Yandex does not show found pages. Why does it take a long time to load or does not load at all resource web pages and files in the Yandex browser and how to solve the problem. Individual pages are not indexed

From the author: you write useful and interesting content. Or maybe not useful and uninteresting - that's your business. But why hasn't the site been indexed in Yandex for a long time? Let's take a look at all the main reasons.

Take a look at this picture. You've probably seen her more than once. Indeed, everything can be found in Yandex. But what is not indexed will never be found, because the search engine simply does not know about it. If so, the issue of indexing is very important for any webmaster, site owner and optimizer. Today I will write about at least a few reasons why you may have problems with indexing.

The first and most likely reason is the age of the site.

The fact is that the majority of webmasters who are concerned about fast indexing are the owners of young sites. I am sure of this because I myself have developed two sites from scratch from the very first days of their existence. You need to understand that Yandex treats newly hatched sites with distrust, and you cannot blame it for this - there have been too many GEs.

So, the younger your site, the less chance of quick indexing of site pages. As a rule, more or less quickly can be driven into the index home page, since it has the highest priority, but the rest will not get into the index so quickly anyway.

If you want to index at least the home page, add the site to Yandex.Webmaster, if you have not already done so. Also add the project url to addurl (Report new site). After confirming the rights to the site, I also recommend doing the following immediately:

Upload an xml sitemap to the webmaster (this can directly improve indexing, since the search robot will be better aware of all available pages).

Download and check your robots.txt file. It can be checked for errors.

Set up the main site mirror so that there are no duplicates with www and without it

This is what will directly or indirectly affect the indexing speed. If you have done all this, you just have to wait for indexing, adding all new urls to the project using the same addurl.

Ok, maybe you've done all this and still can't wait for indexing. Is there really no way to speed up the process? Here you need to understand that much does not depend on you. Yandex by default indexes much slower than Google. Especially young sites. Typically, within 1-3 weeks, new pages of young sites appear in the index. Consider this time period quite normal.

I just want to convey to you that if the reason for slow indexing is in the age of the site, then you shouldn't worry too much. Over time, your project will grow and turn from a baby into an ordinary Internet resource, well known to search engines. Then the time will come when new materials will fly into the index quickly, within a few days.

I noticed this situation on two young sites that I was promoting. When the site was over 6 months old, the entry speed of a new article into the index increased. According to Yandex itself, the longest indexing period is 2 weeks. If they pass and there is nothing in the index, then there may be other problems or errors. Of course, you shouldn't wait 2 weeks, but it's better to check everything as soon as you can. Next, I will consider the most frequent mistakes and factors due to which the site or its individual pages may not be included in the index.

No indexing in robots.txt

This is an important and useful file, but it may contain errors if you wrote the instructions yourself, or took them from the first site you see. The most important thing is that there is no such command: Disallow: /

Also check what specific commands are given for the Yandex bot (user-agent: Yandex). This file is hardly the problem, but it would be foolish not to check it.

Using the robots meta tag

By the way, in the robots.txt itself, you may not find any dangerous commands that would close the crawl to the site and its specific page. But besides this there is also meta robots tag, with which you can close a specific page from indexing, as well as links to it.

< meta name = ”robots ”content = ”noindex , nofollow ”>

For example, such a piece of code clearly indicates that the page will be closed. Check if you have it somewhere in your hat. If you want to close all links, but open the text (then the page will be indexed), use the index, nofollow parameters, and if you need to open all - index, follow.

Prohibiting indexing in engine settings

As far as I remember, before installing wordpress you can check the box so that the site is not indexed in search engines. This can be useful at first on young sites that are under development, so that all test pages do not end up in the index. You may have set this checkbox accidentally during installation or later from settings. In this case, just remove it.

Incorrect use of the noindex tag

The noindex tag is a useful but dangerous tag when misused. It allows you to close the text from indexing. That is, the text placed in it will not be perceived by the search engine. Accordingly, if you accidentally wrap the entire article in noindex, it will not be indexed, since there is nothing to index (everything is closed).

You can hardly make such a mistake, but the tag will sneak into the template files themselves. Perhaps it opens somewhere in your header.php, and then does not close anywhere. It turns out to be a funny situation that everything is closed. In other words, check your site code. In fact, you don't need to be a programmer and layout designer for this.

You can use a program like Archivarius to quickly search many files (type noindex), or use the standard file search. A debugger can also help (F12 in Google chrome), but that's more for developers. Additionally, you can check each specific page. Didn't it happen that with the help of noindex you wanted to close some non-unique piece of text, but didn't close the tag in the right place?

Search engine filters

In this case, we are interested in filters from Yandex. Although you should understand that Google also has them, and they can also be the reason that your site does not get into the index in this search engine.

In particular, all young sites have a sand-box filter. This is not a problem, this is normal. As little kids play in the sandbox, so young and green Internet projects also get there. No, you don't need to go around the whole city in search of your site, just know that the indexing speed of young sites is lower. I have already spoken about this above.

But the sandbox is a search engine's temporary measure. And in general, this is not a terrible filter, because it is applied to everyone. Another thing is the sanctions for the use of unfair techniques when promoting a site. Most often it is hidden or explicit spam keywords in the text as well as in the meta tags. In other words, play by the rules of the search engines, and you will not have such problems.

Bad domain history

This item is relevant for those who bought a domain and started developing their new project on it, or for those who registered a domain left by the previous owner.

Of course, before purchasing any domain, I recommend that you analyze it. Partially this can be done using services such as WebArchive (site snapshots) and (link analysis). From the pictures, you can determine what topic the site was and what kind of content was on it. By the reference mass, you can also roughly understand the topic. Also check the domain for search engine filters.

In general, such a little analysis will save you from buying a domain with a bad history. If you nevertheless purchased one, perhaps through inquiries in those. the reputation can be restored over time. But it's better to start from scratch than this.

Site language

You should understand that Yandex is primarily focused on the CIS countries. If you want the pages of English, German and other foreign sites to be indexed, then this is quite possible, but only on condition of high-quality content. For foreign sites, there is Google and many other search engines, so get you there first.

Percentage of uniqueness of your texts

There is another good reason why your site may not be indexed by Yandex. This reason is non-unique content. For example, you copied text from another source and pasted it for yourself, without changing it in any way. Practice shows that Yandex may not index completely non-unique content at all and may not pay attention to pages that are less than 50% unique for a long time. Better to have a uniqueness of 90% or more.

To better understand why non-unique content is much less likely to be indexed successfully, you should have a rough understanding of the algorithm by which new pages are indexed. In particular, before being hit by the robot, a certain content analysis is carried out and if it turns out to be of low quality, the page simply may not be included in the index. In order for it to get there, you need to improve the quality of the text.

Server errors

it last reasonwhich we'll look at. It is purely technical in nature. In particular, one of the indicators of the quality and reliability of your resource is that it is constantly available on the network 24 hours a day, every day. Of course, minor glitches can be and this is normal. But when your site turns off for several hours (or, even worse, days), then the search robot, having come to new pages, simply will not be able to open them and will have to leave.

Thus, those pages that were already there may even drop out of the index. How to prevent all this? First of all, choose a good hoster and a more or less normal rate. You shouldn't save on your website. It is better to pay 300-500 rubles per month than 50.

Also, if you buy VPS / VDS tariffs, then you will most likely have to configure the server yourself. Specifically choose OC virtual machine, install some utilities, etc. If you are completely zero in the server setting, it is better not to buy VDS yet or choose a tariff where you are guaranteed those. support from the provider.

In particular, server errors include all codes 4 **, 5 ** (three-digit ones with four and five at the beginning). For example, an error may occur due to lack of database optimization. Especially if tens and hundreds of people are walking around the site, and you have few resources.


Well, we've covered all the main reasons. Now you know what to do when the site is not indexed in Yandex. If you checked absolutely everything and did not find any errors and problems, then you just need to wait. As I said, Yandex indexes not as fast as Google. The index entry speed ranges from 1 day to 3 weeks.

Well, other tips, not only for indexing, but in general for promoting and promoting your blog, you can find in. Believe me, there are a lot of these chips, so tomorrow (if you suddenly start studying the course) you will be shocked by how many things you did not know!

But knowledge saves us from the trouble of website promotion. And if so, read Webformyself, subscribe to us where it is convenient for you, and see you soon!

Although Yandex Browser is quite reliable and fast decision for surfing the Internet, sometimes problems can arise with it. What to do if, for example, Yandex Browser does not open? Let's consider what to do step by step in such a situation. We will also indicate at once the reasons for the failures.

Problems accessing the network

If the connection is weak or absent altogether, Yandex Browser, like, in principle, any other browser, will not load pages. This could be a single system failure, a line crash, a damaged adapter cable, or a broken router.

Try opening any resources in another browser first. If they open, then the problem is in Yandex. If not, then the reason may lie in the absence of the network.

If nothing has changed, call the service provider and find out what is the reason for the bad connection, since the problems that have arisen can only be fixed with the help of an IT specialist.

We complete the processes related to Yandex

We continue to correct the situation using simpler methods. Processes called browser.exe can accumulate on the computer. In this case, you need to close them.

1.Start Task Manager.

2. Switch to the "Details" block.

3. You will see that there are many processes related to Yandex Browser in the list. Finish them all using the End Task button.

Browser refresh

As a rule, Yandex Browser updates itself automatically in the background, that is, even without the user's knowledge. However, it can fail. If you can go to the browser menu, use the following method.

1.Click on the icon with three stripes.

2. Go to the "Advanced" section.

3.Open the item "About the browser".

4.If there is a "Update" button, click on it.

5.Wait for the updates to install and then restart your browser.

System freeze

Yandex Browser may not start due to the fact that one or more windows services do not work due to a failure. This does not mean at all that you need to reinstall the OS urgently. It is enough to restart the computer. Restarting, in principle, solves most of the problems in the computer.

If the situation is not resolved, go to following instructions.

Viruses on PC

Malicious software on a computer or laptop is carrying out its evil plans. The result of their activities may be a failure various programs, including Yandex Browser. The program just doesn't want to run.

In this regard, it is imperative to have an installed and updated antivirus on the device. If the signature databases are constantly up to date, the user can surf the Internet without fear of "picking up" a virus.

If Yandex Browser is not responding, and a simple restart of the program and the OS does not help, run a scan of all hard drives... It is advisable that this is a complete scan to rule out viruses as a cause and move on.

If a file is infected, the program will try to "cure" it. If the attempt fails, you will have to delete it.

High CPU usage: cleaning up other processes

Why does Yandex Browser not open pages, and if it does, then after a long period of time? What to do in this case?

Most likely your rAM overloaded with many unnecessary processes. Each active program consumes the amount of system resources it needs. If resources are scarce, the computer or laptop starts to freeze.

In this situation, it is required to remove the load by closing unnecessary processes.

  1. We hold down the combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Launch the Task Manager.
  2. Switch to the "Processes" tab. Below you can see how many percent of the total resources are currently in use.
  3. If the load is more than 85%, terminate unnecessary processes and close unnecessary programs in the "Applications" tab.

The problem is in the system registry

Why is Yandex Browser not opening yet? The file may be infected system registry... Let's check if the modification has been made.

  1. Hold down the Win + R combination on the keyboard.
  2. In the line "Run" enter the command "regedit" and click on OK.
  3. Click on "Yes".
  4. Go to the "Edit" section, and then select "Find".
  5. Enter "AppInit_DLLs" and click the "Find Next" button.
  6. If the search finds a file or multiple files, double-click to open them in turn. In the "Value" block, you need to remove everything.
  7. Now you need to restart your PC.

The search must be performed throughout the registry, in the left part of the window the "Computer" branch must be active.

Hosts file

The hosts file may also be changed. Therefore, we check it.

  1. Copy the path to Explorer: C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc. We launch hosts through Notepad.
  2. The window that opens will contain a set of symbols, Latin letters and numbers. We remove without regret the lines written after :: 1 localhost. If it is not there, delete the lines after localhost.

We save the changes we just made in the file and restart the device. Then check if the browser wants to load after the procedure.

Often dangerous entries are hidden at the bottom of the file. They are then separated from the main lines. In this regard, you need to scroll the text to the end.

Clearing the DNS cache

The procedure described below is very useful: it will help you get rid of the list of static routes. Due to their excess, Yandex Browser also does not load.
1.Open the "Run" window and enter the command "cmd". Click on OK or on Enter on the keyboard.

2. Write "route -f" in the window and press Enter:

3.Then enter the command "ipconfig / flushdns" and also press Enter:

4. Now you can check if the pages will open in the browser. Most likely, after turning on, the browser will work in the correct mode.

If the pages do not start, move on to the next solution.

Removing the old version of the program

If Yandex refuses to turn on and work normally anyway, you will have to go to the extreme method. Before doing this, however, try to delete all information from the program or at least clear the cache. Often the browser does not work due to a full cache. This is especially true if the cache has not been cleaned for a long time or at all since the installation. Regular cleaning is a guarantee stable work in Yandex Browser.

Clearing the cache didn't help? Moving on to step by step instructions on reinstallation. The fact is that Yandex is constantly creating new files, downloading additional updates, changing its structure. This happens without the knowledge of the user, since this browser has a function automatic updatewhich, by the way, cannot be disabled.

If the update failed, the files might become corrupted. Hence and incorrect work: tabs cannot be opened, the program cannot respond, etc. Damage to files can also be due to viruses, so do not be lazy to run an antivirus scan. We talked about this above.

1. Launch Control Panel from Start. This will be the right column of the menu.

2.Open the "Programs and Features" window. You can also enter the name of this window in the search bar in Start, so as not to go to the Control Panel.

3. Find Yandex. Click on "Delete" above or on the option in context menuwhich can be called as usual right click mouse.

Standard way uninstallation does not imply removal of residual files from the program, for example, entries in the registry. If you want to get rid of them, then use special software to uninstall programs, for example, CCleaner. Removal is also possible junk files manually, however this is not recommended for beginners.

Reinstall the browser

Go to the official resource of the program:\u003dsafe. Click on the Download button.

Open the installer that the browser just downloaded. Follow simple instructions on installation. Everything will happen quickly enough.

There are a lot of methods for solving problems with Yandex Browser. It all depends on the reason for the freeze. It's not so easy to define it, so you need to try method after method. Check to see if the browser turns on after each procedure. If the program opens and loads pages quickly, then you have successfully solved the problem.

Webmaster forums are full of sad posts about the fact that the site is poorly indexed by search engines. But this is the basis of SEO-promotion, without which the popularization of an Internet resource is almost impossible.

The most offensive thing is when an expensive programmer worked on the creation of a web project, and an impressive amount is spent on filling it with content.

However, Yandex and Google are in no hurry to index separate pages or even a whole site. Why it happens?

There is no single answer to this question: there are many reasons.

It is important to identify a specific problem (technical errors, page dubbing, unstable hosting or search engine sanctions) and do everything to solve it. The good news is that the situation can be corrected. Do you want to know how? Read on!

Site indexing norms

In Yandex

Yandex scans and adds new pages about two to four times a month. Previously, only trust and frequently updated portals were able to get into search results - trustworthy sites are indexed by Yandex's fast robot every day.

On google

For Google, updates can take anywhere from one day to two weeks. Much depends on the category of your site. For example, robots check resources with relevant news and live forums with enviable regularity.

Content from frequently updated portals is usually scanned the same day or the next. Indexing a blog that appears every week new content, is often delayed by 2-4 days.

The situation is very sad with third-rate sites, as well as very young web projects that have just appeared on the web. Search robots can ignore them for a month.

Important! The above data is relevant when adding a small number of pages to the index. When adding a large number of pages at once, the indexing speed can increase several times.

Pages with little value for visitors will be indexed especially for a long time.

What if the new site is not indexed by search engines?

A resource with a domain age of up to six months, which has no backlinks and has not been promoted before, fits this definition.

Add a website to the webmaster panel

You have just created a website and are waiting for a miracle called “ fast indexing"? This strategy is erroneous, because at first Google and Yandex do not pay attention to the new site. Help your project get the robots interested - it's easy enough: you just need to.

Important! Using the Yandex. Webmaster and Google Webmaster will not only speed up adding pages to the index, but also allow you to work more effectively on website optimization. The presented tools open up many opportunities for webmasters for free for diagnostics, obtaining recommended queries for promoting and linking the site to a specific region.

Improve the site

It's time to do internal optimization: systematically create first-class content, improve usability by creating convenient headings, and also take care of adaptability and linking. After that, you should think about external promotion. It includes working with social factors and placing natural links with reliable donors.

If the site is still not indexed by Yandex, you must write to technical support search engine. As a result of your request, you will receive information about the presence of a ban, filter, or establish another objective reason for the problem.

How to check the indexing of a site?

Use the Site operator in the request

Find out the number of pages crawled and added to the index by entering "site: url of your site" into the Google and Yandex search bar. Thanks to additional settings it is easy to get data on the changes that have occurred over a specific period of time.

For example, today's check of the Russian version of Wikipedia showed that over the past 2 weeks, 143 new materials have appeared on this site.

Please note! The difference between the performance of different search engines is cause for alarm. Most often, this indicates a possible fall under the Google or Yandex filter.

Enter the url of the page into the search engine

This method is ideal for checking the indexing of a single selected page.
For google

url: https: //

For Yandex

info: https: //

Through the panel of webmasters

If you have already registered with Yandex. Webmaster, then when you go to this service you will immediately see the number of downloaded materials and those that are in the search. Ideally, their number should be the same or similar to the actual number of pages on the site.

You will receive more detailed information when you go to the main panel, after which you need to click "Indexing" and "Pages in search".

Analyzing the received report and look for pages that are not indexed.

Option 2: The site is not indexed at all in Yandex and Google, the pages are dropped from the index.

Server response code

Make sure that the page contains the server code 200 OK - this means: it really exists, is available for viewing by users and search engines.

The check is carried out using special services.

For example,
If the response code is not 200 OK, then this may be the reason for not indexing the page.


In the robots.txt file, bans on indexing the site and individual pages, as well as the work of a specific search engine, are not allowed.

Important! Be sure to check the generated robots.txt for errors. You can do this in Google Webmaster: click on "Crawl" and then on "Robots.txt File Checker".

Meta robots

Often a site is not indexed in Google if adding information to the database is prohibited in meta tags. Be sure to remove lines in the HTML code if they are on important pages.

Alternatively, use browser plugins like.

Rel Canonical

Do you want the page to be included in the search engine index? Then it must not refer to another canonical document.

To check, open the page code and search for the string.

Either through the same plugin


Use Google Webmaster Tools to identify crawl errors that are preventing robots from receiving responses to requests.

When you get the result, compare what Google and the user see. Pictures must be the same. If not, then look for the reasons for blocking files.

Test your download speed and server response time. Make sure your chosen hosting is stable.

Htaccess file

If the site is not indexed, it may be blocked in the .htaccess file.

Check your .htaccess for lines like this:

RewriteRule. * - [F]

Or an option that will give google robot 404 errors.

RewriteCond% (USER_AGENT) Googlebot
RewriteRule. * -

Look in the file for other blocking options using USER_AGENT or the name of search bots: googlebot, yandex, etc.

AJAX and JavaScript

Problems with AJAX and JavaScript languages \u200b\u200bare common. The Yandex blog for webmasters recommends creating a certain scheme in the resource structure that will inform search engines about the need for indexing.


Another major problem is the imposition of sanctions on a page or even an entire site. Find out in the technical support of the search engine (only Yandex) what exactly (links, spamming, non-unique content) you were punished for, and then promptly correct the situation.

As stated earlier, low quality and duplicate content is often the reason for a lack of attention to a page.

It is unlikely that a robot will be interested in your materials if there are already similar documents in the search results, promoted along the same semantic core.
The immature age of the domain, as well as the previously banned used domain, negatively affects the indexing speed. In this case, it is worth writing a revision request to Yandex.


If the site is not indexed by Yandex or Google, then there is an objective reason for that. Your goal is to identify and solve the problem. After a while, you need to check the indexing of the page again. If you do everything right, positive changes will not be long in coming!

Many of us trust the Yandex search engine, because the launch of the browser of the same name was met literally with a bang. Indeed, it works quickly and is not considered too vulnerable to all sorts of viruses. Trouble begins when this very Yandex browser does not want to open pages.


So, you opened your browser and are trying to follow some link, but, bad luck, the link is not available. The first thing to do is try to follow some other link. If none of them is available, try using a different browser to be sure. Surely you have Opera or Mazilla installed. But, if there are none, then Internet Explorer is available everywhere by default. So, if he refuses to serve you, most likely, it's not the Yandex browser, but the connection to the Internet. Accordingly, you need to look for connection problems. Either restart the router if your network is wireless, or check network cable along with serviceability network card... To do this, you will need to find the "Devices" option in the "My Computer" folder. If you are sure that everything is working fine with you, feel free to call your provider.

If any other browser works, and problems arise only when you try to use the Yandex browser, it is obvious that the problem is in it. Try to open another link with it. If everything works, it is most likely that the link you are trying to go to is simply not available yet. Possibly problems, malfunctions or congestion of the server where it is located. You also need to check the settings antivirus softwareit is possible that the link is in the so-called "Black List". Then you will need to remove the lock and try to switch again. Especially often he likes to prohibit everything on his own by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

So, if your Yandex browser does not open any link, the Internet connection is working, then it is obvious that the problem is in it. The first thing to do is check your PC for viruses. Some of them like to "dirty" in this way. Of course, Yandex browser is not the most malleable browser for them, but this does not mean that it is generally within reach.

However, once again check the PC on the account malware will never be superfluous.

Alternatively, try disabling the firewall and replacing it with a firewall. True, if this does not help, then return everything to its place. These options are usually found in the Extensions and Settings menus.

If your Yandex browser generally began to work slowly and opens pages after one, then you should clear the "cookies". For this, you need to either climb into the menu and do everything yourself, or download a specialized program from the Internet for free, for example, CCleaner and do it with its help. Then you will need to restart your computer and try to follow the link again.

Sometimes it happens that the browser has system error... Understanding in this case is long and difficult, but it will be much easier to reinstall the browser.

Do you know?

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Each webmaster tries to get as many visitors as possible from search engines to his resource. They can come not only from a text search, but also from a search for pictures, videos, Google place, various kinds of services.

Depending on the subject matter and content of the resource, you can consider different ways of getting traffic, and the more such ways there are, the better. Today I want to tell why images are not indexed in Yandex and Google search engines... There are many topics where you can get good traffic from images, for example:

  • photo blogs,
  • online stores,
  • sites of handmade products.

As a rule, such sites store a large number of images (graphics), but not always images can get into the index of search engines. As a result, the site loses not a small number of visitors. I don't know for what reasons, but many site owners do not even think that they have pictures from which you can just as well collect potential customers, visitors to your resource.

In order not to lose such people, let's look at the reasons that can lead to the fact that images are not indexed by search robots.

I want to say right away that the Google search engine indexes images much faster than Yandex and also does not find fault with their correct optimization. How to properly optimize images can be found in the article: ““. All the reasons stated below apply to both one search engine and another, but pay special attention to Yandex, as there are many problems with it.

Why are images not indexed in Yandex and Google?

First, let's list all possible reasons and then describe each of them more extensively.

  1. Using non-standard formats.
  2. The page with the image is not in the search engine index.
  3. Using CDN for storing pictures.
  4. Using scripts of various kinds lightboxes, sliders etc.
  5. Closing from indexing in.
  6. Alt and title tags are missing.
  7. The picture is very small.
  8. Website uses the https protocol.
  9. Using a picture with using cssas background.
  10. The image is taken from another resource.
  11. Spamming keywords in.

1. Using non-standard formats. On the Internet, you can see billions of pictures and, as a rule, they will be of such formats as:

  • jpg (jpeg);
  • png;
  • gif;

These are the most common formats and are 100% indexed. If you want to use some other formats, then it is not a fact that the search engine will accept and index them. I recommend using only these formats and converting all images to them.

2. The page with the image is not in the search engine index. Pretty frequent problem and is solved by the fact that this page needs to be driven into the search engine's index. After the robot sees the page, the picture will most likely be indexed as well.

3. Using a CDN to store images. CDN servers are widely used, but they are usually used in large projects. But if you still use them to store content (videos, photos), then there is nothing you can do about it, whatever you say, and the content will not be indexed. This problem is solved only by transferring all content to your hosting.

There is a whole separate article about what a CDN is and how to use it.

4. Using scripts, various kinds of lightboxes, sliders, etc. If your site has:

  • sliders,
  • galleries,
  • lighbox;
  • pop-up elements.

and these pictures are not indexed, then most likely they are hidden behind scripts. From the point of view of beauty and ease of provision, this is excellent, but from the point of view it is necessary to solve this problem together with programmers.

5. Closing from indexing in robots.txt. A common problem and the first thing to do is open the robots.txt file located in the root folder and see if the folder with pictures is closed there from indexing by the Disallow rule. If closed, you need to open it. Many people close the folder just because they are not careful.

6. Tags alt and title are not registered. This problem hinders the indexing of images in Yandex to a greater extent. If you do not have registered tags alt and title, then with a probability of 80% that Yandex will not index them. Therefore, all pictures, without exception, need to register these attributes. With their help, the search engine understands the semantic function of this image and what content it contains. Search engines have not yet learned how to read text from pictures and determine its subject matter, but in the near future, probably everything will be.

7. The picture is very small. I can't say exactly what the minimum size should have, but some images are not indexed because of their size - it's 100%. We have some icons on our resource, but they don't want to get into the index. They suffered, suffered, in the end they decided to leave the venture.

8. The site uses the https protocol. In the Yandex help itself it is written that if the protocol is used on the site https, then it is necessary that the pictures have access to http... Example:
If you need a picture to be indexed at

then you need to give the robot the opportunity to download this picture at:

9. Using a picture with css as a background. I will not say for sure, but with a high probability, pictures that are used in the rules of style sheets as a background for a site, block, element are not indexed. There is only one solution to the problem, write it directly in the code, without using css.

10. The images are taken from another resource. If you took a picture somewhere on another resource, did not change its name and did not uniqueize it at all, then it will not be indexed by the search engine. The search engine understands that the image is not unique, duplicate content that is already in its database.

11. Spamming keywords in the tags alt, title.It was noticed that if you heavily spam with keywords in these tags, then search engines indexing pictures is difficult, otherwise they are not indexed at all. There is also a second side here, for overspam keywords you can get hit, the probability is not high, but still.

If images are not indexed in Yandex and Google, then all the above problems must be eliminated. Also, do not try to take images from other resources, and if you do, then uniqueize them. Make your quality content, with which it will be possible to collect good traffic to the resource.