Adding a footnote in OpenOffice Writer. Saving a document How to make a hyperlink in an open office presentation

Using hyperlinks in the presentation, during the report, you can safely open the desired program, a website on the Internet, a slide of another work - these are so-called external hyperlinks. Internal hyperlinks allow you to navigate between different slides in your current presentation. You can create it from text, a picture, a shape, or a WordArt object.

  1. Internet site;
  2. slide in the same presentation;
  3. slide in another presentation;
  4. opening another file or launching the desired program;
  5. address email;
  6. new document.

How hyperlinks are made

In order to insert a hyperlink into your work, you need to do a few simple steps. First, let's select the desired object. This can be one word, a fragment of text, an entire area containing text, a WordArt object, a picture or a shape. Then go to the Insert tab and click Hyperlink.

A dialog box will open "Insert a hyperlink". Here you can select what action will be performed when you click on an object with a hyperlink. To make it lead to a website on the Internet, insert the website address in the “Address” field.

You can call the window shown in the screenshot below in another way. Select the required object, click on it right click mouse and select "Hyperlink" from the context menu.

You can also do it on another page in the presentation. In the Link To area, select "place in the document", select the desired slide and click OK.

The next window will have two tabs "At the click of a mouse" And "On Mouseover", select how you want the hyperlink to be followed. Then mark the item with a marker "Follow hyperlink" and select from the drop down menu "Another PowerPoint Presentation".

Find through Explorer suitable job and double-click on it with the mouse.

How to change its color

By default, the text or word that is a hyperlink is underlined and colored in a color that matches the selected topic. If it doesn't fit the design of your presentation, let's look at how you can change it.

To do this, go to the “Design” tab, click on the “Colors” button and select from the drop-down list "Create new theme colors".

In the next window we are interested in the last two fields “Hyperlink” and "Viewed hyperlink", this is the color it will be repainted after you cross it. Select any suitable color, give a new name to the theme and click "Save".

This will change the color of all hyperlinks on your PowerPoint slides.

How to remove it

I hope this article helped you. And now you can easily create a hyperlink in a PowerPoint presentation, change its color and, if necessary, remove it from the presentation.

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You can also open an existing OOo Writer document using the same methods you use to open any other document on your operating system.

If your file formats Microsoft Office linked to, you can also open these files by double-clicking on them.

Saving a document

Press Control+S.

Password protection

To protect a document from being viewed without a password, use the Save As dialog box option to enter a password. This option is only available for files saved in OpenDocument format or in the old 1.x format.

2) Enter your password in the field Password and in the Confirm field and click OK. If the passwords match, the document is saved with password protection. If the passwords do not match, you will be prompted to enter your password again.

Automatic document saving

You can tell Writer to save your document automatically at regular intervals. Automatic saving, like manual saving, will overwrite the last saved state of the file. To set up automatic file saving:

1) Select Tools > Options > Load/Save > General.

2) Check the boxAutosave every. This will enable the field to set the retention interval. The default value is 30 minutes. Enter the value you want by typing it or selecting it by pressing the up or down arrows.

Saving as a Microsoft Word document

1) First, save your document in the format (*.odt). If you do not do this, any changes you have made since the last save will remain only in the document version Microsoft Word.

2) Now select File > Save As. The Save As dialog box will appear (Figure 17).

3) In the drop down menu File type, select Microsoft format Word that you need.

4) Click Save.

From now on, all changes made to this document will occur only in Microsoft document Word . You have actually changed the name of your document. If you want to return to working with the version of your document, you must open it again. 3 Writer Guide

Word automatically creates a hyperlink when you press Enter or Spacebar after you type a URL, such as

Create a hyperlink to a file, web page, or blank email message

Creating a hyperlink (bookmark) to a specific place in a document

Step 1: Determine the hyperlink destination

First, insert a bookmark or mark the location using a heading style. The heading style only works if the hyperlink points to a specific location in the same document.

Inserting a bookmark

In the current document or the document that you want to hyperlink to, do the following:

Applying a heading style

If a hyperlink points to a specific location in the same document, Word can apply one of the built-in heading styles to the text that is at that location. In the current document, do the following:

Step 2: Add a link to a specific location in the same document

Disable automatic replacement of hyperlinks

If you don't want Word documents to automatically create hyperlinks as you type, you can turn them off.

    In the field Link to enter the web address.

    Note: Web page Binding.

    Select the text or object you want to turn into a hyperlink.

    Go to the tab Document or Email address

    Select the text or object you want to turn into a hyperlink.

    Go to the tab Document and in the section Binding click Find.

    Select the location in the document that you want the link to point to.

Changing a hyperlink

Removing a hyperlink

    Select the text or object that represents the hyperlink you want to remove.

    On the menu Insert select item Hyperlink and press the button Remove link.


You can create a hyperlink from text or another object, such as a picture, graph, shape, or WordArt, and link to a web page, a slide in the same presentation, another presentation, or even email addresses in a dialog box Inserting a hyperlink. You can click hyperlinks and see their tooltips when you play your presentation in a slide show.

Open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box

Link to web page

    To quickly access relevant information located in another file or web page, use the tab Web page or file in the field Address Enter the address of the web page or file you want to link to.

Link to slide in the same presentation

    In the section Select a location in the document Click the slide you want to link to.

Link to another presentation

    Click Choose and select the presentation or file you want.

    Note: In PowerPoint for Mac, you can't link to a specific slide in another presentation.

Link to email addresses

    In the field Email address mail enter the email address that the link will point to, or select an email address in the field Recently used email addresses.

    In the field Subject enter the subject of the message.

Formatting a hyperlink

    In the window Font change the font type, style, size, color and other properties as you wish.

Create a hyperlink to a web page

Create a hyperlink to a document or email address

You can add text or an object as a hyperlink that opens a specific slide in a PowerPoint presentation or custom slide show. Can also link Word document, Excel workbook, file or email.

Create a hyperlink to a specific location in a document

Creating a hyperlink to a custom show

Hyperlinks to custom shows allow you to quickly open them from the main presentation. For example, you can create a presentation content slide with hyperlinked bullet points. From such a content slide, you can move on to different sections of the presentation, and therefore choose which of them to show to the audience at one time or another. The following describes how to create one or more custom shows and add hyperlinks to them from the main presentation.

Note: If you want to create a hyperlink from one presentation to another, you can add a hyperlink to another document. For more information, see Create, edit, or delete hyperlinks.

    In the section Random impressions select a custom show to hyperlink to.

    To return to the slide where you started the custom show after playing, select the checkbox Show and return. This checkbox is useful if there is a slide with custom show content.

    Click the button OK

Changing a hyperlink

    Make the necessary changes.

Removing a hyperlink


In electronic Excel spreadsheet you can create a hyperlink to a web page, another document, an email address, or a specific location in a document.

Create a hyperlink to a web page

    On the tab Insert click the button Hyperlink.

    Select an item file, web page and enter address in the appropriate field.

    You can also click the button Choose and find the desired address.

    Click the button OK.

Create a hyperlink to a document or email address

    Select the cell or object you want to turn into a hyperlink.

    On the tab Insert click the button Hyperlink.

    Do one of the following:

    • Open the tab Place in document OK.

      Open the tab E-mail, enter an address or select one from the list of recently used addresses, and then click OK.

Create a hyperlink to a specific location in a document

    Select the cell or object you want to turn into a hyperlink.

    On the tab Insert click the button Hyperlink.

    Open the tab Place in document, enter the cell address or select a location in the document, and then click OK.

Changing a hyperlink

    Control-click a hyperlink and choose a command Change hyperlink.

    Make the changes you want and click the button OK.

Create a hyperlink to a web page

    Select the cell or object you want to turn into a hyperlink.

    In the field Link to enter the web address.

    Note: To associate an object with a specific location on a web page, click the tab Web page and follow the instructions in the section Binding.

Create a hyperlink to a document or email address

You can add a cell or object as a hyperlink that opens a range with a specific name or specific cell in an Excel workbook. You can also link a Word document, PowerPoint presentations, file or email address.

    Select the cell or object you want to turn into a hyperlink.

    Go to the tab Document or Email address to select the type of hyperlink you want.

Create a hyperlink to a specific location in a document

    Select the cell or object you want to turn into a hyperlink.

    Go to the tab Document and in the section Binding click Find.

Changing a hyperlink

    Make the necessary changes.

Removing a hyperlink

    Control-click the hyperlink and under context menu select team Remove hyperlink.

Remove all hyperlinks from a worksheet

Footnote This is a note, link, additional text placed at the very bottom of the page below the main text. Footnotes include explanatory information about the text of the document. Footnotes are added at the bottom of the page, and endnotes are added at the end of the document. automatically numbers footnotes.

How to insert a footnote

place the cursor enter text at the location on the page where you want to insert the footnote anchor.
2. Open the menu Insert Footnote .
3. In the window Insert footnote in the group Numbering activate the desired footnote option:
Automatically — for automatic assignment of sequential numbers;
Symbol — to select the desired footnote symbol using the browse button (...). The symbol can be any letter or number.
4. In a group Type select Footnote (placement at the bottom of the current page) or Endnote.
5. Close the window with the button OK.

How to change footnote numbering properties

1. In an open document window place the cursor enter text before linking a footnote.
2. Open the menu Edit and in the list of commands select Footnotes.
3. In the window Editing footnotes change footnote numbering options.
4. Close the window with the button OK.

How to change footnote formatting

3. In the window Setting up footnotes On the corresponding footnote tab, edit the necessary data.
4. Close the window with the button OK.

How to change the text area of ​​a footnote

1. In the open document window, on the page with the necessary footnotes, expand the menu Format.
2. In the list of commands, select Page.
3. In the window Page style: name of the style on the tab Footnote set the desired text area parameters.
4. Close the window with the button OK.

How to remove a footnote

In the open document window, select and delete the footnote anchor in the text using the key Delete.

Inserting bookmarks

Bookmarks this is a named mark that marks the desired place in the document.

How to insert a bookmark

1. In an open document window place the cursor entering text in the desired location.
2. Expand the menu Insert and in the list of commands, select Bookmark.
3. In the window Inserting a bookmark in the column Bookmarks Enter the desired bookmark name.
-The following characters cannot be used in bookmark names: / \ @ : * ; , . #
4. Close the window with the button OK.

How to quickly go to a bookmark

-Use the key F5 or button Navigator on the panel Standard.
2. In the window Navigator open the list Bookmarks and double-click on the line of the desired bookmark.
-You can also right-click on the status bar of the Page Number group (at the bottom left of the window), and then select the desired bookmark from the list.

How to delete a bookmark

1. In an open document window, expand the window Navigator.
2. In the window Navigator open the list Bookmarks and click on the line of the desired bookmark.
3. Click the button Delete.
4. Close the window with the button OK.

Footnotes are printed at the end of the relevant page. The first word in a footnote is written with a capital letter and a period is placed at the end.

Type callouts in a font smaller than the main text, but not very small. But be sure to place callouts on the same page where the callout belongs, and do not refer them to the end of the chapter or even the book, which is often abused. This whim of the authors tires and unnerves the reader, who, with each callout, looks for it somewhere off the page. The violation of conventional aesthetics introduced into the page composition by callouts is compensated by the convenience of their location in the text.