How to choose a mobile phone. True on mobile phones

Then you could only dream about it. However, progress took his. It took a little more than 60 years to appear in the middle of the last century the device acquired the choice for us today. Consider a brief history of the emergence and development of a mobile cell phone, as well as cellular communication as a whole.


In 1947, the Bell Laboratories laboratory officially made a proposal to create a mobile phone. This date can be considered a reference point. It was then that an active work began on creating a new device.

However, the first mobile one was destined not in the walls of Bell Laboratories. The first prototype of the mobile cell phone was created by the American company Motorola. This happened in 1973. Engineer Martin Cooper became the creator of the device. The weight of the first cell phone was about 1 kg, dimensions: 22,5x12,5х3.75 cm. The device was absent. The phone's battery allowed it to work in standby mode up to 8 hours, and in a conversation mode - up to one hour. Charge the phone was needed long enough (about 10 hours). In 1984, the work model of the cell phone Dynatac 8000X was on sale. The price of the novelties was $ 3,995. However, despite this, thousands of wishing to acquire a new device were recorded in a queue for the purchase of the apparatus!

In the USSR, the first experimental sample of a cell phone was created in 1957, he weighed as much as 3 kg! Moreover, the apparatus was also attached to the basic station, which was associated with the city telephone network (GTS). However, after a year, the weight of the device was reduced to 0.5 kg.

The first cellular operator in the USSR appeared in 1991. The price of the phone, which then offered the company "Delta Telecom" was $ 4,000, including connection. The device weighed about 3 kg. A minute of conversation went by $ 1. At the same time, from 1991 to 1995, the number of subscribers of the company reached 10,000 people. In the Russian Federation, the first operator of cellular communication, working on the usual GSM technology today, appeared in 1994.

The number of cellular subscribers constantly and steadily grew. In 2009, about 190 million subscribers were registered in Russia. Of course, this is the number in our country, as well as around the world, today continues to grow.

There is no limit to perfection

Cell phone has been constantly improved from the moment of its creation. In 1993, the world's first cellular with built-in clock was released. After 3 years, the German company Siemens began producing devices with a voice recorder and a color display. True, there were only three colors on such displays. In 2000, devices with a built-in camera appeared on sale. It happened in Japan. At about the same time, telephones with a built-in MP3 player were sold. In 2001, the Java platform support appears in cell phones. This made it possible to install many different applications on the devices. Among them is the most famous instant messaging service - ICQ. The first mobile with the support of Bluetooth technology in 2002 was issued by Ericsson. This technology has given an opportunity to exchange various data between phones on a certain radio frequency (without wires). At the same time, the phones should be close enough to each other. Depending on the interference, the Bluetooth radius barriers ranges from 10 to 100 m. At the same time, a telephone supporting the EDGE technology appeared. She allowed to go out with the help of the phone to the Internet. And do it at a fairly high speed. The development of EDGE pushed the WAP technology earlier to the second plan. The latter allows you to go online at smaller speeds. At the same time you need to pay for the time of staying on the network, and not for the volume of viewed information. The introduction of EDGE technology is the merit of the Finnish company Nokia.

List all new features that appear in the process of improving cell phones are long. The improvement process continues today. While you are reading this article, another unique device is already created in the world. For example, a telephone capable of typing the text entered by means of alone thoughts ("read" your thoughts and turn them into text). By the time of the release of such a device, it will be worth knowing and understand the already existing basic functions of mobile phones. Let us turn to their consideration.

25 basic functions

So, consider the most common features of modern mobile phones.

Phonebook . This feature for any mobile phone is the thing is necessary and mandatory. Available in all modern devices. Allows each telephone number to assign its unique name. For example, 8-888-888-88-88 - Ivan Petrov. Contacts can be saved in the memory of the phone, the additional memory card or the SIM card. Concepts such as "memory card" and "SIM-card" are considered in paragraphs 15 and 19, respectively.

In more advanced devices, it is possible to save many useful information for each contact (email address, home and working phone numbers, place of work, home address, etc.). In this case, the phone performs a full-fledged notebook function.

Call log . The function is extremely useful. It makes it easy to see where and when you called (or called you). Also using the call log, you can see the duration of any of your conversation. Today, this feature is present in each cell phone.

SMS (Short Message Service - Short Message Service) . The same is the same maintenance today, as the two previous ones. Allows you to transmit and receive short text messages in cellular networks. Today, this feature is present even in the cheapest models.

MMS (Multimedia Message Service - Multimedia Messaging Service). This feature allows you to transfer and receive multimedia messages (video, audio, pictures) from one phone to another. It should be noted that the size of the transmitted content is sufficiently limited. Most cellular operators in Russia and the CIS allow you to transfer to 300 kb of information in one MMS message. Today, the largest cellular operators allow sending SMS and MMS from their sites for free. Pay only only services for using the Internet.

Clock . Today, perhaps, it is impossible to meet a cell phone devoid of this function. Although, of course, if you want - everything is possible. After all, the phones are for every taste and color. The clock is useful, simple, the desired function. At the same time, no one forbids you to wear your favorite wristwatches.

Stopwatch . What makes it possible to do - clear from the name. Stopmakers in modern phones have quite high accuracy. The function is useful athletes. It may be useful to students during laboratory work.

Timer . The opposite of the stopwatch. Allows you to count the "Back" time, make the countdown. You choose some time interval and turn on the timer. At the end of this segment, the timer delivers a specific signal (sound, vibration).

Alarm clock . This feature can be used instead of an ordinary stationary alarm clock. Or as another, safety alarm clock. Very comfortable thing. Especially when you were visiting, and in the morning you need to wake up early.

The calendar . Useful feature. Often there is no ordinary calendar at the right moment. And you need to see what the day of the week, for example, April 10th. A couple of fast presses - and you know. Very comfortably.

Calculator . Most often, the phones are installed simple (not engineering) calculator. It is suitable for some rapid simple calculations. When you need to fold something, subtract, divide, multiply or take the percentage. The presence of this function can really come in handy. After all, the usual calculator does not always happen where he is needed now. Today this feature is present in almost any mobile phone.

Converter . Allows you to translate different quantities (units of volume, area, length, etc.) from some measurement systems to others. This includes the possibility of recalculating some currencies to others according to the course you know.

Radio . Lets absolutely free to listen to publicly available radio stations operating on FM frequencies. The desired function for those who want to constantly be aware of events. Who loves to listen to news and favorite programs on the radio.

Flashlight . It will be very useful when there is no conventional lantern at hand. And you will certainly need something to highlight somewhere. You can certainly highlight and bright displayed display. But the flashlight in this case is much better. Shines brighter, white light. Moreover, in contrast to the display, shines point, and not "smeared".

Photo, video camera . Useful feature. Present in most modern mobile phones. Sometimes there is no camera or camcorder at hand, and you urgently need to capture. Let even not in the best quality. Although you can argue about quality. There are phones in which the main emphasis is on the ample chamber capabilities. Such devices allow you to receive photos and videos very decent quality. Such phones are called camera phones. An example of a champion -. It is equipped with a camera for 8 million pixels. with LED flash; Maximum resolution for photo 3264x2448 Pix.

Memory card support . In cell phones, various information (your contacts, audio, video files, photos) can be stored in the memory of the device itself. However, most often the amount of this memory is very limited. Although there are devices with a fairly decent one's own memory. To expand memory, phones usually equip the connectors ("slots") for special memory cards (flash cards or "flash drives"). There are various types of memory cards. Today, in mobile phones, the MICROSD and MicroSDHC flash cards are most common. The first allow you to store up to 4 GB of information, the second - up to 32 GB.

MP3 player . For music lovers - the function is simply indispensable. Allows you to listen to the audio files on the phone (or on the inserted) audio files. Moreover, the most advanced telephone model in this regard will reproduce sound not only in MP3 format. They support AAC, WMA, WAV and some other formats. The devices in which the main focus is made on the increased quality of the sound of the sound are called "musical phones" (musical phones). An example of such a phone -.

Dictaphone . Useful feature. Imagine: You need to fix it, and write down - no time. Or just laziness. It is much easier and faster to press the "Record" button and save the desired audio file. Fix some conversation or conversation is very convenient. It will be worth this feature for musicians. You never know where inspiration comes to them. Included the voice recorder - wrote down the wrought music, a vocal party or a song. Quickly, simple, comfortable.

the Internet . Most modern phones allow you to enter the global network. The main options to get to the Internet today there are four. This is WAP, GPRS, Wi-Fi and 3G. Let's not stop in detail each of them. This is a separate big conversation. Note that GPRS is the most demanded today. Although this is not the fastest Internet access option. WAP technology in the form in which it exists today is not promising. Too expensive and slow. Moreover, you need to pay not for the scope of viewed information (as in the case of GPRS), but during your stay on the network. Wi-Fi will definitely not be an excess function in your device. It allows you to work on the Internet at high speed. However, Wi-Fi is needed special access points, so-called hot spot. They are paid and free. The latter are most often located in various public places. Where there is a constant cluster of people (cinemas, bars, cafes, etc.). It should be noted that their number in all major cities of Russia is growing. 3G is a high-speed mobile Internet access technology, the so-called third generation mobile communication. Based on the definition, it is clear, the data transfer rate is even higher than in the case of Wi-Fi. This service in the Russian Federation is under development. Moreover, this development goes fairly rapidly. It is possible that the 3G function will soon be very popular among mobile phone users in our country.

"Multi-term" . Under this term is understood as the ability of the device at the same time working with two and more active SIM cards.

Each mobile operator for one purchased phone number gives you your SIM card. At the same time, you yourself choose the tariff for which you will further pay your mobile communications. Of course, each operator has its own conditions (rates for communication), its set of tariffs. It changes periodically. An understandable question arises: what is the actual function in question? And it is good in that it allows you to simultaneously be in touch on two or even three different phone numbers. After all, today there are phones that support three active "sim cards at once. At the same time, the rooms may relate to both different cellular operators and one. Accordingly, you get the opportunity to "play" with tariff plans. You can choose the most profitable option for communication. And to have with you in this case just one included mobile phone. An example of a phone with two active SIM cards.

Java support . This feature allows you to install various games and applications on the Java platform. For lovers to communicate through the ICQ instant messaging service - the item is mandatory. Moreover, "Asya" allows you to communicate many times cheaper than SMS short messages service. Those who love to play on the phone in all sorts of racing, "shooting", "mini-quests", etc., without Java's support also do not do.

POSSIBILITY TO PC (DATA Cable) . Allows you to transfer various files from your mobile phone to a computer and vice versa. Today, phone manufacturers produce special programs for their devices. These programs allow you to make a lot of useful things with the phone. They are installed on your computer. Then connect the phone to the PC (using a special cable). Now you get the opportunity, for example, create backup copies of data from mobile. In addition, a number of other interesting features appear. The function is definitely useful.

IR port. Infrared port . Technology allows you to transmit data from one device to another. This happens by infrared light waves. Today, this technology is almost completely displaced by other, more perfect (Bluetooth and Wi-Fi).

Bluetooth . This technology allows you to share various information between mobile phones, PCs and other devices on a certain radio frequency. You should know that for such a exchange, the distance between devices should not exceed 10-100 meters (it depends on various interference and obstacles). A sufficiently convenient feature. There are in most modern mobile phones.

TV-tuner . TV on your mobile phone screen. In Russia, today this function is poorly developed. The reason is the high cost of receiving a high-quality signal. However, in the world of mobile communication, nothing is in place. It is possible that in the near future the situation will change. And with the development of new technologies, we will watch television programs on the screens of their phones. An example of such a phone -.

GPS. . Satellite navigation system. Allows with sufficient accuracy (accuracy of 1-2 m) to determine your location anywhere in the globe. Mobile phone with this feature and equipped with a special program turns into a navigator. Useful travel and long-distance travel feature.

Form factor (shape)

So, we reviewed 25 basic functions of modern mobile phones. But they did not affect such an important moment as the form of the device. It is also often called the form factor. The form of the phones are divided into:

Classic monoblock . This is a monolithic apparatus, which has no moving parts. Sometimes a similar device is called "brick" or "brick". The monoblock is, for example.

"Folding bed" ("book") . The body of the apparatus folding. Consists of two parts. Reminds folding notebook. Example -.

Slider . The device consists of two parts that shifted relative to each other. Such an apparatus is, for example.

Rotator . The phone contains the mechanism rotating along its axis. As an example, you can lead.

Bracelet . Such a device is worn, like a clock, on the wrist. An example of such a phone -.

There are phones with other form factors (double slider, lateral slider, horizontal clamshell), etc. However, it is the above-mentioned options today received the greatest distribution.

PDA, smartphone or "just phone" - What is the difference?

Modern phones are divided into "simply phones", smartphones and communicators (PDA - pocket portable computers). The fundamental difference between the "simply phones" from the PDA and smartphones is available in the last two full-fledged operating system (Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, Android, etc.). It allows you to install various programs on these devices that expand the functionality of the devices. These can be office software packages, electronic translators, audio and video players, etc. It should be noted that a clear separation between PDAs and smartphones today does not exist. Sometimes these two term are completely separated. However, there is an opinion according to which the communicators should include devices with a full-fledged operating system and a touch screen. With such a classification, it turns out that the smartphone is a PDA with a conventional, non-sensory screen. There is a device that can be found to communicate to communicators, however, it is positioned by the manufacturer as a completely separate apparatus. This is famous from Apple.

This company traditionally positions its products on the market. Selects them from the total mass of all such devices. At the same time, it gives them the audible names, starting with the English letter "I".

Weight, dimensions and battery capacity

It is impossible not to affect the following characteristics of any mobile phone: Weight, dimensions and battery capacity. Most modern mobiles weigh no more than 100 g. The PDAs and smartphones are usually different (above 100 g). Also, "elevated" weight is characteristic of "image" phones. Cause - In their designs, various additional decoration elements are used. For example, gold or special sapphire glass. The most famous company engaged in the production of expensive "image" phones is vertu.

Mobile phone dimensions are the most different. Of course, smartphones and PDAs will be more ordinary mobile phones. There are special "female" or "ladies" phones. They differ in small sizes that allow them to be comfortably lying in the hand.

An important indicator is the battery capacity. What it is higher - the better. The device will need to charge less frequently. Increased weight of smartphones and PDAs often just caused by large amounts of battery required. However, it is better to pay attention to the not capacity of the battery, but the opened manner of the phone. Moreover, there are two modes of operation: conversation modes and standby mode. It is clear that a rather powerful battery will be set up with a large screen and high resolution. Especially in comparison with a simpler device. But energy consumes the "advanced" device will be greater. So, charging can end faster than a simpler phone. Let the battery last and weaker. So be careful! Pay attention to these parameters: phone operation time in standby mode and talk mode. Of course, you also do not prohibit any battery power to see and evaluate the battery power. It will also be useful, especially if you have already had experience using a similar device. For example, similar to PDA or Musicphone.


The phone screen may be simple or touch. The touch screen reacts to touching it. In this case, it is an element of control. The phone can be arranged so that the only element of the control will be a touch screen. This is how the well-known iPhone is arranged. However, today there are still phones with auxiliary controls - buttons. However, probably, push-button devices will be ousted by touch.

An important concept is screen resolution. Resolution is the number of pixels on the horizontal and vertical axes. Pixel - the smallest element (point, grain), which is capable of displaying colors. The permission is more - the better. The image will be more detailed, it will not seem "grainy". The screen resolution of the above mentioned iPhone is 480x320. For most Nokia, Samsung phones, etc. it is 240x320.

Screen size also plays an important role. Working with a phone that has a fairly large screen, very nice. On such devices, it is convenient to watch photos and videos. Large screens are characteristic of smartphones and PDAs. In sunny weather, however, the touch screens of the PDA are very glare. They say that they are "blind." Control the device in this case becomes very problematic. Partially the problem solve special protective anti-reflective films. They stick directly to the device screen.


I hope that this article helped you understand the main possibilities of modern mobile phones. I want to believe that now the choice of the device will be done much easier for you. Which of the above functions are really important - to solve only you. The more functions of the device, the more it will cost. For functionality you have to pay. And whether you will use the fact that you will give your money - will show time. Therefore, approach the choice of the phone in detail and reasonably. Observe the principle of a good tailor: "Someone seven times - a rejection once" (and in this case, rather, buy). Before buying, consult with relatives, familiar, seller. Feel free to ask even the most stupid questions in your opinion! It is not ashamed not to know, ashamed - not to ask. Pretty think about your future acquisition.

Successful and delivered shopping for you!

© Yakovenko Denis,
Publication date of article - April 20, 2010

The very first "mobile phones" appeared in Sweden 20 years ago and immediately began to rapidly conquer the world. Every year the number of their happy owners has increased, and today it is impossible to present our lives without a mobile phone. We communicate with friends, welcome with your loved ones, solve the problems of family and business, and the bill is sometimes calculated for hours. For the many remote areas, the mobile phone is the only and non-alternative opportunity for communication with the outside world.
However, few people are thinking how safe to use this super device.
Of course, the mobile phone helps us in all everyday affairs, but, as many other achievements of progress have the second side of the medal - negative.
Swedish Neurosurgeon Laif Selford expressed the following thought: "The fact that people voluntarily irradiate their brain microwaves of mobile phones can be considered the largest biological experiment on the person."

Research results

Since the development of the first phone and until today, scientists continue to argue about the harmful effects of mobile communications on human health. Many researchers claim that the intensive use of a mobile phone significantly increases the risk of brain tumors, the likelihood of eczema and asthma increases, blood cells are destroyed. These statements are not unfounded, since under each such statement is an experiment conducted on animals and people.

Scotman William Stewart spent experiments with rainworms and received stunning results. It turns out that the protein structure has changed under the emission of the mobile phone. Live fabric simply fell like meat in the microwave.
Such experiments and research were carried out in Russia, in particular, at the Institute of Biophysics of the city of Moscow. The experiments were carried out above the frogs, which were irradiated with high-frequency electromagnetic waves for 5-10 minutes. Even with the lowest irradiation, each second frog died, and others have decreased the frequency of heartbeat.
In 2003, in the summer, after conducting experiences over the rats, Swedish scientists stated that the radiation of mobile phones capable of irreversible consequences in the brain. Animals irradiated mobile phones for two hours during the day. After 50 days, the brain of rats investigated under the microscope and found numerous damage. Dried neurons and irreversible disorders in the vessels were revealed. When increasing radiation, harm was even more serious.

The conclusions of scientists are pessimistic: "Most likely, mobile phones affect the human brain in the same way, since its structure is similar to the structure of the brain of rats. And as confirmation of our assumptions, the current youth, abuse of conversations on a cell phone, in the future will face such terrible diseases as Parkinson and Alzheimer's diseases are already 30 years old. "

Scientists Finland conducted experiences with mobile phones on a human live brain. Their experiments were clearly shown - mobile radiation adversely affects blood vessels, which is why many harmful substances fall into the brain that can cause irreversible changes.
Opinions and statistics

What do officials of our country think about this? Gennady Onishchenko, the head of Rospotrebnadzor of Russia does not deny: "Anxiety is, and it is justified because radiation when using mobile phones carry some degree of harmful effects." Gennady Onishchenko confirmed that there is information about oncological diseases that appear due to the impact of mobile radiation. However, he clarified that the degree of damage to a mobile phone depends on its frequency characteristics and noted that in Russia, the sanitary standards for mobile communications are much hard on Western.
As an example, we give interesting statistics.
Russia's scientists report that all people react to mobile radiation in different ways. For example, 15% do not notice it at all, 70% include a protective mechanism that reduces negative consequences. The last 15% of users are very sensitive to mobile radiation. Already after a short conversation, their fatigue rises sharply, the sleep is broken, itching and burning on the skin appears, headache, sharp pressure drops. Here she is a fee for such a useful thing. And this, not counting the money paid for the new-fashioned toy.

And in conclusion, I will give, simple, shocking case confirming the negative effect of the phone on human health. Everything in 2005 occurred in Sherman Ox in California. The cell phone exploded in the pocket of a 10-year-old boy, which is why he was almost burned alive. The boy received serious injuries, burn burns, a groin area and was delivered to the hospital where he received the first medical care. And the reason was the gift of my own mother, the phone of the famous brand Motorola.

The market is developing so quickly that we cannot even afford to refuse innovations, and cell phones firmly settled in our lives. I even doubt that real research results will be published or at least fully submitted to people, and I think that even with universal awareness, no one will give up a mobile phone. But even in this situation, several useful tips can be offered to minimize mobile communications.

Talk to the "mobile phone" no more than 3 minutes per session, the interval between which should be at least 15 minutes.
- Try to use the headset.
- Try to isolate your mobile phone from the body and do not wear it instead of a quince on the neck.
Scientific debates about the dangers of mobile communications can delay for many years, and the final results we will get, as always, too late.