Emergency service 05 from mobile. How to dial emergency numbers from a mobile. An extended list of phones for calling emergency services with mts, megaphone, beeline, and other mobile operators. call phones of these services are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation

The calling numbers of these services are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

Remember! Emergency calls are free.

City emergency services
(call from a landline phone):

01 - Fire brigade and rescuers
02 - Police
03 - Ambulance
04 - Gas network emergency service

Emergency services
(call from mobile (cell) phone):

If your mobile device does not support dialing of numbers consisting of two digits, when calls to emergency services after the service number, you must dial *

01* - Calling fire brigade and rescuers
02 * - Call the police
03 * - Call an ambulance
04 * - Call emergency gas service

An extended list of phones for calling emergency services from MTS, MEGAFON, BEELINE, and other mobile operators.
The calling numbers of these services are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

Calling emergency services from MTS mobile phones

020 - Calling the police
030 - Calling an ambulance
040 - Call emergency gas service

Calling emergency services from MEGAFON phones

010 - Call fire department and rescuers
020 - Calling the police
030 - Calling an ambulance

Calling emergency services from Beeline cell phones

001 - Calling fire department and rescuers
002 - Calling the police
003 - Call an ambulance
004 - Calling emergency gas service

Emergency calls from Sky Link cell phones

901 - Rescuers and Firefighters
902 - Police
903 - Ambulance
904 - Gas service

Emergency calls from TELE2 mobile phones

010 - Calling fire brigade and rescuers
020 - Calling the police
030 - Calling an ambulance
040 - Calling emergency gas service

Emergency calls from U-tel phones

010 - Fire brigade and rescuers
020 - Calling the police
030 - Calling an ambulance
040 - Calling the gas service

Emergency calls from mobile phones Motive

901 - Firefighters and Rescuers
902 - Police
903 - Calling an ambulance
904 - Calling the gas emergency service

Emergency calls via 112

The number 112 also works for emergency calls to special services.
In Russian and English.

Calling from the emergency number 112 is possible:
- in the absence of funds in your account,
- with a blocked SIM card,
- if there is no phone SIM card,

Emergency services are free of charge.

An ambulance is called in an emergency. To do this, all operators cellular communication own short numbers are provided. However, there is also a common one - unified service rescue "911" or "112" (main). You can call an ambulance from a mobile phone in Moscow using these numbers, regardless of the operator.

The services "112" and "911" work both with zero and negative balance, without a SIM card (or when blocked). However, the program includes call forwarding, and sometimes the connection is lost. As a result, the call sometimes has to be made several times.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone?

Combinations of two digits do not work on mobile phones, so the number "03" has been slightly modified. Instead of a general rescue service, you can use the free service of a telecom operator, call an ambulance from a mobile in Moscow, MTS - "030" (the same number for Megafon and Tele-2), Sky-Link - "903", Beeline - "003 ".

Useful Tips

Calling emergency services from a mobile phone

Dial the emergency number from your mobile phone 112 .

This call is free, moreover, it can be made even if:

Lack of money in the account

Blocked SIM

The absence of a SIM card.

Using this number, you can call the following emergency operational services:

Fire brigade

Emergency Response Service


Disaster Medicine Services


Gas network emergency service

Service "Anti-terror"

Heating network services

Electricity services


Public utilities service.

If necessary, this list can be expanded depending on the specific region by the decision of the executive authorities.

Why "112"?

1. Since the launch, this system reduces response time by about 15 minutesoperational services, which is a big plus, because responding earlier can save more lives and help more people.

2. In addition, this number is called from mobile phones, which allows the operator track the location of the caller, which is extremely important, especially in the event of an accident.

3. It is also worth noting that the dispatcher is capable of real-time monitor how quickly this or that service arrived at the right placeand what kind of help was provided.

4. It will be interesting to note that in this system other services may be added depending on the region... For example, a person can call a veterinary service if they are in an agricultural region.

Where does the number "112" function?

At the moment this number is working in some regions of the Russian Federation. According to the plans, the transition to the emergency number 112 will be gradual. Completely 112 will replace service call numbers 01, 02, 03 and 04 by 2017.

Having called, the operator or answering machine will answer you and then you can select the service you need, after which the call will be transferred to the selected service.

Where else is the single number "112" used?

This emergency call service is available in several European Union countries, including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

Emergency telephone numbers

Co landline phone the following emergency services can be called within the city:

101 (01) - Fire brigade and rescuers

102 (02) - Police

103 (03) - Ambulance

104 (04) - Gas network emergency service

The following emergency services can be called from your mobile phone:

* If your mobile phone does not support 2-digit dialing, just dial the service number and add *

01 * - Call the fire brigade and rescuers

02 * - Call the Police

03 * - Call an ambulance

04 * - Call emergency gas service

Emergency calls from specific cellular operators

Emergency services can be called from a specific mobile operator (MTS, MEGAFON, BEELINE, etc.). These numbers are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

010 - fire brigade and rescuers

020 - police

030 - ambulance

040 - emergency service gas


010 - fire brigade and rescuers

020 - police

030 - Ambulance

040 - emergency gas service


001 - fire brigade and rescuers
002 - police
003 - Ambulance
004 - emergency gas service