What to do if you lost your tablet. What to do if you lost your iPad: instructions for finding and blocking. Making a preset

According to statistics, the number of thefts iPhone smartphones fell sharply across the globe after Apple launched a service called Activation Lock. With its help, any lost or stolen gadget on iOS can be remotely blocked and tracked.

The only exceptions were very disadvantaged countries, where smartphones are stolen in order to disassemble them for parts and sell them separately. However, more often than not, thieves, seeing that the device is blocked, simply leave it somewhere. For example, they give it to sellers or security guards in stores with the words: "Found in a fitting room, whose - we do not know."

A similar feature soon appeared on Android smartphones and tablets. If the device is protected with a password set in advance by the owner, then the thief will not be able to do anything with the loot - neither erase the data, nor use the gadget, let alone sell it (unless, of course, the buyer understands the subject a little).

Protecting iPhone and iPad

First of all, you need to set a password to unlock. Open the settings menu, go to the "Password" section and click the "Enable password" button. The system will ask you to enter the password twice. Try not to use obvious combinations of numbers like "1111", "2222", "0000", "1234" and so on - the thief, if he is not a fool, will start entering them first.

After six unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, the device will be locked for a minute. If you continue to try to pick it up, the iPhone or iPad will turn off completely, and you will need to restore access to it through lengthy manipulations. Which a thief, of course, cannot produce.

Now let's say you lost your smartphone or tablet. The best solution would be to block it. To do this, find a computer with Internet access, open a browser and type the address www.icloud.com. On the page that opens, enter your Apple ID login and password (it is very useful to remember them). After the menu opens, select the "Find iPhone" icon and click on it.

If geolocation services are enabled on your phone or tablet, its location will be displayed on the map that opens. By clicking on the green icon, you will see a menu in which there is an item "Lost Mode". By selecting it, you will be able to specify the phone number to which the finders can call back, and enter a message that will be displayed on the screen all the time this mode is in effect.

By the way, if you forgot to set the unlock password, you can do it here. After that, the thief can no longer do anything with your iPhone or iPad.

Protecting Android

As with the iPhone, you first need to create an unlock password. This is done in the settings menu, however, each manufacturer has a password setting item in different sections. For example, at Samsung you need to find the "Lock screen" menu, and then enter the password twice. You will need to enter it every time you need to use your smartphone. Not very convenient, but reliable.

In the Security menu on samsung phones there is a subsection "Device Administrators". After entering it, put a tick in front of the item "Remote android control". Now the thief will not be able to use your smartphone - unless, of course, the password is so simple that it is found on the second attempt. After five unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, the device is locked for 30 seconds.

In case of loss or theft, you will need any computer connected to the Internet. With a browser open, type play.google.com, enter email address and the password, then in the window that opens, click on the picture with the gear image. In the menu that appears, select the "Android Remote Control" item.

If your device is not turned off and connected to the Internet, then its location will be visible on the map that opens in the browser. To block it, click on the "Block" button. After that, a window will appear in which you need to enter new Password unlocking - even if the attacker picks up the previously set one, such a trick will not work with a new password.

In the same window, you can type a message that will be constantly displayed on the smartphone screen, and a phone number for communication.

There is also a Clear button next to the Block button. Clicking on it will return the smartphone to factory settings, deleting all existing information. So it should be used as a last resort, when it is clear that the device cannot be found.

When it comes to protecting your tablet from loss or theft, there are many apps in Google play Store, but just like Apple offers Find My iPhone, Google also offers its own manager for controlling Android devices, be they tablets or smartphones. However, this weekend Google unveiled a new option that makes finding a stolen or lost tablet easier than ever before.

Last year we wrote a simple guide to help owners find a stolen tablet or a lost tablet, but with a new method published this week by Google, it's worth revisiting the technique. Google services are getting smarter every day today, especially Google Search, and the developer's latest creation makes finding a tablet easier than you might think.

Tracking a lost or stolen Android tablet can be challenging, not to mention protecting all of the sensitive and often confidential information stored on our tablets. Additionally, April is expected to be the busiest month for mobile theft, so you'll want to install Android Device Manager, although Google's new device search method doesn't require it.

April is statistically the most active month when it comes to theft mobile devicesbecause people enjoy good weather and become inattentive, and for a variety of other reasons. This is probably what prompted the new Google solution, which is so good that everyone should know about it.

Just enter "Find My Phone" in the line google search from a computer, laptop or tablet, in order to function you must have a Gmail account assigned to the device you are looking for. If all conditions are met, Google will find your tablet. Just. This is magic that works really fast. You may be asked to confirm your Google login credentials for security reasons, but when you do, Google will find your lost tablet or smartphone in seconds.

Finding a lost tablet is not that difficult. Thank,Google.

Probably using data from Google Addresses and a connected Wi-Fi connections, you will be able to find your tablet with meter precision. I managed to get the data on the switched off tablet, quite accurate data. As you can see in the screenshot above, it took less than one second. Very comfortably. Lost tablet notification will come that Google has used the service to find it, you can open it or uninstall it, since the tablet is now at your disposal.

This solution does not have the full functionality of Android Device Manager, which can, for example, erase user data, the entire smartphone, lock the screen with a password (which will not allow an intruder to view or delete data on the tablet), the application is also capable of provoking a call at full volume so that you could find it if you lost your tablet at home.

However, in the screenshot above, you can see that on the page search query “Find My Phone”, in the lower left corner, there is a “Ring” button, which means “Call”. Pressing this button will make your tablet ring for five minutes, or until you find it and press the power button. This is very useful if you lose your phone at home, although it can help you locate your lost tablet at a nearby store, bar, or anywhere else within earshot.

Among other things, Google allows you to find more than one device, if you have one. Below you can see a screenshot where Google found several smartphones connected to the account, even if they were turned off. Search system finds the last known location, accurate enough, worth noting. This should be enough for most users. Click the down arrow to the right upper corner and select the device you want to search.

Android tablet owners could find their devices remotely before, but this solution makes the task much easier. Sometimes every second counts, especially if the tablet is stolen. If so, it's much better to log into Android Device Manager and activate password or PIN unlocking, and possibly also wipe the tablet. It is better to take care of safety in advance than to regret it later. You can also click on the map which will redirect you to android page Device Manager, where you will find all the functions you need to erase or lock your tablet.

It's also worth noting that if you use search function, the attacker will be notified that you are trying to find the tablet in his possession. You can search through Find My Phone at home, open the notification on your tablet, and turn off this notification in the future to help you find your stolen tablet in the future.

If you use this function ...

Users looking for additional protection and a comfortable security solution will be glad to know that it is free serviceand also very easy to use, so there is no reason to skip this feature, and install ADM and prepare your tablet for the worst of circumstances. In the event of any incident or tablet theft, you'll be glad you did. However, the new method does not require the user to install Android Device Manager, it does so in the background.

Plus, you'll find tons of apps in the Google Play Store that offer something similar, although Google's Android Device Manager works great, it's simpler and most importantly, completely free. If you have data on where to look for a stolen tablet, it's time to contact law enforcement and enlist their support, do not act on your own. Try new function today and, we wish you the best in finding your lost tablet.

It is always a pity for a lost or stolen thing, regardless of its value. It is all the more offensive when your favorite mobile device disappears. Can you find it? This possibility exists. But first you need to make sure that it really was stolen. Maybe he just got lost in the apartment. How do you find a tablet? Recently, developers have offered various servicesthat will help the user in their searches. Let's take a look at some of them.

Android device manufacturers have foreseen the possibility of loss or theft of their products

Android Device Manager

This is a free service from google... To use it:

  • Create a Google+ account if you haven't already;
  • Go to GooglePlay, download and install on your tablet free app Android Device Manager. This program works for everyone from 2.2;
  • You need to attach your account to this application. It is not difficult to do this - it is enough just to answer the system questions;
  • Now, when logging into an account, the user has access to a full list of previously attached mobile devices (their number is not limited).

Now let's look at how to find a lost tablet using this service. To do this, you need to start and log into your account using the guest login, provided for just such a case.

If this is not possible, you should go to the application site from any device. Then using the function remote control launch a sound file for playback. The lost tablet will play the file for 5 minutes at increased volume. This time is quite enough to find the device if it is lost somewhere in the apartment.

If the loss occurred somewhere else, the sound signal will attract the attention of people nearby. They can return the find to the owner, which will greatly contribute to meaningful content. sound file or a displayed text message.

Overview android apps Device Manager:

If the tablet has been stolen, this method will not lead to the desired result. You can try using others:

  • Location function. With its help, you can display the place where the device is currently located, provided that the GPS function is turned on or the Internet is connected. Otherwise, the last location where one of these conditions was met will be shown.
  • If it was not possible to find and return the tablet, then you can at least make it difficult for an attacker to use it. Among the possibilities - setting a password to unlock the screen (if it has not been done before) and erasing all information. If the device is not available at the moment, the function will automatically start when the connection first appears.

Avast Free Antivirus

Also offer a set useful functionshelping with the loss of a mobile device. One of the leaders among the free representatives of this family - Avast Free Antivirus. Let's consider how to find a stolen tablet using this program.

The Czech developers of the application provided the user with the ability to specify the actions to be performed when changing the SIM card. Among them:

  • ban ;
  • blocking the device by setting a PIN code;
  • complete removal information;
  • sending a message with the coordinates of the current location and a new SIM card number to the specified mailbox or phone.

True, all this is relevant only with 3G. You can also tell the program what to do in case of theft or loss of the device. If the user has account on the program's website, you just need to enter it and transfer the status of your tablet to the "lost" state. In this case, the preset will be executed, including blocking access to the memory card.

Avira Antivirus

This is another common antivirus that can help you find your lost tablet. The German developers have provided the Avira Mobile Security service with the following functionality.

We are absolutely sure that our mobile friend will always be there. What could happen? As the harsh reality shows, anything can happen. The easiest way to lose your device is to go missing at a picnic. A more negative option is theft. How to find a lost / forgotten phone? How to minimize your losses if your phone was stolen? This is exactly what this article is about.

First actions in case of loss

The first thing to do when detecting the absence of a phone is to try to calm down and restore the chain of events. When was the last time you used your phone? Who did you last call? Where was it? Most often, smartphones are forgotten in cafes, clubs, taxis and ... in handbags! Those. the phone, perhaps, did not even leave your house, but simply was littered with other things or fell behind the sofa, and the sound on it could be turned off. Therefore, the traditional way to "call" in this case will not work. What to do in this case?

iPhone or other Apple mobile device

Apple has a Find My iPhone service that helps you find your device and make it ring at full volume, even if the device is silent. To do this, you need to go to icloud.com from a tablet or computer, log in and select "Find iPhone". The window that appears will show the location of your phone on the map and the commands available for it:

  • Play sound will be performed at full volume regardless of whether quiet mode is activated or not. This will allow you to find your phone in a bag, behind a sofa, or in the grass.
  • Switching the phone to "sell mode". It will allow you to remotely set a PIN code on the phone and display a message about the loss for the finder and a request to call the specified number. After that, it will be possible to access the device only with a pin code.
  • Deleting data from the device. This is a last resort if there is confidential data on the phone.

But what settings must be made on the phone itself for this feature to be available.

Android smartphone

Literally at the end of August 2013, Google launched a similar service Android Device Manager ... The service allows you to "call back" the device. It is also possible to get remote control over your phone / tablet. So far, only deleting data from a smartphone is available from such functions. For everything else, you will need a special application, which at the time of this writing is not ready.

In this case, your mobile device must be configured as follows.

And when you receive a notification from the service, you need to make two more settings.

Actions in the event of theft

Measures to find a phone

If, nevertheless, the device could not be found and there are clear signs of theft, then you will need to contact the law enforcement agencies. Do not forget to prepare everything you need for your visit to the precinct! You will need a list of recent calls from the phone and to the phone, which can be ordered on the website cellular operator... You will also need to provide documents by phone.

Preventing even greater losses

A modern smartphone can store a lot of important and confidential information, which, among other things, can be very personal. But even more of this data is in the services with which you registered. If there is almost 100% confidence in theft, then block the SIM card. And for any hint of theft - change the password in Google accounte, in all in social networks, mail and other sites and services. So attackers will not be able to get data to confidential information.

Remember if you have stored card numbers or PIN codes for them in the password manager application on your phone. If yes, then change the pin-code on the card. This can be done in any terminal of your bank. This service is not expensive at all, but it will save you a lot of nerves and money. In extreme cases, you can block the card itself and get a new one at the bank.

Try to negotiate with the person who found the phone

I always return the phones I find. Many of my acquaintances do this. However, with modern smartphones there can be a snag. Owners block them graphic keys and pin codes. Now you can't call the owner so easily.

Usually the problem is solved if you call your phone yourself. You can receive a call without any problems, no blocking will interfere with this. But you won't call for three, four days ... But a week can pass between the loss of the phone and its discovery. And if the finder cannot contact you, then you risk receiving such an announcement of the find.

To prevent this from happening, take the trouble to provide your phone (if it's not an iPhone) with a sticker with your email or a second phone. It can be tucked under the battery or placed in a conspicuous place. There is also an online service where you can make an announcement promising a reward. LoSToleN is one such service.

The tablet- one of the most popular mobile gadgets of the 21st century, with a huge army of fans. It is worth understanding why the tablet device is so in demand lately. The mobile device has gained popularity due to its portability and ease of use.

A tablet can replace a laptop, and some types of tablet computers can themselves turn into desktop computer... Many users use tablets for typing or creating pictures. Tablet devices are also used in education, the teacher reads material from an electronic medium, and not from a book. The ability to access the Internet provides unlimited communication with users around the world.

There are 3 types of tablet computers, they differ not in the filling, but in the shell that is used on the tablets. The most popular and expensive tablet devices are iOS mobile devices from Apple. Operating room tablet computers android systems, are also very popular, due to their high functionality, tablets are used in almost all structures. Microsoft has moved its operating windows system on mobile devices, so you can find tablets on the W8.

How to find your tablet using Google

Tablet based devices operating system Android is used in a huge way, the reason for this is the high functionality and performance of the devices. Same this platform allows you to secure your mobile as much as possible.

Remote use of Android device - resource allows users with Android tablet device to determine where the device is in a certain period time. The user must log in by entering their account details from any Google service to which the tablet device is linked.

The service also has the function Calland Configure blocking and deletion data... Let's figure it out in order, the Call function is a call to the tablet device, as a result of which the mobile device will emit a sound signal similar to mobile call. Lock setting will allow users to protect the device from information theft, and deleting data is equivalent to deleting all settings in the android device.

Device Discovery Apps- application is softwarethat performs a specific role or function. A huge number of applications for tablet devices allows you to find a mobile device at any time, as long as it has access to the Internet.

How to find a stolen tablet

Tablet devices from the company Apple also have services that allow you to locate. To do this, you need to create an Apple ID account, which is universal access to all resources created by Apple. Service iCloud will allow the user to find lost device, or find out where the last time you connected to the Internet.

If your tablet device has the function 3G internet access, then it supports a Sim card. With a SIM card and a call to a mobile operator, you can easily locate your tablet device if it is not turned off. The first step is to contact mobile operator and report the loss of your tablet device. The operator will ask certain questions that need to be answered. Basically, the questions contain secret data that will allow you to determine that you are the owner of the SIM card, after which you will be provided with the requested data.

Hopefully, the article will allow users to find a mobile device that has been lost. Suggest topics for further discussion, ask questions and leave comments ...

The tablet is a very compact and handy device. But due to its modest size, it is not only convenient to carry with you, but also to lose. An additional threat to such a device is cybercriminals who can simply steal the equipment. However, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to leave everything like that. There are methods that tell you what to do if your tablet is stolen / lost.

We use a free service

Android Device Manager is the same service that Google provides for use on a free basis. To use the program, it is enough to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Open a Google+ account if you don't already have one.
  • Open GooglePlay, where to find and download a free application to your tablet. The program works on different versions Android.
  • To use the application, you will need to attach your account to it. To do this, you need to fill out a simple form where you need to answer questions.
  • After the performed actions, the user gets full access to the attached mobile devices. The number of gadgets is not limited.

This service allows you to quickly find a lost or stolen tablet and more. The application will need to be downloaded to an existing device, run it and log into your account. For such cases, it is possible to log in as a guest. A special file for playback must be enabled using remote control. The device will play it even at a distance for 5 minutes. Even if the loss occurred in a completely different place, such a signal will attract the attention of people who will find the device. On its screen, text of a certain content will be displayed.

Modern antiviruses

Avast Free Antivirususeful program, which not only cleans the device from the virus, but offers to use a whole set of useful functions. It is possible to find a stolen or lost tablet using the following program:

Users will be able to set the following settings when changing a SIM card:

  • Prevent changing settings.
  • Lock the device with a pin code.
  • Completely delete the information on the tablet.
  • Send coordinates indicating the current location.

Lately everything more users are wondering: is it possible to somehow find a tablet based on Android OS if the device has already been lost? How should you properly configure your device in advance, so that if you lose it further, its search can be simplified? In fact, there are several important rules to keep in mind; following the instructions, the user can easily find his electronic gadget.

Stole a tablet without special programs

If the user did not perform any special settings of his gadget in advance, then the chances of finding the device are reduced in case of loss. You can try to find the lost device through a service from Google, which was created specifically to search for stolen Android devices. This service called "Android Device Manager", it can be launched through any browser, and through any device, including a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc. You must first of all select the tablet that you are looking for from the list and then click the round icon with four lines, located in the upper right corner.

Click on the start search icon

Necessary conditions for the search to work

In order for the search to work, you need an activated GPS module or the Internet. If you have lost your tablet in your apartment and cannot find it, use the "Call" function. The device beeps loudly. You can also delete all data from memory if the tablet falls into the hands of an intruder.

Making a preset

To make it easier to find your tablet, we recommend setting it up in advance. The first thing to do is install Avast! Mobile Security ". This antivirus program allows you to protect your tablet. When you install the antivirus, you need to go to the settings and put a checkmark in front of the item "PIN protection". Enter your PIN there.

Please note that the PIN-code must be written down and put in a safe place, or remembered; if you forget your PIN, you will no longer be able to change the program settings!

Avast Anti-Theft

Download Avast! Anti-Theft ". To do this, follow the link https://www.avast.ru/anti-theft, click on the button " Free download". You will be redirected to Google Play, where you can install the application. Now you need to configure the program so that the thief cannot do any manipulations with the device.

Create an AVAST account. Enter "id.avast.com" in the browser, click "Create ...". Next, you will need to enter your e-mail / password. Open Avast! Anti-Theft ", and follow 6 steps in sequence:

  1. Enter a name;
  2. Enter PIN;
  3. Specify the phone number (SMS with information about SIM change will be sent to it);
  4. Click the item "Account Settings";
  5. Login to your account;
  6. Enter phone number, password.

You have just linked your account to your tablet. You will carry out further manipulations on the avast.com web resource.


Avast settings

It is necessary to go to the item "Advanced settings" \u003d\u003e "Protective actions", and then configure the protection according to three main points, which will be given in the table with brief description of each item.

Paragraph Description
"Block" If the tablet is lost, it will be completely locked; any manipulations with it can be carried out only by specifying the PIN
"Signaling" Loud alarm signal; most likely, it is better to leave this function deactivated, since the siren will only scare off the intruder, and he will press the Reset button or remove the battery
"Without access to settings" Complete blocking of access to deletion, device settings

Item "Advanced settings"

The process of finding a tablet

Go to avast.com, login, open "My devices" \u003d\u003e "View data". Find: "Choose a team." In this column, do the following:

Call: This feature involves making a discreet call from a stolen Android device. Thus, you can listen to what is happening around, for example, whether the tablet is in the house or on the street. All this will also be useful when connecting the police. For example, first, using the "Device Manager", you can calculate the house where the thief lives, and then watch him near the entrance and use the microphone and the "Call" function to make sure that the person who stole the tablet came out of the entrance. You can say something loudly, cough, etc. By combining several functions, the likelihood of finding your device will increase.

When you press "Lost", the tablet will be locked, the possibility of shutdown is eliminated. If you turn on the alarm, the siren will sound until the battery is discharged.

It is important to set up your tablet in advance: in this case, the likelihood of finding it increases!

If you didn’t manage to install any programs, and your tablet was stolen, then the only option for you is the “Android Device Manager” service.

Finding a lost device

According to statistics, the number of thefts of iPhone smartphones has dropped sharply almost around the world after Apple launched a service called Activation Lock. With its help, any lost or stolen gadget on iOS can be remotely blocked and tracked.

The only exceptions were very disadvantaged countries, where smartphones are stolen in order to disassemble them for parts and sell them separately. However, more often than not, thieves, seeing that the device is blocked, simply leave it somewhere. For example, they give it to sellers or security guards in stores with the words: "Found in a fitting room, whose - we do not know."

A similar feature soon appeared in smartphones and tablets based on Android. If the device is protected with a password set in advance by the owner, then the thief will not be able to do anything with the loot - neither erase the data, nor use the gadget, let alone sell it (unless, of course, the buyer understands the subject a little).

Protecting iPhone and iPad

First of all, you need to set a password to unlock. Open the settings menu, go to the "Password" section and click the "Enable password" button. The system will ask you to enter the password twice. Try not to use obvious combinations of numbers like "1111", "2222", "0000", "1234" and so on - the thief, if he is not a fool, will start entering them first.

After six unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, the device will be locked for a minute. If you continue to try to pick it up, the iPhone or iPad will turn off completely, and you will need to restore access to it through lengthy manipulations. Which a thief, of course, cannot produce.

Now let's say you lost your smartphone or tablet. The best solution would be to block it. To do this, find a computer with Internet access, open a browser and type the address www.icloud.com. On the page that opens, enter your Apple ID login and password (it is very useful to remember them). After the menu opens, select the "Find iPhone" icon and click on it.

If geolocation services are enabled on your phone or tablet, its location will be displayed on the map that opens. By clicking on the green icon, you will see a menu in which there is an item "Lost Mode". By selecting it, you will be able to specify the phone number to which the finders can call back, and enter a message that will be displayed on the screen all the time this mode is in effect.

By the way, if you forgot to set the unlock password, you can do it here. After that, the thief can no longer do anything with your iPhone or iPad.

Protecting Android

As with the iPhone, you first need to create an unlock password. This is done in the settings menu, however, each manufacturer has a password setting item in different sections. For example, at Samsung you need to find the "Lock screen" menu, and then enter the password twice. You will need to enter it every time you need to use your smartphone. Not very convenient, but reliable.

The Security menu on Samsung phones has a Device Administrators subsection. After entering it, put a tick in front of the item "Android Remote Control". Now the thief will not be able to use your smartphone - unless, of course, the password is so simple that it can be found on the second try. After five unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, the machine is locked for 30 seconds.

In case of loss or theft, you will need any computer connected to the Internet. Opening your browser, type play.google.com, enter your email address and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the picture with the gear. In the menu that appears, select the "Android Remote Control" item.

If your device is not turned off and connected to the Internet, then its location will be visible on the map that opens in the browser. To block it, click on the "Block" button. After that, a window will appear in which you need to enter a new unlock password - even if the attacker picks up the previously set one, such a trick will not work with the new password.

In the same window, you can type a message that will be constantly displayed on the smartphone screen, and a phone number for communication.

There is also a Clear button next to the Block button. Clicking on it will return the smartphone to factory settings, deleting all existing information. So it should be used as a last resort, when it is clear that the device cannot be found.

This possibility exists. But first you need to make sure that it really was stolen. Maybe he just got lost in the apartment. Recently, developers have been offering various services that will help the user in his search. Let's take a look at some of them.

Manufacturers of Androd devices have foreseen the possibility of loss or theft of their products.

This is a free service from Google. To use it, you need to do the following:

* Create your Google+ account, if you haven't already.

* Go to GooglePlay, download and install the free Android Device Manager application on your tablet. This program works on all versions of the Android operating system starting from 2.2.

* You need to attach your account to this application. It is not difficult to do this - you just need to answer the system questions.

* Now, when logging into an account, the user has access to a full list of previously attached mobile devices (their number is not limited). Now let's look at how to find a lost tablet using this service. To do this, you need to launch the installed application on any Android device and log into your account using the guest login, provided for just such a case.

If this is not possible, then you should go to the application site from any device with an Internet connection. Then, using the remote control function, start a sound file for playback. The lost tablet will play the file for 5 minutes at increased volume... This time is quite enough to find the device if it is lost somewhere in the apartment. If the loss occurred somewhere else, the sound signal will attract the attention of people nearby. They can return the find to the owner, which will be greatly facilitated by the meaningful content of the sound file or the displayed text message.

Android Device Manager app overview:

If the tablet has been stolen, this method will not lead to the desired result. You can try using other features of the application:

* Location function. With its help, you can display the place where the device is currently located, provided that the GPS function is turned on or the Internet is connected. Otherwise, the last location where one of these conditions was met will be shown.

* If it was not possible to find and return the tablet, then you can at least make it difficult for an attacker to use it. Among the possibilities are setting a password to unlock the screen (if it has not been done before) and erasing all information. If the device is not available at the moment, the function will automatically start when the connection first appears.

The Czech developers of the application provided the user with the ability to specify the actions to be performed when changing the SIM card. Among them:

* blocking the device by setting a PIN code;

* complete removal of information;

* sending a message with the coordinates of the current location and a new SIM card number to the specified mailbox or phone.

True, all this is relevant only with 3G. You can also tell the program what to do in case of theft or loss of the device. If the user has an account on the program's website, it is enough to enter it and transfer the status of his tablet to the “lost” state. In this case, the specified list of actions will be performed, including blocking access to the memory card.

This is another common antivirus that can help you find your lost tablet. The German developers have provided the Avira Mobile Security service with the following functionality:

* blocking that restricts access to the missing device;

* cleaning, with which you can delete all information;

* detection used to determine the coordinates of the device;

* a signal that allows you to find the tablet by a loud sound;

* blacklist blocking calls and SMS messages.

Antivirus is available for Android and iOS. If you have lost your tablet, there are several more ways to find it. However, their basic functionality is about the same. The tablet owner should know that after purchasing the device, it is better to immediately install one of the specified services on it and register it there. This can greatly simplify your searches later on. If it was not possible to find the lost tablet, then you should contact the police. You should take documents with you to the device. Be sure to take the warranty card, as this paper indicates personal number (IMEI) of the tablet, by which it can be identified when going online.