Pack of messengers. Messenger - What is it? Overview of the best programs

In the last days of May, the MegaFon operator launched the tariff line "Turn around!". The key feature of the new proposals was the tariffing of the mobile Internet. In contrast to the previously existing packages, the current began to include slightly less traffic, but unlimited for individual services - messengers, social networks, streaming services, music and video appeared. Let's figure out how profitable new tariffs and what unpleasant surprises can expect subscribers.

On May 29, MegaFon announced the launch of seven new tariffs under the general title "Turn on!". The company tried to diversify their batch tariffs in accordance with the needs of users. From the same day, "All Inclusive" packages were closed.

The names of the new tariffs at first glance are unusual: "Open", "write", "listen", "Speak", "Communicate", "Look", "Premium". In the MegaFon itself, such a naming is considered very comfortable and visual. It is understood that the "write" tariff - for SMS and Messengers, "Listen" - for music lovers, "Speak" - for voice calls on the mobile network, etc.

It is also worth noting that the new line of tariffs is as unified in all Ural regions (the same prices) to which the Republic of Udmurtia, Kirovskaya, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, Perm region, KhMAO and YNAO include the Republic of Udmurtia, Kirovskaya.

The most budget package will cost 200 rubles per month, and the most expensive - in 1990 rubles per month.

Operator's representatives noted that new tariffs were developed by analyzing "big data" and behavioral characteristics of existing subscribers.

"Line of tariff plans" Turn around! " Built, based on the real interests of users: speak, correspond in messengers, listen to music, communicate in social networks, watch video. Now each subscriber "MegaFon" can "join" into the world of limitless digital capabilities. Included in the tariff set of applications with unlimited access corresponds to the interests of the client. Therefore, the tariff "Turn on!" does not contain, as before, redundant services, "- the operator's website says.

The main chip of new tariffs is unlimited access to messengers, social networks, streaming video and music services. According to MegaFon marketers, the use of unlimited and unlimited access to the formulation of "unlimited" and "unlimited access" should ensure the popularity of the new line. What is the most interesting, a couple of months ago, the same people claimed that unlimited Internet and unlimited was an extremely unpopular and unclaimed service.

List of social networks and messengers extensive: "VKontakte", "Odnoklassniki", Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, Tam Tam, Boom, Yandex.Music, ZVOOQ, VKontakte Music, YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo and others . Audio and video in social networks are also unlimited and the package is not spending.

But it is not worth deducting. Cheap tariffs include only a minimum set of messengers and social networks without "heavy content". The more expensive the tariff, the wider the list of social networks included in it, multimedia services and messengers. If there is no needed in the list, you will have to buy a separate option with a subscription fee. But everything is in order (hereinafter referred to as the tariffs are considered on the example of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region).

Tariff "Open"

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The cheapest batch tariff in the new line "MegaFon" was called "Open". There are no unlimited in it. It includes 300 minutes on all networks of the native region, 250 SMS and 1 GB of mobile Internet. When the prepaid package of services is exhausted, calls to the MegaFon native region are free, and other outgoing calls are charged for 1.5 rubles per minute. SMS also stand 1.5 rubles. The Internet will be charged with blocks: 3 0 rubles for every 200 MBuntil the end of the estimated period.

Tariff "Write"

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The most affordable fare with unlimited messengers is called "write". It costs from 300 rubles per month. True, by default only WhatsApp, Viber and Emotion are included. Unlimited traffic in messengers also applies to voice and video calls. But "contact", Facebook Messenger, Telegram There are no unlimited. All this case can be connected for an additional fee (the option "Messengers +"). And here connect free Instagram, music or video service on this tariff cannot be.

In the base, the fare be among the three messengers includes 500 minutes on all home regions operators, 500 SMS, 4 GB of mobile Internet. With the exhaustion of the prepaid package of services, the calls to the MegaFon native region are free, and other outgoing calls are charged by 1.5 rubles per minute. SMS also cost 1.5 rubles. The Internet will be charged by blocks: 30 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the estimated period.

The package of services can be spent only in the connection region, roaming acts on the rest of the territory.

Tariffs "Speak" and "Listen"

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Tariffs "Speak" and "Listen" have the same subscriber board - 450 rubles per month. True, the packets of the included services are indigenous. The first tariff is most suitable for lovers of long telephone conversations, and the second - for young people and lovers of listening to music from Yandex, "Contact", etc.

The "Speak" package includes 1000 minutes to all the numbers of the Russian Federation without division into regions, 5 GB of mobile Internet, as well as unlimited Whatsapp, Viber, Emotion traffic. Also available for connecting all additional options.

In the package "Listen" is included 600 minutes on all numbers of the Russian Federation without division into regions, 10 GB of mobile Internet, as well as unlimited traffic Whatsapp, Viber, Emotion, MegaFon.TV, BOOM, Yandex.Music, ZVOOQ, VKontakte Music. Also available for connecting additional options, the truth is not all. So, "Social Networks +" and "Video +" cannot be connected.

1.5 rubles per minute (home region) and 3 rubles per minute (in Russia). The Internet will be charged by blocks: 30 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the estimated period.

Both packages of services are operating in Russia, with the exception. No roaming charges.

Tariff "Communicate"

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The next tariff for seniority is "Communicate." It has a subscription fee of 550 rubles. It includes 1200 minutes to the numbers of any operators of Russia, 12 GB of Internet traffic and unlimited in WhatsApp, Viber, Emotion, MegaFon.TV (including 2 films per month), VKontakte, Slad grants, Facebook. Also available for connecting all additional options.

With the exhaustion of the prepaid package of services, calls to MegaFon are free, and other outgoing calls are charged by 1.5 rubles per minute (home region) and 3 rubles per minute (in Russia). The Internet will be charged by blocks: 30 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the estimated period.

Tariff "Look"

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The tariff in the enabled video viewing services was called "Look". Subscription fee of 750 rubles per month. The package includes 1,700 outgoing minutes on all networks of Russian operators, 15 GB of Internet traffic, as well as free tariffing WhatsApp, Viber, Emotion, MegaFon.TV, VKontakte, Ondolm, Facebook, Instagram. Separately For YouTube provided 20 GB per month. Also available for connecting all additional options.

30 rubles for every 200 MBuntil the end of the estimated period.

The tariff operate in Russia except. Roaming billing is missing, all incoming calls are free, traffic is spent from the package.

Tariff "Premount"

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The most expensive tariff, which includes the maximum number of uncleaned applications, was called "Premium". The subscription fee is 1990 rubles per month. The package of services includes 3500 minutes across Russia, 20 GB of Internet traffic, as well as unatarked traffic in WhatsApp, Viber, Emotion, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Tames, MegaFon, VKontakte, Sladmatties, Facebook, Instagram, Boom, Yandex. Music, ZVOOQ, VKontakte Music. Separately For YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo is provided 20 GB per month.

With the exhaustion of a prepaid package of services, calls to MegaFon are free, and other outgoing challenges are charged for 1.5 rubles per minute (home region) and 3 rubles per minute (in Russia). The Internet will be charged by blocks: 30 rubles for every 200 MBuntil the end of the estimated period.

The tariff operate in Russia with the exception of roaming billing is missing, all incoming calls are free, traffic is spent from the package.

Additional options

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On separate tariffs, you can connect additional options that provide unlimited access to those or other applications / services. Here is a list of six such options.

The subscription fee is charged for rent, with the exception of unlimited SMS.

What the most interesting, nor in tariffs, nor in the options there is no possibility to connect unlimited on Skype. Discrimination? I do not think ...


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The new tariffs of MegaFon fit into the concept voiced about five years ago when subscribers should pay for access to a specific mobile service or application, or the services themselves should pay operators for the possibility of entering them subscribers. In fact, this was realized in a paid provision of unlimited. At least for now.

Meaning tariffs have become obviously more complex for perception and analysis. Now you need to take into account not only minutes, SMS and traffic, but also the sets of individual messengers, social networks, streaming services included in each sentence.

If we talk about the profitability of each of the seven tariffs, then for many people the best solution will be the cheapest "write" with the addition of the unlimited Option "Messenger +" (Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Tamam) for 30 rubles per month. In this case, the kit costs 330 rubles a month, however, without anlim in social networks, music and video.

Also interesting may be the tariffs "listen", "say" and "communicate." Two cheaper tariffs with different priorities (one with an emphasis on the voice, the second with a focus on music) and one ("communicate") per 100 rubles more expensive - universal.

Hello everyone! In today's article, I want to tell more detail about the popular messenger. These programs along with social networks, every day increasingly enter our daily life and, probably, many will not be able to imagine life without WhatsApp, Viber or Skype. The Internet Messenger program not only allows you to communicate with friends at a distance, but also to save money on SMS and MMS messages, as for your work, such applications use access to the Internet. Therefore, let's start a small review.

Messenger is a program designed to exchange different types of messages between users. You can transmit text messages, graphic and sound programs using such programs. And many of them allow you to perform video calls between customers and even video conferencing.

As a rule, messengers are installed on a mobile device, but there are among them that support the possibility of simultaneous installation and to a computer. They occupy little space in the system memory and often work in the background, notifying the user about the messages received. Messenger programs are unable to the velocity of the Internet and work equally well both under conditions of Wi-Fi connections and during mobile connection.

They allow you to be in touch around the clock, if there is access to the network, without it they do not function. The user who is addressed to the message will also be able to get it and read it only when it provides an Internet connection device. Thus, you can exchange information in conventional mode. Some messengers allow even creating separate channels and conduct public activities through them.

Currently, the number of possible messengers is great and constantly growing. Therefore, to choose for yourself the appropriate will not be difficult, however, it is worth remembering about one character. Different programs, unfortunately, are not related to each other and exclude the interaction between different messengers. Therefore, often one user has to have several different applications on its device to effectively communicate with all contacts.

Popular messengers

When choosing which to download the messenger, it is worth focusing on preferences of people from the list of contacts to ensure communication with the maximum number of users. And you can also choose from the list of the most popular applications.

Messenger from Facebook

This messenger integrated with one of the popular social networks is Facebook. Initially, it was developed as an addition to the network and allowed messaging between users in real time. After some time, the messenger separated from the social network and the opportunity to use the application without registration on Facebook. Currently, the application can be installed on any device.

Pluses Facebook Messenger:

  • allows you to transmit any format information;
  • it is possible to edit images;
  • allows not only voice calls, but also video calls;
  • you can set status;
  • you can create a group conversation;
  • gif animation transmission.

Big plus is that there is no advertising in the application. By cons can be attributed to the fact that messages cannot be edited, as well as delete. The sent message is deleted only at the user, the addressee sent message in any case will receive and read.

Whatsapp messenger

The application for the mobile device that supports all possible platforms from iOS and Android to Symbian and Asha.

A distinctive feature of this messenger from others is that he is paid. The first year of use is provided by the developers free of charge, further use implies payment.

Features of functionality:

  • allows you to transmit all types of information;
  • video calls are carried out only from devices on popular platforms;
  • it is possible to create large group conversations;
  • economically spending Internet traffic, it easily functions under conditions of limiting the high-speed regime;
  • there is no restriction of signs in messages;
  • synchronizes a list of contacts with a user's phone book;
  • it is possible to re-refline the application to a new number without losing the message history and contact list;
  • allows you to configure profile.

Telegram messenger

Telegrams Messenger of Russian origin, created by the founder of the social network VKontakte. He received his recognition due to the high degree of security and confidentiality. It is believed that this messenger is impossible to hack and use the user's personal information.

Messenger free and allows you to share any information. The application is available for devices on iOS and Android platforms, in order to install the application on the PC, read the article -. You can perform mass distribution messages and use conference calls. In Telegram, there is a function of secret dialogs that are automatically erased after a certain time expiry, this function is available in the case of mutual payment of priesthood participants.

Telegrams does not allow calls. It has the ability to download and compress images. Registration in the messenger occurs at the phone number, and in the case of the loss of the gadget there is the ability to remotely block the messenger.


One of the most common messengers. This application allows you to make calls to any point in the world through the Internet connection. Thanks to this, it is of great popularity than the others. It is possible to install the application on the home PC.

The application is completely free, but has a paid option that allows you to call calls from the application, which are not users. Messages have the opportunity to use stickers, some of which are provided free of charge, another on a commercial basis. Also in Viber there are public chats, the creation of which simple users is not yet available, but you can subscribe to the chat of an interesting topic and be aware of the latest publications. Also supported the ability to delete a message from the conversation not only at home, but also in all participants. To install Viber on your computer, use the instructions.

Another feature of this messenger is games. The application allows you to play several games integrated with it, which are installed separately on the device.

Good good Skype.

One of the oldest, but from this no less popular applications. Its activity is aimed primarily on video calls between users who are at any points of the globe. But there is also the possibility of sharing text messages. Messenger is available for almost any device.

In order to collect the contact list, they must first find in Skype. The program allows you to redirect calls to a mobile number in the absence of an Internet connection. By connecting the appropriate tariff plan, you can even send an SMS to mobile phones and perform the appropriate calls. Skype is no inferior in the functionality of the other common messengers, and in some moments even surpasses them.

Free agent agent

Another universal application for communication users. Mail.Ru Agent is completely free, but at the same time it has all the functions for messaging. Allows users to perform video calls and audio calls using the Internet, exchange pictures, audio recordings and video files. The program from many messengers is different in that it is capable of collecting several information exchange protocols at once.

So with Mail.Ru Agent, you can combine several accounts for different social networks and communication programs at once:

Thus, by downloading only one application, you can communicate with all users of different social networks. This makes a program unique in its kind. The application has a high speed of work, as well as good stability.

Let's summarize.

In today's article, we reviewed the most popular messenger programs. I did not consider such programs as ICQ, QIP, Bleep, Jabber, GTalk and other less popular. Since I believe that information about them is less relevant for many users. If you actively use some messenger, which is not specified here, then write in the comments. We will definitely consider it and add to the article. Perhaps, soon, more popular and functional and functional will be changed to replace these programs, but now they have no competitors. You can download any of these messengers in the Mobile Device Market or on the Application Website.

Real-time through instant messaging services (Instant Messaging Service, Ims.). Text messages, sound signals, images, videos can be transmitted, as well as perform such actions as a joint drawing or game. Such a program can be applied to the organization of video conferencing.


For this type of communication, a client program is needed, the so-called messenger (from the English. message. - message). The difference from email here is that the exchange of messages is in real time (eng. instant - instantly). Most IM clients make it possible to see if the subscribers are currently connected to the contact list. In early versions of programs, everything that the user printed was immediately transmitted. If he made a mistake and fixed it, it was also visible. In such mode, communication resembled a telephone conversation. In modern programs, messages appear on the interlocutor monitor after editing and sending a message.

As a rule, messengers do not work independently, and connect to the central computer of the messaging network, called the server. Therefore, messengers are called customers (client programs). The term is a concept of client-server technologies.

A wide range of users knows a number of popular messaging networks, such as ICQ, Yahoo!. Each of these networks is developed by a separate group of developers, has a separate server and protocols, differs by its rules and features. There are no interconnection between different networks. Thus, the user of the ICQ network cannot contact the MSN user. However, nothing prevents the user at the same time a user of several networks.

For each of the networks there is a messenger developed by the same developer team. So, to use the above-mentioned networks developers are offered programs with the names of the same name: ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger. Thus, if one destination only uses the ICQ network, and the other is only a MSN network, you can communicate with them simultaneously by installing on your computer and ICQ, and MSN Messenger, and registering in both networks.

As an alternative messenger, you can choose a third-party program: both commercial and free. Popular alternative programs to communicate in the ICQ network are Miranda Im, R & Q. Also, they allow you to connect simultaneously to several networks, which eliminates the need to install a separate messenger for each network and allows you to communicate with all the addresses in a single way regardless of the network.

Most IM networks use closed protocols, so alternative customers may have fewer base functions than official, but in practice, the other way around. Also, due to periodic changes in the protocols on the network server side, alternative customers can suddenly stop working.

As an alternative to IM proprietary protocols, an open jabber protocol was developed), used in services such as Google Talk, Ya.ONline et al. This protocol is often used to organize communication in corporate and other local networks.

see also

  • The history of ICQ development and an interview with Jair Goldfinger - Konstantin Krinitsky, for pyriamid


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Watch what is "messenger" in other dictionaries:

    SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 Sling (9) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Client program in instant messaging systems (IM - Instant Messenger). Unlike email exchange, messages are in real time (eng. Instant instantly; Messenger courier). Vocabulary of business terms. ... ... Business Terms Dictionary

    "Messenger" - Interplanetary apparatus for the study of Mercury Interplanetary probe, launched in 2004 to study Mercury. The project was developed by the US National Aerospace Agency under the leadership of Solomon. The device made two convergence with ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers - See Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

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Russian cellular operators do not cease to be constantly chanting for additional money they can get from their own subscribers. Just the other day, the editorial office wrote that the MegaFon operator launched outside of Russia, but ultimately it turned out that we are talking about the most severe "Lochotron" for all citizens of the country who are going to go on a journey or to business travel beyond .

All subscribers of tariff plans from the line "Turn around!" They gained access to an updated service, which allows for a long time to use the messengers outside Russia. You can call, send messages, photos and video - for all this in fact you do not have to pay, but there are two significant minuses - you will have to pay 99 rubles per day for a monthly fee per day (3,000 rubles per month), as well as after exhausting 100 MB of Internet traffic (in messengers) On the day, speed is reduced to 64 kbps.

The whole essence of the most severe "Lochetron" is that this service will connect to all subscribers automatically when you activate the mobile Internet for at least a few seconds. Thus, if someone from MegaFon subscribers with the tariff plan from the line "Turn around!" Plans to go to one of 86 countries of the world, a list of which can be clarified in the technical support service, then upon arrival in the country, if you activate the mobile Internet at least for a few seconds, 99 rubles will instantly spike from the account.

We are talking about the service "Unlimited Messengers", which will automatically connect every day when the subscriber goes into the Internet. Thus, very many citizens of Russia, which will go beyond its limits, on ignorance of new conditions will lose money, let and not very large. However, it is extremely unpleasant. However, on this "Lochotron" does not end, since MegaFon found an additional way to "pump out" of money.

The option "Unlimited messengers" for 99 rubles per day, which turns on automatically, 10 MB of Internet traffic is included. As soon as they are running out, another 99 rubles will immediately be removed from the phone account, after which the subscriber will receive an additional 10 MB of mobile Internet on any need (it's just funny) and another 100 MB of unlimited traffic to communicate in messengers. An additional service can connect five times in one day, so in just one day, 500 rubles can get from the phone.

The MegaFon operator notes that in order to prevent additional write-offs for money, the Internet traffic smartphone need to be monitored, or allow access to the Internet only to a specific set of applications and services. Although it really can be done, but in this case, nothing else except the messengers will no longer work, since the Internet traffic (10 MB) will leave when loading 3-4 pages of various sites, after which the money will be written off again and again ( 5 times maximum per day).

The main problem is that new conditions apply to all residents of Russia that use tariff plans from the line "Turn around!". Of course, that when one of them goes on a trip or a business trip, then a Russian is most likely to know about the new conditions, as a result of which the subscriber will surely lose a major amount of money on the account, returning back it will not work.

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