We deleted the channel on YouTube what to do. How to recover a blocked and deleted channel on Youtube. How to recover YouTube after blocking

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Have you tried yourself as a video blogger, but decided that this activity is not for you? No more time to shoot videos, edit them and promote them on the Internet? There are many reasons why users are wondering: how to delete a YouTube channel. Today we will analyze detailed instructions, and also consider the recovery mechanism if necessary.

Please note that after deletion, you can continue to watch the materials of other authors, leave comments, like and so on. As long as the account created on YouTube is linked to Google, all functionality is available.

Step # 1

We open the official website of the video hosting through a browser and go to your profile. Please note that through the application you can only delete the account, but not the channel itself. Therefore, if you are interested in how to delete a YouTube channel from your phone or computer, go through Firefox, Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari and other similar services.

After a safe opening personal account, open its menu and "Settings". If you host multiple channels, be sure to check if you have chosen the one.

Step # 2

Now we open "Additional", this option can be found next to the avatar, right under the name. Now you will see a page with channel settings.

Step # 3

Select the "Delete Channel" button and click on it. However, you can continue to use Google services such as GoogleDisk or Gmail in the same mode.

Now the service will automatically prompt you to enter your Google account to check and confirm the action.

Step # 4

Next, you will be presented with several options to choose from: hide the channel or complete removal... In the first option, the following data will be hidden from users: title, publicly available videos, ratings, subscribers and subscribers. Only you can view this information. Previously left comments and replies to them will be permanently deleted.

If you choose the second option, click "I want to permanently delete my content." You must first check the boxes in the right places, as indicated in the picture.

And as a final confirmation, the system will offer to enter the channel name and click "Delete my content". It will be impossible to mark this action. Returns to your profile and check that the created brainchild is no longer there.

How to delete videos from YouTube channel

Via computer

Any video that was previously uploaded by you can be deleted. Please note that it is no longer possible to restore it, so make a copy before deleting it just in case. So, we do the following:

  1. We go to the personal video hosting account.
  2. Choose in the right upper corner the desired channel and open a creative studio.
  3. Click on "Video Manager" and watch all posted videos.
  4. We put the checkboxes opposite the required material.
  5. Open the "Actions" section (located at the top of the page) and click "Delete".

After deletion, the title and link are removed from the YouTube analytics system, so statistics of views and other data will not be available. However, a number of metrics will be considered in the overall summary, such as view duration.

Via phone

  1. Go to YouTube through the application or browser and open your personal account.
  2. Open the "Library", which is indicated by the folder icon.
  3. Now select "My Videos".
  4. Click on the “three dots” icon next to the desired video.
  5. Select "Delete" from the suggested actions.

How to restore a YouTube channel after deleting

The first step will be filling out a special form drawn up by the official Google service. You can find an application by following the link: https://support.google.com/accounts / contact / suspended. Here we must indicate a working e-mail for communication, as well as email address Gmail.

After that, you will need to describe in detail and in detail the reason why you want to restore the deleted channel / why you performed the deletion. It is necessary by this point to convince the video hosting administrators to give a positive answer to the restoration.

After sending the application, you need to wait for a decision. If it is not negative, go to your YouTube profile and log in. A special appeal will open before you, which must be read as carefully as possible.

Also, the system will certainly provide a link to the Help Center, which contains the rules that must be followed while using the service. After reading, click "I confirm". After that, you will be automatically redirected to the password recovery page. Even if you haven't forgotten it, you will need to go through all the steps: enter the address email, select "Submit", in the "Restore Access" window enter the password and "Continue".

If you have forgotten your account password, select "Difficult to mark", after which another form will open that you need to go through and fill out. At the end, you must specify the method of sending the code for confirmation, this can be done through an SMS message or a call. After selection, click "Continue". Then we come up with and confirm new Password.

After changing, check all the personal profile data, you may need to change some of them. After making changes, select "Save". You can now continue using your channel as before.

So, we looked at how to delete a YouTube channel from a computer or phone and how to restore it if necessary. However, restoration is impossible in some cases when the decision of the resource administration is negative. Therefore, before deleting, weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps it's best to hide it for a while. The same goes for deleting hosted clips. You can definitely re-upload the video, but the number of views, likes and comments will be zero.

How to recover deleted video from youtube?

    As far as I know, an ordinary user does not have such a function to restore his deleted video on youtube.

    But as an option, you can contact through the form feedback to the support service and write them about your request and explain why the video was deleted.

    You can write that the cause was an error or a communication failure.

    Only of course you need to provide there the correct title of the video or the link to it that you have.

    Watch the video about recover deleted video, in which the author will tell you how to write about a deleted video to your affiliate program and how to restore it later, all in detail and step by step.

    Unfortunately, there is no function to restore deleted video on the YouTube site. The only option is to write a letter to the youtube technical service. After a while, the service should answer your mail, only you will have to wait a couple of weeks.

    You will not be able to restore an accidentally deleted video yourself - ordinary YouTube users, as far as I know, do not have such tools.

    You need to contact your affiliate. I have it, for example, Mashinima. I just write to them through support (something like feedback, technical support) about your grief, please help. In this case, one must not forget in the subject of the email to briefly describe the essence of the problem in two or three words. For example, please restore the video that I deleted quot ;, or something like that.

    Then, below, write in more detail what happened to the video - deleted by mistakequot ;, date the name of the original video, if preserved, then the link (although who keeps all the links to all their vidyashki?). It is also important to write down the exact date and time of deletion (so they don't have to search for a long time), as well as a link to their channel.

    Usually, the affiliate network responds within a couple of days, but the video recovery itself may take much longer, since the affiliate first must, in turn, contact technical support directly on YouTube with the same request. Ultimately, video recovery depends on YouTube, but it is more reliable to use an affiliate program. Little the affiliate program, unlike YouTube, is often much more interested in our success than huge YouTube. I wish you success in restoring your deleted videos and on YouTube in general.

    It turns out that you can restore a video clip deleted by your mistake if you contact the support service for the users of this video hosting. There you should indicate in the message the reason for the deletion and the request to restore the video. If your rules are not violated, it will be restored to you.

    If you accidentally deleted your video on youtube, then only those can help you. support. You cannot restore the deleted video yourself, you need to contact the site administration, only moderators can restore your video.

    How to fill out the contact form in those. support is shown in the video here.

    I have not met with such a function on Youtube video hosting, that is, any special tool you cannot recover a deleted video from Youtube, but you can inform them about this through the feedback form, maybe they will help

    If you somehow accidentally deleted your previously uploaded video from YouTube, then I will disappoint you - you cannot restore it yourself. In your trouble, the service can only help you technical support, to which you need to refer and describe the essence of the problem that you have encountered. Most likely, you will not be answered so immediately, you will have to be patient and wait for your answer. Otherwise, you will not be able to recover your deleted video.

    If a user deleted his video on YouTube, then he will not be able to restore this very video with his own hands. Video recovery is not provided on the site. You can try to write in those. support, there should be help. You should be careful with the video.

    Good day.

    Alas, but recover deleted video from a site called youtube can't.

    This function is not provided on this site, and if you by mistake, or simply simply deleted a video from YouTube, then you will not be able to restore it.

    The only option is to write to the site administrator / moderators, and maybe they will help you with this.

    A regular user on YouTube cannot recover a deleted video

    So be careful if you decide to delete a video

    It will not be possible to restore it yourself, you will have to write a technical support service

    Just not the fact that you will be quickly answered - they have hundreds and thousands of such requests

    Will have to wait. In general, if you delete a video, then there are reasons for that.

You can lose access to YouTube for several reasons: the first, the most common, is simple forgetfulness. If you forgot your gmail mail or password, then logging into your account will not be as easy as it used to be. The next reason channel blocking may become. The YouTube administration often blocks not only the video, but the entire channel if you violated one of the site's rules. It is possible to restore access, but it will also take time. Also, in this article you will find instructions on how to restore old accounts that have not been linked to a mailbox.

How to restore access to YouTube if you forgot your mail

Quite a rare incident, but it can happen to anyone. If you have not used your YouTube mail for a long time, then it is easy to forget your account login. Support can help you with this, but only if you remember the backup email address and have access to it will also work. telephone numberspecified during registration.

Sign in Youtube and click on the "Login" button.

On next page you need to click on the link “Forgot your email address?”.

Now a form will appear in front of you, where you need to enter either a backup mail or a phone number. After that, it will come to them special message with the account name.

How to recover YouTube password

You may lose access to your channel if you forget your password. Enter the same section, but already select the “Forgot your password?” Link.

The service will analyze your answers to a number of questions related to the account, for example:

  • The password combination you remember and how similar it is to your current password;
  • Date of last login to your account;
  • Registration date;
  • Backup mail address.

Based on this, a response from support will be sent to the specified email address.

How to recover YouTube after blocking

If you find that your account has been blocked, then immediately follow the link to fix this situation.

  • Enter in the first line the email address that you always use to log into YouTube;
  • In the second line, you need to enter the mail by which it is most convenient to contact you;
  • The third line is rather complicated, as it needs to briefly but clearly indicate the reason for the blocking. The best solution would be to enter the one indicated when trying to log into your account. For example, “Copyright infringement”, and then indicate that you understand the fault and undertake to fix everything.

Check the information and click “Submit”.

As soon as support analyzes the received letter, a reply will be sent to your mail. If access to the channel is returned, then you need to go to it and read more detailed conditions from the service. They will be listed in the “My Channel” tab.

How to recover YouTube if deleted

You may have deleted your channel by mistake, it is easy to fix if less than three weeks have passed since the incident.

In the next window, try to remember and write down the password from the mail. If everything is correct, the data recovery button will appear. However, when too much time passes, all information is deleted.

How to recover old YouTube

Old accounts that were used before 2011 may not be linked to mail. In this case, you can link the pages and return access to them.

Walk on recovery link ... Enter your details and click on the "Claim Channel Rights" button. After that, you will need to specify the channel itself, describe the proof of the rights to control the channel.

Increasingly, there are cases of users forgetting passwords from their YouTube accounts.

And even if you have used all possible methods, then you shouldn't sound the alarm ……….

In this article, we'll show you how you can easily restore your profile.

What do you need to know about an account?

One of the most global innovations of YouTube is the authorization system.

Now you create a Google account and can use it to access various services: YouTube:

  1. GMail
  2. Cards
  3. Play Market etc.

On the one hand, this greatly facilitates the work of "one account - all services", and on the other hand, it complicates it. After all, if you lose access from one profile, you will not be able to enjoy other benefits.

But don't worry, because Google is one of the most loyal systems and will help you restore your YouTube account without any problems. ↓↓↓

We return access (for channels from 2009)

So, if you have lost the password for your YouTube profile, then make sure it was registered before 2006 - this is fundamentally important.

  • there is a form in which you need to enter identification data (phone number or mail);
  • now the service prompts you to enter one of the passwords that you remember (this may be the key that was used earlier);
  • alternatively, you can click on the "Other question" link to access your account.

Google may suggest several ways to solve this problem of your choice:

  • send SMS notification for confirmation;
  • request unlocking via a gadget that is connected to your account;
  • make a call to the assigned phone number;
  • you can specify the date when your Google account was created;
  • provide an additional email address.

If you answer any of the above questions, then you can easily restore your account from YouTube if you forgot your password. Thereafter you will need to specify a new key, but now try to remember it.

notethat you must know some of the profile data. Another point is to worry about the security of your account for the future.

You can block them if necessary. It is also recommended to set up two-stage authentication, add security questions that will help to easily restore access in the future.

For channels up to 2009

The very first users of the service can also restore their channels, and for this you need to know at least a username and password. Otherwise, you can forget about your old project.

2) If you don't have one yet, be sure to create it. On the page we indicate the data of the old project and click on "Claim channel rights".

3) Now you can go to YouTube and use an account that was registered before 2009.

Bringing deleted channels back to life

Separately, it is worth talking about channels and accounts that have been deleted. If this was done through the settings by the owner, then there is no way back and you will have to create a new one.

On the contrary, if it was blocked or deleted for complaints, then you can still restore it.

As a rule, if you are sure that you are right, then it is enough at the following addresses:

  1. Letter to [email protected] (on two languages).
  2. A letter on the Google Account Recovery Form (in Russian, twice).
  3. (in Russian).

In the case of well-reasoned arguments, you will receive an answer that the account has been restored.

A small instruction with illustrations of how to recover your password to your YouTube video hosting account. Considered as a standard option with forgotten passwordand the absence of a username and e-mail.

He will forever remain in our memory, that's why he is sclerosis. Forgot the password to your YouTube account, a video hosting service. There are no records either, I usually write down all these logins and passwords. In general, I had to suffer. I want to tell you how to recover your password to your YouTube account in this post.

Step 1. Go to the site YouTube.com and click the "Login" link, which is located in the upper right corner of the page. On the page that opens, in addition to the "Login" form, there is a link: "Can't access your account?" - click on it. On the page Forgot your password? we will be prompted to enter the username or email address provided during registration.

If you remember one of the required parameters, then there should be no problems. In my case, everything was much worse, because I didn’t remember the username or e-mail. If you have the same problem go to the next step or skip it.

Step 2. And so. We do not remember the username and e-mail. What to do? Personally, I advise you to remember at least what you posted on your YouTube channel. Personally, I had no problems with this. There was a case, somehow I became interested in podcasting and dared to record a video about my blog. I can't say that this attempt was successful, but the video was uploaded to YouTube. Go ahead, make a request, in my case: hodgepodge from wmas - in Yandex.Video search and looking for our video.

Step 3. In general, we have a name, so let's go to the page Forgot your password?, enter the name and press the Submit button. On the next page, we will be asked to enter the characters shown in the picture - we enter and press the "Continue" button. Next, we will be offered several options for restoring access to your YouTube account.

Already by those snippets that are on this page, you can get a number of tips to the question of interest to us: how to recover your password to your YouTube account? At least: w***@yan***.** - it was enough for me. At the same time, there are other options: the answer to secret Question and a confirmation code sent to the phone - it is clear that those should have been indicated during registration.

Step 4. The easiest option is to get a link to change your password to an additional email address. Select and press the "Continue" button. The letter has been sent, we read and follow the instructions received. In fact, we are only interested in a special link to change the password for Google accounta - click on it. On the page that opens, enter a new password and click the "Recover password" button.

“Your password has been changed,” the message that appears. We click on the link "To continue, click here" and get into your Google account. Head over to YouTube and voila.