Include the service who called megaphone. How to connect and disable the service "Who called" on the Megaphone. Ways to connect services

The article describes the service "Who called +" company "MegaFon", how to connect and disable.


The service "Who called +" mobile operator MegaFon

Each subscriber, most likely, came across the situation when an important call was made, and his phone was disabled or had any interference with the connection. In such cases, MegaFon provides an additional service - " Who called +." This option allows subscribers to always receive information regarding all received and missed calls.

In addition, the unlocked interlocutor can leave his voice message, as if he had called a landline phone with an answering machine. Information about the received voice message (as well as with the name / number of the caller, the number of calls and the time of their arrival) is received as an SMS to the subscriber's phone, to which they did not call, after which such a message can be heard by number 0525 .

If there is no need to listen to voice messages, then you can immediately call back to the subscriber, the information on which came to SMS. It should be borne in mind that you can only listen to the last ten votor messages obtained within 24 hours. The rest are automatically removed from the system.

You also need to know that only two minutes are allocated to write one such message. If the subscriber is in roaming, then such a function will not work on his phone.

How much is?

The service "Who called +" is installed on each SIM card "MegaFon" by default and until recently was free. Now, for this option, the subscription fee is charged - 60 kopecks. per day.

Call by number 0525 For wiretapping voice messages, if the subscriber is in its region. Outside the zone of its region will be charged the board according to the current tariff plan.

How to connect?

As mentioned above, the service "Who called +" is already installed by default when buying a SIM card. If it has been disabled for one reason or another, but there was a need to connect it again, you should select one of the following:

  1. Dial on the phone * 581 * 1 # Challenge
  2. Connect in the "Personal Account" on the official website of MegaFon

ATTENTION: When activating the service "Who called +" option, the "Voice Mail" option turns off automatically.

How to turn off?

After the service "Who called +" became paid, many subscribers can decide to disable it. To do this, choose:

  1. Dial on the phone * 581 * 3 # challenge
  2. Disable in the "Personal Account" on the site "MegaFon"

Video: How to turn off paid services on MegaFon

Service "Who called?" MegaFon allows you to get information about all calls coming to your phone. Subscribers can leave voice notifications for you if you can't answer, or your phone is not online. If you leave a voice message, you will receive information about it as a message, indicating the name of the caller, as well as the number of calls from it and the time when they did. If you received such a message and want to listen to it, just call the number 0525. If you wish, you may not listen to voice notifications left by the subscriber, but simply call him back. Remember that listening to you can only last ten messages that were left during the day, and the rest will be removed from the system.
Subscribers who want to leave for you voice notifications should know that there is a certain temporary limitation. One message should be for no more than two minutes. If you are in roaming, this option will not function on your phone.

How to connect the service megaphone "Who called"

Option "Who called?" Does not require activation because it is connected automatically when the SIM card is registered. If you abandoned the service, but you want to resume it, the following steps:

  1. send code "* 105 * 170 * 0 #" and press the call key;

  2. go on the official website in the Personal Cabinet MegaFon and in the "Services" section of choose - "Disable Control Services".

If the "Voice Mail" option is connected on your phone, it is automatically deleted when the option is activated "Who called?".

How to disable the service "Who called" MegaFon

Disable service is possible in two ways:

  1. By sending the code "* 105 * 170 #" and the subsequent pressing of the call button;

  2. Installations of the prohibition on the service through the Personal Cabinet MegaFon on the main website of the operator.

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Cost MegaFon Services "Who called"

Service "Who called?" provided by a paid operator on a fee, while the connection is free. The cost of one day is 0.6 rubles. When making a call to the number 0525, funds will not be written off from your account if you are in the zone where the contract has been concluded. If you are outside, you will remove in accordance with the tariff plan installed on your phone. The advantage of this option is that it allows you to always stay in touch. You will be informed about all calls, even if your mobile phone is outside the network area. If you call the megaphone operator, then you will receive advice on the remaining issues.

Important: information on the site is provided solely for informational purposes and relevant at the time of writing the article. For more accurate information for one or another questions, contact the official operators.

In today's review, we will consider the service called "Who called" from the cellular operator MegaFon. We will try to clearly explain to you, which is this proposal, in which its benefits and in what situations the service is useful.

In addition, you can find out how to connect, and how to disable the service who called on the megaphone if it is no longer needed. So let's start acquaintance.

The "Who Called" from the company MegaFon makes it possible to get detailed data on all challenges entering the cellular consumer. The calling user can leave the Subscriber voice notices if he cannot accept the challenge for that period, or his cellular is outside the network area.

When other users leave a voice notification, the subscriber receives detailed information as a special notice in which the name of the caller is specified, the number of calls missed from it, as well as the time to which these calls are made. If the user got a similar notice and wants to listen to him, then he needs to just dial the service number 0525. Listening to the notice from other consumers is not mandatory, the subscriber can just call them.

The subscriber can only listen to the last 10 notifications that were left over the past 24 hours, and all other notices are removed from the system automatically.

Users who want to leave another voice notification to another subscriber must remember that there is a set time limit. The duration of one notification should not exceed 120 seconds.

Important! When founding a subscriber in roaming, this service will not function on its cellular.

Methods of connection

The service "Who called" does not need activation, because it is connected free of charge by default, when the SIM card is first. But in the case when the user for personal reasons has previously disconnected this option and wants to restore it, then he needs to know how to connect the service again.

To do this, it is necessary to make one of the following operations:

  • The disabled user should dial on the keyboard of its cellular combination * 105 * 170 * 0 #, after which the call is made. Now the option will be activated again.
  • You can also use the personal account located on the operator's website, where in the "Services" tab you need to check the chart in the "Disconnection of the Prohibition Prohibition". Options will resume options.

In the case when "voicemail" was activated on your room, then when "who called" is connected, it will be automatically deactivated.

Attention! The newly connected subscriber will have to pay for activation of the service fee in the amount of 50 rubles. From all new users who want to activate the option, the fee is not charged.

Methods of disconnection

Many consumers are asked how to disconnect who called on the megaphone. You can deactivate the submitted option in two easy ways:

  • The user needs to be scored on a cellular USSD combination * 105 * 170 #, after which send a call. Now the action "Who called" suspended.
  • You can disable the action using the "Personal Cabinet" located on the website of the cellular company. In this case, you must open the "Services" tab, and then put a check mark in the "Prohibition of the Services" column. As a result, the option will be deactivated.

The cost of the option

The option from the company MegaFon with the name "Who called" is provided on a tariff-based basis, while its activation is free.

The daily subscription for using the option is 60 kopecks. When the call to the service number 0525 is implemented, from the balance sheet to the means will not be removed, but provided that it is located in the region where the SIM card was registered. When the consumer is in roaming, the money will be charged according to the rules established by the current tariff.

The advantage of the presented service is that thanks to her the user will be constantly in touch and will know from whom and when I missed the call, even if it is far from the "own" region.

When a mobile phone is outside the network zone, we skip all incoming calls. This happens when we go to the subway or rush around the country track, where there is no network coverage area. If at this moment someone calls, the call will be missed. The service "Who called" from the tele2 will allow us to get all the information about missed calls. Let's see how this service works and under what conditions it is provided.

Service description

Useful service "Who called" from the tele2 will allow you to know who called at the moment when the phone was turned off - someone often goes to the subway, and someone turns his phone for the night, skipping important calls. A few years ago, it was impossible to learn about them - there were no special services at that time. And missed calls are not displayed even in detail.

Communication from tele2 has become more convenient when the service "who called" appeared. It allows not to miss important calls. As soon as you leave the subway or turn on your phone after a night sleep, SMS will go to it. It will feature the following information:

  • Date and time of missed calls;
  • The number of missed calls;
  • The number of the caller's interlocutor.

After reading the information, you can call the specified subscribers.

Before we tell you how to connect on the TV2 "who called", we will give some more useful information about this service. Attention should be paid to the fact that it works even in roaming - it is very convenient, because on trips around the country and the world, subscribers often fall into zones where cellular communication is absent. Moreover, roaming can be not only intrashetis, but also international.

The service "who called" from tele2 is available almost on all tariff plans. At most tariffs with a subscription fee, it is provided at no extra charge.. For example, it may be the "black" tariffs, "very black" or "superman". But on TP "Orange 04_2016" and "Internet for devices" for it is charged a subscription fee, which is only 50 kopecks / day.

If you compare the service "Who called" from tele2 with similar services from other operators, we can notice the presence of certain settings - the subscriber needs to be redirected to voice mail under the "Inaccessibility" condition. As a rule, it is installed in advance if the subscriber did not intervene in the forwarding settings. In the absence of working capacity, the service "who called" from the tele2 need to dial the special command * 004 * + 79774343600 on the phone.

Please note that +79774343600 is the voicemail number for subscribers from Moscow and the Moscow region. Subscribers from other regions should be clarified by this number on the tele2 website or in the operator's help desk.

How to connect "who called" from the tele2

Let's see how to connect the service "who called" on the TV2. The easiest way is to dial the USSD command * 155 * 331 #. If you are unspecified that it connected, try typing * 155 * 33 # - it will show the current service status. The most advanced subscribers can connect "who called" from tele2 through its "personal account" - it is much easier and faster, plus you can immediately see the status of the service.

After connecting this useful addition, you can not worry about missed calls - if at the time of the call is received, your phone will be outside the zone of action, the network will remember all the information and give it in the form of SMS. If the performance of the service is broken, you should check the forwarding settings in accordance with the instructions described above.

The phone suddenly discharged or you were inside the zone of unstable reception. Familiar situation? From it there is a way out - use the service "Who called +". This option convenient in all respects will allow you to receive missed call notifications. In this article we will analyze its value, the mechanism of action and features.

This service came to replace the archive function "always in touch". A little later we will look at their differences. It is that you get notifications about incoming calls after the phone has been unavailable. SMS on missed calls Get if:

  • Mobile device was turned off;
  • There was no network signal;
  • The line was busy.

In each of these cases, you will receive a notification of the missed call, where the number of calls and the time of their commission will be indicated. The caller will also receive a message that you are newly available. At the same time, he can leave a voice message.

How much is

"Who called +" is not free. Every day the subscription fee is charged in the amount of 1.2 rubles.Although, at the moment, for connected users from 12/15/2014 to 06/30/2018, an action is held, in which "who called +" is provided free of charge. The following subscribers can participate in it:

  • The "All Included" rules connected to the tariff plan during the action period.
  • At the beginning of the action already using the service;
  • Connecting on TP "Turn around!".

Depending on the duty of the connection and the tariff plan "Who called +" after June 30, 2018 either stops its action, or continue to function under standard conditions. So that it is not a surprise, it is better to clarify the information on the official website or by the number of the contact center 0500.

Another positive side of this service is the ability to listen to voice messages from those who could not get through to you. Information about them will also receive as an SMS. You can play them by calling 0525. Note that this combination of numbers will work only inside the home region. In roaming voice mail is available at +79222000525.

Paying the call will be depending on the tariff plan. Being inside the home area additionally pay for it, it is not necessary.

Features of provision

The option for all new customers is connected automatically when you buy a SIM card. Since it has a subscription fee, it is necessary to decide for yourself what is more important: saving or informing about missed challenges.

Old subscribers who have no alerts can connect "who called +" in several ways:

  • In the personal office;
  • Using USSD request * 581 #;
  • Through the call center by 0500 number;
  • In the cabin.

Disable the easiest way with the * 581 * 3 command. Do not forget to deactivate the service if you change the number to a new one, and connect the service "Your New Number". Otherwise, the amount that you left on the account will quickly absorb the subscription fee and informing will turn off.


Users do not forget about several restrictions:

  • The duration of one voicemail message is not more than 3 minutes;
  • Maximum number of entries in the mailbox 10;
  • The audio file is stored no more than 24 hours, then erased;
  • Not compatibility with the service "I called s";
  • Often the answering machine does not work when receiving calls through the multifone / Emotion.


As it was already said earlier, this service came to the change "always in touch +", but by archival option still use many, so we compare them.

From the table, it is clearly seen that the archival option is practically inferior to all items, so it makes sense to go to more favorable conditions if you have not yet done. It makes no sense to refuse completely from alert. The subscription fee is relatively low, and the missed call can often change a lot or just deliver a lot of trouble.