Webmoney wallet wmr. How to create a wmr wallet. Operations with WebMoney wallets

The electronic payment system WebMoney differs from most in the variety of wallets that can be registered within one account. When providing your data for transferring funds, it is important not to confuse a WMR wallet with a WMID number.


What is WMR?

VMR in WebMoney is a kind of wallets that are designed to store Russian ruble currency.

The abbreviation WMR is divided into two parts:

  • WM - WebMoney;
  • R - Ruble.

Only ruble currency can be stored on the wallet in question. If you need to use a different currency unit to make transactions (for example, pay for the purchase of a game in dollars), the money will be converted from the ruble wallet at the internal rate. The system always indicates it before making a payment.

Thus, using a WMR wallet, the owner has the opportunity to receive transfers and make payments to:

  • ukrainian hryvnia (WMU);
  • american dollars (WMZ);
  • belarusian rubles (WMB);
  • euro (WME) and others.

What is the difference between WMR and WMID?

WMID is a unique identifier number assigned to its owner. That is, when registering an account in WebMoney, the user receives a WMID value that allows him to be identified.

This means that WMR differs from WMID in that the first is a purse linked to a WMID and intended for making payments in rubles. And the second is a unique account number belonging to the user's account.

Several wallets can be created within one WMID account.

The channel Internet Payment Systems tells more about WMID.

How to register a WMR wallet?

The WebMoney electronic service provides for a fairly clear procedure for registering a new payment wallet:

  1. To start creating, go through the authorization procedure using the standard version of WebMoney Keeper.
  2. The main page will appear, on which you must click the "Login" button.
  3. You will see a form for entering your login, password and number from the verification picture. If in the future you want to instantly go to your account without manually entering your login information each time, check the box next to the option "Remember me on this device".
  4. Enter your identification data, click on the "Login" button. At the initial login, you will receive an SMS notification with an access confirmation code. Enter a five-digit number in the appropriate form.
  5. To create a new payment wallet in which the currency will be stored, click on the plus located on home page... Select the "Add Wallet" option. Since we are interested in the ruble currency, click on "WMR".
  6. Read the agreement, accept its terms and click on the "Continue" button.
  7. If everything is done correctly, a corresponding notification will appear. This means that the new wallet has been successfully registered. You can also set limits or leave the fields blank.

start page You need to enter your username, password and number from the picture Click on the plus to add a new wallet

Z-wallets on Webmoney differ in that this type of wallets is used for settlements through an international payment system in dollars. To start using such a wallet, you need to register on the payment system website.

Z-wallets and WMZ

There are several types of title units in Webmoney Transfer today. These are also WMZ-signs - electronic means that are equivalent to US dollars. It is they who are used to perform any financial transactions on Z-wallets.

It is very easy to create a dollar wallet and start using WMZ. After registering on the official website of the system, each client receives an identifier - WMID. It includes 12 digits, Web Money Identifificator - a unique number that can be compared to the series and number of a person's passport. The identifier acts as a login on the payment system website, with its help you can register the necessary wallets.

Z-wallets on Webmoney, like other types of wallets, will have their own number, which also consists of 12 digits. It is not necessary to remember them - when you enter the system using your identifier, the wallet numbers, as well as the amounts stored on them, are visible. But the password from your identifier in the system must be memorized and not given to anyone else, so as not to lose the savings from the Z-wallet.

How to use Z-wallet

You can create several e-wallets on Webmoney, but you cannot delete them. By default, in the starting version of Webmoney Light, the user is given a Z-wallet. All transactions can be easily traced back to history.

A WM purse can be used to store WMZ, in order to make transfers between users, send money to relatives or bill for services, it is necessary to indicate the recipient's Z-purse number. It will certainly be tied to a unique identifier, but it is impossible to transfer the required amount directly using the WMID number. From a Z-wallet, you can send funds only to a Z-wallet, a ruble or a wallet in euros will not work for this purpose.

Existing WMZ from the Z-purse can be transferred to bank and WM cards, cash out, pay for purchases in online stores or telephone, Internet connections and much more. It will be possible to replenish the wallet through the terminal, through exchange offices of the payment system, bank cash desk, etc. The amount of commission will vary, as will the time it takes

The number of users of the WebMoney payment system is constantly growing. “New people” come to the network, who before that were on you with the Internet. Therefore, it is quite natural that questions arise regarding the creation of a WMR Webmoney wallet and operations with it. In principle, there is nothing complicated here, and after reading this article, you will learn how to register a wallet, where to find out its number, how to change money without leaving the system. Here we go.

What is WMR and WMZ wallet

In the WebMoney payment system, you can create different wallets. From the name of the wallet, you can find out the currency that can be stored on it. You need to open your wallet for different currencies. For example, what does WMR mean in Webmoney is a wallet in rubles, and WMZ in dollars.

You can open wallets in:

  • Euro;
  • Hryvnia;
  • Bitcoins;
  • Belarusian rubles;
  • Tenge;
  • Gold.

The most popular in the post-Soviet space is undoubtedly the WMR Webmoney wallet. Moreover, if you have money in the ruble wallet, then using the internal capabilities of the payment system, you can exchange it for another currency.

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How to create a WMR wallet in WebMoney

Before making a WMR wallet in WebMoney, you need to create account... After that, you need to go through the verification procedure. Verification is the confirmation of your identity. To do this, you will have to photograph the key pages of your passport and the indicator code, and then upload the images to WM.

Many people ask: "How to create a WMR wallet without a passport in the Webmoney payment system?" Fortunately, this is not possible. WM not only cares about the safety of your money, but also of other users. There would be more scammers without mandatory verification.

Let's consider the registration of Webmoney WMR using the example of the WM mini version. In fact, everything is very simple. In the wallets section in the left corner, click on the plus sign. In the window that appears, select the "Create wallet" item.

On new page you will be presented with a list of currencies in which you can open the wallet. If you have already created a wallet in rubles, then it will not be in the list. You can verify this by looking at the screenshot below. By the way, do not forget to check the box next to the item "I accept the terms of this agreement."

After confirming the action, you will have a new wallet. If, before opening a WMR wallet in WebMoney, you have not passed verification, the system will offer to do this during the creation process. In any case, you will have to upload your documents, otherwise there is no way.

How to find out your WMR wallet number

Only beginners ask about where in Webmoney the WMR account number is. In principle, although WM is a complex payment system, such elementary things are intuitively clear there. For those who haven't figured it out, we'll tell you how to find a WMR Webmoney wallet.

Log into your account, go to the wallets section. There will be a ruble wallet you have already created, marked with the letter R in a blue circle. Opposite the icon there will be a number - this is the amount of money in your account, and under the amount there are 12 digits, preceded by the letter R. For example, R123456789098 - this is your wallet number.

How to create WMZ if you have a WMR wallet

The procedure on how to create a WMZ purse Webmoney if there is a WMR is no different from the one we have already described. I.e:

  • go to the wallets section;
  • press the plus sign;
  • choose "create wallet";
  • choose the currency;
  • agree to the terms and click confirm.

In other versions of WM, if there is no plus sign, then there is definitely a button for creating a wallet, you just need to look carefully. The algorithm is the same everywhere.

How to change WMZ to WMR in WebMoney

Many people buy different products on aliexpress.com. In the store interface, you can choose to show prices in dollars or rubles. In this case, calculations are carried out only in dollars. In practice, a person leafs through the goods, chooses a suitable one for himself, and when it comes to payment, he is billed in dollars, but the person was counting on rubles. That's when the question arises: "How to change WMR to WMZ to Webmoney", because you cannot pay directly from a ruble wallet.

To begin with, before changing WMR to WMZ in WebMoney, you must have both wallets open. Then go to your account in the wallets section. Choose any wallet and click on the "Change funds" button.

Then, in the exchange form, select currencies and bet the amount.

Please note that for convenience, you bet the amount of the currency you are buying. The system itself calculates how much you need to pay. Then just click "OK". The operation will be performed instantly. You yourself were able to see that there is nothing difficult about how to transfer WMR to WMZ in WebMoney or vice versa.

In the international payment system WebMoney, users are given the opportunity to use the type of wallet depending on the currency. Subscribers can use several variants of title units, equivalent to a particular currency. Therefore, each user needs to know that this is a WMR wallet?

WMR (analogue of the Russian ruble) is one of the most popular in Russia in the WebMoney payment system along with WMZ (the equivalent of the US dollar).

You can create as many ruble electronic modules as you want, but users who have the Keeper Mini software version installed can register only one.

The WMR wallet is an electronic module designed to work with financial assets in rubles.

How do I create it? Registration and creation of BMP in Webmoney is a fairly simple procedure.

To create it you need to log into WM Keeper and click on the icon that shows the wallet. Next, you need to select "Create" and click on the "+" sign.

The system will prompt the user to select one of the modules. Having opted for WMR, the equivalent of RUB, you must carefully read the agreement. Then - to agree to the terms of the offer. The "Create" button completes the registration procedure. In this case, the WMR wallet in automatic mode an identification number is assigned.

WMR wallet

Citizens Russian Federation can register a WMR wallet immediately after registration in the system. Residents of other countries will first need to obtain a certificate of at least formal and provide scans of passports.

How do I find out the number?

Newbie customers may be wondering what the R stands for in the wallet number. The wallet number is indicated in the following format: prefix - the initial letter of the currency used, in this case - R, and a 12-digit number. Sample room R-wallet: R453675876124.

You can find out the wallet number by following the algorithm:

  • log in to the Keeper;
  • select the "Wallet" icon and open a list of all created modules;
  • the number is indicated opposite the module of interest.

For owners of the updated version of the Keeper, information about the e-wallet number is shown at the top of the page immediately after authorization.

The WMID is not a wallet number.

How do i sign in?

To carry out financial transactions, you need to log into the system, select the "Wallet" icon and then click on WMR.

The module will open to the user, and he will be able to manage funds in rubles.

From this moment, you can withdraw money from the system, replenish your account, exchange funds and send transfers to other users. It will also be possible to pay utility bills, services and goods.


The system has established limits on the storage and use of funds. They depend on the user's passports. Exceeding these limits will lead to the blocking of the wallet.

Data on limits calculated in thousands of rubles are presented in the table below:

For users with a personal merchant passport, there are limits on the storage and use of funds:

  • 9 million rubles per month;
  • 9 million rubles in Week;
  • 3 million rubles per day.

How to change WMZ to WMR?

Users who have a dollar wallet often try to find information on how to change WMZ to WMR.

Important! Replacing one module with another payment system WebMoney is not provided.

If, for example, a user has a dollar account - a WMZ wallet, and a ruble equivalent is needed to complete an operation, then you will first have to create a WMR wallet. Only then can the funds be converted.

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For the convenience of users, WebMoney offers:

  • use the online exchanger;
  • convert funds on the Keeper;
  • use the Exchanger Money resource for currency exchange.

Using the capabilities of the Keeper service, you need to open a wallet and select "Exchange" in the control menu.

Mobile app Webmoney Keeper on AppStore

Hello friends! In this article you will learn what Webmoney is, and I will also show you step by step how to register correctly. Let's start!

A few words about the Webmoney system (WebMoney):

Webmoney is a system electronic moneyused all over the world is one of the most popular. Registration in the system is completely free, while you get a huge number of advantages, here are some of them:

  1. Electronic money can be transferred anywhere in the world at any time, the commission is not more than 1-5%;
  2. Easily top up your mobile phone, pay for the Internet, or utilities, repay the loan;
  3. Pay for goods purchased from online stores and much, much more ...

And all this combined with high reliability and system protection!
Agree, it is much easier to press a few buttons on the keyboard than to constantly go to the bank, stand in lines, look for ATMs to pay for the Internet, mobile phones, etc.

Registration in Webmoney (takes no more than 5-10 minutes):

Citizens of any countries can register in Webmoney transfer, whether you will be in Ukraine, Belarus or Kazakhstan, it doesn't matter at all and besides, it's free!

Now we will make an electronic wallet where the money you earned will go, for this we go to the official Webmoney website to.

It is very easy to register if you have an account in in social networkshow to do it see here:

If you do not have an account in social networks, or for some other reason you do not want to register through it, then registration takes place in a slightly different way, here is the video:

Webmoney wallet - Registration:

If your video does not load, follow these steps when registering:

  1. Enter your mobile phone number and click the "Continue" button.
  2. We fill out all registration forms. Provide only reliable data, otherwise you will not be able to cash out electronic money and fully use the system.
  3. We check the correctness of the entered data and press the "Continue" button.
  4. To confirm registration, follow the link in the letter that came to your Email (e-mail).
  5. We complete the registration by entering the verification code that came to you on mobile phone, into a special shape. We must confirm the phone number, in this case no one can steal your money from the account.
  6. Come up with a password, confirm with the code from the picture.
  7. This completes the registration, you have been assigned a WMID (personal identifier in the system).
  8. Create a dollar (WMZ) and ruble (WMR) wallets in your account, on most sites where you will work, they will be enough. There are also other currencies in the system, create them if necessary.

If you still haven't managed to register after these steps, then study this one.

Never write down or store logins and passwords on your computer!

There are several ways to use the Webmoney system:

  1. WebMoney Keeper Mini (used on the site itself).
  2. WebMoney Keeper Mobile (used on mobile devices).
  3. WebMoney Keeper Classic (used on a computer).

Choose what is convenient for you.

Now what? How to start making money?

We registered the wallet and now everything is ready to start earning! I recommend starting your way to make money on the Internet by reading letters, browsing sites and clicks, this is the easiest way for beginners. To do this, you need to register on special sites. This is where you can easily make your first money on the Internet:

1) VipIp - This unique project has been working since 2003! I will emphasize main feature: here the execution of various tasks, surfing, letters and clicks is carried out using a specially developed program, it tells you everything you need to do - it is very convenient. Money can be withdrawn both in rubles and dollars:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

2) Socpublic - Perhaps one of the best Russian projects, it has been working and consistently paying money since 2008. Actively developing, modern design, well-designed and understandable site interface. Payments in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project other ways of earning.