Download YouTube for Android without updating. Youtube design update in browser. Possible causes of errors in the YouTube application on Android and their solutions

To take advantage of new features Play applications Market, you need to constantly update them. Improved applications make it possible to use them much faster and more comfortably. This article will help you figure out how to update YouTube.

How to update YouTube on Play Market

In order to update YouTube on the Play Market, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Open your phone and search for “ Play Market" The Play Market is a program that is a collection of all smartphone applications. To download or update any application, you must go to the Play Market
  • After opening the application, click on the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner.

  • In the menu that drops down, select the “My applications and games” tab. This will take you to a list of all the apps and games that are stored on your phone via the Play Market.

  • Looking for YouTube. When you find the application, there will be an “Update” button next to it. In case YouTube has already been updated to latest version, instead of the “update” button there will be an “Open” button. If the Play Market is configured for auto-updates, then if there is Internet access, all applications will be updated automatically.

How to update YouTube on the AppStore

On the AppStore, YouTube is updated in a similar way. The only difference is in the store itself. For Android the store is called Play Market, and for Apple products– AppStore.

Update regularly to ensure you don't miss out on new features from ever-improving apps. If you have access to unlimited internet, then it is best to set applications to auto-update.

Google has prepared a package YouTube updates For Android platforms and, most likely, these are the biggest changes that have affected the application since its inception. We received APK version 5.0.21 ( previous version had the number 4.5.17) and, after 30 minutes of testing, we can say with confidence that the improvements are extremely positive.

Let's start with the biggest changes that immediately caught our eye:
. A completely updated interface that looks much better than all previous ones. He looks like Matias Duarte came down from heaven and created magic with one touch.
. Everything we heard earlier about multitasking is nothing compared to what users will see in the updated application. To put it briefly, you can transform any video file you are viewing into a small window located in the lower right corner. To do this, you need to touch the button with a down arrow or simply press “Back”. But, to get the full experience, you should definitely test everything yourself. Please note that:
. You can minimize a video even while playing.
. To return the video to its normal position, just drag the small window and expand its sides.
. User Interface so well designed that as soon as you start dragging the video, the playback volume decreases, giving the impression of real recording control.
. An interesting fact is that the button to move the video down works on mobile devices only in portrait orientation, while on tablets the function is available in any position.

Other changes:
. The slide navigation has been redesigned to reflect the latest trends and is now designed in a hamburger style.
. Quick access to history, favorites, approved posts, downloaded files and bookmarks is located directly in the drop-down menu.
. It is now possible to search for audio recordings of an approved genre.
. You no longer have to minimize the video to like it.
. HD and CC switches have moved from the bottom left edge to the menu.
. The +1 Recommend button in G+ has completely disappeared from the video.
. Done new icon applications.
. Appearance user interface on 7-inch tablets no longer looks like an enlarged smartphone menu, but is a full-fledged tablet interface.
. IN new version The YouTube app finally recognizes global device settings and doesn't automatically switch to landscape orientation. And to go out full screen mode now there is special button, located in the lower right corner of the video. We believe this is the ideal solution to a highly controversial issue.
. The TV Queue user interface has also been updated.

Unfortunately, the updates did not affect the ability to play audio while watching videos or playing games. silent mode. However, improvements in version 5 of the application give us hope that this problem will soon be resolved.

We remind you once again that there are currently some difficulties with accessing updates, so you may have to wait a little until the new archive is available for download.

Today we will look at:

Back in 2017 Google company announced an updated version of video hosting with a new interface and capabilities. Even at the beta testing stage, this function appeared only for a small part of users and spread over time. Of course, today everyone has an updated version of the YouTube service when they open it, but some users still have difficulty connecting to the new YouTube versions. If you are one of this group of people and don’t know how to update YouTube in your browser, then now you will learn a small life hack on how to do it right now.

Comparison of versions

First, let's take a look at the main differences between the old and more updated versions of YouTube video hosting. In the screenshot below you can see what the updated YouTube interface looks like.

However, the changes made focus not only on visual perception, but also on the introduction of various useful functions:

  • Now appeared night mode. As you can see, this mode changes the primary color palette to dark colors, which significantly reduces the lighting in the room and improves the viewing experience of web content in the dark.
  • The new version allows you to scroll through recommended videos endlessly.
  • The navigation bar on the left side of the browser window can be removed.
  • The content on all pages has been slightly increased.
  • Videos in widescreen mode are now much larger in size.
  • The design of the subscribe button has become more visible.

As you can see, the new YouTube has become much more convenient and enjoyable to use. It's time to tell you how to update YouTube in your browser.

Manual installation of a new version of YouTube

Follow the instructions below:

After these simple manipulations, you will notice that the service design has been updated. If for some reason it resets, you can repeat the steps described above.

Now you know how to update YouTube in your browser. If during the installation of a new version of video hosting you encounter or have already encountered problems, please contact us for help in the comments so that we can help you.

The main disadvantage of YouTube (besides the “trends” tab), in my opinion, is the small part of the page devoted to the content itself. The list of videos takes up about 60 percent, while the rest of the space is allocated for not particularly useful lists, text recommendations or even white stripes on the sides of the screen. Google heard dissatisfaction, the company introduced new interface web versions of YouTube.

The appearance of the page has been simplified as much as possible. There are no more “colorful” fonts and gray background for videos. Material design can now be seen in all elements of the site.

The navigation bar has been relegated to the background, and the text used has become less contrasting. Now it doesn't distract from the video list.

The Trends, Home, and Subscriptions items have moved to the sidebar and no longer take up useful space in the center of the page.

Plus, a dark theme for the interface has also appeared. In theory, it should be useful in the evening (less strain on the eyes and stuff like that), but how many people use AMOLED screens? The user does not get any advantage with a regular IPS matrix.

The main page of the channel has also been updated. Widescreen screens are now being fully utilized. Where previously there were five videos in a row, six are displayed. The site uses the entire useful area of ​​the monitor, filling it with content.

Videos are now immediately displayed almost on the entire screen, which is convenient. There is no longer this tiny window in which you can’t see anything.

If you haven't yet accessed the new version of YouTube, you can go follow this link and switch to it.

Most users mobile devices use video hosting sites such as YouTube. So, now everyone can download YouTube on Android without any problems. Thanks to the program, finding new videos can be much easier. In addition, it is more convenient to use. Here you can find videos on any topic, no matter how serious they are. Video blogs, many popular videos, various cartoons, recordings of programs, news and much more. You can find anything you want in this indispensable app. Try to stay updated on any developments. Relax by watching cute videos, or learn some new things. Try downloading YouTube on Android and make your life several times easier. Believe me, using video hosting will become much easier. The menu is done very well, you can hide it at any time thanks to the tab. The menu itself is exactly the same as on the website. You can enjoy the same features and view the channels you subscribe to. There is a popular videos section where you can watch the most viewed videos. Thanks to the application, you can leave your comments and also rate the video without any problems.

Watch any videos directly from your phone

Using the application, you can watch videos even with a weak Internet connection or mobile internet. The application tries to compress the weight and size of the video. This way, watching videos from phones is even much better. You can download YouTube on Android and check all the functions right now. Who would have thought that someone could create an application that would make life several times easier. From now on, you can watch videos not only at home on your computer, but also through mobile phone, on the road or just lying on the couch. From time to time this application It is gradually updated, due to which new functions and much more are added. The creators do not abandon the application, they try to diversify it, make it more attractive and several times more beautiful, but they do not always succeed in achieving this. Using the application is quite easy. Anyone can understand YouTube video hosting and watch this or that video for free without any problems. In the program you can find jokes, various educational videos, learn about cooking and much more.