How to get active subscribers to YouTube. How to get subscribers on YouTube: I share paid and free methods. Come up with catchy titles for your videos

Today I will give you some personal tips on how to get as many subscribers as possible on your YouTube channel.

I can't help but ignore interesting and quality content , which must be uploaded to your channel. This is the guarantee of everything in general. This is exactly the first point that will give you not only subscribers, but also views, money, etc. Content needs to be groped, you are unlikely to succeed all at once. And this is where the whole difficulty lies. Not everyone can rebuild, search and try new formats on the channel, because they are afraid.

Ways to attract subscribers

  1. Call to subscribe in the end each video... You can implement it as you like, even experiment. You can simply insert a prepared audio recording at the end of the video, where you urge users to subscribe, like, repost, and more. But it will be better (in my opinion) if you call each time at the end yourself, because it is rather boring by the template, you create a channel for people?
    It works, but don't expect a wow effect, it's just a call.
  2. End screens, annotation tooltips... You can write text in the annotation (for example, subscribe to a channel) and insert a link. You can also call for a subscription through prompts. But end screensavers have only recently appeared. And they look very good from the graphical side, they can also be used. But you have to choose either video annotations or end screensavers.
  3. Collaborations... This is cooperation with other YouTubers for money, or by mutual agreement. Collaboration can be done both in real life and in virtual life, it all depends on your content. Cooperation for money is chosen by those who just want a lot of subscribers to the channel. For this, as a rule, they go to popular bloggers. That is, you throw off the money, discuss the details (what and how you will do) and at the end, for example, there is a call to action + a link in the description. Details are discussed in the mail for cooperation. This is very beneficial for popular video bloggers, because one collaboration can make a lot of money that way.
    By mutual agreement, you can collaborate without money, you need to find a YouTuber with the same statistics as yours (by subscribers and views), and it is desirable that the topics overlap.
  4. Hype... Creating a video on the news feed. For example, some unusual news appears that shocked the whole country. What prevents you from taking and speaking on this matter? But only this should be done when the news is still “hot”. It works, and it will give you subscribers, but only you will constantly need to study the Internet, YouTube in order to achieve a result.

But here's the thing. To start earning at least some pennies on this site, you need to connect to affiliate program Google Ads. Once you do this, the program will display advertisements in your videos. At the same time, if your viewers click on such an ad, you will get a pretty penny.

In a separate article I have already talked about how much you can actually earn on Google Adsense. Read to understand and expand your horizons.

So, in order to connect this very program to your Youtube channel, you must have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of views on the channel over the past 12 months.

As soon as the channel reaches the above indicators, it will be checked and, perhaps, connected to the affiliate program Google adsense... Or they won't. This is how lucky.

That is why all YouTubers strive to quickly reach the cherished number of 1000 subscribers and get 4000 views of their videos.

With this, I think everything is clear.

How to get the first 1000 (thousand) subscribers on YouTube (Youtube)

Now comes the fun part.

OK! We have set ourselves the goal of reaching thousands of subscribers. How to do it?!

Here I will share mine personal experience and I'll tell you what helped my channel achieve the coveted indicators. I will also tell you what prevents your channel from reaching 1000 subscribers and what problems you may face.

1. Decide on the topic. A lot depends on it

I would here advise you to do what you yourself like. Yes, filming automotive videos, for example, can be a profitable venture, but if you don't like cars and are not interested in this topic, it is better to choose something else.

Because the channel will need to devote a lot of time. Videos will have to come out regularly. They must be of interest to the public. Otherwise, you won't succeed.

In a word, if you do not burn cars, it is better to give up the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting a car channel just because it is a popular destination.

The same goes for any other topic. And any business.

The second point - it is very desirable to have a certain expertise in the issues that you cover.

For example, if you run a food channel and teach people how to cook properly, you should be able to do it! I'm not saying that you have to be a chef in a cool restaurant (although it doesn't hurt), but at least understand the topic.

If you run a business section where you tell people how to make money, how to trade correctly, the best way to trade, etc. - you yourself must be an entrepreneur / businessman. Otherwise, you will be no different from those guys who talk a lot, but do not do a damn thing or do ostentatiously.

If you are telling how to build a house, you must have a building education and experience in this area.

I assume you understand me.

Your expertise will not only help a huge number of people, but also can give you additional clients. And this, in turn, is additional income.

They will help you become financially independent.

Returning to my channel, I want to say that I have chosen the niche that I like the most. I'm just filming my life. A little about business, a little about travel, and a lot about everyday life.

I reasoned that every human life is unique. And people are very fond of watching other people's lives.

And then, for me, YouTube is a great way to switch from my main job (who doesn't know, I am an advisor to a Kiev law firm - Austin) to rest. So why also in the video be clever and sprinkle with references to regulatory documents ?!

Therefore, shoot what, firstly, gives you pleasure, and secondly, helps other people solve their problems and / or satisfy certain needs (someone just wants to observe other people's lives, someone wants to get an answer to the question : “How to quickly gain 1000 subscribers on YouTube”, someone - learn how to properly lay parquet in the hallway). To each his own.

Without regularity of videos (no matter how cool they are) - YouTube will not promote your channel / video.

For example, on our second channel Just tricks we uploaded videos once every two weeks. And then they stopped doing it altogether. As a result, there are only 79 subscribers (although there were 81). And the number of views is so deplorable that it's a shame to write about it.

Although the content, in my opinion, is interesting!

The main channel is updated regularly and views are growing. As well as the number of subscribers.

I even did a very interesting experiment trying to understand how accurate Future Projections from Socialblade are in terms of subscriber growth and channel views. You can read it.

This experiment once again confirmed the fact how important it is to regularly publish new videos on the channel.

Want to be watched? Give people a normal picture and sound!

4. Make a beautiful channel header

It is important. Your channel should be your own brand. The cap should fully reflect the theme of the channel, so that the casual user will immediately understand what you are shooting and whether you can be of any use to him. Again, meet the needs for entertainment, educational content and / or solve a specific problem.

A clear, understandable channel header will reduce the number of unsubscriptions, which will have a beneficial effect on the promotion of your videos.

5. Make your videos beautiful thumbnails

This is a real bomb theme that works!

Beautiful previews are clicked much more often than a regular "software" screen shot from a video.

Therefore, make the previews bright and memorable that you would like to click on.

However, don't go overboard. Don't put on pictures what is not in your content. Very often, beginner video bloggers "lure" viewers with pictures of some half-naked girls, although there are no girls in their videos. As a result, wagons of dislikes and their videos from such a beautiful picture sexy nymph does not fly anywhere.

6. Come up with catchy titles for your videos!

They are more often clicked on than ordinary hackneyed names.

You can call the video: "Review of the style" Drunken jerboa ", or you can:" SENSATION! You have not seen this! Drunken jerboa style! "

What name would you personally be led to ?!

7. Optimize your videos

I always optimize my videos. I write down the video description and tags. And although they say that the description of the video has practically no effect on its promotion (YouTube itself reads the speech, picture and understands what is there in question), I'm used to making it convenient for users.

So that they can quickly get information about what the video will be about. See useful links, if you wish - go, etc.

8. Run contests by collaborating with other bloggers

You can be any kind of tough guy, with charisma and pressure. You can shoot awesome videos, but if people don't know about them, you will sigh sadly and ask the question: “Why don't they watch me?

Yes, it's easier to break through on YouTube than if you start a personal blog (YouTube often helps small channels by giving them a chance and adding them to the recommended lists), but not as easy as you think.

Because the competition is not just huge, but unreal! Every minute (think, every minute!) New videos are uploaded to YouTube. And each author is eager to gain as many subscribers and views as possible. Do you now understand why advertising is so important?

You need to make it clear to everyone around you that you have a cool channel and content. And for this, you need to attract attention.

Be sure to read it. After all, if you do not know how to do it correctly, you can simply drain the money without receiving anything. No subscribers or views.

How long do contests with prizes work ?!

In my experience, they work, but not the way I would like (but I always want a lot and at once).

So, after one such competition, about 100 people out of 2000 subscribers on the channel of one author came to my channel per day.

9. Make serial content

You need to achieve audience retention on your channel. Make content you don't want to miss.

Shoot a video in several parts, thereby warming up the interest of the public and "hook" people on your videos.

10. Share your videos wherever you can reach

The more people share your video, the better. And the faster it will gain views.

Important points and takeaways on how to get 1000 YouTube subscribers

2. It is very important to cut vidos! And to do it in an interesting, creative, serial and regular way.

Put yourself in the shoes of your viewer and ask the question - would I watch this? If the answer is yes - you can try!

3. It is important to do what you really enjoy. After all, this is the only way you can ensure the regular release of new videos and find ways to improve your content.

4. A little trick on the topic of choosing a niche: if you want to check if a topic will hit or not, just look for similar channels to the videos that you plan to shoot. If they have 100 or more thousand subscribers (and there are several such channels) - the game is worth the candle!

5. Is it possible to wind 1000 subscribers to the channel?

Can. There are many paid services on the Internet. But, firstly, according to the rules of the YouTube community, which I talked about in this article, such actions are prohibited (your channel may be blocked or simply not approved of its monetization).

And secondly, boosting subscribers will give you absolutely nothing, only beautiful numbers near the subscribe button. Views (which, in fact, you are paid for) will not add to that. But you will lose your money.

Well friends. That's all for now.

If you are interested in how to make money on YouTube, or you need personal advice on the YouTube channel, setting it up, ordering (buying) advertising, holding contests, investing in YouTube, etc. - write to me at ashkudun (doggy) gmail. com. We will agree on everything.

You can read more about who I am in this article.

Yours faithfully,

/ View: 37267

Hello dear friends. And immediately a question from me.

Looking for YouTube subscribers? How to get YouTube subscribers for free. Here are 8 methods to speed up this process.

In this article I will show you the steps that will help your YouTube channel gain a lot of subscribers. free methods... I offer 8 methods + a detailed algorithm on how to create video annotations.

How to get YouTube subscribers?

A subscriber is someone who follows your YouTube / YouTube channel and wants to be aware of all new updates, to be the first to know about new material from the channel.

The process of growing and recruiting your YouTube subscribers is important because it will increase the popularity and image of your channel. Your audience will be sharing videos frequently, and your channel will grow by the number of views

Why do we need this? Already wrote on this topic in the article - for viewing? It says what it is for and laid out for readers my list of 16 services for downloading video content.

Now let's move on to methods on how to get a lot of YouTube subscribers for free. Keep in mind that these methods will help you increase your chances of becoming a full member. YouTube video hosting has its own restrictions and conditions for joining. Moreover, now the residents of Ukraine have such an opportunity, with the emergence of a separate YouTube channel Ukraine. This means that the goal of most of the authors of video clips - how to make money on YouTube - is coming to fruition.

Set a goal for how many followers you want to get on youTube channel... You can post your plans on the blog. This will give you the strongest motivation in the first place. And also your regular readers will be ready to help you become subscribers to help you achieve your goal. You can announce the distribution of gifts from the author to everyone when he reaches his goal. Everyone benefits from this situation, the author is motivated and the YouTube subscribers are interested.

2. We use our own resource on the Internet

Let's insert the video code on our website. How, what plugins to download - it is written in detail about 9 plugins. Use.

This is a great way to grow your followers. You can embed your videos on your website, blog, in facebook account and other social networks to get more people to look at your YouTube channel.

YouTube subscribers + video annotation creation

3. Create YouTube video annotation

Annotations are colorful messages that you can add to your video. At the beginning of the post I posted a screenshot from the channel of the famous music brand ELLO. The screenshot was taken while watching the video "Pheromones of Love" by Alyosha. You can pay attention to the upper right corner. There is an annotation for subscription - "subscribe - be the first to know about the premieres!"

The guys are professionally tuned in the promotion of new clips on the channel, I have already left my opinion about it. There selection keywords and promotion of videos on YouTube.

You have to add annotations to your old videos and insert into new ones. I will dwell here in more detail so that you can quickly figure it out, so to speak, based on my experience.

This is the real method and answer to the question of how to get YouTube subscribers. The method works and gives results

We go to your channel and log in. Next, we activate our nickname (upper right corner). Here you can also find out the number of channel views. You must activate the / My channel / tab. This is immediately the answer to the question - how to watch subscribers on YouTube?

The numbers, of course, are not encouraging ( the author looked sadly out the window, we now have +6 and fog). I only plan to promote the channel of this blog, I devote more time to another channel. Hopefully after a while, when we want to watch subscribers on YouTube, we can praise ourselves for the results.

Let's go back to adding annotation

1) we need to go to / Video Manager /

By the way, if you are using a browser from Google chrome, I recommend using the Awesome Screenshot extension, the article describes the setup in detail. I did all the screenshots in this way.

2) select the video and click on / Change /

3) select the item / Annotations / in the top menu

4) press the button / Add annotation / and in the drop-down list press / Note /

We are very close to the main question of the article - how to recruit subscribers on YouTube.

I have prepared a detailed screenshot with explanations for you. According to my observations, the authors create several annotations for the video, depending on its duration. Basically they put it at the beginning and at the end of a video work. You can install at your choice.

5) add text to the annotation (1)

6) here our text will be on video (2). Drag the form itself to any place on the video screen. You can also shrink and enlarge the form.

7) slider (3) helps to find the start time of annotation display

8) on the scale (4) you can also drag the shape. The scale (5) helps you orient yourself in time. You can also change the beginning in the field (6)

9) in the field (7) set the duration of the annotation display or the end of the display

10) it is possible to change the font (8), text color (9) and fill the annotation shape (10)

12) select in the column opposite / Subscription / (12)

14) if something needs to be removed, there is a basket (14). Select the required annotation and delete it.

15) after all the actions done, you need to save the changes. After finishing adding, don't forget to click / Publish / (15)

16) there is also a slider (16) and a view of all annotations with display time (17)

It seems that I have not forgotten anything, there will be questions - please contact.

After annotating, I continue with the methods on how to gain many YouTube subscribers for free.

There is an option when you add separate file picture in video. In the picture, you can graphically ask people to subscribe to your channel and put an arrow on the annotation. Just do not abuse such requests, it can alienate users.

Write your request on the image. Tell users exactly what needs to be done to become a subscriber. By asking them to click the Subscribe button at the top of your video. You can write text where you show people how to subscribe, where to find the button, and why they should subscribe.

There are many similar chips, I have already shared with you the opportunity to insert using the Linkedtube service. Many are already using it.

We have released a new book, “Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand”.

Today YouTube is no longer limited to video hosting functionality. Few people know, but this is the second in the number of users search system in the entire global Internet space. In addition, it is a convenient platform for doing business. Surely, you know more than a dozen bloggers who have created successful projects and today receive a solid income from them. Do you want to be among them? Today's material on how to attract subscribers to your YouTube channel will become a kind of checklist.

Step # 1. We determine the specifics, profile.

The channel must necessarily have an orientation, a theme. Choose your type of video and work in this direction:

  1. Interview. The invited guests do not have to be stars or celebrities. Organize conversations, dialogues with a colleague who is an expert in their field, a childhood friend who has up-to-date knowledge, etc. The main thing is that the story is interesting for the audience.
  2. Instructions, advice, guidance. If you are an expert in one area or another, shoot useful videos with professional recommendations, video instructions.
  3. Reviews. If you sell products, review them. So you will kill 2 birds with one stone: increase customer loyalty to the product and solve the problem of how to get subscribers on YouTube for free. If you don't have your own products, take apart books / building materials / household appliances, whatever. It is important that you understand your chosen area and be able to highlight the significant pros and cons.
  4. Stories. Storytelling is gaining momentum. Share interesting stories with subscribers, explain certain phenomena, etc. Remember that you are recording video, not audio. This means that the dynamics must be present, use graphic means.
  5. Entertainment. Here you need to produce high-quality video content that will entertain the viewer. It makes sense that by filming cute kittens from episode to episode, you don't entertain the YouTuber. After all, he wants events, movements, action, give them bright colors.

Before uploading your finished video, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is it interesting to the audience?
  2. Is there any benefit from watching it.
  3. Would you personally share this material?

Step # 2. We design and optimize the channel.

The simplest answer to the question of how to recruit subscribers on YouTube from scratch is to design the channel correctly. Make it attractive. Design is of great importance here. Let's start with an avatar. It appears in comments, search results, subscriber lists, and more. The optimal solution is a logo. If you are a beginner blogger and have a personal blog, set a high-quality photo where your face will be clearly visible. The minimum resolution is 800x800 px.

Next, we proceed to the cover. It is best to use 2560x1440 px images for it. Please note that the main information on it should be placed in the center. Then, when displayed on any devices and browser versions, the content will not be lost, and the image will be distorted. The template below will help you navigate:

The design also applies to playlists, with their help you can:

To organize the playlist, do the following: open the creative studio, then the playlist section, create a new playlist and enter a name for it with the relevant key, then select the privacy settings and click "Create".

Now we are setting up. In "Basic" we make adjustments to confidentiality.

In "Autoadding" we set up automatic addition of videos to the created playlist if it meets a number of requirements. For example, if you created a playlist about "Toys", you can set up the rules so that all videos with the word "toys" in the title, tags, or description will be included in this playlist.

Now you can fill in the playlist, it's ready!

Channel design also deals with the organization of the sections. For them, use the instructions:

  1. We open home page and under the cover, on the right side, select Navigation Settings.
  2. Next, "Settings", view of the "Overview" page.
  3. Click "Add section".
  4. In the menu, we set up content (videos, playlists, channels or actions) and its location (horizontally or vertically).

Only 10 sections are displayed on the main page, so use the available space as economically as possible. Try different layouts and content types to achieve the perfect design.

The next important point is the trailer. This is an effective tool, an irreplaceable part of the mechanism for gaining subscribers on YouTube. Its purpose is to educate new users about your content, to encourage them to subscribe. Its characteristics are: brevity, novelty, meaningfulness, the presence of a call to action. The trailer is added as follows:

  1. Download the video you want.
  2. We turn on the channel overview.
  3. On the main page, select "For new users", then "Trailer".

  1. Paste the link to the video trailer.
  2. We save the changes made.

Step # 3. Optimization.

The scheme of how to gain a lot of subscribers on YouTube involves the optimization of the video material. Ranking on video hosting is based on the following criteria: incoming links, embeddings on third-party resources, duration, rating, etc. With this in mind, before loading, we perform optimization:

  1. The title of the video and the uploaded file must contain key phrase... This will allow the service to understand what it is about. When users search for video, the first thing they see is its name, so it has such requirements as conciseness, capacity, information content and attractiveness. The character limit is 100.
  2. Configure the main parameters at boot time: open access, adding to a playlist, choosing a category, the ability to leave comments, check the option of embeddings to third-party resources, specify the location and language.

Working with description

It is very useful to make time stamps so that the viewer can scroll to the right moment, go to the most interesting part for him. It looks like this:

Configuring default downloads

If you are serious about learning the truth of how to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube and plan to upload a lot of videos, this point is important. By setting the loads once, you save yourself the trouble of manually prescribing them each time. To do this, open the "Creative Studio" - "Channel" - "Download", as shown in the figure:

In this way, a single bottom section can be formed for all rollers. You can insert into the description: links to profiles in social networks, a link to subscribe to a channel, a description of a product, etc.

Design the icon

For each material, the video hosting offers its own icons - these are 3 frames that are randomly selected. To "hook" the viewer, you need to come up with an eye-catching icon, which will also create a single individual style for the channel. For this:

  1. Open the manager and select the desired material.
  2. Press "Custom icon", it is best that the resolution is from 1280 * 720 pixels, and the size is no more than 2 MB.

Using tags

Tags help YouTube search algorithms capture the meaning of the video and improve the accuracy of search results for users. How to write tags correctly:

  1. Consider relevance. Use the most appropriate single words and phrases.
  2. Primary keys must be at the beginning.
  3. The bigger, the better.
  4. Some can be borrowed from competitors.

By changing this tool, you can configure a number of important parameters:

  1. yt: crop \u003d 16: 9 removes black borders and changes the aspect ratio to 16: 9.
  2. yt: cc \u003d on starts subtitles.
  3. yt: quality \u003d high sets the HD quality.
  4. yt: crop \u003d off turn off the crop option, etc.

This option is an incentive for viewers to watch additional channel video materials. To configure, do the following:

Optimization allows the service to automatically select the display time based on the user behavior of viewers.

Step # 5. Setting up the "Corporate identity".

For each uploaded video to have a channel logo, you need to configure this option. We go to the manager - "Corporate identity" - load the logo. Use images with a minimum resolution of 800 * 800 px and a maximum size of 1 megabyte. A number of experts recommend using the .PNG format with transparent background, however, it all depends on the characteristics of your picture.

After loading, set the display time, as shown below:

Click "Update" to save the changes. If the logo looks smaller on the preview, don't worry, it will appear larger when playing the video. Configuring the corporate identity gives another advantage - when a person hovers over the logo, the Subscribe button appears.

Summing up

The above are the main points that need to be considered when promoting videos on YouTube and working to increase subscribers. Make your channel effective by experimenting and combining different media and tools. Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, as every blog has its own personality. It is important to keep abreast of the latest trends and novelties. Read publications regularly, see current collections, follow the example of successful bloggers, copy their chips for the benefit of your brainchild.

Let's talk about what is most important for recruiting subscribers. Consider also free way set of subscribers to the channel.

Content is a keyword

If you have really interesting videos, then subscribers will find you. Now you are unlikely to be able to gain a bunch of subscribers if, for example, you have a regular phone instead of a camera, but if you have a good idea, there may be exceptions.

If you shoot videos that are interesting to people, then youtube itself will promote your videos and thus you will get your subscribers.

Free way to get subscribers to your channel

In VKontakte, click on “ Communities"And in the search enter:" PR youtube“, “YouTube promotion“. Immediately in front of you you will see groups and publics in which you can and should "PR".

Go to public and write an attractive post on the wall:

Remember, the more thoughtful and catchy your message is, the more followers you can attract.

And so go to each group, leaving a post. The bigger, the better.

For greater effect, you will have to create not 1 or 2 accounts on VKontakte. In addition to VKontakte, there are others social networks... Again, if you want more subscribers, then for this you need as many posts as possible in different communities.

If you do everything that I described above, then after a while you will see the following dialogues in your messages:

People themselves will already come to you and offer you “ mutual subscription“. Mutual subscription allows you to help each other on youtube. That is, you subscribe to another channel and the other person subscribes to your channel.