The html5 standard is different from the 4th generation. Differences html5 from previous versions. comparative analysis of the pros and cons. Improved element semantics

HTML5 has garnered a lot of attention from web developers. And so are the differences between HTML5 and its predecessors.

The new capabilities of this standard are intended to create interactive web applications that maximize the use of multimedia content, work with program interfaces and structure documents. language interactive web application

The structural capabilities of HTML5 make the structure of a web document simpler and easier to understand, and the code is much cleaner. Instead of the divs used in HTML 4.01, you can use tags such as header “title”, nav “navigation”, section “document section”, article “site content”, aside “site content” and footer “site footer”.

The new elements make it possible to better describe the header, footer, site blocks, text, and other parts of the website. These innovations are used to generate a table of contents and organize more efficient and easy navigation on a web page, without cluttering your code with other secondary tags. Here are some examples:

Example 1. Instead of a cumbersome HTML4.01 notation:


in HTML5 it will look much shorter:

Example 2. In HTML4, the following code is needed to create a header: