Save all tabs. How to save open tabs in Opera browser. How to keep open tabs in IE

It is impossible to imagine working on the Internet without a browser. Developers software offer a huge number of different internet browsers. One of the most common is Mozilla Firefox... A convenient and multifunctional browser helps to surf the Internet for both novice PC users and advanced users. Today we will try to figure out how to save open tabs in "Mozile". What will be required to accomplish this task?

Preservation methods

To begin with, a few words about how, in general, you can bring the idea to life. Preservation open pages can be done in different ways.

Here are the possible methods for solving the problem:

  • bookmarking web services;
  • saving bookmarks to removable media;
  • creating a document from existing bookmarks for uploading to other browsers.

If we talk only about creating bookmarks, you can proceed like this:

  • use the functional menu of the Internet browser;
  • carry out the operation with special buttons;
  • add a page to the "Bookmarks" menu using the browser settings;
  • use the "hot" keys.

Browser buttons

Let's start with the simplest and most common trick. How do I save open tabs in Mozilla? You can use a dedicated button in your Internet browser.

To do this, you need to act like this:

  1. Open the page you want to remember.
  2. Hover over the star image on the right side of the address bar.
  3. Click on the corresponding picture with the left mouse button.
  4. Confirm the procedure.

After the done actions, the page will appear in the "Bookmarks" menu item in the "Library" of the browser. What other scenarios are encountered in practice?

Functional menu

  1. Open the desired page and right-click on the tab bar.
  2. Select the "Pin" option in the menu that appears. After that, in the browser, the opened site will open constantly in the form of a "fixed" page.
  3. Click in the open functional menu on the line "Add all bookmarks to tabs". This option will save all the web resources available on the tab bar in the browser. You can open a bookmark in Firefox at any time.

But the possible tricks do not end there either. Each user can cope with the task at hand using browser settings or hot keys.

Settings to help

  1. Open tabs in the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Press the button with the image of three dots or lines in the right upper corner programs.
  3. Click on the line "Library".
  4. Click on the "Bookmarks" option.
  5. Select "Add".

This technique helps to keep open pages without any problems. What else is left for users to master?

Help keys

It is about using hot keys. How do I save open tabs in Mozilla? To cope with the task, you need to press Ctrl + D on the active page. This combination will save the web resource in the Bookmarks menu.

You don't need to do anything else. You can look into the browser settings and in the "At startup" menu set the option "Show last opened windows".

Save to PC

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Log in to the browser.
  2. Go to the main browser settings.
  3. Select "Library" - "Bookmarks" - "Show All".
  4. Click on the inscription "Management".
  5. Click on the "Export to html" option.
  6. Select the location to save the document and confirm the operation.

You can find Mozila bookmarks and passwords on your PC. To do this, you will have to follow the path:

C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\

In the folder with the profile name, you need to look at the documents boormarks (with backups of bookmarks) and places (with passwords, bookmarks and logins).

Hello dear friends!

Did you know that all open tabs can be saved when the browser is closed? It turns out that one of my acquaintances did not know about this and in order to save the tabs, he simply turned off the computer hard by holding the power button for a few seconds. What for? Because, then Firefox told him that his work was completed incorrectly and offered to restore the tabs of the last session!

I was surprised to the very tips of my ears and decided to write an article on this topic. I'll show you how to save your current tabs so that when you close the browser and then open it, they are completely restored. The instruction will be for browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge... About Internet Explorer I will also say a couple of gentle ones at the end of the article.

Let's start with Mozilla Firefox

How to restore tabs when Firefox is closed?

Go to Settings, as shown in the screenshot.

Select the settings item The main in the left menu. Then we look at the value of the parameter " When Firefox starts "... By default, this is usually set to Show Home Page. Change it to " Show windows and tabs last opened". Changes are applied immediately, without clicking on the 'ok' or 'apply' buttons. To check - close the browser and then open it again. All tabs should be restored from the last session.

How do I restore tabs when I close Chrome?

Press the three horizontal sticks in the upper right corner, click on the Settings item.

Settings opens. Next, we look for the item " Open on startup"And put in the position" Previously open tabs". Changes are also applied immediately. To test, close Chromium with multiple tabs, then reopen.

How to restore tabs in Opera browser?

Push the top left button Opera and select Settings in the menu (you can press the Alt + P key combination).

In the Basic settings section, set the "At startup" parameter to the " Continue from the same place". Changes are applied immediately.

How do I restore open tabs in Edge?

The new browser from Microsoft also has the ability to save previously opened tabs at startup, which we will use. To configure it, click on the three dots in the upper right and select Options.

In the Parameters, the subsection "Open with" is almost the first in the list, in which we set the switch to the position " Previous Pages". Again, the changes take effect immediately. You can close the parameters by pressing Esc or by pressing the three dots again.

But Edge will still ask you when you close them, do you really want to close them? In my opinion, illogical behavior. If I chose to restore the previous session, then why should the browser ask me to close all tabs? After all, he will restore them all the next time you start. Check the box "Always close all tabs" when you get tired of this window :)

How to keep open tabs in IE?

Joke, but only half)

In fact, Internet Explorer does not know how to automatically restore the previous session, it does not have such a setting. But you can restore the previous session manually and now I will show you where this option is hiding.

Let's say you closed IE for the last time with five tabs. Open it and see one home page. What to do? There are two ways:

Method number 1. Through a new tab

Open a new tab with Ctrl + T or with the mouse:

Now, in a new tab, look down and find the link “ Reopen the last session«.

Method number 2. Through the menu

Go to the menu Service, choose ““. And a miracle happens, the tabs open :)

Note: if the menu bar is not displayed, then you can enable it permanently or call it only when necessary.

To make the menu bar permanently visible - click right click mouse on the empty space of the top IE panel and check the box next to the "Menu bar" item (see screenshot)

If you, for example, do not want to see the menu all the time to save space, then just press the left alt key and a menu will pop up. Then again go to Service -> Reopening the last browsing session.

Recovering tabs may not be the best idea if there are a lot of them open. But in this case, it is already worth thinking about your own efficiency when working. After all, saving all open sites when you close your browser is just a tool that can both speed up your work and slow it down.

Do you keep your open tabs?

Most often, when opening a browser, users see a blank start page or a tab with the most visited sites. But some people do not know that you can continue your online work from the same place where you left it last time. So that you do not have to manually enter the addresses of the sites that were last closed or search for them in the browsing history, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most in simple ways, allowing you to make Internet surfing easier and more convenient.

Google Crome

So that the next time you open your browser, the last loaded pages appear, you need to perform a few simple manipulations.

First you need to go to your browser settings. To do this, you have to click on the button in the form of three horizontal stripes and select the "Settings" item there. Then, in the settings tab that opens, you need to find the category "Open at startup". By default, the item “ New tab". To make changes, check the "Previously open tabs" item.


In the Opera browser, making it so that each time you launch the browser, previously opened tabs are opened, too, is not so difficult. Here you also need to go to the browser settings, find the category "At startup" and mark "Continue from the same place."

Mozilla Firefox

Here you need to go to the browser menu through an icon that looks the same as in Chrome (3 horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the web browser). There select the category "Settings". In the very first category, which is called "Basic", you need to find the item where it says "When Firefox starts." Next to it there is a line with the ability to select the required sub-item. By clicking on it, the user will see 3 available options, from which you need to select "Show windows and tabs opened last time."

Yandex browser

In this browser, you need to perform the same manipulations as in Chrome. First, go to the web browser settings and look for the "Where to start?" Column. There you need to mark the item "Restore the tabs opened last time."


Apple's browser, however, like all subsequent web browsers, requires users to perform more complex manipulations than in previous browsers. In Safari, the ability to open previously downloaded tabs is hidden in the settings, so the first thing the user needs to do is go to system settings... This category is located in the upper left corner of the browser window. In the settings, you must select the "General" section. Here, by default, there is a check mark next to the line "Close windows on program shutdown". The selection from this item must be removed by clicking on it. After that, the user needs to pay attention to the item located slightly below. There the browser offers to select the maximum number of objects to save. If a person specifies in it, for example, 5, then the web browser will be able to "remember" only the last 5 tabs.

Internet Explorer

In the upper right corner of the web browser window, there is an icon that looks like a gear. When clicking on it, the user enters the settings menu. There you need to select the category "Internet Options". Then a new window will open where you need to find the "General" tab, and then find the line "Startup". Here it is necessary to mark the item "Start with the tabs opened in the previous session."

Microsoft Edge

Although this is a new observer, which has not yet gained great popularity, we still decided to tell about it. AT Microsoft Edge you also need to go to the menu, which is hidden under the button in the form of three dots. There it is already necessary to select the "Settings" category. In the window that opens, you should pay attention to the side panel and find the "Open with" item there. All available options are listed below it. There it is necessary to mark the sub-item "Previous pages".

More than one, the Internet browser offers the user a very convenient function “Save tabs”, which, if used by the user, will open all previously open tabs in the same order as before closing the next time the browser starts. When is it convenient to use the save tabs feature?

When the operation or installation of any software requires the immediate termination of the Firefox web browser.

When accidentally, instead of the minimize button, click on the button to close the Internet browser. When you plan to return to browsing previously opened web pages after solving other cases that suddenly arose during Internet surfing.

What to do in cases when accidentally or deliberately in the exit window from Firefox, where actually the user is offered three buttons to choose from “Save and Exit”, “Exit”, “Cancel”, you once checked the box “Do not ask in next time ”, and now you want to return everything as it was before? The answer is simple, go to the browser settings and turn the desired option back on!

Today I will tell and show you how easy this can be done. Let's get started ?!

OPENING THE CONFIGURATION WINDOW... We open a web browser, in address bar we write:

and press Enter. We promise to be careful.


Copy the name of the following setting:

and insert it into the Search line.

Set the value of the found setting to “true” by double-clicking on it or right-clicking on it and in context menu choose "Switch".

Now, when you exit the Firefox Internet browser, you will always get a window asking you to save tabs.

Thank you for attention! This blog offers you even more computer tips to familiarize yourself with.


Sometimes the user gets bored with using a certain browser, and he decides for himself to start using another. Or there may be a situation in which it became necessary to reinstall the system, after which all the forms that were saved in programs for surfing the Internet disappeared. In this article, we will consider the question of how to save bookmarks.

The essence of the problem

All users searching in Global network, make appropriate bookmarks leading to certain sites, or rather pages on them, which contain information of interest. I would like not to lose them, which sometimes happens. For the question of how to save bookmarks, there are two possible solutions:

  • to do local storage on a disk or flash drive with subsequent transfer to the desired location;
  • import them from one browser to another, however, this function is not present in all such applications.

Chrome browser

It is one of the most popular applications through which users can access Worldwide network... How can I save bookmarks in Chrome? "

For this:

  • open this browser;
  • through the menu go to the "Bookmarks Manager";
  • click on "Arrange";
  • choose "Export ... HTML".

After that, select the location to save these bookmarks. Then in the browser in which we are going to use them, click "Import ... HTML", pointing to the previously saved file.

This is a manual way.

There is another - through synchronization. To do this, you must have a Google account.

The procedure for implementing this method is as follows:

  • Menu - "Settings".
  • "Enter" Chrome ".
  • We enter the data of the Google account.

In the sync window that appears, select what we want to be synced. You can select all or specify only what you want.

"Yandex browser"

As you know, this is not an independent Internet browser, but one based on Chrome. Therefore, the methods described above for him are also suitable when answering the question of how to save bookmarks in Yandex.

There are only small nuances. So, when transferring bookmarks to new version a similar browser or when loading them into it on another computer, you need to click not on "Import ... HTML", but on "Copy bookmarks ... HTML" in the manual method.

If you use synchronization, you will need a Yandex account, not a Google account. Then we go to the menu and there we select “Synchronization” instead of “Entering“ Chrome ”. After that, click on the "Enable synchronization" button, and then change the settings. There you can change what will be exposed to this action:

  • bookmarks;
  • extensions;
  • applications (meaning those saved in the browser);
  • history;
  • passwords;
  • settings;
  • open tabs;
  • scoreboard;
  • autocomplete forms.

After selecting the bookmarks and ticking the other necessary items, synchronization starts, the process of which is not displayed, and therefore it is better to leave the computer alone for a while (maybe an hour or more). It works with the server, so if nothing happens to it, you can always restore the sync product on any computer that has a similar Internet browser.


This browser is also one of the most popular in our country. How can I save bookmarks in Opera?

To do this, click on the button of the same name located in the upper left corner of the application, select "Bookmarks" - "Manage (them)".

Then we press “File”, after which two ways are offered: “Export bookmarks of“ Opera ”or perform the same action, but with saving in HTML. The first method allows you to transfer the required elements between the same program on different computers, and the second, in theory, could allow them to be used in other browsers.

Fire Fox (Firefox)

It was the most popular browser, which at one time managed to compete with Internet Explorer, but later it was supplanted by "Chrome" and other browsers that were based on it.

Here import and export to HTML is possible. Depending on the version of the browser you are using, the menu may contain a “Bookmarks” item or it may be located at the top right. In the old browser, you had to select this item, then "Show all bookmarks" - "Import and backups"-" Export to ... HTML ". The import was carried out in a similar way.

In newer versions, this has moved to the Library tab. Further, the procedure remained the same.

Internet Explorer

Once upon a time it was almost the most main program, because many of the third parties required it, and even that the version of this browser was not lower than a certain one. Currently, the situation has changed, but it still remains quite popular with older users windows versions, especially among those that are quite conservative.

How to save bookmarks when using this program? Strictly speaking, there is no concept under consideration here. Microsoft, as always, went its own way and named them "The Chosen One." Therefore, saving is carried out through the menu of the same name, which in latest versions is in the star located in the upper right corner. Next, click on the black triangle to open the "Manage Favorites" - "Import and Export" - "Export to File" window. Next, a dialog box will appear in which you will be offered a choice of what exactly needs to be exported. It is significantly poorer than Yandex Browser or Chrome and includes only following items:

  • cookies;
  • web feeds;
  • favorites.

Recovering from reinstallation

Windows is famous for requiring the user to reinstall it periodically. This can be due to various reasons:

  • trojans and viruses that are not detected antivirus software;
  • constant slowdown when working in various programs, despite the fact that regular cleaning is performed by programs like Ccleaner with simultaneous cleaning of the registry;
  • the work is done by unprepared users who have been granted administrative privileges and accidentally deleted something from system filesthat made it impossible to boot the system;
  • as well as some others.

There are no fundamental differences from the methods discussed above. We save manually by exporting the corresponding bookmarks, and then restore them by importing.

It is more convenient for the user if the browser allows synchronizing bookmarks. In addition to the fact that, as mentioned above, this operation can be performed in Chrome and Yandex. Browser ”, the same action can be performed in Firefox.

To do this, click on "Enter synchronization" - "Start", after which you must enter your account this browser... If it is not there, then you can register here by entering email, password and year of birth.

If synchronization is needed between different browsersthen you need to use the Xmarks extension, which is available in all popular browsers. It should be borne in mind that synchronization should be performed under one account.


Thus, the question of how to save bookmarks has fairly simple answers. In most cases, they boil down to the fact that you need to find a menu in which there are appropriate items responsible for bookmarks, and then select the actions necessary for a specific user. In most browsers, the menu of the same name is responsible for this, in Internet Explorer - "Favorites". Exporting bookmarks can be done manually with their subsequent import on another computer. This method is used primarily for the same browser from which the export was carried out. Or the synchronization method can be used. If necessary, its implementation between different browsers you need to use a special extension that exists for all popular software products in this category.