Where to enter the adsense pin code. How to get a Google Adsense PIN if the email takes a long time. You may be interested in this

Visiting various forums, I very often notice user questions different countriesassociated with obtaining a pin code (more precisely, not receiving a pin code) and problems with receiving checks, as well as with their cashing. The Google Help Forum has answers to all the questions, but they are so jumbled and so difficult to find the information you need that even an experienced user there sometimes cannot quickly solve the problem. Therefore, I decided to make these two most important questions in a separate topic in my blog.

The figure shows what a Google Adsense letter looks like with a pin code and shows its dimensions. But in this article I will tell you how to solve the problem with activating your Google Adsense account, if you cannot receive the PIN code by mail, at the address you specified (for users of any country) and tell you how to set up payments from Adsense not by checks, and by electronic payment to the wallet in the service money transfers Rapida Online (for users Russian Federation), and then wherever you want ( electronic money , credit cards , bank account etc.). Everything will be done according to the Adsense rules, but since many are simply not fully familiar with them, there are constant problems with confirming the Adsense account, and then with payments.

Everything said below will be based on my personal experiencethat will provide you with a 100% result in activating your account.

To begin with, I never received a pin code. Until now, he probably wanders somewhere in the vastness of Russia, and after all 7 months have passed, but I activated the account to receive payments alternative way, which Goggle Adsense offers to everyone, namely - with the help of passport data, since this is the only way to solve the problem if the pin does not come.

I'll start in order from the very beginning and until I receive the first payment in my hands, for which I purchased a new laptop and now I am writing this article from it.

After my first $ began to accumulate in my adsense account, the "Estimated income" column was no longer displayed, instead of it an inscription appeared on a red background, something like "Payments are suspended, actions are required on your part". I clicked on this inscription and somewhere there (I don’t remember now) I saw that some kind of PIN code, which at that time was not clear to me, was sent to me, which then must be entered in order to confirm my address (my account in adsense) and resume payments. I issued the pin to the address at my place of work, where only the house number is indicated, but there is no apartment. Probably, to addresses that do not indicate the apartment number, the pin from the adsense does not reach by mail, or maybe it is not sent at all. But this is IMHO.

I waited for the first pin for more than 2 months, but I never got it.

Well, I decided to order a repeated (second) PIN. On the page where you need to enter a pin, at the very bottom, I clicked on the link to send a second pin. I ordered it, waited a month and a half. Then, I ordered the third (last) pin. After that, on the same page where I ordered the next PIN codes, the link for requests for a repeated PIN code disappeared, but a link is always displayed there, what to do if not a single PIN code came by mail. The third pin did not wait long, waited 3 weeks and followed that link, where I was asked to fill out a form with information about me. I don't remember exactly what is required there, but I definitely need a "Publisher ID" (you can see it in the right upper corner your Adsense account, it is barely visible, written in small letters with numbers). Copy the identifier and paste it into the required field, and you also need to attach a copy of your passport (main page (with your photo) and a page with registration).

I made copies like this: I photographed these pages on a camera and in Paint (native graphic windows editor), on these copies, crossed out the passport number. After saving these copies, I optimized them a little so that they would not weigh more than 1 megabyte in volume. I used a program from Nero 7.5, it is called Nero PhotoSnap.

After I filled in all the fields and attached copies from the passport, I sent it all by clicking on the button that was there under all my data, I don't remember what inscription it was. In short, I did everything as it was required there in Adsense, and the next day the red inscription disappeared and my estimated income was visible and a notification came to my e-mail that the account was successfully confirmed. THE REQUIREMENT FOR ENTERING A PIN HAS DISAPPEARED AND THE PAYMENTS RETURNED.

Hello! I finally received a PIN email from Google Adsense! The letter came on the second try, but that's my cant! Russian Post and Google Adsense are not to blame! It's just that I initially forgot to indicate the letter to the house, and then I corrected the address, requested a new pin-code and the letter came in about a month. In general, no problems by and large, you just need to figure it out and that's it!

Today, With this post, I want to reassure all users who have not yet received a PIN code from Adsense to verify their address. Friends, it doesn't matter whether you receive a letter with a code by mail or not, in any case, you can confirm the address without receiving a letter, that is, manually on the site! See how everything works and what needs to be done:

You are requesting a PIN code for the first time and wait 2-4 weeks.

If the letter has not arrived within a month you can request a pin code a second time. After a month, just go to your Google Adsense account, to the address confirmation page, where you need to enter the PIN code. At the bottom of the page, you will be able to request a new PIN code.

Request a pin code a second time and wait 2-4 weeks.

Similarly, if the letter has not been received within a month, do your third, last, try.

Request a pin code for the third time... Last time!

After requesting the pin code for the third time, you will see a notification at the bottom of the page:

If you have not received your PIN within 4 weeks after that date, please fill out this form and attach a digital image of your government-issued identity document, bank statement or phone bill showing your name and address in the same form, in which they are listed as the name of the payee and the billing address in your account. Please note that we only accept information in supported languages.

Do you understand? After the third request for a pin code, after 4 weeks, you no longer have to wait for a letter! You need to click on the tab at the bottom of the page - "This form"to fill out the appropriate form and attach a scan of your document, a scan of your passport or bank account. I cannot say anything concrete about this, since I did not have time to use this service. After requesting the third pin code, the letter came in 2-3 days from the second request.

Don't wait more than a month for your PIN! After a month, order a new pin code! You will have three attempts, that is, three months. After the third request, you will have the opportunity to use online address confirmation, that is, directly on the site, without a letter, but you need to wait 4 weeks. For everything about everything, Google gives 4 months, after four months, if you do nothing, your account will be temporarily blocked, pending the proceedings!

And more friends, after the first request for a pin code, if the pin code does not come within a month, check your address! Perhaps you are missing something or have errors. By the way, it was after I indicated the address completely in Russian that I received a letter. Therefore, I recommend that you indicate your address in full in Russian! It worked 100% for me!

If you already have a 4-digit Google Account PIN, enter it the first time you sign in to the Google Admin app. If you don't have a PIN yet, you will be prompted to create one

In the Google Admin app, you can:

Google Account PIN

The PIN helps you better protect your Google account. When it is in use, only authorized administrators from your organization can make changes.

The PIN can be used on any device. If someone else uses your device, they will not be able to enter google app Admin or access your Google admin data until you enter the code.

PIN valid in other google services... For example, you can use it to approve purchases on Google Play.

PIN shouldn't repeat:

  • Password to sign in to your managed Google account.
  • Password or PIN to unlock mobile device... To make the PIN easier to remember, it can be used for the device and for google account the same meaning.

How to create or change a PIN

If you create or change a PIN here, it will change across all Google services.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Doing what I love to do - creating a blog and a website - I pursue another goal - to understand all the subtleties and intricacies of making money on the Internet with the help of my projects. As most Internet resources shout - it's easy to make money online. These are contextual advertising from Google AdSens and Yandex. Direct, as well as all kinds of affiliate programs and link exchanges. Selling links doesn't work for me for a number of reasons. Partnership programs - for them there are a number of conditions for working with them. There is still contextual advertising. Before Yandex. Direct is still far away for me, but ad units from Google AdSens have been weighing on projects almost since their appearance on the network. I have already described in detail how to get the ad code, how to install it, but today the turn has come to verifying your Google AdSens account using a PIN code.

I don't think it's worth explaining 1001 times already what to make money on contextual advertising is possible only if your project is well attended and the percentage targeted traffic dominates over inappropriate. That is, having hammered a certain question in a search engine, the reader wants to receive comprehensive information and then he gets to your site, he finds it, and he also sees an ad unit that also offers him an answer to this question, and he goes through it. It is for such a transition that you will be charged a percentage. The cost of clicking on such an ad will depend on several factors, which will be discussed in a separate material.

Thus, having a site with zero particles and a minimum number of visits in August 2010, I started to earn. I only had 3 ad units. Advertising clicks were carried out, but there were so few of them that I already began to assume that the minimum amount for withdrawal of $ 100 would be earned by old age

At the end of November, I launch a blog and almost immediately install several ad units on it. For the first three months I didn't expect to get anything from them at all. The blog does not yet have targeted traffic, and it is still in the “sandbox” of the search engines, but since the end of March, pennies began to drip. Of course, not a lot, but the matter got under way

And at the end of May, once again checking the status of my account, I found a warning that my payments were suspended

I was furious: what payments, because I have not yet reached the minimum payment threshold. Indignantly, I decided to find out the details, it turned out that I had reached the threshold for confirming my account, and now google AdSens would like to verify the address I specified during registration, to which payments will be sent, using a PIN-code.

More information can be found at http://adsense.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl\u003dru&answer\u003d35870

Two weeks flew by and once opening mailbox discovered a small envelope with the Google AdSens logo. It is perhaps difficult even to call it an envelope - a thick sheet of paper is folded in two folds and sealed on three sides.

Having opened the letter, I realized that I had received an identification number. Also here was detailed instructions where you need to go to enter pin code... I log into my account and in the Account Settings tab, click on the Page with PIN information link. A page opens where my address is indicated and where at the very bottom I am asked to enter the number from the letter

I type a four-digit code and click on the "Send PIN" button. A page opens where they thank me for the entered code and offer to go to the page "Information about payments"

And here again a small surprise awaited me in the form of a warning that I had not chosen how and in what monetary terms I wanted to receive the money I earned.

Well, if you have to choose, I choose. I am asked to receive interest in two currency units in dollars or euros. I chose to pick the dollar.

Then, you should also indicate by what means I want to receive the money earned - there are three methods offered: Rapida payment system, check (postal delivery) and check ( express delivery). Having considered the conditions for receiving money, all the proposed options decided to stop at the postal check. Paying a quarter of my earnings for delivery of $ 100 is somehow too fat for me.

I save the changes made.

All now, having entered the pin code from Google Adsens, we can assume that the next stage of work has been completed. Now all that remains is to wait for the first one to count. minimum amount for withdrawal.

If you have reached the confirmation threshold and have not received the letters, I advise you to check the correctness of the address. It is recommended to write the address in two lines, this is due to the peculiarity of displaying it on an envelope from Googla. You can also request a PIN code for your account yourself.

That's all. Good luck to everyone and see you soon on the blog "Seo Scrapbook Desperate"

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Friends, if you are reading this article, it means that you have at least worth and you felt the joy of the first dollars earned online. Perhaps it's time to bring out your virtual "money" and hold them in your hands? The moment is pleasant and at the same time responsible, since it requires a number of actions.

Advertising from Google Adsense

I will not describe the processes and confirmation of my residence, that is, how to request a pin code. I just emphasize that there is a problem with confirmation and almost every second person waits for the coveted envelope for a long time ..., makes a second request, and even three times, but it happens that the envelope with the PIN code never arrives. This cherished envelope from the States came to me only the second time.

It is difficult to understand why the work of the bourgeois advertising service is so poorly organized, but what can you do, you have to endure it, because not everyone is still able to deliver. Although Google Adsense suits me perfectly, but I want to go where the doors are closed))).

What if I don't receive an email with a Google Adsense pin code?

If you have not received the cherished letter with a pin code, having requested it from your personal account three times, you can send a scan home pages your passport and registration page. To do this, go to your account and in the left column find the "Help" tab and then "Frequently Asked Questions" - "Payments". There will be an answer and immediately indicated the way how to proceed and how to send documents confirming your address through feedback... After confirming your address, you can continue working. I don't know if this confirmation method works for all countries, but it works in Russia.

Withdraw money from Google Adsense by bank transfer

So, how to withdraw money from Google Adsense. For Russia, there are two types of withdrawal:

  • Across payment system Rapida;
  • By bank transfer to an account or directly to a bank card.

For a number of "our" related countries: Kazakhstan, Belarus, there is also a check method, but in Russia it certainly does not work.

I chose the second method, bank transfer, since I already have plenty of e-wallets, but neither Yandex wallet, nor Qiwi, nor WebMoney are accepted for transfer from Google Adsense, only RAPIDA is possible. I had no desire to start another one. Then, after all, virtual money still needs to be somehow converted into cash.

So, to begin with, we decide where the funds will go.

  • You can transfer to a bank ruble card if it is in the Visa or MasterCard format, that is, in an international format. And then your dollars will be immediately converted into rubles, depending on the rate on the day of transfer, but this rate will not always be convenient and the best.
  • You can get a separate currency card, dollars from Google Adsen will be received there. But as a rule, such cards are charged with an annual service fee, which is also not very profitable. I do not have such a card as unnecessary.
  • It is very convenient to open a foreign currency bank account in any bank in the country. I chose Sberbank for the simple reason that there are not so many banks in our city, and for some reason there are always queues in commercial banks, filling out several copies of papers takes a lot of time. And although I rarely use Sberbank, due to the unattractiveness of its products, crowds of people in the summer, but this time it was in the lead. Believe it or not, I opened an account at the beginning of June, literally in three minutes. Presenting my passport, I briefly outlined the purpose of my visit, and I was offered to immediately sign the contract, drawn up on just one sheet. So quickly, without delay, I opened a regular currency dollar "Savings Account". And with a zero contribution, which is also important.

Also, do not forget to immediately ask for the details of the bank and your account with the SWIFT bank code.

Part of the deal is done. You can simplify the entire procedure if you use an online bank. From your personal account, you can do the account opening procedure yourself.

Now we return to personal Area Google Adsense and we will make a withdrawal request.

Go to your adsense account... Recently, the design of the service, its functionality has changed, now it has become so bright blue.

A special form appears that you need to fill out. I draw your attention to the fact that, despite the fact that the last name and first name in the account are filled in russian, u me in any case, and on the envelope F.I. everything is in Russian, here we write them in Latin. I first stepped and fought with this line for a while, it didn’t work, so don’t repeat my mistake.

We enter the details of your bank: BIC, name, bank code in the international payment system SWIFT code and twice your bank account, consisting of 20 characters. All information, as already mentioned, will be provided to you by your bank.

Then the buttons "Confirm" and "Continue". Set the status for this method: "Basic".

A new main payment method, "Bank Transfer to Account", will be created on the Payment Settings page. This is how it will look:

The new payment method has been activated.

That's it, now we are waiting for the coveted $ 100 threshold. The money will be credited to your balance and will wait for the coveted number:

  • On the 22nd of every month for residents of the Russian Federation;
  • On the 27th - for citizens of Kazakhstan;

Without any commissions, the money will go to your bank account or bank card.

You no longer need to order all subsequent conclusions, the service will do it automatically.

It's as simple as that. If you have any questions, ask. And let your account balance be replenished more often!