How to turn on 0 without borders on Beeline. Service "Planet Zero" from Beeline

When leaving the country, there is quite expensive conversations for mobile communications. But cellular operators have developed a lot of options to help reduce costs when communicating. They must be activated before leaving from Russia, then calls will cost much cheaper. In this category, it is described how to connect "zero without borders" on MTS.

The function will help to significantly reduce the cost of using the link in foreign trips. It works only when staying behind the territory of the Russian Federation and does not apply to intranet and interregional roaming. Upon arrival on the territory of other states, the user can register in local networks to activate the service, and after returning home to refuse the function, since it does not automatically turn off.

The subscription for the use of "Zero without Borders" will amount to 95 rubles daily. At the time of activation, this amount is charged immediately, and on the other days, the removal takes place with the beginning of the new day. At the same time, discounts are installed only for conversations, and for SMS, MMS and the gigabytes of the Internet will have to pay on the rates of roaming tariff activated on the room.

There is another important point, and it must be taken into account before connecting. Under the conditions of "zero without borders" MTS in 2018, the function provides the ability to take up to two hundred minutes of calls for 30 days, according to their exhaustion in 60 seconds, the amount of 25 rubles will be removed. To request a certificate of dedicated time remains, a combination is used * 419 * 1233 #.

Attention! "0 Without borders" does not apply to some states, so before being sent to foreign trips to find out whether it is possible to use this function at a particular point of the planet.

For what tariffs option is available

"Zero without borders" can be connected to SIM cards with any tariff conditions, except corporate packages.

To activate it after entering another state, it is necessary to check whether international access services in roaming are active on the SIM card, or the function of light roaming. When no of them is set, to register in networks of foreign companies will be impossible, and this eliminates the launch of the "zero without borders".

Important! "0 Without borders" does not enter into force if other functions designed for saving on communicating outside Russia are activated on the SIM card. When one of them is connected, others are automatically deactivated.

Terms of service provision

After activating the "zero without borders", the prices below for the minutes of communication in rubles are entering below:

  • from 1 to 10 with incoming calls - 0;
  • from 11 when making calls - 25;
  • from 1 to 6 outgoing calls to subscribers of the operators of the Russian Federation - on tariff rates of the country, where the client went;
  • from 2 to 5 outgoing conversation - 25.

Attention! The cost of any minute of the adopted call will be 25 rubles, if during the month the client never resorted to the operator's services in the MTS network of the Russian Federation.

How to connect "zero without borders" through USSD combinations

To connect the service "Zero without borders" MTS on a USSD request, you will need to enter one of these options:

  • * 444 # (Applied when the moment of activation the client is still within Russia);
  • *111*4444#.

These same requests are used when you want to deactivate the option. And you can also connect the connection of the SMS function, sending the code "33" to 111.

Attention! If the activation procedure has passed successfully, after some time the user will receive an SMS notification with a connection confirmation. In situations, when this does not happen, you need to contact the company's technical support by phone 8 800 250 08 90. It is possible for some reason to install the function on the user failed.

Through personal account

Holders of SIM cards that have a personal profile on the official resource of the MTS can activate the function through this service by performing such a sequence of actions:

  1. Go to a personal page.
  2. Move into the tab of the tariff packages and services.
  3. Select the option control string and at the top of the monitor click on the "Connection of New Services" key.
  4. In the page that opens, find the name of the service and install the checkbox opposite this line.
  5. Click on the "Next" sticker and confirm the connection.

Users not registered on the company's resource will first need to go through a short authorization procedure, after which the actions described are.

With the application "My MTS"

Activating services through the resource "My MTS" is similar to the actions on the operator's service.

After installing it on the gadget, you must go into a personal profile and find the tab on the main menu with the available options. Moving to it, it will only remain to find the string "0 without borders" and move the "slider" opposite direction.

Connecting through the call to the MTS operator number

Functions can be installed using technical support consultants. To do this, contact them at 88002500890 and wait for the operator's response. After passing the identification procedure, in the process of which you need to name the SIM card holder passport data and the code word, the service will be activated.

Attention! For connecting options using a hotline consultants from a SIM card account, cash can be written off. Before the operator proceeds to perform the necessary manipulations, it is necessary to ask the cost of this service.

There is the ability to activate a function by voice service. You will need to enter 0890, click on sending a call and follow the instructions obtained by moving through the menu items.

The option "0 without borders" will help to avoid unnecessary costs of negotiations on vacation or on business trips outside the country. However, we should not forget that, upon arrival, it should be done immediately to deactivate it, otherwise the money will continue to be written off from the account.

Planet Zero is a profitable service of the Beeline operator, which allows you to significantly reduce funds for phone expenditures if the subscriber goes on a trip outside the country. If you are planning to rest at popular destinations, the service may not be the most profitable, but it is indispensable for visiting distant countries.

Planet Zero Beeline

Mobile subscribers regularly visit other countries for travel or on business issues. Visiting a new country on the phone turns on roaming, which does not spare funds when calling and sending SMS messages. The "Planet Zero" service allows you to be abroad and not change your usual room is beneficial.

It is worth noting that being in another country, you will automatically pay all the operator services on other tariffs. Therefore, before the planned trip, it is recommended to turn off all the other tariffs, stopping only on the "Planet Zero".

The benefit of the service is reduced to the fact that the subscriber can take incoming calls on more than favorable terms: free communications from the 2nd to 10th of a minute of conversation. Starting from the 11th minute and 19-y, the free connection is activated again. An additional advantage of the program is the lack of a subscription fee.

Outgoing calls are paid, the cost of call is equal to the cost of international communication in accordance with the current tariff. The service is provided to subscribers that use the prepayment system. However, it does not apply to all tariffs, so before connecting it should be connected to the operator, specifying the combination of your tariff and the "planet zero".


The service "Planet Zero" is focused on users who are often located within the roaming radiation radiation and seek to optimize costs. The subscription fee in the classical understanding is not fully understood, but there are payments on the use of the system. In other words, if the incoming calls did not come to your phone on a specific day, and there was no outgoing communication, then no write-off will be.

Advantages of using the service:

  • free incoming calls;
  • control over costs in roaming;
  • ease of using the operator, which allows, without changing the numbers to be constantly in touch.

If you connect "Planet Zero", then other services in the form of "My Planet", the "Internet Planet", "Multipass" will be turned off automatically. The service is convenient because it does not need to be activated or disable manually. It works only at the moment when you leave the country's territory. "Planet Zero" is deactivated by independently after your return home.

The system of economical roaming offers division into popular countries and others. At the same time, the terms of use of the service will be different.

Cost of use

The "Planet Zero" offers the following communication conditions on the territory of the CIS countries, European countries and popular resorts:

  • fee per day of incoming or outgoing calls - 60 rubles;
  • free 8 minutes (2-10, 11-19) conversation;
  • starting from 21 minutes, the cost of communication is 20 rubles per minute;
  • the cost of the outgoing call is 21 rubles per minute;
  • sMS cost - 8 rubles.

The benefit of the tariff is that in just 60 rubles per day you will receive 16 free minutes, which would have been much more expensive without using the "Planet Zero" - the price of a minute in roaming is 69 rubles. The tariff allows you to significantly reduce costs and on outgoing challenges, including international and local communications. Popular countries: Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic, USA, France, China, Germany, Egypt.

To visit other countries, Beeline offers the following conditions:

  1. cost per day to use the "Planet Zero" - 100 rubles;
  2. incoming calls are free as long as 20 minutes;
  3. after 20 minutes, the cost of the conversation is 15 rubles per minute;
  4. price outgoing call - 45 rubles per minute;
  5. sMS message - 9 rubles.

The cost of communication in less popular countries is higher, but its benefit is even more obvious compared with roaming conditions. Other countries: Singapore, Bolivia, Vietnam, Korea, Chile, UAE, Canada, Brazil, Iran, Israel.

In some countries, this service is not supported at all, but Beeline offers preferential conditions of communication:

  • lack of subscription fees;
  • an incoming call is 30 rubles per minute;
  • the outgoing call is 60 rubles per minute;
  • sMS - 9 rubles.

Countries where the service does not work: Jamaica, Tunisia, Lebanon. A complete list of countries that belong to a particular category is presented on the official operator's website.

Activation and deactivation

To use the service, you must send a short query: * 110 * 331 #. "Planet Zero" is activated very quickly, allowing you to connect it, being already at the airport. Activation can occur in the Personal Account of the Subscriber when using the official site.

Disable service is not mandatory, as it is deactivated automatically upon arrival of the subscriber to their homeland. To independently disable, you must send a request: * 110 * 330 #. Another way to deny the action of the "Planet Zero" service is the call to the number 0674030.

For a long time, it was possible to optimize your roaming costs in the roaming - not to call and not receive calls. Many managed sending SMS, which was quite profitable. Over time, cellular operators began to develop and offer their subscribers a lot of services and options aimed at reducing the cost of calls and SMS in roaming.

Their typical example was the service of the planet zero from Beeline. She is focused on those who often happen in roaming And wants to optimize its connection costs. Let's figure out what advantages this service has and how profitable it is.

Description Planet Zero Services

The service of the planet zero allows you to significantly reduce the cost of incoming and outgoing calls. Wherein subscription fee, in its classical understanding, there is no. But there is a fee for using the option that is written off on the day of use. That is, if there was no incoming / outgoing call or receiving / sending SMS in the current day, then there will be no write-off.

In order to use the service, it must be connected - the connection cost will be 25 rubles. Upon returning home, it can be turned off, but it is not necessary to do. Let's try to figure out how the calls will be charged. And tariffing will be made by two zones:

  • Popular countries;
  • Other countries.

Tariff principles in popular countries:

  • Fee for the day of use of the service (in fact) - 60 rubles;
  • Incoming calls from the 21st minute per day - 10 rubles / min;
  • Any outgoing calls - 20 rubles / min;
  • Sending SMS - 7 rub / PC.

The benefit is at least the fact that for 60 rubles a day we get 20 minutes of free incoming. If we talked according to standard roaming rates, then there one minute of the incoming challenge cost us 69 rubles. The cost of outgoing calls in all directions is noticeably reduced - both local and international.

Popular countries include Greece, Egypt, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, Germany, Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, Spain, Italy, Poland, USA, Turkey, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, Finland, France, South Ossetia and many others countries. A detailed list is published on the official Bilayna website. In addition, information on countries included in the list of popular can be obtained in the operator's help desk.

Tariff principles in other countries:

  • Fee for the day of use of the service (in fact) - 100 rubles;
  • Incoming calls to the 20th minute per day - free of charge;
  • Incoming calls from the 21st minute per day - 15 rubles / min;
  • Any outgoing calls - 45 rubles / min;
  • Sending SMS - 9 rubles / pcs.

As you can see, the cost of calls is higher. But these rates are more profitable, compared with the standard beeline rowing tariffs. The list of other countries includes Taiwan, Singapore, Israel, Canada, Australia, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Iran, Korea, New Zealand, UAE, Chile, South Africa and many other countries. Learn details on the operator's website or in the Bilain help desk.

In some countries, the service does not work, but there is preferential billing here:

  • Subscription fee and use fee - 0 rubles;
  • All incoming challenges from the 1st minute - 30 rubles per minute;
  • All outgoing challenges from the 1st minute - 60 rubles / min;
  • Outgoing SMS - 9 rubles.

Jamaica, Seychelles, Abkhazia, Tunisia, Bahamas, Lebanon and Some others entered the list of these countries.

How to connect the planet zero on beeline

Connect the "Planet Zero" service on biline impossible because it is archival. Instead, it has a new service "the most profitable roaming" that does not require connection.

It is no secret that mobile communication services between countries are charged completely in a different principle, in contrast to conversations within the state. This is normal because the operators provide them independently, with their own means, and in agreement with other service providers. Since all in the financial relationship between companies, the cost of calls for subscribers may vary. Therefore, if you try to try well - you can find tariff plans that will be more profitable for calls abroad.

One of them is the "Planet Zero" tariff. Beeline is one of the most popular mobile operators in Russia, provides it specifically for subscribers who are abroad who want to talk to their relatives and friends in the Russian Federation. About why this plan is so profitable and what conditions it provides for, read in our article.

Tariff General Conditions

The fact that the tariff plan "Planet Zero" (Beeline is its supplier) is beneficial for people abroad, the operator indicates its official website and in any promotional materials that concern the services. First of all, users can see a bright title that reports that those part of the RF to the rooms serviced in this regard are absolutely free.

Of course, for communication within the country it looks wildly; Really operators charge the fee and for what you call? But if we talk about roaming, then this practice is absolutely normal. When the subscriber is in another state and call him, most often he himself and pays the conversation. You can still remember the flourishing of the era of mobile communications, when the incoming call had to be paid even in its region. Therefore, in fact, this feature of the plan "Planet Zero" "Beeline" made quite profitable for the subscriber. True, it is important to mention one limit - we are talking about the first 20 minutes of conversation. Further conversations will be charged at a rate of 10 rubles per minute for the first category of countries. About what it means, we tell more.

Cost of services for subscribers in "popular" countries

Given the different features of the agreements of mobile operators of other countries and Beeline, Planet Zero (how to connect the tariff, we will describe further) involves the unequal cost of services in each individual country. Therefore, everyone was broken into several groups.

The first includes Europe, and some are popular for Russian subscribers of the destination, such as Egypt, China, USA or Thailand. For them, there is a tariff - in one day, you need to pay 60 rubles; In addition, the first 20 minutes of the incoming conversation are free, after which the cost of each reaches 10 rubles. As for the outgoing call, it will cost a subscriber in 20 rubles per minute. SMS messages from these countries to Russia will cost 7 rubles.

Communication prices for other countries

In addition to the above-mentioned group of countries, there is another one. It combines some of the remaining regions, which are obviously less popular for the domestic user of mobile communication services, therefore the roaming "Beeline" ("Planet Zero") will cost more. In particular, the day fee for the subscriber is equal to 100 rubles, and incoming calls from Russia after the 20th minute are more expensive to 15 rubles. At the same time, the price of each minute of the outgoing conversation is up to 45 rubles. SMS messages are more expensive to 9 rubles.

The list of countries that belong to this category is greater. This includes, for example, Israel, India, Japan, and the Middle East. The higher price of the services is obviously due to the smaller supply of subscribers in these areas. At the same time, the "Planet Zero" tariff "Beeline" makes more profitable than some packages of services of other operators. Therefore, if you love (or forced) to travel, this package deserves your attention. As you can see, he spreads his action even on exotic states.

Other countries

Finally, there is a group of such countries in which the service cannot be connected, and the tariff does not assume any discounts. In view of which this happens, it is difficult to say, because Beeline does not give any explanations. Just on some ocean island and unrecognized states: Cuba, Jamaica, Tunisia and Bahrain, Kosovo and Abkhazia - "Planet Zero" ("Beeline" about it opened on its website) does not distribute his discount. Therefore, it is not removed from the user, but the cost of incoming calls is 30 rubles per minute, outgoing - 60 rubles, and the price of one SMS also reaches 9 rubles.

How to connect or disable tariff

Suppose you go there, where the plan provides a significant discount on communication services, due to which the tariff is quite profitable for you. The question arises about what the subscriber "Beeline" should do? "Planet Zero" - how to connect this package? What is required by the user first? Therefore, we respond to these questions, disclosing parallel to the connection mechanism.

As always, the operator offers several ways to connect service. This can occur through the "Personal Account" or during a conversation with a consultant-operator (execution of the application with its help). However, we pay attention to the simplest and affordable command that can be performed from your mobile. Make it just - dial * 110 * 331 # and press the call button. In response, there should be a message that you are going to activate the Planet Zero tariff. Beeline provides for this action to make sure that you agree and confident that you are doing.

After it is necessary to wait a bit while the service will occur on your number. Usually it takes a few minutes. The system should update information on how calls, SMS, and so on will be charged.

Suppose you successfully went abroad, solved all your questions and wish to switch to the usual tariff plan. The question arises, what to do with roaming, how to disable? The "Planet Zero" ("Beeline") is deactivated by similar methods: through the "Personal Account", using an operator or manually, using a short command: * 110 * 330 #. Notification that you have turned off the tariff plan will also be sent in the response message to your number. There is another way - you can call the number that is provided specifically for the refusal of the service. Remember it is not difficult: 0674030. This is a free line for Beeline subscribers. Disconnect the "Planet Zero" service, they can have been in a few minutes, as in the situation with its activation. After that, of course, the mechanism of writing off means and all charges will be changed.

Features of using the plan

Working with the "Planet Zero" package, it is necessary to remember some of its features. First, it is suitable exclusively for smartphones. You cannot combine it on the tariff for tablets or mobile USB modems. This explains the fact that the service does not provide data for using the mobile Internet within the service.

Secondly, the tariff is not combined with the plan "My Planet". It is also a roaming plan, so the operator is by providing the choice of the user, which of the tariffs will be installed on its number.

Third, "Planet Zero" is Beeline service, which does not include other customer opportunities. As reported on the official website of the operator, all other voice services will be automatically disabled when the plan is activated.

Finally, the last one does not limit the action of the "Planet Zero". This means that the tariff will be active until the subscriber itself disables it.

Everyone who at least once leaves the limits of our country, knows how expensive to do communication with close and friends by phone. Until recently, in order to save money, travelers simply tried not to call at all and do not receive calls from being abroad.

However, times are changing. And finally, mobile operators sent their efforts to make roaming as accessible to their subscribers. Beeline has developed a number of highly attractive options to help stay in touch while in any corner of the world. With the service "Planet Zero" you will significantly reduce and optimize the costs of calls and corresponding SMS messages.

One of the weighty advantages of this option is the lack of a monthly fee. On the day, when you use the phone from your account, payment is charged 60 rubles. If you do not call, do not accept calls, do not send and not accept messages, there will be no write-off of funds. You pay only on the use of the service "Planet Zero".

Connect the service costs 25 rubles.

Service description

Depending on which country in the world you are, tariffing is as follows:

- for Europe, CIS and popular countries *

  • payment per day of use - 60 rubles.
  • incoming calls (from the first to 20th minute) - 0rup
  • included from the 21st minute - 10 rubles. Minute conversation
  • all outgoing calls - 20 rubles. minute
  • outgoing SMS message - 7 rub.

For other countries:

  • service cost per day of use -100rub.
  • incoming calls for a 20th minute - 0 rubles.
  • incoming from the 21st minute - 15 rubles / min.
  • all downstream calls - 45 rubles / min.
  • outgoing SMS - 9 rubles.

The service does not work in some countries, but the operator allows subscribers to call for preferential rates:

  • all outgoing calls - 60 rubles / min.
  • all incoming 30 rubles / min.
  • outgoing SMS - 9 rub.

Important! The fee for the day of use is taken only in case of incoming calls.

The list of countries can be viewed on the company's official website.

As we see rates for the connection of the Options "Planet Zero" differ significantly from the base tariffs not roaming. At the moment - this service is the most advantageous offer among all existing cellular communication.

How to connect the "Planet Zero" service

Connect the service is very simple, for this you need to dial a combination * 110 * 331 # Or go to your personal account on the operator's website.

When you activate the service, options and "multipass" (if you used them) will be turned off automatically.

"Planet Zero" does not connect to all tariff plans for tablets and modems.

You can disable the service by number 0674030 or USSD command * 110 * 330

Judging by the reviews of subscribers, you can use the service, but not that they write that there are flaws. Leave your feedback below, help each other!