Physical culture - what is it? Physical education program at school. Work program for physical education Physical education program at school

Zinovkin Konstantin Alexandrovich
Educational institution: MBOU Trosnyanskaya Secondary School
Brief description works:

Pshenitsyna Galina Anatolevna
Educational institution:
Brief job description: The content of the program of the academic discipline OD.01.06 Physical culture is aimed at strengthening health, increasing the physical potential, working capacity of students, and developing their life, social and professional motivations.

Pshenitsyna Galina Anatolevna
Educational institution: GPOU RK "College of Arts of the Komi Republic"
Brief job description: OGSE discipline program. 05 Physical culture is a mandatory discipline in the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle of the training program for mid-level specialists in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the specialty 53.02.06 Choral conducting. The program reflects the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and corresponds to the approximate program of the academic discipline and the basic curriculum.

Biryukov Vladimir Ivanovich
Educational institution: MBOU Svenskaya Secondary School No. 1 (Sven village)
Brief job description:Work program compiled on the basis curriculum“Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1–11” (V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2012) and is part of the Federal curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation

Vetrov Vasily Grigorievich
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution general secondary school No. 2 of the city of Unecha, Bryansk region
Brief job description: Thematic planning is based on the curriculum “Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11” (V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2008) and is part of the Federal curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation . It is divided into three programs: a program for grades 1-4, grades 5-9 and grades 10-11.

Degtyarev Andrey Nikolaevich
Educational institution: MBOU DO Youth Sports School Uvarovo, Tambov region.
Brief job description: The relevance of the development and creation of this program is due to the goal modern education, which includes instilling in children a positive attitude towards sports. The program allows trainers to take a creative approach to conducting the training process, which undoubtedly affects the quality of training of students.

Melnikov Vyacheslav Porfirievich
Educational institution: MBOU "Novoilmovskaya Secondary School" Cheremshansky district of the Republic of Tatarstan
Brief job description: The main strategic goal of the educational institution is to ensure continuous improvement of the quality of education and improve the living conditions of students, since the educational environment of the school is an environment for life support and formation of the younger generation, which affects the sphere of interests of the family, the local community, its economic and social well-being.

Agazaryan Gevorg Marzpetunovich
Educational institution: Children's and Youth Sports School "Youth" Almetyevsk
Brief job description: The work program is compiled on the basis of an additional pre-professional boxing program at the Youth Youth Sports School "Yunost". The sports training program for the sport of boxing is compiled on the basis of an approximate sports training program for children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve.

Municipal entity Yeisk district

Municipal budgetary educational organization secondary school No. 1 named after Semyon Sobol of the city of Yeisk, municipal formation Yeisk district.


By decision of the teachers' council dated August 29, 2014, protocol No. 1

Chairman of the Teachers' Council

Volkova T.E.


By physical culture

Level of education (grade) - secondary general education, grade 11

Number of hours 102

Basic level

Teacher Eremenko Marina Grigorievna

The program is developed based on:

Programs of general education institutions. Comprehensive physical education program for grades 1-11. Comp. V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich ed., M., Education 2009, 6th edition


This work program on physical culture for 11th grade compiled by Eremenko Marina Grigorievna, physical education teacher of the municipal budgetary educational organization of secondary school No. 1 named after Semyon Sobol of the city of Yeisk, municipal formation Yeisk district. The work program for physical culture is based on the federal component state standard secondary general education, and the author's program of general education institutions. The school curriculum specifies 3 hours per week of studying the subject “Physical Education”, which amounts to 102 teaching hours per year.

“Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11” V.I. Lyakha, V.I. Zdanevich, 6th edition, M. “Enlightenment” 2009.

The subject “Physical Education” is included in the educational field “Physical Education”. The study of physical culture at the basic level of secondary general education is aimed at achieving the following


Development of physical qualities and abilities, strengthening of individual health, improvement functionality body;

Cultivating a caring attitude towards one’s own health, the need for physical education, health and sports activities


Mastering the technologies of modern health-improving systems of physical education, enriching individual experience in specially applied activities

physical exercise and basic sports;

Mastering the system of knowledge about physical culture and sports, their role and significance in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and social orientations;

Acquiring competence in physical education, health and sports activities, mastering the skills of creative cooperation in collective

forms of physical exercise.

Objectives of physical education 11th grade students are aimed at:

promoting harmonious development, developing skills to use physical exercises, hygiene procedures and conditions external environment to improve health and resist stress;

formation of personal and public ideas about prestige high level health and versatile physiological preparedness;

expansion of motor experience through mastering new motor actions and developing the skills to use them in conditions of varying complexity;

further development of conditioning and coordination abilities;

formation of knowledge about the patterns of physical activity, sports training, the importance of physical education for future work, the performance of the functions of fatherhood and motherhood, preparation for military service;

strengthening the need for regular physical exercise and a chosen sport;

formation of adequate self-esteem of the individual, moral self-awareness, worldview, development of determination, confidence, endurance, self-control;

further development of mental processes and training in the basics of self-regulation.

When solving the problems of physical education, the teacher needs to focus his activities on instilling value orientations towards the physical and spiritual improvement of the individual, developing students’ needs and motives for systematic physical exercise, nurturing moral and volitional qualities, forming humanistic relationships, and acquiring communication experience. Schoolchildren must be taught ways to creatively apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to maintain high levels of physical and mental performance, health, and independent studies.

The content of the program material consists of two main parts: basic and variable (differentiated). Development basic principles Physical education is objectively necessary and mandatory for every student. Without the basic component, successful adaptation to life in human society and effective performance of work are impossible. The basic component forms the basis of the national standard of general education training in the field of physical education and does not depend on the regional, national and individual characteristics of the student.

The variable (differentiated) part of physical education is due to the need to take into account the regional characteristics of schools Krasnodar region:


1. Hours from the “Ski Training” section in the amount of 18 hours were transferred to study the “Sports Games” section.

2. From the section “Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics” (18 hours), 6 hours were transferred to the section “Athletics” in connection with the organization of training taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of the Krasnodar Territory.

3. 9 hours of hours from the “Elements of Martial Arts” section were transferred to the “Athletics” section due to the lack of conditions for training.

4. Two hours from variable part 2.2 were transferred to the “Athletics” section.

5. Clock from variable part 2.1. and 2.2 (15 hours) in the amount of 13 were transferred to the “Cross training” section.

The hours of the variable part (18 hours) are distributed as follows: 3 hours - for deepening easy learning athletics; 12 hours - to deepen the section “Sports Games”; 3 hours - to deepen cross-country training.

Athletics is studied twice a year, depending on the season. Autumn (1st quarter) - 20 hours, spring (4th quarter) - 18 hours. Sports games distribution is 30 hours, 19 hours are distributed for basketball (2nd quarter), 20 hours for volleyball (3rd quarter). Cross training is studied twice a year, depending on the season. Autumn (1st quarter) - 7 hours, spring (4th quarter) - 6 hours.

Table of thematic distribution of hours

Type of program material

Number of hours

Work program

11th grade

Base part

Basic knowledge of physical culture

During the lesson

Sports games



Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics


Ski training

Elements of martial arts


Variable part

Associated with regional and national characteristics

At the choice of the teacher, students, determined by the school itself, according to in-depth study one or more sports

Cross training


Distribution of teaching time by quarters: 3 hours per week, 102 hours per year, 11th grade.


Type of program material

1 quarter

2nd quarter

3rd quarter

4th quarter






Cross training

TOTAL: 102


Sociocultural foundations: Physical culture of society and man, the concept of physical culture of the individual. Value orientations of individual physical education activities: comprehensive personality development, strengthening

health, physical improvement and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Modern Olympic and physical culture movements, their social orientation and forms of organization. Sports and health systems of physical exercises, their goals and objectives.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations: Methods of individual organization, planning, regulation and control of physical activity during physical exercise. Basic forms and types of physical exercises. The concept of physique and its characteristics main types. Fundamentals of initial military physical training, improvement of basic applied motor actions. Fundamentals of organizing and holding mass sports events by type of sport.

Medical and biological fundamentals: The role of physical culture and sports in disease prevention and health promotion; maintaining human reproductive functions. Fundamentals of the organization of motor mode. Basics of safety precautions and injury prevention. Bad habits, the reasons for their occurrence and the harmful effects on the human body and its health. Basics of preventing bad habits by means of physical culture.

Consolidating hardening skills: air baths, sunbathing, water procedures.

Reinforcing self-control techniques: repetition of self-control techniques.


Speed, speed-strength, endurance, flexibility, agility, strength.

1.1 SPORTS GAMES - 39 hours

BASKETBALL(2nd quarter - 19 hours): Improving the technique of movements, stops, turns, stances. Options for catching and passing the ball without resistance and resistance from a defender (in various formations). Options for dribbling the ball without resistance and with resistance from a defender. Options for throwing the ball without resistance without resistance and with resistance from the defender. Actions against a player without the ball and with the ball (snatching, knocking out, intercepting, covering). Combinations of mastered elements of movement and ball handling techniques. Individual, group and team tactical actions in attack and defense. Play by the rules.

VOLLEYBALL(3 quarter - 20 hours): Improving the technique of movements, stops, turns and stances. Variants of techniques for receiving and passing the ball. Options for serving the ball, attacking strike through the net. Options for blocking attacking attacks (single, two), insurance. Individual, group and team tactical actions in attack and defense. Play by the rules.

Program material on sports games

Sections, topics


Sports games


Mastering the technique of dribbling the ball

Improving the technique of catching and passing the ball

Improving throwing technique

Improving game tactics


Improving the technique of receiving and passing the ball

Improving the technique of serving the ball

Improving attacking technique


DEVELOPMENT EXERCISES: Material covered in previous classes. Turning around while moving. Formation from a column of one at a time into a column of two, four, eight in motion.

VAULT: Jump into a crouching position, jump off, bend over, vault jump with legs apart and legs bent. Jump sideways with a 90* turn. Jump with a running angle at an angle to the projectile and a push with one leg (horse width).

ACROBATICS: Boys: Long somersault over an obstacle at a height of up to 90cm, handstand, back somersault through a handstand with assistance, side flip, depth jumps Combinations of previously mastered elements. Girls: Sitting at an angle, kneeling, bending back, standing on the shoulder blades, bridge from the position, standing with help and independently, turning to the side, deep jumps. Combinations of previously mastered elements.

ROPE CLIMBING: in 2 and 3 steps, without using legs (young men).

Program material on gymnastics with elements of acrobatics

Sections, topics





Rope climbing

Athletic gymnastics

1.3 ATHLETICS - 38 hours

SPRINTING: Running from a low and high start, start in a relay race, passing the baton, shuttle run 5x20m, finish of running at various distances, running 30m, 60m, 100m, 400m.

LONG AND HIGH JUMP: Standing and running long jumps (7-9 and 9-11 running steps). High jump using the “stepping over” method. Selection of an individual run.

GRENADE THROWING: Throwing a grenade from a place to a distance, with 4-5 throwing steps from a shortened and full run-up to a distance into the Yum corridor and to specified distance.

LONG RUN: Running at variable speeds, overcoming small vertical and horizontal obstacles, alternating walking and running, running around a turn, overcoming an obstacle course, running at a uniform pace for 20-25 minutes.

Sections, topics




Long and high jump

Throwing a grenade

CROSS TRAINING13 o'clock Walking and running on slightly rough terrain. Overcoming an obstacle course. Relay races up to 100m. Cross-country running with changes in direction. Elements of cross-country competition tactics: distribution of forces, leading, overtaking, finishing. Cross from 2 to 5 km.

Forms of control.

current control (each lesson);

Starting control (once a year); all students are assessed;

Control testing (see Appendix No. 1)

Appendix No. 1

Student physical fitness standards


Control standards

Run 30 m, s.

100m run, s.

Shuttle run 3x10m, p.

Shuttle run 4x10m, p.

Shuttle run 3x20m, p.

Run 1000m, min. With.

Run 2000m, min.s

Standing long jump, see

Running long jump, see

High jump, cm

Jumping with a skipping rope, count. once

Throwing a grenade

Push-ups, number of times.

Press in 30 seconds, number of times.

Squats for 1 min., count. once

High bar pull-up

Low bar pull-up

Requirements for the level of student preparation in the subject



Know the goals and objectives of physical education, have knowledge in the field of physical education necessary to conduct independent classes;

Possess vital applied and sports skills, including athletics, gymnastics, sports games, cross-country training;

Know the techniques of providing first aid to a victim

Carry out self-insurance and belay techniques during physical exercises;

Have the necessary level of development of basic motor qualities;

Ways to organize independent physical exercises with different functional orientations, rules for using sports equipment and equipment;

Rules for personal hygiene, injury prevention and first aid during physical exercise.

Be able to:

Be able to organize and conduct classes, competitions and outdoor games with primary schoolchildren;

Referee in one of the sports;

For young men to possess military-applied skills;

Perform control exercises;

Take care of your physical improvement, lead a healthy lifestyle;

Follow the rules of safety and injury prevention during physical exercises, provide first aid in case of injuries and accidents;

Pass control standards in physical culture.

Comprehensive physical education program for grades 1-11. Comp. V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich ed., M., Education 2009, 6th edition A.A. Zdanevich, Moscow “Enlightenment” 2009.

Handbook for physical education teachers, edited by L.B. Kofman, Moscow, 1998.

Your Olympic textbook. M., “Physical Education and Sports”, 2003.

Physical culture. Textbook for grades 10 - 11, edited by V.I. Lyakh. - M.: Education 2011. 6th edition.

E. Naimineva “Physical education” Teaching methods. Sports games. Rostov - on Don “Felix”, 2001.

Learning Tools

Volleyballs, basketballs; jump ropes; hoops; skittles; chips; racks; planks; gymnastic mats; stopwatch; crossbar; barriers; bars; pomegranates (500 grams, 700 grams); medicine balls (4; 5 kg.); roulette, rope


The work program for extracurricular activities in volleyball for students in grades 5-7 was developed on the basis of the textbook “Extracurricular Activities. Volleyball: a manual for teachers and methodologists”/G.A. Kolodnitsky, B.C. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov/,- M.: Prosveshchenie, 2011, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards LLC 2010.
The physical education system in our country has many years of experience in its development and is aimed at solving the main socially significant tasks: strengthening the health of the population, physical and motor development and instilling high moral qualities.

Work program of the optional course “General Physical Education - SPECIAL COURSE!” for students in grades 7-11 is compiled in accordance with the Federal Basic Curriculum, the Mandatory Minimum Content of Education for Schoolchildren in the Field of Physical Education, as well as the “Comprehensive Physical Education Program for Students in Grades 1-11” by V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich. (M.: Education, 2016). The program is physical education and sports in its content, special in its functional purpose, and extracurricular in its form of organization. The duration of the program is 1 year.

The features of the general education general development program “Volleyball” are that it takes into account the specifics of additional education and covers significantly more people who want to engage in this sport, making feasible demands in the learning process. It gives the opportunity to take up basketball from scratch for those children who have not yet started taking the “volleyball” section at school, as well as attention to the issue of fostering a healthy lifestyle, a comprehensive approach to raising a harmonious person.

Target Audience: for 11th grade

The work program of the extracurricular activity course “Favorite Game” is developed on the basis of:
- “Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11 of educational institutions”, edited by V.I. Lyakh, A.A Zdanevich (2010), approved by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation.
-Approximate program for physical education, author’s program by T. S. Lisitskaya, L. A. Novikova. (2012) Study guide “Extracurricular activities. Volleyball: a manual for teachers and methodologists”/G.A. Kolodnitsky, V.S. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov.- M.: Education, 2011, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards LLC 2010.

Target audience: for 5th grade

Chess is not only a game that gives children a lot of joy and pleasure, but also an effective means of their mental development, the formation of an internal plan of action - the ability to act in the mind.

The physical education program for grade 7 was developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of basic general education (Federal state educational standard of basic general education. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2012);
- with recommendations of the Work Program for Physical Culture
- curriculum “Work program for physical education for 7th grade students” (V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2010);
- with the author’s program “Work program for physical education of students in grades 1-11” (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2010)

Target audience: for 7th grade

The work program is based on the basic general education program. Physical education grades 5-9. Authors: A.P. Matveev, (collection of Work programs. Physical education. Grades 5 - 9: educational and methodological manual / subject line of textbooks by A. P. Matveev. - M.: Education, 2012. - pp. 23 - 45. (second generation standards

Target audience: for 5th grade

The physical education program for grades 10-11 is developed in accordance with:

  • with recommendations of an Approximate program for physical education (Approximate program for physical education. Grades 10-11. - M.: Education, 2011);
  • with the author’s program “Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11” (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M.: Education, 2010):
  • Federal law“On physical culture and sports.”
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Art. 32 “Competence and responsibility of an educational institution” (clause 67);

Target audience: for 10th grade

The goal of physical education at school is to promote the comprehensive development of the individual through the formation of physical culture of the student’s personality.

Achieving the goal of physical education is ensured by solving the following main tasks:

  • Promoting harmonious physical development, developing the ability to use physical exercise, hygiene procedures and environmental conditions to improve health and resist stress.
  • Formation of public and personal ideas about the prestige of a high level of health and versatile physiological preparedness.
  • Further development coordination and conditioning (speed - strength, speed, endurance, strength and flexibility) abilities.
  • Formation of knowledge about the patterns of physical activity, sports training, the importance of physical education for future work, the performance of the functions of fatherhood and motherhood, preparation for military service.
  • Consolidating the need for regular physical exercise and a chosen sport.
  • Formation of adequate personal self-esteem, moral self-awareness, worldview, collectivism, development of determination, confidence, endurance, self-control.

Present: the program for the subject physical education is compiled on the basis of the “Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades l-11”, authors: V.I. Lyakh, L.A. Zdanevich of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2011. Magazines “Physical Culture. Work programs. M.Ya.Vilensky, V.I. Lyakh: Enlightenment, 2011.-104с-ISBN 978-5-09-021674-6. “Books of a physical education teacher.” Publishing house “Physical education grades 1-11: detailed thematic planning according to a comprehensive program edited by V.I. Lyakha, L.B. Kofman - 2008.

The regulatory framework is taken from the program “Instructional and methodological support for the content of education in Moscow for grades 1-11” Moscow 1998.

Annual comprehensive plan for physical education of students in grades 5-11, Moscow 1988.

Scientific and methodological support of the educational process is carried out using textbooks.


  1. N.G. Ozolin – athletics
  2. V. Lomay – running, jumping, throwing
  3. E.A. Malkov - make friends with the “queen of sports”
  4. V.V. Osintsev – ski training at school
  5. Yu.V. Builin - mini-basketball at school
  6. S. Bashkin – basketball lessons
  7. G. Pinkolster - “Encyclopedia of basketball exercises” 8. A.N. Martynovsky – “Artistic gymnastics”
  8. A.T. Brykina – gymnastics
  9. Yu.V.L. Golomazov – volleyball at school
  10. A.A. Rybkin, A.N. Yevtushenko – handball
  11. Hockey. Competition rules. – M: Terra-Sport, 2003
  12. V.I.Lyakh, A.A.Zdanevich M: Enlightenment 2009

The program is compiled taking into account the working conditions of the school, the student population, and the material and technical base. In high school, gender differences between boys and girls appear more clearly than in middle age, which requires a differentiated approach to the choice of means and methods of study. At this age, learning is intensified by strengthening the training focus of lessons. A differentiated individual approach is important for students with low and high results in physical development. When organizing classes for young men, classes are provided under maximum volitional and physical stress.

The program material is divided into two parts – basic and variable. The basic part includes material in accordance with the federal component of the curriculum. The basic part fulfills the mandatory minimum of education in the subject “Physical Education”. The variable part includes program material on hockey,

“Russian lapta”, ice skating, athletic and recreational gymnastics. The program material becomes more complex in sections every year due to an increase in the complexity of elements based on previously completed ones. Students are assessed both at the end of the section and as they master skills. Gymnastics lessons are planned to be conducted in the frontal method (when conducting drill, general developmental and complex acrobatic exercises), in a group method, in a continuous manner (vaults), and also, by increasing the lessons by 1 hour, it became possible to engage in recreational gymnastics with children (prevention of correction scoliosis and flat feet).

Type of program material

Number of hours (lessons)

1. Base part:
1.1 Basic knowledge of physical culture
1.2. Athletics
1.3. Cross training
1.4. Volleyball
1.5. Football
1.6 Basketball
1.7 Handball
1.8 Gymnastics
1.9 Ski training
2 Variable part:
2.1 Russian lapta
2.2 Athletic and recreational gymnastics
2.3 Ice hockey, skating
3 Total:

Requirements for the level of knowledge of students in physical education graduating from high school.

As a result of mastering the Mandatory Minimum Content of an academic subject, students upon graduation from secondary school must achieve the next level of physical education development. Explain:

  • The role and significance of physical culture in the development of society and man, the goals and principles of the modern Olympic movement, its role and significance in the modern world.
  • The role and importance of physical education in promoting human health, preventing bad habits, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Characterize: Individual characteristics of physical and mental development and their connection with regular exercise.

  • Features of the functioning of the main organs and structures of the body during classes, features of planning individual classes of various directions and monitoring their effectiveness.
  • Features of learning and self-learning of motor actions.
  • Follow the rules:

  • Personal hygiene and hardening.
  • Organization and conduct of independent and amateur forms of physical exercise and sports.
  • Culture of behavior and interaction during collective exercises and competitions.
  • Prevention of injuries and provision of first aid for injuries and bruises.
  • Conduct:

    • Independent and amateur physical exercises with a general professional-applied and health-corrective orientation.
    • Techniques for belaying and self-insurance during classes.
    • Massage and self-massage techniques.
    • Physical education classes and sports competitions with primary school students.
    • Refereeing competitions in one of the sports.


    • Individual sets of physical exercises of various directions.
    • Plans and notes for individual lessons.


  • Levels of individual physical development .
  • The effectiveness of physical exercises, the functional state of the body.
  • Dosage of physical activity
  • Showcase:

    Motor skills, abilities, abilities:

    • Be able to with maximum speed run 100 m from a low start.
    • Run at a uniform pace for up to 30 minutes for boys and up to 20 minutes for girls.
    • Throw projectiles of various shapes and weights from a standstill and from a full run-up.

    In gymnastics and acrobatic exercises:

    • Perform a vault with legs apart over a horse with a length of 115-125 cm (boys).
    • Perform a combination of individual elements with a skipping rope.
    • Perform an acrobatic combination of 5 elements, including a long somersault over an obstacle at a height of up to 90 cm, a handstand, a block flip and other previously mastered elements (boys) and a combination of 5 previously mastered elements (girls).

    In sports games:

  • Demonstrate and apply basic technical and tactical actions in one of the sports games.
  • Physical fitness:

    • Correspond to at least the average level of indicators for the development of physical abilities (Table 1)

    Methods of physical education and health activities:

    • Use various types physical exercises for self-improvement.
    • Organization of leisure and healthy lifestyle.
    • To correct deficiencies in physical development.

    Methods of sports activity:

    • Participate in an athletics quadathlon competition: 100m run, long or high jump, ball throwing, endurance run.

    Rules of behavior during physical exercises: Coordinate your behavior with the interests of the team.

  • Critically evaluate your own achievements
  • Encourage comrades who have a low level of physical fitness. Criteria for assessing student performance in physical education lessons.
  • Evaluation standards for physical education were developed in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the program “Physical education for students in grades 1-11” Moscow. Enlightenment 1996

    When assessing the technique of performing a motor action, we are guided by the following criteria:

    Mark “5”: the motor action was performed correctly (in a given way), accurately, confidently, in the proper rhythm, easily and clearly, the teacher has mastered the form of movement; in games he showed proper activity, resourcefulness, dexterity, the ability to act in a team, and strictly follow the rules.

    Mark “4”: the motor action was performed correctly, but not easily and clearly enough, some stiffness of movements is observed: in games the student did not show the proper activity or dexterity.

    Mark “3”: the motor action was performed mostly correctly, but tensely (or sluggishly), not confident enough), minor errors were made during execution; The student was inactive in games and committed minor rule violations.

    Mark “2”: the motor action was not performed or was performed incorrectly, uncertainly, carelessly; significant errors were made; In games, the student did not demonstrate proper activity, agility, or the ability to play in a group (team).

    Mark “1”: the teacher’s refusal to perform a motor action without a good reason or he was unable to perform the exercise at all.

    Monitoring of students' physical fitness is carried out twice a school year for all tests (in autumn and spring) and three times for those exercises that can be done in the gym (in September, at the end of December and in May). A map is kept of the dynamics of growth in indicators of the development of physical qualities of students (Table No. 1).

    Students who have a good or excellent level of physical development are recommended to participate in school sports sections, youth sports schools and other forms of classes. Students with an average and low level of physical development are given tasks to develop certain motor skills, and independent study is recommended.

    For students assigned to the preparatory medical group for health reasons, their academic performance is assessed on a general basis, with the exception of fulfilling the educational standard in types of physical exercise that are contraindicated for them.

    Relevance of the program

    This program includes the content of all the main forms of physical education that make up an integral system of physical and moral education at school and allows you to consistently solve these problems throughout all years of study. The third hour is aimed at increasing the physical activity of students (by expanding the number of sports and outdoor games) and the healing process.