Parameters of cars GTA 5. Technical characteristics of transport in GTA V. Fly in the ointment and conclusions

The total number of available parameters for editing is 60. They are divided into 6 groups, excluding additional ones. values.

Physical parameters
The following 6 parameters are responsible for the physical proportions of vehicles in the game:
handlingName - the parameter responsible for the name of the vehicle in the game (max. 14 uppercase letters, may also contain numbers);

FMass is a parameter responsible for the mass of the vehicle in kilograms. (from 0.0 to 10000.0 and more);

FInitialDragCoeff - initial drag coefficient (from 0 to 120);

FPercentSubmerged - the percentage of the vehicle's height in the water at which it begins to "float", then plunges into the water. (any floating point value, for example 0.85 is equal to 85%).

VecCentreOfMassOffset - coordinates x, y, zresponsible for the center of mass vector (from -10.0 to 10.0);

VecInertiaMultiplier - coordinates x, y, z responsible for the multiplier of the vector of inertia (from -10 to 10.0);
Transmission parameters
The 11 parameters below are responsible for the driving performance of the vehicle. The parameters fDriveBiasFront, nInitialDriveGears, fInitialDriveForce, fDriveInertia and
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel. The fBrakeForce and fBrakeBiasFront parameters are responsible for the slowdown rate.

FDriveBiasFront - a parameter responsible for the drive of the vehicle. So, a value of 0.0 defines a rear-wheel drive vehicle; 1.0 - front wheel drive; 0.5 - four-wheel drive vehicles (4 wheels).

NInitialDriveGears - parameter responsible for the number of transfers (from 1 to 16);

FInitialDriveForce - vehicle traction gain (acceleration) multiplier (from 0.01 to 2.0. A value of 1.0 does not affect the multiplier.);

FDriveInertia - the multiplier responsible for the engine inertia (for how quickly the engine revs, from 0.01 to 2.0. A value of 1.0 does not affect the multiplier.);

FClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift - clutch multiplier when shifting up;

FClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift - clutch multiplier when shifting down;

FInitialDriveMaxFlatVel - theoretical maximum vehicle speed in km / h (from 0.00 to 500.0 or more. Changing this value does not guarantee that this speed will be reached);

FBrakeForce - vehicle braking force multiplier (from 0.01 to 2.0. A value of 1.0 does not affect the multiplier);
fBrakeBiasFront - a parameter responsible for the even distribution of braking force between the front and rear axles (from 0.0 to 1.0. A value of 0.0 increases the braking force for the rear axle only; 1.0 - for the front axle; 0.5 - evenly. In life, cars usually have a higher front axle braking force, for example 0.65);

FHandBrakeForce - parameter responsible for the power of the vehicle's handbrake;

FSteeringLock - multiplier of the maximum steering angle (from 0.01 to 2.0. A value within a radius of 0.1 - 0.2 simulates a vehicle with an extended wheelbase. A high value of this parameter will lead to skidding);
Wheel traction parameters
The 8 parameters below are responsible for vehicle dynamics, from cornering to acceleration and deceleration.
fTractionCurveMax - parameter responsible for wheel traction when cornering;

FTractionCurveMin - parameter responsible for wheel slip;

FTractionCurveLateral - the parameter responsible for the lateral traction force;

FTractionSpringDeltaMax - parameter responsible for the distance from the ground at which the vehicle loses traction;

FLowSpeedTractionLossMult - parameter responsible for the traction force of the vehicle at low speed (value 0.0 - initial traction force);

FCamberStiffnesss - parameter responsible for the camber angle of motorcycles;

FTractionBiasFront - the parameter responsible for the distribution of traction between the front and rear wheels (from 0.01 to 0.99);

FTractionLossMult - a parameter responsible for the loss of tire grip;
Suspension parameters
The following 11 parameters are responsible for the vehicle's suspension:
fSuspensionForce - (1 / force * number of wheels) - lower limit of force at full extension (suspension force);

FSuspensionCompDamp - a parameter responsible for the strength and intensity of suspension vibration;

FSuspensionReboundDamp - a parameter responsible for the strength and intensity of suspension vibration at high speeds;

FSuspensionUpperLimit - (visually) maximum vehicle body height;

FSuspensionLowerLimit - (visually) the minimum vehicle body height;

FSuspensionRaise - parameter responsible for the suspension height;

FSuspensionBiasFront - a parameter responsible for the suspension forward displacement (a large value is suitable for trucks);

FAntiRollBarForce - parameter responsible for the strength of the suspension stabilizer;

FAntiRollBarBiasFront - parameter responsible for the forward shift of the suspension stabilizer force;

FRollCentreHeightFront - the parameter responsible for the roll center height;

FRollCentreHeightRear - the parameter responsible for the roll center height;
Damage parameters
The following 6 parameters are responsible for the behavior of the vehicle during physical collisions and damage:
fCollisionDamageMult - collision damage multiplier (from 0.0 to 10.0. A value of 0.0 means zero damage, 10.0 - tenfold damage);

FWeaponDamageMult - weapon damage multiplier (from 0.0 to 10.0. A value of 0.0 means zero damage, 10.0 - tenfold damage);

FDeformationDamageMult - deformation damage multiplier (from 0.0 to 10.0. A value of 0.0 means zero damage, 10.0 - tenfold damage followed by breakage);

FEngineDamageMult - Engine damage multiplier. May cause explosion or failure;

FPetrolTankVolume - a parameter that is responsible for the amount of fuel poked out after a shot at the gas tank;

FOilVolume - parameter responsible for oil level / black smoke

In this article we will talk about some of the features of the technical characteristics of vehicles in Grand theft Auto V and GTA Online ... The information will be useful for racers in online modes and those who want to choose the fastest car in the game.

Rule # 1: don't trust tables and charts!

Gta v, unlike past games in the series, provides a lot of information about vehicles. Model descriptions on Legendary Motorsport, Southern San andreas Super Autos and Benny's Original Motor Works pointed out all sorts of facts, in tuning salons and garages of heroes GTA Online you can look at the graphs of maximum speed, acceleration, braking and traction. The same parameters are presented in the transport encyclopedia on the Social Club website, and the player's career overview page will even show the enviable maximum speed that your character has reached. One problem: this is all a fiction that has nothing to do with reality.

To build such a graphical scale with characteristics (by the way, they are also in our section on transport), data from the handling.meta file is used. It should be familiar to anyone who has ever made modifications to Gta: all the information on the basis of which the game calculates the behavior model of a particular vehicle is collected here. Take a look at the racing version of Massacro, for example:

Racing Massacro data from handling.meta

Massacro2 440010 20002 20 AVERAGE

There are a lot of letters and numbers here, so let's stop at one line for now:

fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value \u003d "156.199997"

It is this value (with permissible rounding up to 156 km / h) that we indicate as the maximum speed for the racing Massacro. It is also used by all charts in the game and the Social Club: the number is divided by a certain predetermined total coefficient, which allows you to get a value from 0 to 10 (in this case - 8.38) and visually display it on the chart.

Three other parameters are calculated according to the same principle: the corresponding value from the handling file is taken as a basis and divided by the conditional coefficient (for each type of data - its own).

In addition to distorting the facts, this method has another drawback: often, after tuning, some stripes go off scale. Surely you have a couple of cars in your collection, the acceleration of which is pumped to the limit. In some cases, this does not even require buying all available upgrades, but this does not mean that the car will not become with them even faster: the bars on the graphs, we repeat, have little to do with reality.

And this is because, unlike a simplified graphical representation, the game engine uses for calculating the real physical quantity (for example, maximum speed or acceleration) not just one number from the handling file, but a combination of several.

Here is another example of "lies" - on the car selection screen before entering GTA Online: let's compare the racing variants of the same Massacro and Jester. If you believe the graphics drawn by the game, we can assume that Jester's maximum speed is slightly higher, but Massacro accelerates faster.

What happens in the end, see the video below:

In the video, the throttle of both cars is fully clamped before the start to exclude reaction time. We also tested the option when both cars caught a "turbo start" (to do this, you need to press the gas exactly at the moment Go appears on the screen) - Massacro arrived one and a half seconds faster, and Jester improved his time by one second. Thus, the result has not changed. There was no tuning on the cars.

It turns out the opposite is true! Jester takes off faster (with tuning, and especially on wet surfaces, this is even better noticeable - all-wheel drive helps). But already in fourth gear, Massacro is equal to its rival, and then goes ahead - its maximum speed is higher.


1. For speed, the coefficient is 18.63754, if you're interested.

Maximum speed

As already mentioned, several parameters are responsible for each of the four main characteristics of a car. It was experimentally found that three lines affect the maximum speed: fInitialDragCoeff, fInitialDriveForce and fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel.

The first value is drag. The lower the number, the better car "Cuts" the air and, accordingly, picks up a greater maximum speed. We do not know what formula the developers used for the calculations, but, as many probably remember from physics lessons, the drag value is proportional to the speed squared, and the power to overcome it is the cube speed. That is why cars cannot accelerate indefinitely: more energy is required for each subsequent km / h. This is a very important parameter - aerodynamics cannot be neglected!

The second value, fInitialDriveForce, is essentially the power factor of the motor. The higher it is, the more "horses" in the car engine.

The third value fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel is the theoretical maximum vehicle speed in km / h. The need for this parameter is not entirely clear, but it has an effect on the maximum speed: if two cars have the same drag and power, then the one with the higher theoretical speed will be faster. As you already know, it is this parameter that the game gives out as a true "maximum speed", which, of course, is wrong.

Let's take a look at three speed parameters for the Massacro and Jester racing variants:

Massacro racecar

Jester racecar

It can be seen from this that the theoretical maximum speed of Jester is higher, but the engine of Massacro is much more powerful (by the way, among all race cars, only the T20 has a better engine, and even then its coefficient is greater than only one thousandth; the average for the class is 0, 3). If it were not for the overestimated value of the frontal resistance of Massacro, there would be no price for it.

The tuning parts that increase the engine power just raise the fInitialDriveForce parameter. Although the game only draws an increase in acceleration on its charts, we want to show that the maximum speed of fully pumped cars also rises. To do this, the editor created a track on one of the few straight lines - Senora Freeway to the east of Grapeseed.

Acceleration begins in front of the Braddock Tunnel and each car goes to the desired checkpoint in the last gear at its maximum speed (we will talk about how we measured the real speed of the cars later). Both videos are synchronized at the moment of passing the checkpoint, which allows you to see the difference at the finish line.

After test drives, a dozen cars from different classes we have come to the conclusion that tuning increases the top speed by 5-8%. Cars that have high engine horsepower in the factory will get a nice boost in performance, but they don't become rockets. Apparently, the law of diminishing returns comes into force. If we translate it into the rules of the game, we can assume that the engine power after a certain value is already less than other factors (for example, drag) affect the overall result.

Passengers and top speed

It is curious that the weight of the car itself does not affect the acceleration and maximum speed in any way, but if you put passengers next to you, both of these indicators will decrease. Moreover, the dependence here is very linear: each passenger lowers the performance characteristics of the car by a certain value. The easiest way to notice this effect is on motorcycles, but a car with three lazy people in adjacent seats will become slower. However, all the same in online races, all participants are on an equal footing, so you shouldn't worry about that.

Measuring true top speed

Accurately measure the speed of cars in Gta v can only be experienced. At the same time, there is a tendency to increase the speed with increasing the frame rate of the game. This, of course, will not affect the console people, but if you participate in drag racing on a PC - take note and disable all graphical bells and whistles.

Frequency, fps Speed, km / h
30 193,9
60 195,5
130 200,7

To check, we drove the test track five times at three FPS values \u200b\u200b- 30, 60 and 130 (the maximum that the used computer was capable of). To achieve 30 frames per second, half VSync mode was enabled (monitor frequency - 60 Hz), full VSync was used for 60 frames, but stable 130 FPS was obtained after disabling vertical sync and setting graphic settings to minimum. A fully tuned Cheetah supercar participated in the testing, its results are in the table on the right.

The difference is not catastrophic, other games ported to the PC even tie physics to a certain value FPS and break when you change it. However, the difference in acceleration and speed of cars in Gta v is present, so we took 60 FPS as the standard (one way or another on a PC, this is the minimum to strive for) and all tests for this section were carried out at this frequency.

We have already mentioned a specially created track east of Grapeseed above. It's easy to do. It is only important that the two checkpoints, between which we will keep track of the time, are located on the most direct part of the road, and the start is far from them, because any car must have time to fully accelerate. The racing mission editor kindly reports the distance between the markers, in our case 0.27 miles. We decided to turn off the metric system for now: the English system of measures is still native to the game, and we do not know to what number the developers rounded off the conversion to kilometers.

There is a distance, it remains to find out the time and you can calculate the speed. To do this, you need to record several races on video (also at 60 FPS), and then in any video editor, see the number of frames that managed to fit between the checkpoints. The marker changes the color of the arrow in one of the frames - this is our starting point. We jump over to the next one and cut off the video there at the same moment. Divide the resulting number of frames by 60 (since our video was recorded at 60 frames per second) and get the time between two markers in seconds. We divide the distance by the time and multiply it all by 3600 - as a result, we get the speed in miles per hour. Converting to kilometers per hour is no longer difficult.

From arrival to arrival, the number of frames may vary. Here are three runs on the Cheetah, for example: 480, 481, 479. Sometimes the difference reaches four frames. With our video frequency, each extra frame decreases the final speed by 0.4 km / h. Therefore, the most accurate way is to drive the track three or five times and take the arithmetic mean of all attempts for calculations. The influence of the number of frames on the result can be reduced if the distance is greater, however, such long lines in Gta v not so much, and any changes in direction of movement make their own adjustments.

Unfortunately, we are not able to test all cars in GTA Online - tuning is too expensive. The factory options, which can be taken before the start for free, are not interesting to serious riders, and the rest do not need this information at all. After all, on the Nextgen and PC in first person mode, you can look at the speedometer, but it often lies at 5-7 mph.

Here the British will come to the rescue Broughy1322, famous racer in the community Gta... is he is testing machine classes according to our approved methodology. Although it must be admitted, not all of his results agree with ours. This is partly due to the fact that the videos are recorded in the game on the PlayStation 4 at a rate of 30 frames per second. Accordingly, for each frame, the car travels twice the distance than at 60 FPS. As a result, one extra or missing frame reduces / increases the calculated speed by more than 1 km / h (since the detected distance is less than ours). Also, keep in mind that the above findings suggest that machines get a little slower at lower FPS.

One more nuance regarding calculations Broughy1322 - he takes cars from other racers for testing. Even if these are proven people, it cannot be argued that they once did not forget to put an upgrade on the engine or something like that.

The fastest car in the game

Currently, the fastest car in the game is ... * drum roll * - Z-Type. Interestingly, the representative of the sports classics surpassed all supercars in maximum speed, although the Adder in second place is just slightly slower. A complete list of tested models and their results can be found in the table below the spoiler below.

Test results of real vehicle speed in GTA V (PS4)

The table can be sorted in any direction by clicking on the column heading.
To sort by several columns simultaneously, hold down the Shift key.

Model nameSpeed, km / hClass and model reference
811 213,2
9F Cabrio192,3
Baller (new)173,8
Baller (old)160,9
Baller LE174,6
Baller LE (armored)173,8
Baller LE LWB173,8
Baller LE LWB (armored)173,0
Banshee topless189,1
Banshee 900R210,0
Bati 801208,4
Bati 801RR208,4
BeeJay XL156,1
Bestia GTS190,7
Blazer Lifeguard *126,3
Blista compact165,8
Bobcat xl153,7
Boxville *114,3
Brioso R / A167,4
Buccaneer Custom181,9
Buffalo S180,2
Burger shot stallion182,7
Burrito *145,6
Camper *117,5
Carbon RS199,6
Cavalcade (new)157,7
Cavalcade (old)157,7
Chino custom153,7
Clown Van *152,1
Cognoscenti (armored)176,2
Cognoscenti 55181,1
Cognoscenti 55 (armored)180,2
Cognoscenti Cabrio180,2
Coquette blackfin183,5
Coquette classic189,9
Coquette Classic Topless189,9
Coquette topless192,3
Desert Raid171,4
Drift tampa184,3
Dubsta (tuned)164,2
Dubsta 6x6165,8
Duke O'Death184,3
Dune buggy161,7
Elegy rh8190,7
Emperor (rusty)145,6
Entity XF195,5
Faction Custom178,6
Faction Custom Donk156,9
Felon GT177,8
FQ 2167,4
Fränken Stange171,4
Furore GT193,1
Gang burrito169,8
Gang Burrito (Lost) *145,6
Go go monkey blista165,8
Hot rod blazer158,5
Huntley s173,8
Insurgent Pick-Up *147,3
JB 700192,3
Jester (racing)192,3
Journey *119,1
Kuruma (armored)177,0
Marshall *128,7
Massacro (racing)195,5
Mesa (Merryweather)160,1
Minivan custom153,7
Moonbeam custom164,2
Oracle XS183,5
PCJ 600172,2
Pißwasser Dominator200,4
Pony *145,6
Primo Custom165,8
Rancher XL154,5
Rapid GT192,3
Rapid GT (Convertible)192,3
Redwood gauntlet185,9
Romero Hearse *144,0
Roosevelt valor158,5
Rumpo Custom158,5
Saber turbo177,8
Saber turbo custom194,7
Sandking SWB159,3
Sandking xl159,3
Schafter LWB176,2
Schafter LWB (armored)172,2
Schafter V12199,6
Schafter V12 (armored)198,8
Sentinel XS187,5
Slamvan (Lost) *153,7
Slamvan Custom193,1
Space Docker *139,2
Speedo *152,1
Sprunk Buffalo185,1
Stinger gt180,2
Stinger topless180,2
Stirling GT180,2
Stretch *151,3
Sultan rs188,3
Super diamond179,4
Surfer (rusty)108,6
Taco Van *114,3
Technical *149,7
The Liberator *128,7
Tornado (Convertible)157,7
Tornado (rusty)157,7
Tornado (old Mariachi convertible) *147,3
Tornado custom158,5
Trophy Truck172,2
Tropos rallye192,3
Turismo R196,3
Turreted Limo *144,0
Virgo classic155,3
Virgo classic custom167,4
Voltic topless170,6
Voodoo custom161,7
Windsor drop189,1
X80 Proto204,4
XLS (armored)173,8
Zion Cabrio185,1

* Vehicles that cannot be tuned.


Acceleration is not an easy parameter to analyze. It appears to be affected by all the same values \u200b\u200bas top speed, plus the traction coefficient fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift, which measures how quickly the transmission changes gears when moving forward.

We took four cars as an example. Jester Racecar and Massacro are sports cars, while the T20 and Zentorno are supercars. As we showed above, the Jester has a slightly higher acceleration than the Massacro Racecar. The usual version of Massacro takes part in this race, but the differences from the racing one are scanty and do not concern the tested parameters. The T20 and Zentorno are well balanced: both with four-wheel drive and the same top speed. The increased drag of the T20 is countered by a more powerful engine and increased theoretical speed.

Jester racecar
fInitialDragCoeff value \u003d "9.500000"
fInitialDriveForce value \u003d "0.310000"
fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value \u003d "3.300000"
fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value \u003d "3.300000"
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value \u003d "158.000000"

fInitialDragCoeff value \u003d "10.000000"
fInitialDriveForce value \u003d "0.364000"

fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value \u003d "156.199997"

fInitialDragCoeff value \u003d "10.4270"
fInitialDriveForce value \u003d "0.365000"
fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value \u003d "7.000000"

fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value \u003d "159.300000"

fInitialDragCoeff value \u003d "10.000000"
fInitialDriveForce value \u003d "0.354000"
fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value \u003d "6.000000"
fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value \u003d "6.000000"
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value \u003d "159.000000"

Both sports cars lose on maximum speed, but not as much as it might seem. The racing Jester has the best drag in the quartet, and the Massacro has a great engine.

The main difference between these pairs of cars is the speed of the gearbox. Among the class of sports cars, the average is 2.4. Massacro has a 3, and Jester Racecar has a 3.3. For the best supercars, this value is usually 6 or 7, meaning they should spend less time shifting gears. Given the overall parity of the T20 and the Zentorno, it will be interesting to see if the difference in the parameters of their boxes will affect the result.

All cars are equipped with a full set of tuning. Full throttle before starting to eliminate reaction times.

All four cars are fast enough, let's analyze the race frame by frame.

In the first segment, the T20 is confidently leading, the Zentorno is slightly behind. Here it is - the difference between 6 and 7 in gear shift speed. By the way, no other car in the game has 7 to switch up anymore, the T20 is definitely the leader here. The top six among supercars are Cheetah, Entity XF, Infernus, Osiris, Vacca and Zentorno. The Jester racing predictably got off the ground a little better than the Massacro, thanks to its all-wheel drive and faster gearbox.

Second checkpoint. The gap between the T20 and the Zentorno has increased slightly. Both sports cars have noticeably lost ground, but the Jester is still ahead of the Massacro. Here he is still squeezing out third, and Massacro has already switched to fourth.

In general, the Jester gears are much longer than the other three machines featured here. At the start, it helps a lot: while others move from second to third and fourth, the Japanese sports car keeps high revs. However, this tactic will not help him if there are many straight and fast turns on the track. In this case, it is better to choose Massacro.

At the third checkpoint, the same situation remains. There are fewer switches already, so Massacro and Zentorno are keeping positions behind the competitors. By the fourth marker, Massacro is finally spinning its powerful engine and is already ahead of Jester by a couple of hulls. As the acceleration is almost complete, our blue sports car will go further and further thanks to its higher top speed. Zentorno does not have such an enviable trump card against the T20, so it will remain in the rearguard until the finish line.

Adder vs T20

Another interesting race. In our tests, we determined that the Adder is the fastest supercar with a top speed of 205.7 km / h. Here are its parameters:

fInitialDragCoeff value \u003d "7.800000"
fInitialDriveForce value \u003d "0.320000"
fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value \u003d "3.000000"
fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value \u003d "3.000000"
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value \u003d "160.000000"

As you can see, its engine is weaker than that of the T20, but the drag is lower, and the theoretical "maximum speed" is higher. The speed of the box is about the same as that of the sports cars discussed earlier. Will this affect overclocking?

Everything happened exactly as we expected. The T20 confidently won the start, and then Adder gradually overtook and bypassed her with her top speed.

Car with electric motor

In theory, cars with an electric motor should be the kings of acceleration. While ICEs (Internal Combustion Engines) have to pick up speed and shift gears to maintain torque, electric motors do not have this disadvantage. However, in Gta v there are simply no decent cars of this type: among supercars - only Voltic, and among sports cars - Khamelion.

We tested the Voltic against the T20 without tuning: the electric car lost a little start, but by the second checkpoint it almost made up its lag, and then the T20 left it to swallow dust. At the same time, the situation with tuning will be even worse: all other cars receive upgrades to the gearbox and turbocharging of the engine, and such elements are not available to electric vehicles due to the peculiarities of their design.

Rear wing, braking and traction

Traction and braking are related to each other, so we have combined them into one section.

The parameter used for the braking strip in handling.meta is called fBrakeForce. However, he, like other similar lines taken out of context, does not tell the whole story. In addition to it, there is also the distribution of the braking force, which we indicate in our tables. Traction also affects the vehicle's deceleration. It is broken down into two main values: fTractionCurveMax and fTractionCurveMin. The names are not very logical, but Max is responsible for the grip in corners, and Min - on the straight.

Take Slamvan for example. We know his brakes are some of the worst in the game. Let's try to figure out why.

fBrakeForce value \u003d "0.600000"
fBrakeBiasFront value \u003d "0.700000"
fTractionCurveMax value \u003d "1.650000"
fTractionCurveMin value \u003d "1.250000"

The braking force of 0.6 is not the worst parameter in the game (the average among all cars is 0.66), but not the best either. Supercars usually have 1, while among other muscle cars 0.8 values \u200b\u200bprevail. Brake force distribution (fBrakeBiasFront) - 0.7. This means that 70% of the deceleration work is done by the front wheels. This is a bit too much, the 60/40 distribution is considered standard. But the main problem of the Slamvan is not this, but the grip on the track on a straight line: 1.25 is one of the lowest parameters in the game among all cars.

AT Gta v there is no anti-lock braking system (ABS), but you can lock the wheels if the car has a low grip parameter. Signs of slipping will be a distinctive sound, as well as vibration of the controller, if you use it. This can be avoided by modulating the braking force on the controller (keyboard players will not be able to do this for obvious reasons). We recorded a video of the Slamvan braking at the same speed. On the left, the brake is 100% clamped, and on the right, only halfway.

As you can see, the gamepad has reduced both the time and the braking distance. In racing, this is an unprecedented gain. However, it should be noted that the behavior of not all machines depends on this, Rat-Loader and Slamvan are rather special cases. However, the ability to graduate throttle, brake and steering will make you a faster racer.


In our transport descriptions, we usually indicate the possibility of installing a wing on the car. And this is no accident. As you probably know, since patch 1.14, the rear wing on older consoles began to increase the grip parameter, which means it affects both cornering and braking. With turns, everything is clear: the speed is higher at the entrance and in the apex, and the ability to squeeze full throttle appears earlier. If before the car passed the test track in one minute, then with the wing it will be 3-4 seconds faster.

But the influence of the wing on the brakes is a much less known fact. We took Massacro for demonstration. Here it slows down to a complete stop, close to its maximum speed:

Even in this ideal case, the braking distance without a wing has increased by the body of the vehicle. At higher speed supercars, the difference will be even greater. And if we take into account that not all the tracks are located on the surface of the runway, smooth as silk, there are bumps and holes on ordinary roads, then it becomes clear: the less time you spend on braking, the better result passing the circle.

An increase in downforce in the real world carries with it an inevitable decrease in top speed. AT Gta v you shouldn't worry about it, the rear wing only helps the car to slow down better and enter corners.


To "unmax" the parameters of the car, you need to buy the following parts in a tuning salon:

  • race Brakes
  • engine upgrade (EMS Upgrade, Level 4)
  • gearbox upgrade (Race Transmission)
  • turbocharging (Turbo Tuning)
  • rear wing (if available)

These modifications will make your car faster on the track. Everything else is pure cosmetics, does not affect the technical parameters of the car in any way and will not improve your lap time.

Some cars are already sold with a wing on the trunk, but this is a factory solution Will not give bonus to traction. It turns out silly, but if you choose an option that does not even change the shape of the wing, but only repaints it in a secondary color, then grip will increase. To make it easier to remember: even if the car already has a rear wing, you must definitely pay money for any of the options offered in the cabin. They all work in the same way, regardless of appearance.

At the time of writing, the only exception to this rule is the T20 supercar. In this car, the factory wing rises from the body when accelerating, and also acts as an aerodynamic brake when decelerating. It gives a bonus to traction the same as a purchased fender from the salon. However, there are no other options specifically for the T20. It is easy to check the operation of this element: hand it back 4-5 times against the wall and the mechanism will break. After that, the wing will remain in the body, and the car will begin to experience understeer and braking problems.

Off road wheels

All tires and rims in Gta v behave exactly the same, you will not buy time if you install something from the category High end to your brand new supercar. The interesting point is just the opposite - potential failure. The fact is that off-road wheels drive the car much more smoothly over bumps and curbs. In some cases, a low supercar like the Zentorno can unexpectedly toss upward at a slight angle. So much so that when landing, it will be impossible to avoid the turn.

Off-road tires minimize such situations, which means you can fully concentrate on the race. Apparently, the height of the tire has an effect: more volume compensates for impacts better. Accordingly, the list in order of priority looks like this:

1. Offroad
2. Lowrider, Muscle, Tuner (they are the same)
3. Sport, SUV
4. High End

The High End has very low tires, so while they look best on supercars, serious riders will still opt for off-road rims.

Methodology for testing cars in GTA Online

If you have ever watched the British TV show Top Gear, then you have probably seen how the silent racer Stig drives cars on a special track laid along the old airfield. Objectively find out the data of each machine in Gta v can only be done in the same way. Here the same Briton comes to our aid Broughy1322which we mentioned earlier.

He chose the original Cutting Coroners as a test site and rebuilt it into an extended version, which he called the Cutting Coroners GP. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe route is to check all the parameters of the car: there are fast and slow turns, a hairpin and a long straight. Its location in southern Los Santos makes it dangerous due to its poor road surface. We drove a circle on the Sultan to give you a visual representation of the route:

The first corner on Elgin Avenue is easy enough for cars with a wing, everyone else will have to turn off the gas. The combination of the next bends in front of Legion Square is already more difficult: how you pass the first turn just outside the Olympic highway will determine the time of the entire first sector. We advise you to overbrake slightly at the beginning, but this will allow you to stay on the right side of the road and jump out onto Strawberry Avenue at a much higher speed. You can turn on Utley Street at full speed, but it is important to choose the right trajectory, otherwise you will fly into the trees on the sidewalk.

Having passed this danger, we jump over a couple of curbs that enclose the parking area. The rally Sultan copes with the task, and off-road tires will greatly help supercars here. The next braking downhill at the police station is very difficult. The video just caught a mistake: a miss past the apex and, as a result, a wide exit and a slight skid into the post. Fortunately, no time was wasted here. Having jumped the paths of the city metro, we turn right. The location of the multi-colored tires allows you to cut the bend a little. Errors often occur at this point due to the rear axle drift after the curb.

At the turn in front of the hospital, there is again a small mistake - the car should be at least one meter closer to the tires. This will allow you to take a turn faster and start accelerating earlier. Well, then all that remains is to overcome the slow hairpin and start accelerating on a long straight to Grove Street. Next - a U-turn, on which you should be greedy and lay the widest possible radius, and the finish line.

Broughy1322 I was able to drive all the cars of the game along the track, even those that are only available in the single. The results can be found. We have no reason not to trust his research: the fact that our Sultan, with a time of 1: 06.99 and with small errors, showed the result two tenths of a second better, can be explained by the fact that all 60 FPS cars will be a little faster than their counterparts on consoles with 30 FPS.

At the same time, in order to consistently cut circles with such a time, you need to spend at least a few hours. But all cars are different, you have to get used to each. Yes, here and not records are important (however, you are free to try to break any of them), but the fact that each car was tested by one person who knows every piece of the track perfectly.

It is curious that the T20 covers the track in 1: 01.894, and if you break its wing, it will be 4-5 seconds slower. This will roll it back from the first place in the class to the end of the list. This is how the lack of additional traction is expressed in a real race.

Fly in the ointment and conclusions

All the results on this track can be taken into account, but you should not make a decision to buy a particular car only on the basis that it is the first on the list. If you don't hone your driving skills for a few hours a day, and ride in open races with random players, then it doesn't matter that the T20 is a little faster than the Zentorno, and the Bullet does not deserve the right to be called a supercar at all. 99 percent of races are held with the catch up system turned on, but we will tactfully keep silent about the desire of the average GTA-Schnick to knock an opponent in the first corner.

If the race is in a straight line, then you need a high maximum speed and completely different cars will take the lead. There are also troubles with off-road racing: it is one thing to fly the fastest lap in splendid isolation on the Sanchez's rear wheel, it is quite another to survive on bumps shaking bones while the six-wheeled Dubsta monsters breathe in the back. The Dominator among muscle cars will be the fastest only in the hands of an experienced rider, while the newcomer is rear-wheel drive and a powerful engine.

GTA series - a unique product of its kind. Since the time of the third part, which has been on everyone's favorite PlayStation 2 consoles, the game has provided a lot of content and opportunities, based on the most important values \u200b\u200bof the American dream, namely, complete freedom of action and rapid enrichment. And if the second is characteristic not only of the games of the GTA series, but also of many others, then with the freedom of the "great hijacker" everything is very good. And indeed, at that time, the choice was truly grandiose. The cars differed not only in color and shape, but also in physical aspects. And if desired, any stolen car could be easily repainted. In the further development of the series, motorcycles and mopeds (GTA Vice City), boats and aircraft (all the same Vice City), bicycles ( GTA San-Andreas) etc.

And so, the culmination of today has become the magnificent GTA 5, with its huge selection of all kinds of transport equipment, with gorgeous physics, and, of course, with ample opportunities tuning.

GTA 5 is also unique in that each of the characters in the game has its own car, which can be used to drive through the streets of sunny Los Santos. Michael has an expensive Tailgater (Audi A6 prototype). Franklin has a simpler car at his disposal - the Buffalo S (the prototype of which is most likely a Chevrolet Camaro). Well, insane Trevor prefers to drive around in a shabby pickup truck.

Despite the gorgeous choice of cars, many players get bored of driving the same car, so a reasonable question arises - how to change the main car in GTA 5?

"Rooting deep into the problem!" To begin with, in GTA 5 it is not very common to buy cars. According to the glorious tradition of the series, a wheelbarrow is easier to steal than to buy. Having met the car you like, it is enough to throw the driver away (or break the glass if the car is parked), get behind the wheel and drive off to your garage. However, in the fifth part, not all the cars that are in the game are free to drive around the city streets. There are also unique pieces that can only be bought. This is very easy to do.

You need to go to the website for the sales of transport equipment through the phone and place an order. A certain amount will be debited from the account, and the purchase can be found in the garage. Then you can safely pick it up from there. It should be remembered that if the purchased car is destroyed, it will disappear forever, and in order to get behind the wheel again, you will have to fork out again for a new copy.

But, in principle, the exact answer to the question as to whether - how to change the main car in GTA 5 - never followed; the point is that, alas, it is impossible to do this. And if PC owners can still hope that someday an amateur modification will come out that will add such an opportunity to the game, then for people playing on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (not to mention PS3 and Xbox 360) there are no options at all. In this case, we can only advise you to use tuning of the main cars in Los Santos Customs, since there are enough opportunities there. If desired, the car can be changed almost beyond recognition and you can see how to do this in the video below!