Windows xp system rollback. How to roll back the system. Last Known Good Configuration

In case of failures and errors, to return the operating system to its previous state, Windows XP has a built-in system for archiving the registry and system data. Although it is imperfect in many ways, it often helps to solve problems. The name in English is System Restore Application, which means system recovery program. The process of restoring a system to its previous state is often referred to as "System Rollback". The program can be accessed in different ways. The first thing to do is to check if you have System Restore enabled. To do this, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (see the note at the end) and select "Properties" in the drop-down menu. In the window that opens under the name "Properties", select the "System Restore" tab at the top. The window contains a list of disks and if the recovery system is enabled, then next to each entry, there should be an inscription "Monitoring". At the bottom there is an inscription "Disable system restore on all disks", when the system is on, there should not be a checkmark opposite the inscription. When you select a disk and click the "Options" button, a window of the same name will open, in which you can disable System Restore on this disk. Here you can also change the disk space allocated for archiving using the slider. System Restore creates what are called system restore points. By default, restore points are created periodically and at important system events, for example: installation of programs, drivers, batch updates. You can create your own restore points. It is especially useful to do this if you intend to perform questionable actions in the system, in the positive outcome of which you are not sure.

There are several ways to use the recovery system. The first way is through Windows Help and Support. To do this, press the start button and in the menu on the right we click "Help and Support" and on the right we find "Undo changes using System Restore" and click on this inscription. The "System Restore" window opens where you can select "Restore an earlier state of the computer" or "Create a restore point", select what you need and click "Next". If you selected "Restoring an earlier state of the computer", a corresponding window with a calendar will open, where you can select a restore point by date or time and click "Next" to continue the recovery. When choosing to create a restore point in the window that opens, you need to enter the name of your point and click the "Next" button to create it.

Sometimes there is no "Help and Support" in the "Start" menu, then you can try to call it with the F1 key. If this does not help, then you most likely have disabled the Help and Support service. How to deal with services, you can read and.

You can open the "System Restore" window by following the path, Start\u003e All Programs\u003e Accessories\u003e System Tools\u003e System Restore.

Note: Sometimes users, not knowing how to display a full-fledged icon "My Computer" on the desktop, pull out a shortcut (this one with an arrow). Then when you select "Properties" opens the shortcut properties window, which is not what we want. To solve this problem you need to go to the "Start" menu and right-click "My Computer", and then as indicated above. Or display a full-fledged icon on the desktop.

Hello everyone, Ruslan Nova is in touch, and today we will talk about how to rollback the Windows system.

Operating systems from Microsoft are equipped with the ability to rollback, that is, loading the last created restore point. This parameter is very useful in the event that your computer started working incorrectly, there were crashes, and there is no way to reinstall the system from scratch.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to rollback a system based on Windows XP;
  • how to rollback a system based on Windows 7;
  • how to rollback a system based on Windows 8 and 8.1;
  • how to rollback a Windows 10 system.

How do I roll back Windows XP?

Option number 1

First you need to click Start, after which the main panel will open, in which we select the All Programs tab.

In the window that appears, look for the Standard line and click on it.

The tab that appears contains many items, but we need to find the Service line and activate it.

In the tab that opens, all that remains is to select the Restore item, after which the necessary service will automatically start.

Option number 2

The second method starts by opening the My Computer folder, then you need to open the Local drive C.

After that, go to the Windows folder

Inside there is another folder called System32, which also needs to be opened by double-clicking.

Inside you need to find and open the Restore folder.

Double clicking on the rstrui.exe application will activate the system restore system.

How to restore a Windows 7 checkpoint

Option number 1

This method is somewhat similar to the principle of system recovery on the XP platform. We press the Start button, in which we are looking for the line All programs.

Click on Standard.

After that, activate the Service line.

The System Restore shortcut launches the process we need.

Option number 2

This method is one of the simplest. It consists of only 2 steps. The first is to open the Command Prompt by pressing the Win + R key combination.

Then all that remains is to enter the rstrui command and click OK, after which the system restore will automatically start.

Option number 3

Option similar to the most 1. Open the My Computer folder, then the Local drive C folder.

We go to the Windows folder.

With a double click, go to the System32 folder.

It remains only to select and run the rstrui application, after which the system will rollback to the last restore point.

Option number 4

Another easy way to quickly recover Win 7. Right-click on My Computer and open the Properties line.

In the left column of the window that opens, you need to find the line System protection and click on it.

The tab contains the Restore button, pressing which starts the process.

Option number 5

The last method that allows you to roll back the system. Click Start and select Control Panel.

Launch Recovery.

How to rollback Windows 8 and 8.1

Option number 1

The easiest way is to activate the Command Line and then enter a special request. Pressing Win + R, you will open the above line.

Then you need to enter rstrui, and click OK. This will start the recovery service.

Option number 2

This method is the same as in the case of Windows 7. Right-click on My Computer and go to the Properties tab.

After that, go to the System Protection line.

The corresponding tab contains the Restore button. Its activation starts the process, and eliminates the questions of how to roll back the system.

Option number 3

And this method is classic for almost all Windows systems. Go to the My Computer folder, and then to the Local drive C folder.

Inside there is a Windows folder, which is what we need.

Inside it, we are looking for another folder called System32. We go there.

We find the rstrui application, double-click it to activate, and now you don't need to think about how to roll back the system.

Option number 4

The last method has 6 steps. It all starts by opening the Options tab in a special pop-up window on the right.

Click Shutdown in the window that opens.

After that, a tab with a choice of 2 items is highlighted. We need to select the Reboot line, but we need to click on it with the Shift button held down

The screen that appears has 3 items, but we need Diagnostics. We activate the line.

After that, go to the Additional parameters item.

System Restore is the button we need to bring the service into action.

Option number 1

The simplest and most well-known method begins by pressing the Win + R combination, which opens the command line.

Enter the rstrui command and confirm with the OK button.

Option number 2

Alternatively, right-click on My Computer and select the Properties tab.

The last step is to click the Restore button in the corresponding tab.

Option number 3

A method specific only to Win 10; 8 and 8.1. Open the Shutdown menu.

In the window that opens, find the Diagnostics parameter, activate it.

Click on Advanced Options.

The final step is to activate the System Restore line.

Option number 4

First you need to open the Search menu, located to the right of the Start button.

In the bottom line, enter the query Restore, and click on the corresponding tab, which immediately appears above after entering the word in the search bar.

Click on the line Start System Restore.

So we examined how to roll back the system and how to run system restore on the most common Windows operating systems. Good luck and see you soon.

A fully working function of restoring one of the previously saved system states appeared in Windows XP. This is a very useful and necessary feature of the OS to bring it back to life after a software problem. The user himself is to blame for some of these situations, but most conflicts are related to the imperfection of the operating system and the software products used in it. It often happens that the operating system generates an error while loading the desktop or launching an application after installing or uninstalling a software product (application, driver of a new device), deleting or modifying a system file, or being infected with malicious files. In addition to error messages, Windows can slow down, constantly drop to the desktop, or display system tray notifications.

For the most part, these things cannot be solved by removing the problematic driver, application, or restoring the system file. What remains besides reinstalling the operating system? Her recovery. Today we will look at how to rollback Windows XP without using the disk with the installation files.

Windows XP recovery implementation

After installing Windows, the System Restore Application starts automatically and creates a rollback or restore point when performing most actions that can harm the system (modify or replace system files, work with the registry in write mode):

  • installing programs using Windows Installer and other installers that support system recovery;
  • before installing updates and drivers;
  • every day with default settings;
  • at the request of the user.

A restore point is a hidden system directory called System Volume Information. It stores copies of Windows registry entries, installed applications, and system components. For this, a free amount of disk space is allocated on the system volume, up to 12% of the total size of the partition.

Due to the imperfection of system recovery in XP (full registry reservation, backing up only certain types of files from a clearly limited list of directories), after OS rollback to a previous state after updating a driver or program, they can often not completely return to their previous state. As a result, you have to manually reinstall the product.

Working with Windows XP Recovery

In order to make sure that the System Restore Application is active, call the "Properties" directory "My Computer" and go to the "System Restore" tab.

  • In order to view the system restore points and roll back XP, we call the "System Restore" window using one of the proposed methods.
  • Enter "rstui" or "rstui.exe" in the "Run" line and press "Enter".

  • We go to the address:
  • We select the first option, as shown in the screenshot, in order to be able to view all the Windows XP restore points created by you and the operating system and roll back its state to the selected moment.

  • We select the rollback point from the list or through the calendar.

This will provide more convenience when there are many restore points spread over a significant time span. The days when rollback points were created are shown in bold.

  • Click "Next".

  • We close all running applications, as warned by the recovery program, and click "Next".

  • We are waiting for the completion of operations to copy earlier versions of system files.

  • We reboot the computer after a window appears with information about the completion of the system rollback procedure.

Solution of problems

There are times when a restore fails for a number of reasons. In such cases, you need to start the system rollback process again, but at the second step, choose to undo the last restore, as in the screenshot. Then you can try to rollback again, but select a different point (preferably created just before the used one).

It is possible that service files located in System Volume Information are corrupted, which prevents attempts to access them.

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When you start up your personal computer every day, you inevitably bring something new to it. And it doesn't matter if you are just surfing the Internet or installing new programs. After visiting any web page, you may well pick up a virus there or install, without knowing it, a malicious program. Today we are going to talk about how to roll back Windows XP.

Forewarned - armed

A fairly well-known proverb takes on a completely clear and specific meaning in the context we are considering. Remember, there is only one way to restore your system, and it requires mandatory preliminary preparation. This tool is the System Restore utility built into the OS. But, in order to use it to return the computer to its previous state, you need to take care in advance that such a point exists. Many users find that backing up the system takes up a lot of hard disk space. This is partly true, but all discontent passes at once when a situation arises in which recovery may be required as soon as possible. Therefore, before rolling back Windows XP, let's clarify how to create a restore point.

Starting position

As already mentioned, we need to create a certain starting point to which we would like to return our computer in the event of a breakdown or a virus infection. Of course, you can choose when to install the OS on your computer, but what's the point if it's easier to reinstall the entire system?

So, to create a restore point, do the following. Go to Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools. There, select "System Restore". In the interface that opens, select create a restore point and wait for the computer to complete the entire operation to the end. Now you have a place to return to in case of computer problems.

If you are a user of an OS of a newer generation, for example, Windows 7, then you should not care about this point in the question of how to roll back the system. Windows XP, unlike the 7, does not create copies automatically and does not include automatic creation of such backup states during installation.


Finally, we got directly to the question of how to roll back Windows XP. To do this, you will need to repeat all the steps indicated in the previous paragraph, with the exception that you will need to select the "Restore an earlier computer state" sub-item in the program itself. In this case, you will be presented with a list of all available states for the past time. How to roll back Windows XP? You need to choose a suitable state. By default, the most recent available position will be highlighted in bold. After selecting the required item, click "Next" - "Finish".

In fact, no one knows what the personal computer is guided by when restoring the system. He can remove installed programs, or leave. Your recent photos will disappear ... Or not. Anyway, don't forget to back up your files. This, by the way, is another way to roll back the system. Windows XP Professional allows you to use third-party utilities to save system state.

Independent programs

  1. Data backup. There are many programs designed to save some of the computer files, and to create images of hard drives in general. For example, "Acronis". By saving data with its help, you can reinstall the system completely and completely at any time, and then restore the contents of your hard drives.
  2. Special programs for recovering deleted files. Of course, with their help, you cannot restore the system to its true value, but it is very possible to return some files. We recommend using File Rescue Pro.

System disk

If you still have your operating system installation disc, you can perform a system restore using it. To do this, insert it into the drive and restart your computer from the disc. You should see the operating system installer screen. How do I roll back the system? Windows XP itself suggests a solution. At the bottom of the screen we see the inscription "R - restore". Press the appropriate button.

The computer will search for installed operating systems. After that, a menu will appear in which you must select the system to be restored. We indicate the OS we need for recovery, type its number and press Enter.

After that, enter the password, if necessary, and proceed with the recovery. To do this, we need to enter the command to restore the Fixmbr partitions. We confirm the action. Then we need to restore the boot area with the Fixboot command. After that, enter exit and reboot.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if you are looking for instructions on how to roll back Windows XP through BIOS, then you should know that this is not possible in any way. All changes that you could make using the BIOS will not directly affect the OS. The maximum that can be advised is to remove the battery on the motherboard - "pill". In this case, all BIOS settings will be reset, the password for the computer will disappear, and some recent changes will disappear.

In case of failures and errors, to return the operating system to its previous state, Windows XP has a built-in system for archiving the registry and system data. Although it is imperfect in many ways, it often helps to solve problems. The name in English is System Restore Application, which means system recovery program... The process of restoring the system to its previous state is often called " System rollback". The program can be accessed in different ways. The first thing to do is to check if you have enabled system recovery system... To do this, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (see the note at the end) and select "Properties" in the drop-down menu. In the window that opens titled

"Properties" select the "System Restore" tab at the top. The window contains a list of disks and if the recovery system is enabled, then next to each entry, there should be an inscription "Monitoring". At the bottom there is an inscription "Disable system restore on all disks", when the system is on, there should not be a checkmark opposite the inscription. When you select a disk and click the "Options" button, a window of the same name will open, in which you can disable System Restore on this

disk. Here you can also change the disk space allocated for archiving using the slider. System Restore creates what are called system restore points. By default, restore points are created periodically and when

important system events, for example: installation of programs, drivers, package updates. You can create your own restore points. It is especially useful to do this if you intend to perform questionable actions in the system, in the positive outcome of which you are not sure.

There are several ways to use the recovery system. The first way is through Windows Help and Support. To do this, press the start button and in the menu on the right we click "Help and Support" and on the right we find "Undo changes using System Restore" and click on this inscription. The "System Restore" window opens where you can select


an earlier state of the computer "or" Create a restore point ", select what you need and click" Next ". If you chose "Restore more

early computer state ”, a corresponding window with a calendar will open, where you can select a restore point by date or time and click“ Next ”to continue recovery. When choosing

to create a restore point, in the window that opens, you need to enter the name of your point and click the "Next" button to create it.

Sometimes there is no "Help and Support" in the "Start" menu, then you can try to call it with the F1 key. If this does not help, then you most likely have disabled the Help and Support service. How to deal with services, you can read

You can open the "System Restore" window by following the path, Start\u003e All Programs\u003e Accessories\u003e System Tools\u003e System Restore.

Note: Sometimes users, not knowing how to display a full-fledged icon "My Computer" on the desktop, pull out a shortcut (this one with an arrow). Then when you select "Properties" opens the shortcut properties window, which is not what we want. To solve this problem you need to go to the "Start" menu and right-click "My Computer", and then as indicated above. Or display a full-fledged icon on the desktop. You can read about it