. To work with it, follow the link above, then:

  1. Choose which letter your nickname will start with. You can use the first letter of your first name, last name or favorite character as a basis.
  2. Set how many letters the name will contain in total. To make it easier for users to remember you, choose a nickname from 5 to 8 characters. This way it won’t be too trivial and not entirely difficult to remember.
  3. Tap on the generator type menu. In this program you can select 3 types of generator. The name will change depending on them. According to the developers' instructions, the third type of generator is the most complex.

To work with it, you should click on the “install” button and wait a few minutes. Once a nickname is selected, the program will prompt you to register it. This is necessary so that the name belongs only to you. To register, click on the green button, enter your email, name and gender. Information about assigning a name to you will be sent to your email.

If you want to come up with a nickname in Russian, the site will help you https://www.plagiatnik.ru/autobor.php#!autobor. In addition to the ability to create a name in Russian, it has the following features:

  • You can choose whether to use lowercase or uppercase characters.
  • The site allows you to add symbols to your nickname. For example ^?@! And others/
  • The resource offers to indicate which letter your nickname will begin and end with.

To receive different spelling options, you can check multiple boxes at once or select all at once. Afterwards, click on the “select” button and wait for the result.

So, we looked at several types of generators that will help you come up with an interesting name for your YouTube channel in a matter of seconds. If you are not satisfied with their work, we suggest using our recommendations for creating a name for your brainchild.

  • Analyze the content of the channel. If you are going to post a video on a specific topic, it is advisable that the title matches the content.
  • See what others are writing. Short on creative ideas? Take a look at what your competitors or the best bloggers in related fields are writing. Perhaps you will get some inspiration from them.
  • Use Word Stat. If you review games or promote your business on YouTube, don't ignore key queries. They can be played around and inserted into the channel name. This will make it easier for users to find you.

Conclusion: whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail. To attract the attention of subscribers and receive feedback from them in the form And It’s also worth thinking about the nickname, as well as the content of the videos.

Online generators of nicknames by first and last name are in high demand today, since the use of virtual nicknames is an integral part of the entire Internet community, which includes millions of people all over the planet.

Why are online nickname generators popular today?

For many people, an online nickname is no less important a personal identifier than a last name or first name. Unfortunately, the popularity of Internet resources today has led to a situation where many nicknames are simply taken. What to do in such a situation? For example, if a person wants to pick up original names for twitter?

In this case, a unique service can help - an online nickname generator, which can be found at.

How to use the online nickname generator twitternamegenerator

The functionality of the program is very simple, but it is enough to choose a really good nickname, and most importantly, one that is not occupied by another user.

The selection is carried out based on the provision of the following information by the user:

1. The person's first and last name.

2. The desired nickname and data about what the user likes.

3. Favorite number (this may well be his date of birth) and an important word for a person.

After entering this data, all you have to do is click on the generate button. The program processes the information and instantly produces Twitter nicknames based on the data entered by the person. The user is only required to select the option that is highlighted as free.

This service has one drawback that you should be aware of - it is a nickname generator in English. That is, it somewhat limits the options for selecting virtual pseudonyms.

Fortunately, a nickname generator in Russian also exists. If you need just such an opportunity, it is recommended to visit.

Address - twitternamegenerator.com

Features of the service ongab.ru/nickname

Initially, this program was intended to select nicknames for computer games. However, this does not prevent you from using the provided potential as a nickname generator in Russian.

What is required from a person to obtain the desired result?:

2. Select the option “any race” in the first line, or select “human”.

3. Select the gender of the person for whom the nickname is being selected.

4. Specify the length of the word and click on the “Generate nickname” button.

Your nickname will appear in the corresponding line. Unfortunately, this online nickname generator does not have the ability to select options by first and last name, however, it is worth taking advantage of the functionality provided.

Address - ongab.ru/nickname

On YouTube you will find hundreds of thousands of channels, most of which do not stand out for their bright design or original presentation of material……….

It should be understood that users will subscribe to your project if it stands out among the rest……………………………………..

One of the most simple ways to emphasize your originality is to create a unique nickname that users and viewers will easily remember

Below we will analyze— 7 most popular nickname generators for YouTube, and we’ll also give practical advice, how to create a unique name for your channel ↓↓↓

5 Ways to Make an Interesting Title

Nick is a pseudonym that is used to designate various accounts and so on. Most YouTube channel owners do not pay attention to this point and, as a result, miss real opportunities………..

What, after all, should be taken into account in the process of creating a name: ↓↓↓

  • Brand. It’s not for nothing that they say, “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” In the future, users will recognize the project by its nickname, so the name should be sonorous.
  • . Oddly enough, you must tell users what this channel(for example, consoles “game”, “video”, “TV”, etc.).
  • Simplicity. The name should be sonorous, simple and easy to remember.

All these options will help you create a memorable name.

But one more important point is the method you use to make a nickname:

  • Rhyme. The idea is to use the consonance of several words.
  • Alliteration. Involves repeating part of a word (for example, Coca-Cola).
  • Oxymoron. Most often used in a humorous form (“Smart Troll” and so on);
  • Generators. Special programs, which will create an interesting login taking into account all standards.

→ Below we will look at the most popular nickname generators for YouTube channels, as well as the principle of their operation.

5 best services: creating the best channel name

Despite the simplicity of the question, many users find it very difficult to create a high-quality nickname on their own.

The bottom line is that these programs create a random and original name that has not been used anywhere before.

Just enter the desired nickname in the form and click “Check Availability” ↓

Let's look at the most popular nickname generators by name: ↓↓↓

1. Nick-Name (https://nick-name.ru/ru/generate/) is one of the simplest services for creating English-language nicknames. The service interface is simplified as much as possible, and the system itself works very quickly. In total, the generator has 3 algorithms for composing names, and the maximum length of a nickname cannot exceed 15 characters. To get a name, select capital letter, length, as well as the type of algorithm - now click on the “Generate” button.

2. Plagiatnik (http://www.plagiatnik.ru/autobor.php#!autobor) – this generator is inferior to the previous one, but has its advantages. In particular, you can use nicknames for YouTube in Russian and English. You can also set parameters such as the number of characters, the letter with which the login begins and ends, etc. In general, the titles are very interesting and lively.

3. Namegenerator (http://www.namegenerator.biz/youtube-name-generator.php) is a very simple English-language generator that allows you to create high-quality names for YouTube. In particular, the service has only two parameters that you can set (suffix and prefix), roughly speaking, the beginning and end part of the login. The system automatically develops a nickname specifically for you. In most cases, the resulting names are worthwhile.

4 . Jimpix (http://jimpix.co.uk/words/tumblr-names.asp) – this service already has a generated database of names. Just select one of the categories that is presented on home page. The advantage is that Jimpix can make comic titles that will delight you and your followers.

5. Namenami (http://namenami.com/clan-name-generator) – this system is positioned as a utility for creating names for clans. Ideal for various entertainment channels. So, on the main page you need to select a category and click on the “Generate” button. If you want to get another randomly generated title, then click on “See Another”.

In general, these methods are quite enough to get an interesting and unforgettable login for both boys and girls.

As an addition, we can recommend a few more projects, which are an inexhaustible source of original ideas

For example, on the website - http://vnickname.ru/nicki-youtube.php there are more than 720 nicknames for your channels

Thus, even such a simple element as the nickname of a YouTube channel can have a decisive role in its further development.

Our life is closely connected with the Internet, in particular with the video hosting YouTube. We begin to maintain our own channels, which for some people are abandoned over time, but for others they begin to flourish and grow. a large number subscribers. And here our gaze falls on the nickname (the name of the channel owner) and we understand that it is somehow dissonant. We rack our brains, walk around, come up with ideas, but nothing bright and memorable comes to mind. Do you recognize yourself? Then read on. Today we will look at what a nickname generator for YouTube is and how to use it various services, helping to create an attractive nickname.

Why do you need a sonorous nickname?

According to statistics, an original and sonorous nickname attracts the attention of YouTube channel visitors and is quickly remembered. This helps to increase the number of subscribers and become not an ordinary blogger, of which there are already a lot on the Internet, but turn into a recognizable brand. And the channel, after it becomes famous, itself begins to work for the owner, because all popular things firmly settle in the minds of users and are discussed by them for a long time.

What should the channel owner's name be?

Now channel owners are wondering how to choose a bright nickname. There are several rules that must be followed:

  • clarity, simplicity, understandability and easy memorability of the nickname - for example, various combinations first and last name;
  • displaying the subject of the channel - if the channel is filled with videos about cosmetics, then the title must contain an indication of this;
  • respect copyright, otherwise the administration will block the channel.

Following these three rules, you can move on to inventing nicknames yourself or generating nicknames using special services.

Where can I change my nickname on YouTube?

Before we move on to the review of nickname generators for YouTube video hosting, let’s see where you can change your nickname. So, go to YouTube and click on your avatar in the right top corner. If you are not logged into the service, there will be a “Login” button in this place. Click on it, enter your Google account login/password and continue.

Click on the avatar. A menu appears in which we go to “Settings”.

Google account settings

Here we remain in the account section and next to the avatar, channel name and nickname, click on the line “Edit in Google”.

Changing information about yourself

A menu appears where you can change your personal information. Indicate your new nickname. Now we choose how subscribers will see the name of our channel. Click on one of the proposed options and click OK.

Correction of first name, last name and nickname

Google will ask you to confirm the name change, which we, of course, allow.

Google asks permission to change name

After this, the new name will appear in all Google services. Now let's move on to getting to know nickname generators for YouTube.

Nickname generators allow you to choose a nickname in Russian and English. Let's look at how some of the services work.

Plagiatnik works with Russian and English letters

Let's get acquainted with Plagiatnik. Here you have the opportunity to use the letters of the Russian and English alphabets both together and separately. We indicate what we need to generate a nickname:

  • alphabets (uppercase, lowercase);
  • numbers;
  • special characters;
  • the number of characters in the nickname (from and to a certain number).

You can also define the first and last character of your nickname. Having specified all the values ​​we need, click “Select” below. The generated nickname will appear at the top. It can be changed immediately in this field.

Generating a nickname in Plagiatnik

Now click “Register” so that this nickname is copyrighted to us. Create a password and enter your email address.

Securing copyright

Original nicknames for YouTube using VnickName

Consider the following site that generates nicknames - VnickName. Names are not taken from any database. First, the resource sets the number of characters in the nickname, then creates each of the characters separately, and lastly creates a name from them. The service offers nicknames only in English letters. We click on “Generate nickname” as many times as we like and when we find a suitable one, we add it to the site. Now it will be in the service database. You can specify the first and last letters of the nickname, and the generator itself will create the middle.

VnickName in action

Nick-Name issues a certificate for the generated nickname

Another generator that creates nicknames only in English for YouTube is Nick-Name. Nicknames with a length of 3 to 15 characters are created here. If desired, set the first and last letter of the future nickname (selecting from the drop-down list) and indicate how many characters should be in the name. Set the type of generator - first or second. A third generator can also be used. It is more complex and must be downloaded by clicking on the “Install” button.

Nick Name Generator

We register the resulting nickname by clicking on the green “Register for yourself” button. If we see that the generated alias is free, then we do the following:

  • indicate your email address;
  • enter a name or link to a social network;
  • indicate gender;
  • Check the box “I’m not a robot.”

We look at the pre-compiled certificate.

Certificate to be issued by the site

Now click “Register!” and that's it, copyright is reserved.

Registering a nickname on Nick-Name

GenWord Word Generator

The GenWord service allows you to create sonorous nicknames in 3 options: random theme, fruit and vegetable or fantasy.

  • By choosing a random topic, we set additional values: the initial letter of the Russian or English alphabet (the language option begins to operate after clicking the corresponding flag - Russia or Great Britain) and the number of syllables, after which we click “Create a nickname”.

    Random nickname theme

  • The fruit and vegetable option does not require the selection of additional parameters.

    GenWord generated a fruit and vegetable version of the nickname

  • When choosing a fantasy option, you must specify the character class. Specify the fantasy character class

    This is what the nickname generated for the “elf” character looks like.

    Elruthien - generated name for an elf

The simplest nickname generator CastLots

Working with the CastLots generator is extremely simple. Click “Generate” and select the English-language nickname that the service offers.

CastLots - simple and clear

The service focuses on popular brands and generates truly diverse nicknames.

GSgen implements an original approach

To find an original nickname for YouTube, let’s visit the GSgen service. In addition to nicknames, the service creates full names, and matches with real people completely random. To select an alias, do the following:

  • select the number of options that will be presented on the page;
  • indicate what we need - a nickname or nickname by first and last name;
  • for the last option, enter your first and last name;
  • We note which nicknames we need - male or female (you can use both options at once).

Click “Show” and select a nickname from those proposed by the system. If you don’t like any of them, we continue to press the button until we get a suitable result.

Original nicknames for YouTube from GSgen


We looked at why you need a sonorous nickname and where you can quickly and independently change it in your Google account. We also got acquainted with the main nickname generators for YouTube, their work and the opportunities they provide to the user. Now you can definitely choose a nickname that will quickly be remembered by your audience and become a recognizable brand.