Military base of the Russian Federation "Arctic Trefoil": description, composition and interesting facts. “Arctic Trefoil” - a unique military facility in the Arctic (17 photos) Franz Joseph Land Trefoil

Photo: Russian Defense Ministry

The complex was built using advanced energy-saving technologies and is capable of providing autonomous operation staff for a year and a half...

While the United States is shaking up the air on other continents, throwing away millions of dollars on shelling the Syrian desert and senseless maneuvers near the Korean Peninsula, the Russian Federation continues to develop rich mineral resources hard to reach places on its territory and is working to ensure their safety. For example, in the Arctic, on Alexandra Island, a new military base “Trefoil” was deployed, which became the largest man-made structure at 80 degrees north latitude.

The commissioning of the Trefoil base, the construction of which was announced more than a year ago, overexcited the British publication The Times, which hastened to declare that “Russia has built the largest structure in the Arctic - a military base to seize the polar region, rich in oil.” On the one hand, I would like to remind the stupid heirs of the British Empire that Alexandra Island is located in the territory Russian Federation, which became the legal successor of the USSR, has paid off all debts and is free to dispose of this territory at its own discretion. On the other hand, such a publication in one of the most famous publications is the best recognition of Russia’s achievements, not only in the development of the Arctic, but also in the use latest technologies.

The Trefoil complex was built using advanced energy-saving technologies and is capable of ensuring autonomous operation of personnel for a year and a half.

The total area of ​​the complex is 14 thousand square meters. On its territory there are living quarters, a cinema, a billiard room, a greenhouse and a chapel. The complex is a reliable shelter from the harsh external environment for personnel, the number of which is about 150 people. The complex is designed in the form of a cloverleaf and allows personnel to move around it without going outside, which is very important in the Arctic, where temperatures can drop to minus 50 degrees.

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, during his recent visit to the island, Vladimir Putin noted the special importance of the Arctic region for all of Russia. “This region contains the main reserves of a number of important minerals, which are decisive for the development of the Russian economy. The value of minerals in the region is estimated at $30 trillion.”

With climate change opening up new opportunities for mining in northern latitudes, the United States has expressed concern about Moscow's "decisive actions" in the Arctic. Pentagon chief James Mattis, at a recent hearing in the US Congress, called the Arctic a key strategic area and opined that “Russia is taking aggressive steps to increase its presence there.” A strange statement, against the backdrop of how the United States is increasing its military presence anywhere in the world, guided only by its own interests.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dotted all the i’s in conversations about a possible confrontation in the Arctic: “We are not going to fight or compete here with the United States.” At the same time, he emphasized that the Russian armed forces and intelligence services must protect national interests in the region.

At the northernmost point of Russia, on the Franz Josef Land archipelago, a unique military facility, the Arctic Trefoil, is being built. No one has ever built military facilities of this scale so close to the North Pole. Only Russian people are capable of this!

© The post uses personal photographs and photographs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

“Arctic Trefoil” is currently the only capital construction facility in the world being built at 80 degrees north latitude.

Alexandra Land is an island with an area of ​​1130 sq. km, part of the Franz Josef Land archipelago. During World War II, the island housed a German weather station and a submarine base.

The relevance of Alexandra Land as a military base increased significantly after the creation in December 2014 of the Joint Strategic Command “North”, designed to comprehensively ensure the security of the Arctic region of Russia. The three main tasks of this security are the defense of the shelf of the Arctic seas, the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage.

The administrative and residential complex “Arctic Trefoil” is a five-story trefoil, painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor, between the rays of which there are three ellipsoids - an administrative block, a catering block, as well as a cultural and leisure center combined with a medical service block.

“Arctic Trefoil” is the second closed-cycle complex being built in the interests of the Northern Fleet in the high-latitude regions of the Arctic. The first residential complex “Northern Clover” was built at 75 degrees north latitude on Kotelny Island in the New Siberian Islands archipelago.

In the center of the trefoil there is an atrium - a multi-light space illuminated through glazing in the roof and stained glass windows located in the side walls. Above the central support of the atrium there is an observation deck, protected by translucent structures, which allows visual observation of the main military infrastructure facilities.

In fact, this is a complex for living and working, equal in autonomy to a space station. The autonomy of the complex will ensure comfortable living and performance of official duties for a group of 150 people for a year and a half.

The total area of ​​the complex is more than 14 thousand square meters.

The residential block in the Arctic Trefoil consists of modules for one, two and three people.

Dining room

Over 800 people work on construction. The construction of the Arctic Trefoil is carried out using innovative and energy-efficient technologies that minimize energy consumption.

The work is being carried out by the legendary enterprise - Spetsstroy of Russia.

The complex is designed in such a way that facilities such as a power unit, boiler room, power plants, sewage treatment plants, warehouses and storage facilities are connected by heated passages, which means that military personnel will not need to go out into the cold, which here reaches minus 52 degrees.

Roads have been paved on the island, and a coastal pumping station has been built and is operating, allowing it to receive fuel from tankers and supply it to the fuel and lubricants warehouse.

There is now even a chapel on the island where they will take care of the strength of the spiritual bonds of soldiers and officers.

The Arctic is in the zone of strategic interests of our country, therefore, in April, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu personally inspected Russia’s northernmost military base.

This is one of five garrisons that are currently being built in the northern latitudes. The complex on Franz Josef Land is Russia's northernmost outpost in the Arctic. Similar towns are planned to be built along the entire northern border of Russia.

"Arctic Trefoil" is the northernmost outpost of the Russian Federation, as well as the northernmost structure of this scale. Uniqueness of this object observed in everything: from architectural features complex to the latest technologies ensuring the full functioning of the outpost.

Land of the Big Dipper

The country of the Great Bear - this is how the word “Arctic” can be translated from Greek. This is the northernmost region of the globe. The area of ​​the Arctic, depending on the method of territorial division, varies from 21 to 27 million square kilometers.

In 2014, D. Medvedev signed an order to resume development. It implied the opening of thirteen airfields, ten air defense stations, and sixteen ports. In addition, drifting and search stations resumed work.


Construction of the Arctic Trefoil base began back in 2007, but information about the stages of construction became publicly available only in 2015. The location of the base was the island of Alexandra Land in the Franz Josef Land archipelago at eighty degrees north latitude. This is not the only Russian military facility located in northern latitudes. In the New Siberian Islands archipelago on Kotelny Island there is “Northern Clover” - the first Arctic base in Russia, “Trefoil” became the second.

“Arctic Trefoil” is the northernmost object in the world, the creation of which involved not only construction and installation work, but also earthworks. They consist of constructing buried foundations, load-bearing structures and connecting communications. Despite the fact that construction has not yet been completed, the base is already inhabited and fulfilling its functions. Construction work is carried out by the SpetsStroy of Russia enterprise. More than eight hundred people are involved in the construction. Unique technologies were used for the structures, allowing the construction of permanent structures in permafrost conditions, and modern materials, which effectively retain heat and significantly reduce the cost of maintaining a positive temperature in the base housings.

Description of the database

On the territory of the Arctic Trefoil there are several buildings and special structures. The main building of the base is the administrative and residential complex, designed in the shape of a three-pointed star. This is a five-story building, painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor.

Between the branches administrative- residential complex Three ellipsoidal buildings were built. They house a kitchen and dining room, leisure facilities, medical and administrative blocks. The outpost also has a boiler house, a power plant, warehouses, garages and other outbuildings. The buildings are connected to each other by insulated passages. This is a very important communication that allows you to move freely around the base even in the most severe frost.

In addition, roads are organized throughout the island, and a fuel pumping station is equipped on the shore. All this makes the Arctic Trefoil complex autonomous. The equipment of the base is capable of ensuring a one-time stay of one and a half hundred people for eighteen months.

Unique Features

During the construction of the outpost, the designers encountered certain difficulties due to the remoteness of the complex from the “Mainland” and the very low average annual temperature of the region. Equipment and building materials are delivered to the site via However, this is only possible for four months a year during summer navigation.

The main feature of the “Arctic Trefoil” is the pile foundation, the presence of which eliminates the risk of buildings. is located in the center of the base, and from it, like rays, there are branches to other buildings and buildings. Moreover, even from space, the “Arctic Trefoil” is able to amaze with the uniqueness of its architectural solutions.

Life on base

Comfortable conditions for both work and leisure have been organized for the garrison guarding the northern borders of the Russian Federation. The main building of the base is divided into four blocks - three beams and a central part, which has an atrium with a glass roof, which ensures the flow of daylight into the building. In addition, the observation deck on the roof of the building allows you to observe every point of the base. In the beams of the building there are mainly residential premises. From the central part, insulated passages lead to other main buildings.

In addition to the main buildings, the base contains technical and utility structures that can ensure the autonomy of the facility for a long time.

Air defense

Functions of the Trefoil

In addition to its main function - protecting the air borders of the Russian Federation, meteorological research is carried out at the base. Control of the Northern Sea Route consists not only of military protection, but also of ensuring the safe passage of ships in terms of weather conditions. Modern equipment installed at the base helps analyze currents, ice movement and other factors that can slow down or impede navigation.


Until recently, the existence of the base was known only to a certain circle of people. In March 2017, Russian President V.V. visited the Arctic. Putin. The visit was also attended by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment. One of the purposes of the visit was to visit the outpost. And already in April it started on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation new project- virtual tour of the “Arctic Trefoil”. Now everyone can get acquainted with the conditions in which the northernmost military unit lives.

As political scientists predict, in the near future a fierce struggle for Arctic territories will unfold on the world stage. In addition to the long-known five claimants with borders in the Arctic Ocean, other countries began to claim their rights to the northern territories.

The massive melting of glaciers opens up new prospects for the development of northern territories rich in natural resources. In addition, from the point of view of the country's defense, the Arctic is of strategic importance.

At the northernmost point of Russia, on the Franz Josef Land archipelago, a unique military facility, the Arctic Trefoil, is being built. No one has ever built military facilities of this scale so close to the North Pole. Only Russian people are capable of this!-)

© The post uses personal photographs and photographs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

“Arctic Trefoil” is currently the only capital construction facility in the world being built at 80 degrees north latitude.

Alexandra Land is an island with an area of ​​1130 sq. km, part of the Franz Josef Land archipelago. During World War II, the island housed a German weather station and a submarine base.

The relevance of Alexandra Land as a military base increased significantly after the creation in December 2014 of the Joint Strategic Command “North”, designed to comprehensively ensure the security of the Arctic region of Russia. The three main tasks of this security are the defense of the shelf of the Arctic seas, the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage.

The administrative and residential complex “Arctic Trefoil” is a five-story trefoil, painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor, between the rays of which there are three ellipsoids - an administrative block, a catering block, as well as a cultural and leisure center combined with a medical service block.

“Arctic Trefoil” is the second closed-cycle complex being built in the interests of the Northern Fleet in the high-latitude regions of the Arctic. The first residential complex “Northern Clover” was built at 75 degrees north latitude on Kotelny Island in the New Siberian Islands archipelago.

In the center of the trefoil there is an atrium - a multi-light space illuminated through glazing in the roof and stained glass windows located in the side walls. Above the central support of the atrium there is an observation deck, protected by translucent structures, which allows visual observation of the main military infrastructure facilities.

In fact, this is a complex for living and working, equal in autonomy to a space station. The autonomy of the complex will ensure comfortable living and performance of official duties for a group of 150 people for a year and a half.

The total area of ​​the complex is more than 14 thousand square meters.

The residential block in the Arctic Trefoil consists of modules for one, two and three people.

Dining room

Over 800 people work on construction. The construction of the Arctic Trefoil is carried out using innovative and energy-efficient technologies that minimize energy consumption.

The work is being carried out by the legendary enterprise - Spetsstroy of Russia.

The complex is designed in such a way that facilities such as a power unit, boiler room, power plants, sewage treatment plants, warehouses and storage facilities are connected by heated passages, which means that military personnel will not need to go out into the cold, which here reaches minus 52 degrees.

Roads have been paved on the island, and a coastal pumping station has been built and is operating, allowing it to receive fuel from tankers and supply it to the fuel and lubricants warehouse.


A section has appeared on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense dedicated to the Arctic Trefoil military base, built on Alexandra Island in the Franz Josef Land archipelago in the Arctic. Visitors to the resource are offered a virtual tour of the base to get acquainted with its structure and the life of the military personnel living there.

"The military infrastructure of the Arctic base consists of numerous special-purpose structures, as well as control posts, garages for military and special equipment, an autonomous power unit, specialized warehouses and storage facilities. "Arctic Trefoil" is completely autonomous, and the optimal location of residential and office premises of the military base ensures comfortable living it will have up to 150 military personnel within a year and a half,” the military department said in a press release.

The 3D tour of the base “visually demonstrates how the rooms for military personnel, the officer’s canteen, the gym and cinema-concert halls, the atrium, the library, the greenhouse, and the medical block are arranged and equipped.”

“Using the Internet application, visitors to the Ministry of Defense website will be able to interactively evaluate the convenient and ergonomic modular layout of the base, which allows the Russian military to efficiently perform service and combat missions in the harsh climatic conditions of the Arctic,” the Ministry of Defense emphasizes.

Also, for the convenience of users, the application contains a photo gallery of the objects of the Arctic Trefoil residential complex with the ability to download in high resolution.

The military reports that the administrative-residential complex (AKhK) "Arctic Trefoil" is the only capital construction facility in the world built at 80 degrees north latitude. Its area is more than 14 thousand square meters. m. The facility was built using innovative and energy-efficient technologies. For the first time, AZhK used the principle of creating a technical floor, where equipment is located that comfortably serves all communications, including in cold weather.

Let us recall that at the beginning of August 2016, the UN commission began considering Russia’s application to expand the boundaries of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean. The total area of ​​the territory claimed by Russia is 1 million 191 thousand square meters. km. Following the presentation of the application to the UN in February 2016, it was reported that, as a rule, the commission makes its decision within two to four years.

Meanwhile, some of the territories in the Russian application are claimed by Canada and Denmark. In addition, Norway and the United States also lay claim to various areas of the Arctic Ocean floor.

The interest of states in the northern seas is dictated by the fact that their depths contain 83 billion tons of standard fuel. Of these, about 80% occur in the Barents and Kara Seas.

In addition, the West suspects that Russia intends, as soon as possible, to take advantage of likely future climate changes that will turn the Arctic ice into an important sea route, providing the country with economic and tactical advantages.

If agreements on the shelf cannot be reached, the Arctic could become a likely location for future wars, the press believes. It was noted that the Kremlin is much better prepared for open conflict or habitual competition, since Moscow not only owns more than 40 icebreakers, but is also conducting the largest military development of the Arctic since the Cold War.

Russia has more Arctic bases than any other country

As Newsweek magazine reported, Russia has more Arctic bases than any other country and is building more, including 13 new airfields and 10 air defense radar stations in the Arctic, the article said. The United States is obviously in a losing position - Washington does not have such resources, it has only two old icebreakers that are not able to compete with the Arctic equipment of the Russian Federation.

At the end of last year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the continuation of strengthening the grouping of Russian troops in the Arctic direction. He also noted that the Russian Federation was forced to increase the number of fighter aircraft sorties by 61% in order to prevent violations of the country’s airspace in the Baltic, Black Sea and Arctic.

Against the background of concerns expressed by representatives of Western countries in connection with the strengthening of the Russian military presence in the Arctic, the Russian authorities insist on the exclusively peaceful nature of activities in the region and the desire for cooperation with other countries. Thus, Russian President Vladimir Putin previously called not to make the Arctic a place “for geopolitical games of military blocs.”

In March of this year, President Putin visited the island of Alexandra Land of the Franz Josef Land archipelago, where he got acquainted with the results of work to eliminate environmental damage in the Arctic zone, which he announced back in 2011. After this, he reiterated that Russia proceeds from the fact that there is no potential for conflict in the Arctic.