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A set of file operations

The OS file system should provide users with a set of operations for working with files, designed in the form of system calls. Different operating systems have different sets of file operations. The most common file system calls are [ 13 , 17 ]:

  1. Create The file is created without data. This system call announces the arrival of a new file and allows you to set some of its attributes;
  2. Delete (delete). Unnecessary file is removed to free up disk space;
  3. Olien (opening). Before using the file, you must open it. This call allows you to read the file attributes and the list of disk addresses for quick access to the file contents;
  4. Close (close). After completing operations with the file, its attributes and disk addresses are not needed. The file should be closed to free up space in the internal table;
  5. Read The file is read from the current position. The process working with the file must indicate (open) the buffer and the amount of data to be read;
  6. Write. The data is written to the file at the current position. If it is at the end of the file, its size is automatically increased. Otherwise, the recording is performed over the existing data;
  7. Append. This is a truncated form of the previous call. The data is appended to the end of the file;
  8. Seek (search). This system call sets the file pointer to a specific position;
  9. Get attributes. It can be extremely important for processes to work with files to get their attributes;
  10. Set attributes This call allows you to set the required attributes for the file after its creation;
  11. Rename This system call allows you to change the file name. However, this action can be performed by copying the file. For this reason, this system call is unnecessary;
  12. Execute Using this system call, the file can be run for execution.

Let's look at examples of file operations in Windows 2000 and UNIX. As with other operating systems, Windows 2000 has its own set of system calls that it can make. At the same time, Microsoft has never published a list of Windows system calls, in addition, it constantly changes them from one release to another. Instead, Microsoft has defined a set of function calls called Win 32 API (Win 32 Application Programming Interface). These challenges have been published and fully documented. Οʜᴎ are library routines that either make system calls to do the work they want, or do it right in user space.

The philosophy of the Win 32 API is to provide a comprehensive interface, with the ability to fulfill the same requirement in several (three to four) ways. In UNIX OS, all system calls form a minimal interface: removing even one of them will reduce the OS functionality.

Many API calls create kernel objects of one type or another (files, processes, threads, pipes, etc.). Each call that creates an object returns a result to the calling process, called a handle (a small integer). The descriptor is later used to perform operations on objects. It should not be transferred or used by another process. In this case, under certain circumstances, the descriptor must be duplicated and transferred to another process in a secure way, which provides the second process with controlled access to the object belonging to the first process. Each object has an associated security descriptor describing who can and what actions can and cannot perform with this object.

The main Win 32 API functions for file I / O and the corresponding UNIX system calls are shown below.

Similar to file operations is the case with directory management operations. The main Win 32 API functions and UNIX system calls for managing directories are shown below.

Ways to perform file operations

More often than not, the user performs not one, but a sequence of operations with the same file. Regardless of the set of these operations, it is extremely important for the operating system to perform a number of constant (universal) actions for all operations.

  1. Find its characteristics, which are stored in the file system on the disk, by the symbolic file name.
  2. Copy the characteristics into RAM, since only in this case program code can use them.
  3. Based on the characteristics of the file, check the user's rights to perform the requested operation.
  4. Clear the area of \u200b\u200bmemory allocated for temporary storage of file characteristics.

At the same time, each operation includes a number of actions unique to it, for example, reading a certain set of disk clusters, deleting a file, changing its attributes, etc.

The OS can perform a sequence of actions on files in two ways (see Fig. fig. 7.22).

  1. For each operation, both universal and unique actions are performed. Such a scheme is sometimes called a stateless scheme.
  2. All generic actions are performed at the beginning and end of the sequence of operations, and only unique actions are performed for each intermediate operation.

Figure: 7.22. Options for performing a sequence of actions on files

The vast majority of file systems support the second method as more economical and faster. Moreover, the first method is more resistant to system failures, since each operation is self-sufficient and does not depend on the result of the previous one. For this reason, the first method is sometimes used in distributed network file systemswhen failures due to packet loss or failure of one of the network nodes are more likely than with local data access.

In the second method, two special system calls are introduced into the FS: open and close. The first is performed before starting any sequence of operations on the file, and the second after the end of work with the file.

The main task of the open call is to convert the symbolic file name to its unique numeric name, copy the file characteristics from the disk area to the buffer random access memory and checking the user's rights to perform the requested operation. Calling close releases the file's characteristics buffer and makes it impossible to continue operations with files without reopening it.

Here are some examples of system calls for working with files. The UNIX create system call accepts two arguments: the symbolic name of the file to open and the protection mode. So the team

fd \u003d create ("abc", mode);

creates a file abc with the protection mode specified in the mode variable. The mode bits define the range of users who can access the files and the level of access granted to them. The create system call not only creates new filebut also opens it for writing. To allow subsequent system calls to access the file, a successful create system call returns a small non-negative integer - the file descriptor fd. If a system call is made on an existing file, the length of that file is reduced to 0 and all content is lost.

To read data from an existing file or write data to it, the file must first be opened using the open system call with two arguments: the symbolic file name and the file open mode (for writing, reading, or something else), for example

fd \u003d open ("file", how);

The create and open system calls return the smallest currently unused file descriptor. When the program starts executing in the standard way, files with descriptors 0, 1, and 2 are already open for standard input, standard output, and standard error messages.

There is no I / O facility in the C language standard. All I / O operations are implemented with the help of functions located in the language library supplied as part of the C programming system. The standard input stream is referenced through the stdin pointer, output by stdout, and error messages by stderr. By default, stdin is mapped to the keyboard and stdout and stderr to the display screen.

The following functions are defined in the C library for data input / output using standard streams:

  • getchar () / putchar () - I / O of a single character;
  • gets () / puts () - string input-output;
  • scanf () / printf () - input-output in data formatting mode.

The process at any time can organize data input from the standard input file, make a symbolic call:

read (stdin, buffer, nbyts);

The withdrawal in standard file withdrawal

write (stdout, buffer, nbytes).

On Windows 2000, you can use the CreateFile function to create a file and get a handle to it. The same function should be used to open an existing file, since there is no API in Win 32 special function File Open. Function parameters are usually numerous, for example, the CreateFile function has seven parameters:

  1. a pointer to the name of the file to create or open;
  2. flags (bits) indicating whether this file can be read, written, or both;
  3. flags indicating whether a given file can be opened simultaneously by several processes;
  4. a pointer to a security handle, a message about who can access the file;
  5. flags telling what to do if the file exists or, on the contrary, does not exist;
  6. flags controlling archiving, compression, etc .;
  7. a file descriptor whose attributes should be cloned for the new file,

Fd \u003d CreateFile ("data", GENERIC_READ, O, NULL, OPEN_EXSTING, O, NULL).

The purpose of the laboratory work

Studying the basic operations of working with objects of the operating system Windows XP (creating, moving, copying, deleting) files, folders, shortcuts.

software products


Materials: Handout.

Software products: operating systemWindows XP.

Work order

1. Configure "My Computer":

Drive C: open a separate window for each folder,

Objects: in the form of a table;

Sorting by name;

Show all files;

Display file extensions and full path in the header.

2. In the MY DOCUMENTS folder create the GROUP folder, in the GROUP folder create the NEW, TEST and EXECUTION folders.

3. In the EXECUTIVE folder create shortcuts for the programs "My Computer", "Recycle Bin" and the FILES folder.

4. Copy 15 files into the FILES folder, no more than 30 KB in size, of which: 5 - with the * .txt extension, 5 - with the * .bmp extension, 5 - with the * .doc extension.

5. Copy the 4 newest files into the TEST folder from the FILES folder.

6. Move the 2 largest files to the NEW folder from the FILES folder.

7. In the TEST folder, using the NOTEBOOK, create 3 text files, assign them attributes: 2 - read-only, 1 - hidden.

8. In the NEW folder, delete and restore 1 file.

9. Move the TEST and NEW folders to the EXECUTE folder.

10. Set the "BASKET" volume to 1%.

11. Find files created in the past month and containing the word MICROSOFT in the text.

12. Delete the created objects.

Report form

Protection order


Topic: "Operating room windows system XP.

Utilities, working with the clipboard "

The purpose of the laboratory work

Learning the basic operations of working with utilities operating system Windows XP (text editors, graphics editor, data exchange between applications via the clipboard).

Used equipment, materials,
software products

Equipment: multimedia complex, personal computers.

Materials: Handout.

Software products: Windows XP operating system, service windows programs XP.

Work order

1. Create a document: picture and heading in PAINT, text in Wordpad (use tabs when creating text).

2. Paste a picture into the text via the clipboard.


Sale of system blocks

No. Name Date Price, $

1 Samsung 01.03 204

2 X – Ring 02.05 250

3 Lizard 05.07 215

4 Sony 06.09 305

5 Fillips 07.11 202

Director Ivanov I.I.

Chief Accountant P.P. Petrov

- sin 54 o 25 ";

– ((18+9)/14,5*5)*8+15=;

- average value of numbers: 15; 18; 25.9; 134.8; 18.4; 125.1.

Report form

The results of the laboratory work are recorded in electronic form in accordance with the assignment.

Protection order

The defense of the results of laboratory work is carried out orally and in writing (calculation results) with the subsequent setting of a set number of points in the point-rating system of assessment.


Topic: "Window Structure Word 2007. Formatting Basics

And editing text document»

The purpose of the laboratory work

Studying the basic elements of the Word 2007 interface, as well as techniques for formatting and editing a text document.

Used equipment, materials,
software products

Equipment: multimedia complex, personal computers.

Materials: Handout.

Software products: Windows XP operating system, Word 2007 text editor.

Work order

(Text - four chapters with headings (chapter 1, 2, 3, 4) and subheadings (in which ...) in each chapter).

Format characters, paragraphs, and pages for text according to the following requirements:

1. Page settings: paper - 19.5 x 27.5 cm; margins - left, right - 1.5 cm each, top, bottom - 2 cm each; binding indent - 1.2 cm.

2. Text formatting:

2.1. Headings chapters (chapter one, second, third, fourth):

- font: ARIAL, style - bold, size - 22 pt, discharge - 5 pt, character scale 140%;

- paragraph: center alignment, before / after the paragraph - 6 points;

2.2. Subheadings chapters (in which ...):

- font: TIMES NEW ROMAN, style - italic, size - 18 pt, underline - words only;

- paragraph: indentation of the paragraph on the left / right - 2 cm each, alignment - in the center, line spacing - exactly 22 points, before / after the paragraph - 12 points;

2.3. Main text:

- font: TIMES NEW ROMAN, size - 14 pt.

- paragraph: first line - indented by 1.8 cm, line spacing - 18 points, alignment - in width, before / after the paragraph - 4 points;

3. The first paragraph of each chapter: drop cap - 3 lines height, font - ARIAL, distance to text - 0.4 cm.

4. The title of each chapter on new page; framing pages with a frame.

5. Arrange pagination (bottom center) and hyphenation.

6. Check spelling.

7. Header: on even pages - "Task by WORD"; on odd ones - his Surname I.O.

8. Divide the last chapter into two columns with a separator (no heading or subheading; do not include drop caps).

9. Insert 2 footnotes into the text - Yalo - Olya's name is the other way around, Gurd is the other way around.

Report form

The results of the laboratory work are recorded in electronic form in accordance with the assignment.

Protection order

The protection of the results of laboratory work is carried out orally, followed by the setting of a set number of points in the point-rating system of assessment.


» » » Working with files and folders in Windows XP: operations with objects

Working with files and folders in Windows XP: operations with objects

Working with files and folders in Windows XP

One of the most important functions of a computer is information storage. A file is both a storage location and an object with which you can perform a number of operations. Files are stored in folders, also called directories. They are also objects.

Object context menu

In Windows XP, each object has context menuthat is displayed when you right-click. Some operations can be done through the menu

  1. Open
  2. Open with - select a program, for example, for audio or video
  3. To find
  4. Send - there is a submenu with commands for moving, creating a shortcut, archiving
  5. Rename
  6. Copy
  7. To cut
  8. Paste
  9. Properties - calls a window where you can find out the address

Here are the shortcuts of some service programs

The menu varies depending on the type of facility. The menu items may differ for a file, folder, or program.

Folder types

  • Root - in Windows XP "My Computer" and the folder system disk (usually C :).
  • System - contain content created during OS installation. Are situated in windows folder... There are also hidden files.
  • Custom - A place to store user-generated content.
  • Management folders
  • Network Neighborhood folders
  • Basket
  • Hidden - system folderswhich are not reflected in the explorer by default.

File types

File types or formats are reflected in the extension after the name. This is a dot and Latin letters, from two to four. They indicate the type of encoding. For example, .jpg is always a drawing.

A separate type is a shortcut. This is a pointer to the file that stores its address. It is easily recognizable as it is presented in the form of a pictogram. On mouse over, the file name and extension appear.

Hidden files are used to manage content. For example, hidden files are always present in folders with graphics or multimedia objects.

Archive is a file that stores compressed (packed) files that take up less disk space.

The registry contains hidden files where system parameters are written

You can set a password for some objects.

Its creation is subject to special rules:

  • Using the Latin alphabet and numbers
  • No spaces
  • Replacing spaces with underscores

Windows XP does not provide for assigning a password for a separate object; there are third-party programs for this.

The folder system is organized as a tree.

By clicking right click "Start", select "Explorer" and in the left pane you will see the display of the folder tree as a list.

  1. The tree is minimized, only the root directories of the drives are displayed,
  2. Clicking on the cross opens the subfolders of the disk
  3. The folder "My Documents" is expanded in the same way
  4. Selecting a directory expands all contained objects in the right pane

Addressing system

To understand the variety of objects, each "storage unit" is assigned an address where it can be found. The address is written as a path from the folder top level through intermediate to the one in which the required file is located.

The full path starts at the root of the drive. This addressing method is used when the computer has several logical drives. If it is alone, most often the addressing is partial.

The full path to the My Scanned Images folder looks something like this:

C: Documents and Settings username My Documents My Pictures My scanned images.

The root folder is always prefixed with a colon. Between the delimiters are the names of the directories that must be opened one by one.

Working with folders in File Explorer

  1. Service - opens folder settings. Usually, among all, change the item Service -\u003e Folder Options -\u003e View -\u003e Show hidden files and folders
  2. Search - changes the view of the window, opens the search panel in an open object.
  3. Synchronization - used for working together remotely.
  4. Change view - drop-down button with a list of options
  5. Level Navigation:
    1. Return to previous
    2. Move one level up
    3. Go to the selected object.

Working with the Accounts folder

Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Accounts

On the first page, you can select a task or select a modified account

On the second:

  • Change username
  • Change or remove password
  • Change picture
  • Change account type
  • Use Passport .NET

Working with the basket

There are only two commands that can be executed here in Windows XP:

  1. Empty trash
  2. Recover (directory or file)

Basic operations with files and folders


To use the program, work with a document, you need to open an object. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Double click on the shortcut on the Desktop
  2. Double-clicking in Explorer on the name of a folder or file
  3. By clicking on the shortcut in the panel quick launch
  4. By clicking on the name in the Main Menu

The command is used for files created by the user or downloaded from the Internet, flash drive or camera. The initial save is "Save As". You meet again with the Guide. Do not rush to click the "Save" button.

  1. Remember the path to the save folder.
  2. If necessary, open another, more suitable folder or create a new one.
  3. Enter the file name using the keyboard. The name must be unique within the given folder. It is recommended that you give meaningful names to reflect the content.
  4. Click the Save button.

You can save files only in custom folders (My Documents, Shared Documents) or on the Desktop. Do not use the root or system folder for saving.

Create a folder

You can create your directory in explorer:

  1. Click on icon -\u003e write title -\u003e OK.
  2. Right-click on an empty space in the explorer window
    -\u003e create folder -\u003e enter name -\u003e OK.

The second way is to create a folder on the desktop.

Select objects

  1. One is highlighted by clicking on a shortcut on the desktop or in File Explorer
  2. Several in a row: click on the first -\u003e hold down the Shift key -\u003e click on the last
  3. Somewhat selectively: click on the first -\u003e hold down ctrl key -\u003e sequentially click on the others.


To move an object, you need two folders:

  1. Source
  2. Receiver

Option 1:

  1. In the context menu of the object to be moved, give the "Cut" command (it is placed on the clipboard)
  2. In the folder - the receiver in the menu - "Insert"

Option 2:

Open both folders and drag an object from one to the other.


  1. Call menu -\u003e rename -\u003e enter new name -\u003e OK
  2. In Explorer or on the desktop, make two clicks on the object with a short pause. The file name is highlighted under the shortcut. Remove it without touching the extension and enter a new name.


  1. Click on the "-" icon in the right upper corner window
  2. All open objects are reflected in the taskbar (below the desktop). Clicking on the name of an object collapses it.


  1. Click on the name in the taskbar.


  1. Window control button
  2. From the name menu in the taskbar

To find

The search is carried out in a special window. It can be opened in one of the following ways:

  1. Start -\u003e Find
  2. Start (right click) -\u003e Explorer -\u003e Search
  3. Start (right click) -\u003e Find

Windows XP provides a file search system based on the following criteria:

  1. By name
  2. By extension
  3. By word or phrase in file
  4. By date of change
  5. By file size, approximate or exact
  6. Additionally, the search area is indicated (selection from the list under the drop-down button)
  7. What types of folders to search in

Naturally, you must know at least one of these parameters.


  1. Removing to the trash: select the object -\u003e press Delete on the keyboard -\u003e Yes. The object is placed in the Trash folder and can be restored to its original location.
  2. 2. Deletion is irrevocable: select the object -\u003e simultaneously press the Shift + Delete keys -\u003e Yes. Be careful, objects deleted in this way cannot be recovered.

Create shortcut

The first way: call the file or folder menu -\u003e Send -\u003e Desktop (create a shortcut).

The second way is if you know the path to the file (folder):

  1. Call the menu on the desktop
  2. Overview
  3. Click on the crosses to open folders in sequence
  4. Highlight the file (folder) for which the shortcut is created -\u003e OK
  5. Further
  6. Done

Move the shortcut to the Quick Launch - while holding the left button, drag it to the left side of the taskbar (next to the Start button)

Archive (pack)

  1. Menu -\u003e Send -\u003e Compressed ZIP folder
  2. An archive shortcut will appear.

Unzip (unzip):

In the menu, choose one of three options.

You can assign a password for the archive:

  1. Add (close the file selection window)
  2. Additionally
  3. Click "Set Password"
  4. Enter password twice
  • Write the password on paper first, and then copy it into the input field so that there are no mistakes. Do not use the same password for different objects.
  • When working with multiple windows, do not close them, but minimize them to the taskbar.
  • Do not load any objects other than shortcuts to the desktop.
  • Don't delete hidden system filesexcept when deleting the folder with graphics or media files.
  • Do not edit system files.

Copy and move

  • 1 way. Place two windows on the desktop: copy source and destination. Select the necessary icons in the source window. Several icons are highlighted while holding down the Ctrl key. Drag the selected icons to the destination window, pointing to any of the selected icons. While pressing the Ctrl key, copying takes place, without it - moving elements (provided that the folders are on the same disk). excel print file zipping
  • Method 2. Select copied items. Select the Edit / Copy (Cut) menu. If you select "Cut", a move will occur. Open destination folder. Select the Edit / Paste menu.

Deleting files and folders

Deleting files is done by selecting items and pressing the Delete key. In this case, the marked items are moved to a special folder - Trash. When emptying the trash, files are destroyed. There is also an operation to erase files, when special utilities fill the clusters that contained the files being erased with random data.

Group operations with files

If you need to perform a copy or delete operation with a large number of files at the same time, it is not very convenient to select them while holding Ctrl. You can select a whole group of consecutive icons by clicking on the first of them and holding down the Shift key - on the last one. However, in this case, you need to arrange the icons in a certain way. To do this, open the folder with the files and go to the View / Arrange icons menu. There are 4 ways to organize icons in a folder: by name, by type, by size, by date. For example, you need to copy all files with the extension .txt. In this case, you should sort the icons by type, after which all files of type .txt will be grouped together and use the Shift key to select them. A similar technique is used to select "old" files (order by date), "small" (order by size) and in other standard situations.

If the window does not show full information about the files (extension, size and creation date), you should go to the window menu of the View / Table folder and all characteristics of the files will be displayed in the window.

Renaming files and folders.

Renaming a file or folder is performed either through the Rename menu, invoked by right-clicking on the corresponding icon, or by clicking on the name of the selected icon.

Comment. Deleting or renaming is not possible if the specified file is already open by some application.

Archiving - data recoding in order to reduce their volume. Data compression is a data transcoding procedure performed in order to reduce their volume. It is used for more rational use of storage and data transmission devices.

Compression is lossless (when it is possible to restore the original data without distortion) or lossy (restoration is possible with distortions that are hardly noticeable to the human eye or ear). Lossless compression is commonly used in processing computer programs and data, less often - to reduce the volume of audio, photo and video information. Lossy compression is used to reduce the volume of audio, photo and video information, it is much more efficient than lossless compression. Compression is based on eliminating the redundancy of the information contained in the original data. An example of redundancy is the repetition of fragments in the text (for example, words of natural or machine language). This redundancy is usually eliminated by replacing the repeating sequence with a shorter value (code). Another type of redundancy is associated with the fact that some values \u200b\u200bin the compressed data occur more often than others, while it is possible to replace frequently occurring data with shorter codes, and rare ones with longer ones (probabilistic compression). Compressing data that does not have the property of redundancy (for example, random signal or noise) is impossible without loss. Also, it is usually impossible to compress encrypted information.

When storing data, two problems are solved: how to save data in the most compact form and how to provide convenient and fast access (if access is not provided, then this is not storage). To provide access, the data must have an ordered structure. This generates address data. Without them, it is impossible to access the required data elements included in the structure.

Since the address data is also sized and must be stored, it is inconvenient to store the data in small units such as bytes. It is inconvenient to store them in larger units (kilobytes, megabytes, etc.), since partial filling of one storage unit leads to storage inefficiency.

The unit of data storage is a variable length object called a file.

A file is a sequence of an arbitrary number of bytes with a unique proper name.

Usually in separate file store data of the same type. In this case, the data type determines the file type.

Since there is no size limit in the file definition, you can think of a file with 0 bytes (empty file) and a file with any number of bytes.

In the definition of the file, special attention is paid to the name. It actually carries address data, without which the data stored in the file will not become information due to the lack of an access method to them. In addition to functions related to addressing, the file name can also store information about the type of data contained in it. This is important for automated tools for working with data, since they can automatically determine the appropriate method for extracting information from the file by the file name.

The file name consists of two parts: the actual name and the file extension.

The actual file name can consist of letters of the Russian and English alphabets, numbers and special characters... Moreover, its length should not exceed 256 characters.

Depending on the extension, all files are divided into two large groups: executable and non-executable.

Executable files are files that can be executed independently, i.e. they do not require any special programs to run them. They have the following extensions:

  • - exe - ready-to-execute file (tetris.exe; winword.exe);
  • - com - operating system file (;
  • - sys - operating system file (Io.sys);
  • - bat - batch file operating room mS-DOS systems (autoexec.bat).

Non-executable files require the installation of special programs to run. So, for example, in order to view a text document, you need to have some text editor... By the extension of the non-executable file, one can judge the type of data stored in this file... You can concatenate multiple files into one using the cat (1) utility, which is short for "concatenate". This utility was originally designed to combine several text files in one, but can be used for other purposes.

To combine two or more files into one, simply list the files after the cat command and redirect the output to a new file. The cat utility works with standard input and output, so you must use shell characters to redirect. For example: $ cat file1 file2 file3\u003e bigfile

This command will take the contents of files file1, file2 and file3 and concatenate them into bigfile.

The cat utility is also used to view the contents of files. Many users cat with the filename to view text files and then pipe the output through more or less:

$ cat file1 | more

Also, cat is often used to copy files. Any file can be copied by running:

$ cat / bin / bash\u003e ~ / mybash

The file / bin / bash will be copied to home directory, named mybash.

The examples shown here are just a few of the possible uses for cat. Because cat provides extensive control over standard input and output, it is ideal for use in scripting and for use as part of more complex commands.

To create an object - folder, shortcut, text document - in the explorer window or My computer you need to do the following:

· on the menu File specify command Create a and select the type of object (for example, Folder) (Fig. 4.23) or use the command of the same name in the context menu;

· An icon of the new object and a signature created by default will appear in the window. As an example, Fig. 4.24 shows the icon and caption displayed in the window after selecting a command Create, Folder;

· Enter a new name for the object and press the Enter key.

Figure: 4.23. Menu commands File, New

Figure: 4.24. New folder icon and default signature

Files and folders, like any other objects, can be copied, moved, deleted and renamed. In this section, we will use the word "object" to refer to files and folders.

To copy, move, delete, or rename an object, you must first highlight... To do this, click the object with the mouse - its icon and signature will change color. You can deselect by clicking any free space on the screen.

To select several objects at once, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting them (Fig. 4.25). To select objects located in a row, press the Shift key and click on the first and last object. To select all objects in the window, select the command Select all on the menu Edit or press the keys Ctrl + A. To deselect one or several objects without deselecting the rest, press the Ctrl key and click the object from which you are deselecting.

Figure: 4.25. Selecting multiple objects

Copying an object consists in duplicating it and playing it in another folder, on another disk or on a computer. In the process of copying, a progress indicator appears on the screen (Fig. 4.26), which reflects the copying process. The inscription above the indicator shows the file name, as well as from which folder to which copying is performed. During this process, the indicator below indicates how long it will take to copy.

Figure: 4.26. Progress bar showing copying progress

Moving and copying an object can be done in several ways:

· Using menu commands;

· Using buttons on the toolbar that duplicate menu commands;

· By dragging with the mouse.

You can copy or move an object from one disk to another or from one folder to another. To move / copy an object in the explorer window or My computer using menu commands Edit you need to do the following (fig. 4.27):

· Select an object in the window;

Select from the menu Edit command To cut to move the selected object or command Copy - to copy an object. The same commands can be selected in the context menu that will appear on the screen after right-clicking on an object;

Select the folder into which the object will be inserted and select from the menu Edit command Paste.

The commands specified in the last two paragraphs can be selected from the context menu.

Figure: 4.27. Copying an Object Using Menu Commands

The object can be moved or copied with the mouse using the drag and drop method. To copy / move an object with the mouse, proceed as follows.

1. In the left pane of the explorer window, click the folder containing the object to be moved to display it in the right pane of the window.

2.Using the scroll bar, arrange the folder tree so that the folder into which the object is copied / moved is visible.

3. Position the mouse pointer over the icon of the object to be moved, click left button and, without releasing the buttons, drag its icon from the right pane of the explorer window to the icon of the required folder located in the left pane of the window.

As you drag, the mouse pointer moves on the screen with the object icon. Dragging and dropping an object to a folder on the same disk will move it, and to another disk will copy it. To copy the item to another folder on the same drive, hold down the Ctrl key while dragging the icon.

When copying an object with the mouse, a square appears next to the pointer arrow, inside which a "+" sign is visible.

When the mouse pointer with an object icon approaches a folder, the latter is highlighted in color (Fig. 4.28).

Figure: 4.28. Highlighting a folder when the mouse with an object icon moves closer to it

If you move an object while holding down the right mouse button, a context menu appears, in which you can select the command Copy, Move, Create shortcutsor Cancel(fig. 4.29).


Figure: 4.29. Menu that appears after moving an object with the mouse while holding down the right button

To copy a file / folder to a floppy disk, usually do the following:

· Insert a floppy disk into the drive;

· Select the required file or folder in the window;

· on the menu Fileselect the command and name of the floppy disk to copy to, for example Send message, Disk 3.5 (A) .

Most computers nowadays have CD-R and CD-RW drives. Recordable (CD-R) and rewritable (CD-RW) CDs are easier to store than floppy disks, and many users use them for storage. software, photos, required files and folders. You can burn an Audio CD using Windows Player... Recall that the volume of a standard CD is 650 MB, high density - 700 MB and more. No additional software is required to burn a CD.

To copy files and folders to a CD, follow these steps:

· Insert a blank CD into the drive;

Press the button Start, right click a menu item My computerand select the command from the context menu Conductor;

· Select files and folders to be burned: right-click them while holding down the Ctrl key;

Select the command from the context menu Send message, CD- RWdrive;

· in the window conductor on the menu File select team Burn files to CD.

The burning process is facilitated by the CD Burning Wizard, which creates a folder that has the same size as the files to be burned

The CD-burning software included with Windows XP is a lite version easy apps CD Creator by Roxio. You can use Nero Ahead Software ( or Roxio Easy CD Creator ( as a full featured disc program. When using a recording program that is not supplied with the operating system, it is advisable to disable the built-in tools windows entriesto avoid conflicts between these products.

When you save or copy a file to a CD, the operating system first creates temporary files in which it plays a complete CD image on the computer's hard drive, and then transfers the data to the CD writer for final recording. We recommend that you have at least 1 GB of space when burning a CD free space on your hard drive for temporary files.

When working with a file or folder, sometimes it becomes necessary change their name.

To change the folder / file name, highlight the required icon in the explorer window or My computer, choose a team Rename from the menu Fileand enter a new name. The same command is contained in the context menu that appears after right-clicking on an object.

Delete file, folder, or shortcut after highlighting the object icon in the following ways.

1. Select a team Deletemenu File.

2. Press the button Delete on the toolbar.

3. Press the Delete key.

4. Drag the icon of the object to be deleted with the mouse to the trash (see the "Trash" section below). The icon of the object being dragged will disappear.

5. Drag the object icon to the trash can by clicking the right mouse button. After the button is released, a context menu appears with a list of commands: Move and Undo.

On Windows, the deleted object is not destroyed, but moved to the trash bin for temporary storage. If you need to immediately delete an object without placing it in the trash, press the Shift and Delete keys at the same time.

When you try to delete a folder / file, a window appears asking you to confirm the deletion of the object (Fig. 4.30). The query avoids accidental deletion of an object. By selecting the appropriate check boxes in the recycle bin properties window on the Global tab, you can delete an object without placing it in the recycle bin and without being prompted to confirm deletion.

Simultaneous deletion of a group of files is performed after they are selected.

For canceling in the window My computeror the conductor of the last operation of moving, copying or renaming an object, select the command Cancel ...on the menu Editor press the button Cancel on the toolbar Regular buttons. The command can also be invoked using the Ctrl + z keys.

Compression files and folders are produced for their more compact placement on the carrier, reducing the time of their transfer over the network. Compressed files and the folders are archived. Accordingly, the programs for packing and unpacking files are called archivers.

Backing up files and folders on the hard disk to a magnetic tape device (tape drive) connected to the computer, to floppy disks or hDD (including to a network drive) is necessary to protect data from losses resulting from power outages, equipment failure, incorrect work software, user errors. If the original files are damaged, you can restore them by accessing the archive.

Currently, several dozen archiving programs are used: ARJ, AIN, ACE, IMP, LHA, PETITE, Zip, Rar. Windows XP has full support for ZIP archives. The user can easily create archives, view their contents and extract files and folders from them. Detailed information about a compressed object (name, type, location, size before and after compression, etc.) can be obtained by right-clicking it and choosing the command Properties.

When moving a file from normal to compressed folder it shrinks. Working with a compressed folder is the same as with a regular folder. Double-clicking an object placed in a compressed folder launches the program in which it was created and opens the file or folder. To extract one file / folder from the archive, drag it to another folder with the mouse. To extract all objects, select the compressed folder in the window, select Fileand the team Extract all- the wizard for extracting files and folders from the archive will start.