Seo promotion where to start. Self-study SEO from scratch. Quality internal content - content

Over time, an understanding of the need to learn the basics of SEO comes, because no matter how interesting and useful the materials and articles you publish are, for search engines they are just text and in order to give it importance and significance, SEO optimization is necessary.

The concept of SEO is very broad, it is by no means a few tricks that allow sites to get to the first places of the top 10 search results, SEO is a whole science that is constantly evolving, and since it directly depends on the algorithms of search engines, along with the change in algorithms, they change and methods used by her.

In this article I will try to explain the basics in a simple and accessible language for novice bloggers and webmasters. search engine optimization and promoting the so-called SEO, and indicate the main directions of this rather difficult to understand set of measures necessary to achieve good positions for the pages of your site.

SEO for beginners: the basics of optimization and promotion for beginners

What is SEO (search engine optimization)

SEO (eng. Search Engine Optimization) or simply search engine optimization is a complex of methods and methods designed to activate and enhance all positive (both internal and external) factors that are taken into account by search engine algorithms to determine the positions of each page in search results by the right words (search queries).

Perhaps a very reasonable question arises: why can't search engines determine the importance and quality of content (internal content) without using all the SEO tricks and gimmicks?
The answer to this question is very simple: search engines are just machines and no matter how complex and tricky algorithms they are stuffed with, they will remain them, with a stereotyped perception of all indexed content of our sites. That is why we have to play by their rules and adapt to these patterns using the recommendations of both the search engines themselves and practitioners. SEO specialists, which, through numerous experiments, find out those factors that search engines are silent about.

White and black SEO

Not all search engine optimization techniques are considered permissible and endorsed by search engines, those that are prohibited includes black SEO.
These techniques include such as:

  • Search engine invisible text and links. For example: white text on a white background.
  • Cloaking and javascript redirects: search bots see one page content, and users are completely different, or are redirected to another page
  • Doorways: pages crammed with keywords

The use of black optimization methods is highly undesirable and sooner or later becomes the reason (lowering the position of pages in the search results), falling under and even banning the entire domain.

What does SEO mean?

When talking about SEO as a way to achieve the best positions in search results, there are usually two parts of it:

  1. Internal optimization (on-page SEO) of a site or a specific page
  2. and external promotion (off-page SEO).

Usually, the best results are achieved with the simultaneous use of optimization with feeding the promoted pages with external inbound links, although in some special cases it is enough just and.

Internal website optimization

External website promotion

External search engine promotion is the very last stage of search engine optimization. External promotion usually means getting inbound links from other sites () to the pages being promoted. As a rule, the more pages of different sites link to yours, the more important it becomes in the eyes of search engines.The most important aspects of external SEO are:

  • Selection of text for placing links
  • Choosing the right donors (referring sites). They are usually selected from thematically close (those that search engines trust) resources.

External links to promoted pages can be obtained by several, both paid and free ways... It should be noted that search engines have a very negative attitude towards paid ones - but unfortunately, sometimes you can't do without them. The most optimal means for obtaining them are.
Free methods of getting backlinks are more time consuming and time consuming than buying them. These methods include:

  • Placing articles in (very few really worthy Russian-language directories)
  • Reciprocal exchange of links (sentinels) with sites of similar subjects (the main thing here is to know when to stop and in no case to participate in exchange systems).
  • Accommodation is the most effective method obtaining direct thematic links that will not only increase the position, but will also bring visitors to your site. The number of these will be directly proportional to the usefulness of your article.

Don't want to waste time reading?

Just fill out the brief for the service you are interested in! Order website promotion Order website development

Most of our clients are satisfied with the result and recommend us to others, but there are also not satisfied ones who believe that SEO is a myth. And we will not contradict them and make excuses. Website promotion in search engines I am ndex and G o o g l e more like Alice in Wonderland than a physics guide. Not everyone is able to withstand all the difficulties of progress and reach the end of the chessboard.

We regret that they did not have the patience to bring the case to a high-quality result and that they are no longer our clients.

And it happened because:

To be honest, we "envy white envy" of those whose business can work without SEO website promotion. Our clients cannot, like 90% of all business ...
We cannot break the promise we made to our clients and everyone who needs quality promotion - we do the best SEO in the country.
We promised - and we do it.

We keep our word. Your OLIT.

Website promotion up to 1000 requests

Cost from 80,000 rubles.

Website promotion up to 3000 requests

Cost from 110,000 rubles.

Website promotion for all subject queries

Cost from 200,000 rubles.


"as a rule, the budget for search engine marketing is an individual matter and the cost may differ
from the base tariffs both down and up. "

  • Contextual advertising - to improve recognition rates and increase targeted traffic

  • Targeted advertising in social media - for greater audience coverage

  • Properly configured email marketing - for quick customer notification

  • Working with brand reputation - working out negativity on the network by responsible persons, communicating and solving problems with clients

We hope that this article will help you choose a company to promote your business on the Internet!

Why should you order website promotion from us?

website promotion from OLiT is:

  • Only white, copyright methods of promotion - confidence in the future!

  • We are not trying to "cheat" search engine algorithms, we know how to improve your site!

  • We show the result faster than others!

  • Teaching the client the fundamentals of search engine optimization!

  • We use our own technologies and services to automate and achieve results!

  • Free implementation of recommendations by our programmers!

  • Using the synergy of internet marketing (SEO + SMM + SERP + classifications + geolocation services + directories + app stores)!

Hello friends.

This post is not about how or where to start promoting your website yourself. And about how to learn seo, where to start studying this area and become a seo specialist. Sure, this instruction may be useful for those who want to promote their own site, but I do not consider it a worthwhile investment of time, because if you follow the instructions in good faith and read all the information provided, it can take many months, or even a whole year! Personally, I think that a business owner should be doing business and strategic planning, not trying to do everything on his own. However, if you are a businessman and still decide to dive into the subject area (in order to competently control the performer, and not do everything yourself), I recommend that you study the "Theoretical Base" block and stop there.

What prompted me to write this post and who is it for in the first place?

As the founder and head of the studio "Alaich and Co", from the moment of foundation to the present day, I was able to successfully delegate almost everything, but I consciously reserve two things: processing incoming applications and searching for employees. The second is a very difficult process that has to be optimized from year to year, and sometimes the approach has to be completely changed.

We have learned how to successfully and effectively weed out candidates at the start, so as not to communicate with those who only think, and do not really want to study and become a good SEO specialist. Wasting time on such people is not just a pity, but unforgivable and unprofitable for a business. Therefore, at the end of last year, I came up with a non-standard test task for everyone who wants to get trained at our company.

But regardless of whether a person plans to get a job in some company, or maybe he has already got there or even wants to learn SEO in order to quietly live in a village on the coast, lead several clients on freelance and enjoy life, you need instructions, a specific training plan and further development of a specialist.

I started by wanting to explain who I wrote this post for. Primarily for all our interns who come to work for the company. Now we are in the process of developing and standardizing an internal instruction for teaching beginners, and I want to supplement it with this post (or supplement the post with instructions?). Secondly, I will discard this post to all candidates who responded to us, completed the test, but have not become an intern yet, and in order not to waste time, I hope these guys will engage in self-study (if they really want to become specialists and work for us). Third, of course, this is a post for you, dear readers, and in general for everyone who finds my instructions, and I will be glad if someone uses it to teach their trainees and beginners.

Finally, we have decided for what and for whom this instruction is, which means it's time to get to the point and start explaining what the requirements are and where to start our journey into the world of SEO.

Do I really want to become an SEO specialist? Is SEO right for me?

From the observations of my colleagues, novices and trainees, I can say that people with a technical mindset cope best with their duties. Ideally - physicists and mathematicians (I myself am a physicist). But if you are a humanitarian, this is not a sentence. As Thomas Edison said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent sweat” - in other words, success in any endeavor is 99% dependent on the diligence and hard work you put into the business you are doing. Therefore, 1% in favor of a technical mindset, and 99% in favor of perseverance.

Interest and desire - if these two things were not there, the person would not budge at all (not taking into account the need and physical needs), so this is very important, but it is even more important to keep interest for a long time and feed it with new achievements in a career or in working with personal projects.

There is a lot of information ahead of you. Even too big. I see a clear relationship in the development and success of those guys who, in addition to working in the office, are engaged in self-study in the evenings, nights and on weekends. I do not call for such a murderous work schedule, I do not recommend depriving yourself of rest, everyday worries and joys. But I hint that at the start, without devoting all your time to training, you will not achieve success (although it all depends on your personal ambitions. After all, for someone just finding any job and getting any salary is already a success).

Do you know where to start? Oddly enough, first you need to learn how to use search engines and find what you are looking for. Believe me, the query "how to use Yandex" does not sound stupid at all. This will help you find very useful help about search results. And how can you learn to optimize sites for people and for search algorithms, if you have no idea what the search engine shows, from what and by what principles the search results are formed.

After studying for 5 years at the physics department, I learned little physics, but I learned enough life lessons. And one of them is the following: a stupid person is not the one who asks if he does not understand, but the one who does not ask questions when he does not understand. At the university I was stupid - I didn’t ask because I was embarrassed to ask some nonsense, I was afraid to seem stupid if my question was too primitive, if I asked what everyone knows ... Only years later did I realize how much it was weak position. Always ask if you have a question and have the opportunity to ask! (Again statistics: trainees who ask questions learn much faster and complete tasks much faster.)

In addition, SEO is a dynamic field and something is constantly changing in it. One needs to maintain and update one's knowledge, but I am already getting ahead of myself, because in order to actualize something, one must first learn this “something”. So, here are four things every SEO should do:

  • get a general understanding of CSS and HTML;
  • understand the algorithms of search engines;
  • master the basics of website optimization and promotion;
  • get acquainted with analytics tools.

And the last thing I want to say at the beginning. I already wrote that I am personally looking for specialists and interns to join our company, and among the candidates I have repeatedly heard something like, they say, it / marketing / seo is a very promising industry, there is a future behind it, a lot of money and all that ... I am not against the desire to earn a lot, on the contrary, I support such aspirations, but this should not be a goal, but motivation on the way to achieving a certain goal. And if the question is only about money, then it's better to look at the specialties of a plumber or a welder, I'm not kidding, the salaries there are higher than those of SEOs. This is just my personal wish that you consciously go into this field of activity not only for money, but for other values \u200b\u200band bring some values \u200b\u200bwith you.

What an SEO Specialist Should Know

Basics of basics and basic termsthat SEO should know:

  1. HTML and CSS (js - optional):
    1. Base tags: , , , , <style>, <body></li><li>Headers: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6></li><li>Tables: <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th></li><li>Content: <p>, <div>, <span>, <img>, <br>, <a href="">, <strong>, <em>, <noindex></li><li>Lists: <ul>, <p>I will not list the CSS properties, there are many of them and they are all needed. If you have a specific task, use the recipes. Additional links:</p></li><li><b>Search Engine Basics</b> (indexing, index, ranking, ranking factors, geo-dependence, regionality, personalization, relevance, search results, TOP, snippet, site mirror, CTR, update, contextual advertising, assessor, bot);</li><li><b>Hosting and CMS</b> (admin, URL, CNC, FTP, hosting, backup, server, CMS, engine, control system, database, domain, IP, server response code, 404 error, 301 redirect, htaccess, header, footer, sidebar);</li><li><b>Keywords</b> (search queries, semantics, semantic core, SY, HF, MF, LF, clustering, commercial / information / navigation / transactional query);</li><li><b>Internal optimization</b> (robots.txt, sitemap, sitemap.xml, meta tags, title, description, h1, linking, content, copyright, rewriting, copy-paste, entry, word form, listing, pagination, micro-markup, nesting level, broken link);</li><li><b>External optimization</b> (link mass, inbound link, inbound link, donor, acceptor, anchor, link exchange, rental links, eternal links, link buying);</li><li><b>Custom factors</b> (behavioral factors, PF, commercial factors, usability, competitor analysis, aggregator, landing page);</li><li><b>Sanctions and Algorithms</b> (filter, ban, Platon Shchukin, affiliate, cheat, spam, Minusinsk, Baden-Baden, Penguin, Panda, Spectrum, Matrixnet);</li><li><b>Analytics</b> (Metric, Webmaster, Search Console, Analytics, traffic, visit, session, conversion, goals);</li><li><b>Working with Excel</b>, Google Sheets.</li> </ol><p>For each of these points, you will find information in the materials below. In brackets, I have indicated the main terms, when you mention them, you should understand what is being said.</p> <h2>What is the responsibility of an SEO specialist</h2><p>You must know what the future holds for you. Here is a list of responsibilities in our company:</p><ol><li>Carrying out technical audits,</li><li>Correction of technical errors not related to software work,</li><li>Optimization of meta tags, headings,</li><li>Collecting the semantic core,</li><li>Semantic core clustering,</li><li>Project structure design,</li><li>Preparation of distribution lists,</li><li>Creation of new <a href="">landing pages</a>,</li><li>Detailed analysis of competitors to optimize landing pages,</li><li>Optimizing landing pages based on competitor analysis,</li><li>Preparation of technical specifications for content,</li><li>Optimization of content written by copywriters,</li><li>Audit of commercial factors,</li><li>Conducting an audit of the link mass,</li><li>Preparation of anchor lists for purchasing links,</li><li>Selection of donors and purchase of reference mass,</li><li>Analysis and improvement of snippets,</li><li>Traffic analysis,</li><li>Analysis of behavioral factors.</li> </ol><p>I am sure that it is not possible to learn everything that is the responsibility of a SEO specialist on your own. Without practice and an experienced mentor, you will never be able to figure out how to do something right (in this case, “right” is not the way it is written somewhere, but so that it gives the desired result).</p><p>So this is a checklist of what you will be able to do after years of study and practice. Once again I focus on the fact that it will not be possible to learn quickly, it is physically impossible (as well as giving birth in 3 months, if you work 3 times harder).</p><p><span class="fH5MMVD4nzA"></span></p> <h2>SEO specialist training plan</h2> <p>It seems that I have already frightened you enough with terms, huge lists, burdened you with responsibilities and also said that it will take you several years to begin to understand all this. But it just so happened.</p><p>I myself have been doing SEO for 15 years! Just think, this is half of my life ...</p><p>When I started learning SEO, there were no blogs or books (the first book about website optimization and promotion appeared in 2007, it was Ashmanov's book), I had to study and understand everything myself by trial and error, experiments and failures. Now, on the contrary, there is an overabundance of information, so in a sense, the task has both become simpler and more complicated at the same time. Now it is necessary not only to look for information, but to learn to understand where it is correct and where it is misleading.</p> <h2>Theoretical base. What should an SEO specialist learn?</h2><p>The first thing to learn is <b>we are not going to cheat search engines and their algorithms</b>... We will learn how to play by the rules. Over time, the methods of deception (manipulation) become less and less, and most importantly, they make less and less sense.</p><p>The second thing we will not do is harm competitors, but we will make our site better.</p><p>Your learning is based on understanding how search works, how it behaves <a href="">search robots</a>how indexing works, the ranking process and what personalization is.</p><p>Here you will learn what it is: Indexing the Internet, Preparing a search engine for answers, Answering a question architecture, Search suggestions, Query processing, Language detection, Morphology, Query extension, Object highlighting, Error correction, Response spectrum, Ranking and machine learning, Assessors, Retraining, Geo-dependent and geo-dependent queries, How the user's region is determined, Regional search results, How the site region is determined, Personal search, Personal response, Search results, Snippet formation, Snippet design, <a href="">Additional Information</a> in snippet, Sorcerers, Object Response, Semantic Markup.</p><p>This fundamental knowledge will give you a lot more information about promotion than you think, even though there is not a word about promotion there.</p><p><b>I suggest starting the immersion by studying the stages of development and changes in search engine algorithms.</b> This will allow you to understand in which direction the search is developing, so that you know what to look for now and in the future.</p><p>In the early days of search engines, it was enough to add keywords to meta keywords for a page to appear in search results for those words, even if the page content did not match those keywords. And today the keywords meta tag is not taken into account by search engines at all, and over the past 10 years, a lot has changed completely, some algorithms have become turning points, formed the basis and became the foundation of the algorithms operating today. Below I will list these key events.</p> <h3>History of Yandex algorithms</h3><ul><li><b>Matrixnet</b> <ul><li>Technology launch <a href="">machine learning</a> MatrixNet was marked by the launch of the Snezhinsk algorithm in November 2009. This technology remains at the heart of search to this day.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Range</b> <ul><li>The Spectrum technology was launched within the framework of an algorithm that bears the name of the city in which I now live - Krasnodar. It happened in December 2010. Spectrum technology is also at the heart of search today.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Personal search</b> <ul><li>For several years Yandex has been working closely to personalize the search results, take into account the preferences and interests of users, and fine-tune search results right during the search.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Removing links from ranking commercial queries</b> <ul><li>Since the mid-2000s, links have become the main tool for manipulating search results (at the same time link exchanges began to appear), neither optimizers nor site owners were motivated to improve the site, but only bought links, because this was how they could take positions in the TOP. Until March 2014, there were many attempts to reduce the influence of links, to apply some kind of sanctions to sites promoting by such methods, but all this did not bring significant changes.</li><li>And the step did not give the desired result. In April of the same year, Yandex updated its AGS algorithm by introducing penalties for sites selling links.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Changes in the operation of the AGS algorithm</b> <ul><li>Yandex tried to reduce the supply on the link trading market. But when there is demand, supply cannot be exterminated. The results again did not meet expectations.</li> </ul></li><li><b>A new stage in the fight against link spam</b> <ul><li>Disabling the influence of links in 2014 had no effect (after all, links are the basis of the Internet, they cannot be ignored), therefore Yandex returns the accounting of links, but announces the Minusinsk algorithm in May 2015. Since it was not possible to defeat the supply, it was decided to fight the demand for links. Yandex began to lower the ranking of sites with an excessive number of purchased SEO links.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Minusinsk: first results</b> <ul><li>Yandex's zeal has finally yielded results. The demand for links fell (according to subsequent reports, Yandex reported a 2-fold decrease in the use of seo links), and supply also fell. Many people stopped buying links without losing their positions. Since then, there has been a tendency to ignore link buying when promoting sites. So when teaching, do not pay much attention to this point, since promotion is possible without links.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Optimizing for mobile is now a ranking factor</b> <ul><li>Launch of the Vladivostok algorithm in February 2016, which takes into account the mobile availability of web pages in the ranking of answers for mobile search. Convenience of working with sites on <a href="">mobile devices</a> leads to an increase in mobile search results.</li> </ul></li><li><b>New Palekh algorithm</b> <ul><li>In November 2016 Yandex launches the Palekh algorithm. Search now uses neural networks to find documents not by words that are used in the query and in the document itself, but by the meaning of the query. Simply put, now the document can be found by words that are absent in this document, but are synonyms or similar words with the search query.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Baden-Baden - a new algorithm for detecting over-optimized texts</b> <ul><li>Another algorithm, aimed at combating the manipulation of search results, was announced in March 2017, and it lowers the ranking of sites using SEO-optimized texts written for search algorithms, not for people. Since Yandex stopped the massive promotion of links, SEOs have taken up, though not a new, but effective way of manipulating - seo texts.</li><li>To better understand what kind of texts we are talking about, Yandex even gave specific examples in its blog: Are there good texts on commercial sites?</li> </ul></li><li><b>Yandex introduced a new algorithm "Korolev"</b> <ul><li>The Korolev algorithm, launched in August 2017, is a logical continuation of Palekh, which compared the meaning of the request and the title of a web page. And a new algorithm using the same <a href="">neural network</a> analyzes the entire page and its content (previously only the page title was analyzed).</li> </ul></li><li><b>Yandex presented an updated search for "Andromeda"</b> <ul><li>In November 2018, Yandex presented a major search update that did not fundamentally change anything, but combined more than a thousand improvements that have been introduced since the announcement of the Queen. All these changes mainly affected the issue: sorcerers, quick answers, icons for sites, Yandex.Collections.</li> </ul></li> </ul><p>This concludes the review of the chronicle of Yandex algorithms. If we look at the frequency of important changes, we can assume that some kind of announcement should happen in 2019. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, because there is still so much to learn.</p> <p>If we divide people into those who use Yandex and those who use Google, then I am one of the first. But this does not mean at all that you can be guided by your own preferences in your work.</p><p>You will learn: Crawling and indexing, Searching for information, Organizing information, How algorithms work, Analyzing words and expressions, Finding the right pages, Ranking relevant pages, Showing the most relevant results, Keeping track of user information, Helpful answers in a variety of forms.</p><p>Of course, Google also has its own stages of development, changes in algorithms, the eternal struggle against attempts to manipulate search results, etc. Despite the fact that Google has become a pioneer in many ways, for example, in the fight against links and seo tests, we pay attention to it we pay less than Russian Yandex. There are several reasons for this: not all innovations relate to global search (for example, something is launched only in the United States, as in a priority market, and does not reach other countries, including Russia), historically the share of traffic from Yandex was higher, although since With the growth of mobile users and the spread of Android OS Google has become a leader in Russia as well, Yandex pays more attention to the quality of the site, the behavior of visitors and commercial factors. Personally, it's more interesting for me to work for Yandex.</p> <h3>History of Google algorithms</h3><p>I will not analyze all Google's algorithms, only the main ones that affect the work and promotion of sites in global search. I will not provide links to announcements in the Google blog either, because they are in English, you are unlikely to read this.</p><ul><li><b>Google Panda algorithm (Panda)</b><ul><li>The Panda algorithm was launched in 2011 and is aimed at fighting low-quality content. Sites that practice copy-paste, over-spam, and generated content have been downgraded. Initially, it was a filter that was launched at regular intervals and each time with improvements and stricter boundaries relative to previous iterations. But in 2016, Panda became part of the main algorithm and began to work in real time, and not in waves, as it was before.</li><li>One could say that this is an analogue of the Baden-Baden filter from Yandex, because they have a common ideology of fighting low-quality content, but Panda does not take into account the relevance of the text on a specific document (that is, it does not punish for the presence of texts where they are shouldn't).</li> </ul></li><li><b>Google Penguin Algorithm (Penguin)</b><ul><li>The Penguin algorithm was launched in 2012 and is aimed at fighting seo links. Analogue of "Minusinsk" from Yandex, but appeared 3 years earlier. For many SEOs, this day was a horror, because the sites promoted by links, overnight, lost almost all traffic from Google. By analogy with "Panda" this filter was launched by iterations, and each wave "demolished" more and more new sites. Since 2016, "Penguin" has become part of the main algorithm and works in real time.</li><li>When Minusinsk thundered, everyone forgot about Penguin, because, as it turned out, he was not at all as tough and harsh as Yandex's algorithm. But there is one problem - there is not a single successful case of getting out of the Penguin. This is despite the fact that Google came up with the Google Disavow Links bad link rejection tool.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Google Hummingbird algorithm (Hummingbird)</b><ul><li>The Hummingbird algorithm was launched in 2013 and is aimed at understanding the meaning of the request and the user's intent, rather than just entering <a href="">keywords</a>... I think you have already guessed that Korolev became analogues from Yandex a few years later.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Mobile Friendly Update Algorithm</b><ul><li>This change was announced in 2015 and allowed mobile-friendly pages to rank higher in mobile search results.</li><li>A year later, Yandex announced that mobile optimization is a ranking factor.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Google RankBrain</b><ul><li>RankBrain is a self-learning AI system that is part of the main <a href="">google algorithm</a> - was announced at the end of 2015. RankBrain allows you to better understand the meaning, interprets user queries and provides the most relevant pages, which may not contain exactly the words that are included in the search query.</li><li>Google officials point out that RankBrain is the third most important factor in their ranking algorithm alongside links and content.</li> </ul></li> </ul><p>You can see that the search engine development vector is the same. But despite the fact that Google is several years ahead of Yandex in key changes and new technologies, I personally consider its algorithms to be more primitive. Note the description of the last algorithm: "the third most important factor ... along with links and content." And since RankBrain is tied to content, we can say that the most <a href="">important factors</a> Google rankings are links and texts. If you ask any experienced SEO specialist what is most important for website promotion on Google, he will say these two words: links and texts.</p><p>This is why I find Google search to be more primitive - it does not take into account user (behavioral and commercial) factors, which are fundamental for Yandex and really reflect the interests of real site visitors. So, if you adhere to the recommendations for promotion in Google, you can fail in Yandex. But if you choose the position of Yandex, Google will not fine you, although you will not achieve success there either with a considerable degree of probability. But this is beyond the scope of our today's review.</p> <p>You may have already heard phrases at conferences, on the Yandex blog or just on forums: "improve the quality of the site", "make your site better", etc. The history of changes in algorithms just leads us to the fact that it is not manipulations, but work above the site, improving it for users, you can achieve success. So in the section of recommendations for creating sites "Tips for a webmaster" just contains information about what a quality site is and how to make it better.</p><p><b>SEO Winchester</b> - a book by my friend Mikhail Shakin (you've probably heard this name, because it is well known in seo circles). The book is dedicated to working with intrinsic factors for commercial sites.</p><p>I am a blogger with 10 years of experience, but I have to admit that the seo-party has collapsed, blogs have been abandoned or deleted, many of those who remained have been re-profiled, so there are practically no blogs about seo for Runet. There is no one to recommend to me: (But since you came to me, you can take and leaf through, many of the posts are fundamental in nature and will still be relevant <a href="">for a long time</a>, especially since the most important ones I periodically update.</p><p>And finally, we move on to discussing the practice.</p> <h2>Practical skills</h2><p>No matter how much literature you read, no matter what cases you analyze, if you have never tried to promote sites on your own, consider that you have not moved from the "zero" mark. As well as the ability to do physical exercises correctly will not make you an athlete and will not help you lose weight, and studying cookbooks will not make you a cook ... Similarly, theoretical knowledge in seo cannot teach you how to promote websites. Only practice, only experience.</p><p><span class="H5gZthXTue0"></span></p> <h3>Work in a web studio (internship)</h3><p>The best thing to offer is <b>get a job in a web studio</b>... And that's exactly what you need a theoretical basis for. For the position of assistant or trainee (you can also find the term "junior" in the title of the vacancy). The responsibilities of a young specialist will include something like this: publishing texts, filling in meta tags, collecting semantics, conducting simple audits, etc.</p><p>The main thing is that they explain to you what is being done and why, what it affects and how! A whole picture will gradually be assembled from disparate tasks, here knowledge of the theory and understanding of the basic stages of promotion will help you.</p><p>Your main task in this quest is to find exactly the place where you will be instructed and trained. The first thing you ask at the interview is who will teach me? If the mentor is not there, leave to look for another place.</p><p>When choosing a place of work, I recommend paying attention to large companies (not the largest holdings, but mid-level companies, from 20 to 100 people). Some companies even provide training and then employ students. For example, ingate recruits many students, teaches for free for several months, and then selects the brightest. This is very cool, but perhaps only ingate can afford it.</p><p>Prepare a list of ten companies you like (the website will help you with this) and apply for vacancies, and where there are no vacancies, write through the form <a href="">feedback</a> on the company's website. Tell them that you want to work as an intern for minimal money and are willing to study hard.</p><p><b>Be sure to ask for a test task in response!</b> What for? Firstly, in order to compare the level of their knowledge, future requirements and assess their capabilities, secondly, so as not to fail at the interview, and thirdly, every serious company has a test task, if it is not there, then something is wrong.</p><p><b>Working in a studio is the best way to develop</b> for you as a future SEO specialist. Our company has a career map for SEO specialists, I will share it with you:</p><ul><li><b>Trainee</b> - learns, helps the company's specialists. <ul><li>Performs tasks for <a href="">various projects</a>, which are put by more experienced colleagues.</li><li>He does not lead projects on his own, or he leads several simple projects with the participation of a mentor.</li><li>Starting position for those who have basic knowledge or have no knowledge at all.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Newbie</b> (beginner specialist) - grows from an intern when he gets enough knowledge to start leading projects, and continues to improve his qualifications. <ul><li>Performs tasks that he receives from more experienced professionals.</li><li>Leads several simple projects.</li><li>The minimum length of service in the company is 3 months (when growing from an intern).</li> </ul></li><li><b>Specialist</b> - grows out of a beginner when ready to take on the full load. <ul><li>Leads up to 10 projects of varying complexity.</li><li>Can delegate certain tasks to newcomers and trainees.</li><li>Has the opportunity to get help and training of an intern.</li><li>The minimum work experience in the company is 6 months.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Leading Specialist</b> (Curator) - grows out of a specialist when he is ready to bear responsibility not only for himself, but also for his subordinates. <ul><li>Has basic leadership skills.</li><li>He devotes 60% of his time to project management.</li><li>40% of the time is engaged in supervising employees (up to 3 people: interns, newcomers, specialists) and monitoring their projects.</li><li>Does not violate the established rules and is an example for his subordinates.</li><li>The minimum work experience in the company is 9 months.</li> </ul></li><li><b>Head of department</b> - grows out of a leading specialist. <ul><li>Has the highest qualifications. Quickly solves any issue according to his profile.</li><li>Possesses advanced leadership skills.</li><li>Doesn't manage projects, or leads several VIP clients.</li><li>He devotes most of his time to monitoring subordinates (curators, specialists).</li><li>Engaged in training department employees.</li><li>Solves complex issues and conflicts with clients.</li><li>Main role: motivation, professional development and efficiency of your department.</li><li>It is an example, a standard for employees of its department.</li><li>Takes an active part in the life of the company.</li><li>The minimum work experience in the company is 2 years.</li> </ul></li> </ul><p>In practice, the path from a beginner to a leading specialist takes up to 12 months (the record in our company is 7 months). It all depends on your persistence and desire, because time is not the only criterion, and 1-2 out of 10 people become leading specialists! The leading specialist is not obliged to be a curator, here everyone's choice: either to lead more complex and interesting projects, or to take newcomers for training, one thing in common is <a href="">high level</a> qualifications.</p> <h3>Development of own projects</h3><p>Another option for getting an internship is your own website.</p><p>I went this way myself (not instead of working in the studio, but before). I then studied at the institute, and the creation and promotion of sites was my hobby. I wrote about this in great detail in my story "", you can read the story at your leisure, this is more related to fiction than to applied things.</p><p>But that was a completely different time, because there were no such concepts as commercial and information request, there was no regionality, commercial factors and everything else that is now the main ranking factors. Then all sites were equal, any site could be promoted for any request and all that. Now we are talking about your profession as a seo-specialist, that is, a person-artisan who is engaged in commercial activities, which means we are talking about commercial sites: service sites and online stores. And I don't think that you will decide to make a commercial site just to practice on it (although this is not excluded).</p><p>And as practice shows, people who come from their own information projects do not take root in the studio, starting from the fact that they do not understand commercial factors at all and try to attach to a commercial site that which is applicable only to information sources, ending with the fact that their use is at the level zero trainee, and requests for salary are much higher, as well as conceit. Such people do not stay long and quickly merge.</p><p><b>But there is a compromise.</b> Look among your friends and acquaintances for small businessmen who have a website and offer your help in promotion for free or for a purely symbolic price tag (I believe that any work should be evaluated and paid for). This is a precious experience for you.</p><p>If this option will precede employment in a studio, successful experience with several, even small sites will be a significant plus.</p> <h2>What tools should a SEO specialist learn</h2><p>Below I will list the most basic tools that every SEO should be familiar with. I will not bother you with links to the documentation, you will find all this yourself when the need arises to solve a certain problem, and there is no need to read manuals just like that.</p><ul><li>Yandex.Metrica is the main analytics tool,</li><li>Yandex.Webmaster - to track the status of the site and its settings,</li>, that is, I recommend that you do not use several tools that perform the same functions, for this reason there is no Google Analytics in the list (it is replaced by Yandex.Metrica) and other analogs to the tools presented above. Otherwise, you will only get more confused. <h2>Afterword</h2><p>I deliberately missed some forms of knowledge acquisition, such as attending conferences and seminars. In them, informal communication with speakers is useful, but they, as a rule, hang out with their friends, and it will be difficult to get into their social circle. Leave that for the future, and if you really want to communicate, start meeting cool specialists in social networks, I gave you the link to the list of profiles above. Now communication and exchange of experience with colleagues will be much more useful for you.</p><p>To conduct experiments, you need to gain experience, then the time will come to study the subtleties and various chips. This is waiting for you in the near future.</p><p>If you read this paragraph carefully and without cheating, you are motivated enough to learn and become a good SEO specialist, because not everyone is able to withstand such <a href="">long text</a>... And you did it, you did it! I congratulate you!</p></ul> <p>In recent years, search engine promotion has changed significantly: new tools and auxiliary services are constantly emerging, the work of which is aimed at improving Internet resources. Competition is growing significantly, which causes the need to search for something new and productive. Search engines, in turn, pose more difficult tasks for SEOs to get into the TOP. Now it is not enough just to buy links and place good content on the site - there are about 800 parameters that are taken into account when ranking the issue. It is impossible to keep track of all these aspects, but among them there are those fundamental, working on which, you can carry out successful SEO-promotion (Search engine optimization) yourself.</p> <p>The search engine algorithms set new standards that do not slow down development. We offer you effective advice on website promotion that will help you not only get into the top ten, but also constantly keep these positions.</p> <h2>Step 1. How to start independent website promotion from scratch?</h2> <p>A beginner optimizer is faced with the task of finding out for himself the purpose of creating and promoting a resource. Most business owners do not understand what a website SEO is for and how it functions. The knowledge of most entrepreneurs is limited by the fact that they are simply aimlessly creating Internet sites and do not know how to attract customers.</p> <p>If you have set yourself the task of creating and promoting a resource, then be prepared to work on it on an ongoing basis. You will not be able to invest in a business once and let everything take its course, as it will be a waste of time. The Internet is teeming with sites that are not optimized for search engines and have no value for users.</p> <p>Hence, the first stage of SEO optimization in our <a href="">step by step instructions</a> - this is the definition of goals and plans that will help implement the site:</p> <ul><li>determine the benefits that the resource can bring to your company;</li> <li>what useful and interesting can you give your <a href="">target audience</a>;</li> <li>how much are you willing to invest (time, effort, money).</li> </ul><p>The more useful a resource gives users, the more valuable it is for search engines. Therefore, be prepared to create something useful and at the same time consistent with algorithms.</p> <p>After determining the main tasks that will be assigned to the resource (informing the audience, selling goods, a place for spending free time, etc.), you can proceed to the next stage.</p> <h2>Step 2. Internal organization of the site</h2> <p>Independently, you can organize search engine promotion only if the resource is technically prepared. <a href="">It is</a> about the code on which a lot depends: from usability to page loading speed. If everything is in order with the code, but the pages still freeze, then you should pay attention to the hosting and change it if necessary. You should have a permanent specialist who will correct the code from time to time and remove unnecessary parts of it. Such manipulations in the future will help to implement the promotion in search engines on their own, since a reliable base in the form of clean optimized code will be prepared for this.</p> <p>In the code, you need to work out those elements that make the site heavy. An experienced programmer will not overload the page with unnecessary modules, and will also compress all images (the quality should remain unchanged).</p> <p>When you hit the page again, you can avoid loading by caching. The page will already be stored in the cache and will not take time to open. This applies to those pages that only contain static elements.</p> <h2>Step 3. Design</h2> <p>The outer shell of the site forms the first impression on visitors, which is important for self-promotion in search engines. The design should be extremely clear, created in accordance with all the rules of usability. Color and compositional solutions should correspond to the theme. For example, a company that specializes in the manufacture of equipment cannot have a site in pink.</p> <p>Visitors should have pleasant associations with your resource. All important components should be visible, such as contact forms, call buttons and so on. The readable text will be a plus, since only because of the unpleasant sensations during reading, the user can leave your resource and switch to a more comfortable one.</p> <p>If you have an online store with a huge number of products, then you will need filters for convenience. This will win over potential buyers and turn their routine searches into a pleasant experience.</p> <p>Now it is impossible to imagine a good website without <a href="">mobile version</a>, since more than half of users use smartphones to search for information and order goods. Responsive design makes it possible to present to users <a href="">beautiful picture</a>, from whatever device they come to your resource.</p> <h2>Step 4. Preparing content</h2> <p>The next stage of step-by-step website promotion is content preparation. The text content must meet the following parameters:</p> <ul><li>uniqueness. Find a good copywriter who can meet the parameters of uniqueness and at the same time write interesting texts. Not for every topic it is possible and necessary to write articles with one hundred percent uniqueness, since the presence of specific vocabulary can exclude such a possibility;</li> <li>structure. The text should be divided into logical parts, each of which is titled. Enumeration lists will also help you navigate the text;</li> <li>content. The article should not only perform SEO functions, but also be interesting to users. It is necessary to disclose the topic of the article, write simple and <a href="">understandable language</a>, do not overload the text <a href="">key phrases</a>, and then the article will be liked not only by the audience, but also by search bots.</li> </ul><p>The articles must contain phrases from the semantic core, which will be used to independently promote the site on the Internet. It is necessary to analyze competitors before promoting a page for any request. All keywords are divided into groups, in each of which the main phrase is highlighted. It is the main one, according to which the resource will be promoted.</p> <h2>Step 5. Help with orientation on the site</h2> <p>Another step in our step-by-step guide to successful SEO optimization is to create all conditions for comfortable and hassle-free navigation around the resource. Creating a sitemap will easily solve this problem. It is necessary not only for users to make it easier to find <a href="">necessary sections</a>, but also for search engines, which will take into account the presence of the map when ranking.</p> <p>Competent internal linking is also required. By referring in one article to another published on your resource, you draw readers' attention to other useful materials. Plus, behavioral factors are improving, as users spend more time on the resource pages. Re-linking can be successfully implemented if you create a blog on the site and share thematic materials with visitors.</p> <h2>Step 6. Indexing</h2> <p>In our instructions on SEO optimization, it comes to acquaintance of a prepared web resource with search bots. Before you open access to the site, you need to make sure that the self-optimization of the site is performed correctly:</p> <ul><li>the content is unique and interesting;</li> <li>pages load quickly;</li> <li>system pages are hidden and everything functions smoothly.</li> </ul><p>You can ask someone to test the site, try to order a product, crawl through the pages and describe how they feel about using it. This procedure will help you determine whether the resource is ready for indexing and whether users will like it.</p> <p>When everything is ready, you can open the site for Yandex and Google search bots. To speed up indexing, you can add a resource to the system yourself (Yandex.Metrica, Google.Analytics), which will also help you track statistics.</p> <h2>Step 7. First steps in independent SEO promotion</h2> <p>Competitor analysis is where you need to start promoting a site after it gets into the index. A newbie optimizer needs to determine how competitors are driving traffic and through which channels.</p> <p>It is not necessary to abruptly apply all methods (buying links, many new publications, etc.), since such bursts will seem unnatural for search engines. It is necessary to do everything progressively, the main thing is to move towards attracting the target audience.</p> <p>A great tool to start with would be <a href="">social networks</a>, where you can directly communicate with users, answer questions in a relaxed atmosphere, inform about news, promotions and sales. You can create a page for your company or publish advertisements in well-promoted publics. In any case, you will arouse the keen interest of the public.</p> <h2>Step 8. Reference mass</h2> <p>When the audience had already warmed up a little, and the search engines saw the first positive changes in <a href="">behavioral factors</a>, you can start building the reference mass. It is important here to slowly and regularly add momentum, otherwise you can run into search engine filters.</p> <p>To buy links as efficiently and safely as possible for your wallet, you need to contact a trusted exchange. SAPE specialists will show you how to promote your website by <a href="">high-frequency requests</a> and not go broke ().</p> <h2>Step 9. Work on a permanent basis</h2> <p>To stay in the top ten, you will need to constantly work on SEO-promotion of the site yourself: create new interesting content and publish it regularly, which Yandex greatly appreciates; also promote your Internet site using third-party resources such as questionnaire sites, forums, post articles on other sites. Communicating with users on blogs on behalf of the company will also bring good results, as you will always be heard.</p> <h2>conclusions</h2> <p>In our step-by-step instructions, you learned how to do website promotion yourself. Work with the resource should take place on an ongoing basis, the site needs to be improved according to the requirements of search engines. In order for users to enjoy using your site, you should regularly warm up their interest and connect various channels to attract the target audience. In this case, you can recoup the resources spent on independent SEO promotion.</p> <h2>What is SEO?</h2> <p><b>SEO (Search Engine Optimization)</b> - these are measures to optimize the site that increase its position in the search results. The ultimate goal of attracting traffic is to monetize your Internet resource.</p> <p>The impetus for the development of this direction was the expansion of the information field in the network and the appearance of search engines (Yahoo !, Google, Yandex). By entering a request, the user received feedback in the form of a page with search results, <b>search engine results page</b>... The search engine architecture included:</p> <ul><li><span>Interface (the part that the user works with to enter a request);</span></li> <li><span>Search robot (collects data from pages, documents or images);</span></li> <li><span>Indexer (optimizes search based on processed information).</span></li> </ul><p>The first to speak about the possibility of using search algorithms for website promotion <b>Danny Sullivan</b>, a California-based technology journalist. He published the article "A Webmaster's Guide to Search Engines" in April 1996, where he introduced the concept <b>Search Engine Marketing</b>which includes <b>SEO</b> as an optimization tool. In his publications, he wrote about attracting search engine interest to sites in an artificial way.</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>How and for whom does it work?</span></h2> <p>The idea of \u200b\u200bwebsite optimization for search results laid the foundation for the formation of a new industry in IT and business. After just 20 years, we have a rapidly growing digital marketing industry, the nuances of which a young specialist will have to figure out in practice.</p> <p>Let's start with the obvious: who needs SEO-optimization of a resource.</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <h2>Who Needs SEO?</h2> <p>The correct answer is for everyone who wants to attract users to their site. These can be both commercial organizations and individuals who just blog.</p> <p>Now let's figure out how this magic works. When promoting sites, you should have a good understanding of their structure. If the first generation of sites was created without regard to design and user-friendliness, filled with tons of texts with explicit keys, then the sites we use today have become a quality product with a user-friendly interface, well-thought-out design and optimized pages.</p> <p>Search robots analyze sites and remember their content. Each resource is assigned a value by which it can be easily found and returned to a search query. The site ranking formula includes over 1000 indicators. Many factors remain unknown even to developers, since machine learning technologies have been introduced since 2009. Influencing known ranking criteria increases the relevance of your pages.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Internal and external work optimization <br> </span></h3> <p>In the first case, it includes:</p> <ul><li><span>Semantic core formation;</span></li> <li><span>Work on the structure;</span></li> <li><span>Optimization of texts and pictures.</span></li> </ul><p>External optimization is designed to increase the link mass. Whereas earlier there was enough purchase, now only natural links are taken into account. These are references to the site on thematic portals, sites or reposts. Regular mentioning of the resource by users indicates that this is an SDL (a site for people). Natural links should be posted on trusted sites and be open to search engines.</p> <h3><span>In this regard, the question often arises of how to become an SEO specialist? <br> </span></h3> <p>Over the past few years, this profession has become in demand and will continue to remain so in the future, because information is becoming more and more every day. <a href="">Modern man</a> receives more data every day than can be found in 170 newspapers. The desire to receive high-quality information in the shortest possible time is the reason why we open search engines today.</p> <p>Looking ahead, let's say what SEO might be like in the future. In one of the episodes of the British TV series about technology and everyday life, "Black Mirror" (2011), people got the opportunity to give each other assessments that have legal value. SEO-specialists in this world are engaged in optimization not of sites, but of real people.</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <p>It is impossible to pump your skill without theory. To save time, head here to study the terminology. Understand the basics in detail:</p> <ul><li><span>How to make <a href="">semantic core</a> and what tools are suitable for this.</span></li> <li><span>Key Collector Guide.</span></li> <li><span>SEO Toolkit.</span></li> <li><span>Drawing up technical specifications for copywriters and programmers.</span></li> <li><span>Optimization of texts, images and meta data.</span></li> </ul> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Where to start learning?</span></h2> <p>If you are an adherent of classic teaching tools, then the book <i>Igor Ashmanov and Andrey Ivanov <b>"Optimization and promotion of sites in search engines"</b> will be a very useful acquisition</i>... The paper edition provides a good overview of the basics, but you will have to go to blogs and thematic resources for up-to-date information.</p> <p>Visit the website first <b>Sergey Koksharov</b>( This is one of the largest analytics experts in the field of search engine optimization. His blog is regularly updated with helpful articles, webinars, and more.</p> <p>Another <a href="">useful blog</a> leads <b> Mikhail Shakin</b> ( Its portal publishes reviews of new programs, tools and interviews with experts in this field.</p> <p><b>Ilya Rusakov</b> ( writes about SEO trends, tools to help and publishes reviews of major conferences.</p> <p>Be sure to check out the channel <a target="_blank" href="" ></a> ... Speakers in clear and accessible language talk about ranking factors, content and page optimization.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy>");</script> <div class="rate-article"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <div class="ya-share2" data-services="vkontakte,facebook,odnoklassniki,moimir"></div> <div class="print-lock"> <a href=";"> Type</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='yarpp-related'> <h3>Related entries:</h3> <div class="yarpp-thumbnails-horizontal"> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='' title='Presentation on the topic"социальная структура и 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