Bonjour do you need this program. What is this Bonjour program. Application activation issues

Bonjour is a technology developed by Apple that automatically detects computers, services and equipment connected to local networks. Bonjour refers to the so-called. Zero Configuration Networking is a set of technologies used to create IP networks that do not require the configuration and installation of supporting servers. Bonjour allows devices on the network to discover each other without using IP addresses or DNS servers... Bonjour includes a print wizard, a system service, and a plugin for Internet Explorerallowing you to find local web servers... Bonjour sends and receives packets over UDP (port 5353) - so if you are using a firewall, you may need to open that port. System Service Bonjour runs in the background, monitoring network requests and caching a list of devices connected to the network. This provides a quick (almost instant) search for network devices and services. Bonjour can also be used to print documents over the network.

Bonjour, developed by Apple Corporation, is a collection of programs, module, technology and service. The latter is used in local networks, where based on dNS records it finds other computers or devices that interact with IP networks, such as printers. The service monitors and detects all of these devices in automatic modeand antivirus software usually react to it, considering the utility to be potentially dangerous.

Bonjour runs in the background and its job is to monitor local network and discovery of devices and services. At the same time, the service does not interfere with the user, but simply creates a cache if such devices / services are found, and gives a list of them only upon request.

A set of utilities, modules and services is bundled with mobile operating systems. macOS systems and iOS, and every owner of iPhones, iPods, iPads, as well as those who use aytyuns, is faced with this software. You can start the service not only on mobile devices (tablets, smartphones and other devices), but also on a PC. But for this you need to download the Windows version.

So, let's take a closer look at this software and tell you how to uninstall it for newbies and advanced users.

How does Bonjour get to the computer?

Bonjour can get onto your computer without your knowledge. If you did not install it, then it was launched by one of the programs or services:
  • Safari and IE browsers.
  • A software package from Adobe, Creative Suite.
  • A digital media player from Apple.
  • Photoshop, a graphics editor from Adobe.

If you installed the above sets of programs, the Bonjour service started automatically. This service can be in the form of an executable.exe file or a dynamic link library file, dll.

What is Bonjour for?

Ordinary PC users don't need Bonjour unless they use Apple's digital media player. But it is needed by companies that are constantly updating software and performing a number of specific system tasks.

Ordinary users will appreciate functionality the Bonjour suite if they frequently watch entertainment content. In this case, you need not only an Internet connection, but also gain access to the devices with which the connection is created. To save time, Bonjour software is perfect.

The Apple program can serve as a kind of information processor. One of the devices, for example, Aityuns, searches for applications on the network, and Bonjour instantly returns the desired results. In addition to this, the software can also:

  • Provide a set of hardware for AirPort Express, base station Wi-Fi.
  • Link all devices using the notification services of this program (cameras, printers, scanners).
  • Search for information on the web based on certain parameters.

How do I uninstall Bonjour?

Bonjour is a secure program that runs in the background and provides information on demand. It does not load the operating system or harm it. But most users are confused by the fact that they do not install and run it. All this is done automatically, when you start another software or service. And that's why I don't really want to see this "Hello" in the task manager.

Users who have installed this service on their own note that the operating system began to load a little longer, and the resource consumption is considerable. Consequently, those who need it do not pay attention, and everyone else immediately removes it.

Method 1

Stopping the process mDNSResponder.exe in the task manager, the problem will not be solved. After the next boot of the computer, you can again observe this service in the manager, and all its utilities will start monitoring again. To permanently delete it, do the following:

  1. From the Start menu, click Run.
  2. Enter cmd.
  3. When the window opens, copy the following line: C: \\ Program Files\\ Bonjour \\ mDNSResponder.exe-remove.
  4. Find your Bonjour folder.
  5. Change the old name to the new one: instead of mdnsNSP.dll file enter mdnsNSP.old.
  6. Reboot your computer.
  7. Remove the Bonjour program along with the folder.

Method 2

The first method was for beginners, and the second can be used by advanced users.

  1. On the Administration tab, open Services.
  2. At the prompt, enter the following: C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ services.msc / s.
  3. The service Id_String1..5BB94B879762 will open.
  4. In its "Properties" you must select "Startup type" "Stop".
Copy the code manually or in del.bat. If you choose the latter, start the file and the service will be stopped.

Sc stop “Bonjour Service” sc delete “Bonjour Service” regsvr32 / u “C: \\ Progra ~ 1 \\ Bonjour \\ explorerplugin.dll” regsvr32 / u “C: \\ Progra ~ 1 \\ Bonjour \\ mdnsnsp.dll” ren “C: \\ Progra ~ 1 \\ Bonjour ”xxx del% systemroot% \\ system32 \\ dns-sd.exe del% systemroot% \\ system32 \\ dnssd.dll

Actions in the system registry:

Edit the branch where mdnsnsp.dll is mentioned. Write another digit in HKLM \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ WinSock2 \\ Parameters \\ NameSpace_Catalog5 \\ Num_Catalog_Entries (for example, it was 5, now it is 6).

Then look for any mention of the program and delete. After restarting your computer, go to the manager and check the processes that the service starts.

What is this Bonjour program? How does the program get on the PC and how to remove it?

iTunes uses Bonjour to perform various tasks. For example, it uses a program to find "shared music libraries", music streaming devices, etc. Safari, Apple's own web browser uses the same program to find devices that advertise web pages on your network. On the other hand, Internet Explorer, through the Bonjour toolbar plugin, offers an easy detection method for Bonjour advertising web pages. The Bonjour Printer Setup Wizard also uses the Bonjour application to discover and configure Bonjour ad network printers. In this article, we will talk about what Bonjour is and how to uninstall it.

If you manage to install iTunes, you will find that it installs Bonjour Windows Service, the process network setting zero configuration and mDNSResponder.exe. ITunes often comes bundled with another software and is installed on the user's computer without any knowledge of the user. If you are not using Bonjour or any of its features, then removing Bonjour should not cause any problems, in some cases it is known to cause it. Below are the steps you can follow to uninstall Bonjour more completely.

Remove Bonjour from Windows

First, if you have Apple software installed on your computer, such as iTunes, there is a high chance that a Bonjour folder already exists under the Program files". In most cases, the service starts automatically and starts a process named mDNSResponder.exe, which cannot be killed by Windows Task Manager.

In most cases, you will be able to uninstall the program using the control panel, but in some cases it may end up with an error! Therefore, the safe method described here for uninstalling and removing Bonjour service and files is mDNSResponder.exe and mdnsNSP.dll.

Press the key combination Win + R in combination to open the Run dialog box. Then enter the following command and click OK. Alternatively, you can open the elevated CMD and do it.

"% PROGRAMFILES% \\ Bonjour \\ mDNSResponder.exe" -remove

To cancel registration dll file, Open the window command line, as administrator, type the following and press Enter.

regsvr32 / u "% PROGRAMFILES% \\ Bonjour \\ mdnsNSP.dll"

Restart your computer, navigate to C: \\ Program Files \\ and delete the Bonjour folder.

ITunes and some other programs must run Bonjour. If you are using these programs, DO NOT uninstall Bonjour! Make sure you have administrator rights before running these commands.

If you run into problems or need additional support, you can see the manufacturer's official website.

If you still have questions about "What is this Bonjour program and why does it appear?" - write us about it in the comments. Also include the version operating systemwhich you are using.

The prevalence of viruses on the network has led users to become suspicious of unknown programs that appear on their computers. At the same time, unknown applications are not always malicious, and some of them are installed for the correct operation of the operating system with external devices or for the correct functioning of the desired software.

Bonjour is an example of such a program. The application can appear on the computer without visible installation, and some antiviruses identify it as malicious. At the same time, the Bonjour program does not pose a threat to the computer, and its developer is Apple.

Bonjour: what is this program

Bonjour was developed by Apple for the corporate sector and is therefore unknown to ordinary computer users. It is necessary to create a single local network between devices capable of supporting this protocol. This may be required to:

Apple provides Bonjour technology in the public domain for everyone, including programmers. Various companies use Bonjour for their own purposes, for example, there are applications (Pidgin, Kopete and others) in which chat can work using Bonjour.

Among the most famous companies that use Bonjour technology is Adobe. The software giant developed based on Bonjour adobe function Creative Suite, which is used to find network asset management services.

It should be noted that in the consumer segment, Bonjour technology is most often used for interaction between a computer and an Apple TV set-top box or for wireless connection from iPhone computer, iPad and other devices.

How Bonjour gets to your computer

The fear that the Bonjour application is a virus for many is due to the fact that they did not install the program on their computer. but this application are among those that do not require a complete standalone installation. Bonjour technology can be installed in a package with one of the following applications:

  • iCloud for computers under windows management;
  • iTunes;
  • Safari for Windows (the application has recently ceased to be supported by Apple, but you can still install it);
  • Adobe Photoshop (or other Adobe applications).

Bonjour can also appear on the computer if its launch was caused by a command from the browsers.

To verify that Bonjour is present or not on your computer, you can press Ctrl + Alt + Del on your Windows computer and select Task Manager. Then click "Details" and go to the "Processes" tab. Sort them by name and find among the running processes mdnsNSP.dll or mDNSResponder.exe, which are indicators of the Bonjour technology on the computer.

Can I uninstall Bonjour

Bonjour is certified software that does not harm your computer and does not transmit confidential user data to Apple servers. At the same time, it constantly works in the background, thereby consuming computer resources, albeit insignificant. If the user does not wirelessly connect Apple equipment: Airport Extreme, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and others, he can uninstall Bonjour without fear. When a computer is used from time to time to wirelessly connect with Apple devices, it is better not to uninstall Bonjour, otherwise it may cause malfunctions and the program will have to be reinstalled.

How to remove Bonjour from your computer

Bonjour is listed separately in the list of programs on your computer. To remove it, you must:

Important: When uninstalling Bonjour from your computer, be prepared for it to appear again. This is due to the fact that when iTunes is updated (which happens regularly), all the missing files, according to the program, are downloaded and installed, including Bonjour. For complete removal Bonjour will also need to remove all Apple services from your computer: iTunes, iCloud, Safari, as well as third-party programs that may use this technology.