Blur filters in Photoshop. Photoshop lesson. Smooth skin effect. Mysterious average blur

Using menu commands Blur, you can blur all or part of the image, reduce the sharpness of the image, reduce the amount of noise, and create a variety of effects.

The types of blur presented in the program:

Gaussian Blur... When choosing this method of blurring for each pixel of the image, the values \u200b\u200bof the color components are recalculated taking into account the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof the components of the neighboring points, due to which it changes the color. The calculation is based on the Gaussian distribution formula (hence the name of the blur method). As a result, the values \u200b\u200bof the color components of adjacent points are averaged, which reduces the contrast between them. In this case, sharp edges in the entire image are blurred without general lightening or darkening. The image itself becomes cloudy, "hazy".

Motion blur... Blurs in the selected direction and at the specified intensity. This method blur simulates shooting a fast-moving subject.

Blur options:

Radial blur... The blur is produced as when the camera is moving or rotating. It can be of two types:

Smart Blur ... The effect allows you to precisely control the blurring of an image.

Surface Blur... Blurs solid areas of an image while keeping edges sharp.

Blurring the image with the formation of blur at the contrasting points of the discs.

Lets you emphasize a specific subject in a photo, blurring the rest of the image. The blurred area has a bokeh effect.

Allows you to give a photograph of an object or place taken in full size "toy" look. The blurred area has a bokeh effect.

Blur options (same for the last three effects):

    Select a photo display option when setting processing parameters:

      Quick calculation - the original image will be reduced for faster selection of parameters;

      Complete processing - the image will be processed in its original size, which will take longer.

    Using the parameter Blur (1-100) Adjust the amount of blur in the out-of-focus area of \u200b\u200bthe image. The higher the parameter value, the stronger the blur.

    When blurred, contrast points in the blurred area take the form of bright highlights. By default, highlights are circular discs. You can change the shape of the discs by adjusting the block parameters Bokeh shape.

    Select the shape of the highlights from the set that will appear when you press the big square button on Settings Panels:

    Using the following options, you can customize the appearance of unsharp disks in the blurred area:

    Softness (-100..100). With the parameter value \u003d 0, the highlights have the selected shape. When the parameter is increased, the edges of the highlights are blurred, the highlights lose their sharpness. Decreasing it blur the center of the flare, making it more transparent. At the smallest value of the parameter, only thin outer contours remain from the glare.

    Deformation (-100..100). When the parameter value is equal to 0, the highlights have the shape of the selected polygon. As the parameter increases, the sides of the polygon are bent, it smoothly becomes a circle. When decreasing, the sides are pulled in, turning it into a star.

    Deformation \u003d -50

How much effort photographers sometimes have to make and what tricks they do not use to draw sharpness out of a not entirely successful picture, wielding the appropriate tools in the Photoshop program. But it turns out that very many users, on the contrary, are interested in blurring a photograph of "Photoshop", however, not at all in order to spoil the picture, but for artistic purposes (for example, in a group photo you can distinguish yourself, protecting yourself from blur, and everyone else around "smear").

Of course, the main striking force of the editor is focused on sharpening photos, but the arsenal of blur tools is also solid, and we still need to figure out which tools are more - either blurring or clarifying. But in any case, washes are one of the most used filters, and the number of blurring tools grows almost from version to version. For example, Photoshop CS5 had 10 blur filters, and CS6 has 14.

All the power of Photoshop's blurrs is concentrated in the Blur submenu, under the Blur menu. It would take a long time to list the goals and reasons for blurring, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, the main task of such processing is to select the main object by defocusing the background space and giving volume to the image as a whole.

Blur and Blur + filters

The simplest anti-sharpener is the Blur tool in Photoshop. It has no settings, so no parameters are required. To blur "with a plus" means to blur it even more, and if it is not enough, the key combination Ctrl + F will start reprocessing.

Gaussian blur

This is perhaps the most popular (of the blurring tools) tool that uses a Gaussian blur algorithm. Here, using the "Radius" slider, you can choose the appropriate degree of blur. As simple as in the previous case, but much more effective.

Frame blur

This filter is also adjustable only by the radius slider, but its algorithm is different from the previous filter. Here, the blurring occurs by averaging the colors of neighboring pixels, and the engine just changes this averaged area.

Intelligent blur

The smartest is called "Smart ...", and this filter really lives up to its name, although in Russian "Photoshop" the word "smart" is put in quotation marks, but in the English version it is not (Smart Blur). Here, in addition to the blur radius, you can set the threshold and processing quality, as well as select one of the additional blending modes, in addition to the default one ("Manual", aka "Normal" mode).

Radial blur

Depending on the blur method you choose, the filter allows you to simulate the blur caused by rotating the camera, when the image remains sharp in the center and blurred at the periphery (ring method), or to get the effect that occurs when the camera is too sharp (Linear / Zoom). The strength of the blur is controlled by the "Amount" slider, but you can also select the center of the effect (with the mouse) and the quality of the output image.

Simulate image blur when shooting dynamic subjects

With the Motion Blur filter, Photoshop creates the characteristic blur effect that occurs when shooting a fast-moving subject. Therefore, in addition to the intensity of the effect, which is controlled by the "Offset / Offset" slider, the direction of movement (angle) is naturally set.

Surface Blur

Despite the fact that the name of the Surface Blur filter translates as "surface blur", in some versions of "Photoshop" for some reason it is called "Surface blur".

This legible filter blurs the image while keeping to the best of its ability and your line and border settings, so it's often used to combat grain and digital noise by manipulating Radius and Isogelia.

Mysterious average blur

There is one such blur in Photoshop (Average), the activity of which can hardly be called blur, because this filter simply fills the entire image or selected area with the average color of this image or fragment.

If you apply this filter to the entire image in its duplicate, and then lower the opacity of the copy, you can tonal align the image, but for such purposes this is not the wisest decision. But if you blur-average some fragment and, lowering the opacity, make an inscription on it, it can turn out interesting.

Lens wash

This is the literal translation of the English name of the Lens Blur filter, which in the Russian versions of the Photoshop program is called "Blur at low. This blur in Photoshop is used in cases when the ideal sharpness in the entire photo does not suit for compositional or any other reasons, that is, when only a certain area or object should remain in focus.We only need to indicate to the filter what should be closer in the image, and what should be next, creating a so-called depth map, which can be, for example, built in the alpha channel linear or circular gradient from black to white.

A savvy filter, calculating the blur algorithm, will immediately understand that the black areas are those that are closest to the camera. They are followed by all shades of gray as you move away. Well, the white areas are as far away from the camera as possible, and here you need to perform an intense blur of the background. The filter will perform the rest in the best, obeying the settings that we will indicate to it.

An alpha channel (empty) is created in the channel palette with the corresponding button and, opening an eye in the RGB line to see the photo itself, fill it with a black-and-white gradient, drawing from the closest point to the farthest line, which should correspond to the desired angle of view.

Then you need to close the visibility of the alpha channel, return to the RGB channel and turn on the Lens Blur filter. Next, in the "Source" list, select our alpha channel and click with the mouse in the area of \u200b\u200bthe image that should be in focus (or set the distance to the focus point with the "Blur Focal Distance" slider). Well, use the "Radius" slider to select the blur strength (degree of defocus). The rest of the settings are very subtle effects that are rarely applied to normal photos, so click OK and note with satisfaction how realistic the blur is in Photoshop. It can simulate the depth of field of the rendered area.

Manual blur "Photoshop tools". How to use your finger to blur photos

Along with the filters (plugins) for blurring, which I do all the "dirty work" for us, in "Photoshop" for the same purposes there are tools for manual work, with which you can do almost everything that filters can do, and even a little more, and maybe better (still handmade). It is about two of the three deprived of hotkeys and headed by the Blur Tool.

By design, this is a brush, in which the "Intensity" parameter performs the pressure function in the settings. Depending on the size and hardness of the selected brush, the Blur Tool can blur the entire image or details in specific area... By replacing sharp edges with smooth transitions, the tool subtly softens outlines, and if you hold down the mouse button, it works like a brush in spray mode, increasing the effect. This tool in good hands can do almost anything, at least with the task of making a blurred background, the Blur Tool can handle it easily.

The Finger Tool, aka the Smudge Tool (smudge, smudge), really smudges the drawing, as if you were running your finger over a freshly painted painting. The strength of the effect is also controlled by the "Intensity" parameter, but unlike the neighboring tool, there is still a function here, by selecting which (with a tick in the box), we will smear with the first color. Practical application "Finger" finds, for example, in painting the finest details when selecting such complex objects as hair, wool, fur, and so on, as well as in a kind of imitation of painting.

Blurred edges

With such a powerful arsenal of tools, tricks and blurring techniques that can turn an ordinary photo into a marvelous artistic canvas, blurring the edges for Photoshop is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to select an area that should not be affected, and blur the periphery by selecting one of the above filters. But most often for this purpose, "Gaussian Blur" is used.

If standard tools are used for selection, then to obtain a smooth border for them set feathering (at the top or in the menu "Select\u003e Modify"). And if you use the Quick Mask (Q) for this purpose, the smoothness of the transition is controlled by the opacity of the brush.

In all cases, the selection must be inverted (Shift + Ctrl + I), otherwise the image itself, and not the edges, will be blurred. By the way, it is not necessary to use a selection, as you can also blur the edges manually using the Blur Tool.

New filters

In Photoshop CS6, "in the shelf" of blur filters has arrived. In the "Blur" submenu, the newcomers have settled themselves alone at the very top, demonstratively shielding themselves from the old filters with a line. These upstarts are called Field Blur, Iris Blur and Tilt-Shift, and with a special interface, they can create realistic depth of field in photos.

Unlike older "colleagues" previous versions (including Photoshop CS5), the algorithms for the new filters are designed to allow the user to selectively focus by working with controls directly on the image.

Sometimes photographers have to make a lot of effort to extract sharpness from a not very good shot. To do this, you have to use the appropriate tools in photoshopBut it turns out that a lot of people today are interested in blurring a photo in Photoshop. This is not necessary to spoil the picture, but for artistic purposes. This way you can distinguish yourself in a group photo. The main forces of editors are focused on the opposite procedure, that is, on sharpening, but the range of blurring tools in this case is quite solid. It is also necessary to figure out which tools are more today - clarifying or blurring. Either way, washes are one of the most commonly used filters. The number of erosion products increases from version to version. For example, Photoshop CS5 had 10 blur filters, and CS6 had 14. All the power of Photoshop's blurring tools is concentrated in the Blur submenu in the Filter menu. It is possible to enumerate all the goals and causes of blurring for a long time, but in the overwhelming majority of cases the main task of this type of processing is to select the main object by defocusing the background space, as well as to add volume to the entire image as a whole.

Blur and Blur + filters

The most simple means to reduce the sharpness is the Blur tool in Photoshop. This tool has no settings, so no parameters are required. Blur + means more blur. If this is not enough, then using the key combination Ctrl + F, you can start reprocessing.

Gaussian blur

One of the most popular blurrs is a tool that uses a Gaussian blur algorithm. In this case, using the "Radius" slider, you can choose the appropriate degree of blur. Here everything is as simple as in the previous case, but much more efficient.

Frame blur

This filter is also adjustable with the radius slider only. The algorithm of its operation is somewhat different from the previous filter. In this case, blurring is performed by averaging the colors of neighboring pixels. The engine changes this averaged area.

Intelligent blur

The smartest blur in Photoshop is called SmartBlur. In the Russian version of the program, the word “smart” was put in quotation marks. Here, in addition to the blur radius, you can also set the quality and processing threshold. You can also choose one of the additional blending modes besides the default one.

Radial blur

This filter, depending on the selected blur method, allows you to simulate the blurring of the image associated with the rotation of the camera. As a result, the image remains sharp in the center and blurred at the periphery. In this way, you can also get the effect that occurs when the camera is suddenly hitting. You can adjust the strength of the wash using the Quality slider.

Simulate image blur when shooting dynamic subjects

Using the Motion Blur filter, Photoshop can create the characteristic blur effect that occurs when shooting a fast-moving subject in a photograph. For this reason, in addition to the intensity of the effect, which is adjusted with the "Bias / Bias" slider, the direction of movement is set.

Surface Blur

The name of the Surface Blur filter can literally be translated as "surface blur". For some reason, in newer versions of Photoshop, this filter is called Surface Blur. This is a fairly legible filter that blurs the image while preserving borders and lines to the best of its ability and user preferences. Therefore, this filter is often used to combat digital noise and grain by manipulating the "Radius" and "Isogelia" parameters.

Average blur

There is another effect in Photoshop, the activity of which can hardly be called blur. This filter just completely fills the entire image or only the selected area with the average color. of this image or a fragment. If you apply this filter on a duplicate to the entire image, and then lower the opacity of the copy, you can align the image by tone. For such purposes this decision is not the best solution. But if you blur-average a certain fragment, while lowering its opacity and making an inscription on it, it can turn out quite interesting.

Lens wash

This phrase translates the English name of the LensBlur filter. In Russian versions of Photoshop, this tool is called "Blur at shallow depth of field." Such a blur in Photoshop is used in cases where the ideal sharpness in the entire photo does not suit the user for compositional or other reasons. For example, such a blur can be used when only a specific object or area needs to be in focus. You only need to tell the filter what should be farther in the picture and what should be closer. Thus, you will create a so-called depth map, which can be a linear or circular gradient from black to white built in the alpha channel. By calculating the blur algorithm, the savvy filter will immediately recognize that the black areas represent those closest to the camera. All shades of gray follow as you move away. White areas are as far away from the camera as possible. This is where you need to blur the background intensively. The filter will do the rest in the best possible way, following the settings that you specify for it. An empty alpha channel is created in the channels palette using the corresponding button. Then, opening the eye in the RGB line to see the photo itself, it is filled with a black and white gradient. In this case, it is necessary to draw from the closest point to the farthest line, which should correspond to the desired angle of view. Next, you need to close the visibility of the alpha channel, return to the RGB channel and turn on the LensBlur filter. After that, in the "Source" list, you need to select our alpha channel, click on the area that should be in focus, or set the distance to the focus point with the "Blur Focal Distance" slider. Using the "Radius" slider, you need to select the strength of the blur. All other settings are fairly subtle effects that are rarely used for regular photos. Therefore, you can safely click on the "OK" button and admire the realistic blur in Photoshop with full satisfaction. Blurring can simulate the depth of field in a depicted space.

Manual blur tools in Photoshop

Along with special filters and plug-ins for blurring, which do all the "dirty work" for the user, Photoshop also provides tools for manual work for these purposes. You can do almost everything with them that filters do, and even a little more. In addition, the quality in this case is higher, because it is still handmade. We are talking about two of the three tools in the group, which is headed by the BlurTool tool ("Blur"). By design, this tool is a brush, in which the "Intensity" parameter performs the pressure function in the settings. Depending on the hardness and size of the selected brush, the BlurTool tool allows you to blur the entire image at once or only certain details. This tool replaces sharp edges with smooth transitions. It also subtly softens the contours. If you hold down the mouse button, the brush will work in spray mode, thereby increasing the blur effect. In good hands, this tool can do almost anything. BlurTool does an excellent job of creating a blurred background.

The Smudge Tool, or, as it is called in the Russian version, "Finger", allows you to smudge the picture in such a way as if you were running your finger over it. To adjust the strength of this effect, you must use the Intensity parameter. Unlike the adjacent tool, there is a "Draw with a finger" function. If you select it, you can smudge the first color. Practical use This tool is necessary when you need to paint on the finest details when selecting such complex objects as wool, hair, fur and so on. Also, this tool is used to simulate painting.

Blurred edges

With so many blurring tools, techniques, and tricks at your fingertips that can turn a fairly ordinary photograph into a masterpiece of art, blurring the edges in Photoshop is easy. To do this, you just need to select the area that should not be affected. You can blur the periphery using one of the above filters. Typically, Gaussian Blur is used for this purpose. If you use standard tools for selection, then feathering is set for them to get the main border. If you use the Quick Mask for this purpose, the smoothness of the transition is controlled by the opacity of the brush. In all cases, the selection must be inverted by pressing the Shift + Ctrl + I keys, otherwise the image itself will be blurred, not its edges. You don't need to use a selection, because you can blur the edges manually using the BlurTool.

Blur filters soften a selection or the entire image and are applied when retouching. They smooth out transitions by averaging the characteristics of pixels near the sharp edges of sharp lines and shaded areas of the image.

Image before applying the Shallow DOF filter (left) and after (right).The background is blurred, but the foreground remains sharp.

Note. To apply the Blur filter to the edges of a layer, deselect Preserve Pixel Transparency in the Layers panel.

Averaged Finds the average color of an image or selection, and then fills the image or selection with that color to make it appear smooth. For example, if you selected an area with a grass image, this filter converts the area to a solid green spot. Blur and Blur + Eliminate noise when there are significant color transitions in the image. Blur filters smooth out transitions by averaging the characteristics of pixels near the sharp edges of strong lines and shaded areas of the image. The effect of the Blur + filter is three to four times more pronounced than the Blur filter. Frame blur Blurs the image based on the average color value of adjacent pixels. This filter is for creating special effects. You can change the size of the area used when calculating the average value for a given pixel (increasing the radius results in more blur). Gaussian blur Blurs a selection quickly by a variable amount. A Gaussian distribution is a tapered curve that Photoshop calculates when you apply a weighted average to pixels. Applying the Gaussian Blur filter reduces the amount of detail and allows you to create a submerged fog effect.

Note.When applying the Gaussian Blur, Frame Blur, Motion Blur, or Shape Blur filters to a selected area of \u200b\u200ban image, the visual effect around the edges of the selected area may be unexpected. This is because these filters use image data that includes data for areas outside the selected area to create new blurry pixels in the selected area. For example, if the selected area is a background that you want to blur while keeping the foreground color clear, the edges of the blurred background area will be colored with the colors present in the foreground color. As a result, the outline around the area of \u200b\u200bthe base color will look fuzzy and dirty. To avoid this effect, you should use the Smart Blur or Shallow DOF filters.

Shallow depth of field blur Blurs the image, creating the effect of reducing the depth of field of the image in space, as a result of which some objects in the image remain in focus, while others are blurred.
Motion blur Blurs in the specified direction (-360º to + 360º) and at the specified intensity (from 1 to 999). This filter creates an effect similar to taking a photo of a moving subject with a constant exposure time. Radial blur Simulates the blurring of an image in the camera when zooming or rotating, which produces a soft blur effect. To blur along segments of concentric circles, select the Ring option and specify how many degrees to blur. To blur along the radial lines like scaling, select Linear and specify a value between 1 and 100. Blur quality can be defined as Rough (works quickly but with more grain), Good, or Best (smoother result). However, the blur quality is the same if the effect is not applied to large selection. Determine where the blur starts by dragging the template to the Center box. Shape blur This filter uses the specified kernel for blur. Select the kernel from the list of custom shape styles and use the radius slider to adjust its size. It is also possible to load other libraries of standard shapes. To do this, click the inverted triangle and select the desired library from the list. The "Radius" parameter determines the size of the kernel. The larger the kernel, the greater the blur. Smart blur Allows precise control of image blur. It is possible to specify the radius, threshold and blur quality. The Radius value determines the size of the area where pixels with dissimilar characteristics are searched for. The Threshold parameter lets you specify how dissimilar the pixels should be to be processed with the filter. The modes "Normal" (entire selection), "Only edges" and "Overlay" (edges of color transitions) are also available. Where there is significant contrast, Edge Only applies black and white edges, and Composite applies white edges. Surface Blur Blurs the image while preserving the edges. This filter is designed to create special effects, as well as to remove noise and grain. The Radius parameter lets you specify the size of the area where the selection is made for blur. The Threshold parameter determines the degree to which the tonal values \u200b\u200bof adjacent pixels must differ from the center pixel for those pixels to be included in the blurring process. Pixels with tonal value differences less than Threshold are excluded from blur.

The Average filter finds the average color of an image or selection, and then fills the image or selection with that color to make it appear smooth. For example, if you selected an area with a grass image, this filter converts the area to a solid green spot.

Blur and Blur +

Blur filters are designed to reduce image sharpness and provide varying degrees of softening effect. These filters find the most intensive use in the work for correcting small errors. Blur filters smooth out transitions by averaging the characteristics of pixels near the sharp edges of strong lines and shaded areas of an image.


Eliminates noise when there are significant color transitions in the image. Blur filters smooth out transitions by averaging the characteristics of pixels near the sharp edges of strong lines and shaded areas of an image.

Blur +

Produces an effect that is much more intense than the Blur filter.


Before applying the Blur filter, clear the Lock Transparent Pixels check box in the Layers panel.

The result of blurring the background of the photo

Gaussian blur

This filter quickly blurs the selection by an adjustable amount. The Gaussian distribution is a cone-shaped curve that is calculated by Photoshop Elements when applying a weighted average to pixels. Applying the Gaussian Blur filter reduces the amount of detail and creates a hazy effect. In the "Radius" field, you can set the values \u200b\u200bof the radius, which determines the degree of blur (the larger the radius, the stronger the blur).

Blur at shallow depth of field

The Shallow DOF tool creates the effect of reducing the depth of field of an image in space, as a result of which some objects in the image remain in focus, while others - blurred. The parts of the image that will be blurred and that remain in focus depend on the layer mask, the selection saved, or the transparency settings applied. How blur is developed depends on the selected aperture shape. The shape of the diaphragm is determined by the number of its shutters. The diaphragm blades can be changed by bending (rounding) or rotating them. Using the preview options, see how the photo changes when you change the settings in the Shallow Depth of Field Blur dialog box.

Motion blur

The Motion Blur filter blurs in a specific direction (in the range from -360º to + 360º) and at a specific distance (in the range from 1 to 999). This filter creates an effect similar to taking a photo of a moving subject with a constant exposure time. In the "Radius" field, you can set the values \u200b\u200bof the radius, which determines the degree of blur, and in the "Distance" field, you can specify the distance at which the blur is performed.

Radial blur

Simulates the blurring of an image in the camera when zooming or rotating to create a soft blur effect. In the field "Effect" you can set the degree of blur, and the group of switches "Method" allows you to select one of the blur methods: Method "Ring" - simulates the blur of an object during rotation, allows you to set the angle of rotation. Method "Linear" - simulates the blur of an object when zoomed in, allows you to set values \u200b\u200bin the range from 1 to 100. The group of switches "Quality" determines the quality of the blur: "Medium" (quick blur, but with more grain), "Good" or "Best" (smoother result). However, the blur quality levels are the same if the effect is not applied to large selection. In the "Center" field, you can manually move the center of the blur using the mouse.