Pinterest without registration. Briefly about a new social project. What are people doing there

Against the background of the all-consuming rapid growth in the number of registered accounts in such photo hosting sites as Instagram and Flickr, there are not so well-known, but by no means less convenient Internet services, where there are all the means for sharing and orderly storage of photographs. Such services include the social web service Pinterest in Russian, which allows you to create thematic collections of your favorite pictures and add photos online. Developing since December 2009, the project took its rightful place in the category of the most popular sites according to the magazine "Time", after which the number of people using photo hosting services began to grow in giant leaps. What's the secret to Pinterest's success? Let's try to figure it out.

Sign up and basics on Pinterest

Official project page -

To take full advantage of the service, you need to register as always. Enter your e-mail and password in the appropriate fields and click the "Register" button.

It remains only to indicate the name and surname on the next form, as well as the age and gender. This completes the registration procedure. We press the button "Join" and proceed to work with the service itself.

An alternative login method is to connect using Facebook authentication. In this case, you do not need to specify any data, just click on the "Login through" button in the previous window and wait a few seconds.

When you first launch Pinterest, you will be prompted to choose 5 topics to follow that will appear on your wall. This choice can always be changed later. We select 5 preferable categories for you, click "Finish" and move on.

In the next step, you will be able to find your Facebook and Twitter friends who are already using Pinterest. As with all social services, you will be able to follow your friends' posts, their likes and boards (if you first come across the term "board", then in Pinterest this word means a named thematic collection of photos that the user creates manually. This way you can store pictures from one category in one folder). If you want to search for friends, click the big blue button (however, you can skip this step by clicking the Skip button).

After the subscription to friends updates is ready, click "Finish" and go to the last iteration presetting.

In the final phase, the service will offer to install a Pinterest browser button that allows you to quickly add Pins with photos to boards. She certainly will not be superfluous. In addition, when you hover over any picture posted on web pages, a small, spectacular Pin it icon will flaunt in the corner.

Therefore, feel free to click "Install".

To completely end the presetting phase, we recommend going to mailbox and confirm the registration of the account there. Although this can be done later, all functions are already available at this point.

Basically, the work form of a web service is a collection of photos that are displayed according to the categories you selected at the beginning. What can you do here? First, you can add pictures to boards (in a collection). To do this, hover the cursor over the image you like and click on the Pin it icon.

You can put a Pin by enlarging the image to full screen. The source of the photo is also visible here, and you can go to the website where this photo was published.

You can leave comments on the pictures on Pinterest below, under the photo.

Secondly, you can create your own collection of images, or boards. To do this, click on the username in the right upper corner... You will be taken to your profile page.

Here you can see all the data about the activity of the user of the service. To create a new board, click on the corresponding button.

Next, you will be asked to indicate general information about the board: its name, what topic it belongs to. In addition, you can attach a map to each board (for example, if the pin contains information about the shooting location, you will immediately see this information on the collection profile page).

Another feature is that you can make the board secret, that is, only those friends whom you invited can see it. For other people, the board will remain invisible. However, such a board can be made publicly available at any time, so there is no need to philosophize too much. The co-authors of the collection can be cited as copyright protection, so that it cannot be distributed for commercial purposes. When all the required fields are filled in, select Done.

So, the board is created. Now, when you try to pin a new category, it will be displayed in the list of available categories, and you can attach a pin to it.

How to upload a new handmade image to the service? It is enough to go to the heading page and move the cursor to the + icon on the left.

When you hover over, the Load Pin button will appear - click it.

Then everything is simple: specify the path to the uploaded image, add a description to it, if you wish, specify the board in which it will be saved and attach a pin. That's all, now the subject of your creativity will be available to a wide audience.

If there are no pins on the board yet, the "+" button is in a different place. Don't be surprised, usability is clearly one of the strengths of Pinterest creatives.

A few words about how to send a message to your friends. To send a message, click on the icon with two pushpins at the top - a pop-up subform will appear. In it, go to last tab "Messages" and select "New message". Messages can be sent directly to e-mail, or to contacts from social networks after a simple authentication of the profile.

By the way, using the other two tabs, you can keep track of subscription updates and likes notifications on your Pins.

Service setup

As for customization, the authors of the resource have taken care of many ways to optimize user interaction with the site. This includes changing the language, and maintaining privacy when caching a profile by search engines, and even using visited web pages to customize the displayed recommendations and advertising banners in the service, but first things first.

To go to the page with settings, click on the name of the profile at the top - your account page will open.

Now let's open the form with the settings themselves - to do this, mark the gear icon just below and in the drop-down list select "Account Settings".

To simplify navigation, the available parameters are divided into categories, so you will hardly get lost in the variety of settings. All basic settings are concentrated in the first tab "Account Basics". First of all, you can change the interface language (more than 30 languages \u200b\u200bare available) by making a choice in the menu with the same name.

You can also hide your profile on Pinterest, as a result of which it will not be displayed in search enginesthereby ensuring your privacy. To activate this option, toggle the corresponding lever and confirm your choice on the next form.

The rest of the settings include a selection of notifications about pins, likes, comments and subscriptions, integration with social networks and the choice of those personal data that you want to specify here.

It should be noted that for the owners of mobile gadgets based on Android and iOS, developers have created applications for accessing Pinterest also in Russian with an exclusive design, but the functions in these applets are practically the same.

Thanks to the elementary and intuitive interface, constant refinement and improvement of the existing functions by the manufacturing company, it is hoped that the creators will not stop there and will continue to delight their users with new sweets and donuts.

A simple Pinterest review in Russian - perfect for Russian-speaking Runet users.What is the so-called"Site with Pins" and how to use Pinterest, without registration and in Russian, explore the below guide for beginners.

Wikipedia about Pinterest in Russian
On the Wikipedia page of the worldwide catalog of ideas, Pinterest is a social internet service, a free photo hosting service that allows users to social networks: create interactive whiteboards (thematic collections), add Pins to them (), view and share your ideas with other members.

Pinterest - the worldwide catalog of ideas in Russian

AND free alternative service "Google K artinki " to search by pictures. Social network Pinterestallows you to find, save and read what's worth your attention. is online service visual bookmarks to help you find and collect interesting ideas. Social network Pinterest Is the best place to find and store interesting ideas. You can pin them to your boards. You can fill your feed with fresh Pins from people whose tastes match yours. As you browse your feed, browse category feeds, or use search, you can search Pinterest for new inspiration and share it with your followers.World catalog of ideas, aka Pinterest - social Internet service, photo hosting, allowing users to add in the mode online images and place them in thematic collections and share them with other users. Source:Wikipedia

What are Pinterest Pins?

Pins (from the English. pin, the meaning of the word "pin", or "pin") is visual bookmarks... All are linked to the sites from which they are pinned. Therefore, you can always get additional informationsuch as how to do something or where to buy by going to the original site.

Pinterest boards

Boards Is where you collect your Pinterest Pins. The theme of the board can be anything: save recipes to the Food board, places you want to see on the Travel board, and watches and expensive cars on the James Bond board.

Repin on Pinterest: what does the word Repin mean and howsave new Pins on Pinterest?

Repin (in English - Repins) - secondary publication of a Pin posted by other network users. In simple wordsRepins on Pinterest is an action similar to "Reposts" on Vkontakte, or "Retweets" on Twitter. To make a Repin, just click on the "Save" icon, which is located at the top right of the "Pin". You can save whatever you find online by adding a Pinterest button to your favorite browser. Or see what other Pinterest users have found. If you like something, you can always save the Pin you find on your own board.

Let's say you find a soft pretzel recipe on Pinterest that's perfect for a future potlac party. Pin this recipe to the Food board (the board is where you collect your Pins; we'll cover that in more detail in the next section) and you'll easily find it once you're ready to cook. When it's time to get ready to party, open your Pin and navigate from there to the original recipe website.

Group boards on Pinterest: how are group boards different from shared and shared?

Group boards, or joint boards— this is a very useful option that is available for all registered members of the social service Pinterest.You can collect Pins on boards together with other people.Group boards can be created by all users and in the status of the founder, invite other members Pinterestfor shared Pins. To invite collaborators for group Pin Collections,you need to send an invitation. Discuss food options for an upcoming party, plan a themed evening, or join forces with other family members (and even a contractor) to create your dream landscape design.

Keep track of your boards and pins

Pins and boards are on your Pinterest profile. After a while after you start pinning Pins, you will see that your profile reflects your personal characteristics and interests!

If someone pins your Pin, Like, subscribes or mentions you in a comment, you will receive a notification. It is very convenient to use notifications to find people and boards worth following. If you notice that someone has pinned your Aston Martin Pin to the Automotive Classics board, check out the contents of this board to see if you would like to subscribe to it.

In this article:

Pinterest is a relatively young photo hosting service that turned five in March 2015, originally from the United States. Such a young age did not prevent the project in its homeland from taking the third place in popularity after Facebook and Twitter, and in terms of the direction of activity, only Instagram can now compete with Pinterest. The service began to spread to the vastness of the Russian segment of the network much later - its main pages were translated into Russian in December 2013. Today, almost all of the site's usability is available in Russian, including the help center. Since the main contingent of the network is still Americans, the descriptions for specific categories and photos still remain in English.

Like many large projects, Pinterest severely limits its internal content for users who have not passed the registration stage. In general, the resource is absolutely free. To fully enjoy the richest bins of this service, you need to go through a simple process of presenting yourself to the system. Registration in Pinterest does not take much time and it really takes no more than 15 seconds, as it promises home page... It is believed that, as in many languages, Pinterest in Russian is very difficult without registration. It is impossible to get without restrictions photos located within the network without registering in it.

These restrictions mean annoying pop-up form with an offer to register. Everything would be fine, but it completely blocks the useful content of the page, overlapping it with itself.

Let's try to find ways to get rid of this form and discover all the possibilities of Pinterest without registering in the system itself. And for those who are just getting acquainted with this service - we recommend reading first.

The easiest way

Few know about this option. The approach does not require the installation of additional software or change your browser settings. Possessing direct internal link in Pinterest, it can be opened without any restrictions, but an attempt to follow the next link will fail - a blocking form with a registration offer will not allow further actions... To get rid of it, you just need to reload the page by clicking on the corresponding button in your favorite browser or the F5 key. However, this option will not get rid of the panel that rises from the bottom, which will rise higher and higher with each movement of the mouse wheel and eventually completely cover the page.

Using the Remove It Permanently Plugin for the FireFox Browser

We must pay tribute to the developers of additional software, who have always tried to give the user what he really needs, but which the main program cannot offer. This primarily applies to plugins, extensions and add-ons for Internet browsers. Remove It Permanently extension for fireFox browser allows you to remove various blocks and scripts loaded along with the useful content of the page, but useless for a particular user. First of all, this applies to ad units, obsessive calls to action, and so on.

Considering that the page with useful content is fully loaded, let's try to remove intrusive Pinterest registration forms using the Remove It Permanently plugin, which literally means “Remove immediately”. It is worth emphasizing that this method will only be useful if the direct link to the desired content is known.

After restarting FireFox, you need to check if the add-on is enabled:

Install the "Pinterest without registration" script in the same way:


Pinterest today is a very developed and convenient photo hosting service. I don't want to cast a shadow on Instagram - the content there is still more tied to the author than to the topic, however, if there is a need to find interesting, creative and high-quality graphic image, maybe Pinterest is better. Moreover, there is a convenient multi-level page of general categories, which allows you to find exactly what you need without being tied to a specific author.

Hopefully, this article will make it easier to find the information you need in Russian Pinterest without registration. If you have any questions or opinions, we will be glad to any comments that you can leave in the form below.

The social network Pinterest appeared in 2010. At first, registration was by invitation only, and in 2012, registration was opened to all users. Pinterest has combined almost all areas of human life, has become a gorgeous cataloger of ideas.

Pinterest isn't called the "worldwide catalog of ideas" for nothing:

“Browse Pinterest and get ideas modern society"- this is the motto of the application.

Pinterest is essentially a photo hosting service where a user can add images, post them to thematic collections (Gadgets, Animals, Fashion, Education, etc.), and also share pictures with other users.

Images uploaded to Pinterest are called pins (English pin) or in Russian - buttons. Thematic collections on which the pins (buttons) are located are called boards.

So, a picture is a pin (button) attached to a specific board. It turns out that the picture is like an ad on a regular bulletin board on the street.

There are the following options for registering with Pinterest:

Figure: 1. Registration on Pinterest

In any case, you will need to confirm your e-mail by e-mail. To do this, you need to find a letter from Pinterest in your mail (by the way, do not forget to check your Spam folder) and click on the red "Confirm email" button:

Figure: 2. Confirmation email to register on Pinterest

As soon as you start registration, you will be asked to choose 5 interesting collections on the fly, after which you will be taken to the social network. It is possible that the mail will periodically send you the most interesting Pins from those collections that you chose as interesting.

There is Russian language in Pinterest. The video, in particular, shows how to find and install Russian for your account, if for some reason you do not have it.

Video “What is Pinterest and How to Use It?”

Keep in mind that many images on Pinterest are copyrighted. Accordingly, illegal use of images can be easily identified and punished.

Pinterest features

  • with like-minded people,
  • creating your own idea boards,
  • advertising your products,
  • look at life in other countries
  • etc.

Tips that are relevant to other social networks work fine for Pinterest. So,

  • you should not publish 50 photos of poor quality at once,
  • it is advisable to analyze the information posted,
  • you need to upload high-quality pictures,
  • look for really interesting information.

Have your boards and write descriptions. You can link websites to your Pins and attract potentially interested audience. The beauty of Pinterest is that you can also find interesting and trendy data from other users.

The advantage of Pinterest is its design and simplicity, which attracts a huge number of users. Nothing is easier than opening the app and browsing beautiful picturesby clicking on which, you can find unusual images and creative ideas.

It's worth noting that there is a Pinterest smartphone app that lets you get inspired by new ideas using your mobile phone.

Pinterest's analogs are

  • social network Instagram
  • and Yandex.Collections.

Russian analogue of Yandex Collections

Figure: 3. Yandex.Collections beta version

It is a service for finding and sharing ideas.