LCD Art from developer Cross. LCD "Art Portofino" in Krasnogorsk Art Portofino residential complex

The louder the developer declares his project, the more we want to come to the place and explore it in all details from the inside. "Croste" will always present its projects brightly, each subsequent steeper than the previous one, and ART and masterpiece at all is not just housing, but a huge author's picture. It is interesting to know how in this picture lives people and what are they complaining about?

Starting writing this article, I stay in a light disorder from the fact that in my family there was no Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso or Casimir Malevich. The genes of great artists and ingenious provocateurs would certainly help me describe the LCD Art worthy of the "iconic project of the Moscow region." There are probably a couple of descendants of the creative elite, otherwise there is a couple of descendants of the creative elite, otherwise to explain the abundance of pathos texts and pompous speeches that collected the Internet. Well, I will describe like a mind.

About the complex

LCD Art, according to the developer, not just housing, and the work of art, this project is called the largest painting in the world in which people live. The concept of this masterpiece developed the architectural bureau D. Benini together with the avant-garde Mario Arlati.

On one territory from the Earth, 7 buildings rise - 5 steensions of 44 floors, lunar house in 28 floors and the Italian town Art Portofino. Floor variable from 4 to 7 floors. The artistic component of the developer seemed little and he decided to still coincide the construction of the 2014 Olympics, in 5 towers to invest 5 rings symbol, and in the color palette of the facades - the Olympic Fire.

The first 4 towers were settled in 2014, now there are several apartments left in them, which can be bought under a sales contract, for DTU living space can be acquired in the fifth tower, which will be handed over to the 3rd quarter of 2017, in the lunar house and Art Portofino, which Rent within a month. All business class houses, they are monolithic, finishing facades with plaster with copyright pattern.

The architecture of the ART Portofino case is the most unusual - the facades are decorated with manual elfraine painting and elements from fibrobeton. Entrance groups of four different eras are romanticism, modern, Gothic and Renaissance. This body has a special pride of the developer, he boasts to them at a press conference in Milan and publishes an article in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. This corps reminded me of a large kindergarten or a housing in a resort hotel - very multicolored, almost cartoon.

But the "croste" would not be "croste" if I tried to surprise buyers with one Italian home. For true connoisseurs of all entourage and outstanding, let me introduce a moon house in the LCD Art. The facade of this building is made of panels that reflect the light and overflow with different shades, the developer assures that it creates an "effect of infinity" and calls this house by chameleon. And on it there will be a vertical garden from living plants, though I did not understand which side and how it will be implemented.

Entrance groups are not inferior to facades in the battle for artistic value. Their design developed Italian avant-garde Mario Arlati. In the photo, the artist personally creates patterns of paint spots on the floor in every lobby. Motion paintings, colored mannequins - in every lobby its chip. Undoubtedly, the design of entrance groups and pugs is very unusual, but black walls on the floors and intricate corridors for some reason inspired the idea of \u200b\u200bthe European dormitory for artists.

Underground parking with Telepass bandwidth common to all towers, and this is the only place in the territory of the LCD, where you can park. And then the problems begin! This means that if you did not bought a personal machinery or friends to you - you have a way to parking "Snowball". And for the residents of the distances from the entry of the towers, this underground parking is also the only way to deliver heavy load to the door, since the ground path to the entrance to the body is prohibited - the courtyard without cars. This is one of the most painful topics for residents of the LCD - how to deliver things. The phone manager says that without any problems, your truck will be allowed into the territory for unloading right at the door to the body. But in fact it turns out that the difficulties are million. You may not be allowed to the territory on the car, if you have not purchased the machinery and you brought heavy load on the passenger car, and not on the truck. Suppose you are on a truck, and you are missing, but the entrance to the parking is limited in height and your car can simply not pass, and if you did not pass, you need to take a cart for 150 rubles and roll it with a cargo across the entire parking lot. True, for new buildings there is a separate two-tier parking in the center of the courtyard, on the roof of which the rink is located.

There is a park to the territory of LCD Art, and each house has its own, rink, children's and sports grounds ... This will write in everything in detail in the Point "Infrastructure". The territory of the complex is fenced, but while entering it can be completely anyone who is extremely weird for the business class object! But the passage strictly protects the security, so strictly that it is possible to drive into the territory only if there is a special pass confirming that you have your own car parking.

Who is building

As you have already guessed, the developer LCD Art is the Croste Concern, existing since 1991. Among those who have ever encountered the real estate market are unlikely to find those who have not heard about the "Croste", this is one of the market leaders who created such projects as LCD Art, LCD "Wellton Park New Skhodnya", LCD "Garden Park Edulgo" , LCD "Edulgo", LCD "Wellton Park", LCD "Union Park", LCD "Premier", LCD "Mirny", LCD " New star", LCD" Legend №18 ", LCD" Nevsky ". And also, according to the company, it was they who first introduced the system "courtyard without cars", which became popular in modern LCD. But you can praise yourself "Croste" and myself, but what about him thinking about him?

And they think that as the developer "Croste" can be trusted in matters of terms - most often passed on time, always completing objects. However, many of those who have happened to deal with the company when buying an apartment, respond to it completely without warmth. It is difficult to formulate in decent suggestions all these "called at all", "they have a crown on the head", "they know their impunity, so they do what they want," which I see on the forums and hear from acquaintances who bought housing from this developer. It is said that during the reception of the apartment there is a lot of small disadvantages, and to correct their "croste" is not in a hurry, after signing the documents to contact managers is extremely difficult, to achieve results - even more difficult. I have repeatedly seen information that the prices for apartments increase the spontaneously, they say one on the phone, you come to watch - the other, when decorated in the office - the third. The most initiative offended even created the

How to get

LCD Art is located in Krasnogorsk, in 2 kilometers from MKAD on the Volokolamsk highway.

On the iron horse: edem on the Volokolamsk highway, we are looking for a pointer Pavshinskaya floodplain and follow him, hereinafter - on the Boulevard near Moscow, then the Krasnogorsk Boulevard, turn to the right, go to the right of the ski complex, look for an eye to the territory of the LCD.

On the stirring: from M.Tushinskaya (purple branch north) minibus to "snowball" or stop "Pavorino-1".

from m. Myakinino (blue branch left) You can walk for 30-40 minutes, you can experiment in summer.

What and how to buy

All apartments in homes are sold without decoration, with free layout.

Case 7 (Italian house of 7 sections)

Case 6 (Moon House)

Case 5 (Tower)

  • One-bedroom square from 36.2 to 38.8 sq.m. Stand 4 452 200-5 085,800 rubles.
  • Two-room areas from 43.5 to 49.9 sq.m. Stand 5 133 400-5 239 500 rubles.
  • Three-bedroom areas from 54.6 to 85.9 sq.m. Stand 5 733 200-8 246,400 rubles.

Case 4 (hand)

  • Three-bedroom square from 65.3 to 70.8 sq.m. Stand 6,595,000-7 150,800 rubles.
  • Five-room area from 132.7 and 133.1 sq.m. Stand 13 402 700-13 443,800 rubles.

Corpus 3 (commissioned)

  • Three-bedroom square from 64.6-66.8 sq.m. Stand 6 524 600-6 746,800 rubles.

Case 2 (commissioned)

  • 3-room area from 68.7 sq.m. costs 6,938,700 rubles.
  • Five-room area from 127.2 sq.m. costs 12,847 200 rubles.

Case 1 (commissioned)

  • 3-room area from 67.1 sq.m. costs 6,777 100 rubles.
  • Five-bedroom square from 129.2-129.3 sq.m. Stand 13 049 200-13 059,300 rubles.

Shares: From November 21 to December 27, we hurry to buy a dream apartment with a maximum discount of 10%. You can also get an additional discount of 2% at 100% payment.ART (1 - 4 housings) The period of interest-free installments up to 12 months at 0% at an initial contribution from 30%.

ART (5 housing) The period of interest-free installments up to 18 months at 0% at an initial contribution from 20%.

ART CASA LUNA (6 housing)When buying an apartment in Art Casa Luna there is an interest-free installment to 12 months at the initial contribution from 10%.

Art Portofino (7 Corps)When purchasing an apartment in a residential complex Art Portofino (Corps 7), you can use interest-free installments for up to 18 months with an initial contribution from 20%.

Machinesto in multi-level parking residential complex ART in price from 700,000 rubles. ** The cost of the promotional machine in -1 level at 100% payment.

Management company in the LCD - "Expert Service", tariff plans about 110 rubles per sq.m. Residents of the complex can not decide which they can complain longer to the developer or Criminal Code. Up to the second, it is difficult to get through, the problems are eliminated reluctantly, for additional services prescribe a high price. For example, the test of my friend's pipes cost 3,000 rubles, and it turned out that even they were not the problem.

Infrastructure and landscaping

In my memory, this is the most unusual LCD in terms of infrastructure - there is a lot of interesting things here, and there is no many things that needed. There are small kindergartens with benches and children's playgrounds near each tower, a roller-droma platform (and in winter there is a skating rink), alleys with benches and even aviary with proteins. It is very pleasant here, and in the summer you probably do not want to go home, you can sit for hours in the cozy bushes. On the territory there is a municipal kindergarten for 115 seats, the truth can go not only the children of the residents of Arta, so that there will be tens soon with the places. Other kindergartens and schools in the territory are not foreseen. Commercial areas are provided on the first floor of the Art Portofino body, a supermarket, clothing stores and shoes, beauty salon, fitness room, pharmacy, petitioners and a lot more. Today there is no commercial infrastructure on the object. Not at all!

About the area

From the prosperity of the surroundings - the Snow Ski Complex in the neighborhood, in him there is a supermarket and a cafe, in a nearby residential complex "Youth" there is a pizzeria and kindergarten. The trouble here with schools School №16 Behind the Snowball, but one a little further - on this all. 10 pharmacies for "snow". With a dozen kindergarten - private and municipal. From Green - Penaginsky Pond. Nearby there is a gas station "TNK" and "Rosneft". On the other side of the Volokolamsk highway - a cemetery. In general, the area around the LCD ART seemed quite pleasant to me, and the familiar tell me that the locals seem to be very friendly and friendly.


But the ecology here is not the most irrelevant. In the area of \u200b\u200b4 boiler rooms, the closest of which is only 220 meters from the LCD, and the Volokolamsk highway is less than a kilometer. From natural joys - Moscow River, on the shore of which the complex is worth, and the nearest green plantings of the Krasnogorsk park are somewhat kilometers.

Problems of LCD "Art"

The main complaints of residents of LCD ART are related to the communication with the developer and the Criminal Code, and also with parking. But here are some more sick topics:

Let's sum up

LCD Art is positioned as a non-standard and attractive business class object with hobble design and steep chips. And in fact, in this artistic barrel, honey did not cost without a midwife, a bunch of small disadvantages, which, with a permanent accommodation, spoil their overall impression. It was called the business class, if it was good to match, because free access to the territory of all who is not lazy noticeably lowers the rates of the complex, but a problem of the problem, non-working elevators, poorly organized transportation of goods - all this accumulates as a snowball immediately becomes sad. It turns out that the local one has to put up and close the eyes on a bunch of impropers.


  • Reliability of the developer
  • Infrastructure
  • Unusual design


  • Controversial attitude to the Criminal Code and the Developer
  • Problem with parking
  • Problems with leaks
  • Free access to the territory
  • No balconies

Information about LCD "ART" is provided by the portal ""

Nearest metro:

  • metro Mykinino (from Art. m. For Society. Transport: to Art. "Volokolamskaya" 5 min on the way; Minutes №№ 857К, Taxi Mitino - Pavshinskaya Patimado Ost. "Ilinsky Boulevard, 2" 22 min on foot;)
  • metro Volokolamskaya (from Art. m. Transport: Minibus No. Taxi Mitino - Pavshinskaya Patimado Ost. Ilyinsky Boulevard, 2 "26 min on the way;)
  • metro Strogino (from Art. m. Transport: to Art. "Volokolamskaya" 9 min on the way; Minibus No. Taxi Mitino - Pavshinskaya Patimado Ost. Ilyinsky Boulevard, 2 "26 min on the way;)
  • metro Mitino (from Art. m. For Society. Transport: Minibus No. Taxi Mitino - Pavshinskaya Patimado Ost. Ilinsky Boulevard, 2 "31 min on the way;)
  • metro Spartak (from Art. m. Transport: to Art. "Tushinskaya" 4 min on the way; minibus number 1233kdo Ost. "Krasnogorsk Boulevard, 10" 23 min on the way;)
  • metro Pyatnitskoye highway (from Art. m. Transport: buses No. 2, 400t, 904, 904kdo Ost. "Platform Knitted" 13 minutes on the way; Minibus No. 1233kdo Ost. "Krasnogorsk Boulevard, 10" 17 min on the way ;)
  • metro Tushinskaya (from Art. m. Transport: Minibus No. 1233CDO Ost. "Krasnogorsk Boulevard, 10" 23 min on the way;)
  • metro Tushinskaya (from Art. m. Transport: Electrics Nos. Moscow (Riga Station) - Nakhabino, Moscow (Riga Station) - Novojerusalemskaya, Moscow (Riga Station) - Volokolamsk, Moscow (Riga Station) - Shakhovskaya, Lviv - Nakhabino, Moscow (Riga Station) - Rumyantsevo, Podolsk - Nakhabino, Shcherbinka - Novojerusalemskaya, Serpukhov - Dedovsk, Moscow (Kursk Station) - Volokolamsk, Silicate - Nakhabino, Podolsk - Dedovsk, Lublino - Nakhabino, Leningradskaya - Nakhabino, Shcherbinka - Nakhabino, Lviv - Rumyantsevo, Lviv - Novojerusalemskaya, Lviv - Dedovsk, Silicate - Novojerusalemskaya, Shcherbinka - Volokolamsk, Serpukhov - Novojerusalemskaya, Serpukhov - Nakhabino, Podolsk - Rumyantsevo, Podolsk - Novojerusalemskaya, Podolsk - Volokolamsk, Tsaritsyno - Novojerusalemskaya, Leningradskaya - Dedovsk, Chekhov - Dedovsk, Tsaritsyno - Nakhabino, Tsaritsyno - Shakhovskaya, Shcherbinka - Malinovka, Moscow (Riga Station) - Dedovsk, Tsaritsyno - Dedovsk, Moscow (Kursk Station) - Novojerusalemskaya, Moscow ( Kursk Station) - Shakhovskaya, Lublin - Novojerusalemskaya, Leningradskaya - Shakhovskaya, Chekhov - Novojerusalemskaya, Shcherbinka - Dedovsk, Moscow (Riga Station) - Opalihado Art. "Pavino" 8 min on the way;)
  • metro Skhodnenskaya (from Art. m. Transport: to Art. "Tushinskaya" 6 min on the way; Minibus No. 1233kdo Ost. "Krasnogorsk Boulevard, 10" 23 min on the way;)
  • schukinskaya metro station (from Art. m. Transport: to Art. "Tushinskaya" 7 min on the way; Minibus No. 1233kdo Ost. "Krasnogorsk Boulevard, 10" 23 min on the way;)
  • planernaya metro station (from Art. m. Transport: to Art. "Tushinskaya" 8 min on the way; Minibus No. 1233kdo Ost. "Krasnogorsk Boulevard, 10" 23 min on the way;)
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I want happiness and live in a beautiful and new house, and there is no money for him? This is a matter of almost all modern citizens. We have to go on such a compromise that it is time to break the head - how to combine your desires and opportunities. Meanwhile, the most cunning and enterprising already drew attention to Art Portofino. Italian paints, quality and name are not in vain promise something sweet and vanilla - the offer is really attractive, but only there is a small spoonful of the tar in this barrel?

The target audience

The residential complex "Comfort class" is at least behind the Moscow Ring Road, but in convenient accessibility from the capital, which will appeal to working townspeople. It is part of the LCD "Art", which has its own infrastructure, it will attract the attention of families with children. There are many opportunities for sports and walks around the complex, so athletes will be delighted. In general, the complex is designed for the attention of the wide category of buyers. Only there is one thing. ART Portofino is an apartment, which means that the entire educational infrastructure in the area of \u200b\u200bthe development area will be available "conditionally".

Terms of delivery

Complex was commissioned.

Buyer's risks

Developer's reputation: Art Portofino is the brainchild of the concern Croste, it is building a LCD "Art", the first stage of which was handed over in 2014. The reliability of the concern is not questioned, but according to the documents, Real-Service LLC, formed in 2005, is developing.
Land: Land Plot is an object of private property and is intended for the construction of a children's preschool institution, non-residential facilities, socio-domestic service of the population and engineering infrastructure facilities.
Documentation: On the official website of the LCD Art, the project declaration of the building number 7 (Art Portofino) is given, but we have not been detected for construction.
Mortgage and installments: the project is accredited by the largest Russian players financial market: Sberbank of the Russian Federation, VTB 24, Bank Revival, Bank of Moscow and Rifaysenbank. The developer also offers interest-free installments for 12 months at an initial contribution from 10%.
Other factors: Art Portofino is part of the ART residential complex, and after its completion, construction work will continue. According to the information on the official website of the LCD Art, the end of construction of the entire complex is scheduled for 2017, so the residents of Art Portofino will have to suffer a little more to the house.

Apartment Fund

The project fund of the project (we will remind, it is non-residential) is no longer distinguished by a great variety, but what exactly is his "highlight" is compactness. If you want small (very small) three-room apartments - you are here. However, the rest " the lineup"Not allocated with dimensions.
The project presents 1-3 room apartments, ranging from 23 to 84 square meters. m. What is the compactness, you ask? While the three-room options begin in Art Portofino from 36 square meters. m, and this is not a joke, and even by 23 square meters. M Architects allocate a place for a small bedroom. True, everything is done here to minimize the loss of the area (the kitchen-living room, combined bathroom, often and the corridor is not separated from the kitchen and living room partitions) and the living rooms are very tiny: ranging from 6 square meters. m.
By the way, there is no window in any of the layouts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, and in three-room apartments are often only two windows, but there are more "eyes" options. But, in general, the apartments will attract minimalism lovers. There are no balconies either, and the apartments themselves will be transferred to customers without finishing.

Architecture of residential complex

The architecture of the project is quite engaged, no wonder the entire complex ART distinguishes the original and nothing like a similar concept. Here and his younger brother Art Portofino decided to hit Moscow buyers not only the brightness of the paints, but also "southern" way. For this purpose, designers of sunny Italy were invited to the project, and the complex turned out to be a visionary - it looks like a street of a small Italian town, with small houses built in a row.
As for construction technologies, the developer, as in the case of Arto, applies monolith-brick construction technology. Art Portofino will consist of three non-residential (one of them - underground) levels and four levels with apartments.
On the non-residential part there will be three levels of the garage, a total of 1.45 thousand cars and the socio-business part. In the "Residential" - apartments, 428 pieces. On the territory of the complex will place pleasure tracks, small architectural forms, landscaping will be produced.

Commercial real estate

On the first floors of the complex will be arranged: cafes and restaurants, shops, children's educational center, medical facilities, fitness center, beauty salon, banking institutions.


Parking will be located in the underground-overhead part of the complex and it is designed, we remind, on 1437 cars.

For kids

Children in the LCD Art (namely his infrastructure will use the inhabitants of Art Portofino) will bring up in a creative atmosphere from early childhood. Kindergarten Decorated in the best traditions of contemporary art, but in the area there is not only he. The nearest school is located in the 3rd microdistrict of Pavshinsky floodplain, then there are much more in Krasnogorsk. However, the most advantages will receive kids from neighbors - sports facilities. Near I. sports complex Krasnogorsk, and the Krasnogorsk sports and wellness center "Ilyinka-6", and, of course, the All-season Snow Ski Complex "Snowball". Next to the complex, a sports complex with a swimming pool will also be built.

Transport accessibility

MKAD not far, and leaving the Volokolamsk highway - a big advantage (in the construction of the complex the road to the highway will be organized). Unfortunately, it is very much loaded, and at the place of the junction from the Moscow Ring Road - even in a non-working clock. The nearest metro station is "Myakinino", located 2.25 km, and this is 25 minutes on the road, even the fastest step (you have to use the pedestrian bridge through the Moscow River). Much closer Railway station "Pavino". In general, it can be declared that transport accessibility is satisfactory.


The ecology of Pavshinskaya floodplains is good, but at the location of the complex he gets a negative charge. Plays the role of a close neighborhood with the Volokolamsk highway (350 meters), but it is smaller of evil. The fact is that they are located nearby: an electric substation, boiler room No. 1, a multi-tiered parking (not lucky residents with windows on the "snow") and the most important thing - the KNS number 1 - the neighbor is not only unpleasant, but also "odoroby". All these objects surround Art Portofino at a distance of 50-150 meters. Yes, and three levels of garages under the complex ... In general, everyone needs to think seriously.


In the neighbors from Art Portofino - LCD Art. and different turns LCD "Youth" Also - non-residential buildings.


Perhaps Art Portofino has no competitors at the place of its construction. The complex is distinguished by a very detailed worked, bright and unique concept. Of course, it would be possible to choose a complex of a fellow in Moscow, but will not come out - prices will differ, and significantly.


The infrastructure of the district is well developed, because it is advanced Krasnogorsk. Policors of Pavshinskaya floodplains have a developed trading network, except that the number of educational institutions can be found, but further, in Krasnogorsk schools a lot. There are also state medical institutions, and private, and what will be lack, will complement the internal infrastructure of the complex. By the way, nearby - Crocus City, where you can find everything you need.