Windows problem does not install microsoft silverlight. An overview of the free version of Silverlight. Enabling and disabling

Silverlight is a cross-browser and cross-system software platform from Microsoft. In terms of its functionality and purpose, it is similar to technology Adobe Flash: Play audio and video content, display vector graphics and animation effects.
On the Internet, you can find many web resources that use the capabilities of Microsoft Silverlight. In order for them to be correctly displayed and fully functional in Firefox, the user needs to install the Silverlight browser plugin on his PC.
After installation, FF will automatically detect it in the system and connect. Installing the plugin won't take long - in 10 minutes Firefox will have new web browsing tools in its arsenal.
Instructions for downloading and installing the plugin:
1. Go to the Silverlight download page on the Microsoft offsite.

2. Click on the inscription<Установите плагин …>

3. In a new tab that opens, click the button

4. FF will ask you to confirm saving the plug-in installer on your PC. Press<Сохранить файл>

5. The downloaded installer run with administrator rights

6. The installation window will appear. In it you need to click<Установить сейчас>

7. Wait until the end of the installation procedure

8. After installation, a window will appear with the plugin update settings. For automatic mode you need to put a bird in front of the words "Allow updates from ...." and click<Далее>

9. If all the installation operations are performed correctly, information about the correct installation will appear. Press the button<Закрыть>

10. To make sure Firefox has enabled the Silverlight plugin, you need to go to the browser options menu<Инструменты>, choose<Дополнения> and in the opened tab click<Плагины>... "Silverlight Plug-In" should appear on the right side of the panel, in the connected plugins directory.

That's all, the plug-in is installed, now in the FF browser while surfing you can enjoy all the interactive benefits of Microsoft Silverlight.

Is a special plug-in that contains a module that displays any multimedia information in all browsers. This program was developed by Microsoft. The main purpose of Silverlight is to simplify and speed up the process of using Internet sites as much as possible. The program installs the necessary extensions, without which many media files will not be able to display and play. Also with the help of "Silver" you can create unique, safe and convenient web pages, because the plug-in interface does not have increased complexity, and every PC user can figure it out.

Silverlight advantages and disadvantages

Free and easy installation;
+ plugin completely in Russian;
+ does not require additional components;
+ compatible with other products;
+ the plugin can be written in any programming language;
+ maximum flexibility and interactivity;

Key features

  • viewing web pages of any type;
  • integrated flash player;
  • shows the interactivity of applications;
  • displays high-quality graphics on the Internet;
  • emphasizes the individual design and functionality of each multimedia file;
  • can play WMV, WMA and MP3 in all supported browsers;
  • automatic update in 1 click;
  • supports VC-1 video inside ASF container.

*Attention! When downloading the standard installer, you will need a preinstalled archiver, you can

Like most other web browsers, Yandex supports a modular architecture, that is, it allows you to connect a variety of plugins to expand the standard functionality. Installed add-ons can change the base interface or add new tools to improve the usability of the Internet. In addition, there are special service plugins, thanks to which some important services work in the browser. This article describes how to configure extensions: where to find them, how to enable a new plug-in or disable it in the Yandex browser.

If you want to enable any plugin, it must be installed on the Yandex browser. To do this, you can use the directories from Yandex or Google, or download the add-on from the dedicated website. In this guide, the installation of extensions is considered using the example of AdBlock, a plugin for blocking advertising banners on site pages.

First, users can open the official Russian-language website of the application at Here you can select the version for the browser from Yandex and click on the "Install" button. After that, the addon will be added to the toolkit of the program, and its functions will be available to you.

The second way is to visit the Google extensions web directory, open the link In the search bar on the left, enter the name of the extension - AdBlock, and press Enter. Select the distribution kit you are interested in and click on the "Install" button opposite its name.

Similarly, you can work with a directory from Yandex. Go to the page, enter the name of the required application in the search form and press Enter. After that, it remains to click on the green button "Add to Yandex browser" - and the plugin will be connected.

How to disable and enable plugins

As a rule, after a successful installation, the extensions are activated automatically and immediately start working. If at the moment you do not need its work, it is recommended to disable it in order to save system resources and increase the performance of the Yandex browser:

If you want to delete an unnecessary plug-in, you need to hover the cursor over the "enable / disable" switch, after which the "Delete" button will appear to the right of it, which must be clicked. Please note that you cannot remove those extensions that are pre-installed in the Yandex browser, such as "Turbo mode" ("Turbo") or "Yandex.Weather" ("Yandex.Weather").

Configuring add-ons

Centralized interface for changing configurations installed extensions there is no Yandex browser. Instead, each plugin has its own menu through which it can be customized. Usually installed add-ons create special icons in the panel to the right of the address bar. If you click on such an icon with the left and right (depending on the plugin) mouse button, a drop-down control menu will open.

Using this menu, users can work with the application, temporarily enable or disable its functions, and configure its parameters. In this article, the settings are described using the example of the DotVPN add-on - an anonymizer for Internet browsers:

Service plugins

To play video content, work with documents or PDF files, displaying 3D graphics and other similar functions Yandex Browser also uses additional applications. As a rule, they are installed and updated automatically, so that the average user does not need to deal with them.

However, if any of these plugins hang and stop updating on their own, it can cause constant errors and crashes of the entire program. In this case, it is recommended to disable it and manually update it.

So that inexperienced users cannot accidentally break correct work browser, these service extensions are not displayed on the regular add-ons page. For them, the interface has its own page, which can be accessed at the address "browser: // plugins /" or "about: // plugins /".

Configuring Permissions

Trusted applications are a special type of applications that run outside the browser. They differ from ordinary ones in that they have an impressive set of additional privileges. These privileges do not match the permissions of traditional desktop applications, but they do allow a number of potentially harmful actions, such as activating third-party programs and direct access to the file system.

For this reason, it is recommended that trusted applications be used only in a tightly controlled environment, such as a corporate network, in which users know their applications well and trust the developers.

In many cases, users are very reluctant to grant additional privileges required by trusted applications. Sometimes they refuse to install them at all. Also system Administrator can configure computers to prevent the installation or execution of applications outside the browser that require increased trust.

Before you start developing a trusted Silverlight application, consider whether a full-featured WPF desktop application is suitable for the task. WPF fully supports the .NET Framework. Like Silverlight, WPF applications can be installed from the Internet, but unlike Silverlight, WPF applications only run on Windows applications.

Installing a trusted app

To specify that the application should require elevated trust, open the Out-of-Browser Settings window and check the Require elevated trust box:

To start the installation process open context menu Silverlight or call the Application.Install () method. A window with a security message will appear on the screen. Click the Install button.

You can sign the application with an X.509 digital certificate. Then the warning in the security window will be less threatening, exclamation mark will be replaced with a question mark and the publisher's name will be displayed.

Trusted Application Capabilities

What can a trusted application do that a regular Silverlight application can't do? Let's take a closer look:

    Access to the computer's file system... An increased trust application can work with the same parts file systemas the current user. This feature is especially useful when you need to read and write files in the current user's document folder. You can also add files to your desktop or create your own folder structure.

    Unlimited full screen support... When you switch a trusted app to full screen mode the message "Press Esc to exit full screen mode" does not appear. Keystroke does not exit full screen mode. But most importantly, the application continues to accept keystrokes in full screen mode.

    No cross-domain access restrictions... A trusted application is allowed to download content from any website, call web services on any site, open socket connections to any server, i.e. perform all operations available for desktop applications.

    Fewer operations that require user permission... There are many situations in which a typical Silverlight application has to ask the user for permission, such as accessing the clipboard, saving a file to isolated storage, configuring full screen mode when focus is lost, and so on.

    Trusted applications have removed these restrictions (except for access to audio and video recorders). In addition, in a typical application there are many operations that can only be performed in response to user action (switching to full screen mode, using the clipboard, manipulating the main window, etc.). In a trusted application, these operations can be performed at any time without user intervention.

    Window customization. If you don't like the standard frame and window controls provided by operating system, remove them from the trusted application and draw your own using standard Silverlight elements.

    Child windows. A trusted application can create child windows at any time.

    Cross-task communication with COM components... A trusted application can use function libraries provided by the operating windows system through COM. For example, you can interact with the Outlook and Office applications, as well as the built-in windows componentssuch as Script Host and WMI.

    P / Invoke calls. A trusted application can execute system DLL codes on windows computers and contact windows functions API via platform calls P / Invoke.

Be sure to set the Application.HasElevatedPermissions property before using any of these tools. true... Otherwise, the application will run in normal low-confidence mode.

Window setting

A typical application that runs outside the browser displays the standard window frame provided by the operating system. It features the familiar minimize, maximize and close buttons. The color, style, shading and transparency of the border are controlled by the operating system. This model is fine for most situations, however, if you want your application to look stylish and professional, you can customize the appearance of the window frame and equip it with hand-crafted buttons.

Setting up a window frame is a two-step process. The first - complete removal standard frame. To do this, in the solution explorer, double-click the Properties node. Open the Silverlight tab and click the Out-of-Browser Settings button. Select one of the items in the Window Style list.

Selecting Default displays a standard window frame. Choosing the second value, No Border, removes the standard window frame and leaves the standard floating rectangle with the content of the user control. When set to Borderless Round Corners, the default window frame will be removed and the corners of the application window will be rounded. The difference between the second and third options is purely "cosmetic", in any of these cases the standard window frame is removed. The picture below shows an example:

The second step in customizing a window frame is drawing a new frame and adding basic controls for closing, resizing, changing state, and dragging the window. To ensure cross-platform functionality, Silverlight does not allow the programmer to modify the standard operating system window frame. It should draw the window frame itself using the appropriate graphics or Silverlight controls.

For example, you can put your main content in a one-cell Grid container and overlay another Silverlight element (Rectangle or Image) over it. You can also wrap the Border root user control as follows:

AT this example the project options are set to Borderless Round Corners. The outer margin (Margin) 1 pixel wide to the right and bottom ensures that the frame is displayed in the correct position. A CornerRadius value of 2 aligns the corner with the window area:

Silverlight does not support setting an arbitrary shape as the window frame. Therefore, only a rectangle or a rounded rectangle can be used as the frame defining the main window. The important thing is that Silverlight provides you with this rectangle, and all you have to do is fill it with content. In addition, you cannot create a transparent or partially transparent area in Silverlight that allows you to see the contents of the screen through the application window.

Of course, adding a Border improves the look of the window, but one important issue remains. Without a frame provided by the operating system, the user cannot resize, move, minimize, maximize, or close the window. If you want the user to be able to perform these operations, you need to program them in the main window setup code. Fortunately, the tools built into the Window class make this task much easier.

The first step is to create the window's title bar. The title bar has three roles: it contains the title text, serves as a place where the user can grab onto to drag the window, and finally contains the buttons to minimize, maximize, and close the window. In the example below, the markup creates a basic header row. The minimize, maximize, and close button shapes are drawn using the Path and Rectangle elements.

The second step is to add a way to resize the window by dragging and dropping its edges. It is easiest to implement by wrapping the entire window in a Grid container that uses an invisible Rectangle element. You will need eight Rectangle elements, one for each side and one for each corner:

Below is the markup and code of the window with these tools added:

Title text The content of the modified window.

Public partial class CustomWindow: UserControl (public CustomWindow () (InitializeComponent ();) // Reference to the window private Window CurrentWindow (get (return Application.Current.MainWindow;)) // Drag the window private void titleBar_MouseLeftButtonDown (object sender, System. Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) (CurrentWindow.DragMove ();) // Resize the window using buttons private void cmdMinimize_Click (object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) (CurrentWindow.WindowState \u003d WindowState.Minimized;) private void cmdMaximize_Click (object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) (if (CurrentWindow.WindowState \u003d\u003d WindowState.Normal) (CurrentWindow.WindowState \u003d WindowState.Maximized;) else (CurrentWindow.WindowState \u003d WindowState.Normal;)) // Close the window private void cmdClose_Click (object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) (CurrentWindow.Close ();) // Resize the window using the mouse cursor private void rect_Resize (System.Object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) (if (sender \u003d\u003d rect_TopLeftCorner) (CurrentWindow.DragResize (WindowResizeEdge.TopLeft); ) else if (sender \u003d\u003d rect_TopEdge) (CurrentWindow.DragResize (WindowResizeEdge.Top);) else if (sender \u003d\u003d rect_TopRightCorner) (CurrentWindow.DragResize (WindowResizeEdge.TopRight);) else if (sender \u003d\u003d rect_LeftEdge) (CurrentWindow. DragResize (WindowResizeEdge.Left);) else if (sender \u003d\u003d rect_RightEdge) (CurrentWindow.DragResize (WindowResizeEdge.Right);) else if (sender \u003d\u003d rect_BottomLeftCorner) (CurrentWindow.DragResize (WindowResizeEdge.BottomLeft); \u003d\u003d rect_BottomEdge) (CurrentWindow.DragResize (WindowResizeEdge.Bottom);) else if (sender \u003d\u003d rect_BottomRightCorner) (CurrentWindow.DragResize (WindowResizeEdge.BottomRight);)))

The above describes all the infrastructure required to create a custom window. With all the components installed (title bar, window buttons, resizing and dragging tools), you can start customizing appearance windows using images and Silverlight elements to get the desired effect.