In what year was the google search engine created. Should you invest in Google stocks? Work in a company

Interesting Facts about the creation and development of the Google Company! Share with friends.

Find on Google, google, google to help you - these and many other modern catchphrases have entered our lives thanks to the fact that almost 20 years ago, two graduate students at Stanford University decided to defend a scientific project by creating a search engine.

History creation of google really unusual, but even more interesting are the fathers of this corporation, who led their offspring to the top.

Google or what happened before it was born?

Researchers believe that google company began its meteoric rise in 1995, when Sergei Brin, a Russian-American student at Stanford University, decided to tour the campus for a group of students.

Another talented American Larry Page accidentally entered this group.

The dispute that began over a trifle turned first into a strong friendship, and then into fruitful cooperation.

A year later, two friends, and part-time young ambitious graduate students decided to conquer the teachers with their research project - the PageRank search engine.

The search engines that existed before this were extremely poor at their task, bringing to the first place the texts in which there were the most keywords.

Often absolutely useless texts, thanks to overspam (a heap of keywords stuck to place and out of place), were given the first number in the search engine ...

P.S. I know that many will not understand what “keywords” are, so I strongly recommend opening a Google search engine and writing “what are keywords”! 🙂

Larry Page decided that it was necessary to act differently and took the acquisition of authority in the scientific community as an analogy.

The cooler the scientist, the more unique scientific texts he wrote, the more often his colleagues use his articles in their works, that is, they refer to them.

The PageRank search engine worked the same way: ranking was done not due to the number of keywords, but due to the quality of the texts themselves and the number of links to them, as to the primary source.

This approach revolutionized: users could find information using a qualitative rather than quantitative algorithm.

Google - a brilliant creation story

There was already an excellent search engine, but it was necessary to come up with a short and catchy name for it.

After going through about fifty options, Page and Brin opted for a modified term "googol" (a huge number: 1 with a hundred zeros).

In 1997, the new search engine was already used by all Stanford students and teachers, who appreciated its convenience.

The original and so beloved by us design of the main page (multicolored letters on a white background) is not the result of long-term work of a team of designers, but a product of lack of money for the future ...…

They really didn’t have the money to hire even an inferior designer, so they did it on their own, making it “simple and tasteful”.

The history of the creation of Google was coming to its logical conclusion.

But the ascent of the newborn search engine to the top was just beginning.

Further history of Google development ...

1998 was a pretty good year for Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

They registered Google Inc., rented their first office (well, what if it was a garage!), Hired 3 employees and received a check for 100 thousand dollars from Andy Bechtolsheim.

  • Winter 1999 - Moved to Palo Alto and hired 8 workers.
  • Fall 1999 - Purchase of its own office space in Mountain View.
  • 2000 - signing of an agreement with the largest American corporation specializing in Internet services Yahoo.
  • 2001 - the conquest of South America.
  • 2002 - the conquest of Sydney (I remind students that this is Australia).
  • 2003 - Acquisition of Blogger, a well-known US publishing service.

But the most important year in the history of the creation of Google was 2004, when the shares of an actively developing company were first thrown onto the stock market, making their creators billionaires.

How is Google doing today?

Despite the fact that Larry Page and Sergey Brin became billionaires in the early 2000s, they were not going to rest on their laurels.

The programmers decided not to limit the activities of their corporation to one search engine, introducing more and more new products.

Today we enjoy using services such as Gmail email, Google+ social network, Google docs (program for comfortable work with documents), a service for processing and publishing photos on the Internet Picasa and many others.

Google - an English-language service, however, thanks to specially written algorithms, it searches in living and living languages, and in dead (Latin), and artificial (like Esperanto).

This search engine is used by residents of all countries without exception.

Its popularity is breaking all records.

And on big national holidays and dates of birth of famous personalities - the design of the Google logo is updated: pictures and animation appear.

And if you hover over the logo, then you can read what date is being celebrated today, and if you also click on it, the search will give you links with information.

By the way, this is an excellent excuse for self-education.

A few words about the founders of Google ...

Sergey Brin (21.08.1973, Moscow, USSR) was born into a family of mathematicians of Jewish nationality.

His parents took him to the United States at the age of five, for which Sergey is very grateful to them (he said this in more than one interview).

He graduated from high school, then entered Stanford, where he began to create his own together with Larry Page.

In 2006 he married a talented scientist and biologist Anna Vojitski, with whom he gave birth to two children: a boy and a girl.

Larry Page (03/26/1973, Lansing, Michigan, USA) was born into a family of programming teachers. He received his bachelor's degree from a higher education institution in Michigan, and his master's degree from Stanford.

One of (14th line in the Forbes list). Married to a clever (bioinformatics doctoral student) and a beautiful (gorgeous blonde) Lucy Southworth.

Both lead a rather modest lifestyle, despite the billions in their accounts.

interesting facts about the creation and development of Google.

... we feed our brain only useful!

As you can see history of creation google quite interesting and, like all unique discoveries, full of surprises.

We are certainly grateful to Larry Page and Sergey Brin for such a wonderful search engine.

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    • Android operating system for mobile devices.
    • Google Play is an application server for the Android system.
    • Gmail is an email client.
    • GoogleDrive is a cloud storage.
    • Picassa is a photo editing platform.
    • Blogger is a blogging platform.

The group, which is currently called Alphabet, includes the following companies:

    • Google Inc. - Internet services, applications, gadgets, etc.
    • Google Fiber is a broadband Internet provider.
    • NestLabs - smart home and technology for housing.
    • Calico is a life extension program.

    • Google Capital is an investment company.
    • Google Venture is a venture capital fund.
    • Google X is a software developer.
    • Google Verily is a health research center.

In 2014, Google officially became part of Alphabet Inc., which combined other assets under its leadership under the management of the same founders. The merger of all services, projects and subsidiaries was carried out for transformation and convenience in management, as well as to minimize the possibility of a raider takeover. As of the end of 2016, Alphabet became the most expensive concern in the world. The market capitalization of the company has exceeded half a trillion dollars. CEO of Alphabet Inc. Sundar Pichai was appointed. Sergey Brin and Larry Page retained the rights of CEOs of the conglomerate's governing bodies and own most of the company's shares.

Google / Alphabet shares

By mid-2007, the value of Google shares increased from $ 85 to $ 300, in 2013 the price was already more than $ 500, and at the beginning of 2017, it has reached the $ 850 per share mark, which is ten times more than the original cost 13 years ago.

Since the reorganization of Alphabet, new shares have been introduced on the stock exchange, which can be viewed by the ticker GOOG. Old shares under the ticker GOOGL are also available on the exchange. Both types of shares are traded on the NASDAQ exchange. At the moment, 515,912,000 shares have been put into circulation.

After the introduction of the ALPHABET concern and the structural reorganization, several types of shares were introduced in the company.

  • The first type - shares that are traded under the ticker GOOGL are standard securities that provide the holder with the right to vote and receive standard dividend payments. These shares are referred to as type A.
  • Type C shares are always slightly cheaper, since they are extremely speculative and do not provide any vote to their holders. They are also freely traded and traded under the new ticker GOOG. With such promotions, the company encourages its employees, donates to partners and is calculated as a payment instrument when absorbing startups.
  • There is also a third type of shares, which has the designation type B. They are not available on the stock exchange and there are an order of magnitude less than shares of types A and C combined - only 52 million shares of type B have been issued. However, these shares have the same weight and even somewhat more, as the total share of all A and C, since they are equal to 10 votes. Shares of this type are concentrated in the hands of founders Brin and Page in the predominant amount, as well as certain shares in some friends and partners, including Schmidt and Pichai.

Such division of the share is a protection against raider seizure and transfer of the management stake into the hands of one shareholder or a group of shareholders. Thus, Page and Brin retained over 60% ownership of the company, as well as a decisive vote in all projects.

If a large investor starts buying shares of type A, then even having completed what he has begun to the end, he will not be able to compete with shareholders who own securities of type C.

In general, A and C shares are quite similar, especially for speculative purposes. Both options have high liquidity, with a daily volume of just over 2 million and an average earnings per share of $ 28. That is why most of the speculators prefer to buy new C-type shares. They have the same properties, are liquid enough and cost a few dollars less.

Benefits of Google Stocks

Investors around the world continue to buy and invest in the company, as directors and CEOs have proven in practice that they know how to manage such a corporation and know where they are going. Since the company entered the stock exchange, the share price has not dropped below the primary level, and there have been no significant drawdowns in value. At the same time, quotations continue to grow every year.

Given the thoughtfulness and precaution of the owners of the company, you can be sure to exclude the possibility of acquisitions or other problems in the administration of the company. Active sponsorship of programmers and startups, as well as the constant implementation of new projects, ensures the constant growth of the company's profits.

Despite the fact that the shares Google already cost 10 times more than since the IPO, investors and analysts believe that the value will continue to grow and long-term investments in the company are in any case the right decision.

How to buy Google stock?

To buy Google stocks, you need to open a brokerage account with a company that provides brokerage - access to a limited list of US stocks. There are many brokers in the Russian Federation that have this functionality. You can also open an account with an American brokerage company and buy shares directly on the NASDAQ exchange.

In any case, it should be understood that opening an account is a very long and routine procedure, especially in foreign companies. You will need to prepare and provide a lot of documents. You also need to understand that buying Google shares will require an impressive amount of funds, given the high cost of shares.

The Google story begins in 1995 at Stanford University. Larry Page was considering Stanford for grad school and Sergey Brin, a student there, was assigned to show him around.

By some accounts, they disagreed about nearly everything during that first meeting, but by the following year they struck a partnership. Working from their dorm rooms, they built a search engine that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the World wide Web. They called this search engine Backrub.

Soon after, Backrub was renamed Google (phew). The name was a play on the mathematical expression for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros and aptly reflected Larry and Sergey "s mission“ to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. ”

Over the next few years, Google caught the attention of not only the academic community, but Silicon Valley investors as well. In August 1998, Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote Larry and Sergey a check for $ 100,000, and Google Inc. was officially born. With this investment, the newly incorporated team made the upgrade from the dorms to their first office: a garage in suburban Menlo Park, California, owned by Susan Wojcicki (employee # 16 and now CEO of YouTube). Clunky desktop computers, a ping pong table, and bright blue carpet set the scene for those early days and late nights. (The tradition of keeping things continues to this day.)

Even in the beginning, things were unconventional: from Google's initial server (made of Lego) to the first "Doodle" in 1998: a stick figure in the logo announcing to site visitors that the entire staff was playing hooky at the Burning Man Festival. “Don" t be evil ”and“ The ten things we know to be true ”Captured the spirit of our intentionally unconventional methods. In the years that followed, the company expanded rapidly - hiring engineers, building a sales team, and introducing the first company dog, Yoshka. Google outgrew the garage and eventually moved to its current headquarters (a.k.a. “The Googleplex”) in Mountain View, California. The spirit of doing things differently made the move. So did Yoshka.

The relentless search for better answers continues to be at the core of everything we do. Today, with more than 60,000 employees in 50 different countries, Google makes hundreds of products used by billions of people across the globe, from YouTube and Android to Smartbox and, of course, Google search... Although we’ve ditched the Lego servers and added just a few more company dogs, our passion for building technology for everyone has stayed with us - from the dorm room, to the garage, and to this very day.

I actually think that most people preferred
so that Google does not answer their questions, but immediately tells them,
what to do next.
Eric Schmidt, Google.

This section is dedicated to google stories, history of creation and origin of the search engine Google. This company has had a very large impact on the development of the entire Internet. Therefore, I could not ignore her own story.

Google history

These pages describe history of Google (Google) - the most successful internet company in the world. The dedication, scientific talent, courage and love of the experiment of the former Muscovite and Michigan founders of Google paved the way for the search engine's long-term success.

Their leadership has become a popular resource, and new verbs "to google" and "google" have appeared in everyday life, meaning searching for something on the Internet.

In general, before you google history... The story that took place before our eyes - which we did not even suspect! The story of two young Stanford graduate students revolutionizing the lives of our generation. In short, before you is the latest history of the world.

Creation google technology can be compared to the invention of the wheel. Today, with the passage of time, it is not clear how it was possible to search the Internet before the advent of Google. But there is no doubt that Google could not have appeared from scratch. At the start, Sergey and Larry had great advisors: Jeff Bezos from (by the way, Jeff was one of the first Google investors), Yossi Vardi (creator), and others.

Google is no longer a part of American life and culture exclusively today. 67% of Internet users live outside the United States, for 77% of the Internet audience English is not their first language. But they all enjoy google search... That is why Google speaks many languages: in its arsenal there are more than a hundred living languages, as well as dead (for example, Latin), artificial (Esperanto) and fictional (the language of the race from the planet Clinton from the series "Startrek"). Google allows users to find information in any language and, using linguistic technologies, to understand what is at stake.

But, of course, support for multiple languages \u200b\u200bis not the only reason for such incredible popularity. The main factor of such success is the non-standard thinking of the founders of Google, their disregard for stereotypes and their unwillingness to be like everyone else. And some facts can serve as proof of this.

Could the company achieve incredible turnover ($ 6.1 billion in 2006!) From scratch, without investing a cent in advertising of any kind (TV, radio, magazines, billboards, etc.), relying only on viral marketing and word of mouth? Yes! Can!

Could a company with a homepage that is the most visited page on the Internet, where it costs absolutely insane money per pixel, deliberately not place a single ad on that page and still be incredibly profitable? Yes! Can!

Could the company, the logo of which is one of the most recognizable and, naturally, the most expensive, periodically change this logo in honor of holidays, and not state ones, but, for example, on the occasion of the birthday of the artist Edvard Munch? Yes maybe!

Could a company with a huge turnover per employee deliberately allow them 20% of their working time to do what they are interested in - and this, imagine, one working day a week! - and at the same time feed them lunch, arrange cabinets with juices, nuts, allow them to play billiards and bring pets to the office? Yes maybe!

Could a company, when going on an IPO, break all of Wall Street's unwritten rules and, as a result, have the loudest IPO in the twenty-first century? Yes maybe! (As sad as it is for those same investment bankers and the SEC!)

And so, before you is the history of the emergence of a company that decided to organize all information in the world and make it accessible and useful for everyone. A company that sets and solves impossible tasks - simply because simple tasks are not interesting to solve!

P.S. The Google story presented here is 80% based on David Wise's book Google. Breakthrough in the spirit of the times. " I highly recommend reading it in its entirety. you can download this book for free.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand. "

Google is a search engine with additional tools and services.

We can say that is Sherlock Holmes with his filing cabinet, in which data on all the figures of the underworld is decomposed by first and last name, and he easily knows where and how to find any information. In addition, the detective will play the violin or entertain you interesting conversation... Naturally, the search engine finds not only information about criminals. Everything and everything is available to him exclusively.

When Google appeared and who founded it

The history of Google begins in 1998, when the search engine began to be used at Stanford University, where its founders, Larry Page (USA) and Sergey Brin (an emigrant, born in the USSR), studied.

Both students tackled the problem of searching large data warehouses. At that time, search engines were already working, but the results of their work were unsatisfactory. The search was carried out by keywords, and spam got into the results. New system considered backlinks. If there were a lot of them on the resource, this meant that the portal was relevant to the request and authoritative.

As an example, the developers took links in academia. The more scientists refer to the desired person, the higher their status, the more authoritative the person himself becomes. This is how PR (PageRank) appeared - one of the indicators of ranking and weight of the page and the site as a whole, which raised the quality of search and, in general, made a fundamental turn in its algorithm.

Mathematicians asked early Stanford users to express their impressions and comments, in accordance with which they modified the search engine.

What does the name mean

The initial word was the concept of Googol - 1 and 100 zeros after it. Initially new search engine It was supposed to be called GooglePlex (10 to the power of googol), but it seemed to the creators unmemorable and inconvenient to write. Therefore, we settled on an abbreviated version.

In 1998, the developers registered Google-Inc., which received a significant amount for development from one sponsor. With this money, they bought servers, which began to process the growing number of requests to

How Google works and how it works

Google applies two important principles: document text analysis and inbound link counting.

Based on the text, link weight and all keys, the PS determines the position of the resource in the search results. The search is performed on a previously indexed inverse index database. It also contains saved copies of pages, on the basis of which snippets are formed.

The PS will add the site to its index if the webmaster sends a link to it to the add-on, or finds your web project using an incoming link from another resource. Backlinks are collected as each page is indexed.

Google related services

  • AdSense, AdWords - contextual advertising systems.
  • YouTube is the most popular video hosting.
  • Chrome is a popular web browser.
  • Analytics is a counter for analyzing website traffic.
  • Google+ is a social network.
  • Play - applications for mobile gadgets.
  • Disk - data storage in the cloud.
  • Mail - exchange of emails.
  • Photo - storage of photo albums, exchange of photos.
  • Docs - work with documents, text editors, viewing and editing documents from anywhere in the world.
  • Maps is a cartography system around the world with point-objects.
  • Calendar is an event planner.
  • Hangouts - online chat.
  • Talk - messenger, messaging.

This is an incomplete list. There is also Translator, News, Notes, Website Hosting, Virtual Printer, FAQs and much more.

Features of promotion in Google

Promotion in this search engine differs from Yandex. In general, both websites have their own characteristics and the ranking of their sites is different.

  • Google works a little faster (indexing, issuing, crawling by a robot).
  • Google takes into account the anchors of all links from one text leading to the acceptor page.
  • Structured unique texts are essential for any search engine.
  • In Google, regions are countries, and in Yandex, cities and regions.
  • Google gives the weight of each page, while the Russian PS gives importance to the weight of the site as a whole.
  • Google prefers the exact match of the keyword in the incoming link.
  • Google stores all pages in its database. Yandex filters out duplicate content and other low-quality documents.
  • The Google database consists of a basic and supplemental index. Documents included in supplemental are almost not included in the search.

Reasons for getting into supplemental

  • Non-unique content.
  • Small amount of text on the page.
  • Meta tags are not spelled out, or they are not unique, or consist of only one word.

The share of Google in Russia is constantly growing. In recent years, an upward trend has been outlined due to the release of mobile gadgets with an embedded OS, which by default binds the user's Google account for correct functioning mobile device... Therefore, every optimizer should know about this system and the features of promotion in it.