Microsoft excel appointment. Description of the Microsoft Excel program. How to change cell borders

Microsoft Excel The program is designed to organize data in a table for documentation and graphical presentation of information. MS Excel workbooks provide the ability to store and organize data for calculating the sum of values \u200b\u200bin cells ...

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I Introduction

II Main part

2.1 Description of MS Excel functions

1.2 Program window

1.4 Structure of spreadsheets

1.5. Functions

1. 6 Possible mistakes when using functions in formulas

1.7 Data types and analysis

1.7 Scripts

III Practical part

3.1 Application of functions

3.2. Script application

3.2.1. An example of calculating the internal rate of investment turnover

3.2. Building diagrams

IV. Organization of the workplace

V. Labor protection while working with a PC

Vi. Bibliography

I Introduction

MicrosoftExcel is a program designed to organize data in a table for documenting and graphical presentation of information.

MS Excel is used to create complex documents in which it is necessary:

· Use the same data in different worksheets;

· Change and restore links.

The advantage of MS Excel is that the program helps to operate with large amounts of information. MS Excel workbooks provide the ability to store and organize data, calculate the sum of values \u200b\u200bin cells. MS Excel provides a wide range of methods to make information easy to read.

Nowadays, it is important for every person to know and have skills in working with applications Microsoft Office, because modern world saturated with a huge amount of information, with which you just need to be able to work.

Objective: to get acquainted with the functions of MS Excel for data processing

Objective: to consider the practical application of functionsMS Excel

II Main part

2.1 Description of MS Excel functions

1.2 Program window

To start Excel, run the command Start / Programs / Microsoft Office / Microsoft Excel.

After loading the program, a Microsoft Excel working window will open, containing menu items, as well as toolbars, where buttons are located to create a new workbook, open an existing one, etc.

Window microsoft programs Excel with the loaded spreadsheet will look like the one shown in Figure 1.

Fig 1. - Microsoft Excel window

The main elements of the working window are:

1. Title bar (the name of the program is indicated in it) with buttons for controlling the program window and the document window (Minimize, Minimize to window or Maximize to full screen, Close);

2. The main menu bar (each menu item is a set of commands united by a common functional focus) plus a window for searching for help information.

3. Toolbars (Standard Formatting, etc.).

4. The line of formulas containing the Name field and the Insert function (fx) button as elements is intended for entering and editing values \u200b\u200bor formulas in cells. The Name field displays the address of the current cell.

5. Work area (active worksheet).

6. Scroll bars (vertical and horizontal).

7. A set of tabs (sheet tabs) to move between worksheets.

8. Status bar

1.4 Structure of spreadsheets

A file created using MS Excel is usually called a workbook. You can create as many workbooks as the availability of free memory on the appropriate memory hardware allows. You can open as many workbooks as you have created. However, only one current (open) workbook can be an active workbook.

A workbook is a collection of worksheets, each with a tabular structure. The document window displays only the current (active) worksheet, with which you are working. Each worksheet has a title that appears on the sheet tab at the bottom of the window. With the help of shortcuts, you can switch to other worksheets in the same workbook. To rename a worksheet, you need to double-click on its shortcut and replace the old name with a new one or by executing the following commands: Format menu, Sheet line in the Rename menu list. Or you can, by placing the mouse pointer on the shortcut of the active worksheet, right-click, then in the context menu that appears, click on the Rename line and rename. You can add (insert) new sheets to the workbook or delete unnecessary ones. A sheet can be inserted by executing the Insert menu command, the Sheet line in the list of menu items. The sheet will be inserted in front of the active sheet. The performance of the above actions can be carried out using the context menu, which is activated by pressing the right mouse button, the pointer of which should be set on the tab of the corresponding sheet. To swap the worksheets, you need to place the mouse pointer on the tab of the sheet to be moved, click left button mouse and drag the shortcut to the desired location.

A worksheet (table) consists of rows and columns. The columns are headed by uppercase Latin letters and, further, by two letter combinations. The worksheet contains 256 columns in total, named A through IV. Lines are sequentially numbered from 1 to 65536.

At the intersection of columns and rows, table cells are formed. They are the minimum items for storing data. Each cell has its own address. A cell address consists of the column name and the row number at the intersection of which the cell is located, for example, A1, B5, DE324. Cell addresses are used when writing formulas that determine the relationship between values \u200b\u200blocated in different cells. Data entry and editing operations are always carried out only in the active cell. Data located in adjacent cells that form a rectangular region can be referenced as a whole in formulas. A group of cells bounded by a rectangular area is called a range. The most commonly used rectangular ranges are those formed at the intersection of a group of sequential rows and a group of columns that are sequential. A range of cells is denoted by the colon-separated address of the first cell and the address of the last cell of the range, for example, B5: F15. Selection of a range of cells can be performed by dragging the mouse pointer from one corner cell to the opposite cell along the diagonal. The frame of the current (active) cell is expanded to cover the entire selected range. Fig. 2

Fig. 2

To speed up and simplify the computational work, Excel provides the user with a powerful apparatus of worksheet functions that make it possible to carry out almost all possible calculations.

1.5. Functions

All in all, MS Excel contains over 400 worksheet functions (built-in functions). All of them, in accordance with their purpose, are divided into 11 groups (categories):

1. financial functions;

2. date and time functions;

3. arithmetic and trigonometric (mathematical) functions;

4. statistical functions;

5. functions of links and substitutions;

6. database functions (list analysis);

7. text functions;

8. logical functions;

9. informational functions (checking properties and values); functions;

11.Improved functions.

Writing any function to a cell of a worksheet must begin with the equals symbol (\u003d). If a function is used as part of any other complex function or in a formula (mega formula), then the symbol exactly (\u003d) is written before this function (formula). Any function can be accessed by specifying its name and the argument (parameter) or list following it in parentheses. The presence of parentheses is required, they serve as a sign that the name used is a function name. List parameters (function arguments) are separated by semicolons (;). Their number should not exceed 30, and the length of a formula containing as many function calls as you like should not exceed 1024 characters. When writing (entering) a formula, it is recommended to type all names in lowercase letters, then correctly entered names are displayed in uppercase letters.

1.6 Possible errors when using functions in formulas

When working with spreadsheets, it is important not only to know how to use them, but also not to make common mistakes. Studies have shown that more than half of people who often use Microsoft Excel in their work keep a regular calculator on their desktop! The reason turned out to be simple: in order to perform the operation of summing two or more cells to obtain an intermediate result (and such an operation, as practice shows, most people have to perform quite often), it is necessary to perform two extra steps. Find the place in the current table where the total amount will be located, and activate the summation operation by pressing the S (amount) button. And only after that you can select those cells, the values \u200b\u200bof which are supposed to be summed up.

In the Excel cell, you see ####### (sharp) instead of the expected calculated value. This is just a sign that the cell is not wide enough to display the resulting number.

Excel displays the following values, called error constants, in cells that contain formulas that contain errors when calculating these formulas:

1. #NAME? - Incorrect function name or cell address entered.

2. # DIV / 0! - The denominator in the formula is zero (division by zero).

3. # NUMBER! - The value of the function argument is not valid. For example, ln (0), ln (-2) ,.

4. # VALUE! - Function parameters entered incorrectly. For example, instead of a range of cells, they are listed sequentially.

1.6 Data analysis in MS Excel

Data - information:

Obtained by measurement, observation, logical or arithmetic operations;

Presented in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and (automated) processing.

1.7 Data types and analysis

In Excel, a data type is a type, a value stored in a cell.

When data is entered into a worksheet, Excel automatically analyzes it and determines the data type. The data type assigned to a cell by default determines how data analysis can be applied to that cell.

For example, most data analysis tools use numeric values. If you try to enter a text value, the program will respond with an error message.

Data types:

1. Text

2. Numeric

3. Number

4. Numeric characters

5. Fractions

6. Date and time

7. Give

8. Time

9. Formulas

Data analysis is a field of informatics that deals with the construction and research of the most general mathematical methods and computational algorithms for extracting knowledge from experimental (in a broad sense) data.

Data analysis - comparing different information.

Working with a table is not limited to simply entering data into it. It is difficult to imagine an area where analysis of this data would not be required.

Datasheets are part of a task pool that is sometimes referred to as what-if analysis tools. A data table is a range of cells that shows how changing specific values \u200b\u200bin formulas affects the results of those formulas. Tables provide a way to quickly calculate multiple versions in a single operation, and a way to view and compare the results of all the different versions on a single sheet.

MS Excel presents ample opportunities to analyze the data on the list. Analysis tools include:

List processing using various formulas and functions;

Building charts and using MS Excel maps;

Checking worksheet and workbook data for errors;

Structuring worksheets;

Automatic summing up (including partial sum wizard);

Data consolidation;

Pivot tables;

Special means analysis of sample records and data - selection of a parameter, search for a solution, scenarios, etc.

1.7 Scripts

One of the main benefits of data analysis is predicting future events based on today's information.

Scripting is part of a task pool sometimes called what-if analysis tools. (What-if analysis. The process of changing cell values \u200b\u200band analyzing the effect of THESE changes on the result of calculating formulas on a worksheet, such as changing the percentage rate used in the depreciation table to determine payment amounts.)

A script is a set of values \u200b\u200bthat are stored in Microsoft Office Excel and can be automatically populated into a worksheet. Scripts can be used to predict the results of worksheet calculation models. It is possible to create and save different groups of values \u200b\u200bin a worksheet, and then switch to any of these new scripts to view different results. Or, you can create multiple input datasets (modifiable cells) for any number of variables and assign a name to each dataset. By the name of the selected dataset, MS Excel will form the analysis results on the worksheet. In addition, the Script Manager allows you to create a script summary report that reflects the results of substitution of various combinations of input parameters.

As the script is developed, the data on the sheet will change. For this reason, before starting to work with the script, you will come to create a script, save the original data, or create a copy of the Excel sheet.

All scripts are created in the Add Script dialog box. First of all, you need to specify the cells to display the projected changes. Cell references are separated from each other by a colon or semicolon. Then, in the Script Cell Value dialog box, each cell is assigned a new value. These values \u200b\u200bare used when executing the corresponding script. After entering the values, a script is generated. If you select a different scenario, the values \u200b\u200bin the cells change as indicated in the scenario.

To protect the script, use the checkboxes selected at the bottom of the Add Script dialog box. The Prohibit Changes check box prevents users from changing the script. If the Hide check box is enabled, users will not be able to see the script by opening the sheet. These options apply only when sheet protection is set.

If you want to compare several scenarios at the same time, you can create a Final Report by clicking on the Report button in the dialog box.

In many economic problems, the calculation result depends on several parameters that can be controlled.

The script manager is opened by the Service / Scripts command (Fig. 1). In the Scenario Manager window, using the corresponding buttons, you can add a new scenario, change, delete or display an existing one, as well as combine several different scenarios and get a final report on existing scenarios.

III Practical part

3.1 Application of functions

P / p No.

Book title

The year of publishing





Sergey Yesenin. Complete works in one volume

Sergey Yesenin

2009 year


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440 rub

Alpha book

Flying barge haulers

Zakhar Prilepin


325 rub

Men's prose

220 rub

Edited by Elena Shubina, AST

Avsonius. Poems

Decimus Avsonius

1993 year

768 rub


538 RUB

The science


Vladimir Mayakovsky

2012 r.

90 rub

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50 rub

ABC, ABC-Atticus

M. Lermontov. Full composition of writings

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460 rub

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The cost



To calculate the average, we use the function:

Average (E2: E6)

To calculate the cost, we use the formula

SUM (E2: E6)

These functions could be replaced by the formula

\u003d (E2 + E3 + E4 + E5 + E6) / 5

E2 + E3 + E4 + E5 + E6

But in this case, if there were more data, then it would be easy to make a mistake and much more time for writing would be spoiled.

3.2. Script application

3.2.1. An example of calculating the internal rate of investment turnover

Imprint: project costs amount to RUB 700 million. Expected revenues over the next five years will amount to 70, 90, 300, 250, 300 million rubles. Consider also the following options (project costs are presented with a minus sign):

600; 50, 100; 200; 200; 300;

650; 90; 120; 200; 250; 250;

500, 100,100, 200, 250, 250.

Figure 1. The Script Manager window


The IRR function is used to calculate the investment's internal rate of return (internal rate of return).

IRR - IRR - Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows, represented by their numerical values. These cash flows do not have to be equal in value. However, they must occur at regular intervals, such as monthly or annually.

The internal rate of return is the interest rate adopted for an investment consisting of payments (negative amounts) and income (positive amounts), which are made in consecutive and equal periods.

VSD (Value; Guess)

Values \u200b\u200bmust contain at least one positive and one negative value.

IRR uses the order of values \u200b\u200bto interpret the order of payments or receipts. Make sure that payments and receipts are entered in the correct order.

If the argument, which is an array or a reference, contains text, boolean values or empty cells, such values \u200b\u200bare ignored.

Assumption is a value that is assumed to be close to the IRR result.

In our case, the function for solving the problem uses only the Value argument, one of which is necessarily negative (project costs). If the internal rate of investment turnover turns out to be higher than the market rate of return, then the project is considered economically viable. If not, then the project should be rejected.

The solution is shown in Fig. 2. Formulas for calculations:

In cell B14:

BC (B5: B10)

In cell C14:

IF (B14\u003e 12); "

The project is economically feasible ";

"The project must be discarded")

Figure: 2. Calculations of the internal rate of investment turnover

1. Consider this example for all combinations of input data. To create a script, use the Service | Scripts | Add button (fig. 3). After clicking the OK button, it becomes possible to enter new values \u200b\u200bfor the cells being changed (Fig. 4).

To save the results for the first scenario, there is no need to edit the cell values \u200b\u200b- just click the OK button (to confirm the default values \u200b\u200band exit to the Scenario Manager window).

Figure: 3. Adding a script for a combination of source data

Figure: 4. Window for changing cell values

3. To add new scripts to the task under consideration, just click the Add button in the Script Manager window and repeat the above actions, changing the values \u200b\u200bin the cells of the initial data (Fig. 5).

Scenario "Rate of turnover 1" corresponds to the data (-700, 70, 90, 300; 250; 300), Scenario "Rate of turnover 2" - (-600, 50, 100, 200, 200, 300),

Scenario "Speed \u200b\u200bof turnover 3" - (-650, 90; 120; 200; 250; 250).

By clicking the Output button, you can view on the worksheet

calculation results for the corresponding combination of initial values.

Figure: 5. Script Manager window with added scripts

4. To get a summary report for all added scripts, click the Report button in the script manager window. In the window that appears, the script report, select the required report type and provide links to the cells in which the resulting functions are calculated. When you click the OK button, a script report is displayed on the corresponding sheet of the workbook (Fig. 6).

Figure: 6. Report on scenarios for calculating the rate of investment turnover

3.2. Building diagrams

Diagrams are used to graphically represent the data of worksheets (tables). The worksheet data that is used to create charts is connected to it and the chart is updated when it changes. You can create an inline chart, add it directly to a worksheet, or execute it on a separate chart sheet in a workbook. Once created, you can add titles and gridlines to your chart. You can use auto formats to change the chart format.

To create a chart using the Chart Wizard, follow these steps:

1. Highlight the data that you want to use in the chart.

2. Run the command Insert / Chart or click the Chart Wizard button.

3. The Chart Wizard dialog box will appear (step 1 of 4). Select a chart type from the appropriate list and then its type. Then click on the Next\u003e button. You can see a preview of the chart by left-clicking on the View Result button.

Figure: 9. - Diagram wizard

4. If the address of the range in the Range text box on the Data Range tab is correct for the Next\u003e button. Otherwise, select the range in the working window or enter the addresses of its cells and then click the Next\u003e button. You can make some changes by selecting the Row tab. A new dialog box will appear.

5. In this window, you can improve the diagram using the appropriate tabs. For example, a histogram might look like this. Click the Next\u003e button. The final window of the Chart Wizard appears.

6. Specify a location for the chart.

7. Click the Finish button. The diagram will appear on the worksheet.

After inserting a chart into a worksheet, you can resize it or move it to another location by first selecting it. To select a chart, place the mouse cursor on it and click the left mouse button. In this case, a thin rectangular frame with markers in the form of black squares in the corners, in the middle of each side (dimension markers) will appear near the diagram.

To resize the chart, do the following:

1. Select the chart.

2. Resize the chart by dragging the dimension handles. To resize proportionally, move the corner dimension handles, to change the width or height - the corresponding handles in the middle of the sides.

Figure: 10. - Chart wizard, data source

Figure 11. - Chart wizard, chart parameters

spreadsheet script chart

Figure 12. - Chart wizard, chart placement

Figure 13. - Moving the diagram

IV ... Organization of the workplace


Pentium (R) Dual - Core CPU E 5300 computer

2.6 GHz, 0.99 GB RAM


1. Operating systemMicrosoft Windows XP Professional

Service Pack 3

  1. Microsoft Office 2013

V ... Labor protection while working with a PC

General requirements security

This manual applies to personnel operating computer facilities and peripheral equipment. The instruction contains general instructions for the safe use of electrical equipment in an institution. The requirements of this manual are binding, no deviations from it are allowed. Only specially trained personnel at least 18 years of age who are fit for health reasons and qualifications to perform these works are allowed to independently operate electrical equipment.

Safety requirements before starting work

Before starting work, you should make sure that the electrical wiring, switches, plug sockets, with which the equipment is connected to the network, are in good condition, that the computer is grounded, and that it is operational.

Safety requirements during work

To reduce or prevent the influence of dangerous and harmful factors, it is necessary to comply with sanitary rules and regulations. Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization (Approved by the Resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia dated July 14, 1996 N 14 SanPiN, and Appendix 1.2

To avoid damage to the wire insulation and short circuits It is not allowed to: hang anything on wires, paint over and whitewash cords and wires, lay wires and cords behind gas and water pipes, for heating system batteries, pull the plug out of the socket by the cord, force must be applied to the plug body.

To avoid electric shock, it is prohibited to: often turn on and off the computer unnecessarily, touch the screen and the back of the computer units, work on computing technology and peripheral equipment with wet hands, work on computer technology and peripheral equipment that have a violation of the integrity of the case, violations of wire insulation, faulty indication of power on, with signs of electrical voltage on the case, placing foreign objects on computer equipment and peripheral equipment.

Do not clean electrical equipment from dust and dirt while energized.

It is forbidden to check the performance of electrical equipment in unsuitable for operation rooms with conductive floors, damp, not allowing to ground accessible metal parts.

It is unacceptable to repair computers and peripheral equipment under voltage. Repair of electrical equipment is carried out only by specialist technicians in compliance with the necessary technical requirements.

In order to avoid electric shock, when using electrical appliances, you must not touch any pipelines, heating batteries, metal structuresconnected to the ground.

Take extra care when using electricity in damp areas.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

If a malfunction is detected, immediately disconnect the electrical equipment, notify the administration. Continuation of work is possible only after elimination of the malfunction.

If a broken wire is found, it is necessary to immediately inform the administration about this, to take measures to exclude contact with people. Touching the wire is life threatening.

In all cases of electric shock to a person, call a doctor immediately. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary, without wasting time, to begin providing first aid to the victim.

Artificial respiration should be started immediately, the most effective of which is mouth-to-mouth¦ or mouth-to-nose¦ and external cardiac massage.

Artificial respiration for an electric shock is performed until the arrival of a doctor.

It is forbidden to have flammable substances in the workplace

It is prohibited in the premises:

a) light a fire;

b) turn on electrical equipment if the room smells of gas;

c) smoking;

d) dry anything on heating devices;

e) cover ventilation openings in electrical equipment

Sources of ignition are:

a) spark during discharge of static electricity

b) sparks from electrical equipment

c) sparks from impact and friction

d) open flame

In the event of a fire hazard or fire, personnel must immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate it, and at the same time notify the administration of the fire.

Rooms with electrical equipment must be equipped with fire extinguishers type OU-2 or OUB-3.

Safety requirements at the end of work

After completing the work, it is necessary to de-energize all computer facilities and peripheral equipment. In the case of a continuous production process, only the necessary equipment should be left on.

Vi. Bibliography

  1. "Data Analysis in Excel" - Ginger Simon: Publishing House - "Dialectics", 2004.
  2. "Microsoft Office Excel for Student" - L.V. Rudikov: publishing house - "BHV-Petersburg"; 2005
  3. Simonovich S., Evseev G. "Excel". - "M .: INFRA M", 1998 ..
  4. "Training. Excel 2000". - M .: Publishing house "Media", 2000.
  5. "Fundamentals of Informatics: Textbook. Manual" / A.N. Morozevich, N.N. Govyadinova and others; Ed. A.N. Morozevich. - Minsk: "New knowledge", 2001.
  6. Langer M ... "Microsoft Office Excel 2003for Windows ". - "NT Press" - 2005.
  7. Verlan A.F., Apatova N.V. Informatics, -K., Kvazar-Micro, 1998 ..
  8. The newest encyclopedia of a personal computer 2000. 2nd ed., Revised. and add. -M .: OLMA-PRESS, 2000.-pp. 394-430.
  9. Rudenko V.D., Makarchuk A.N., Patlandzhou N.A. Practical course of informatics / ed. Matsiona, -K., Phoenix, 1997.
  10. Self-study guide to work on personal computer / ed. Yu.S. Kovtanyuk, S.V. Solovyana - К: Junior, 2001 .-- p. 231-304.
  11. Simonovich S.V., Evseev G.A., Alekseeva A.G. Special Informatics: Textbook. - M .: AST-PRESS: Inforkom-Press, 1999.
  12. Official site of Microsoft Corp. on the Internet:

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Charts allow you to: display data more visually facilitate their perception help to observe changes in values \u200b\u200bduring analysis and comparison. And for analysis it is convenient to use diagrams with their special capabilities. The result of the work of the spreadsheet processor is a document in the form of a table or diagram.

The program for processing spreadsheets Microsoft Excel (hereinafter the names Excel or MS Excel are used for brevity), like the text editor MS Word, is included in the packages of the Microsoft Office family. Currently, the main versions of MS Excel 7.0, MS Excel 97, MS Excel 2000 are used, which are included in the packages MS Office 95, MS Office 97 and MS Office 2000, respectively. The manual discusses general issues of working with a spreadsheet program, which are presented in one form or another in all the versions mentioned. Therefore, the manual does not specify the version of the program anywhere. The examples given in the tutorial were obtained in MS Excel 97 editor.

Purpose of MS Excel

The MS Excel program is a powerful and fairly easy-to-use spreadsheet processing package designed to solve a wide range of economic planning, accounting, statistical, scientific and technical and other tasks in which numerical, textual or graphic information with some regular, repetitive structure presented in tabular form. Spreadsheet just like a regular table, it consists of rows and columns, at the intersection of which are located cell... However, unlike an ordinary one, a spreadsheet serves not only for visual presentation of numerical, textual and graphic information.

The main difference between a spreadsheet and a regular spreadsheet is the ability to accommodate various calculation formulas in its cells, as well as in a wide automation processing data presented in tabular form. Let, for example, in one column of the table is the income of various organizations for a certain period, and in the other column you need to place income tax, which is calculated in a certain way depending on the income received. Instead of performing a manual tax calculation, you can write the corresponding calculation formulas in the cells of this column, and Excel will calculate herself tax and will put the corresponding values \u200b\u200bin the correct cells instead of standing there. formulas. therefore excel program quite often called processor spreadsheets.

Main features of MS Excel

The MS Excel spreadsheet program provides the user with a rich set of possibilities for creating and modifying tables, which can contain numbers, text, dates, currencies, graphics, as well as mathematical and other formulas for performing calculations. Entering data into tables, formatting them and performing various kinds of calculations are largely automated. Means are provided for presenting numerical data in the form of diagrams, creating, sorting and filtering lists, statistical analysis of data and solving optimization problems.

In addition to specific tools typical for working with spreadsheets, MS Excel has a standard for windows applications a set of file operations, has access to the clipboard and undo and redo mechanisms.

MS Excel documents are written to files with the extension .xls. In addition, MS Excel can work with spreadsheets and charts created in other common packages (for example, Lotus 1-2-3), as well as transform the files it creates for use by other programs.

Main features and tools of MS Excel:

Wide possibilities of creating and modifying tables of arbitrary structure;

Autocomplete table cells;

Rich set of table formatting capabilities;

A rich set of various functions for performing calculations;

Automation of building diagrams of various types;

Powerful mechanisms for creating and processing lists (databases): sorting, filtering, searching;

Mechanisms for automating the creation of reports.

In addition to the specific, typical for programs for processing electronic tables, MS Excel has a number of capabilities and tools used in text editor MS Word and in other applications of the MS Office package, as well as in operating system Windows:

Powerful built-in reference system, availability of context-sensitive help;

Changing the shape of the text cursor and mouse pointer when changing the current situation in the editor, making it easier for the user to navigate the program and possible actions of his own;

A set of blanks (templates) of documents, the presence of wizards - subsystems that automatize the work on standard documents in standard situations;

The ability to import - convert files from formats of other spreadsheet programs into MS Excel format, and export - convert files from MS Excel format to formats of other programs;

Access to the clipboard, which allows transferring fragments both within one document and between different documents and applications;

Mechanisms for undoing and restoring the last performed actions after it (rollback and rollback);

Search and replace substrings;

Automation tools for working with documents - autocorrect, auto-format, auto-transfer, etc .;

The ability to format characters, paragraphs, pages, create a background, framing, underline;

Checking the spelling of words (spelling) using the built-in dictionary in different languages;

Wide possibilities for managing the printing of documents (determining the number of copies, selective printing of pages, setting the print quality, etc.);

Microsoft Excel (Mac OS X)

Microsoft Excel 2008
A type
operating system
Latest version

Microsoft Excel (also sometimes called Microsoft Office Excel ) is a spreadsheet program created by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows, Windows NT, and Mac OS. It provides the capabilities of economic and statistical calculations, graphical tools and, with the exception of Excel 2008 under Mac OS X, the macro programming language VBA ( Visual Basic for Application). Microsoft Excel is part of Microsoft Office and today Excel is one of the most popular applications in the world.


The VBA functionality made Excel an easy target for macro viruses. And this was a serious problem until antivirus products learned how to detect them. Microsoft, belatedly taking steps to mitigate the risk, added a choice of security mode:

  • disable macros completely
  • enable macros when opening document
  • trust all macros signed with trusted certificates.

Versions of Excel 5.0 through 9.0 contain various Easter eggs, although starting with version 10 Microsoft began taking steps to eliminate them.


Windows and Windows NT versions

Excel 97 (8.0) on Windows XP

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

  • 1988 - Excel 2.0 for Windows
  • 1990 - Excel 3.0
  • 1992 - Excel 4.0
  • 1993 - Excel 5.0 (Office 4.2 and 4.3, there is also a 32-bit version for Windows NT only)
  • 1995 - Excel 7 for Windows 95 (included in Microsoft Office 95)
  • 1997 - Excel 97 (included in Microsoft Office 97)
  • 1999 - Excel 2000 (9) - Microsoft Office 2000
  • 2001 - Excel 2002 (10) - Microsoft Office XP
  • 2003 - Excel 2003 (11) - Microsoft Office 2003
  • 2007 - Excel 2007 (12) - Microsoft Office 2007
  • 2010 - Excel 2010 (14) - Microsoft Office 2010
  • Comment: Version 1.0 was not used to avoid confusion with Apple products
  • Comment: Excel 6.0 does not exist because windows version 95 shipped with Word 7. All Office 95 and Office 4.x programs used OLE 2.0 (automatic data transfer between various programs), and Excel 7 should have shown that it conforms to Word 7.
  • Comment: Version 13.0 has been skipped. Excel 2010 has an internal version of 14.0.

Macintosh versions

  • 1985 - Excel 1.0
  • 1988 - Excel 1.5
  • 1989 - Excel 2.2
  • 1990 - Excel 3.0
  • 1992 - Excel 4.0
  • 1993 - Excel 5.0
  • 1998 - Excel 8.0 (Office "98)
  • 2000 - Excel 9.0 (Office 2001)
  • 2001 - Excel 10.0 (Office v. X)
  • 2004 - Excel 11.0 (Office 2004)
  • 2008 - Excel 12.0 (Office 2008)
  • 2011 - Excel 14.0 (Office 2011)

OS / 2 Versions

  • 1989 - Excel 2.2
  • 1990 - Excel 2.3
  • 1991 - Excel 3.0

Versions of Excel prior to 7.0 were limited in data storage capacity, containing up to 16 384 (2 14) rows. Versions 8.0-11.0 could handle 65,536 (2 16) rows and 256 columns (2 8). Versions 12.0 and 14.0 handle up to 1,048,576 (2 20) rows and 16,384 (2 14) columns.

File formats

Microsoft Excel up to and including 2003 version used its own binary file format (BIFF) as the main one. Excel 2007 uses Microsoft Office Open XML as its primary format.

Despite the fact that Excel 2007 supports and aims to use the new XML formats as the main formats, it is still compatible with traditional binary formats. Moreover, most microsoft versions Excel can read CSV, DBF, SYLK, DIF and other formats.

Office Open XML

Microsoft Excel 2007, along with other Microsoft Office 2007 products, introduces many new file formats. They are part of the Office Open XML (OOXML) specification.

New excel formats 2007
Format Expansion Notes
Excel workbook .xlsx The standard format for Excel 2007 workbooks. It is actually a compressed ZIP catalog archive XML documents... It is a replacement for the former .xls binary format, although it does not support macros for security reasons.
Excel workbook with macros .xlsm The same Excel workbook, but with macro support.
Excel binary workbook .xlsb The same Excel workbook with macros, but storing information in binary format, opening documents faster than XML. It is especially often used for very large documents with tens of thousands of lines and / or hundreds of columns.
Excel template with macros .xltm The template created as the basis for the workbooks includes macro support. Replaces the old .xlt format.
Excel add-in .xlam Excel add-in to add additional functionality and tools.

Exporting and Moving Tables

The API allows you to open Excel spreadsheets in a number of other applications. This includes opening Excel documents on web pages using ActiveX or plugins such as Adobe Flash Player. The Apache POI project provides Java libraries for reading and writing Excel spreadsheets. Attempts have also been made to copy Excel spreadsheets to web applications using comma separated values \u200b\u200b(CSV).


A valuable feature of Excel is the ability to write code based on Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). This code is written using a separate editor from the tables. The spreadsheet is managed through an object-oriented code and data model. With this code, the data from the input tables will be instantly processed and displayed in tables and charts (graphs). The table becomes the interface of the code, making it easy to work with, modify it and manage calculations.

Password protection MS Excel

Microsoft Excel Protection provides several types of different passwords:

All passwords, except for the password for opening the document, can be deleted instantly, regardless of the version of MS Excel in which the document was created. These types of passwords are primarily used for teamwork on a document. When using them, the document is not encrypted, and the hash from set password... While using a password to protect the book, the document is encrypted with a known password "VelvetSweatshop", this does not add additional security to the document. The only type of password that can prevent an attacker from gaining access to the document is "Password to open", but the cryptographic strength of such protection strongly depends on the version of MS Excel in which the document was created.

In MS Excel version 95 and earlier, "Password for opening" is converted into a 16-bit key that is cracked instantly. In MS Excel 97/2000, the password was converted into a 40-bit key, which can also be cracked very quickly on modern equipment. In addition, password cracking programs can try hundreds of thousands of passwords per second, which allows not only decrypting a document, but also finding the original password. In MS Excel 2003 / XP, the situation has improved a little - the user can choose almost any encryption algorithm available in the system (CryptoServiceProvider). But by default the same MS Excel 97/2000 protection remained. For users who are used to trusting the default behavior of programs, this means that their documents are not protected.

The situation changed dramatically in MS Excel 2007 - the modern AES algorithm with a key of 128 bits was used for encryption, and 50,000 times the SHA1 hash function was used to obtain the key, which reduced the search speed to hundreds of passwords per second. In MS Excel, the default strength of protection has been increased by 2 times, thanks to the use of 100,000 times SHA1 password-to-key conversion. Conclusion: at the moment, only documents saved in office format 2007 \\ 2010 with the resistant "Password to open".


The general criticism of spreadsheets applies to Excel as well. Specific areas of criticism in Excel are accuracy, date issues, and Excel 2007 display errors.


Because Excel operates on a floating point basis, the statistical accuracy of Excel has been criticized. Excel proponents argue that these errors only appear in special conditions of specially selected input data, which affect a relatively small number of users, and are unlikely to occur in practice. For versions 97, 2000, 2002, errors were recorded when executing the MOD (division with remainder) function for certain arguments, where the function returns the #NUM! Error instead of the result.

Date issues

In versions of Excel up to and including 2007, 1900 was erroneously considered a leap year. The bug originated in Lotus 1-2-3 and was deliberately introduced into Excel for compatibility and was maintained for backward compatibility.

Excel display errors

Microsoft Excel 2007 screenshot showing display error 65535

On September 22, 2007, it was reported that in certain situations Excel 2007 will show incorrect results. In particular, for those pairs of numbers whose product is 65535 (for example, 850 and 77.1), Excel will display 100,000 as a total. This happens with about 14.5% of such pairs. In addition, if you add one to the result, Excel displays the total 100001. However, if you subtract one from the total, the display shows the correct result 65534. (Also, if the total is multiplied or divided by 2, it displays 131070 and 32767.5, respectively.)

Microsoft reported on the Microsoft Excel blog that an issue exists in displaying six specific floating point values \u200b\u200bbetween 65534.99999999995 and 65535 and six values \u200b\u200bbetween 65535.99999999995 and 65536 (not including borders). Any calculations that result in one of the twelve values \u200b\u200bwill not display correctly. The actual data stored and transferred to other cells is correct, only the display of the value is incorrect. The bug appeared in Excel 2007 and does not exist in previous versions. On October 9, 2007, Microsoft released a patch to fix the problem. It was also included in the Service Pack 1 fixes.



  • Working with Excel Files with the .NET Framework
  • List of MVP Sites (eng.)

Excel is a widespread computer program... It is needed for calculations, drawing up tables and diagrams, calculating simple and complex functions. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite.

This is a set of programs for office work. The most popular applications in it are Word and Excel.

Excel (Excel) is something like a calculator with many functions and capabilities. In this program, you can draw up reports, make calculations of any complexity, draw diagrams. It is necessary, first of all, for accountants and an economist.

It is a large table in which you can enter data, that is, print words and numbers. Also, using the functions of this program, you can perform various manipulations with numbers: add, subtract, multiply, divide and much more.

Many people think that Excel is just tables. They are convinced that all tables on a computer are compiled in this program. But this is not the case. This program is needed, first of all, for calculations.

If you need not only to draw a table with words and numbers, but also perform some actions with the numbers (add, multiply, calculate the percentage, etc.), then you need to work in Microsoft Excel. And if you need to create a table without calculations, that is, enter ready-made data, then it is faster and more convenient to do this in Microsoft Word.

Axel, in comparison with Ward, of course, is more difficult. And it is better to start working in this program after you have mastered Word. It will take a long time to learn Excel thoroughly. But, as practice shows, most people need only basic skills to work.

How to open Excel program

Click on the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen.

A list will open. Click on "All Programs" (Programs).

Will appear new list... Find the item "Microsoft Office" and click on it. If you do not see such an inscription, then, most likely, the package office programs (including Microsoft Excel) is not installed on your computer.

Microsoft Excel (also sometimes called Microsoft Office Excel) is a spreadsheet program created by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows, Windows NT and Mac OS. It provides the capabilities of economic and statistical calculations, graphical tools and, with the exception of Excel 2008 for Mac OS X, the macro programming language VBA (Visual Basic for Application). Microsoft Excel is part of Microsoft Office and today Excel is one of the most popular applications in the world. " Source:

Microsoft Excel capabilities?

The areas and possibilities of using Excel are varied:

As you can see from all of the above, the main focus of Excel is working with financial and analytical data, so ownership of this application is in demand in many activities related to calculations, reports, forecasting, etc. And an employee with advanced knowledge is a gift

That's all for now! In the next lesson, we will get acquainted with the MS Excel 2003 interface.

For those who wish to delve into the history of the development of MS Excel, you can take a look at.