How to reinstall a router for a new provider. How to set up a router if the provider has changed? Connection type Dynamic IP

One fine (or not very fine) day, when trying to access the Internet, a nice splash window from an Internet provider appeared: "You won't get through!"

In the sense that (not literally, of course): “Dear client! We care about you so much that we suddenly decided to switch to new technology internet connection.

You will be fine if you are very lucky and change the settings of your router yourself. We, of course, will help you with technical support if you can reach us by phone. In the meantime, we apologize for the inconvenience. "

I, of course, exaggerate. The message from the ISP was polite and discreet, but it doesn't change its essence. In general, the next (!) Time the truth was revealed to me that the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves.

The Internet provider sent instructions on how to live in a new way, that is, how to independently reconfigure the D-Link router. Although I am not a kettle, I am still not a system administrator. The instructions were clearly designed for the latter. And to call technical support is to listen to the same thing in the handset: "All lines are busy, call back later."

The provider decided to improve its service and switch to automatic receipt network settings (DHCP technology). Previously, these settings were fixed. The provider's instructions provided that I could re-access my D-Link router, which distributes the Internet in the apartment, without any problems, and even easily set it up playfully. Naive!

How the provider was wrong! When a device has been working flawlessly in your home for several years (and my router belongs to such devices), then you absolutely do not remember not only how to connect to it, let alone configure it, but even where it stands, in what specific place. Although it was in my sight, it is simply impossible to remember how to connect to it, for the life of the life, unless, of course, you are a sysadmin dealing with such problems every day.

It is a pity that providers (or rather their wonderful employees) do not understand this, and do not give detailed instructions... And what is needed is step-by-step instructions, and for each user his own, depending on what device he uses to connect to the Internet.

I had an old D-Link router model DI-604. And, of course, I had no idea how to connect to it, much less how to do all the necessary work.

I had to contact my familiar sysadmins. Below is an instruction from them with my comments in some places, which allowed me to make the necessary settings for the D-Link 604 router. I especially liked point 1. I think that you will also like it.

Instructions on how to return access to the D-Link router

1. You need to calm down, maybe even drink some tea.

2. It is necessary to close all Windows windows.

3. It is necessary to connect the LAN wiring from the router to the computer (because I have a wired Internet).

4. It is necessary to click the left mouse button on the large main button "Start".

5. In the line "Find programs or files" (in command line) type the cmd command in Latin (in English register)

6. A black window will appear, as it was in MS-DOS. In it you need to type the ipconfig command and press the "Enter" key.

7. The answer will appear in the form of several obscure lines. It is necessary to find the line either in Russian "Main gateway", or in English something like "Gateway" or "Gate Way". Next to this inscription should be the IP address of your router. It must be rewritten on a piece of paper (for example, it will be

8. Close the black window (click on the cross).

9. Open the window. It is best if it is Internet Explorer.

10. It is necessary to type http: // in the address bar of the browser and then, without a space, the same IP address that was previously written down on a piece of paper. With all the points, without missing anything, for example, and press the "Enter" key.

11. Here an unexpected ambush awaited me - a window appeared where it was necessary to enter a login and password. I entered the login and password, which was prescribed in the contract with the provider, but it did not work. I had to re-contact my acquaintances. I was advised to enter: the 1st option, where the login is admin, the password is also admin, and the 2nd option, where the login is admin, and the password is an empty field. Option 2 worked for me. Lucky!

12. In the opened router settings window, select the "WAN" option and set the requirements for dynamic tuning IP addresses (see Figure 1).

Figure: 1 D-Link DI-604 router, its menu, selection and saving of Internet connection settings

14. Close the browser window without fear that information about the settings of the router remains in this window.

15. It is advisable to restart your computer. In theory, it should connect to the Internet even without a reboot. If this does not help, then you need to restart the router: turn it off from the network, count slowly to ten, and then reconnect the router to the network. And again, restart the computer.

Following this step-by-step guide, a little worry and doubt along the way, I managed to get to the very end. After step 14, I didn't even restart anything, I just opened the browser again and finally saw start page - Yandex, which told me the most last news in the world, the weather and the state of traffic jams on the streets.

Wonderful! Now you can work further, forgetting about the router and its settings, perhaps for a very, very long time. It's still better when the technique works and you don't remember about it. Than to throw everything like that, and restore the work of the system of access to the Internet.

It would be better for providers to upgrade their systems less often, or to do it without user involvement. It is impossible to demand from ordinary users knowledge concerning the settings of specific hardware, the functions of which they understand very approximately.

If you decide to change your Internet provider, or you move to another apartment, then you most likely will not have to buy a new router. After changing the provider, many have a question, but how to set up a router that previously worked with another provider. Nothing complicated, everything is according to the standard scheme. True, there are several nuances, which I will now talk about.

1 First, I highly recommend doing reset router settingsto remove the settings from the old provider. Find the button on the router RESET (discharge), it is most likely recessed into the body. Sometimes, the button is signed with WPS / RESET. Click on it and hold for 15 seconds. The power of the router must be turned on. Most likely, all indicators will light up, and the router will reboot.

3 We take our router, connect the Internet connector from the new provider to it in the WAN, go to the router settings, and configure it. The setup process depends on your model. You will need to configure the Internet itself (usually, on the WAN tab, Internet), and set up a Wi-Fi network: change the network name and

Plug the internet cable into wAN port (or Internet) of your router (aka router).

Connect the router to the computer: insert one end of the network cable into any of the LAN ports of the router, and the other into the connector network card PC. Instead of a cable, you can use wireless connection, but it is better not to do this during the setup phase.

Plug your router into a power outlet. If your device has a power button, press it. Then wait a minute or two for the router to boot up.

2. Check the Internet

If your router was pre-configured by your ISP or received settings in automatic mode, then the Internet can work in a few seconds after connecting the router to the PC.

To check, launch your browser and try opening several sites. If there are no problems with access to web resources, you can skip the fourth paragraph of the article.

In the address bar of your browser, enter or and press Enter. One of these IP addresses should lead to the router's settings menu. If both options do not work, find the required IP address in the documentation for your router model and try to enter it.

When the page for entering the settings appears in the browser window, the system may request a username and password. Most often, during the initial connection, one word is suitable for both fields - admin... Less commonly, router manufacturers use the combination 1234 .

If necessary, you can find the login information in the instructions for the router or on the provider's website. Well, or try an alternative.

4. Set up your internet connection

If the Internet still hasn't worked, the router needs special settings. Which parameters you need depends on specific model device and internet service provider. There is no universal configuration. To get the necessary instructions, check the provider's website or request it from the support service.

Once you've obtained a guide to set up your model, follow its prompts. If in the process you set up both an internet connection and a home wi-Fi network, you can skip the fifth paragraph of the article.

For Wi-Fi, it is important to choose correct parameters security.

In the settings menu, find the section responsible for wireless network (see the documentation for your router model). Here, be sure to set a strong password (you need it to connect your devices to the router via Wi-Fi) and select WPA2-PSK as a means of protection.

6. Change the password to enter the router settings

Just in case, it's best to restrict outsiders' access to the router's settings menu. If the router is still protected by the default password, replace it with your own.

Find the settings section that is responsible for the security (see the documentation for your router model) of the device, and enter a new strong password here. Save your changes.

If your computer has wi-Fi module, after completing the setup network cable can be pulled out of the PC and connected to the router wirelessly.

7. Install the router in an optimal location

Ideally, the router is in the center of the area where you are using Wi-Fi. Thus, the signal will be equally available to all connected devices.

The fewer walls, furniture, and other obstructions between the receiving device and the router, the better the wireless network will perform.

Wi-Fi routers are now installed in almost every home with Internet access. We often change Internet providers, finding more profitable tariff plans from competing firms. And after changing the service provider, the need to reconfigure the router is ripe. Also, there are frequent cases of failures and incorrect work equipment. But since reconfiguring the router is quite simple, then worry about possible problems not worth it.

By the way, reconfiguring a router is very useful function, which allows you to change not only the parameters of the Internet connection, but also data about, as well as block some sites (parental control) or update the firmware.

Software configuration of the router

Before reconfiguring your router, please note that this procedure best done by adjusting existing parameters. First of all, use a cable to connect the router to. If the Wi-Fi network is distributed normally and there is a laptop connected to the router, then all subsequent actions can be carried out on it. Next, you need to open a browser window and enter in address bar The IP address of the router (this is necessary, since you cannot enter the router settings in any other way). The IP address can be one of two - or If you don't want to guess, take a look at the bottom of the router - usually the IP address is written there. Then a window will open where you should enter the login and password in the corresponding lines to enter the router's web page. If the login and password have not been changed by users, then they will be standard: one of two words must be entered in each line - user or admin. By the way, this is also written on the bottom cover.

After logging into the router's web page, you need to visually analyze all the menus, all the tabs and each function in order to know where and how to reconfigure the router. A very important point: each manufacturer has wireless routers its own special web page interface.

If you have recently changed your provider or just connected to a new one, you need to go to the WAN interface settings and enter the data provided by the Internet company. If you need to restrict access to some sites, then select the tab “ Parental control". Using the corresponding function, you can configure the wireless mode and many other actions depending on what you need. The menus are pretty easy to navigate, especially since the web page has hints.

If nothing can be fixed or the wireless Wi-Fi router was initially unstable, then the web interface has a function to reset the router settings to factory settings. It is enough to put a tick in front of this item and click "OK" or "Apply". The router will apply the default factory configuration and reboot, after which it will be available with standard parameters. When all the settings are set at the factory level, the Internet connection will definitely be lost.

You can configure it using the disk that comes with the router, or using the above method - through the browser.

Router hardware configuration

If your router refuses to work correctly, you cannot connect to it or you have forgotten the password for it, as well as if the previous steps were successful, but you are faced with the problem of accessing the web page with the router interface, because someone then changed the username and / or password, a natural question arises: how to reset the router settings to factory settings in order to regain access? You should not despair in this case - the solution to this problem is much easier.

There is a Reset button on the back of the router. It is located in the recess of the router body and its dimensions are so small that you can only get to it with a needle or ballpoint pen. To reset the settings, keep the button pressed for a few seconds until all indicators on the front panel simultaneously blink and go out.

Many router models are not equipped with a Reset button... In this case, you just need to hold the on / off button of the router for a few seconds until you get the same result with all the indicators.

After carrying out these manipulations, we calmly go to the router's web interface and apply the standard procedure for configuring the router.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated and intricate. All problems can be solved quickly enough and independently, without calling a specialist. Before setting up the router, do not be too lazy to refresh your knowledge by rereading this material - and then you will be fully armed. All the best!

How to reconfigure a router without calling a specialist? was last modified: May 13th, 2016 by MaksimB

It happens that you purchased a router from your hands, but it initially had incorrect settings. It happens that your provider has changed, and therefore the old settings again do not fit - there is no connection. In all these cases, you need to know how to reconfigure the router.

It is quite easy to do this - you should not be afraid. In most cases, you can do without the services of professionals.

So, first you need to reset all the settings of the router that were on it before. To do this, the router has special buttoncalled "Reset". To press it, you need some thin object: a toothpick, a pen from a pen, a needle, a paper clip, a pin, etc. Press the button, hold it for 10-15 seconds. After that, the router will completely reboot and be ready for reconfiguration.

This action and the following is performed on almost all device models. After that, it will be better to learn or remember the following things:

  1. Password and login. They are either standard (admin | password), or the password has been changed to serial number... If the device was installed by couriers from the provider, then most often they put the serial number as a password for Wi-Fi and for access to reconfiguration.
  2. Connection type:
  • Dynamic IP address;
  • Static;
  • L2TP;

Configuring Devices

To reconfigure devices different models often it is required to perform almost the same actions. Let's start with them:

  • We open any browser on the computer to which our device is connected.
  • Using the address bar, enter:, Most often these are exactly these addresses, if you have another numeric code of a similar format on the back of the router or in the instructions, but these do not fit, then try entering it.
  • Next, a window opens with the fields "Login" and "Password" (Login and Password), which must be filled in with the appropriate values. If we use certain types of connection, for example, dynamic IP, then this data may not be required, and authorization will occur automatically.

Then the algorithm changes slightly for different models.


  • After authorization, we get to the web interface, where you need to select the "Wireless mode" tab, and then "Wireless mode settings".

Go to Wireless Settings

  • Further, everything is quite simple. We indicate the name in the appropriate column, or rather, invent it, then open the "Wireless protection" tab.
  • We put WPA / WPA2 as the type of encryption and come up with good password... These two steps will ensure that our data is effectively protected.

We put WPA / WPA2

  • Now we go to the tab system tools, there we find the "Password".

Specify a password

  • We use the old password and old login to change them to new ones. It is advisable to write down new ones, and then not lose.

By the way

You can update the router's firmware using the TP-Link official website. To do this, simply find your model there and download the firmware update for it. Then connect the device to the PC via the Ethernet cable. And then in the "System Tools" tab, select the item that relates to updating the firmware.

After that, find the "Select file" button there. Now just select the file that you downloaded from the official site.


In the routers of this company, there is one rather convenient thing - the ability to create backup... To do this, go to System Tools / Backup & Restore. Then we press the button with the appropriate name, the file with the bin extension will be saved in the PC downloads. Then you can return to the old settings from it.


With this device, everything is just as simple, but there are minor changes. To change the password, here you need to find the "System" tab, and in it "Administrator Password".

Setting up Wi-Fi here is done in much the same way. That is, we select the appropriate section, in the tabs, one by one we put the same data that we set in the instructions above. Well, or not the same - you decide.

To configure other connections, go to the "Network" section. Here we click "Add" and add the type of connection we need.

In the case of PPPoE, you need to enter the network card number in the MAC field. You can find out this number by calling technical support or in a connected state local network... The rest of the values \u200b\u200bare entered in the same way: username, login. Other default fields

For PPtP and L2TP, you need to enter two more values: "MTU": 1372; service name: IP / name of provider or server. The rest of the settings remain the same.

When connecting automatic IP, re-enter the network card number using the MAC field. And then select the automatic IP and DNS address in the corresponding lines. After all these actions, in all cases, you must click on Save and restart your computer.


It is not necessary to do this work every time, as is the case with TP-Link. Simply from the System / Configuration section, select the save current, and then, when you need to reconfigure again, select the saved file on your computer. It will not help if you have changed the provider, then you need a complete reconfiguration.

So, as you can see, there is nothing difficult in reconfiguring the router. You just need to know how to open the web interface, from which everything is executed.