The laptop does not find the wireless mouse. The computer does not see the mouse: solutions. Why the computer does not "see" the mouse: how to determine the cause and solve the problem

A computer mouse is an ingenious device that was created almost in the middle of the last century. Without this simple thing, we would not be able to fully manage a computer and a laptop, because a replacement for it as such simply does not exist. Therefore, when it stops working normally or is simply "buggy", it is necessary to somehow solve this problem. Today I will talk about why the mouse may not work and what actions need to be taken to revive it.

Causes of problems and their solutions

  • To understand if the device really does not work or the problem lies with your computer, you need to connect it to another PC or laptop. If the mouse turns out to be fully functional, then try plugging it into a different port on your main computer - it is known that USB ports are often "buggy", and rearranging the plug will work. If you have a PS / 2 mouse, I recommend purchasing a special PS / 2 / USB adapter so that you can use the device through any USB port. The PS / 2 connector itself may not work, hence the problem.
  • The next step is to carefully look at the mouse, in particular, at the LED. If it is lit, but the device does not want to work, then the matter is probably in the "software". To get started, just try to restart your computer (and don't laugh, this works in very many cases) and if it doesn't help, then try installing the driver specifically for your device. To do this, go to the manufacturer's official website and download the required drivers.
  • In some cases, a problem may arise after installing one or another software - probably, there is a conflict in the system, as a result of which the mouse stops responding to any actions. Often, something similar happens when viruses get on your computer. What to do in such situations? It is recommended that you boot your computer into safe mode and check the performance of the "rodent". If it works, then either remove the installed software, or roll back the system to an earlier date. And of course, don't forget to scan your PC for viruses.
  • Interestingly, PS / 2 mouse users are more likely to encounter the problem. Why? The fact is that the plug used in such devices is not perfect. It consists of many contacts (such as pins) that tend to bend. For example, you took the plug out of the port and put it back in, after which the mouse stopped working. Some of the pins appear to be bent and need to be returned to their original position. This can be done, for example, using the most ordinary tweezers or something sharp (even the most ordinary ballpoint pen may work for you). USB mice are completely devoid of this problem due to a much more sophisticated system.
  • In theory, the wire could be damaged. This rarely happens, since he is not exposed to strong mechanical stress... And yet, pets often gnaw through the wire. So, we carefully examine it for external damage, and if you did not find any, then we do the following: take the mouse in our hands and begin to move the wire. If the indicator (LED) starts blinking at this moment, then, apparently, the matter is really in the wire. It needs to be replaced, although in most cases it will be cheaper to purchase a new rodent.
  • In case you are using wireless mouse, then the most common cause of the problem is a dead battery, as well as a problem with the Bluetooth receiver driver.
  • Now let's move on to the buttons and wheel. If we talk about buttons, then the inoperability of one or both of them is most often associated with a mechanical problem. In theory, it is possible to rewire the microcircuit, but this is usually not economically viable - a new mouse costs the same amount, if not cheaper. But if the wheel sticks, then it makes sense to disassemble the device and clean it from dirt - hair and other "charms" that interfere with its operation are wound on the wheel. Try to clear the wheel, everything should be fine.
  • Continuing the conversation about buttons, we must mention that for additional buttons located on the sides of the mouse (they are usually used in games), you need to install other drivers that come with the device. They can also be downloaded from the manufacturer's website.
  • In the event that the mouse still works, but not quite adequately, for example, it jumps from side to side, then dirt may be to blame for this (in the case of ball-point mice, this, one might say, is normal), and problems with settings. If in the first case it is enough to clean the device from dirt, then in the second you need to play around with the settings. For example, try adjusting the sensitivity of your gadget. How to do this, I described earlier.
  • If problems with inoperability occur in games, or rather, the mouse does not work in a specific position, then the problem is 99% in the settings of the game itself.
  • If you recently purchased a mouse that is under warranty and it stops working, then do not try to repair it yourself - this may result in a loss of warranty.
  • You can damage the device if you start repairing it yourself without the necessary skills. Therefore, I recommend contacting specialists with similar problems.

Finally, I will say that in most cases it is quite easy to solve the problem yourself, for this you just need to find the cause of the problem, which most often lies in the "software". If you have any questions, please contact.

Why doesn't the mouse work

Faced with a fairly common computer nuisance such as a broken mouse, inexperienced users start looking for solutions on the Internet. Let's try to answer this question and immediately help fix the situation.

Check the condition of the cord, if you have a wired mouse, you see, it turns out that the cable accidentally jumped out of the connector or came off. Turn off the computer using the keyboard using the arrow buttons and the "Win" key located at the very bottom left side.

If you have a wireless mouse, then the batteries may be dead or the device is stuck. Turn the mouse over and first press a special button that will help start it up if it hangs, but if it doesn't help, start changing the batteries.

Make sure that the device is working directly. Plug the wired mouse into another USB port, or connect it to another computer. See if the USB receiver is well connected to the computer for wireless option.

If on the eve of problems with the mouse on the computer someone else's USB flash drive was used, most likely your mouse was knocked out by a virus. Try to do a system restore using our secret key with the Windows logo, which was already mentioned above. Click "Win", type in the search line "System Restore" and start recovery system files and parameters. The article "How to do a system restore" is for you for information.

Make sure there are no driver problems. The exclamation mark warning marks in Device Manager tell you to reinstall the driver. Launch the "Device Manager" window via "Win" and the search windows string, and then activate the item "Mice and other pointing devices."

If you find that there is not enough driver for the mouse, most likely you have disabled the service windows updatesthat finds everything on the Internet required drivers and installs them. How to choose the right driver, read here.

Important! Do not neglect antivirus protection if you know that other people are using your computer, and also periodically monitor the activity on the monitor when children play on the PC.

The mouse does not work on the computer, but it is lit

Included personal computer a mouse is supplied, many people use a laptop or netbook to work on the panel, which has a built-in mouse. For many users, this is not very convenient and they have to buy a mouse separately and then connect it to a laptop.

It often happens that after connecting the mouse, the pointer on the screen does not move, although the indicator inside the mouse glows red. What to do if the mouse on the computer does not work, but is lit?

It is worth noting that the computer industry produces two types of mice.

Mice are produced:

Let's see how these types of devices that come with the PC work.

The wireless mouse works through a bluetooth device. Batteries are inserted into the mouse and it is connected using the bluetooth program, which must first be installed on your computer.

Once connected to your device, the mouse is ready to use. But, if after connecting the mouse pointer does not move, then you just need to restart your PC.

This action is enough for the mouse to work. If that doesn't help, it's worth checking the mouse on another computer. Perhaps the mouse simply does not work due to mechanical failure.

Possibly out of order electronic filling mouse, maybe a wire flew off somewhere or a radio component is out of order.

And also the lack of desired driver, then you need to go to the website of the mouse manufacturer, download the driver to your computer, install.

Viruses and conflicts

The next reason the fact that the mouse on the computer does not work, but is lit, there may be a virus in it, in this case, check your device installed antivirus.

Sometimes a problem occurs after installing a program and there is a conflict between the installed program and the mouse drivers.

Remember when the mouse stopped working and remove installed program or roll back the system to a working state.

But it also happens that the mouse stops working after reinstall Windows... Maybe, software simply does not see the connected device, then you should change the installed Windows to another OS.

Mouse with wire

Such a mouse should be checked on another computer to find out whether the device is working or not. If the mouse is working, then you need to look for the cause of the problem on your computer.

The reason may be in the absence of the required driver, a virus getting on the computer, or you installed the downloaded software, due to which a conflict between the computer and the mouse appeared.

There is only one solution, if there is no driver, you need to download and install it, if it does not help, remember what program you installed on the device, after which the mouse stopped working. Find and remove software.

Mechanical faults

If the mouse refuses to work on other devices, then the cause may be mechanical failure. Sometimes after disconnecting the mouse from the computer, the pins of the plug may bend.

In this case, return them to their original position and insert the plug into the port jack. This can be done with regular tweezers or some other device such as a fine nail, ballpoint pen, and so on.

Mice with USB connector more durable and devoid of such an unpleasant feature, they are more reliable in this regard.

Also, the cause of the problem may be the mouse wire, this rarely happens, but it happens if the wire was damaged by rodents or the wire was simply pinched by something heavy.

To do this, you need to pick up the connected mouse and start wiggling the wire. When wiggling the damaged wire, the mouse indicator will blink. If this happens, then you need to change the wire or buy a new mouse.

Sometimes a breakdown occurs when the device is trivially dirty. To do this, you need to disassemble the device, remove any dirt or hairs under the mouse wheel and the device will start working normally. It happens that the mouse works, but somehow sluggishly, the actions take place with a delay.

The computer settings are to blame for this, and you need to try different options for the mouse sensitivity settings.

The mouse does not work on the computer, but it lights up, the result

As you can see, all problems are solvable. And if a mouse breaks down, you need to calmly understand the problem and try to solve it using various options for eliminating the breakdown.

In the vast majority, the user can independently solve the problem. Unless the computer itself is out of order. Then you need to carry it to the repair and solve the problem in this way.

Finally, one small but very important advice will be given. If your mouse is under warranty repair, you don't need to disassemble such a device yourself, otherwise you risk not fixing the mouse and you may be left without warranty repair.

Take the mouse to the warranty repair salon, where your mouse will be repaired and returned to work. Enjoy your work on your device.

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What to do if the mouse does not work on a computer or laptop?

All of us from time to time are faced with the fact that the manipulator at some point when working at the computer stops executing commands or does not follow them the first time. And if in Linux OS the lion's share of operations can be performed using the console, then the operating windows system less friendly in this regard and more focused on working with a manipulator. Everyone who has come across the fact that a mouse does not work on a computer or laptop immediately asks the question of what is the cause of the breakdown and whether it is possible to fix it on its own.

In some cases, it is possible to independently eliminate the cause, and the manipulator continues to serve for a long time. In other cases, you have to visit the store out of schedule and choose a computer mouse based on the technical characteristics.

It's no secret that computer mice have different interface connections (Bluetooth, Wireless, USB, PS / 2), as a result of which they are conventionally divided into wired and wireless types. That is why there are general and individual problems for each type of manipulator.

Problem # 1. The computer mouse has stopped working or is unstable.

If the pointing device uses the USB interface to connect, then the first step is to use another USB port. Computers with an operating system installed more than three years ago may have software problems with the USB controller. In addition, on long-established operating systems, a conflict may arise between devices (system resources are taken from each other).

If after connecting the pointing device to another USB connector, it works normally, then the problem is most likely related to the unstable operation of the USB controller. In some cases, you will have to purchase an expansion controller (PCI adapter).

If your mouse is connected via a PS / 2 interface, then the above method will not work for you, because on motherboard he is alone.

In addition, using the keyboard, if necessary, you can reinstall the pointing device driver. To do this, press the Win + R key combination and in the "Open" field write mmc devmgmt.msc and confirm the action by pressing "Enter".

This will open the "Device Manager" window. Press the horizontal tab button (Tab) to activate the selection of the hierarchical list. Further, using the cursor arrow "Down" go down to the item "Mice and other pointing devices". Press the cursor Right arrow to expand the list. The mouse connected to the computer will be displayed here.

Use the cursor arrow to select your manipulator and press the " Context menu"(a list with a cursor is drawn on it - located near the right" Ctrl "). In the menu that opens, click on the" Delete "item. After that, restart your computer (laptop) and after the next boot, Windows will re-detect the device and install the driver for it.

Problem # 2. The cursor of the computer mouse twitches or does not stand still. Prevents an exact pointer over the desired object.

Typically, this behavior is due to the fact that the sensor of the manipulator is clogged with small particles of saw and dirt. In this case, remove the blockage from the surface of the built-in sensor with a cotton swab or a soft cloth moistened with alcohol. If you use a desktop surface instead of a rug, then this may also be the cause of the above problem. Firstly, most budget mice are reluctant to work on polished and glossy surfaces, and secondly, for some users it is not clean enough.

Problem number 3. The button on the manipulator does not work every time or does not work at all.

I have already encountered a similar problem many times and for some reason it does not work all the time right button the mouse, on which the number of clicks is several times less than the left one. In this case, this problem occurs not at the software level, but at the hardware level. The mouse stops responding to commands due to the failure of the micro-buttons, since they have a limited resource of clicks. Sometimes they stop functioning due to strong pressing or due to the fact that dirt got into the body of the manipulator and they began to stick.

In the first case, with certain knowledge and skills in working with a soldering iron, you will also need an appropriate micric to make a replacement, and in the second, you just need to clean the micro buttons. However, sticky buttons due to dirt are extremely rare and most likely you will need an appropriate donor (another mouse) or a new micro button to make a replacement.

Individual problems of computer manipulators.

In wired mice, a common problem is wire damage from kinking or crushing. Carry out a visual inspection of the cable and if damage is found, connect and insulate the wires.

Wireless mice have one undeniable weakness. If the manipulator suddenly turns off, the first step is to check the batteries with a tester and replace if necessary. Not all users are friends with the tester and therefore the owners of similar wireless solutions, I recommend keeping new batteries in reserve. Thus, you can always determine if the problem is related to the power supply of the device. If the assumption is confirmed, then after replacing the battery, you can continue to work, and if there is no confirmation, then in any case you can exclude the primary cause and continue the search.

In addition, wireless keyers can conflict at the radio frequency level with other devices located in the vicinity. To determine if there is a conflict between devices, temporarily disconnect all devices that may cause interference (electromagnetic or radio frequency interference). Sometimes a nearby router can have a similar effect on a computer mouse.

Finally, try not to let the mouse fall off the tabletop. They are very sensitive to various shocks. It's good if the manufacturer used high-quality components for his manipulator and paid special attention to the assembly process. In this case, falling off the table pC mouse will transfer normally, otherwise it will fail.

The mouse does not work on a laptop or PC. What to do if your wireless mouse or touchpad doesn't work

In this article, we will try to give the most complete answer to the question of why the mouse does not work and will try to answer all related questions, such as: why the touchpad on a laptop may not work or wireless mouse... Almost every user sooner or later faces such a problem as a malfunction computer mouse... This can happen for many reasons, which, in turn, can be divided into two groups, depending on the source of the problem: hardware or software. What are these reasons, and how to eliminate them?

Reasons why the mouse may not work


TO software problems can be attributed:

  • Problems associated with malicious work of viruses,
  • failures or damage to the driver, as well as in the case of opening damaged files, archives.


Hardware problems are problems caused by damage to the mouse itself. These include:

  • Wire deformation;
  • damage or debris clogging the contacts.

It often happens that the user, working at the computer, drinks tea, coffee or some other drink and spills liquid. This often leads to incapacitation of the mouse. When purchasing a new mouse with USB input, and finding that the cursor refuses to move after connecting the device to the computer, do not rush to sound the alarm. Most likely, the installed operating system does not have the required drivers.

Troubleshooting Ways

The good news for all users is that it is quite possible to cope with most of the faults on your own. To do this, it is enough to have at least basic knowledge of the work of "hardware". So, the action plan is as follows:

  • First of all, check your computer for viruses or other malware. You can do this using free antivirus softwaresuch as Avast.
  • If this does not help, then proceed to the next step: reinstall the mouse driver, which may well have been infected with a virus.
  • If this is not possible, then try to restore previous version OS ( operating system). How to do it in the video below:

  • Often users are faced with the fact that the mouse works completely debugged, but suddenly the cursor freezes and no longer moves. This is often due to build-up of static electricity. Just pull the mouse out of the connector, and plug into the other, if available.
  • It is also possible that a foreign object has fallen under the wheel or optics of the mouse. Thoroughly clean the debris from the mouse and it will work again.
  • If the computer was disassembled or moved to a new place, and all the wires were disconnected for this, then an inexperienced person can confuse the jacks and insert the wire from the mouse into the keyboard slot. In case it is a PS2 mouse.
  • If you are using a wireless mouse, always keep an eye on the condition of the batteries, they can run out at the most inopportune moment.
  • Other common causes are receiver failure or driver failure. Specialists in the computer center will help with the repair of the receiver, and the drivers can be reinstalled on your own by downloading them from the Internet or installing from the disk that came with the mouse.

Why the mouse does not work on a laptop: common causes and ways to fix them

There can be many reasons why the mouse does not work on a laptop. But this trouble is easily eliminated. First, you need to determine what type of mouse is used for the laptop (touchpad, wired or wireless). Each type has its own characteristic causes of problems and solutions.

Touchpad does not work on a laptop

If there are problems with the operation of the touchpad, then they can be solved by correctly identifying the cause of the problem. So, the most common situations:

  • Not correct work (freezes, interruptions, the cursor disappears from the screen).
  • Incorrect parameter settings may be the cause. It is recommended to use the included driver during installation.
  • In addition, special attention is paid to the cleanliness of the touchpad - simple dirt on the surface reduces the sensitivity of the device.
  • Do not work with wet hands. To correct this problem, it is enough to clean the sensor from dirt and let it dry completely.
  • The device does not respond.

The reason is the panel turned off. Remedies:

  1. if available, check the on / off button;
  2. some models turn off the touch panel when connected external device (wired or wireless mouse) - disable the additional pointing device;
  3. in bIOS settings enable the support function for this panel (enabled value for the Internal Pointing Device parameter).

If the problem persists, you should contact the technical support center.

Wireless mouse not working on laptop

The reasons why the mouse buttons on a laptop do not work may be a malfunction of the mouse itself or a failure of the USB port, as well as incorrect connection and settings. To test, connect the mouse to another slot or to another computer. If everything works, then you need to clean the input channels. Do not use long-nap rags or cotton wool as a cleaning material, and do not overdo it with the moisture of the material. If the mouse does not respond, it cannot be saved. The wireless mouse is becoming increasingly popular among users. The main problems with this type of mouse are:

  • Complete lack of response to manipulation;
  • Slow work, freezing or braking.

The reasons for this may be:

  • the mouse is not connected (insert the adapter (USB receiver) into the USB port and turn on the button on the mouse body to the working state);
  • the batteries are empty (replace with new ones and correct operation will be ensured again). The reason is quite trivial, but many do not even suspect that the mouse is powered by batteries. It is recommended not to use ordinary batteries, but rechargeable batteries - this will prolong the operation of the device. In addition, if the manipulations described above did not help, you should check the functionality of the USB port, whether it is dirty. Perhaps the mouse itself is out of order. In this case, there is only one way out - to replace the mouse.

The mouse may not work also in individual applications, but this is an individual story for each application. In the meantime, for example - a video with a solution to the problem of why the mouse does not work in the GTA game:

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A mouse is supplied with a personal computer, many people use a laptop or netbook for work on the panel, which has a built-in mouse. For many users, this is not very convenient and they have to buy a mouse separately, and then connect it to a laptop.

It often happens that after connecting the mouse, the pointer on the screen does not move, although the indicator inside the mouse glows red. What to do if the mouse on the computer does not work, but is lit?

It is worth noting that the computer industry produces two types of mice.

Mice are produced:

  • With wire;
  • No wire.

Let's see how these types of devices that come with the PC work.

The wireless mouse works through a bluetooth device. Batteries are inserted into the mouse and it is connected using the bluetooth program, which must first be installed on your computer.

Once connected to your device, the mouse is ready to use. But, if after connecting the mouse pointer does not move, then you just need to restart your PC.

This action is enough for the mouse to work. If that doesn't help, it's worth checking the mouse on another computer. Perhaps the mouse simply does not work due to mechanical failure.

Perhaps the electronic filling of the mouse is out of order, maybe a wire has flown off somewhere or a radio component is out of order.

And also the reason for the breakdown may be the lack of the necessary driver, then you need to go to the website of the mouse manufacturer, download the driver to your computer, install it.

Viruses and conflicts

The next reason that the mouse on the computer does not work, but lights up, may be a virus that has entered, in this case, check your device with the installed antivirus.

Sometimes a problem occurs after installing a program and there is a conflict between the installed program and the mouse drivers.

Remember when the mouse stopped working and uninstall the installed program or roll back the system to a working state.

But it also happens that the mouse stops working after reinstalling Windows. Perhaps the software simply does not see the connected device, then you should change the installed Windows to another OS.

Mouse with wire

Such a mouse should be checked on another computer to find out whether the device is working or not. If the mouse is working, then you need to look for the cause of the problem on your computer.

The reason may be in the absence of the required driver, a virus getting on the computer, or you installed the downloaded software, due to which a conflict between the computer and the mouse appeared.

There is only one solution, if there is no driver, you need to download and install it, if it does not help, remember what program you installed on the device, after which the mouse stopped working. Find and remove software.

Mechanical faults

If the mouse refuses to work on other devices, then the cause may be mechanical failure. Sometimes after disconnecting the mouse from the computer, the pins of the plug may bend.

In this case, return them to their original position and insert the plug into the port jack. This can be done with regular tweezers or some other device such as a fine nail, ballpoint pen, and so on.

Mice with a USB connector are more durable and devoid of such an unpleasant feature, they are more reliable in this regard.

Also, the cause of the problem may be the mouse wire, this rarely happens, but it happens if the wire was damaged by rodents or the wire was simply pinched by something heavy.

To do this, you need to pick up the connected mouse and start wiggling the wire. When wiggling the damaged wire, the mouse indicator will blink. If this happens, then you need to change the wire or buy a new mouse.

Sometimes a breakdown occurs when the device is trivially dirty. To do this, you need to disassemble the device, remove any dirt or hairs under the mouse wheel and the device will start working normally. It happens that the mouse works, but somehow sluggishly, the actions take place with a delay.

The computer settings are to blame for this, and you need to try different options for the mouse sensitivity settings.

The mouse does not work on the computer, but it lights up, the result

As you can see, all problems are solvable. And if a mouse breaks down, you need to calmly understand the problem and try to solve it using various options for eliminating the breakdown.

In the vast majority, the user can independently solve the problem. Unless the computer itself is out of order. Then you need to carry it to the repair and solve the problem in this way.

Finally, one small but very important advice will be given. If your mouse is under warranty repair, you don't need to disassemble such a device yourself, otherwise you risk not fixing the mouse and you may be left without warranty repair.

Take the mouse to the warranty repair salon, where your mouse will be repaired and returned to work. Enjoy your work on your device.

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The operation of each of the component parts of a computer or laptop is an integral part of the normal functioning of the entire device as a whole. Quite often situations arise when the laptop does not see the mouse, while it can function normally on another computer.

This situation, as a rule, occurs suddenly and the cursor stops moving and does not respond to any actions. Do not forget that the laptop also has a touchpad, which also has identical functions with a mouse, which likewise may not execute commands. Let's consider separately the incorrect functioning of the mouse or touchpad.

Reasons for Touchpad Problems and Repair Options

To begin with, if a mouse is connected to the laptop in parallel and the touchpad does not work well, try disabling the pointing device, restarting the OS and checking if the problem is fixed.

Basically, with a touchpad, there are two kinds of incorrect work: it works poorly (moves the cursor randomly across the entire screen or responds poorly to commands, moves the pointer too quickly or slowly) or does nothing at all.

In the first case, if the cursor moves erratically or moves very slowly (too fast), most likely this is due to the appearance of streaks or spots on the surface of the touchpad. The reason for the appearance may be the ingress of moisture or liquid, as well as the use of the sensor with hands that have been smeared with cream or with food or fat residues. To eliminate such problems, it is enough:

  • thoroughly wipe the panel with a special soft cloth for dust;
  • do not turn on the laptop until the touchpad is completely dry.

If the touchpad does not respond to any commands, there can be many reasons for this:

  • the panel is disabled. In this case, you must press the Fn + F7 key combination to try to turn it on (in some models, instead of the F7 key, any other button, from F1 to F12, can be used, for more details, see the instructions for the laptop or carefully review all the buttons and find the one with the hand). If the key combination does not work and the touchpad also does not work, right-click on "My Computer", select the line "Control" and in the window that appears, go to "Device Manager". Here you need to see if the touchpad is listed and whether it is enabled. If everything is fine here too, most likely the loop has come off (broken or opened) connecting with this component part. This can happen when the laptop is hit or shaken violently, and in this case, you cannot do without a service center;
  • there was a strong physical impact on the touchpad (shock). In this case, only a complete replacement of the device will help, which is best done in specialized service centers or workshops;
  • bIOS disabled touchpad support. and go to the BIOS settings (depending on the model, you need to press Del, F9, or F12, although there will be records on the boot screen that will help you determine exactly which button to press). Find the InternalPointingDevice parameter and set Enabled instead of Disable.

If, after the performed manipulations, the touchpad did not work, then the problem is more serious and is associated with motherboardwhich could have suffered from a strong blow. In this situation, the service center will offer you to replace the motherboard with a new one.

Problems and possible solutions for a broken mouse

In this matter, things are much easier. For example, to check whether the manipulator is in working order, it is enough to try to connect it to another computer or laptop.

If the mouse is working, but does not want to work on your laptop, go to the "Device Manager", find the installed mouse and remove it. After rebooting the system, the manipulator must install itself and start working. If nothing has happened now, try to connect it to another USB port, it may be the case in it.

If the wheel does not work or one of the buttons does not press, this may be due to mechanical damage, and in this case, most likely you will need to purchase a new mouse. Although you can try to unwind it and clean it from dust, or look at the connecting cable for damage and fix the problem area.

If all else fails and the mouse does not work either, replace it.

What to do if your wireless mouse doesn't work

Wireless pointing devices are very convenient to use, because they are not connected to the computer by any cords. But even with them, performance problems may arise. If the mouse doesn't respond to commands, check the following things:

  • make sure (the batteries are not drained);
  • check the switch, it should be in the “On” position, or try to turn the manipulator on or off;
  • reboot the operating system;
  • place the mouse closer to the adapter, there may be frequency interference;
  • plug the wireless mouse receiver into a different USB port;
  • in the "Device Manager" update the software (driver) for this device.

If all else fails, connect the manipulator to another computer, most likely it will not work there either, because the above reasons are fundamental for normal operation.

If the cursor does not move along the specified path, pay attention to the surface along which the mouse moves.

Your wireless mouse isn't working? Nothing wrong. Each user is capable of solving this problem, regardless of his level of knowledge and training. Conditionally, the causes of the malfunction can be divided into two types: hardware and software. The former include power and connection problems. In the second case, these are incorrect settings of the operating system.

Hardware faults

Wireless mouse not working? We begin to check for hardware faults. To do this, we perform the following actions:

1. Expand the manipulator from the bottom to the top and check the operation of the LED. If it is on, proceed to the next step. We check the state of the "Power" toggle switch. It should be in the "On" position (if any). If everything is in order with the switch, then the batteries must be replaced. If after that the mouse still does not turn on, then it is broken. An expensive device can be attributed to service center for repairs, but in the case of a cheap manipulator it will be easier to buy a new one. For a final decision, it is recommended to check it on another computer and finally make sure of the malfunction.

So, we need to connect the mouse to a personal computer. To do this, it must have a "Connect" button (some devices do not have it, in which case we proceed to the next step). We hold it down for 6 seconds and check its performance. Still not working with your wireless mouse? Go ahead.

3. One of the most common problems in this case is problems with the connection port. Most of these peripherals use the USB interface for connection. There are several such slots on a personal computer. We take out the transmitter and install it in another port and check the manipulator in operation. If the cursor moved, then the mouse worked. This suggests that the problem is in the interface. This may be a lack of contact or connection, a "freeze" port. In any case, it is necessary to visually inspect it for damage. If they are not there, then we check its performance by installing another device (for example, a printer or flash drive). If they started working, then, most likely, it was a "freeze" of the port, and nothing terrible happened. Otherwise, the personal computer has problems with the port, which can only be solved at a service center.

Software malfunctions

All the necessary actions described earlier have been done, but your wireless mouse still does not work for you ... This means only one thing - problems with the software of the personal computer. To eliminate them, we perform the following actions:

1. We go to the "Task Manager" through the "Start / Control Panel". Then you need to expand the "Mice and other pointing devices" section. Your manipulator must be in the list that opens. If it is recorded as "HID-compliant device", then you need to go to the official website of the device manufacturer and check for drivers. For some manipulators (eg Sven 4500) there is no dedicated software. And if it is, then you need to download and install it. For example: a4tech wireless mouse model G10-810F does not work. This is how it should be called in the "Device Manager", and it requires the installation of additional software.

2. Sometimes the problem can be solved using specialized programs. To do this, you need to install the MS Fix IT or Connection Tools. The easiest way is to work with the first one. After starting it will prompt you to check for hardware problems. After receiving a positive answer, an automatic scan will be done. If a problem is identified, a message appears asking you. It is necessary to read carefully and either give permission to perform actions or not.

If the manipulations carried out did not give a positive effect, then it is better to buy a new manipulator or contact an existing service center.


The article describes possible reasons of why the wireless mouse does not work, and recommendations are given on how to fix them. These tips are simple, so any user can fix the breakdown without any problems.