What is the name of the girl from advertising MTS Khaip. Tariff "Haip": reviews, description

On Monday, MTS launched a new "Haip" tariff. Positioning it as a unique offer with the included freight traffic per dozen services, including social networks and YouTube, the operator did not advertise several important points. After we have written concerned readers, we decided to spend our own tariff testing, and that's what happened.

Free services do not work for free

The Khaip tariff includes 7 gigabytes of mobile traffic. At the same time, it is not spent on VKontakte services, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Snapchat, MTS Music, Apple Music, Google Music, Yandex.Music, ZVOOQ, Shazam, YouTube, Apple Store , Goore Play, Twitch, MTS Connect and World of Tanks, World of Warships, World of Tanks Blitz, War Thunder, Tanki X and Tanki Online, The Division, Rainbow Six: Siem, Skull and Bones (2018).

However, as soon as the quota in 7 gigabytes is completed, the subscriber is disconnected from the mobile Internet at all. Only the Page of the Personal Cabinet remains available (My MTS application does not work), on which it is proposed to replenish the balance (why?). It turns out that free services do not work for free, they need to pay for them.

Most subscribers, by the way, will not notice this cute prank operator. After all, by default, all subscribers connect the service "Automatic extension of the Internet". It is impossible to disable it, but you can connect the service "Cancel the Additional Internet". Why is it done? Then, that, knowing about such a method of selection of money, the subscribers first of all rush to search for this service in the list of connected. Then how to go to the section of all services and connect "Disconnection". Such a cunning helps MTS to keep a fairly high percentage of subscribers with automatic extension.

By the way, the cost of "additional package" is 95 rubles for 500 megabytes. True, more than 1425 rubles will still be spent anyway, MTS from the Bar's shoulder put the barrier in 15 connected packages.

Free applications are not so good

You will say: "Well, okay, I will not spend the Internet package, because free applications are enough for me." And this is a completely reasonable argument. By the moment you read Footnotten 2.2 in the High Tariff Rules, where it says that it does not fall under free traffic:

  • built-in third-party resources (YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo, Yandex.Maps, etc.);
  • push notifications
  • with automatic updates for or background work of other applications
  • when downloading applications with Windows Store
  • when using services through the Opera browser, as well as any other browser in data compression mode (traffic compression)
  • when entering the Internet via WAP access point (wap.mts.ru)
  • when using the privacy mode (incognito)

In other words, all "free" applications will use quite paid traffic from the package. And if you are accustomed to anything yourself not limit, you will have to fork. MTS does not like economical.

How to punish MTS?

Mats turned out to be easier than simple. It turns out that the starting package of the Haip tariff is only 300 rubles. Of these, the subscription fee is written by the day before the start of a new period. At least a few days you have to take advantage of 7 gigabytes of traffic and 200 votes. After that, the SIM card can be boldly to throw out and go for a new one. Migrant workers, lovers of "black PBX" and other fans of the operator's firout will appreciate such generosity from the MTS to dignity.

UPD. from 09/26/2017

The representative of the press service of MTS Dmitry Solodovnikov turned to us. We present it comment AS IS:

The article information is incorrect. After exhaustion of 7 GB, a redirect or cargoity is turned on, but unlimited on all unlimited resources works, as the inspection showed by the number that the author of the article contributed to us.

YouTube is not charged on the "Haip" tariff - including built-in rollers on third-party resources

Haip (Hype) is a fashionable youth word, which denotes the hype, the excitement around something. And the name of one of the tariffs of the MTS operator. The second to him, the company's piracresses arranged around him in the literal sense of Haip. About new unusual subscribers originally learned not from official advertising, but from the MTS group "VKontakte". We are in a hurry to tell you about the sensational tariff "Haip". Reviews about it will complement the picture.

Haip Cover

The tariff is primarily created for a youth audience, which actively spends Internet traffic on its smartphone or tablet. Hence both the youthful slang, and Big Russian Boss on advertising banners.

So, according to the rates of the Tariff "Haip", the most "tasty" in it is the following:

  • Unlimited use of popular social networks, messengers, streaming sites, video hosting (including and all the favorite "YouTube").
  • "Haip" is also an unlimited online game market. Full list of services for which unlimited is open, you will find on the official website of the operator.
  • 7 gigabytes of traffic per month for other Internet surfing.
  • Unlimited number of conversations with subscribers of the MTS RF.
  • 100 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators.
  • 200 SMS messages to all subscribers of the home region.

The SIM card is intended only for smartphones and tablets. However, it is possible to distribute traffic without a board through a USB cable, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.

All of the above available for 500 rubles per month (cost for Moscow and the metropolitan area). According to the reviews of the Tarif "Haip", we note that the first thirty days from the subscriber every day is written off 16.7 rubles. Next - one-time calculation monthly.

Features of the tariff

We continue the conversation about the description and reviews about the Tarif MTS "Haip". When connecting the latter, the following paid services will be available to you:

  • "You called" - indefinitely.
  • "Beep" - if within 60 days you have not installed the melodies, then on the 61st day the service will turn off automatically.
  • MTS MUSIC SMART "- a full version of the service will be available for free. The next 60 days is its limited version. But after these 3 months, Internet traffic will be charged from here.

From the same reviews about the Tariff "Haip", it is possible to render that unlimited in relation to the above social networks, messengers, video hosts and gaming services are not absolute. Unlimited traffic due to the subscription fee is canceled in the following cases:

  • You use data compression.
  • Come on the resource in the browser using the Incognito mode.
  • Surf by WAP.
  • You view the built-in content built from other resources - for example, with "Rutub", Vimeo, and so on.
  • Do not enter free traffic and push notifications.
  • Tarifications are also subject to automatic application updates, booting software from the store "WINDOVS MARKET".

Additional plates

Once again we turn to the reviews about the Tariff MTS "Haip" in 2017. Subscribers noted that the following is not included in the subscription fee:

  • Calls to subscribers of other operators located outside the home region - 5 rubles per minute.
  • Calls to CIS countries - 35 rubles / min.
  • Calls to European states - 49 rubles / min.
  • Calls to other countries - 70 rubles / min.
  • SMS contacts outside the home area - 3.8 rubles / message.
  • SMS for the borders of the Russian Federation - 8 rubles / Message.
  • MMS Russian subscribers - 9.9 rubles / post.

Thus, the tariff is not entirely suitable for users who actively call subscribers of other operators - the package of free minutes is limited here.

Upon reaching the limit

If you have exhausted packets presented within the subscription fee, then you will be coming the following spending:

  • Internet traffic: for every 500 MB - 95 rubles. However, only 15 such packages are available per month.
  • SMS to the rooms of the home region - 2 rubles. / Message.
  • Calls to subscribers of your field, but other operators - 2 rubles per minute.

About roaming

Although the "Haip" works through the territory of the RF, when traveling beyond the borders of the home region, you will have to pay 15 rubles a day (if you enjoy communication services).

When you go beyond the borders of Russia, you automatically connect the "Easy Roaming" option: it will allow you to use the services of foreign MTS partner operators. Also pay your attention to the following: Internet unlimited trips abroad is not available - traffic will have to pay in full.

How to connect "Haip"?

Join "Haip" just:

  • Enter the combination * 111 * 1010 * 1 #, after which - the call button. In the dialog box that appears, confirm your request.
  • Call 0890. Follow the autoresponder's instructions to connect the "Haip".
  • Go to the "Personal Account" on the site or in the application. You will need a section "Create a tariff plan".

Disable "Haip" is not needed - just go to a more suitable tariff for you.

Reviews: Positive

Imagine reviews about the Tariff MTS "Haip" of those users whom he is quite satisfied:

  • Excellent quality-price ratio.
  • A small amount of subscription fees compared to prices for similar tariffs for competitors.
  • There is unlimited traffic with respect to their favorite social networks and messengers.
  • Free online traffic for "Yandex. Music", "YouTube".
  • The free distribution of the Internet is allowed (but within 7 GB) to other devices - smartphones, tablets, PCs, laptops.
  • Excellent option for youth audience, conducting most of its time in social networks, messengers, online games and video stations.

Reviews: Negative

And now reviews about the Tariff MTS "Haip" (Krasnodar Territory, the Volga region - all regions of the Russian Federation, where it is available) subscribers who remained unhappy:

  • Small volume (7 GB) traffic for distribution to other devices, browser surfing and using applications that are not included in the unlimited package.
  • A small number of free minutes (100 units) for calls to subscribers of other regions using the services of other operators.
  • Once you exhaust 7 GB of traffic, the speed of traffic will be reduced to a minimum for unlimited services and applications.
  • Many people enjoy complaining that they only apply to free access services ("VKontakte", What "S App, Instagram, YouTube, and so on.), However, the package of 7 GB is also exhausted.
  • No transfer of unprinted Internet traffic for the next month, such as, for example, in "Tele2".

The "Haip" tariff is primarily focused on active Internet users. As advertising promises, you can listen to unlimited, watch, play and use all the fact that social networks are offered, messengers, video hosting and game services included in the free package.

For the love of winged men, the telecom operator faces a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles

MTS advertising depicting a bearded man in women's clothing and angel wings behind their backs in Kazan is recognized as inappropriate. This decision acted yesterday afas on RT. The cellular operator told Business Online about the intention to appeal the decision of the department. True, it will be difficult to make it - in the fight against advertising, the Duma of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Kazan diocese and another 1012 of the Affected Kazan connected.

Female do not wear

Ufas on the Republic of Tatarstan recognized the inadequate advertising of MTS depicting a bearded man in women's clothing and angel wings behind her back. The agency also issued an order to stop spreading this advertisement on the territory of Tatarstan and opened administrative proceedings, during which the issue of imposing a fine will be considered. The maximum punishment that MTS threatens is 500 thousand rubles.

At the beginning of the meeting, members of the FAS commission on the Republic of Tatarstan reported that they came from the spiritual administration of the Muslims of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Kazan Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. The DUM of the RT in the assessment of advertising was quite diplomatic, but it still follows from his answer that "from the point of view of Islam, the image of a man in women's clothes is not welcomed and is inappropriate." A tighter position was taken by the diocese, the opinion of which about advertising "negative". Considering the fact that the complaint was signed by representatives of the Orthodox community, Ufas employees summarized that the official opinion of the diocese would be significant evidence that advertising was obscene.

Recall, on October 1 last year, the MTS communication operator placed In the center of Kazan Pillars, on which a bearded man in a pink skirt was depicted, with angel wings and a magic wand in her hands. Slogan advertising read: "Magic prices, home Internet and digital TV, 400 rubles per month." After that, a collective complaint from 127 residents of Kazan, which induced the image of a man in women's clothing was received in Ufas. According to citizens, it is obscene, and advertising itself is unethical, since the image that "corrupts the psyche of children is used." Moreover, one of the shields was installed where children appear often on the street. Bauman, at the McDonald's restaurant (second Pillars - at the railway station). Controversial Pillars in Kazan were dismantled on October 24.

In the process, the initiator of the complaint - Natalia Borovik - reported that another 1012 signatures were collected under a separate complaint, according to which this advertisement also insults particularly the religious feelings of Christians. She also assured that in October advertising, in addition to the previously declared two shields on Bauman and near the train station, was placed on four billboards throughout the city. At the same time, MTS references on such a classic of cinema, as "in jazz only girls", "Hello, I'm your aunt" and "Tutsi" are untenable, since "the men's films were forced to disguise under women, for example, hiding from Gangsters," Borovik said. "In this advertisement there is a clear demonstration of genital signs - for example, beard, and turning the head to the viewer says:" Look, I have it all! " And at the same time dressed in the women's skirt, "she said.

Representatives of believers read and excerpt from the Bible: "There should be no men's clothing on a woman, a man should not dress in a women's dress, for the grinding in front of the Lord all that makes it." In addition, attention was drawn that from the point of view of believers, the image of the wings - playing one of the angel attributes. Psychologist Love Reeder Added that it extremely outraged the arrangement of advertising about McDonald "S, part of the audience, for example, children perceive non-critical information. And this may lead to the fact that they will be perceived by such" outfits "as the norm. Chairman of the Russian Culture Society Mikhail Shcheglov Also supplemented that if the merchants decided that this image could be increased sales, this indicates about the sickness of society.

MTS Love E.T in a secular state

In counterweight opponents lawyer MTS Inna Kirtanova He stated that Russia is not a church, but a secular state. This advertising of MTS did not plan to infringe on someone's feelings or "promoting Sodomyo", the purpose of advertising was "only the promotion of the service, nothing more." MTS also states that the complaints cannot explain what is obscenity and the ability of images: "The image is collective in itself, the presence of a skirt, the presence of a nimble, the presence of wings - these attributes can be inherent in different characters. For example, persons in carnival costumes. " MTS also stressed that this advertisement was dismantled before the appeal of the antimonopoly service and "before we generally learned that this advertisement somehow insults someone's feelings."

By the way, the participants of the process discussed another MTS advertising campaign in the sidelines, starting At the end of January 2015. Her main character is again a man with wings, but at the same time the outerwear is already "100%" men's - sweater and jeans. This time, as the authors of the roller say, a young man who has wings behind his back, does not use this unique opportunity. The plot is built on a series of missed chances somewhere and someone help someone. The movie final inspires simple and at the same time encouraging conclusion: to realize the most bold dreams, it is enough to remember about their strengths. Thus, the telecom operator cannot move away from the painted men, although this time the choice of the film "Berdman" influenced this time.

Representatives of MTS said the newspaper "Business Online", which will appeal the decision of FAS.

Young people between the ages of 14 and 18 years of their views, likes and necks on the Internet set trends, determine the future of the Internet itself. Therefore, the advertising of the tariff for teenagers is created on the language that is understandable in the spirit of modern Digital art.

The commercial roller is filled with a large volume of graphics and a complex light scheme. Special attention The creators of the roller paid the stylistics by choosing fresh solutions in design and images - web punk, wide use of interface elements surrounding users, the nonlinearity of the plot, analog glitch. The heroes of the roller - the ambiguous and odious Big Russian Boss, which became famous thanks to the non-standard sense of humor and the approach to creativity, the popular flyer and Gamer Frost and the young singer Manizha, whose first album from the first days of release was headed by the tops of the Russian Apple Music segment.

"In the roller of a special tariff for teenagers, we decided to hayput in an adult. Young people speak completely in another language, so this advertising had to be different from all that we usually speak and show. To do this, we invited iconic characters for youth, which in the manner characteristic of them explain that with the help of the new MTS Tariff, they will be able to decide for Haip, "says MTS Department of Marketing Communications MTS Natalia Glagolev.

The director of the roller became Zhoris Boke (Joris Bacquet), known in France with a high level of art-dressed in each of the works. Together with Zhoris, the famous Russian operator Mikhail Khasai created unique light scenery, which became a place of plot. Filming the roller took place in the hangar. Musical accompaniment plays a big role in the movie about "Haip". In the original composition from the Russian Studio 433.Studio, the musicians united several popular areas at once: House, Claud-Rap, Trap, Electronics and others.

The advertising campaign of the Tarifa "Haip" also suggests a video for parents of adolescents, in which the older generation is explained to the language that is understandable to him what heip is. Roller starts on TV on October 9, 2017. In the integrated advertising campaign, MTS involved such communication channels as the Internet, TV, radio, outdoor advertising, POSM, BTL.

Creative Group:

Natalia Glagolev
Antonina Zabolotskaya
Valery Kopytin
Nikolai Versestin

Andrey Ivanov
Yaroslav Sinitsyn
Yaroslav Zelensky
Alexander Kornienko
Julia Petrov
Anastasia Rights
Irina Koryukova
Dmitry Rubezhov
Olga Bykov
Ekaterina Utkin
Anastasia Adamchik
Daria Kiskuk

Do you live in Moscow or the Moscow region and are looking for a suitable tariff that allows you to view video on YouTube in the limitless quantity and hang on social networks? Then this tariff was designed specifically for you. Now you can download how much traffic from the most famous resources and view the most relevant videos and news. Create trends, follow their promotion, haipit new network stars and do not take care of the number of spending traffic. With the new tariff, you can enjoy current updates in unlimited quantities. How to connect to traffic and what should be aware of it first?

Description of the Tarifa Haip MTS

The operator positions "Haip" as a youth rate. This package was created specifically for people who spend a lot of time on popular resources and browsing the video, listen to music, download photos, follow the stranger tapes, etc.

The tariff issues unlimited traffic for such social networks.:

And even for some games:

  • World of tanks;
  • World of Warships;
  • World of tanks blitz;
  • Tanki x;
  • Tanki Online;
  • War Thunder;
  • The Division;
  • Rainbow Six: siege;
  • Skull and Bones (2018).

For lovers use popular messengers Also allocated an unlimited amount of traffic, now you can use how much you like:

  • Whatsapp;
  • Skype;
  • Viber;
  • Telegram.

Holders of smartphones can also download on their devices in an unlimited number of applications from the AppStore and Google Play. To get a complete list of resources to which unlimited traffic acts should go to the official website of MTS.

This includes free use of MTS Music, Yandex.Music. For more information, go to the official operator's website.

Before connecting to the "Haip" tariff, we strongly recommend to study all the provisions of the tariff, as well as calculate the cost of additional expenses for using mobile communication. For some services, an extra charge may be charged.

The cost of services on the Tariff Haip

Monthly payment for the use of the package is 500 rubles. It includes a number of free services, but before buying "Haip", additional services should be studied. Each option has limitations or any special conditions.

What else should be known to those who want to go to this tariff? In addition to unlimited Internet on popular resources, the package includes:

  • free 100 minutes between networks per month, then 2 p.;
  • unlimited calls inside the network;
  • limit for other resources is 7 GB traffic per month;
  • 200 sms for users from the home region;
  • calls to other regions between networks make up 5p., Inside the network for free;
  • for the CIS, Europe and other countries, the cost of a minute of call is 35, 49 and 70 p. respectively;
  • an additional 500 MB traffic package after using 7 GB costs 95p.;
  • after using the SMS package, the cost of one message within the home region network is 2p.;
  • on SMS in the regions, the price of 3.8 r., abroad - 8 r., MMS inside the country 9.9 p.

All these conditions are valid not only in Moscow areas, but also on trips to the regions of Russia.

Important! Outside of Moscow and the Moscow region for the use of the tariff, additional 15 p are written off daily. The tariff optimization is provided, the services are described in detail in the "All Russia" options, you can also make settings.

Mobile Internet Tarifa

The speed of the Internet depends on the coating zone. The role is played by factors such as remoteness from the station, the presence of obstacles, the number of connected users, the time of day, etc. Speed \u200b\u200bmay vary in different zones. In this sense, the package works in the same way as any other tariff. Ping is low enough to allow playing online games without delay, although no one is insured against failures in connection.

Distribute the Internet on the Tarifa Haip

With this tariff, you can distribute the Internet to other devices, for them the same traffic will be valid - most of the popular media resources can be used on other devices. You can set the tariff on the tablet, but on USB modems it is impossible to use traffic, since the operator claims that it is using the flash drives that creates a large load on the network and worsens the quality of communication. Distribute traffic to other devices you can both via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth with USB.

How to connect a HIGE tariff at MTS

Connection to the tariff is very simple - for this you need to dial the following combination: * 111 * 1010 * 1 #

How to go to the khaip target

The transition to the tariff is as follows: To begin with, it is necessary to disconnect from the current package if it was purchased. You can do it yourself in the personal account of the mobile operator or contacting the support service for a request using. The operator remotely disables you from the current package, after which you can dial all the same combination * 111 * 1010 * 1 # and proceed to the use of Tarifa Haip. The team for the transition to the tariff is also posted on the official website, as well as it can be obtained by calling the support center.

How to turn off the khaip tariff

It is possible to disconnect from the tariff in the same way as when connected - by typing a combination * 111 * 1010 * 1 #.

It should be known that the fee for the acquired tariff will not be reimbursed, even if traffic, minutes or SMS were not used.

For whom the tariff is suitable

The mobile operator itself declares that the tariff was designed for young people, however, for other age categories, this package is also suitable, because it includes unlimited use of social networks and messengers. It is now difficult to meet a person who would not use them. Marketers even came up with the wording: "200 sms to communicate with the grandmother."

Who may not like the tariff?

People who communicate for a long time through calls to other operators, as well as those subscribers who spend a lot of time on business trips this tariff may be unprofitable.

Cons Tarifa Haip.

Standard list of minuses of any tariff:

  • when you are disconnected from it, money is not returned, even if nothing has been used;
  • those minutes, SMS and traffic that were not used during the allotted time are not transferred for the next month;
  • calls and SMS are becoming a little more disadvantageous;
  • few minutes for conversations, you will have to buy an additional package.

In general, these are all faults of the tariff, and half of them are relevant for any package. So, if you are an active user of social networks and visit other resources little, then "Haip" will suit you. At least connect and check as far as it is convenient, the fee is 500 p. - Very acceptable for similar conditions.