What does it mean on the computer is missing Vorbisfile DLL. Install the Vorbisfile DLL for GTA San Andreas: understandable instruction. Methods of deliverance errors

An error occurring when working with the file indicates the information that the vorbis.dll was removed or changed. There is also a possibility that search system Window can not find the file. With the lack of this component on the computer, users are mostly encountered using applications such as GTA San Andreas or HomeFront.

If there are problems with the Vorbis library, first of all it is necessary to try to find out the reason for which the vorbis.dll file is missing. It is often an antivirus blocking or deleting to the basket. In such a situation, the user often asks the question "What to do?".

Below we will consider the algorithm for solving this issue:

Download vorbis.dlll for GTA San Andreas follows, if there was no detected in the basket and in the antivirus repository the right filethen it is necessary to install system Programcomprising a search file. If you start the installation process of the full package, which contains all the library components, then the chance of the similar error associated with the vorbis.dll file is significantly reduced.

Before downloading vorbis.dll for GTA san Andreas. For Windows, you need to know how and where it is set to install this file. The installation path directly depends on the bit installed system. For the 32nd discharge system The path is determined by this address: C: \\ Windows \\ System32. In the 64th installation path, it is indicated as follows: C: \\ Windows \\ syswow64.

We recommend to download and install DirectShow Filters for Ogg Vorbis, using this framework, you can fix this error automatically. You just need to download on the computer and run the file, the program will do everything for you. It's easier than downloading DLL fileAnd put it manually.

VORBISFILE DLL program download for GTA San Andreas (file error). GTA San Andreas is one of the most popular versions of the GTA game. And you, once again turning it on, or maybe, after many years of rest from SanAndreas, they decided to play, and the application does not start and knocks out a strange error about the vorbisfile.dll. We will help her decide !!

Have you seen this error?

This file - This is a library for games, it is not needed for all applications. Most often, it should be in the root folder of the game started. However, it happens that it "suddenly" goes somewhere and, with the next launch, the error may fly to the screen and the proposal to recess the game completely. Naturally do this is not necessary!

Just downloading the file with this library and putting it in the right place, you can eliminate this annoying error.

Algorithm of action after downloading the file:

1. Open the "Download" folder and copy the file (Ctrl + C) vorbisfile.dll
2. Open the root folder with GTA SanAndreas. If you do not know where it is, click right-click on the label of the game and in the field " Work folder"- There will be a path to the root folder E SanAndreas.

3. Insert (Ctrl + v) the vorbisfile.dll file
4. Reboot the computer
5. Run the game

Reboot the system is recommended to "remember" new files, it was able to work with them with them, made them in the registry and so on. Remember that all the problems can be solved, most of the answers to complex questions related to computers can be found on our website.

If you encountered a mistake that states that the vorbisfile.dll file is not found on the computer, then you probably tried to run the world-famous game GTA San Andreas. This error may occur both on Windows XP and 7, and more new versions of this operating system.

Below we will look at two ways to download Vorbisfile.dll to the computer. But before you want to draw your attention to the fact that you download a separate vorbisfile.dll file separately from third-party sources is not the best idea. Resource owners distributing DLL files cannot fully and fully respond to each file on their website, so you can well existing error Add a whole bouquet of problems that will have to eliminate itself.

Method 1.

When a computer reports that there is no file on the computer, it often says that the computer does not have the necessary component that is used to start the game. And even if you download separate file. vorbisfile.dll, you may have an error with another library.

Thus, to solve the problem, the component must be downloaded to the computer, which includes the missing vorbisfile.dll file. In this case, our component is an OGG Vorbis codec.

Method 2.

Other no less effective method eliminate the error associated with the lack of on the computer file vorbisfile.dll - install K-Lite Codec Pack. This package contains almost all existing codecs needed for correct operation of both San Andreas and other applications.

The occurrence of errors with the text "Starting the program is impossible" and an indication of the file that is missing, almost always means that there is no component that is not installed for the program. And, as a rule, this component consists of not one library, i.e. If you find where to download vorbisfile.dll and where to throw it, it may turn out that GTA San Andreas still does not start.

The correct way is to find out what this file and download that system componentin which this file is contained.

Here I will help: vorbisfile.dll is an OGG Vorbis codec, which means that it is possible to download it from the official site http://www.vorbis.com, while the installation program itself set it where necessary.

You do not need to take a DLL from various kinds of "DLL-Files" sites, it is unknown that containing the file in System32 and register the library in the system using "regsvr32 vorbisfile.dll", and even more so install various programs "For automatic correction dLL errors"(Which almost always represent at all what is said in the description).

Note: If the game does not start after installation, try temporarily move the vorbisfile.dll files and ogg.dll files in the GTA folder to another place.

The file should fall into operating system When installing the game itself, but due to the effects of the virus or due to incorrect work Anti-virus software can be damaged, removed or added to quarantine.

Method 1: Reinstalling GTA: SanAndreas

Since the vorbis.dll file falls into the OS when installing the game, it will be logical if an error occurs simply reinstall it. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that this method is guaranteed to work with a licensed game purchased from the official distributor. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the error message will appear again.

Method 2: Vorbis.dll premises to exclude antivirus

If you reinstalled the game and it did not help, then most likely, the antivirus when unpacking the Vorbis.dll library placed it in quarantine. If you are confident that this vorbis.dll file does not bear any threat to Windows, you can safely add it to exceptions. After that, the game should start without any problems.

Method 3: Disable Anti-Virus

If the vorbis.dll file has not turned out in quarantine of your antivirus, then there is a high probability that the protective program completely deleted it from the computer. In this case, you need to repeat the installation of the game, pre-disabling the antivirus software. But it is worth considering the risk that the file is really infected. It is most likely if you are trying to install RePack games, not a license. How to disable antivirus programYou can learn from the article on our website.

If the previous method did not help correct the error or you do not want to risk adding a file to the system that can be infected, you can download the vorbis.dll to the computer and install it yourself. The installation process is quite simple: you need to move the dynamic library from the folder to which it was loaded into the game directory where the executable file is

To correctly install the library, do the following:

Go to the folder where the downloaded vorbis.dll file lies.
Copy it by pressing Ctrl + C or choosing the "Copy" option from the menu called right-click.

Right-click on the GTA: San Andreas label.
In the menu that appears, select "File Location".

Insert the vorbis.dll in the opening folder by pressing Ctrl + V or selecting the "Paste" option from the context menu.

After that, the problem with the launch game will be eliminated. If suddenly it did not happen, it is recommended to register a dynamic library.

What if the error was not eliminated?

If the actions described above do not bring the desired result, most likely in the play folder already contains the vorbisfile.dll file. To resolve the problem, go to the game folder (right-click on the label - "File Location") and delete or move to another location of the vorbisfile.dll and ogg.dll files. Reload the computer and re-run the game.

A few years ago, a team of enthusiasts specializing in creating modifications to computer gamesIntroducing the new name Samp Team, released the famous San Andreas with Multiplayer support. Last year, the guys updated their creation. The numerous gamer audience immediately rushed to torrent trackers on the eve of novelty and unforgettable sensations, nostalgia from the game. Waiting justified far from everyone. Many gamers write that GTA San Andreas is not started on their computers, because an error appears, due to damage or inability to detect Vorbisfile.

If GTA San Andreas is not running on your computer, follow the recommendations below.

The article will deal with such messages, read the appointment of the file and the real methods of solving the problem that has arisen, because most of the advice on the Internet lead to a computer infection due to the download of viruses instead of the missing file.

What is this file

Before you begin to solve the problem, we will study it in more detail: Consider why the game does not start when there is no Vorbisfile DLL, as well as its functions and purpose.

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Vorbisfile.dll - a file that loads into rAM Computer if necessary. It refers to the so-called dynamic or dynamically downloadable libraries. He, like any DLL program, is used by a huge number of applications. Vorbisfile. It is an element of audio codec - that is, programs that performs decoding (decoding) of the audio file before playing it supported by the program . The dynamic library performs the OGG format file decoder.

DLL files, which was noted, are loaded into RAM only while accessing them. When Windows appeals to the vorbisfile.dll and does not detect or finds, but the integrity check ends unsatisfactory, the corresponding program is sent to the error message. Therefore, the GTA San Andreas is not launched - decipher the audio files contained in the folder for their subsequent playback simply nothing.

Solutions of the problem are only two:

  1. to install the missing codec separately;
  2. to install or update the codec package.

With that, during the choice of the second method, the user is guaranteed to get rid of such errors arising from other components of codecs, and will acquire their fresh version.


The Vorbisfile DLL component for GTA San Andreas is available for download on the official website at Vorbis.com.

Fig. 1. Download the Vorbisfile DLL component for GTA San Andreas on the official website
  1. Go to the developer site by reference above.
  2. Select the Windows platform.
  3. Click "Download" near the desired version of the codec.

Do not know where to throw a Vorbisfile DLL from a unpacked archive? Unzip the downloaded file or copy the file that is located in the directory with the GTA game (where the executive file is located, which loads it onto the computer).

We establish a problem codec

The best will be the solution to implement the codec package, which includes an OGG-format decoder. K-Lite Codec Pack - Programs for GTA San Andreas, which has made many lovers of this game.

  • Download codecs from the official site.
  • In order to install the Vorbisfile DLL run the downloaded program and perform the action installer offered by the installer.
Fig.2 Start the downloaded program and execute the action installer offered by the installer

In the video format selection window for which sketches in the form of stop-frames should be marked only on powerful computersAfter all, the operation consumes a lot of resources.

Fig.3 Mark video formats only on powerful PC screens

After how the DLL file to the computer is completed, the game will start without problems.

GTA San Andreas is one of the most popular games of all time. A rare user buys a licensed version of this game, most prefer to download it from the Internet. The licensed game is installed with a complete set of libraries, unlike hacked versions. They often cease to work due to the fact that the computer is missing the vorbisfile.dll file. An error can get out immediately after installing the game, and it may unexpectedly arise in the middle of the gameplay. The error window proposes to reinstall GTA, but it long way, it's easier to download vorbisfile.dll. So you save your gaming progress and spend less time to restore the game.

Download vorbisfile.dll follows from a proven source, otherwise you can pick up the virus. Even if the library is not infected, there is a chance that the antivirus will remove it, so sometimes you can add vorbisfile.dll in exceptions. Download the vorbisfile.dll file you can have. Then you need to find the root folder of the game and put the library in it. Most often it's C: \\ Program Files or C: \\ Program Files (x86) but pirate versions Can be installed in another place. To find out the place installations GTA., Right-click on the game label and select "Properties". There in the "Object" field will be registered to the root folder. Once you have found where to throw a vorbisfile.dll and put it there, restart the computer. If it does not help, try to register the library.

The algorithm of action is extremely simple:

  • Download Vorbisfile.dll for GTA San Andreas
  • Find the root folder with the game
  • Place the vorbisfile.dll there
  • Enjoy the game!

No additional actions will be required, most likely the game will earn even without rebooting the computer. If it did not help, then you downloaded a damaged version of the game, try downloading it from another source.

We recommend to download and install DirectShow Filters for Ogg Vorbis, using this framework, you can fix this error automatically. You just need to download on the computer and run the file, the program will do everything for you. It is easier than downloading a DLL file, and put it manually.

This article is devoted to what is a Vorbisfile.dll file and why it can be downloaded for free on our website.

Probably, any gamer who came across GTA San Andreas, knows the situation well when when you start the game, there is a sign with an error information "missing vorbisfile.dll ... reinstall the application.

And everything would be fine if this problem was really solved using a simple reinstall game. But according to the law of meanness it is not. Deciding to dispense the reinstalling game, just spend the time in vain. The error associated with the vorbisfile.dll file usually occurs from those gamers who decided to save on the purchase of a license and download a hacked game from torrent tracker. Many files in such games are modified. Therefore, antivirus, seeing the inconsistency of the content of libraries, automatically deletes them or sends it to quarantine. And then no about correct work Games can not be speech.

But if from this situation there was no exit, now you would not read this article. And the decision suggests itself. If you have enough file to start the same GTA SanandRead, then you need to fill the loss. But where and how? The answer is already in front of you.

On our site you can completely free download the vorbisfile.dll file for Gta San Andreas and many other games, and then set to correctly. Beware of fraudsters offering download DLL files for money. Not only do you spend your savings in vain, you still risk harmful to your computer files of dubious origin.

Nothing difficult in installing a Vorbisfile.dll file. You will need minimal user skills, a few minutes of time and the world of GTA is open again for your new features.

The actions algorithm is very simple:

1. First you need to download the Vorbisfile.dll program

2. Disable antivirus protection

3. Unzip the file and copy to the clipboard

4. Copy the file to the root of the game folder

5. Reboot PC

6. Run the game.

After that you can safely resume the work of your antivirus. You can save the archive with the DLL just in case. He can always come in handy in the future if not with GTA, then with another game. Agree, this is not the highest price for the opportunity to quietly enjoy your favorite hobby.

From read in this article you probably managed to understand that this method Solutions of the problem is very simple in terms of implementation. The main thing is to comply with the procedure. If you have some questions about installing the vorbisfile.dll file, we suggest you to see a small video, which is detailed and available illustrates everything that you have read above. It remains only to wish you good luck and new achievements in games.
