Worldwide Traffic Back Bonus Service - Reviews. Scheme of generating powerful traffic from VKontakte Traffic back

Below will be the material, after studying, which you can get traffic from Vkontakte, namely, thousands of unique people every day and, of course, make good money on the Internet on this. Perhaps you have already read somewhere or heard about some of the methods that the author describes below, but this manual will present an improved and modified version of traffic extraction from Vkontakte.

As you already understood, we will take traffic from VKontakte and subsequently successfully monetize it, so I think it's worth starting with a redirect, the ways with which we will redirect traffic to our resources.

Preparing to extract traffic from Vkontakte


In fact, there are many ways to redirect, and there are even very tricky ones, but they have rather low conversion rates. After many tests, I have identified two of the simplest and most successful about them further.
1. Redirect through your favorite blogspot.
For this we need a google account (I think there will be no problems with registration)

  • Go to
  • We create a new blog.
  • We edit the template "Now in the blog", in the code after we write:

  • For correct display, we edit pictures to fit 537x240.

If you have a lot of images, then the XnConvert distribution kit complete with a manual will help you to quickly cope with this task.
I also recommend uploading your pictures to paid hosting in order for everything to work stably and without failures, do not use free hosting.
After editing the "Now in the blog" template In the "On mobile" template, check the box as in the picture:

Don't forget, otherwise users mobile devices will not get to our site!

The rest just add here:\u003dru
Upload 3 videos to youtube and create annotations using these links.
As a result, we will receive 3 different redirects to 3 different offers (or our sites and any other resources where you are going to send traffic).
I think there will be no difficulties in creating annotations. An example video is in the archive with the manual.
I also recommend using a thumbnail image when adding a video, you can add your own picture as a splash screen before starting. We select the picture in accordance with the theme of our traffic, i.e. if this is an advertisement for a product, then an image of some product, or a person with this product, if it is an adult, then there will be a beautiful female body (no porn, maximum erotic, if the preview contains explicit images youtube will subsequently block this video and this may affect the reputation of the channel, which in the future will not allow the use of annotations).

Video redirect randomization

Youtube doesn’t like it when you download the same video, and simply doesn’t skip it, therefore the excellent software “Video Spin Blaster”, a distribution kit in an archive with a manual, will help us with this problem.
Then we follow the simple steps indicated below:

Visually, these videos will not differ in any way from the original, but youtube will perceive them as unique content.

You have already looked through a bunch of pages of my manual, and you probably think, “what, in fact, is the essence of the work?”, This is usually how manuals write, just today I decided to do it differently.

We earn on the Internet using traffic from Vkontakte

We will get traffic from Vkontakte from news in VK, perhaps you have come across this, maybe you have seen or tried it, but today I will teach you how to do it correctly.
1. We buy autoreg. VK account.

2. We buy 10 live accounts. From the criteria, it is important that there is a phone in the login. (we buy accounts according to the country of residence, not necessary, but I recommend)

  • we put the name and avatar in accordance with the chosen topic
  • we put the wall closed
  • remove the creator from the contact list
  • leave the group
  • add it to bookmarks - for quick access

(we create a group necessarily through Tor, subsequently the groups will be blocked and this will protect our main account from being banned)

5. Log in through Tor to a live account, add to the created group.

6. The creator of the group can now be logged in through a regular browser. the author of the reg is the creator, then he has all the administrator rights, even if he is not in the community. Assign the added account as the group editor.

Tor is not your normal browser, so be patient, it doesn't do everything instantly. (when we insert the Vkontakte link, we should have a preview, with the picture that we added to the background of our video, if this has not happened, we erase and paste it again, after 3-5 seconds a preview appears, which means that everything is ok, then it will appear much faster, but if it still does not appear, press f5 and try again, everything should work)

8. After the video, we place a bunch of keywords (more on them later), press Ctrl + Enter and like the sent message (if we forget to like it, then in practice, like increases the conversion by almost 30%).

The whole trick is that when a person writes any word in the post we posted in the news search, he will see our post, and even if this word is at the end of the text, far beyond the "show full" button, he will still see our video. will notice the like and an attractive preview picture, and accordingly become our potential visitor.
This principle of operation is somewhat reminiscent of doorways to me.
We will have massive and passive traffic from Vkontakte, for example 20 posts can bring passive traffic for up to 2 weeks, but now imagine that you post 200 posts a day? The work is simple and after the necessary preparations it comes down to Ctrl + C - Ctrl + V. People who skillfully use keyboard shortcuts such as Alt + Tab, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + A, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + Enter will find it extremely easy to work.
I recommend that you post not in batches, but with breaks, regularly. Believe me, you will earn more on the Internet if you post 20 posts in the morning, 20 in the afternoon and 20 in the evening than if you rivet 2 hundred at a time.
Personally, in my free time, using a PC, I post 1-2 posts at a time every 5-20 minutes, it is not stressful and does not distract from other things at all. However, if you wish, you can automate everything.
Automation allows you not to waste time on work, and shows an increase in conversion up to 50%, the disadvantages are
that no preview appears, and much fewer keys are used in one post. The advantages are that the program can work even when you are not at home, as well as posts more often fall into the news feed.
For automation, I used Vkboard from Mr. Fizik.

Key queries

And finally, we moved on to the most important point - key queries.
I see people on VK who are trying to work in a similar way, but either they do not succeed, or they go broke for accounts.
The correct selection of keywords is the key to powerful and long-term traffic!
I attach a parser to the manual, you enter the keyword or link you are interested in keywords, and the program scans the PS, and parses all the text from several hundred sites, starting with the first in the issue, while the program is running, I turn off the antivirus (he is indignant at some sites, not the program, I have AVG).
The program scans the issue depending on your geo-location, respectively, if you are interested in specific regions, for example Moscow, you should change your IP-address to Moscow, and in addition to changing the IP, the program will parse the text from all sites, even those listed in the Roskomnadzor register.
At the output, we get several hundred articles in a text document, but that's not all, all this text needs to be cleaned of garbage, for which it is easy to get banned, and here we are helped by a cool free software called "Notepad C ++" distribution kit in the archive with the manual.
We open text Document through this editor, press the combination Ctrl + H in the "replace with" column, write a space.
And in the column to find we list the stop words and after each press the button "Change next".
Stop words on the example of adult topics:
Net ua
Info Kindergarten Malolet Zoo Prohibition
As you understand, in order not to list all verbs and adjectives, you can do as in the example above, this procedure is mandatory, because this will ensure your page is not banned, and accordingly will allow each post to bring more traffic.

How to work and common problems

As soon as we have finished with the preparation of redirects and keys (text), we place 5-10 posts, no more than 50 posts can be placed in one group on the day of its creation.
By observing the following rules, you will reduce the risk of being banned several times, and accordingly, you will receive 10-15 times more traffic, unlike those who work in the usual way:

  1. When creating a group, you place the first few posts, their number must constantly change, you cannot create groups and always post 5 posts, in the future, if one group is banned, all the others fall under the filters, remember, posting posts in batches of several, always change them quantity.
  2. Given the VK limit of 50 posts per group, never hit the limit, post less, 49 pieces each (the added avatar is also a post, even if you deleted it)
  3. Change the location of the Vkontakte link. If you posted 20-30 posts and from the beginning you had a vkontakte link, and then the text, place it at the end of the text or in the middle, change its location every 20-30 posts.
  4. If you have finished posting and do not plan to post anything from your work account within an hour, then leave the group, so the account owner will not display your posts in the news and he will not complain about this message. Which, firstly, prolongs the life of our records and saves our accounts.

If the account is blocked, no matter what, we fill in a new video links in the "linked websites", you can keep the same, the main thing is to change the preview for the new video.
When copying keywords from a text document, we use the same editor and copy about 3540 lines. If you copy 50, then the last 5-10 may not be displayed, and if you copy 60-70, the message may not be sent, because the character limit will be exceeded, so try to observe these points and then the VK filters will pay less attention to you.

If you put into practice the information that you just studied, it will bring not only tons of traffic with penny costs, but with the right approach to monetization, it will also bring decent earnings on the Internet.
Yes, I have seen something similar on the Internet, but this similar will never bring even the 10th part of what can be done according to the scheme described above.

Extraction of fresh and relevant keywords

So, we have already learned how to extract keywords with an ordinary parser, and we know how important they are, because the traffic flow and its volumes directly depend on the keywords, today I will tell you how to extract fresh and relevant keywords all the time, and on full automatic!
And again an interesting program from MrFizik called VkCommentParser comes to our aid.
From the name it is probably already clear what it does, yes, it parses comments from communities. I could not track how many posts it covers, but the whole point is that the posts in the communities are constantly updated, and accordingly the comments are also updated, but in the comments everything is always discussed the freshest and most relevant!

I will not describe the operation of the program, as you can see in the screenshot it is very simple, although I recommend parsing for one community, i.e. parsed one, then cleared the list of communities, then added the next community, parsed again, etc. By the way, if someone dabbles in doorways, then you can use it to generate text messages.
Important! Pay more attention to the cleaning of the stop words, they often write to me with the question, "and which stop words should I delete", I explain again, stop words are, firstly, domain zones (do not forget that there is such a domain zone as "rf") , secondly, stop words is essentially anything prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as everything that is essentially immoral, I also recommend cleaning it from obscene words, if you drain traffic to goods, clean up such words as "free", "freebie" , etc.
One more thing: if you use this software for extracting keywords, we clean it again through notepad ++, it would also not hurt to delete empty lines (in the Edit menu \u003d\u003e delete empty lines). And also I do not recommend posting too large posts, on average 5-10 thousand characters are needed, it is convenient to do this using the same editor, the value "Sel" is the number of characters:

Automation of traffic extraction from Vkontakte

We will automate the extraction of traffic from Vkontakte using a program from MrFizik called VkBoard, it is paid, in my opinion, check the current price with the author. In general, I constantly praise this software because it has paid for itself hundreds of times. In general, if you have this miracle, then read on:
To begin with, we need to stock up on good proxies, do not bombard me with questions "where to get a proxy", in the end we ask Google this question.
Next, in the "community links" we insert our community (s). In the "text to be sent" we insert our link from the blog.
I warn you right away that when working through software, posts will be without pictures from the blogger, this greatly reduces the click-through rate, so I recommend using a video redirect via annotations.
In the "attachments" we have to insert a link to the video of the form "videoXX_XX" for this, we simply place the video from youtube as the first post, then click on the name of the video itself, so that the video playback window in VKontakte and in address bar looking for something like "video11111-11111" this will be our attachment. Be sure to check the box "repeat the Vkontakte mailing list when the last community is reached" even if we have only one.

We set the captcha limit to no more than 5, I always set it to 3.
(I hope you know what a captcha is and you have an antigate key with a balance, if not then register, 10 cents will be enough for work, captcha crashes extremely rarely or never, but you need to play it safe).
The delay is a very important point, because we need to make the contact think, the program is a real person, I recommend setting the delay from 900 to 1800.

Attention! I recommend to split the thematic text into files weighing 500 kb, open via notepad ++
press Ctrl + A, Ctrl + J thus you combine all the text into one line, copy it and paste it into the first window, do the same with the second test document and paste the text into the second window.
The posts themselves will be smaller, this directly affects the volume of traffic, therefore, we create 5-6 groups, thereby we compensate for the restrictions.
For those who are especially greedy, the program has a tab "mailing by post comments", we insert a link to the Vkontakte group there, everything is the same, the work is proceeding according to the same principle, comments along with videos are displayed in the news according to key requests.
I recommend using another account to post comments, not the one that posted the posts themselves, and do not forget that perhaps commenting in the community should be enabled.


A very pressing question "where to drain the traffic?" and why don't I name specific affiliate programs?
Is it really hard to guess that I am not saying this on purpose for one simple reason, if I write where to drain, because you will start pouring on the same shaft, than limit your exhaust, so I do not do this for your own good.
I recommend that you first merge into something free (clicks / registrations / applications / installations / subscriptions, not to be confused with SMS subscriptions, although this is also an option), and only then, when you test the work, you can gradually switch to merchandise.

Traffic Distribution: Have you ever heard of what traffic backing is? No?

Then open any partner and look for the FAQ / Help section, google in the end!
In a nutshell, traffic back is the address where the visitor will be automatically redirected if he does not match the criteria of the offer, such as geo / devices, etc.

Where to back up traffic?

I recommend wap-affiliate programs in which we create a stream and you can specify a post-back for example to some mobile app in adwad affiliate program.
This is all an example, choose any PP. In the get link section, we select landing pages and get links below.

What should we do with them?

Feel free to open the description and "smoke" what to do with it, and not ask me questions "where to reap?" or we take a Javascript redirect and paste it after in the end, if you really can't wait to just cut it in.
To do this, take a regular php redirect script, find it yourself in Google!
Receiving a stream in an affiliate program may not start immediately, but within an hour, so don't panic, just wait.

What do we get as a result?

The person plays the video \u003d\u003e clicks on the annotation \u003d\u003e through the blogger-redirect (we use it as related websites, we will approve it, that if we decide to change the niche, we just change the link in the blogger and that's it) \u003d\u003e it transfers to the spacer, it can be a php redirect, which I wrote about above (in this redirect spacer, we write the path to the affiliate network to which we merge the traffic and enter the same Javascript redirect) \u003d\u003e. At this moment, the user's IP is determined and if it is accepted in the app subscriptions, it is sent to the landing page \u003d\u003e After which, it can be transferred to the mobile application \u003d\u003e. If its ip does not fit, then it is redirected to the affiliate program's landing page to which we initially drain traffic \u003d\u003e. If it does not fit there, then it will be transferred to another PP with the help of a traffic-back.

What is the salt?

A person came in, if he is from a mobile, then either he will subscribe, for which he will need to press 1 button without any SMS, or it is possible to install a mobile application, if a person from a computer will end up on a landing page selling “something” if it does not fit according to the criteria, it will be transferred to "some" registration.
If you don't understand, then we read what is written above again and again, if it is still not clear, then we read 20 more times, no less!
The quieter you go, the further you'll get

How we are working?

  1. We take self-registration and create several groups.
  2. For each group, create yourself a folder at the end.
  3. In the folder we create a text document called "accounts", there we insert the accounts of "living" people, we will work with them only in this group.
  4. In the same folder we create a text document called "links", we insert links there, we work with them only in this group !!!
  5. If our account is blocked, it means that the vkontakte link that he posted will never be used in our life, even if the barrel of a pistol is brought to our temples, I’m serious, deleted and forgotten like a bad dream.
  6. We parse many keywords, a lot, we take a query, for example "saucers", we parse keywords for the request "big saucer", "small saucer", "saucers for children", saucers for mugs, etc. Requests not less than 10 pcs. Try to ensure that the volume of all texts exceeds at least 5 megabytes, ideally 15-20mb.
  7. We post posts of 10-15 thousand characters, unless of course you do not parse with the new method that I wrote about above, then there will be a profit.
  8. Don't post a million posts a day. Work in parallel with your business, you sit and drink coffee, posted a post, communicate in social media. Networks, posted a post, went to smoke, posted a post, no need to rivet 50 posts in 15 minutes, this will not give you a profit. If you are a beginner, post 40-60 posts a day, and traffic from Vkontakte will accelerate for at least a week, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that it will be.
  9. You can post more, but if you have already "tasted" the material and already know what's what, ie catch the first profit, if you have enough text for randomness and you merge on different topics, then of course do more, but even I did not make more than 100 posts per day on one topic, more does not mean better, you go quieter - you will continue!

Success in making money on the Internet!

Be sure to download the archive attachment to the manual!

Scam site:

The essence of the project:
In order to participate in the I love bonus scam, you can log into your account, or using social networks, or by your IP address. I press the button to log into my account by IP address and find out that my account is ID-35622, I have been credited with a lot of bonuses that can allegedly be converted into money. At the moment, there are 277 121 rubles on my account. In order to receive money, the scammers offer to create a transaction account, to which this amount will be received, which can then be withdrawn in any convenient way.

Then the scammers of the I love bonus site demand that we create a transaction account and for this we need to press the big blue button. But after clicking on it, the swindlers tell us that there are no branches of their scam in our country. And so they cannot create an account for free. But they can create an account with a partner bank and it will cost us 170 rubles. It was for the sake of this amount that scammers created their own scam with prizes and accounts that none of us created. The purpose of such a fake site is to impress us with a large sum and to lure out money.

The essence of the scam:
If this system really worked, then a transaction account would be opened using the money that I allegedly won. They would deduct their 170 rubles from the amount of 277,121 rubles, and what was left would be transferred to my card or electronic wallet. But in this situation, the swindlers would not receive money from me, which means the whole scam loses its meaning. That is why they are trying to convince us that we must first transfer money to them, and then they will allegedly send it to us. An ordinary scam in action. In order to make sure that the I love bonus site is scammed, you need to find the link "Liability and guarantees" at the bottom left, by clicking on it you can read that all statements about income generation are just assumptions. The administration does not guarantee you anything.

The I love bonus site is an ordinary scam where people are bred for money.

On the review - another scam, which promises a lot of money just like that. This is another platform where you can allegedly get some completely inadequate bonuses for some reason.

The scam is called the Worldwide Traffic Backing Bonus Service. Some kind of idiotic name, again - this is done to make it harder to track. The divorce scheme used here is as primitive as possible. If other scammers are still trying to create the appearance of some kind of work, then here they promise us money just for the fact that you went to the site. Well, complete nonsense, how can you believe in such tales? Who will give you even a ruble just like that, not to mention tens of thousands?

It's hard to find a poorer site. This is not even a website, but an ordinary page. Some design is missing entirely. We see only multi-colored text on a white background, with the addition of a couple of pictures. There are no fake reviews, but even without them one can understand what this project is. Supposedly, it is supported by top cryptocurrencies - yeah, we readily believe.

There is some completely incomprehensible email - , which cannot be contacted with anyone. This is not surprising, because such mail service doesn't even exist. That is, this is an absolute fake. As, in fact, and two addresses - in the United States and Cyprus. Just written from the lantern.

So, the crooks promise us that we will always receive 5000 rubles just for the fact that our Internet device is connected to this system. It turns out that 554,242 bonuses have been credited to our account (what other account?), Which can be converted into 277,121 rubles. Delirium, of course, is cruel.

It turns out that we somehow registered here a long time ago, just certain time did not come here. And throughout this period, of course, we were regularly credited with bonuses. In short, we are offered to go to personal Area, and pick up the accrued money.

We supposedly enter by IP, but in reality there is nothing like this - we are simply redirected to where the fraudster needs. It is clear that this is another crazy page where we are told that traffic is connected to our device, and a large one, of all different countries... This is just the case when you need to write something, but you don't have enough intelligence to write at least something more or less sensible.

To withdraw funds, we need to open a transaction account. Supposedly, you still need to fill out a short registration form, but, of course, you can not enter anything there. This is clear evidence that they are not going to pay us a dime here.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to create a transaction account - who would doubt it. It turns out that there are no branches of this company in our country. Come on, why do you have a website in Russian then? But, of course, there is a way out. You can create this account with a partner bank. True, there is one but - this payable service, and for some reason you will have to pay 170 rubles to open an account. Do you know at least one bank where you need to pay money to open an account? On the contrary, they attract new customers in every possible way, why should they also take money for such a usual service?

It is clear that you don't have to pay anything. This is only the first fraudulent payment. Further, they will demand money from you for some other incomprehensible services, and so on several times. You will not receive a dime in return. What other 277 thousand rubles, for what?

In general, the World Traffic-backing bonus service is a primitive scam. Do not in any way contact these scammers.