What is short message service. Description and settings of SMS. Prohibition of receiving informational messages

Posted Mon, 12/26/2011 - 18:32

Currently, any user of mobile communications, as a result of the actions of a virus or in any other way, can lose money put on his phone. If the mobile phone infected with a virus, funds can be debited from the phone without the owner's knowledge. And also by deception, a person can unknowingly send an SMS to a short number, and then it turns out that the number is paid and an SMS message, respectively, can cost tens or hundreds of rubles. Operator cellular communication MTS to eliminate this problem, for its subscribers offers the service "Banning content"... With this service, you can block outgoing calls and SMS to toll numbers infotainment services, and block incoming SMS messages and calls from paid short numbers... If you have been affected by a scammer, this article describes how to "calculate" the number incoming sms message containing spam. And as well as turn to a cellular operator with a demand to return the lost money. And a description is given of how to activate the service of the MTS company "Content Ban"

Information about the MTS service - "Content ban".

Since December 28, 2010, MTS provides its customers with the opportunity to activate the "Content Ban" service. Content Barring service blocks incoming and outgoing calls and spam SMS messages from short and to short numbers cellular communication. For ordinary (non-corporate) users, this service is called Content Ban 0... At the time of this writing, the Content Ban 0 service is free. For corporate users, the service is called Content Ban 20 and costs 20 rubles / month. The Content Ban service has options that enable enable / disable outgoing SMS messages for all long-distance / international phone numbers ... This makes it possible, unknowingly, not to send expensive long-distance / international SMS messages. According to user reviews, these services do not provide complete protection against spam messages and fraudulent activities through paid short phone numbers, but significantly reduce the risk of losing money.

Operator mobile communication MTS does not block all short numbers. Short telephone numbers that are used for free information services are not blocked by MTS itself. And also numbers for receiving phone settings or other technically necessary short phone numbers are not blocked. List of numbers that are not blockedis listed below.

Everything described here has been tested on an M35i phone connected to an MTS. So, subscribers of other operators and owners of newer models may not be able to do something, or vice versa, some new function will appear.

1. How to enable Russian SMS from the MTS website and other phones to send you to Siemens?
a) Go to the SMSC settings. This can be done quickly by clicking sequentially:
Menu, 3, 4, 1.
b) Change it from 70957699100 on 70957699800 ... Do not forget to check the "Via Center" checkbox. it Menu, 3, 4, 5.
c) Write a new SMS with the text: UCS2
d) Send it to the number 0 (zero).

To cancel this option, send to the number 0 (zero) message: Default.

2. How to send a logo via SMS from phone to phone or from website to phone?
No way. Maybe in subsequent models this will be implemented, but so far there is no such possibility. Use a cable - it's more convenient.

3. How to send a ringtone via SMS from phone to phone or from website to phone?
Similar to the previous question. These possibilities are in nokia, for example. And Siemens is a more serious phone.

4. MTS does not have weather and dollar exchange rates, but I need it. And preferably free.
I recommend to go to the site www.email2sms.ru and read the "FAQ" section there.

5. How to send an SMS so that it comes in the form of a scrolling (or flickering) line directly to the phone screen?
It is enough to put the text at the very beginning of the message: # flash #
This command is supported so far only by the SMSC under the number 70957699800 , therefore, to send such messages, you must use it. Or the MTS website.

6. How to do it. so that after sending the SMS, no confirmation of its delivery comes?
It is enough to send to the number 0 (zero) message: Report None.
To enable delivery report - text: Report Full.

7. Can I send Russian SMS from my phone?
No. Despite the fact that there seems to be a Russian language, nevertheless Siemens, for some unknown reason, did not integrate such a possibility.

8. Can I send a picture via SMS?
Can. Only this is not a logo, but just a picture.
To do this, when sending SMS from your phone, click "Insert Image".
In this case, the following text will be inserted into the message text: "% Shark" , and the subscriber will receive a picture of a shark.
Accordingly, the recipient must have a Siemens phone with this function. Owners of other models will simply receive this text.
When sending from the site, you can also use this function, you just need to manually write this command.
The main thing is that it should be with a capital letter and in quotes.

Here is a complete list of commands:


Remember to enclose the command in quotation marks and start with a percent sign and a capital letter.
Comments and additions from 05/29/2002 14:28

EMS pictures & tones Picture__Code
" 0"
" 1"
" 2"
" 3"
" 4"
" 5"
" 6"
" 7"
" 8"
" 9"


"Chimes high" ___ "% S00"

"Chimes low" ___ "% S01"

"Ding" _________ "% S02"

"TaDa" ________ "% S03"

"Notify" _______ "% S04"

"Drum" ________ "% S05"

"Claps" ________ "% S06"

"FanFar" _______ "% S07"

"Chord high" ___ "% S08"

"Chord low" ____ "% S09"

Information source: faqSource

Despite the fact that the era of instant messengers has already arrived, text messages are still “afloat”. Unfortunately, they are not always used for good, and very often they become a real spam tool used to send advertisements. In addition, there are also services such as content services that can charge subscribers cellular operators additional fee. Today we will talk about how you can block such unwanted SMS messages, their sending and receiving.

Prohibition of SMS content of MTS

Additional content from MTS is all those information servicesthat offer distribution of information interesting to subscribers. So, for example, users today can connect mailing lists interesting games and applications, sports and financial news, jokes and anecdotes, ringtones and videos. All this, of course, may be of interest to a certain audience of modern subscribers, but when they remember or find out that such content services are offered for a fee, questions about their need immediately disappear.

Unfortunately, it is very easy to activate such services, and you can do it by accident. That is why the prohibition of sending outgoing SMS to MTS short numbers is so relevant for clients this operator.

In MTS, the prohibition of sending outgoing SMS to short numbers is connected by USSD-combination *984# , in your personal account on the operator's website or in the application for smartphones and tablets "My MTS". MTS subscribers can view up-to-date information about connected subscriptions and their cost by USSD command *152# .

After that, you can make a call to the number 0890 and disable those subscriptions that you do not need, or that you did not connect / connected by accident.

It is very easy to return to using additional content services - you need to reconnect them through the website of content offers moicontent.mts.ru .

Video instruction

Prohibition of receiving informational messages

In addition to content services, attention should also be paid to informational messages of advertising content, which often come from MTS and are more than annoying. It is because of such abundant spam that many subscribers do not notice important messages or messages about connecting content subscriptions - after all, the operator's clients simply stop paying attention to advertising information they do not need.

Fortunately, the MTS specialists still have a conscience, which is why they are implementing an additional and completely free service, thanks to the connection of which it is possible to completely prohibit the reception of information messages (both text and multimedia).

How to enable SMS ban on MTS

  • In the “My MTS” personal account system;
  • Using a USSD request *111*374# .

However, it is possible that in the future you will need to receive informational messages again, or you will not be satisfied with the condition under which the possibility of receiving messages sent from the operator's website is limited. Fortunately, you can also remove the ban on SMS from MTS.

All actions for connecting and disconnecting the SMS barring service are offered to subscribers free of charge.

The abbreviation SMS stands for Short Message Service, which translates as short message service. This is the most popular technology today, which has an undeniable merit: the ability to exchange information anytime and anywhere.

The service allows network subscribers to exchange text messages with each other, containing up to 160 characters when using the transliteration encoding and up to 70 characters when using the Cyrillic encoding. If an SMS message exceeds the specified number of characters, then it is split into several messages, each of which cannot exceed 157 or 67 characters, respectively, and each message is charged separately.

How to connect?

Sending and receiving SMS is possible only if available basic setting network "Service of short sMS messages". The setting is activated by default when connected to the MTS network. The ability to manage the "SMS Short Message Service" setting is provided to subscribers upon a call to Contact Center MTS by number 0890. In order to be able to send text messages, you must:

  1. Enter the short message center number on your mobile phone +375 29 7770000 ;

    You can receive messages without entering this number. This number is entered using the menu of your telephone (see the manual for the telephone).
    The entered number is stored in the memory of the SIM card, so you do not have to repeat the input procedure when changing the device.

  2. Type your message text;
  3. Enter the phone number to which the message will be sent.

    The phone number to which the message is sent must be entered in the international format, for example: +375 29 xxxxxxx, +375 33 xxxxxxx.

The sent or received message is stored, depending on the phone model, either on the SIM card or in the phone memory. The SIM card memory can store from 10 to 30 messages. The phone notifies you of a new message with a beep and a corresponding symbol on the display.

Encoding of received messages

By default, you are given the opportunity to receive and send SMS-messages in Cyrillic encoding (in Russian). If your mobile phone does not support displaying text in Russian, you need to send an SMS message with the text On to 7770000, and then to set the transliteration encoding send an SMS message with Eng to 402. To return the Cyrillic encoding you need send an SMS with the text Rus to number 402.

Message retention period

Sent by you with mobile phone a short text message arrives at Service center short messages (SMSC) and sent to the subscriber at the number specified by the sender. If the recipient's phone is turned off, the message is placed in the SMSC buffer and stored there until the addressee turns on the mobile phone. The maximum storage time for a short text message in the SMSC buffer is 72 hours (3 days).

Delivery report

In order to receive reports on the delivery of sent SMS messages, you need to activate the corresponding setting in the phone. Also, in order to receive a delivery report, it is possible to specify a special command *! # Before the text of the SMS message (the delivery report in the phone must be turned off). This command works only for the SMS-message in the text of which it was indicated.

SMS Flash

SMS-flash is the ability to send a message, which is displayed in an unusual way on the screen of a mobile phone: in a scrolling line or as text directly on the display. This message is not saved in the phone memory and disappears from the screen as soon as you use any of the phone functions. In order to send a flash SMS to an MTS subscriber, it is necessary to form a message text as follows: * FLASH # message text. It is important that the * symbol is at the very beginning of the message, otherwise the SMS center will perceive it as a text part of the message and send it as a regular SMS.

Delayed delivery

In order to use sending SMS with deferred delivery, you need to form the text of the message as follows: * DEFER n # text of the message, where n is the number of hours by which the delivery should be deferred. Thus, for example, you can prepare and send a congratulation in advance, which will be delivered to the addressee after a specified amount of time.

The fact of sending an SMS message is charged at the rate valid at the time of sending.

International access

Delivery of SMS messages in the networks of other operators is possible only if there are roaming agreements with these operators!

You will not be able to receive a text message if the memory is full. Therefore, it is recommended to erase read messages.

If you do not know how the system of parameters for sending short messages is activated, if you are tired of constantly looking for answers to your questions on other resources, we simply invite you to our vast expanses of high-quality information on any issues in the field of work mobile operators... Together with our recommendations, the problems have already been solved by thousands of interested users, so perhaps it's your turn?

IMPORTANT: It is recommended not to forget that the use of data is assumed only in its current form, since LLC " Mobile Telesystems»Can often edit the operating conditions of a particular service. The fact is that new options are added, and old ones are deleted, as a result of which it is necessary to know exactly the correct data of USSD requests or phone numbers to which you should call or send notifications in order not to face problems of losing time or nerves in the future. It is for this reason that you are recommended to visit the # 1 portal in Russia for mobile communications (MTS LLC) if you cannot achieve your goals along with our advice on the site.

Activating messages on a mobile phone

In general, today, it is supposed to connect free SMS to MTS, like ordinary messages, through the operation of two systems. First, you need to use your hands, as the first method is called "manual". What is it?

  • Pick up your mobile phone and go to the "Settings" menu item. There it is also necessary to view the proposed list of parameters and select "SMS" Scroll down the list below. Found the name "SMS Center"? - If yes, let's move on. Next, you need to enter the necessary parameters of the numbers that are offered for a successful solution to the problem. So, for example, write "+79168999100" in the number. If you decide to activate the system called "SMS-Extra", you are prompted to enter instead of the specified number telephone code type "79168960220".

IMPORTANT: After all the necessary information has been entered into the mobile phone, you must turn off the device and turn it on again so that the settings are updated, and the work with sending SMS messages becomes available. It is noteworthy that after the specified manipulations you will be able to continue using your capabilities in the field of short messages, for example, connecting an SMS package will not be a problem for you.

  • The second option for obtaining the desired settings for the correct functioning of the system is to work with the "Internet Assistant". How to do it? - You are invited to go to official portal LLC "MTS" and at the top click on the tab titled " Personal Area". Enter your username and password, then click on "My number". Next - "Settings". Select the SMS system from the proposed list of edits and activate the Send settings button. Within a couple of seconds, the necessary parameters will be sent to your phone, which you will need to save by clicking on "OK". It is important to remember that in certain cases, when you cannot use your mobile phone to send messages, you can do such things through the official portal, where free SMS from the Internet is a common thing. Read the details on our website or on the official company's resource.

As mentioned above, in certain cases, the number 1 company in Russia in the field of mobile communications meets the needs of customers, so one way or another you can always keep in touch with your loved one. Sending an SMS via the Internet to MTS means timely transferring the necessary information and data that will help you perform a particular action.

How to turn off SMS?

If you are faced with the problem of intrusive subscribers who constantly send SMS messages to your device, you are invited to figure out how to turn off incoming SMS on MTS. This is what we want to talk about below.

Today, you can deactivate the sending of short messages in several ways. Remember that you can use all of them, since each of them works 100%.

  1. You can disable SMS notifications MTS through the option "Content Prohibition". Together with it, you turn off all transmitted data to your number for a certain period.
  2. You can disable the SMS service through a personal appeal to the company's office. The fact is that in certain cases, employees can go to some satisfaction of the client, since the shutdown of SMS messages is associated with some reason. It is necessary to talk about everything on the spot.
  3. You are invited to disable paid SMS, that is, subscriptions, through our detailed list of typical options that we have provided in the articles. Carefully re-read the last of them, there you will find answers to your questions.