How to make a group in contact. The latest step-by-step instructions for creating a group in contact. Friends and contacts

Good day, my dear friends and readers. Dmitry Kostin is with you as usual. And we continue our contact topic, because recently several people asked me: “On what topic should I create a group in VK? And then I want to make my own group? " True, I know how this will end in their desire to create their own community. Most likely, they will be abruptly abandoned due to the complexity, like the vast majority of people.

But how can I dissuade them? What if they really promote their community and 1,000,000 visitors join them? I once attended trainings, courses and webinars on promotion. I created my own community, which had about 10,000 real subscribers. True, then I began to engage in the group less and less often, did not post anything new, somehow I got bored. As a result, the group was hacked and I didn't do it anymore.

But as for the topic, I'll tell you.


But first of all, decide what you need this community for. Maybe you want to gather your like-minded people or friends with the same interests, or do you want to make money on your community? Maybe you just need to create a public page to advertise yourself or your brand (I created my own public page to promote my blog)? So think about why you need it. You must have a motive.

Community type

First you need to decide what exactly you want to create: a public page (public) or a group? It's just that most people call all kinds of communities groups. This is not the case. Let's consider:

Public page (Public) - Usually done to post some kind of news for its subscribers and, as a rule, such pages are created in honor of some person, in honor of some organization.

Group - this type of community is more designed for communication between users. Here you can already share your messages on a specific topic.

Of course, these are all conventions, because now all these types are created for any topic. So just decide if you want to do discussions or just post something and delight your subscribers.

Popular Topics

Today there are many different communities with the same topic and you can make one of these. True, you will be one of many, but you will roughly know what the potential of such a group is. I must say right away that there is no better topic, but here are some popular ones that can be interesting and gather a lot of users:

These are just a few of the topics that you can create. Moreover, you can create as wide groups ( Culinary recipes, club of TV series lovers, club of sports lovers), and on a narrow topic (Baking recipes, the group of the series "Game of Thrones", Lovers of exercise with dumbbells). A narrow topic will bring fewer participants, but they will be of better quality.

But I would not recommend creating a topic about making money on the Internet, especially if you yourself are not fumbling about it. Pay attention to similar communities. It's just a dump of links. where group members spam the same community with all sorts of links about unrealistic earnings.

It's just that usually groups for earnings are not taken seriously and enter it in most cases the same ones to leave links.

And I would also not advise creating such groups as “those who were born on such and such a date”, “Those who love chips”, “Those whose name is Sasha”, etc. They will not bring you pleasure or money.

In general, look at what topics are collected by the people. Go to the website and there you will see a list of groups by popularity and number of members. As I said, look how many entertainment groups are in the top, and there are enough others.

In general, look and think about what you want, what topic is closer to your heart and whether you can pay due attention to it. There are, of course, clubs that you will not bring to many participants, but they are created specifically for yourself and those who are in the subject. For example, 6 years ago I created my own group of students of the school where I studied. Now she is the only one and even official). There are just over 500 people there, but they all studied there.

And if you are serious about making money on VKontakte, then you can try yourself as an administrator of various groups. This process is certainly not easy, but there is special trainingwhere you will be taught all work skills. After completing the training, people earn good money.

Well, I say goodbye to you for today. I hope you have decided for yourself what you want. Don't forget to subscribe to update my blog. The doors of my blog are always open for you, so I'm waiting for you again. Good luck and goodbye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin!

There is no Internet user who has not heard of social network in contact with. It's quite simple to explain - VKontakte allows you not only to communicate with friends, find like-minded people, watch videos and listen to music, but also create your own communities. Any VKontakte user can create his own community on a specific topic. Let's figure out how to create VKontakte communities?

How to create a VKontakte community?

The first thing we need to create a community is to enter a username and password and enter our page. Next, we go to the tab - "Groups".

At the top right of the page you will see the "Create Community" tab . After when you click on it, a menu will appear in front of you:

Your task is to decide on the exact name of the community and the category in which it can be attributed. We will create a group with you. To do this, enter the name, and make money “Create a community”.

So, we need to fill in the following menu items:

  1. Group name... Information tab contains a field "Group name". We decided on it earlier, but we can always change it to something else.
  2. Page address.Contains a link to your community.
  3. Community Description... You should be responsible for filling out this field. There are not only a number of users who like to read the description of the group, but also search engines. Thanks to your description, new users will be able to find groups from such search engines, Yandex and others. So, we create a description of the community.

Here is an example made in a couple of seconds. Become as responsible as possible when filling out this field!

  1. Community topics.Why do we need to fill in this field? Each VK community has a specific topic that is taken into account when searching. If we decided to create a group "", it is not advisable to choose the theme "Cooking" or "Sports". Ideal - "Entertainment".
  2. Web site. If you have a website, you can link to it. All users of your group will be able to go to it after your visit. We do not have a website, so we will leave this field blank.
  3. Location. In the location, you can specify the country, city, and even the street where you are located.
  4. Wall. As we remember on the wall, group administrators can create any messages. In some groups, users themselves can post.

There are several options "Walls":off, open, limited and closed. We choose the limited option. In this case, only group administrators can write posts on the wall, and any member can comment on them.

  1. Videos... Videos can also be open, limited, and off. As in the previous case, we choose the limited option. This can be attributed to audio recordings, documents, discussions and photographs.

So, in our community, only we can add any information, and other users can only comment on it.

  1. Group type. The last field is "Group Type". AT open group any user can join. Private - you yourself can invite users or confirm applications. And you can join a private group only after your invitation.

Our new group will be open. We don't need the rest of the tabs yet - click "Save".

This is what our group looks like:

Now our task is to fill the group and attract new users to it. Don't think it's pretty simple job... For starters, you can invite all friends to your community, but it is unlikely that at least 50% of users will confirm your application. Therefore, many administrators advertise their community in other groups and resources.

Filling in a group is also a pretty tricky job. Every day you need to create new interesting posts and discussions. In this case, you should not forget to monitor the attendance of the group. To do this, go to the "Community Statistics" tab and look at the indicators.

As we see at the moment my new group visited by one unique user.

Filling the group

The first thing we will do with you is the group's avatar. To do this, press "Upload photo" and enjoy the result.

Similarly, we upload music, videos, documents and create discussions.

When filling out text posts, you should pay attention to their uniqueness. If your group consists entirely of non-unique content, it will not be able to become successful and popular.

Greetings! Come on, tell me, many of you have thought about how to create a community in contact and monetize this enterprise? I am sure that among you there will be those who tried to become the owner profitable group in a social network, perhaps, even filled it with content, was engaged in design, but he never achieved the popularity of his brainchild, failed to promote it. That is why I decided to devote today's article to how to promote a group in contact from scratch. From my review you will glean a lot of interesting information, learn about what you need to do to the group flourished... All advice will be practical, and you can immediately apply them without shelving called "Tomorrow".

Why do we do it

So, I would like to start with the fact that on the Internet we can find a huge variety of all kinds of publics with different thematic focus. But, profitable in this variety, only individual units appear. I think you all understand that the scale of the project primarily depends on the efforts of its owner, the leader who leads his caravan through the endless desert of possibilities. The size of the capital calculated for the creation and promotion of the VKontakte group, in this case, is a secondary factor.

Well, imagine, you decided to whip up a resource, get subscribers to it, and now you sit, wait for the haircut to start. I advise you to roll your lip and wipe the dripping saliva. Nothing in this world falls from the sky(and what falls usually does not bode well).

To earn a couple of pessos, you have to work your head. First of all, think and decide for yourself, what exactly do you want to do? I.e, decide on the topic your community. I offer you several options from which you can choose the one that seems most attractive to you:

  • earnings from advertising and affiliate programs (in this case, the topic is absolutely not important);
  • running a personal blog;
  • creating a resource dedicated to your hobby (this could be finance, music, dance, or something else).

Socelin for getting high-quality subscribers to the public

Detailed instructions for creating a community from A to Y

We create a VKontakte group from scratch

Setting up a group

Since we have more or less figured out how to create a community in contact absolutely free of charge, I think you can proceed to its direct at a construction site... To do this, follow these steps:

Promote VK pages and publics with Brobot


Since you and I are interested, we need to make sure that our community has sufficient number of participants... From quality of design group will depend on its attractiveness in the eyes of users, and therefore I propose to move on to this particular lesson:

  1. Upload a photo (avatar) to your community... Please note that the parameters of the photo must be 200*500 ... Edit the photo and thumbnail and then save the result.
  2. Download linksleading to your site or other thematic community. Do not forget to leave your skype to your subscribers, a link to a chat in a telegram, to a page on an instagram and a YouTube channel. Edit all titles and save.
  3. If you are really interested in how to create a popular group in contact, then do not ignore such an important point as “ Latest news". Edit this block regularly, do not neglect the importance of the fonts. Before saving the result, preview the page.
  4. In chapter " Discussions»Add new topics that will be useful to your readers.
  5. Add videos to your project... It's great if the videos are filmed by you and posted on YouTube. This will increase the traffic on the channel.
  6. While doing it, remember that sale of goods in it will be effective only if the "Albums of photography"... Upload a photo high Quality, make a detailed description of the product being sold, under each photo indicate the price of the product and a link to the seller (administrator or manager).
  7. To the section " Documents»You can download useful instructions and manuals... Owners of online stores can keep in this section prices or lists of services provided, for example.
  8. Don't forget about regular interactions with your subscribers... Conduct polls several times a week, encourage people to express their opinions in the comments. It is very good to use promotions and contests... They can be held once a month, for example.
  9. For those planning to do business in their group, you need to take care of adding products to it with a clear name and detailed description... Remember that the demand for a product will depend on how attractive the photo of that product is. Each product must have adequate price, which must also be specified. Do not forget to indicate to whom / where to pay for the order, in what form the payment is made, how and where the delivery is carried out, as well as what guarantees you give your customers (cash on delivery, the possibility of exchange).
  10. Optionally, you can change the group and make it a public page. If you do not know what is the difference between a public and a group, I advise you to read a separate article devoted to this issue.
  11. Create in a group convenient menu, simplify navigation. To do banner and wiki menu in the community I turned to the experts in this topic, if you need it, ask in the comments or write in a personal - I'll throw off a couple of guys who are doing this. I decided not to waste time doing it myself, but there are a lot of manuals and articles on how to do these actions myself on the Internet. You can use a search engine and check.
  12. And, of course, take care of the quality of the content... Please note that in the group, commercial posts should be with photos and make up no more than 50% of all the material you publish. To grow your subscriber base, pay attention to posts with captivating information, and do not forget that people are attracted by fun and a good sense of humor. More attractive information is presented in the form of images..
  13. To make clients trust you more and, as a result, advise their friends and acquaintances, provide them the ability to leave your feedback about your work... To do this, you can create an appropriate topic in the "Discussions" section. Offer regular customers discounts and make small gifts and bonuses.

Gather your target audience for business with

How do you manage a group?

To make adjustments to your community at any time, you just need to click on the three-dot icon that is located under your group's avatar. In the window that opens, you will see the categories:

  1. « Information», Where at any time you can edit the description, title and other fields;
  2. « Participants», Which contains a complete list of all subscribers of the group;
  3. « Leaders". Here you can add new or change the access rights of existing administrators and community editors;
  4. « Black list»- a place where you can block unnecessary subscribers or persistent violators of the rules of your group;
  5. « Links»;
  6. « Community statistics". This category is one of the most important and contains data on:
  • Group attendance - the number of unique visitors, views, characteristics (age, geographic location, gender) of the audience that is interested in your group;
  • Reach audiencethat views your community's posts in the "My News" section and your subscribers;
  • Activity - actions of subscribers, reposts of your records and reactions of other users of the social network to this data.


Now that you know everything about how a VKontakte group is created, you boldly you can start implementing your own selling platform or raise the conversion of an existing community. Remember, your every action and decision affects how subscribers treat you, and what impression your resource makes on them. Don't stop there, be open to experimentation and see you soon!

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Let's take a step by step how to create and design a community that is attractive to buyers.

First step - name... Find a three to four word phrase that matches your main search query. Be sure to indicate a geographic reference, for example, "Sale of fur coats throughout Russia." It should be immediately clear where and what you are doing.

Description... Beautiful stories like “Where did we start?” Are not interesting for most readers if you do not represent a well-known brand. Briefly describe the goods and services, the advantages of the company, indicate more communication channels (phones, mail, address, skype, etc.). Write the terms of purchase, payment methods, delivery times, what guarantees do you provide. It is good to use several search queries for your business.

Status... There are several lines above the description where you can place useful information, slogan, phone numbers, news about a promotion or discount. This way the community will immediately draw attention to your products and services.

The address... The public can be named in address bar together with the standard set of numbers. This will allow you to "brand" the page a little and make its address memorable (like a website address). Choose a short and capacious name and enter it in the "Community Management" tab.

Photo (avatar)... Choose a beautiful and high-quality photograph so that even the cropped thumbnail will make you understand your occupation. Ideally, on the avatar you need to write the name or type of services of the company, indicate the phones, insert a call to subscribe.

Contacts... In this menu, sign executive positions, questions you can contact, phone numbers or email addresses.

Online store

The latest innovation on VKontakte allows you to turn your page into a small online store. How do I place products correctly?

  • Only high quality photos (3-4 pieces);
  • It is necessary detailed description product, not just its name. Bring specifications, use keywords;
  • Under each product, indicate the price, contacts and information about the purchase / delivery.


After entering the main information, the group must be filled out and executed correctly. Pay attention to the wiki markup. This tool allows you to make your public page brighter and more interesting, add additional pages, formatting, links and images.

It's worth working on the menuwhich is usually located in the same place as "description". In the menu, you can enter store sections by analogy with websites. Each section leads on, photo and video materials. The menu looks like a whole picture and attracts the attention of visitors.


In order for the store to interest potential buyers and recruit participants, you need to fill it in correctly.

Basic materials

The group must include:

  1. Photo albums with high quality photos and signatures, photos from satisfied customers are required;
  2. Videos related to your products or services, or simply entertainment;
  3. Multiple discussions, Q&A topics, wishes, etc.

Regular publications

This is the key to attracting customers and increasing the popularity of the public. There are a few rules to follow:

  • All posts on the wall should be posted with photos, at least 3-4 times a week. To be re-posted, you should upload 50% of your posts of a commercial nature and 50% of entertainment. ;
  • Post polls on the wall every week. This increases the activity of participants in the comments;
  • Publish promotions, news, sweepstakes regularly.

Promotion and advertising

There are several ways to promote the page.

Announcements in large public places. You are looking for relevant or just large urban communities and post interesting news or promotions on a paid basis. Depending on the popularity of the public, the duration of the posting, and even the place (in the “header”, on the “wall”), the price of an ad is from 3 to 80 dollars.

Contests and sweepstakes in special groups. A very popular method of promoting services. VKontakte is full of communities involved in drawing prizes among subscribers. On average, the price of a publication is $ 5-25. You can find a public offering contests for free. From this, the store gets new subscribers (according to the terms of the competition, you need to join the group of the sponsor of the drawing) and fame thanks to the reposts of your information.

Invite your friends, create a store account and add new subscribers from it. The account will allow you to offer your services directly. The main thing is not to slip into spam and not lose your page due to user complaints.

What not to do

There are simpler methods, such as automatically boosting followers and likes. But it is fraught with bans, and it is noticeable that in the community most of the people are the so-called "dogs" ( blank pages) or fakes.

Vkontakte is an excellent platform for quickly starting an online business and finding your customers. This article is just for those who are taking their first steps and thinking about how to create a VKontakte group and properly arrange it. Choosing the right community type and design will allow you to sell faster and sell more.

What is a group in VK for?

A VK group or community is an association of subscribers by interest, allowing you to do business, find out news, communicate, exchange information, opinions, conduct discussions or just have fun.

For a business, this is an opportunity to communicate with its customers, to receive feedback.

The community can be used like:

  • Business representative;
  • Internet media;
  • Association of interests for communication;
  • Fan club;
  • A platform for conducting paid courses and trainings;

The fundamental difference between a community and a personal page is that members of the community can add content to the community.

Flexible privacy settings and the appointment of leaders allow you to conduct almost any type of social activity in communities: from business and labor to fan clubs of stars or films.

How to create a group in VK for dummies

Open the section Groups on your personal page and click the button Create a community.

A window will open for selecting the type of community.

It seems that we see 6 options to choose from.

In fact, there are only 3 of them:

  • Interest group;
  • Public page;
  • Event.

The top three views are designed to make it easier to select and customize for users who are not explicitly told about "group" and "public page".

Business (cafe, shop, fitness club, bank, cinema, workshop) and thematic community(news and posters, entertainment, thematic blogs and media) - these are all public pages. Whatever you choose it will be a public page. Differences only in presetsthat are made at the time of the creation of the community.

Brand or organization (product, film, company, educational institution, charitable foundation) is a group.

How not to be mistaken in choosing the type of community

Each type of community solves its own problems. I'll tell you about all 6 types, with an indication of the presets. The real type of community will be indicated in brackets.

Within one type (group, public page or event), all features of this type are available, regardless of the selected presets (business, thematic community, brand or organization, interest group, public page, event). The missing settings can be enabled later.

Public page - for doing business and selling goods and services, media and online magazines. A personal brand is also packaged into a public page.

The administrator can add the address of the company, days and hours of the company, settings of the button for communication with clients. This type is suitable for shops, fitness clubs, workshops, pizzerias, bars, cinemas, hairdressers, nail salons. In general, for firms that provide services and sell goods and for the media.

Group - suitable for creating a community of interests, entertainment topics, i.e. for advertising sales. You can create closed groups to conduct secret communities or private paid training. Groups are also available to specify the address, placement of goods. But they are still more focused on communication between subscribers.

Event - a slightly more specific type, created more for organizing one-time or periodic events: master classes, concerts, performances, trainings. It is easier to invite participants, but already functional in terms of selling goods.

If you plan to run your business or entertainment portal constantly, then choose between a group and a public page.

Each type has its own advantages. I'll tell you right away that you can effectively use strengths of both types and transfer a community from one type to another after its creation, no more than 1 time per month.

Groups and public pages cannot be changed for an event, as well as an event for groups and public pages.

Be careful when choosing.

Click on the desired option and proceed to setting the parameters.

How to set up a group, public page, event correctly

The settings for creating a group, public page and event are different.

Common to all three types of settings is the name and theme.

How to name a group in VK

In order for the group to be popular, to promote well and people can easily find it, the name must be approached responsibly.

Namely: the group should be called as people search for similar topics in the search.

For example, if you are delivering flowers in Podolsk and are called "Garden of Eden", then the group should not be called the Garden of Eden. Call yourself "Flowers delivery in Podolsk" or, in extreme cases, "Flowers delivery in Podolsk | Garden of Eden".


Topic helps Vkontakte determine what your group is doing in order to recommend you to users with similar interests and advertisers.

Currently there are 114 topics available for groups and 235 for public pages. Choose what characterizes your group.

You can change the topic of the community, but only at the initial stage of the group's life, while there are no more than a few thousand subscribers. Large groups are blocked for changing topics, because Previously, it was the practice of selling groups and changing subjects by the next owner. It turned out that people subscribed to one information, and in the end they began to receive completely different information.


If you selected "Interest group" or "Brand or organization", then the following window will open:

Group settings in VK

The group has its own specific settings: this is the group type, site address and physical address.

Group type

Group types 3:

  • Open - everyone can join;
  • Closed - entry by invitation or by request;
  • Private - you can join only at the invitation of managers.

If you are not going to do paid courses, a closed club or some other secret society, then choose an open type of group so that everyone can join.

Web site

If you have a website, write its address here.

Vkontakte ample opportunities integration with the site.

Make your design recognizable and unique

Groups of different themes should have different design and take into account the characteristics of your subscribers. If your hands are growing out of the wrong place, then it is better to hire a designer at the same Kworke (inexpensive service exchange), where they will make you for 500-1000 rubles beautiful design... The expression "They meet by their clothes" is just about that.

If you design each post differently and change your avatar frequently, your subscribers will simply skip your new posts, as they will not recognize you. And in the tape there are a lot of irritants that draw attention away.

Agree that the same Leys chips and Tide laundry detergent are so ingrained into the subconscious that you will unmistakably recognize them on store shelves even from afar.

This is how your group should be like Tide to be recognized even in passing.

Avatar or cover?

To decorate the group, you can use both an avatar and a cover.

The cover is a horizontal banner in the group header.

Avatar is a vertical banner in a group at the top right.

What should be in an avatar or cover:

  • Community name;
  • Description of the community, its USP (maximum 3-5 words);
  • Contact details;
  • Arrow for subscription.

If a cover is installed in the group, then the avatar is hidden and displayed only as a small icon. It's a circle to the left of the group's name and status. It is also visible when you write on behalf of the group in messages, comments, and posts.

Cover advantages:

  • Larger size 1590x400 - you can place more information;
  • Horizontal position - the text is easier to read, does not break into words;
  • Audience activation: you can display in the cover active subscribers, competition winners;
  • Increases conversion: if you place instructions on the subscription and message buttons in the cover;
  • Can be placed additional information and promotional offers: for example, on the right side, set aside a place for the day's promotion and change the promotional product in the cover every day.

Benefits of an avatar:

  • Arbitrary height: you can make a square, medium rectangle, long;
  • Height-to-width proportions are less than 2 to 5;
  • Contains information about the community;
  • It can be one with a pinned post - this is perhaps the most significant advantage. Acts on condition that you remove all information from the information block altogether so that it is not displayed. Otherwise, a single whole will not work, since the banner will go too far.


A banner is one that goes right after the block of information about the community.

Banner options:

  • Just a picture;
  • Picture + text;

When you click on the banner, the group menu should open.

What should be in the banner:

  • Community name;
  • Description of services, USP, benefits, or other information about the community;
  • Menu;
  • Visual identification of the menu: by the banner the visitor should understand what awaits him in the menu, what sections or content there are;
  • Menu button with cursor.

Banner purpose:

  • Communicate information about community goods or services: categories of goods or services;
  • Show that a menu will open on click. For example, write on it: "Open me" or "Menu";
  • Form a single style of the group together with other design elements.
  • If instead of the cover there is an avatar, then form a single whole block with it.

What to remember

  • Think about which type of community is right for you, even before creating a group, since the ability to change it afterwards is very limited. The event cannot be changed at all. Group to public and back no more than once a month;
  • Remember the 5 second rule: it takes 5 seconds for the user to decide whether to subscribe to your community or go further, whether it hooked him or not;
  • Decorate the group in the same style so that it will be recognized like Leys chips or Lego constructor. Become memorable;
  • Give the user information on how to buy from you wherever possible. Do not be shy.
  • Leave calls to action: a pointer in the cover to subscribe to the group, in the information about the community, a call to subscribe to notifications, in the banner an arrow with a call to go to the menu;
  • First of all, arrange the first scroll: avatar or cover, title, status, information block, banner.

After the creation and registration of the group, the next stage is the promotion, which lasts all the time as long as the community exists.

Subscribe to new articles on the site so as not to miss useful information about the promotion and promotion of groups.