How to enable smooth scrolling in Yandex. Smooth scrolling in Yandex browser. Smooth page scrolling in Google Chrome

Hello, dear readers of the site site. Today I want to continue the topic about useful plugins for a popular browser Google chrome.

In the last article, plugins were considered to improve the efficiency of the Internet. I think they have benefited you. Now it's time to improve the interaction with the browser. Let's make smooth scrolling of pages in Google Chrome, thin scroll bars and rethink working with CTRL + TAB.

1. - smooth scrolling of pages in Google Chrome

I don't know about you, but after switching from Opera to Google Chrome, I began to miss the smooth scrolling of pages. In Chrome, they scroll through in jerks, which is not very convenient for reading. Probably, the developer of the Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller plug-in also missed such an opportunity, and he made the corresponding plug-in. It has great flexibility in settings and capabilities.

Scroll settings can be set separately for both the mouse wheel and the keyboard using four sliders. The result of the settings is presented in the form of a graph, which helps to imagine what the final setting will be.

For fast responsive scrolling on my laptop, I set the extension settings like this:

Let's take a look at what these sliders do:

Step Size - the length of the scrolling step in pixels. The higher the value, the more part of the page will scroll.

Smoothness(Forepart) - initial scrolling smoothness. The higher the value, the slower the scrolling will start.

Smoothness - scrolling decay rate. The higher the value, the longer page will continue to move after you stop turning the wheel.

Acceleration Sensitivity - the amount of scrolling acceleration. The faster you turn the mouse wheel, the more of the page will scroll.

There is also an option “ Bouncy edge»- the amount of bounce of the page from the top or bottom edge. There is also a "Black List" list of addresses on the pages of which the plugin will not work. That's all, you can move on to the next plugin.

If you have slows down scrolling sites in Google Chrome, there are several reasons for this.

The most common is a heavy site overloaded with ads, flash banners, or other elements. The way out is to install an extension to block the above - and, I wrote about them.

The second reason is that you have zoomed in on the page. This is done by pressing cTRL keys "+" And CTRL "-". After changing the scale, a magnifying glass appears in the address bar, by clicking on which you can return the page size to its original state.

The third reason is that the page has not fully loaded. In this case, you need to wait until it finishes downloading or manually stop it. There may be some more reasons, but those that I have named are the main ones.

I recently found out that this extension does not work in Yandex Browser, so I can recommend another one that works without problems - . It doesn't have any settings, but it might work for you.

2. - thin scroll bars

There is not much to say about this small but useful extension. It makes the scroll bars of the page very thin, but on the other hand, noticeable. Some people want to remove the vertical scrollbar altogether, but this is too minimalistic. A stripe of three pixels wide will be enough to assess the position on the page, but it will not get in the way. I think it will be useful not only for netbooks, but also for conventional computers... Looks beautiful.

3. - rethinkingCTRL+ TAB

As a laptop owner, I use this key combination all the time, otherwise I get bored of running my finger on the touchpad. But in Google Chrome, this is done a little inconveniently: CTRL + TAB - move around open tabs forward and CTRL + SHIFT + TAB backward.

Remember opera browser... In that wonderful browser, there is a very convenient switching between tabs with the CTRL + TAB key combination. With this combination, you can switch between any two tabs that you need most at a particular moment.

The Tab Stack implements the same thing, just in a different way. The principle of operation of this plugin is simple - it moves any active tab to the first window on the left. This way you will have the most active tabs on the left and the least active on the right.

What does this give you in practice? It often happens that there are many tabs open, but you only work with a few. Thus, the currently needed tabs will be on the left, and unnecessary ones on the right. This extension has only one setting - after how many seconds to move the tabs. The time can be set from 0.1 to several seconds. Install this plugin yourself and try it as far as you need it.

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Are you tired of jerking and jumping in browser pages when scrolling down? Want to see smooth scrolling of the page with the wheel? Then read this article: How to make a smooth scrolling page.

This article will talk about how to make a smooth scrolling page in Chrome.

Why Chrome and not any other browser?

  • Well, first of all, Chrome is my favorite browser, I use it all the time, that's why I write about it.
  • Secondly, you can't write about all browsers at once.

As the saleswomen at the Council of Deputies liked to say: "There are many of you, but I am alone .." But I hope that someday the turn will come to other browsers. And now, nevertheless, about Chrome.

Smooth page scrolling in Google Chrome

This function in the Chrome browser is implemented at the hardware level, but it is hidden.

Why is it hidden? The fact is that the developers of Chrome so far cannot bring it "to mind".

That is, it seems to be there, but it does not always work correctly. Therefore, it was classified as an experimental function.

You can enable the "Smooth page scrolling with a wheel in Chrome" option by typing the following query in the browser line: chrome: // flags / and pressing the "Enter" key

As a result, you will find yourself in the section with experimental functions.

Carefully "Scroll through" all the options and somewhere there should be a function "Smooth scrolling of the page with the wheel"

I write " Must be" but not " will be"because Chrome developers constantly change this section and this option appears and disappears. Well, that's why it is" experimental ".

And if you don't want to expose your browser to experiments and knowingly make its work unstable, you can use a ready-made and proven solution that will reliably implement the option " "without any unnecessary problems.

In this case, I mean installing a special extension for Chrome in the browser, called "Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller"

How to make smooth page scrolling

After installation, go to the "Extensions" section. Next, we do as in the picture. By clicking on item number 4, we get to "Settings"

Here you will see a page in English.

If you are not friends with a foreign language, then simply translate Chrome with a translator, and you will get this picture.

I think now everything is clear without unnecessary interpretation.

Experiment with the settings, and select the settings of the "Smooth page scrolling with the wheel" extension that suit you personally.

This extension is certainly not for you, but it will make your online experience more enjoyable.

This material is suitable for those who use multiple browsers on their computer. Now we will analyze how to make a smooth scrolling of the page in different browsers, such as: Google Chrome, Yandex browser, Opera, Mozilla Firefox.

What does smooth scrolling give? As you know, you can scroll the page with the mouse wheel or arrows on the keyboard in any browser. By enabling the smooth scrolling function, this action will be performed several times smoother and without jerking.

The smooth scrolling feature in Google Chrome is experimental, but it still works as it should. To enable it, enter the following text in the address bar:

chrome: // flags / # smooth-scrolling

By clicking on this address, you will be taken to the hidden settings page of the Chrome browser. Among the many customizable parameters, it will immediately transfer to the item we need.

In the drop-down menu, select enable, and click the button below to restart the browser. Now the function is active, you can experiment further.

How to disable smooth scrolling in Google Chrome browser

To turn off smooth scrolling, do the same as you did when you turned it on, but select Disabled from the drop-down list. Then restart your browser.

Important: All these actions can be done on a mobile browser.GoogleChrome. Use the same commands to enable and disable smooth scrolling on android.

How to make smooth scrolling in Yandex browser

To enable smooth scrolling in Yandex browser 2 methods can be used. The first is using an extension, the second is using built-in functions. Since Yandex browser and Google Chrome are created according to the source code of the Chromium browser, in order to go to hidden settings just enter in the address bar:

browser: // flags / # smooth-scrolling

Restart your browser and congratulations, you have just enabled smooth scrolling in your Yandex browser.

You can opt out of using standard methods and use a custom browser add-on. It is called SmoothScroll and you can download it from the store with extensions

How to disable smooth scrolling in Yandex browser

Disabling smooth scrolling in the Yandex browser is as easy as enabling it. Go to hidden settings and just turn off the item you need.

If you installed an extension, then to remove / disable it, you need to go to add-ons and remove the extension SmoothScroll.

How to make smooth page scrolling in Opera

In older versions of the browser, opera smooth scrolling was enabled in the usual settings. It was enough to walk the path

Settings -\u003e General settings -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Navigation -\u003e Put a tick on the item "Smooth scrolling"

Click OK and restart the browser. I repeat, this method only works on older versions of opera.

After a global update, you can enter the hidden settings of Opera by typing the following address into the address bar:

opera: // flags / # smooth-scrolling

As you can see, the actions are similar to google settings chrome and Yandex browser. We restart the browser. Everything is working

How to disable smooth scrolling in Opera

Disable smooth scrolling of the page in the same way as enable it, only from the drop-down list we focus on the Disable item.

This is not to say that scrolling in the opera dramatically changes scrolling delays, but it still helps someone. In most cases, these are those users who have more powerful computers.

How to enable smooth scrolling in Mozilla Firefox

As known firefox browser uses its own development and enabling smooth scrolling is in the settings. To make the required item active, you need to Log in:

Settings -\u003e Advanced -\u003e General -\u003e check the box "Use smooth scrolling"

How to turn off smooth scrolling in Firefox

You can also disable the item responsible for the absence of twitching when scrolling the page in the settings. It is enough to remove the checkbox from the required item.

Important: you can also install an application for smooth scrolling of content, but this should be done at your own peril and risk. Well proven addon Yet Another Smooth Scrolling

Now you know how to disable and enable the smooth scrolling option in google browsers Chrome, Yandex browser, Opera, Mozilla Firefox. If you have any suggestions or edits, write them in the comments.

For browsing the Internet, there is a smooth scrolling option. It allows you to move up and down the page more smoothly and evenly. In some browsers this option is built-in (as, for example, in the Mozilla Firefox browser), for others you need to install the corresponding utility. If this option is not needed, smooth scrolling can simply be disabled.


  • Launch the browser in the usual way, in the top menu bar select "Tools". If you cannot find the menu, then your browser window is displayed in full screen mode. Move the mouse cursor to the top edge of the screen, wait for the panel to appear, click on it right click mouse, in the drop-down menu set the marker opposite the line "Exit full screen mode"Or press the F11 key. If it does not help, right-click on the panel and make sure that the line "Menu Panel" is marked with a marker.
  • In the "Tools" menu, select "Options". In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab and activate the "General" tab. In the "Browse Sites" section, uncheck the box opposite the "Use smooth scrolling" line. Click the OK button to confirm your selection and close the settings window. The new settings take effect immediately, no browser restart is required.
  • To set the required number of lines to move any document opened on your computer, use the mouse settings. To do this, enter the "Control Panel" through the "Start" menu. Select the "Printers and other equipment" section, click on the "Mouse" icon with the left mouse button. In the classic Control Panel view, immediately select the Mouse icon.
  • In the dialog box that opens, go to the "Wheel" tab. In the "Scrolling" section, set the marker in the appropriate field: "For the specified number of lines" or "For one screen". If you chose the first method, use the arrow buttons to set the required number of lines or enter the value from the keyboard. Click the "Apply" button and close the window by clicking on the OK button or the X in the right upper corner window.
  • It was published. In it, developers are experimenting with scrolling tabs. There are 2 display sizes to choose from: small and large.

    Browser fans may remember a time when this technology was already there, but it needed to be improved. Many issues have been identified and fixed.

    Mozilla Firefox users who start trying other browsers find it extremely difficult to get used to the lack of tab scrolling. All other browsers still use tab size reduction to this day. With a huge number of tabs, it is impossible to understand and open the desired one, therefore, thanks to scrolling, you can easily and quickly jump to the desired bookmark.

    To scroll through the tabs it is not necessary to click on the arrow - you can hover over the tab bar and use the mouse wheel.

    And to make the process of finding the desired site even more visual, you can limit the size of the tab. This option is available in the browser settings.

    What's more in the latest update

    The developers are working hard on security and already in this assembly, the browser warns of the danger in case of entering a card number on suspicious (fake) sites.

    Zen feed has been modernized: bugs fixed and work optimized.