Ip telephony through the telephone network. Basics of IP telephony, basic principles, terms and protocols. With IP telephony from the operator "Komtelko"

Calls to other cities and abroad using traditional telephone lines are expensive. In addition, it is not uncommon for subscribers to receive bills for tens of thousands of rubles for calls they did not conduct. It is not difficult to connect to someone else's subscriber line, even for a non-specialist in the field of communications ... Is it really the only way to protect yourself from the need to pay for someone else's chatter is to turn off the possibility of automatic long-distance and international communication ("eight") and deprive yourself of the opportunity to call outside your settlement ? Of course, this is not an option. The solution to the problem is IP telephony (that is, telephony over the Internet protocol). By disabling the "eight", you will not leave a chance for attackers to talk at your expense, and you yourself will be able to call to any city and country, and at very low rates.

Advantages and disadvantages of IP telephony

Let's highlight two main advantages of IP telephony over traditional telephony:

  • Call costs are significantly lower
  • You can turn off the "eight", and conversations of strangers at your expense will be excluded.

A special case: in Moscow, calls between numbers in the codes "495" and "499" are made through "8". Despite the fact that you turn off your long-distance access, the "eight" will still work, but only for calls between these codes. There are some drawbacks to IP telephony over traditional telephone communication via "8", but they are not so significant:

  • When receiving incoming call, coming from the IP-telephony network, to the phone equipped with a caller ID, not your subscriber number will be determined, but the dial-up number to the IP-telephony gateway, a random sequence of numbers or no number at all. If the subscriber you are calling uses the "white list" service (you can only reach him from certain numbers), then you will not be able to get through
  • When using IP-telephony by cards (for information on the types of IP-telephony, see below), in addition to the number of the called subscriber, you need to dial the card number and its PIN-code
  • To use the IP soft phone, you need to turn on your computer, download the software and connect your microphone and headphones
  • IP hardware phones need to be configured for a specific ISP

Types of IP telephony

There are two main types of IP telephony.

  • IP telephony by cards. In order to use it, you need a tone-dialing telephone, and there must be a provider in your locality that provides this service. You buy a card, type telephone number IP telephony gateway, switch the phone to tone mode and then dial the card number, its PIN-code and the number of the called subscriber with the country and city code. In this case, you do not need a computer or Internet access. You pay for long distance calls at the rates of the IP-telephony provider and, if time-based payment is accepted on your city telephone network telephone conversations, the time of connection via your city telephone network with the IP-telephony server (like a normal conversation around the city). Your conversation goes to the IP telephony gateway like a regular telephone network signal, is converted into a data stream on the server and sent over the Internet to your destination. There, at the so-called landing node, it is converted again into a regular telephone signal and goes to the subscriber you are calling. In this way, you can call another city and country from your office phone (the blocked "eight" will not be a hindrance for you), with cell phone, from the phone, for example, from your friends or relatives who you are visiting, or from the phone of a hotel room. In all cases, it will be a normal city call, and money for long distance calls will be debited from your card, no bills will come.
  • Conversation using special IP-phones. In this case, you must have Internet access, but the presence of a telephone line and an IP-telephony provider in your city is not required.

IP phones can be software (they represent a program installed on a computer, for example, X-Lite is free, you can download it) and hardware (look like ordinary phones). Soft phones require headphones and a microphone to be connected to the computer, and in order to call them, the computer must be turned on and the program must be running. IP hardware phones are equipped with a handset, a computer is needed only to set them up, and they work regardless of whether the computer is turned on or not. Some IP hardware phones (such as the Planet VIP-155 PT) can be configured without a computer.

There are many models of IP hardware phones available today. For their operation, an Internet channel and a 220 V power supply are required. A telephone line is not needed. It also does not matter how the Internet is accessed - via a local wired network, ADSL channel (the modem must be equipped with an Ethernet connector) or via a wireless provider (in Moscow - Golden Wi-Fi), to which using a special wireless adapter (for example, Zyxel P-330W EE) you can connect equipment with an Ethernet connector. You cannot connect an IP hardware telephone to a PSTN. Although there are models that are capable of working both as IP-telephones and as ordinary devices for city telephone networks.

How an IP phone works

An IP phone (a separate device or a program on a computer) converts your voice into a stream sound filesthat are transmitted over the Internet. If you are calling a computer or IP Hardware Phone, this stream is translated into your voice directly on the computer or IP Hardware Phone you are calling. If you call an ordinary wired or cell phone, then at a special communication center, the stream of files from the Internet is converted into an electrical signal, which is transmitted by wire or through cellular network to the subscriber you are calling, and in his phone this signal turns into your voice. This is where the secret of the low cost of IP telephony lies: your conversations can be transmitted in a denser stream than when using traditional telephone communication. After all, you can transfer more data per unit of time with the same channel capacity!

Skype or SIPNET?

To call using an IP phone, you need to subscribe to one of the IP telephony networks. Such networks are both public, to which everyone can connect, and closed, intended mainly for corporate communications and accessible only to a limited number of persons (office PBX, communication of remote divisions with the central office). Closed networks although they work via IP-protocol, they are not connected with the Internet at all. For this article, we will only refer to public networks.

There are many such networks. The most famous of these is Skype. Calls between its subscribers are free of charge regardless of their location, and a small fee is charged for calls between Skype and regular telephone networks (Skypeout service). And here the disadvantage of this network emerges: you can pay for this service either with some types of bank cards or with Internet money. Not everyone has bank cards, and not everyone will like the need to create an electronic wallet and register in the Internet payment system. In addition, Skype is mainly focused on IP soft phones, and a terminal handset connected to a computer via USB (for example, Trendnet TVP-SP3) does not work if the computer is turned off.

Another network that deserves our attention is SIPNET (www.sipnet.ru). The Sip protocol it uses is similar to Skype, but incompatible with it. That is, it is impossible to call a Skype subscriber from the SIPNET network and vice versa, even for money. Of course, you can use the Skypeout service and call the landline dial-up number to the SIPNET network, but there will be no direct connection between these networks. You cannot call other Sip networks either. As with Skype, you can make video calls while using SIPNET.

Calls between SIPNET subscribers are free. For calls from the SIPNET network to a regular landline or cell phone, you need to pay a small amount. That is, in this sense, it is similar to Skype. But when using SIPNET, you can deposit money in rubles both through automatic payment machines and through the cash desks of many communication salons. Use bank cards and Internet money to pay for SIPNET services is possible, but not required. So, in terms of payment for communication services, SIPNET is much more convenient than Skype.

Most IP hardware phones work with the sip protocol. They are more convenient than software ones, since they work independently of a computer, and everyone who knows how to use a regular telephone will be able to call with their help. The question arises: is it possible to call these phones from ordinary city phones? If you are using SIPNET, you can. But not in all cities. In Russia there is such an opportunity in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and in several other cities, the full list of which you can find in help desk SIPNET. A touchtone telephone is required to make a call. The cost of the call will be debited from your personal account in the SIPNET network.

The union of SIPNET and Sky Link saves you money!

Since during a conversation the IP-phone generates only Internet traffic, in order to optimize costs, we recommend that you connect to the "Sky Link" tariff, designed for active Internet users. Keep in mind that when using an IP-phone, Sky Link charges you only for Internet access, you do not pay for voice services over this network, since you do not use them. And the payment for the transmission of voice is charged by the operator of IP-telephony (SIPNET) and only if you call a landline or cell phone.

Thus, the cost of an IP-phone conversation through the Sky Link network will consist of the sum of the cost of Internet access and the cost of using IP-telephony services, but in the end it will still be cheaper than using traditional long-distance and especially international telephone communication (calls for IP-telephony to many countries of Europe, North and South America cost 20 times cheaper than through regular telephone networks).

As we have already said, you can receive incoming phone calls to your IP phone from other IP phones, as well as from regular landline (with tone dialing) or cell phones via special number access. Note that subscribers who call you must dial the number assigned to you by the SIPNET network (the so-called SIP ID), and not the subscriber number assigned to your RUIM card in the Sky Link network, since, we repeat, you use the Sky Link only for data transmission. Therefore, it makes no sense to purchase a direct city or "nice" number from this network. Incoming calls are free for you, and those who call you from a landline or cell phone pay for the conversation with you at the rates of their telecom operator for calls to landline numbers. You can connect to the Sky Link network and pay for its services without commission in any of our stores.

ION verdict

Which way of using IP telephony is better: by cards or using IP phones? There is no definite answer to this question. It would seem that the "card" method is easier, since you bought a card and call, you only need a phone, and you can put up with the need to dial a large number of numbers. It is, of course, so, but ... It happens that there is no telephone line in the room at all, but the signal of the Sky Link or Golden Wi-Fi network is "caught". This means that you will be able to use IP telephony without having to lay any telephone lines. But not by "card" telephony, since you cannot speak on it without a telephone line. In addition, if your interlocutor is a SIPNET subscriber, you can talk for free as long as you like, even with Australia or South America. And the operator of "card" IP-telephony will never give you the opportunity to talk for free. Even if there is a telephone line, then in case of hourly payments for calls, in addition to the IP-telephony itself by cards, it is necessary to pay for the connection time with the "card" server via the local telephone network. So each method is good depending on the specific situation.

Tell your friends!

IP telephony is a telephone communication over the Internet, and not over the usual telephone networks. This view telephony became possible as soon as the web of the Internet became comparable and even larger than the web of telephone lines that entangled the Earth much earlier than the Internet.

The difference between IP-telephony and analogue is the absence of a traditional cable and telephone set. True, there are variants of IP-telephony, outwardly indistinguishable from ordinary telephone communication, with the usual devices and wires. Communication is carried out through devices that have direct Internet access. These can be not only computers, but also tablets or mobile devices. An audio headset is also required if the computer does not have speakers and a microphone.

The main advantage is the minimum operating cost, the cost of paying for calls, in comparison with analog telephony or cellular communications.

This telephony is especially popular in offices, opening up opportunities for significant savings in money. After all, office workers only do what they call the clients of the company, counterparties and for other reasons.

It is important that communication costs are reduced regardless of which region of the country or another state the communication is with, because for the Internet, unlike ordinary telephone communication, there are no state and national borders. Simplicity of configuration and a sufficient level of security makes it possible for IP telephony to compete with analog telephony, gradually replacing it for corporate needs.

At the household level, IP telephony at one time was quite widespread in the form of cards for long-distance and international communication.

Cardtel card for calls from a landline phone via IP-telephony

Having bought such a card for relatively little money, access to the servers of the company providing access to IP telephony was opened from a regular home phone. The numbers for dialing to the servers were published on the card, and then, according to the usual rules for dialing a long-distance or international number, it was possible to call another subscriber, but this time via Internet channels, and not by telephone line. And the telephone line was used in this case at the cheapest tariff: on the section between the phones of the speaking subscribers and the servers located in the same cities and countries to provide IP telephony.

Basic principles of how IP telephony works

When a call is made, the incoming voice signal from the subscriber is compressed and converted into a data packet sent over IP networks. When it gets to the recipient's address, the transmitted information is decoded back, acquiring the format of the usual voice signal. All this happens in a matter of fractions of a second, thanks to which information is transmitted in real time without loss of broadcast quality.

Such a positive result is facilitated by the protocols, which act as a kind of encrypted language that unites subscribers and allows them to transfer data to each other. IP telephony is implemented based on several of the most popular types of protocols.

Connecting and configuring IP telephony

To use the technology, appropriate equipment is also required for this: routers, routers, servers, etc.

Software connection to IP telephony consists in installing a laptop or gadget of the corresponding application that supports communication using the protocol that ensures the operation of IP telephony.

Most of the software is free. To use it, you need an account in the application, into which the data required for work is entered. A set of basic functions is installed by default, it is possible to expand them, make adjustments to the settings.

The history of the emergence of IP telephony

Audio and video files, text messages have become possible to transmit via the Internet via ISDN. But this program did not find a response, as she worked very slowly and until 1995 there were no innovative developments in this direction.

Then the first sample of Internet telephony from the Israeli company "VocalTec" appeared. But he worked one-sidedly, on the principle of walkie-talkies, demanding an identical software from users between whom the communication was carried out. Also at that time, it was quite common for data to be lost during transmission, mainly due to the low speed of the Internet at that time.

To modern achievements of IP-telephony

Until 1996, IP telephony developed according to the principle of transferring information from computer to computer using communicator programs. But in 1997, the integration of telephone networks with the so-called "packet" networks, in fact, with the Internet networks, took place, which became possible thanks to the adoption of the standard H323 data transfer protocol.

Based on this protocol, the first telephones began to work, equipped with a special connector for connecting to a data transmission network and requiring not only a telephone socket, but also a separate port. When the switch was overloaded, it took time to rebuild it, which for a long time led to a loss of interest in this direction.

The changes took place in 2002, when, with the development of the popularity of the new SIP protocol, which appeared back in 1999, packet telephony began to be actively introduced. After another 3 years, with the help of a new VoIP router, telephony became possible without turning on the computer at all.

Since that moment, the popularity of IP telephony has been constantly growing. For ordinary users, it doesn't really matter what protocols are used and how they work. The purity of communication is much more important to them, additional features and low rates.

Benefits of IP telephony

The main one is the possibility of saving communication costs, which is especially important when using long-distance and international calls. Also, the advantages should be noted:

  • Accessibility and mobility,

since numbers in IP telephony are not tied to a specific place, specific cableto a specific connector.

You can get access to a virtual number that is essentially similar regardless of the geography of the location, you just need high-speed Internet access. It turns out a kind of analogue mobile communication, only instead of accessing mobile networks Internet access required.

  • High potential,

since the formation of new IP-networks is carried out depending on the needs of users and it is possible to quickly expand the configurations with the introduction of new services.

  • Privacy and security.

Thanks to encrypted communication channels, access to information is closed to third parties, unlike the old familiar telephone networks, to which anyone can connect anywhere where the cable runs.

  • Ample opportunities,

The use of IP telephony is the optimal solution for offices, enterprises and organizations precisely because of the last point about the possibilities.

  • Multi-channel number functions,
  • forwarding of incoming calls,
  • voice mail,
  • virtual fax and
  • blacklisting service

allow you to get the most out of your connection without any effort.

Most IP telephony services are included in basic package and are used after payment for the services of the provider for such communication. It is possible to increase the number of rooms over the original tariff plan, but in this case additional costs will be required.

About the cost of IP telephony

When using VOIP telephony, one can clearly see the striking price difference in comparison with analog communication. Calls within the network are free of charge, that is, subscribers using the services of one IP telephony provider communicate via software or hardware VOIP phones, saving money.

Since traffic on the Internet is not geo-referenced, the distance between the region of dispatch and the region of receipt of information also does not matter, in contrast to the usual telephone communication, which works on the principle "the further, the more expensive." There is no additional charge for sending traffic in any direction.

When making calls to mobile or landline phones abroad or to other regions, the cost of expenses is also an order of magnitude lower than in the analog network. There is also no fee for a subscriber line, but the truth is, instead of this, you need to pay for the use of the Internet at the rates.

The cost of calls to mobile and landline phones depends on the chosen direction and starts from several dozen kopecks per minute. The specific figure is related to the cost of the provider's services that support IP telephony. A company engaged in setting up and connecting such a connection will help you choose the optimal package based on the customer's needs. A combination of services from several providers is possible, which is guaranteed to lead to a decrease in bills for payment of communication services.

IP telephony competitor: Skype

Applications for maintaining telephone and video communications are quite successfully competing with IP-telephony, for example, well. Similar applications for computers and mobile devices allow to carry out voice and video communication between subscribers also via Internet channels, and also have attractive tariffs.

By the way, many functions of such applications are generally free. Users only need to pay for Internet traffic, no more. For example, Skype calls between two subscribers who have installed skype app, Are free.

And even group audio and via Skype between several Skype subscribers can be free. It is also possible to transmit visual information by “sharing” (organizing collective viewing) of one of the computer screens connected to the Skype conference.

IP telephony competitors: mobile operators

Besides mobile operators do not stand still. They offer their corporate clients so-called virtual telephony. Its essence is that each employee of the corporation (firm) is assigned a short number (3-4 digits), as if it were a number internal phone employee. And all employees of one firm can call each other using these short numbers, but at the same time using mobile phones or special telephones connected directly to the company's servers that provide Internet access.

The peculiarity of mobile virtual telephony is that there is no employee binding to the workplace, to a specific city and even to a specific country. The short number assigned to an employee of the company "travels" with him everywhere, along with a gadget and a SIM card. The result is a comparable in price analogue of IP-telephony, which does not require anything from users (and from companies) at all, except for mobile phones (smartphones, iPhones) and SIM cards of a mobile operator.


In general, progress does not stand still, and competition spurs manufacturers to find more and more convenient ways of voice and video communication between corporate employees and between ordinary people.

And the "old" telephone companies do not stand still, developing their networks and transferring them "to digital" in search of competitive solutions that will allow them to successfully "compete" with IP-telephony.

Already thousands of people around the world have chosen VoIP telephony for fast and affordable communication, if you do not yet know what it is, then this article will be useful for you.

VoIP is a type of telephone communication that transmits an audio signal over the Internet or other IP networks. The signal is transmitted over the communication channel in digital form.

VOIP telephony and Internet telephony are often confused with computer telephony. VOIP telephony and Internet telephony are types of computer telephony. The main advantage of VOIP telephony is data transmission over special communication channels. Such channels have a high throughput and are used exclusively for the transmission of telephone traffic. Thanks to such a transmission system, communication with the subscriber is better, regardless of his location. That is why VoIP telephony is mainly used by those who need to call abroad.
Internet telephony uses the Internet to transmit a telephone signal, such a channel is significantly overloaded with all kinds of traffic, which can lead to a decrease in the quality of telephone communication, signal delay.
In order to use VoIP telephony, you need to purchase SIP phones... They can represent as computer programsand full-fledged telephones. Such devices outwardly practically do not differ from ordinary ones. landline phones, but unlike the latter, in their arsenal they can have many useful functions... For example: call transfer function, forwarding, hold, voicemail, etc.

What are the VoIP protocols:

The protocols provide registration of the IP device with the provider's server or gatekeeper, call and / or call forwarding, establish a voice or video connection, transfer the name and / or number of the subscriber. Currently, the following VoIP protocols are widely used:

  • H.323
  • MGCP (Media Gateway Control Protocol)
  • Megaco / H.248
  • SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
  • SCCP (Skinny Call Control Protocol)
  • Unistim

How does VOIP telephony work?

It should be noted that IP-telephony for the user provides the same functions as traditional telephony. A conversation or signal transmission between subscribers of city or office PBXs takes place in real time. But the use of digital technologies and channels can significantly reduce the cost of long distance and international calls.

In IP networks, all information is broadcast exclusively in digital form. Thanks to such a system, data transfer is much faster. Depending on the channels, data packets are sent by different routes, the speed becomes higher, therefore, the quality of communication becomes better.

Profitable calls using VOIP telephony

Thanks to analog VOIP telephony, you can make calls to foreign countries much more profitably than roaming. By using VoIP telephony, you will forever solve the problem of expensive calls to your business partner or colleagues in other countries. That is why IP telephony is the best technology for organizing corporate networks of an enterprise, especially if the company has many remote branches, remote specialists and consultants. One of the profitable and popular VoIP telephony operators is VOIPSCAN. By using this service, you will appreciate reasonable prices for tariffs to the most remote countries, convenient use and many useful functions.

How to choose the right VOIP telephony provider?

The Internet has long become an integral part of our life. And today, most users use it not only for obtaining encyclopedic data or correspondence in in social networks, but also for making cheap calls through VOIP, and it is possible to make them both through an Internet provider and through the facilities of our company. When choosing a VOIP telephony provider, be sure to consider the possibility of communication:

  • In a VOIP network (that is, between subscribers exchanging SIP-ID protocols);
  • Between subscribers of different networks (for SIP URI protocols);
  • With mobile and landline phones around the world;
  • From numbers cellular operators or landline communications to VOIP numbers.

All of this opens up opportunities for seamless communication through wireless for a minimal fee with high quality and clarity of sound. In order to choose the most acceptable terms of cooperation, you should carefully study the tariffs for VOIP telephony, and only then draw conclusions about communication through a computer, mobile phone or a stationary device.

VOIP telephony providers in Russia are represented by reputable companies that work via Internet phones, which allows for fast connection, secure conversation and favorable rates... We boldly classify ourselves as such.

What is VOIP telephony?

The answer to this question is more than obvious given the fact that calls within the VOIP network are free of charge. Moreover, for the user this does not entail absolutely no material or time costs. It is enough to make a connection, and the network will do everything for you.

The choice of a VOIP SIP provider for home should be carried out taking into account the quality of the Internet at the place of making calls and the need to provide additional options, such as playback of recorded conversations, call routing, GSM roaming, voice mail and more. Communication data transmission is carried out through:

  • Browser;
  • Link.

In the first case, absolutely no applications are needed, it will be enough to enter the phone number, and the system itself will make the call. To work via SIP requires a connection to the server of the same name. This can be done using a simple algorithm of actions available on the site. Without the Internet, you can call through a link by assigning to a number automatically determined by the system.

What is VOIP telephony for?

Our proposed communication scheme allows you to use not only VOIP telephony for home, but also as a tool for business communications, for which our provider offers services for an office mini-PBX with traditional stationary communication means. The SIP protocol used as the basis of communications offers ample opportunities by:

  • Establishing communication with subscribers around the world;
  • Optimization of telephone costs;
  • Increase the confidentiality of conversations.

As a base for communication, you can use not only a mobile or landline phone. A tablet or other gadget will also do.

The XXI century has presented us with enormous technological opportunities that have made our life much easier. Not so long ago, the traditional landline telephone seemed to be an indispensable tool in many companies. Now, modern technologies offer cheaper and convenient way communication. Technology development

VoIP has made it possible to receive quality phone calls around the world.

Internet telephony, which is becoming more and more popular, has many benefits. The main one is to reduce the cost of telephone calls. Thanks to Internet telephony, large companies manage to minimize communication costs by up to 70%. This is a very big savings, which means the most optimal solution for doing business.

Benefits of VoIP technology

The main advantage of installing Internet telephony using VoIP technology is ease of connection. You do not need to have a computer to use VoIP services. Access to communication is possible through an analog phone or VoIP gateway that connects to the Internet. Such Internet telephony makes it possible to receive guaranteed low international calls, as well as long distance calls. This solution is equally beneficial for both companies and individuals who need to constantly stay in touch.

Call forwarding. This function will become irreplaceable for companies. It happens as follows: if someone calls on virtual number, and receiving calls is not possible, the call is automatically redirected to a mobile phone number or another phone. In view of this, there is no need to give your personal number to contact you. It is enough to give the office number from which the forwarding will come. This is a great advantage for all those who value their privacy very much.

To call via VoIP telephony, you do not need to change the entire telephone system, you can call from landline phones or softphones (special applications for smartphones), which are located in open access in the Internet. They are easily installed on a computer and smartphone.

Disadvantages of VoIP

In case of an overloaded network or unreliable connection, the quality of the connection may be impaired. Another disadvantage is the cost of the equipment, since it is more expensive for making VoIP calls than traditional phones.

Despite this, Internet telephony is developing at a frantic pace, therefore, most likely, within a few years, the quality of communication will be much better, and the equipment will cost less, thereby internet technologies will completely replace traditional telecommunication companies.
VoIP restrictions

We must admit the fact that Internet telephony has certain limitations. First, it requires broadband Internet access. In addition, quite often, especially in large companies, it is necessary to buy additional equipment, the cost of which is much higher than a traditional phone.
VoIP telephony operator

Despite all the limitations and disadvantages, VoIP Internet telephony significantly outperforms traditional communication. Connect to the VoIP telephony operator VOIPSCAN and see for yourself. This service has a simple and user-friendly interface, you will not have any difficulties in using. Once connected, the service will add 50 rubles to your personal account, and you can test the connection for free. There are three options for making calls: via a link, via SIP and via a browser. Thanks to this, you can always stay in touch regardless of the presence of a phone. Download any softphone to your smartphone and use the phones as usual. Call through your browser without leaving your work or from a landline phone.

With us you can do everything - to provide cheap VOIP-calls to mobiles, practically hassle-free call-center organization, unhindered access to the network. And all this:

  • Through online collaboration;
  • Thanks to the intuitive site interface;
  • Taking into account prompt service.

Working with us is simple and clear, please contact us too.

What is IP telephony do not know many, even quite advanced users in the world of technology. Very often, when proposing to connect, customers also have a natural question: IP telephony, what is it and how does it work? And then, managers with a smile explain the essence of this mysterious, but so necessary function.

If you look at the root of the concept, then by keywords, one can make assumptions about the essence of such a concept, however, of course, it is impossible to fully explain the meaning using only logic.

The essence of IP telephony

IP telephony is a telephone connection, the function of which is to provide voice communication over networks by using the Internet protocol. The essence of such a connection is to convert voice signals into so-called compressed data packets.

In this case, the analog signal is converted to digital, transmitted by world wide web... That is, in fact, IP telephony can be called a kind of Internet phone.

Distinguishing communication by means voice phone and Internet telephony lies in the fact that simple voice signals are only capable of voice connections through a telephone line, and calls via IP telephony are capable of transmitting much more information through an Internet connection.

Due to the fact that the development of telephone communication requires a large amount of funds and costs for increasing the number of stations and just buying material, again, to increase the number of stations, IP telephony is much less expensive.

Advantages of IP telephony:

  • much less traffic congestion, in contrast to the telephone channel;
  • economic benefit from the use of communication via IP protocols;
  • complete independence from the telecom operator;
  • the ability to integrate with Skype, SIP and various types of VolP.

How IP communication works

As mentioned earlier, IP communication is provided by connecting over Internet protocols. In other words, when a signal is received, the server encodes it, redirects it to another server, which encodes it in the opposite direction.

For any enterprise, IP telephony is just a godsend. Office telephony can bring only positive emotions. To recreate such a connection, it is enough simple computer and installation on it special program... Moreover, IP communication is available using an ordinary smartphone or tablet computer.

The quality of the connection is directly dependent on the quality of the network signal, on the speed. The higher the transmission rate, the better the quality characteristics of the transmitted signal.

IP telephony has its own standards, like any other. Previously, the signal was encoded using protocols jointly developed by Intel and Microsoft. When transmitting data using the H.323 standard, there was a loss of transmitted packets, although the transmission quality was excellent.

One of the most used protocols at the present time is the SIP protocol. It was created by an organization that develops and approves Internet standards, and the development was based on the use of protocols such as HTTP and SMTP. SIP or Session Initiation Protocol works in tandem with SDP, the task of which is to change parameters during data exchange.

Historical reference

The very concept of IP telephony originated in the 80s of the last century. According to some data, the founder can be identified as Charlie Klein, a scientist from the state of Illinois. In the video broadcast of the NASA shuttle, the first developments in this area were used. An Israeli company was engaged in collecting data for the development of communication protocols, which only by the mid-90s was able to provide a more or less clear scheme for the use of IP technologies. Later, the development of technology began to be of interest to many companies that were present on the market at that time. So, in 1997, communication between continents using IP telephony became a reality. Thus, progress has been achieved in less than 20 years of development, which is very small by the standards of information technology development.

It is difficult to imagine a successful company without high-quality telephone communication. Any business involves constant communication with clients, partners and subordinates. The costs of providing telephones to a large enterprise are quite significant, because you have to buy equipment, pay for connection and maintenance of lines. You can easily reduce costs if you adopt modern technologies and install IP telephony!

Organization and installation of IP telephony

Today IP telephony is the most important telecommunication technology that allows not only saving, but also raising new level such key characteristics communication systems as reliability and fault tolerance. It is capable of providing high-quality communication and becomes available even for low-income organizations. Organization of IP telephony allows you to conduct telephone conversations, send / receive faxes via the Internet. The use of broadband access provides simultaneous transmission of data over several channels in real time, which fully meets the needs of corporate communications.

Works on setting up IP (SIP, VoIP) telephony

Price for 1 piece
IP (SIP, VoIP) phone setupfrom 1000 rubles.
Setting up a voice recording system from 3000 rub.
Setting up the billing system (tariffication) from 3000 rub.
Installation of RJ-45, RJ-11 sockets from 100 rubles.
Crossing the patch panel from 50 rubles.
Installation of a cable channel from 50 rub / m
Junction box type KRONE from 100 rubles.
Visit of a specialist to the object from 2000 rub.
Remote PBX configuration from 1500 rub.
Making a studio recording voice greeting (IVR) from 10,000 rubles.
Making a professional recording of a voice greeting from 5000 rub.

Laying of communications

Laying the cable open in a box or corrugation (per meter) height up to 2.5 m from 55 rubles.
Cable laying under a false ceiling (per meter), height up to 2.5 m from 35 rubles.
Cable laying by gutting (per meter) height up to 2.5 m from 110 rubles.
Cable laying in the ground (per meter) from 220 rubles.
Hole punching F up to 30mm with wall thickness up to 500mm (brick) from 280 rubles.
Hole punching F up to 30mm with wall thickness up to 500mm (concrete) from 400 rubles.
* These prices on the website are preliminary. Call us or leave a request on the website to contact and clarify the final cost of work.

IP telephony setup procedure

Setting up IP telephony is a difficult and quick task, especially for specialists with extensive experience in such work.

To complete it, you will need:

  • dedicated Internet channel that meets certain requirements necessary to ensure high Quality telephone connection;
  • telephones or softphones with the required set of functions;
  • office PBX, which can be hardware, software with open source and the so-called virtual;
  • multichannel numbers for incoming telephone communications for organizing incoming communications in the office.

Alefo offers an IP telephony configuration service that will allow you to:

  1. Save your money, especially if you have to regularly make calls to another city or country.
  2. Get absolute confidentiality of communication, which is ensured by the appropriate protocols of the operators' obligations.
  3. Increase the number of lines at no additional cost.
  4. High quality connection that does not depend on the distance.
  5. Get access to any statistical data, determine the cost limits and set restrictions on the connection with certain subscribers.

SIP telephony setup

SIP telephony is configured by connecting the SIP phone to the Internet and registering on the server of the SIP provider. After that, the device is ready to perform all the functions laid down in it by the manufacturer. In addition to the usual voice communication options, many SIP devices have audio capabilities and support video calls. SIP phones are also equipped with codecs that transmit the voices of the interlocutors without distortion and freezes.

It is also worth noting that such telephones display more detailed information than ordinary ones. At the end of the conversation, a notification about the balance is displayed on the display of the SIP phone, during internal calls the name and surname of the interlocutor are displayed, and additional light indication helps to track the lines of other subscribers, as well as to intercept intended calls for them (for example, if a colleague is not present).

VoIP telephony setup

VoIP phones on Russian market appeared relatively recently, however, despite this, they have already managed to earn credibility and recognition among domestic consumers. This is largely due to good quality the manufacture of the devices themselves, the reliability of their operation and ease of setup. And most importantly - all this for a reasonable price.

Setting up VoIP telephony allows you to create a unified network infrastructure that helps to reduce costs by consolidating enterprise departments and reducing the number of employees. However, the advantages of this telecommunication system are not limited to this.

Other benefits also include:

  • No hardware limitations. This makes it possible to install and connect as many VoIP phones to one number as you may need. If necessary, you can increase the number of numbers and lines, which is especially important for dynamically developing organizations.
  • Versatility. VoIP phones allow you to create a single telephone network between the offices of the company, which are located in different locations. This eliminates the need to purchase multiple mini-PBXs.
  • Mobility. When you move an office to another location, the room and the entire structure remain unchanged, which means that you do not have to notify clients about changing the number.
  • Wide functionality. VoIP phones help to keep in touch with the user, even if he contacted after hours. His call will be handled by the virtual assistant.