How to sign an EDS archive. I can't sign a Microsoft Office document. What is needed for work

Few of users know that Microsoft Office products can work with EDS (Digital Signature). This feature allows you to sign word documents or Excel in electronic form and send them by mail. Such a signed document is equivalent to a paper version with a signature and seal.

This makes the exchange between stakeholders and organizations. Since there is no need to carry paper versions or send them by mail.

But when using EDS for signing electronic documents, very often there are various problems... They can appear due to problems with the office itself. By the way, I have a whole section dedicated to it, there are many articles in which I described various problems and their solutions that arise when working with Microsoft Office, I recommend reading it will be very useful. Today we'll talk about two of the most common of them.

For work, it is always better to use a licensed software this applies to Microsoft Office and CryptoPro. If the office is expensive enough there are methods to solve the problem with. The price of CryptoPro is acceptable.

There are many reasons why these errors can occur. In my case, the first error occurred after initial setup... This is the installation of CryptoPro, installation of the EDS certificate. And the first attempt to sign the document. The second error appeared after the certificate was reissued for the new GOST 2012. There was only one solution for these problems.

To improve knowledge of working with electronic keys, I recommend reading here. From it you will learn how to copy a certificate from a private key from the registry to a medium. And here I told you how to solve the problems with the long opening of the certificate store.

The first error that may appear when trying to sign a document is "The encryption algorithm is not installed on this computer."

And the second "Can't add signature to document if smart card is used for signing, you need to make sure the smart card reader is installed correctly."

The two most common mistakes when working with EDS in Microsoft Office

And so what to do if you have problems. The first thing to do is to install the CryptoPro Office Signature product. This program allows you to create and verify the electronic signature of Microsoft Office documents.

We go to the site, download the program, install it. If you have any difficulties with the installation, there are detailed instructions.

After installation, restart Microsoft Office. We go to the menu item "File", in the example I am using Microsoft Office 2016. These products have a built-in mechanism for working with EDS. After installing CryptoPro Office Signature, an additional item should appear from CryptoPro. If earlier you had to go to the item "Document protection" and select there "Add digital signature". Now we select "Add an electronic signature (CryptoPro)" and try to sign.

After the actions taken, the document must be successfully signed. In most cases, the CryptoPro Office Signature program helped to get rid of these errors. If you still can't sign the document and there are various errors, write in the comments I'll be glad to help.

For people who have no experience in working with electronic digital signatures, we have prepared an instruction “how to sign a document”. In fact, it is very simple procedure, which consists in a couple of clicks on the mouse button.

All EDS holders have special generated keys: public and private. All these keys are registered with the Certification Center and are reliably protected. First of all, in order to sign documents using your EDS, you need to prepare your PC by installing the following software on it:

You can read about how to install and configure the software in a separate instruction.

The process of signing a document itself depends on the program in which it was created (i.e. its format). For example, consider the most popular text editor MS Word.

If you are signing documents for the first time, we recommend making sure that you have installed latest version Crypto PRO. This can be done by opening the program in the Control Panel and going to the "General" tab. At the time of this writing, the latest version of Crypto-PRO 3.9.

How to sign an EDS document in Word 2003

Open the required document, go to:

"Service" - "Options" - "Security" - tab "Digital signatures" and "Certificate" - press the button " OK».

Please note, before you sign the document, you need to save it.
The document can only be signed if your certificate is in Personal (see the article on installing the certificate)

How to sign an EDS document in Word 2007

In the 2007 version of the editor, we use the following algorithm:

Round button on the left upper corner "Office" - "Prepare" - "Add digital signature", then, if necessary, we prescribe the purpose of signing the document (optional), select the appropriate signature from the list, click " Subscribe».

The fact that the document has a digital signature is confirmed by a small red emblem on the bottom panel and the corresponding inscription when you hover over it. Also, after signing, the ability to edit the document disappears; to make changes to the file, you must remove the signature.

How to sign an EDS document in Word 2010

In MS Word 2010 we perform the following steps:

"File" - "Information" - "Add digital signature (CRYPTO-PRO)"

If you do not have the last item, then you do not have Crypto Pro and / or CryptoPro Office Signature installed.

In the window for adding a digital signature by analogy with the 7th version of Word, indicate the purpose of signing, select a certificate and make money " Subscribe»

How to sign a digital signature PDF file

Sometimes there is a need to digitally sign files in .pdf format. This is done as simply as with other files.

For signature pDF documents the software product "Crypto-PRO PDF" was developed. This is a special module for working with files in the format Adobe reader and Acrobat.

The software product "Crypto-PRO PDF" is developed with the Adobe System Inc interface, which allows you to use Adobe acrobat, Reader and LiveCycle ES for signing pdf files electronic digital signature directly in the program by analogy with MS Word.

Hello dear friends and colleagues. Quite often, letters come to my support team with questions about how to sign a Word file electronic signature... In fact, this procedure is very simple, but for some reason it causes some difficulties for many. In order not to answer the same questions every time, I decided to quickly make a small tutorial post. No water, just concrete steps.

In order for a file to become an electronic document, it must be signed or linked with an electronic signature (ES).

Below I have considered the option of signing an electronic signature of a Word 2007 file.

After saving the file, in the upper left corner, click on the big round button "Office".

From the tab that opens, select the "Prepare" item and in the right window select the "Add digital signature" item.

In the window that appears, click on the "OK" button.

Next, in the window that appears, click the "Sign" button, or if several certificates are installed on the computer, click on the "Change" button, select the certificate you need, and then click on the "Sign" button.

After you have pressed the sign button, a window for entering a pin code appears. Enter the pin code and press the "OK" button.

After entering the pin code, another window "Signature confirmation" appears. In it we press the "OK" button.

This completes the process of signing the file.

The Signatures window appears on the right side of the window. And at the bottom of the window there was an icon in the form of a ribbon, when you hover over which the cursor appears the inscription "This document contains signatures."

In order to remove the electronic signature in the right window, click right click mouse on the full name of the person whose ES signed the document and in the drop-down menu select the item "Delete signature".

If the “Signatures” window is closed in the right part of the program window, then in the lower part of the program window, click on the EDS icon in the form of a red ribbon and this window is displayed again, and then proceed according to the already described scheme.

That's all. I hope this material was helpful to you.

For the first time in many years I had to use in my text work in Word digital signature. If not for an urgent need, I would never have known about the availability of such an opportunity. Microsoft Word I have been using it for about 10 years and have never come across an EDS (electronic digital signature). I had to go through all the document options. After 15 minutes of searching, I found a function to make a signature in Word. Now I will share with you.

You can digitally sign Word anywhere in your document. To do this, you need to activate the required area with the mouse cursor, and then proceed to the execution of the actions I have indicated below.

Method 2. How to insert a signature in a Word document

This process is shown more clearly in this video:

Making a signature in Microsoft Word 2010

  1. Now, regarding Microsoft Office
  2. Select the "File" option, then click on "Details".
  3. We mark the tab "Add digital signature".
  4. After that, you need to select a signing certificate and confirm your choice.
  5. That's it, the signature will appear on the Word 2010 document.

There is also a second option to make a signature in Word 2010

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab, then in the panel quick access select the Microsoft Office Signature Line icon.
  2. After that, the signature settings window will open. You must enter your initials, position and address in it email.
  3. Then click "Ok" and the EDS appears on the document.

You can take a closer look at this process in this video.

The signature is what can provide a unique look to anyone text documentwhether it's business documentation or fiction. Among the rich functionality microsoft programs Word can also insert a signature, and the latter can be either handwritten or printed.

In this article, we will talk about all the possible methods to sign in Word, as well as how to prepare a specially designated space for it in the document.

In order to add a handwritten signature to a document, you must first create one. To do this, you will need a white sheet of paper, a pen, and a scanner connected to your computer and configured.

Insert a handwritten signature

1. Take a pen and sign on a piece of paper.

2. Scan the page with your signature using a scanner and save it to your computer in one of the common graphic formats (JPG, BMP, PNG).

Note: If you are having difficulty using your scanner, please refer to the manual that came with it, or visit the manufacturer's website for detailed instructions on setting up and using equipment.

    Advice:If you do not have a scanner, a smartphone or tablet camera can also replace it, but in this case, you may have to try hard to ensure that the page with the caption on the photo is snow-white and does not stand out in comparison with the page electronic document Word.

3. Add an image with a signature to the document. If you don't know how to do this, use our instructions.

4. Most likely, the scanned image needs to be cropped, leaving only the area in which the signature is located. Also, you can resize the image. Our instructions will help you with this.

5. Move the scanned, cropped and scaled image with the signature to the desired location on the document.

If you need to add typewritten text to your handwritten signature, read the next section of this article.

Adding text to signature

Quite often, in the documents in which it is necessary to put a signature, in addition to the signature itself, you need to indicate the position, contact details or any other information. To do this, you need to save the text information along with the scanned signature as an auto text.

1. Enter the text you want below or to the left of the inserted image.

2. Using the mouse, select the entered text along with the signature image.

3. Go to the tab "Insert" and press the button "Express blocks"located in the group "Text".

5. In the dialog box that opens, enter the required information:

  • Collection - select item "Autotext".
  • Leave the rest of the items unchanged.

6. Click "OK"

7. The handwritten signature you created with the accompanying text will be saved as auto text, ready for further use and insertion into the document.

Insert a handwritten signature with typescript

To insert a handwritten signature you created with text, you need to open and add the express block you saved to the document "Autotext".

1. Click in the place of the document where the signature should be, and go to the tab "Insert".

2. Press the button "Express blocks".

3. In the drop-down menu, select "Autotext".

4. Select the required block from the list that appears and insert it into the document.

5. A handwritten signature with accompanying text will appear at the location you specified in the document.

Insert signature line

In addition to a handwritten signature, you can also add a signature line to a Microsoft Word document. The latter can be done in several ways, each of which will be optimal for a particular situation.

Note: The method of creating a line for signature also depends on whether the document will be printed or not.

Adding a signature line by underlining spaces in a regular document

Earlier we wrote about how to underline text in Word and, in addition to the letters and words themselves, the program also allows you to underline the spaces between them. Directly to create a signature line, we only need to underline spaces.

To simplify and speed up the solution of the problem, instead of spaces, it is better to use tabs.

2. Press the key "TAB" one or more times, depending on how long you want the signature string to be.

3. Turn on the non-printable character display mode by pressing the pi button in the "Paragraph", tab "Home".

4. Highlight the character or tabs you want to underline. They will appear as small arrows.

5. Take the required action:

6. In place of the spaces (tabs) you have set, a horizontal line will appear - a line for the signature.

7. Disable the non-printable character display mode.

Add a signature line by underlining spaces in a web document

If you need to create a signature line by underlining not in a document preparing for printing, but in a web form or web document, you need to add a table cell in which only the bottom border will be visible. It is she who will act as the signature line.

In this case, when you enter text into the document, the underline you added will remain in place. A line added in this way can be accompanied by introductory text, for example, "Date", "Signature".

Insert line

1. Click in the place of the document where you want to add a signature line.

2. In the tab "Insert" press the button "Table".

3. Create a one-cell table.

4. Move the added cell to the desired place in the document and resize it according to the required size of the signature line to be created.

5. Right-click on the table and select "Borders and Fill".

6. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Border".

7. In the section "A type" select item "No".

8. In the section "Style" select the required color of the line for the signature, its type, thickness.

9. In the section "Sample" click between the display markers of the bottom margin in the diagram to display only the bottom border.

Note:The border type will change to "Other", instead of the previously selected "No".

10. In the section "Apply to" select an option "Table".

11. Click "OK" to close the window.

Note:To display a table without gray lines that will not appear on paper when printing a document, in the tab "Layout" (section "Working with tables") select an option "Show Grid"located in the section "Table".

Insert a line with accompanying text for a signature line

This method is recommended for those cases where you need to not only add a signature line, but also provide explanatory text next to it. Such text can be the word “Signature”, “Date”, “Full name”, position held and much more. It is important that this text and the signature itself, along with the line for it, are at the same level.

1. Click in the place of the document where the signature line should be.

2. In the tab "Insert" click the button "Table".

3. Add a 2 x 1 table (two columns, one row).

4. Change the location of the table, if necessary. Resize it by pulling the handle in the lower right corner. Adjust the size of the first cell (for explanatory text) and the second (signature line).

5. Right-click on the table, select in context menu paragraph "Borders and Fill".

6. In the dialog box that opens, go to the "Border".

7.In section "A type"select an option "No".

8. In the section "Apply to" select "Table".

9. Click "OK" to close the dialog box.

10. Right-click in the place of the table where the signature line should be located, that is, in the second cell, and again select "Borders and Fill".

11. Go to the tab "Border".

12. In the section "Style" choose the appropriate line type, color and weight.

13. In the section "Sample" click on the marker on which the bottom margin is displayed to make visible only the bottom border of the table - this will be the line for the signature.

14. In the section "Apply to" select an option "Cell"... Click on "OK" to close the window.

15. Enter the necessary explanatory text in the first cell of the table (its borders, including the bottom line, will not be displayed).

Note:The gray dotted border that frames the cells of the table you created is not printed. To hide it or, conversely, to show it if it is hidden, click on the button "Borders"located in the group "Paragraph" (tab "Home") and select the option "Show Grid".

That, in fact, is all, now you know about all the possible methods to sign a Microsoft Word document. This can be either a handwritten signature or a line for manually adding a signature on an already printed document. In both cases, the signature or place for signature may be accompanied by an explanatory text, the ways of adding which we also told you about.